big week bad guy

Chapter 462 The Change of the Monster Beast

Chapter 462 The Change of the Monster Beast

In Zhao Xun's opinion, whether the prince's assassination was directed or acted by himself, or whether he was actually assassinated, it will cause an uproar for quite some time in the future.

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun's mood is very complicated.

I have to say, it's quite cool to see the things that embarrass and embarrass Emperor Xianlong.Of course, this matter is still somewhat special, after all, Emperor Xianlong himself may not care whether the crown prince was assassinated or not.But there is one thing that he will definitely pay attention to, and that is the impact of the so-called assassination of the prince.

This effect will exist for a long period of time.

And according to Zhao Xun's expectation, this influence will subtly bring about other influences.

The combination of these effects will bring about very large changes to a considerable extent.

Although Emperor Xianlong was a master at playing tricks, would he be able to withstand such a big change?
Zhao Xun is skeptical about this.

The reason is also very simple, because the pressure that Emperor Xianlong will face at this time does not only come from any aspect.

But in every way.The situation in the court is treacherous, and the situation is changing rapidly.Maybe it was one feeling one moment, and another feeling the next moment.

For a person like the emperor who acts on instinct, once he feels wrong, everything that follows is likely to be wrong.

Emperor Xianlong is another typical dog emperor who is not a son of man.So Zhao Xun really wanted to see what Emperor Xianlong would do next.

It can be said that the different ways of Emperor Xianlong's moves can reflect a completely different situation in the following process.

Zhao Xun was really curious.

But right now it's just a sideshow.The impact on Zhao Xun is not too great, the biggest is the suspension of Dou Eyuan's performance.In fact, this loss is still within the controllable range.At least Zhao Xun didn't think this was so scary.

As long as it can be restored later on.Zhao Xun thinks it is impossible for all Liyuanxing to never open.Even the Crown Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty couldn't have such a big face.

So for a long time, what Zhao Xun could see was a situation of multi-party melee.As for who can finally have the last laugh, it is really still unknown.

If everything can be shown to the end, it is really something to look forward to.

Of course, Zhao Xun should pay more attention to the Corruptor and the Shadow Clan at the moment.

After all, she has already achieved a lot in this matter.

Since the harvest has been quite fruitful, it should not stop for quite a long period of time, but should take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and dig out as much as possible related things.

Only by mining as much information as possible can it be possible to really get more and more effective things about the Shadow Race and the Corruptor.

Zhao Xun is still looking forward to this.

At present, the head of the mountain has a completely free-ranging attitude towards him, and he doesn't pay much attention to these so-called details at all.So Zhao Xun has to work harder and improve himself.

Ascension is not as difficult as imagined.At least in Zhao Xun's view.So as long as he is given a chance, then he will definitely improve.It's just a matter of time.

In Zhao Xun's view, what can be solved with time is nothing.

"Oh, little junior brother, I think you've been really bewildered recently."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan was a little surprised to see Zhao Xun going to the library of the academy without anything to do.

"tsk tsk"

"Third Senior Brother, it's not that I want to drill into the Library Pavilion. Get information. The main reason is that the source of information is too single now, and I have nothing to do."

Zhao Xun spread his hands, indicating that he was also helpless.

He is really helpless.The current situation is actually quite complicated.If you want to thoroughly understand everything, you need to understand many things from all aspects.

The easiest way is naturally to obtain as much information as possible from the library library.

Before that, Zhao Xun could basically conclude that the Library Pavilion of the Academy is an iterative database that can be updated by itself.

There is such an extremely powerful database, if you don't use it, you can't justify it anyway.

So it can be seen from many situations that we must make good use of this database and use this library to make a great article.

The more information Zhao Xun can get from it, the more inspiration he can get.

After all, there is everything about the Shadow Clan and the Corruptor, and what he currently has is quite limited.

To fully understand all this, a large number of sources of information are still required.

Information is the most precious and priceless thing.

Sometimes it may be a very short message, which can bring considerable benefits.

This benefit is all-round and can bring benefits from any time.

Who wouldn't love information like this.

"Third senior brother, it's not that you don't know the situation here. So I think that instead of talking about it, it's better to quickly look up the information with me. After all, the frequency of information updates in Zangshu Pavilion can be regarded as increasing. Hurry up, with such a fast update frequency, basically we have to watch faster. If we watch too slowly, it is very likely that we will miss a lot of key information. This is not a joke what."


The third senior brother Long Qingquan nodded frequently after hearing this.

Actually it is.

He originally wanted to persuade Zhao Xun to pay more attention to rest.But after persuasion and persuasion, he was persuaded by Zhao Xun.

This is really too difficult.

"Okay, then I'll join in as soon as possible. More people are more powerful, and one more person will at least give you more strength."

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "Senior Brother Third, let's start searching from this area. I'll check this side."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that only with division of labor and cooperation can he search for key information to the maximum extent.Otherwise, there is a high possibility that information will be missed.Once the information is missing, it's a big deal.Any information at this time is extremely critical.Even if any one of them is missed by mistake, it may lead to deviation of the final result.And Zhao Xun doesn't want the information to be biased anyway.

After all, he has worked so hard to explore the relationship between the Corruptor and the Shadow Clan, and he managed to achieve some success.It would be a pity if there were some mistakes and omissions at this time.

Barry is only half of 90.

The more critical the moment is, the more effort is required.

Many times people's emotions change like this.

So in Zhao Xun's view, the so-called all-round focus is more needed.

With the joining of the third brother Long Qingquan, everything becomes easier.

At least Zhao Xun has an extra helper.

And with the strength of the third senior brother's second-grade consummation, it is quite easy to conduct an all-round search.

At least Zhao Xun doesn't have to worry about being unable to use it alone.

With the third brother Long Qingquan around, Zhao Xun's heart is quite at ease.

Time just passed by unconsciously and inadvertently.

As time goes by, Zhao Xun can feel the huge changes.

Because he could obviously feel that the information refreshed in Zangshu Pavilion was more concrete.

At first it was abstract, but now it is becoming more and more concrete.What Zhao Xun can see is one example after another.

To a considerable extent, these examples can help Zhao Xun better understand what he sees and have a stronger comprehension ability.

Understand that it really varies from person to person.

Many people will have different understanding modes, and many people will also have different understanding routines.

At least in Zhao Xun's opinion, it is best to have a concrete thing for understanding.With concrete things, in the process of understanding, we can indeed understand many key factors very clearly.

For example, when the Shadow Clan invaded Allen Lore, they did not adopt a direct invasion situation, but chose to arrange a group of puppets to invade.

And these puppets are the Corruptors.

Most importantly, the Corruptor's memory has been completely erased.

So they don't know that they are puppets at all, and they only think that everything comes from their own instincts.

This feeling can be regarded as quite wonderful to some extent.

Zhao Xun doesn't know how to describe it, but it is indeed quite outrageous to a certain extent.

"So to some extent, the Shadow Race is the ultimate mind manipulator."

"Huh? What are you talking about, little brother?"

The third brother Long Qingquan was taken aback for a moment, and asked again and again.

"Ah, nothing, nothing."

Zhao Xun was a little embarrassed for a while.

Because no matter from which angle you look at it, no matter from which angle you analyze it.There is nothing wrong with his judgment.


"I mean, no matter from which angle you look at it, the Shadow Clan are top-level conscious manipulators. The top-level manipulation method is to control people through a subconscious manipulation, not a so-called compulsive and oppressive way Manipulate."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that if the analysis goes on in depth, it will actually involve the theory of psychoanalysis.

This is not something that can be easily done, but it needs to be able to master the basic theory and then proceed according to this theory.

It can be said that there are actually many necessary connections between these theories.

But it takes more than ample experience to string together these supposedly necessary connections.

In short, Zhao Xun felt that it was not a simple matter to perfectly explain all this to the third senior brother Long Qingquan at this time.

So Zhao Xun still chooses to stop at the end, as long as he can give a rough idea.

As for the next thing, it's actually not that critical.

"Reading, reading"

Zhao Xun began to flip through the books quickly again.

I have to say that his information extraction ability is indeed top-notch.In such a huge database, it is actually very difficult to fully extract key information.But Zhao Xun has such a top talent.This can also help Zhao Xun grow up for quite a long time.

The matter of growing up is actually a bit mysterious and mysterious.

Many people do not understand what growth means, because they ignore many very critical factors in the so-called growth process.

So for a while, many people didn't realize these key things.

Zhao Xun is currently very optimistic about being able to dig out further in-depth information from these classics.

As long as he can persevere in the search, there will be gains.

After a long search and inspection, Zhao Xun got an extremely critical piece of information.

That is, Corruptors will be brainwashed every once in a while, and their memories will be wiped out.

As for how long this time is, it is actually not fixed.It may be hundreds of years, it may be decades, this time is very different.Therefore, it may just be based on the mood of the Shadow Clan, or some other factors.

So for the Shadow Clan, there are actually quite a lot of things they can control, and it is very complicated to balance these things.

Those who control more factors can benefit quite a lot.

So the Shadow Clan is the one who gets the most benefits.

Once he has control of the interests, he will be able to continue all this perfectly.

It is often easier for those with vested interests to control all this.

Once you've taken control of it all, it's impossible to let go.

It's kind of like power.

The attraction of power is that it can always give people enough desire.

And again and again to stimulate people to keep this desire.

That way no one can deny access to power.

The situation of the Shadow Clan is actually similar.

The Shadow Clan is a tribe that knows how to use its own advantages, so as long as they have the opportunity, they will definitely work hard to expand themselves.

The previous seven galaxies are the best proof. These seven galaxies were ruled by the Shadow Clan for quite a long time.During this period, the aborigines on these galaxies must have launched more than one resistance.But the effect may not be ideal.

These so-called resistance should have been suppressed by the Shadow Clan in the first place.The main reason is that the strength of the Shadow Clan is too strong in all aspects.They can control all the resources under their control.In comparison, these aborigines are really not enough.

No matter from any angle, the gap between the two can be clearly distinguished.

So in the long New Age of Gods, these guys can all have extremely strong dominance.

It's not that they haven't been challenged, but after experiencing some challenges, they haven't really been shaken.

The challenger and the challenged are always in a dynamic balance.

Maybe you were the challenger at one moment, and you became the so-called challenged at the next moment.

People's mentality must also make corresponding changes based on this.

If mentality adjustments and changes cannot keep up with the rhythm, it will indeed affect performance for a long period of time.

But the Shadow Clan obviously won't face such a problem.

The strength of the Shadow Clan is in a state of crushing, no matter what tribe they face, they will not be at a disadvantage.

As long as the advantage can be maintained, it can indeed have dominance for a long period of time.

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, it really gets worse the more you watch it. After watching so much, I feel stupid."

The current state of the Shadow Clan can be said to be in full swing. If you want to challenge them in a short period of time, you must have an absolute strength.Today's tribes in the Alan Lore continent actually do not have such strength.If you want to challenge them, you must have unique strength.

Zhao Xun thinks that the only one with this strength is the academy.This has to be based on the full play of the mountain leader.

Of course now Zhao Xun doesn't want to think about any of these things, he just wants to lie flat.

It's really cool to lie down.

In a period of time, you only need to consider whether you can sleep comfortably or not, and whether you can sleep well. This is really the most beautiful thing in the world.

"With the reclining chair in hand, I have everything in the world."

When Zhao Xun leaned on the reclining chair, he really experienced that exquisite feeling.

The ultimate life should be like this, and the ultimate life should be enjoyed.

"Brother Mingyun, eat an orange, it's a perfect orange, just washed."

After Wangcai handed over the washed oranges, Zhao Xun felt a very comfortable feeling for a while.


Zhao Xun threw the washed orange directly into his mouth, chewing it beautifully, completely ignoring the so-called orange stalk.

To Zhao Xun, it doesn't matter whether it's mean or not, as long as he can experience the so-called delicious food, that's the most important thing.

After all, almost no one in this world can refuse the temptation of delicious food.

Zhao Xun is no exception.

"The service must be in place. You must experience this new style of milk tea."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Satisfied, Zhao Xun took the milk tea over, then inserted the straw and began to taste it happily.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this taste is absolutely amazing."

Zhao Xun is very optimistic about the milk tea made by Wangcai, and generally as long as Wangcai makes a new product, Zhao Xun will definitely taste it immediately.

Zhao Xun will even give some suggestions immediately after tasting the milk tea.

These suggestions are very targeted and will definitely help Wangcai to achieve a great improvement.Many times people's improvement is in some details that are not easily seen.

If the details can be captured, wouldn't it be possible to improve in all aspects?
"Wangcai, I think you can try adding more taro balls. After adding taro balls, the taste of the milk tea will be fuller. The full taste will make people want to stop."

In this regard, Zhao Xun's experience is quite rich.


"Okay, okay. Actually, I felt it when I was making this new type of milk tea. At that time, I was hesitating whether to add more taro balls. But I didn't make up my mind at the time. Now it seems that I should add more. Taro balls. After adding taro balls, the taste is really perfect. Hahaha, thank you Ming Yun for reminding me, next time I make it again, I will definitely add as many taro balls as possible.”

"Well, that's fine."

Zhao Xun nodded.

One thing about Wangcai's child is quite good, that is, he can listen to and persuade him.As long as you can listen to the persuasion, basically in many aspects you don't have to worry about putting all your eggs in one basket.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much about the issue of Dou E's injustice. I guess it's just a pause for a while. As soon as the limelight passes, you can return to a normal state."


In fact, Wangcai has been more concerned about Dou E's injustice during this period of time.

It can be said that this incident has affected Wangcai's normal psychological state to a considerable extent.

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want Wangcai to get caught up in it.

He hopes that Wangcai can come out one day.

If not, it would be quite troublesome.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Well, I also don't think this matter will continue endlessly. As long as you can wait, you should be able to see hope."

"Haha, just to say."

Zhao Xun smiled and said, "Our mentality should be more stable."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this moment, the mentality of the two is very good, and being able to maintain a good mentality is conducive to subsequent performance.

After all, life is more than just such a bad thing, there are many meaningful things.

"By the way, Dou Eyuan's recent response should be very good, right? Then should I write something similar."


"Actually, let's not do this. Otherwise, the homogenization will be too serious, and vicious competition of the same kind will easily occur."

After Wangcai heard this, his head shook like a rattle, not to mention how helpless he was.

"It is enough to have only one tragedy, and there must be no more. If there are too many, the effect will definitely not be good."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, it seems that Wangcai has a psychological shadow on this.

"If it was changed to a comedy or a romantic drama, I'm afraid you wouldn't think you could write more."

Zhao Xun rolled his eyes and said, "Actually, the current situation is really not that complicated. We just need to get a good feel for the future situation. I think tragedy will still be the mainstream in the future."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Brother Mingyun, you really think that tragedy works will become the mainstream in the future, right?"


"So in fact, you don't have to worry about these factors at all. As long as I can write it, I basically don't have to worry about sales. The sales will definitely be opened. I think we can still look forward to it."

Zhao Xun is quite looking forward to this, the future is smooth and the situation is very good.

With such a good form, there is basically no need to worry about these details.


At this moment Zhao Xun was very excited.

As long as Wangcai can do a good job in the publicity work, then we can look forward to the future prospects in a long period of time.


"Of course I won't just write tragedies, but also some romantic dramas with a relatively happy ending."

"That's great!"

Wangcai was quite excited after hearing this.

After all, for him, he is more optimistic about the so-called romantic drama.

And a romantic drama with a happy ending can guarantee the basic set to a considerable extent.

As long as the basic market is guaranteed, the next series of things can be guaranteed.

"Well, don't worry. I still have a good idea when it comes to writing scripts."


Wangcai is really happy at this moment, and his heart is full of joy.

"Tsk tsk tsk... so now we should let go of our hearts and welcome every beautiful day."



In an inconspicuous thatched hut in Zhongnan Mountain, Wei Wuji, the sword sage of Dongyue, was in a heavy mood.

Wei Wuji originally thought that forming an alliance with the prince could assassinate Emperor Xianlong more efficiently and effectively, but so far he has never had an effective opportunity.

As a result, Wei Wuji was extremely worried.

What's even more frightening is that Wei Wuji has to face a rather terrifying situation, that is, the assassination of the prince!

When Wei Wuji got the news, it was like a thunderbolt for a while.

This huge shock caused Wei Wuji to face collapse for a while.

But recently Wei Wuji has recovered and adjusted.

Because he got the news that the prince is fine.

For Wei Wuji, Prince Donggong is now the person he must rely on.

If the prince makes any mistakes, it's no joke.

That means that Wei Wuji lost his greatest support.

Wei Wuji relied on the prince not to gain power, but simply to get close to Emperor Xianlong.

For Wei Wuji, now is the best time to get close to Emperor Xianlong.If you can't get close to Emperor Xianlong at this time, it will not be easy to get close to Emperor Xianlong in the future.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wei Wuji knew very well that the key to killing Emperor Xianlong was to clear the fog first.

And Emperor Xianlong currently has countless dark chess hidden around him.

If you want to get rid of these dark chess, the best way is to rely on the prince.

It's hard to guard against house thieves.

With the prince, it is true that the palace's restrictions can be completely ignored.

Although Emperor Xianlong targeted the prince incomparably, the prince still had the opportunity to directly lead his troops to launch a palace change and kill him in Emperor Xianlong's palace.

Wei Wuji didn't need the prince to be the last to do it, he hoped that it was him who could do it instead of others.

When the sword was stabbed at the end, Wei Wuji must stir and turn around fiercely again to ensure revenge.



Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

There are countless memorials in front of Emperor Xianlong's imperial case.

These memorials were piled up like a hill, but Emperor Xianlong didn't have the heart to read them.

Because he knew that these memorials were made by the ministers to criticize the kings.

In other words, this is a planned move by the princelings.

It was planned from the beginning.

First the prince was assassinated.Members of the princelings immediately spoke out one after another.

It fits so perfectly and so gracefully.

That was absolutely impossible.

Who would believe it if it was not agreed upon in advance?
In many cases, every move of the royal family members is closely related to the foreign court.

So even if it is just a seemingly inconspicuous action, it needs to be linked together.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Emperor Xianlong's mood at this moment is quite complicated.

He didn't know how to express himself.

At this time, the situation in the court was obviously controlled by the princelings.

To control the rhythm well, Emperor Xianlong had to take the attitudes of all parties into consideration.

If an attitude is not well grasped, it may lead to a complete collapse.

The court is like a battlefield.Emperor Xianlong never felt that he could easily move across the court.If you want to achieve the ultimate, you must grasp the balance of all parties, and you must not allow people to take advantage of loopholes.

Otherwise, what Emperor Xianlong would face might not be a single enemy but a group of enemies.

The emperor has always been a loner, and there is absolutely no possibility of any alliance.

Temporary alliances are expedient.

As long as there is a rift, the alliance will immediately end.

But princes and kings are different.

They all have a group of supporters behind them.The reason is also very simple.

Because supporting the prince and the kings can be profitable.

This is not a general credit but a contribution from the dragon.

Is there anything in this world that is greater than the merits of making a decision and following the dragon?

As long as you have the merits of making a decision and following the dragon, you can basically guarantee wealth without any suspense within a generation.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

For a while, Emperor Xianlong found it very interesting.

Looking at it now, the prince and the kings are fighting and biting each other, but it is very intense.

However, the prince should have directly started a group of ridicule.

He sprayed almost all his competitors all over the place.Of course, it was his henchmen who slandered, not him himself.

But there is actually no essential difference.

"The prince is finally promising now..."

Emperor Xianlong said sarcastically.

In his opinion, the prince's level of power is getting higher and higher.

A few years ago, the prince still seemed a little green.But now this feeling of youthfulness has completely faded away.

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that only King Qi will be able to compete with him in the future."

Although Emperor Xianlong had many sons, not many were truly promising.

At present, the prince and King Qi have shown their unique strength.In this regard, it is indeed a bit sad.

Emperor Xianlong did not want a situation where one family dominates.

If possible, it is best to be able to be a big fight situation.

The harder the fighting between the princes, the safer Emperor Xianlong's throne will be.

The struggle between royal families has always been extremely tragic, even worse than a slaughterhouse.

Compared with powerful officials and relatives seizing the throne, the strife within the royal family is obviously more tragic.

Emperor Xianlong is one of the best.He can step on so many people to succeed, which is enough to explain a few things.

His sons are now walking the same old path that he had already walked in those days.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually a very interesting thing.


If one day Emperor Xianlong can really ascend to the Dao, then he will not care about these mundane things in the world and the royal family's shit.

But if he can't make it to that point, if he can't become a fairy, then he still has to go back and think about these shitty things about the royal family.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that he already had some immortal energy.

Facing these things without any anger, being able to deal with them calmly is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

This requires a top-level relieved mentality, and the ability to see everything away.

This is not easy and requires great ability.

But now Emperor Xianlong has gradually mastered these abilities.

This is due to the help of Master Huiyan.

With the help of Master Huiyan, everything becomes easier.

Things that were not easy before have become extremely easy now.

This is really cool.


For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that his future was boundless.

As long as he can maintain it well, even if he can't reach the state of ascension in the future, it will definitely be much better than now.



East Palace.

Prince Li Xiankun is obviously in a good mood.

The effect of his bitter trick is very good, and it has the effect of turning the clouds into the sun under certain circumstances.

The situation that was not clear at first became simpler in an instant.

At this moment, Prince Li Xiankun could clearly feel that he had gained an advantage in the competition with the kings.

Although this advantage is not obvious yet, as long as it can widen the gap, it will be excellent.

He could imagine that the kings would start crazily grabbing and biting at this time, in an attempt to counterattack with this.

All these were expected by Prince Li Xiankun.

But Prince Li Xiankun didn't think it was scary.

In doing so, the kings actually showed fear.

Only a fearful person would be so eager to fight back.

Because for them, the only way to feel safe is to fight back.

But does it make sense?Obviously pointless.

Because the more they do this, the more likely the prince will see their weaknesses and be able to effectively target them.

However, the attitude of the father made the prince uncertain.

The father has not made any statement so far, it seems that he intends to let the prince and the kings start a scuffle.As long as the two sides start a melee mode, the father can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This is indeed quite in line with the style of the father and the interests of the father.

Prince Li Xiankun has never been a hypocritical person, so he will not deliberately make plans and arrangements for his father.

Because he must allocate his physical fitness and physical strength reasonably.

Human energy is limited, if you consume too much in some aspects, it is impossible to have energy to deal with other things.

If the father intends to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, then Li Xiankun has no reason to fight with the kings with swords and guns.At this time, it is not the time to really exert strength, so Li Xiankun knows that he can do it as long as he wants to.

As long as the situation can be stabilized for the time being, then the future will be smooth for Prince Li Xiankun.

After all, he is the crown prince and crown prince, so he has an advantage in terms of status.

So as long as you don't make principled mistakes, you can undoubtedly stabilize the position of prince for a long period of time.

So the next thing he has to do is to boil his father to death.

It would be great if the royal father could have some surprises.

So now the prince still has to win over Wei Wuji.

After all, this is the most powerful practitioner that the prince can come into contact with.

With this cultivator by his side, the prince can rise up with a sword at any time, and can kill his father at any time.

If the royal father doesn't want to be decent, then the crown prince Li Xiankun can help the royal father to be decent.

How can there be a 30-year-old prince in the world?

So Prince Li Xiankun has been waiting for an opportunity, as long as he can wait for this opportunity, then it is possible to completely replace him.

King Qi?

King Qi still fantasizes about being able to replace him as the new crown prince?
Wishful thinking, simply wishful thinking!
The crown prince will never give King Qi any chance.

As long as he can hold it firmly, King Qi will not have a chance, not even the slightest chance!



Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou City.

Inspector Wan Yan borrowed a note, which said in the report that monsters would bloodbath Ningzhou City in the near future.

The note was not signed, so Wan Yan didn't know who reported the letter to him.

For a while, Wan Yan felt a little panicked.

After all, this kind of thing would rather be believed than not.

If Wan Yan ignored it when he was clearly informed by someone, then if he was held accountable in the future, he would definitely bear the main responsibility.

So Wan Yan felt that the first thing he needed to do now was to quickly discuss with the academy.

They are Wan Yan's greatest reliance now.

With their help, Wan Yan felt much more at ease.

Even if they only utter a sentence or two, Wan Yan can feel at ease.

"Tsk tsk..."

Wan Yan knew that at this time, he must not hesitate any more, and if he said he wanted to see him, he must see him.



"What, where did you get the news from?"

When Yao Yan heard this, he was very surprised.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wan Yan sighed and said: "I don't know either. I also received this note suddenly. There is no signature on the note, so I don't know what's going on."


Yao Yan was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, he was really confused.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Who the hell is this person? It's really confusing."


"If you can know the identity of the other party, then it is relatively reliable, otherwise, you can't trust it blindly."

Yao Yan's character is still relatively cautious, so he still feels safer at this time.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Well, but this kind of thing is better to be believed than not to be believed."

Inspector Wan said in a deep voice: "So I think we still need to make two-handed preparations."


Yao Yan also felt that what Wan Yan said was reasonable, so he said in a deep voice, "So what kind of two-handed preparation are these two-handed preparations?"


"It is to prepare separately according to the monster beast invasion and non-invasion."

"If monsters invade, we still need to be able to respond immediately. Of course, if monsters don't choose to invade, we can't take it lightly. We still have to actively explore at any time, and strive to find the lair of monsters. Sweep the hole."

The monster put too much pressure on Wan Cishi, so for a long time, Wan Cishi's expression changed after hearing the monster.

"Well, the monsters are indeed very arrogant now. No matter from which angle we look at them, we have to beat them well. Only by doing this can the monsters be deterred to the greatest extent. But I still have to make one thing clear .That is, it is quite difficult to sweep the acupoints in Liting. It may not be an easy task to completely do this. But..."

Yao Yan changed the subject abruptly: "Actually, it is very easy to destroy some monsters. I think it is very simple as long as we can work together as one."

"Well, I have already ordered the Ningzhou Army to fully cooperate with you in your actions. But you can call the order directly if you need anything. I believe that as long as there is cooperation, it will be very difficult to completely remove these monsters." simple."


Even if this matter is settled in this way, both Governor Wan and Yao Yan are very happy.

Of course, Yao Yan hoped that the monsters could be wiped out earlier, so that they could return to Zhongnan Mountain and return to Haoran Academy as soon as possible.




Zhao Xun breathed the fresh air and felt the fragrance of soil in the air.

The air is so fresh after the rain.

Such fresh air also made Zhao Xun feel like walking more.

Walking beside the bamboo forest is the most interesting.

Zhao Xun could see those fresh bamboo shoots emerging from the soil, and he could see those very beautiful fungi.

After walking around in the morning, Zhao Xun went to the kitchen without hesitation to prepare a big meal.

Such things as big meals are really easy to evoke people's nature, especially big meals made by oneself.

Just one sip is all it takes to experience the ultimate sense of happiness.

That is really happiness.

What Zhao Xun is going to cook today is toasted toast and fried eggs.

Toast and fried eggs are basically standard, and it is quite perfect with milk.


Zhao Xun first filled the pan with oil, then put slices of bread on the pan and started frying.

That fried feeling is really perfect.

You can smell a fragrance,

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Just after smelling a scent, Zhao Xun felt the ultimate good feeling.

"smell good…"

Zhao Xun felt that he really couldn't control his emotions. Although he only baked one-sided toast, Zhao Xun still couldn't wait to taste it.

"Okay, you can come and try."

Zhao Xun put the one-sided toast into his mouth without hesitation, and chewed it carefully.

"It's delicious."

After taking a sip, Zhao Xun became even more excited.

"Come on, let's make the delicious taste more intense. It's really delicious."

Zhao Xun immediately put the remaining slices of bread into the pan for frying.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I just said that it smells so delicious, and it really is your little brother making breakfast."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan touched it from somewhere, and said excitedly.


Zhao Xun froze for a moment.

This is really all precautions, but you can't guard against the third senior brother.

At present, the third senior brother and Wangcai are really peerless twins, and there is really no one who can do this.

Of course, Zhao Xun must give them something to eat.

After all, he is Zhao Xun's closest person anyway.Zhao Xun had to take good care of them no matter what.

"Senior brother, the leftover toast is obviously not enough for the two of us. Then I'll fry some more."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he really had been working hard all his life.

But there is no way.Since you have chosen, even if you insist on it, you have to persist to the end.

"La la la la..."

Zhao Xun began to operate swiftly while humming a ditty.

The purpose of humming ditties is to mobilize emotions to the greatest extent.

After all, Zhao Xun had already started eating extravagantly.At this time, I have to force myself to stop and cook.

The pressure is really...

"Well, little brother, do you want me to help you?"

"Hmm... Third Senior Brother, why don't you make a salad."

Although it feels a little strange to make salad in the morning.But Zhao Xun couldn't think of what the third senior brother could do at this time.

The main purpose now is to find a job for the third senior brother.

Other things don't matter at all.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun quickly threw all the toast slices into the pot.

The oily toast immediately turned golden yellow.

That golden feeling is very seductive.Just looking at it makes people feel refreshed.

"It's almost there, third senior brother, come and have a taste..."

Zhao Xun put the toast slices out of the pot on a plate, and the plate arrangement was also very delicate.


"It's really fragrant."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Haha... I really didn't expect this toast to be so delicious."

"Hey, small meaning, small meaning."

Zhao Xun thought to himself where is this.

Just a fried toast will conquer you.

Then if you taste the delicious dishes I made later, you won't be able to pass out of happiness directly.

It has to be said that Zhao Xun's mood will definitely affect the quality of the dishes.

The quality is different, and the taste is naturally different.

"Well, have a good meal first, and then you can continue to search and retrieve relevant dark world information."


Long Qingquan, who was drinking milk, spurted it out in an instant.

Fortunately, Zhao Xun dodged in time, otherwise he might have been sprayed all over.

man, this is really...

"Little brother, you are not mistaken, you still have to go to search the dark world information!"

"Of course. If you don't try, how will you know if there is any new information? After all, something like the Academy Library is a database that is constantly updated and iterated. We can still get a steady stream of information from it. As long as everyone can work harder, Then we can find out more information about the dark world. This is quite critical."

"Well, since you have made up your mind, then I can't force you too much. Let's do this first. But I may not be able to go to the library with you as often as before. Junior brother, I also need It's rest time."

"All right…"

Zhao Xun knew that there was no way to force this kind of thing.

The third senior brother didn't want to, if Zhao Xun insisted on forcing it, it would only make things worse.

Of course, it is very good for the third senior brother to be able to offer help.As for how much it will help in the end, I don't know.

Zhao Xun also hopes to help as much as possible.




Zhao Xun exhaled a foul breath, and began to carefully read the selected information about the Shadow Clan.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"After the Shadow Clan actually took control of the continent of Alan Lore, they began to leave the galaxy where this world is located. Instinct drove them to explore the new world, while this old world was left to the Corruptor to rule. In the New God After the advent of the times, all governance follows instinct, and all desires for expansion can be explained as instinct."

"The most important thing is that every time they expand, they can achieve good results. The old worlds surrender under their feet, and the new worlds rise under their rule."


After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down.

The expansion of the shadow clan in his heart is really similar to the expansion of a lion, everything follows instinct.But the problem is that after the expansion, they have no intention of defending at all, but continue to expand.

This caused them to expand the territories of multiple galaxies, but few of them could hold on.

Don't know if it's luck or misfortune.


"So this should be considered a lucky thing for the Corruptor? After all, the Shadow Race may have forgotten that galaxy and the continent of Alan Lore. They can rule without scruples, and in their memory they And indeed the ruler."

This actually involves a deeper issue, that is, do the Corruptors know that they are controlled by the Shadow Clan.

Memory is actually not something that can be completely sealed.

As long as you leave a hole, it may find a way out.

So this question depends on whether the Corruptor can, wants to, and will.

After all, if they know that they are just puppets controlled by the Shadow Clan, or even some walking dead, they will basically feel uncomfortable and desperate, right?

What will they choose to do at this time?Will you choose to act as if you don't know about it, or will you choose to ignore it?
Regardless of which one the Corruptors end up choosing, it's a good choice for them.


Actually now Zhao Xun knows that time will tell him everything.

Once the Shadow Race chooses to return to this galaxy, then there will be a good show to be staged.


"I must make a good note here. I vaguely feel that this will become a foreshadowing."

I have to say that to some extent Zhao Xun is really a person who is good at discovering.

He can always discover some key details at critical moments, so it will also bring a huge turning point to the entire academy alliance.

This is still very important.

"I hope that everything that follows will develop as I expected, and there must be no more unexpected situations."

Zhao Xun still attaches great importance to this.

Because he knew that a change in the situation would lead to a sharp change in the situation.

Everything will change accordingly.



East China Sea, the kingdom of monsters and beasts.

The demon emperor Brigu looked sullen.

"It's unreasonable, it really is unreasonable!"

"These humans are really deceiving people too much, it's too hateful."

"Your Majesty, calm down... The current situation is indeed changing rapidly. The Dazhou army is constantly searching the mountains and seas, but the sons and daughters have nowhere to go. This is really... so sad. But Your Majesty does not You should be pissed off because of their actions. If so, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?"


"I was really stunned by their anger. It really doesn't make sense to get angry at this time!"

The demon emperor Brigu took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

For them, this is indeed a critical time of life and death.But it really doesn't make sense to get angry at this time.

Keeping calm and keeping a calm mind is what they need to do now.

If you let your emotions swell and explode, the whole rhythm will be messed up.

The East China Sea Monster Beast Country really can't stand any troubles now.

Emotional is undesirable for anyone, let alone the king of a country.

Blind emotionality will really cause the entire Monster Beast Kingdom to become a mess.

and so…

What Brigu has to do now is to calm down his emotions first, and then try his best to think about countermeasures and solutions.

Only when a solution is found, will he be able to appear more at ease in the face of the alliance formed by the Da Zhou army and the academy.

Otherwise, he could only be in a passive state of being beaten all the time, being beaten hard all the time!
Among them, the academy is obviously more troublesome and difficult to deal with.

"They are obviously gathering together now, hoping to have the greatest impact on us and force us to show up!"

There are only so many resources in the sea. Once restricted, it is basically unsustainable.

"If you want to break through the blockade, the best way is to bloom in more places. If you only attack from one place, it is easy to be blocked."

"The best way is to avoid Ningzhou directly, right? If they gather in Ningzhou, the opponent's troops will hoard quite a lot, and it will be difficult to make a breakthrough."

"Well, Ningzhou is the opponent's stronghold, so it's reasonable for us to avoid Ningzhou. But where should we start?"

At this time, what the demon king Brigu wanted to hear was reasonable opinions, not just some dispensable complaints.

"Jiangzhou, it's most reasonable for us to break through from Jiangzhou."

"Jiangzhou is neither too close nor too far away from Ningzhou. If we attack Jiangzhou, it will have the effect of shaking mountains and shaking tigers."

"And it is also very useful for further breaking through the blockade of the Ningzhou Army. After all, only in this way can the opponent realize that we have the ability to ignite a war anywhere."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Well, this plan is very perfect. You can optimize the details. I think you can give it a try."

"Jiangzhou and Yongzhou. In my opinion, it will be the best if we can start attacking in these two places at the same time."


"So, to launch an attack in two places at the same time, it is still necessary to be able to invest a certain amount of troops. It is necessary to mobilize the troops reasonably to ensure that the troops invested are sufficient. Otherwise, it is very likely that the opponent will be defeated one by one."



Yongzhou City.

Yongzhou is rich in real estate, especially the pottery and porcelain industry.

In this case, the local business is also quite developed.

Many merchants will take locally made ceramics to distant states and counties for sale.

Don't look at just moving a few hundred miles, but the price of ceramics can increase several times at once, and the merchants who sell ceramics can also make a lot of money accordingly.

Making money is not a shabby thing no matter where it is.

Not to mention making money in an aboveboard manner.

Liu Hanlin is such a businessman who makes a living by selling ceramics.

In the past few days, he was preparing to go to Ningzhou with the caravan to sell ceramics, but he got a very strange news.

"Have you heard? I've been suffering from a demon recently."

"A demon? Is it a monster?"

"That's right, what else can it be if it's not a monster. These monsters are really extremely cruel. What they like most is to eat animals alive, and they won't hesitate at all if they meet people."

"So, why did Yongzhou suddenly become plagued by monsters? In my impression, haven't monsters been wreaking havoc near Ningzhou?"


"In the beginning, the monsters were indeed raging in the Ningzhou generation, but there seems to be a change later..."

"The monsters disappeared for a while, and then suddenly appeared near our Yongzhou and Jiangzhou."

"Tsk tsk tsk, if you say that, it should be that the monster temporarily changed its strategy and goal?"

"That's the truth..."

"They probably think that Ningzhou's defenses are quite tight, so they can't break through?"

"Hey, it's a pain for us. We businessmen don't make money every day if we don't trade. I don't know how long this monster's rampage will last."

"Yeah, it's not good news if the monsters are raging for too long. It means that we may have nothing to eat for a long time."

"'s really a goddamn monster..."

"Who's to say it's not... You said that there is a sudden trouble with a demon, isn't it fatal? We just rely on earning some hard money, but in the end we can't even earn hard money. It's too difficult, really. too difficult."

"Hey, bear with it for now. At this time, saving your life is the most important thing. As long as a person is alive, everything is possible. But if the person is gone, then everything will cease."

"Yes, yes, you can make more money if you lose your money. If you lose your head, you will never grow it again. We must not fail to understand this truth."

"Well, let's wait and see first. Let's see where things are going. If everything goes well, I guess it will be over in ten days and a half months."

"I hope so."



Jiangzhou City.

"Have you heard? Monster beasts have been raging recently. I don't know what kind of routine they are so they popped up all of a sudden."

"Huh... It's really hard to say. How can we figure out the tricks of monsters clearly. If we can figure it out, wouldn't we become monsters instead of humans?"

"Tsk tsk's really interesting..."

"The scariest thing after this monster is out is that we can't get out anywhere. If we don't get out of the gate, if we don't go through the second gate, then there is no risk. But what do we eat and drink here? If we can't eat anything , shall we drink the northwest wind?"

"That's right. It's too difficult for us."

"So what do we do now?"

"What can we do? We can only wait like this. Otherwise, we will basically die. With our physique, monsters basically eat one by one. I heard that monsters cannibalize people without spitting out bones." .”

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So, monsters are really abominable and abominable. They have to come here to trouble people. Originally, our little life was so good, but when the monsters came, it became a mess."

"Who says it's not? Monsters and beasts are raging, and ordinary people like us are suffering. In fact, those rich and powerful families don't need to rush to work hard at this time. So when they are free for a few days or more, there is no Any problem. But we are different. Once we are idle, we will never make any money again."

"Hey, what can we do? Now we really have no choice but to wait."

"Well, let's wait for a while. Maybe there will be other harvests."

"I hope, I hope so."



Ningzhou City, Governor's Mansion.

Governor Wan Yan looked solemn.

Just now he received a report that monsters appeared in Jiangzhou and Yongzhou City one after another.

The monsters are rampant, and the daily life of the people in these two places has been greatly disturbed.

For a while, Wan Shishi felt very worried.

Although these two places were not under his jurisdiction, Governor Wan didn't think there was any difference.

Because this is all Jiangnan Road.

The people of Jiangnan Road were harmed by monsters, and he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

It's so hard, it's really hard.

Why are people's lives so difficult?

"If you give me another chance, I will definitely propose to form an anti-monster alliance without hesitation. Unfortunately, it seems too late now."

Is it really not too late to remedy the situation?

In the eyes of Wan Cishi, this is just a kind of self-comfort.It can only be said that it is better to make up than not to make up.But the best situation is not to break the sheepfold.

If the sheepfold is not broken, there will be no problems. Isn't that the most fragrant?
Of course, when all the problems are condensed together, it will lead to many new problems.

And this will make the situation more and more twisted.

There has always been no such thing as twisting and countless times.

As long as there is the first time, there will be countless twists and turns.

After twisting more times, the whole person will start to doubt life.


Wan Yan always felt that he couldn't be more twisted.

So what Wan Yan wants to do most at this moment is to have a good chat with Yao Yan and the others.

It would be great if this matter could be discussed thoroughly.


Soon Wan Yan invited Yao Yan.

At this moment, Yao Yan still seemed confused.

He didn't know why Governor Wan chose to meet him at this time.But one thing is certain.

That is, Governor Wan is not in a good mood.

"Master Wan? Why did you come to see me?"

Yao Yan's attitude is very polite, because he thinks Wan Yanwan is worthy of respect.

"Hey, I didn't want to disturb Yao Jianxian at first. It really happened suddenly."

"Please tell me the history of the governor."

"It's like this..."

Wan Yan swallowed a mouthful of foam, and said in a deep voice: "Just now, I have received reports one after another, and monsters have appeared in Jiangzhou and Yongzhou City one after another. The monsters are raging, and the local people are so miserable."


Yao Yan was taken aback when he heard this.

Good guy, what kind of routine is this monster beast?
Stumbling around, or what?
At present, the level of intelligence of monsters is far higher than Yao Yan's imagination.

Originally, Yao Yan thought that monsters were just a group of guys with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

But now it seems that is not the case at all.

No matter from all aspects, monsters are resourceful, wise and brave.


Yao Yan forced himself to calm down at this moment and said, "The situation is really tricky now, much more complicated than I imagined."

"Then, is the situation in Jiangzhou City and Yongzhou City clear to the governor? What is the attitude there now? Is it defensive or something else?"

In Yao Yan's view, the attitudes of these two places are quite crucial.

If you can't figure this out, you will face a series of problems.

Yao Yan hoped to clarify everything as much as possible.

As the saying goes, know yourself, know your enemy and win a hundred battles.

Only by clarifying all this can all matters be completely settled.

"The two places should still adopt the strategy of shrinking and defending."

Wan Yan smiled wryly and said: "After all, with their strength, it is basically impossible to confront the monsters head-on. It is not easy to be able to hold the situation."

"If this is the case, I suggest sending reinforcements to these two places. Otherwise, we may face a series of problems. Of course, we must reserve some troops for ourselves at this time, otherwise, if the monsters come back and attack again If it is Ningzhou, we will be caught blind."

From Yao Yan's point of view, the biggest problem now is that it is impossible to determine where the monsters will attack.

The monsters took the initiative to attack.

So no matter where the monsters are currently attacking, Yao Yan thinks it's normal.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wan Yan smiled wryly: "Then what is the appropriate number of reinforcements?"

"It's fine to get 1000 people each. We each get one. In this way, I think it's okay for one person to stay in Ningzhou."

Yao Yan has his own way of thinking.

In his view, all of this is actually a routine to follow.So next he has to act according to his own routine and his own rhythm.

"Well, I support you."

For Yao Yan's suggestion, Wan Yan naturally chose to support all of it.Because in Wan Yan's view, Yao Yan's judgments are basically correct.

Therefore, Wan Yan has absolutely no reason to reject Yao Yan's suggestion.

"I hope I can achieve something this time? Otherwise, the entire Jiangnan Road will be stirred up into a miasma."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"These monsters are still very smart and targeted. But in fact, they don't have much effect, because as long as we choose to target them, they will never succeed."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It would be great if Yao Jianxian had this confidence."

"Haha... It's not a problem to deal with mere monsters."



Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's expression was extremely focused.

Because he started practicing mindfulness again.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was at the side, giving one-on-one guidance to Zhao Xun.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's guidance is very meticulous, and there are almost no mistakes or omissions.

In this way, Zhao Xun's learning speed will be quite fast.

"Hahaha, yes. So far, your kid is doing pretty well. You should be able to try to move the giant tree in a few days."


Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, is this a big step?
Stepping out in one step, it would be easy for people to split.


"So, were you lazy before? But if you put in a little more thought, the state will be completely different immediately."


"Injustice? What do you have to complain about, brat? Didn't you spend all your time in the library of the academy before?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

When Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, there was actually nothing wrong with it.

He did spend most of his time in the Library Pavilion of the Academy some time ago.

This is really depressing.

"All right…"

"However, my mentor, I work very hard no matter what I do. So basically there will be no distractions. When I do one thing, I do it hard and patiently to ensure that everything is done well. .”

Zhao Xun showed his loyalty at this time.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Okay. In fact, being a teacher is not so strict with you, so as long as there is an opportunity, I will try my best to remind you. As long as you remind me, you will definitely be able to enlighten."

Enlightenment is actually a bit mysterious.

Sometimes it feels like enlightenment is easier.But sometimes it is difficult to realize the Tao.

Even Zhao Xun himself can't grasp the speed.

"Men, what is the highest state of this mindfulness technique!"

Zhao Xun is actually quite concerned about this, because many times he actually accepts it blindly, without thinking about the deeper things behind it.

If he could see more and see more clearly, tsk tsk tsk...

Then basically a new breakthrough can be made, right?

"The highest state of telekinetics...then it is no longer taking objects from space, but being able to control people from space."

Remote controller...

Zhao Xun was really surprised when he heard this.

Dude, this is no joke.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Zhao Xun is expected to reach a new level in the next period of time?

If this realm is reached, then it is indeed quite good for Zhao Xun.

"The control of people in the air you mentioned, do you mean being able to control people's movement?"

"Yes, otherwise what do you think you can control? Control thoughts?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun was still greatly shocked.

"Men, how long will it take to reach this level?"

"It should take two or three months. If you can't reach the point of concentrating, it may take longer."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, then I am really under a lot of pressure.

Zhao Xun is a strong practitioner of the Three Cultivators, so he has to learn many skills at the same time for a long period of time.

If he only learned one item, then Zhao Xun would not be under such great pressure.

But putting so much pressure together at the same time can really make people want to cry.

"Uh... Master, it will take so long for this disciple to reach this level? Isn't that too much torture?"

"what is this."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi curled his lips and said indifferently: "From my teacher's point of view, these are all reasonable."

"Although you are very talented, you still have to experience what you should experience."

"If you don't experience it, then your foundation is not solid enough, and other disasters are likely to appear. Brat, even if you don't listen to anyone, you have to listen to the teacher's words. Otherwise, there must be you It's hard to eat."


Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said: "Look at what you said. How dare I not listen to you, my disciple. I am quite obedient. No matter what happens, I will firmly listen to your words and be firm. Stand by your side unwaveringly."

Zhao Xun patted his chest to express his loyalty.

At this time, we must express our attitude well.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the mentor will not give him good fruit to eat.

"Hmph, that's about the same."


"Okay, you have almost practiced today, so let's go here first."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi cleared his throat without hesitation.

"Thank you, teacher. My apprentice will leave."

At this moment, Zhao Xun seemed to be pardoned.

It would be great for him to be able to rest during this period of time.



But Zhao Xun returned to the swimming pool rest area without hesitation after leaving his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

The feeling of lying beautifully on the recliner is really refreshing.

The taste of drinking a cup of iced milk tea is really amazing, and it makes people feel very wonderful.

"Wow, if life could always be as good as this."

"Brother Mingyun, look how beautiful you are!"

At this time, Wangcai appeared without any surprise.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun put down the milk tea cup for the time being, cleared his throat and said, "Of course I am beautiful. The rest after labor is the most gratifying, so basically I can feel doubled happiness. Double happiness and wealth you Do you understand?"


Wangcai was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

He felt that what Wangcai said was very reasonable.

"Tsk tsk tsk... So it means that Brother Yun hopes to be more tired and bitter during weekdays, right? After all, only in this way can you be more comfortable when you are resting."

"Uh, that's not the logic."

Zhao Xun felt that he was going to be confused by Wangcai.

Wangcai, Wangcai, if he follows this routine, he must basically stay up all night to catch up on the manuscript.

In this way, it is no joke.

Although Zhao Xun had the experience of staying up late to catch up on drafts before, he really didn't want to go through it again.

After all, for him, the long-term training has almost absorbed all his strength.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

If at this time he still has to expend a lot of energy to catch up on the manuscript all night, then it is no joke.

Although Zhao Xun is still young, it is not such a way of making.

If this continues, Zhao Xun is really worried that he may die suddenly.

"Huh... Actually, I have been writing the manuscript, but you must not rush it. I will always carefully grasp the progress. But if you keep pressing the manuscript, I can only sacrifice part of the quality in order to speed up the speed. "

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "Is this what you don't want to see?"

"Uh, of course it has to be completed with quality and quantity guaranteed."

Zhao Xun knew that Wangcai's attitude had softened at this time, so he cleared his throat and said, "So. In fact, I could have written faster, but in order to ensure the quality, I can only suppress the speed as much as possible. Otherwise... you know."

Zhao Xun knew where Wangcai's pain points were.So when he mentioned this pain point, then Wangcai would retreat in spite of the difficulties.This is what Zhao Xun wants to see.

Otherwise, with Zhao Xun's character, he must continue to persuade Wangcai.

"Okay, okay, you can control the progress yourself. As long as you can ensure that everything is under control."



After taking a good rest in the swimming pool area, Zhao Xun decisively went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

The dinner thing is really a bit of a headache.Because you don't know exactly what to do.

Sometimes if it is not to the taste, it will indeed ruin the mood to a considerable extent.

Moreover, what Zhao Xun had to consider was not only his own taste, but also the tastes of other brothers and sisters in the academy.

Youdao is hard to say.

If the taste cannot be determined, it may lead to confusion under certain circumstances.

Zhao Xun still hopes to determine what everyone wants to eat as much as possible before doing it.In this way, basically there will be no major problems.

"Senior brother, what would you like to have for dinner tonight?"


Third senior brother Long Qingquan scratched his head: "Actually, I don't have anything in particular I want to eat right now. Junior brother, whatever you want."

When Zhao Xun heard the word casual for a while, he was stunned.

The most difficult thing in this world to do is to be casual.It won't be that difficult if you give a topic, but it will still make people feel quite confused if you say it casually.

"Forget it, then I can play freely."

Zhao Xun had no choice but to play freely.

Many things are really difficult only after you have experienced them.

Cooking seems simple, but if you encounter difficulty in choosing, it is not a joke.

Many times Zhao Xun is actually in such a semi-entangled state.

Fortunately, his adjustment ability is not bad, otherwise, the whole person would still collapse very quickly.

"I'm going to make seafood fried rice tonight."

Recently, Yao Jianxian brought some fresh fish and shrimp from Ningzhou by using the teleportation technique.

Zhao Xun has been icing with ice cubes.

But even so, if the fish and shrimp should be eaten, they should be eaten early.Otherwise, it is really possible that it will stink and break.

"Seafood fried rice is good. It sounds delicious."

"This time it's real seafood fried rice, not just a gimmick. After all, Yao Jianxian provided us with what we need most."


After hearing this, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was filled with anticipation.

In many cases, gourmet food really needs to be constantly tried and innovated.

The results of your innovation and no innovation are completely different.


Even Wangcai started drooling at this moment.

"Good guy...Brother Mingyun, we are looking forward to it now. I really want to see what the finished seafood fried rice is like."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, well, now that the flag has been established, the next performance is quite critical.

If he can directly fill up the rhythm in the next period of time, then he can indeed make a perfect seafood fried rice.

As long as he took out the finished seafood fried rice, everything would be different.

So let's get started.



The difference between seafood fried rice and ordinary fried rice is actually the word seafood.

The umami of seafood can enhance the taste to the extreme in fried rice.

At a certain moment, Zhao Xun felt as if he had grasped the essentials.

If you can grasp the essence, the seafood fried rice will have a soul.

Stir-fry, add ingredients, and mix rice and seafood sauce together.

The kind of beauty born from the inside out is really unstoppable.

The scent really came out.

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and tried hard to feel these details.

Every taste has a soul, and every taste has a story.

Zhao Xun hoped that he could remember this taste.

Each flavor is unique, and each flavor is the most perfect expression prepared at different times and under different circumstances, so Zhao Xun must remember all the flavors.

As long as he can remember all the flavors, then when Zhao Xun wants to make these delicious dishes again, he can restore them at will.

At that time, you will be able to do it with ease, instead of being restrained.



(End of this chapter)

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