big week bad guy

Chapter 468 Invisibility

Chapter 468 Invisibility

In Jiangzhou City, Governor Song Changheng frowned and worried.

Yao Yan and Yao Jianxian hadn't come back for a long time, he was really worried that something would happen to Yao Jianxian.

Now Yao Yan is the hope of the entire Jiangzhou City, if there is really a lot of people leaving, it is not a joke.

In short, Song Changheng, the governor of Jiangzhou, is now in a state of fear.It is impossible for him to maintain his composure for a long time in his current state.

He hoped for the stars and the moon and finally got Yao Yan here, but he didn't really hope that there would be any accidents.

If there is an accident, it is really not a joke.

Governor Song couldn't afford this responsibility, and he knew that others couldn't either.

At present, everything is in a state of anxiety and unknown.

The governor of Song Dynasty had no idea what to do next, and there was no problem in describing it as being at a loss.

It's so hard, it's really hard.

At this moment, what Governor Song can feel is despair.

At this time, the confidants came to report: "Dong Weng, Yao Jianxian has returned, and he brought a captured monster with him."

Song Inspector was overjoyed when he heard the words, and exclaimed: "Tsk tsk tsk, that's really good. Great. Where is Yao Jianxian now, hurry up and greet him with the Inspector."

After Yao Yan entered the city, he really felt the welcome of mountains and tsunami.

Moreover, the people who came to welcome him were all spontaneous, without any hint of government's instigation.

Yao Yan could also really feel their sincerity.Whether it is true or not can be seen at a glance, and it cannot be hidden at all.

At least from now on, Yao Yan's performance is perfect, and he also believes that all developments are within his own plan.

Although he only caught a monster this time, he got very important information from the monster.

This important information will play a vital role for quite a long time.

It can be said that the movements of the monster in the next period of time are likely to have a lot to do with the information provided by the monster.

There are actually certain reasons for the monsters to wreak havoc.

But now Yao Yan has no time to analyze these reasons at all. All he has to do is to find out all the information and changes as much as possible. The people did not receive any danger.

After all, judging from the current situation, the rampage of monsters is not limited to Jiangzhou, Yongzhou and other places.These two places are just breakthroughs. After the breakthrough is truly completed, the purpose of the monsters is to expand and spread to the entire Jiangnan Road.

After spreading to a certain area, it even formed an encirclement towards Ningzhou.

Yao Yan once thought that monsters were brave but not resourceful, the type that cared about eating but not fighting.But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Monsters still have good intelligence.

With such high intelligence, monsters will pose a considerable threat to Jiangnan Road for a long period of time.

So in Yao Yan's view, the next period of time can be said to be quite important.If he can grasp it well, then there is a good chance of being able to suppress the monster.

But it has to be as detailed as possible.

If it can't be done properly, the risk is basically quite high.

Because once there is a problem, the consequences are unimaginable.

Soon Yao Yan found Song Changheng Song Governor among the crowd.

It is actually very easy to find the governor of Song Dynasty.

Because Governor Song is quite conspicuous in the crowd, after all, he belongs to the group surrounded by people.

In this case, the governor of Song Dynasty can still be recognized at a glance.

"Hahaha Yao Jianxian, you really deserve your reputation. It is said that Yao Yan of the academy is the number one sword immortal in the world. Today, I have gained knowledge. Congratulations Yao Jianxian, did this capture a monster alive? Tsk tsk tsk"

Governor Song came forward with a smile all over his face, but at this moment, Yao Yan was a little embarrassed.

He didn't know how to express himself, because it was basically difficult to describe any feeling accurately at this time.

"tsk tsk"

Yao Yan is really excited at this moment.

"Haha, it's exaggerated, it's really exaggerated. Mr. Yao is really not as evil as in the legend. In fact, he is just an ordinary practitioner of swordsmanship. As for the monster, if you don't walk across the bridge and run into me, then I will Easily capture it."

Yao Yan said that the cloud is calm and the wind is light, and he is quite relieved at this time.

After all, it was not so magical for him to capture a monster.

Compared with monsters, he was more concerned about the movements of the demon emperor Brigu.

Once the Demon Emperor made a new decision, Yao Yan's previous analysis would basically be invalidated.

So for Yao Yan, he would basically pay close attention to the Demon Emperor's movements.

As long as the Demon Emperor's movements don't change completely, Yao Yan basically thinks everything is reliable.

In many cases, maintaining a peaceful state of mind is quite critical.

"No matter what, this is a great joy. Come, come, I will prepare a grand feast for Yao Jianxian."

Yao Yan knew that his arms couldn't hold back his thighs, so he didn't say much.

After all, for him, all the things he will do next are actually to eradicate the monsters. If he can eradicate the monsters, he will basically be able to have a good life.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Come fill this cup."

Yao Yan raised his glass and drank it down excitedly.

For now, everything is within Yao Yan's expectations.

"Drink this cup full."

After the atmosphere is over, all Yao Yan has to do is to drink to his heart's content with Song Changheng and Governor Song.

After drinking, the mood is completely different.

"Hahaha, happy, happy. In fact, at the beginning, I didn't expect to be able to fight so fiercely with monsters. At present, monsters should not give up easily. So we still can't have the slightest Take it lightly. Because if you take it lightly, you may be completely defeated in the face of monsters."

"Well, what Yao Jianxian said is reasonable. You really can't take it lightly at this time. It's really not something ordinary people can stand up to. But even if you can't stand it, you have to. Because behind us are countless people. Even for these people, we have no choice. Even for these people, we have to grit our teeth and stick to it.”

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really great that Governor Song has this kind of heart. If he can have such courage, then basically there won't be any big problems. In fact, in the face of fierce beasts, we must use all we can reasonably. Resources."

"Well, it seems that the monsters are not that difficult to deal with now. At present, the monsters are still easy to deal with. It's just that we imagined the monsters to be too powerful at the beginning. In this way, it is difficult to really deal with them. pour out your strength."

"tsk tsk"

Governor Song Changheng was really quite happy.

For him, the current situation is actually quite acceptable.

Facing the enemy's invasion, Governor Song Changheng was quite nervous at the beginning.

But gradually his emotions have actually calmed down a lot.

So far, he feels that everything is within the controllable range.And after having Yao Yan, Governor Song felt that he was quite at ease, extremely at ease.

As long as everything is solid, there is no big problem.As long as everything is solid, then there is no need to worry too much.

"This demon emperor has so many layouts this time, I really don't know what he's thinking. Could it be that his appetite is really so big that he wants to eat the entire Jiangnan Road?"

"Yes. They really want to eat Jiangnan Dao in one bite, but I don't think there is much concern. Because we are here, and it is not easy for monsters to wreak havoc with the academy. We Being able to make sure everything is under control. It's not easy for them to get past us."

Yao Yan does have this confidence. The current situation is actually either good or bad.

But the basic disk is relatively stable.

tsk tsk.
"I hope everything goes well. If Yao Jianxian needs help, the governor can provide enough support."



Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun took the initiative to find Wu Quanyi, his mentor Qinglian Taoist priest.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has recovered to his best condition after a certain period of rest.

In this state, you must continue to improve, and if you continue to work hard, you may continue to obtain the ultimate improvement.

It is still early to improve this kind of thing.

There is a saying that hurry up sooner rather than later, if you can improve earlier, then the next will be smooth.


"Teacher, do you think that the disciple is so enthusiastic and motivated, can you teach him some exercises?"

"Stinky boy, you can't chew too much. You should not learn too many things now. Otherwise, whether you can master it is a problem. The most important thing is, I think your boy may become mad because of it."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi curled his lips and said very reluctantly.

good guy...

Zhao Xun was helpless.

Going crazy?

Zhao Xun didn't believe it.

In Zhao Xun's view, people's practice is often a state of observation.As long as the state can be stabilized, everything will be fine.

What's more, with the mentor Qinglian Daoist next to him, even if Zhao Xun's state really has any problems, it doesn't matter much.

With a mentor at the side, basically there won't be much difference.

"It doesn't matter, teacher. I still have full confidence in myself, and even more in you. So I still hope to practice some other things more. The way is to have more skills than to overwhelm you. As long as you can Maybe practice some other spells more, then even if you really encounter danger, you can protect yourself."


"If that's the case, as a teacher, I will help you out of difficulty."

Uh, seeing my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi say so reluctantly, Zhao Xun was very helpless for a while.

But being able to agree is a good thing, as long as you agree, you can start learning art.

"Stinky boy, what do you want to learn?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi asked directly.

This somewhat surprised Zhao Xun.

After all, for Zhao Xun, he is more passive to learn art.

The number of active learning skills can be described as very few.

So, what is the situation?
Suddenly asking Zhao Xun what he wanted to learn made him helpless.

"Is the mentor really a disciple who can learn whatever he wants?"

"Of course. Being a teacher is an all-around practitioner. In terms of the breadth of practicing spells, there are basically not many people who can compare to being a teacher."


"Can that disciple learn invisibility?"


"Yes, invisibility. My apprentice has already learned lightness kung fu and teleportation. What I want to learn most now is invisibility. If I can learn invisibility, it will be considered Dzogchen."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said leisurely while stroking his beard: "Yes, yes. Since this is the case, I will teach you the invisibility technique."

"Hahaha, teacher, do you really know the invisibility technique?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... of course."

"Hahaha, things like invisibility are really powerful. After mastering invisibility, there is basically no problem in keeping one's life alive."

"Well, let's get started."

My teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is also an extremely fiery character, and since he has decided, he will immediately start explaining the details.

In his opinion, as long as the details can be taught in place, basically there will be no major problems.

Zhao Xun's comprehension ability and absorption ability are quite powerful. As long as he understands it, Zhao Xun can basically absorb it quickly.


"First of all, you need to understand what is the core of invisibility?"


Zhao Xun looked very serious. He knew that what his teacher was teaching was the core of the core, and he needed to listen carefully.

"The core of the invisibility technique is ecstasy. Only when you achieve ecstasy can you ensure that everything goes smoothly, and only if you guarantee ecstasy can you ensure true invisibility. Otherwise, everything will return to death. Otherwise, everything will not be truly perfect. "

"Forget me... How can this be achieved?"

This is the point that Zhao Xun is very concerned about at present.

He had to figure this out well to ensure he could learn the spell.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to achieve perfection with Zhao Xun's strength.

"bring it on…"

Zhao Xun opened his arms and began to comprehend.

"Stinky boy, first interrupt all your thoughts, and then try to disperse your thoughts to the surrounding environment as much as possible."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Master, is it like this?"

Zhao Xun began to desperately imitate his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

But he knew that this was not an easy matter.

"Well... your movements are still not standard. The most important thing is that you can't stay in a state of concentration all the time."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It's really hard to say that..."

"Yeah, so you kid still have to focus as much as possible, otherwise it's not a joke..."


Zhao Xun suddenly felt that the pressure was great.

It's really hard to maintain that much pressure all the time.The key is that Zhao Xun feels that his ability to resist pressure is not that strong.

"it is good…"

Zhao Xun now tries not to speak as much as possible.

Because he knew that speaking at this time would only make things worse.

If you distract your attention, it is impossible to achieve the state of selflessness in the legend of the master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

The state of ecstasy should be a state between two kinds of consciousness.

As long as a reasonable model can be achieved, basically it can be in a very good state.

But the question is how to achieve this reasonable model.That's the difficulty, that's the key.

Difficult, really too difficult.

Zhao Xun said in his heart that the degree of difficulty was high, but his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi obviously didn't mean to teach directly.He seems to just want to give a general idea, and then Zhao Zhaoxun will realize it by himself.

The difficulty is really not ordinary.

"Focus, stay focused..."

Zhao Xun knew that such a time required complete concentration.

Keeping a certain concentration can really improve yourself to the greatest extent.

Zhao Xun felt that he seemed to have returned to the state when he just stepped into the practice world and started to practice.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt that he had really realized it.

It really takes spirituality to realize something like this.

Zhao Xun still believed in himself.

The next thing to do is to keep it for as long as possible.

As for how quickly you can learn this invisibility technique, you can only leave it to time.



"Tsk tsk tsk..."

After practicing for half a day, Zhao Xun was able to earn a little.

For him, the invisibility technique is like practicing in a previous life, it's not that difficult.

Although only half a day has passed, Zhao Xun can basically practice the invisibility technique.

Although Zhao Xun cannot be completely invisible, he can already achieve a translucent state.

This is a good start. After mastering this point, Zhao Xun will be able to perfectly grasp all the details for a long time to come.

"Men, so now the question is, how can I ensure that I can return to a normal state?"


Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said helplessly: "Actually, there is nothing special about it. You just need to keep your mind active. The best way is to keep thinking wildly."

"have a bee in one's bonnet…"

"Yes, you can think about anything you want. The more complicated the better, the more complicated the better. As long as you are no longer in a state of ecstasy, then you will soon be in a state of ecstasy. It can be restored to its real shape.”


Although Zhao Xun didn't understand it, he seemed to think it made sense.

Well, let's get started.

Zhao Xun took a deep breath, and then began to follow the guidance of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

The results proved to be quite good.

Zhao Xun unexpectedly recovered from the translucent state to the real state immediately.

Zhao Xun stretched out his hand to touch the bamboo, and the moment he touched the bamboo, there was indeed a feeling of being firmly grasped.

tsk tsk...

Zhao Xun has never been so excited before, at this moment he is really extremely excited.

"The master is mighty, it's done, it's really done!"

"Hahaha, brat, look at how happy you are."

"You are just getting started, and you still have a long way to go."


Zhao Xun nodded and said, "Thank you, teacher, for reminding me, my apprentice has been taught."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"In that case, does that apprentice have some talent for practicing invisibility?"

"Of course, your current state is actually quite good. As long as you can continue to maintain it, it is not impossible to completely learn the invisibility technique."

His teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was quite generous at this time, and he gave him a reassurance.

"Haha, let's go to rest first. After all, you still need to rest a lot to ensure that you are in a perfect state."

Zhao Xun most advocates the combination of work and rest.

The current state is the most appropriate to take a break.



Zhao Xun, who came to the swimming pool area, chose to lie down completely.

He is still very happy today.

Because he started to learn invisibility, and made a small profit.

This is not the same as illusion, it does not need to rely on any external objects but can be directly invisible.

The length of the invisibility time directly depends on the duration of the state of ecstasy, which can be said to be quite powerful.

Being able to maintain an invisible state for a long time, Zhao Xun has more possibilities for manipulation and pulling.

This is still quite critical.

After all, anything can happen when confronting top practitioners.

It is obviously inappropriate to find a solution after a series of problems have occurred.

So Zhao Xun still hopes to plan ahead and plan everything in advance as best as possible.

Once the planning is done, then Zhao Xun will be able to complete everything well.



Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou City.

Liu Yingying received good news.

Yao Yan captured a monster and brought it back to Jiangzhou City.

Either way, this is great news.

Because in the past, although the disciples of the academy had fought many monsters and killed many monsters, they had never captured a monster alive.

The significance of capturing monsters alive is very great, which can greatly promote the academy's better understanding of the movements of monsters.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

As long as the movements of the monsters can be determined, the academy can basically remain invincible.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I really hope that all the monsters can be eradicated soon. I really want to live a peaceful life, and I really want to enjoy life."



Jiangzhou City.

According to the previous plan, Yao Yan used the captured monster as bait.

He hoped that this monster could attract more and more monsters.

As long as this goal can be achieved, the implementation of the academy plan can be ensured to a considerable extent.

Everything was in Yao Yan's prediction, and everything was in Zhao Xun's plan.

Of course, it still needs the government to cooperate with the publicity more or less.

Therefore, Yao Yan also communicated with Song Changheng, the governor of Jiangzhou, in advance to ensure the publicity with great fanfare.

The effect of the publicity must be good, otherwise the monsters might not know about it.

Now Yao Yan is not afraid of monsters coming, what he is afraid of is not coming.

He has already laid out the so-called heaven and earth net, as long as the monsters come, it will be their own death.

Yao Yan very much hoped that this time he could take the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the monster.

As long as it can inflict heavy damage on the monster, it will basically take the absolute initiative in the future.



"The scarlet flickering of the Northern Horse Galaxy is not going on all the time, but only flickers every once in a while. It's just that the flickering lasts for a long time, so it can be felt for a long time."

good guy...

Zhao Xun, who came to Zangshu Pavilion, immediately saw the so-called hot knowledge.

These thermal knowledge are still quite useful.

At the beginning, Zhao Xun paid great attention to the so-called scarlet flickering of the Beima galaxy.

So Zhao Xun has always hoped to record the scarlet flashing process of the Beima Galaxy.

But then he found that it was extremely difficult to actually do this.

Now Zhao Xun even gave up.

Because this so-called scarlet flash is not continuous, but intermittent.

This intermittent state has been maintained, which is basically not easy for Zhao Xun to monitor.

It can be said that the Beima Galaxy is a special case among special cases.

There may be the last remnants of the Shadowclan in this galaxy.

So Crimson Blink is similar to Herald Call.

If you can read it directly, it is really crucial.

But this difficulty is really not ordinary.

Zhao Xun felt that it was basically impossible to do it in a short time.

Difficult, really difficult.

Although Zhao Xun knew it was really difficult, he also knew that he would have to face it one day.

Facing it early is also facing it, and facing it late can also be faced.

So Zhao Xun still hopes to face it as early as possible.

Even if it's just a small opening at the beginning, that's great.

Sometimes even a small discovery and a small improvement are crucial to the final overall grasp.

"Scarlet Flash, if there is an interruption, there are two possibilities. One is a routine interruption. The other is a passive interruption. If it is the former, it is actually not a big problem, but if it is the latter, it means that they feel There is a threat. People will instinctively stop when they are threatened, so that they can avoid being searched by the enemy."

"Even the Shadow Race doesn't want to make too many enemies."

After all, if you make too many enemies, you may be besieged within a considerable period of time.

Once under siege, the pressure is really not ordinary.

Not everyone can withstand the siege.

The same is true for the Shadow Clan in the Northern Horse Galaxy.

They may be able to withstand one siege, but they cannot withstand the next siege.

Good luck doesn't last forever, so it's okay to be cautious.

There must be a reason why these shadow clans can survive successfully.

In many cases, people will deliberately target the Shadow Race, because in the eyes of most people, the Shadow Race is an evil existence.

But the Shadow Clan must also protect themselves.

So for the Shadow Clan, what they need to do next is to firmly hold on to the North Horse Galaxy and call as much as possible to contact those Shadow Clan members who were exiled to the Dark Realm.

The strength can only be maximized when all the Shadow Clan gather together.

The strength of the Shadow Clan is that they can always resist pressure and surprise people when it is impossible to achieve.

As long as there are surprises, everything will turn around.

Now Zhao Xun is more and more curious about the Shadow Clan.

This tribe seems to have a magic power.

Of course, Zhao Xun tried his best to understand the Shadow Clan in order to better defeat him in the future.

After all, Zhao Xun's understanding of the Shadow Clan is quite one-sided.In such a one-sided situation, there will basically not be any breakthroughs.

But with the deepening of understanding, everything is different.

With an in-depth understanding, the next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to mark the weaknesses of the Shadow Clan as much as possible.

After determining the weakness, it is necessary to hit the weakness with a fierce hammer.

After the beating, you can see the changes in the Shadow Clan.

Some of the Shadow Clan may show panic, while another part of the Shadow Clan will actually become more frustrated and courageous.

tsk tsk...

Zhao Xun is really curious now.

Good guys, there is no harm without comparison, Zhao Xun wants to see who is the most troublesome Shadow Clan in the end.




In the Zichen Hall of Daming Palace, Emperor Xianlong breathes and breathes.

Under his behest and arrangement, King Qi began to launch a fierce counterattack against the princelings.

The degree of counterattack in a certain situation reflects the determination.

The more fierce the counterattack, the greater the determination.

At the beginning, King Qi really looked like a little mud could not support the wall.

But after some instruction from Emperor Xianlong, it was obviously much stronger.

The current king of Qi gradually has the capital to wrestle with the prince.

This is still not easy.

In many cases, subjectivity occupies a very important proportion. Once the subjectivity is full, then everything will not matter in the future.

"These sons of mine really don't make people worry."

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was actually very worried.

Although King Qi can still play a certain role in involving the prince at this time, no one knows to what extent it can be played.

Even Emperor Xianlong couldn't control this.

In many cases, he needs to rely more on the results to infer backwards.

But one thing is for sure.

That is one thing that Emperor Xianlong decided to do, and then he will definitely make up his mind to do it to the end.

During the whole process, Emperor Xianlong did not hesitate, not even blinking his eyes.

This point is extremely critical for a dictatorial emperor.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

In fact, Emperor Xianlong basically had a rough judgment on the next trend of the situation.

Next, if the princelings can be completely suppressed.Then this princeling's counterattack can be temporarily declared over.

Emperor Xianlong really didn't want to spend too much time on this matter.

He wanted to devote more strength to his practice.

Obtaining the Dao and ascending, becoming immortal and holy is what Emperor Xianlong most hopes to achieve in the current mode.



After spending some time in the Library Pavilion of the Academy, Zhao Xun decided to change his mood.

Take a walk, sit, lie down by the swimming pool and enjoy the comfortable feeling.

This is the most enjoyable thing in life.

In fact, enjoyment itself is not wrong, because enjoyment belongs to human instinct.

Since it is instinct, then there is nothing to blame.

"Brother Yun, you seem to be quite busy recently."

"Hey, don't mention that I have started running at both ends now. The pressure is really not ordinary. Resting in this swimming pool area every day is my greatest happiness."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Brother Mingyun, you really have to seize the opportunity to have a good rest."

"Hey hey, I'll pay attention to this without you telling me."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "By the way, Wangcai, there is actually one sentence that I never know whether to say or not."

"Well, tell me."

"You should lose weight now. Although your body is not suitable for cultivation, there is no problem with normal weight loss. I think it is definitely not too late for you to start losing weight now. As long as you can maintain a good state, then the next is quite long. You can feel the benefits of losing weight for a while."


Wangcai didn't expect that this topic would eventually come to him, but he was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Mingyun, I'm afraid this is not good?"

"What's wrong. Have you ever thought about losing weight with your current figure? Wangcai, listen to my advice. When it's time to lose weight, you must lose weight, otherwise you will definitely regret it when the time comes."

Zhao Xun deliberately spoke heavily in order to draw Wangcai's attention.

After all, in his opinion, Wangcai lacks the determination to lose weight at the moment.In the absence of determination, the pressure to lose weight is unparalleled.

Zhao Xun must help Wangcai do a good job in psychological construction from different aspects.

Once the psychological construction is done, the next process of losing weight is quite easy.


"Do you really want to lose weight?"

At this time, Wangcai was obviously still hesitant.

For him, losing weight is not something he can make up his mind at any time.

Because as long as it involves weight loss, it is a long-term thing.

And long-term weight loss brings a lot of pressure.

It's not that Wangcai has never tried to lose weight, but basically gave up after a period of time.

It is difficult for him to maintain the weight loss state for a long time.

It will be revealed after two or three days at most.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Of course. Things like Wangcai and weight loss should be rushed sooner rather than later."


Wangcai was helpless after hearing this.

"Okay. Since Brother Mingyun, you have already talked about this, I really can't shirk it anymore. Brother Mingyun, if you say how to lose weight, I will listen to you."


"Of course!"

"Okay, let's start, let's start with swimming."

"Uh, swimming?"

"Yes, swimming. Swimming can make people lose weight quickly. The efficiency is similar to that of running, and it doesn't hurt your knees. I think it's quite suitable for you."


Wangcai touched his belly and asked very unconfidently: "Are you sure that my figure is okay?"

"Don't worry!"

Zhao Xun directly gave Wangcai a reassurance at this time.

"Tsk tsk tsk... that's fine."

Wangcai hurriedly went to the next compartment to change into his swimming trunks, then walked over and jumped into the swimming pool without hesitation.

For a time, water splashed everywhere.

Zhao Xun thought to himself that Wangcai, the good guy, must have never learned how to press water.

This technology is really no one else.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun really didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, you must not hate Wangcai. What Wangcai needs most at this time is encouragement.

With encouragement, all things are possible.

If not encouraged…

That risk is still considerable.

It is very likely that Wangcai is directly rebellious and unwilling to learn swimming anymore.

This is not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

After all, swimming is the most suitable way for Wangcai to lose weight that he can imagine now.

"It's beautiful and prosperous."

Zhao Xun never forgets to encourage Wangcai in various ways.

As far as Wangcai is concerned, Wangcai's performance is indeed extremely good. At least he dares to take the first step to challenge himself. This alone is good enough.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

For a while, Wangcai smiled happily.

It's a good start from any angle.

With this start, then everything will go smoothly.

"That's how you swim, right?"

"Well, no problem, Wangcai, your savvy is really quite high. It's really pretty good to be able to maintain this savvy."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Thank you, Brother Mingyun. Don't worry, I will practice harder next time. Isn't it just swimming? It's not difficult in my opinion."

Wangcai now has confidence.

It's really not easy for him to keep swimming.

He needs to put in more effort and consume more energy than others to be able to swim well.

Otherwise, it is basically nothing but joy.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Wangcai, when you swim, spread your arms as much as possible. When you kick your legs, you must use your strength. Don't waste your strength. Otherwise, the movements will not be in place, and it doesn't matter if you can't achieve the effect of losing weight. If you choke on the water, then But it's not good."

Zhao Xun's guidance is also quite serious.

In many cases, the standardization of movements is really very important, otherwise, the final result will be quite poor.


"Brother Mingyun, don't worry, I've written down everything you said. I will definitely be able to do these moves well."

"Hahaha, that's good. Wangcai, I can rest assured that you will handle things."

Zhao Xun is really very relieved about Wangcai.

The current performance of Wangcai is relatively reliable.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Wangcai, you can take a rest after swimming back and forth a few times. Don't tire yourself out. Pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

"Hahaha, okay, okay. I'll come up after one more round trip."

"Don't wait, Wangcai, you are really talented in swimming. I still remember that when I first learned to swim, I was directly kicked off by the master."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, Wangcai stared at him in disbelief.

"Kick down?"

"That's right. I learned it immediately after I kicked it down, so there are not so many things to say. It is normal for people to learn the skills of survival when they are facing extreme threats. Something happened."

"tsk tsk"

Wangcai was shocked for a moment.

In his opinion, Zhao Xun's learning process is quite powerful.

After such a comparison, Wangcai felt that he was much happier when he was learning to swim.Being able to maintain such a happy state, then he has nothing to complain about.

Just enjoy the process beautifully.

"Come on, Wangcai, iced milk tea."

Zhao Xun handed Wangcai a cup of iced milk tea, which was regarded as a reward for his serious training.

To some extent, Wangcai's performance has indeed exceeded his expectations.

"Haha, thank you Brother Mingyun."

Wangcai took the milk tea from Zhao Xun's hand without hesitation, and then began to drink it in big gulps.

It's really fragrant.

After a person has gone through a great consumption, he can at least need to replenish energy for a long period of time.

And milk tea, a high-calorie drink, can indeed supplement the energy needed by Wangcai to a considerable extent.

Zhao Xun actually paid close attention to these details.Therefore, those who train under his hands will not feel too bitter, and they will feel that everything is very reasonable.

Wangcai is no exception at this time.

"Hahaha Brother Mingyun has a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"You say it."

Wangcai half-raised his chin and said, "Isn't there a rerun of the Liyuan Tour recently? The result is that the market is not so good. Such a good market must be due to your good script writing. Such a good script , It would be a pity if you don’t continue to write. So you’d better continue to write.”

"Is Dou E wronged?"

At this moment, Zhao Xun was dumbfounded.

good guy.
"Yes, what else can it be if it's not Dou Eyuan? Dou Eyuan is too popular. I really didn't expect it in this respect. But since it's popular now, we naturally have to make good use of it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity."

"So you mean, next I have to do infinite nesting dolls, and continue to write infinitely?"

"Oh, it doesn't make sense."

At this moment, Wangcai spread his hands and said, "I mean, as long as you can keep writing the play, it's fine. As for how to write and what to write, that's your right. So, I won't interfere. .”

Zhao Xun wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this.

Good guy, if you say this, it means you didn't say it.

What to write and how to write it is indeed Zhao Xun's own right.

But the problem is that Zhao Xun really can't think of any other way to keep writing, other than infinite matryoshka.

He is really too difficult.

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt a lot of pressure.

If you want to relieve this pressure, you must complete a new book.

If you keep writing a book, that person may really get tired.

And once there is this so-called sense of fatigue, basically there will be no good creative inspiration, and there will be no good state.

To create this kind of thing, you must pay attention to the state.

Zhao Xun can be said to be quite concerned about this.

After keeping it well, you will be able to create high-quality works for a long period of time.

Through such a long time of hard work, Zhao Xun has summed up a whole set of rules.

These rules can be said to be quite easy to use.

"Okay, then I'll take a look."

Zhao Xun knew that it didn't make any sense to continue to hypocritically deduct details from Wangcai at this time.So I simply agreed directly.

"tsk tsk"

In the Western Regions, inside the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion.

Chief Guardian Liu Lin received a very important piece of news.

The mission to the Western Regions is about to return from Chang'an.

This also means that Jia Xingwen will also return.

Although Jia Xingwen sent back a letter saying that he would stay in Chang'an for a while, but now it seems that it doesn't really matter much.

Didn't the past few months pass by in the blink of an eye?

At this moment, Liu Lin was finally about to welcome Jia Xingwen back again.

Jia Xingwen is currently Liu Lin's favorite person, his confidant.

So after Jia Xingwen came back, Liu Lin also had the confidence to formally confront the rebels from the Western Regions.

The rebels in the Western Regions were actually not that powerful. At the beginning, Liu Lin felt that Master Hui'an was a big hidden danger.

But now it seems that everything is nothing more than that.

"tsk tsk"

Everything is developing according to the plan, so Liu Lin is also very confident that he can sweep the ground and completely eradicate the scourge of the rebels in the Western Regions.

Chang'an City, East Palace.

Prince Li Xiankun obviously felt the tremendous pressure.

The pressure comes from King Qi, but it's not just from King Qi.

Because Prince Li Xiankun knew very well that behind King Qi was his father.

If there is no father's instruction, even if he lent King Qi ten guts, King Qi would not dare to yell at the princelings so arrogantly.

In any case, the crown prince occupies the position of a crown prince, and the crown prince is also the foundation of the country.

In contrast, King Qi is a minister.

How could the minister become tough in front of the king?
The only possibility is that Emperor Xianlong gave him a certain promise.

King Qi stiffened immediately after he got the promise.

It's different to have a backing.

After having a backer, King Qi can completely let go of his hands and feet and order his subordinates to start attacking the princelings.

Prince Li Xiankun once concluded that the attacks on the princelings during this period were basically from the King Qi faction.

King Qi really got into a fight with him.

Of course Prince Li Xiankun was very angry in his heart, but also extremely cold.

But he knew that this was just the beginning, and there would definitely be a fight in the future.

After King Qi had the support of his father and emperor, his attack on the princelings was quite brutal.

"tsk tsk"

"Actually, there's nothing terrible about it. Although the King Qi Party looks vicious, it didn't actually catch me. Since he doesn't have any solid evidence in his hands, I don't have to worry about it at all."

Prince Li Xiankun knew that he must be as calm as possible at such a time.

It's not going to do any good to panic at this point.

Although the overall arrogance of the princelings has been suppressed, they still have the basics.As long as there is a basic disk, the prince will not have any panic.

At present, King Qi can only disgust the prince, but the prince doesn't care.

He has been disgusted for almost 30 years, is there more time?
Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity, the prince will definitely do his best to return it to King Qi double.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, the prince already had a good plan in his heart.

The main reason is that the effect of Prince Li Xiankun's bitter trick this time is quite good.

After such a good effect, the prince will definitely do the same and reproduce everything as much as possible.

He will not have any fear of King Shang Qi or even any prince.

If bitter tricks are used, the civil and military forces of the whole dynasty will fall to his side, and they will only follow his lead.

The influence of Donggong is so powerful.As long as he behaves a little bit badly, as long as he shows weakness a little bit, then the courtiers of this vote will come forward to charge for the prince one after another.

So the prince will not have any panic at all.He thinks that up until now everything has been under his control.

So as long as he can perform normally, everything will proceed according to his arrangement.

King Qi, just wash your neck and wait to die.



The high priest of the Demon Sect saw the darkness and scarlet at the same time!
In his opinion, the two things are almost the same.

Many times people have this kind of affection, but in the eyes of the high priest of the Demon Sect, it is completely unnecessary.

If you can always have the awe of the dark and the scarlet, then you will be able to become a perfect believer in the dark.

The high priest of the Demon Sect believes that good things are coming, and the God of Darkness is about to come!

They have made so much effort before, so much struggle, in fact, they are all waiting for this day.

As long as he waited until this day, it was time for them to stand up.

If you want to stand up, you still have to rely on the God of Darkness.

The God of Darkness can provide quite a lot, including bestowing life and death.

There is no small matter between life and death, and only by handling these things well can the tasks entrusted by the God of Darkness be better completed.

The God of Darkness is not a product that only appears at a special moment.

As long as you believe in darkness, the God of Darkness may come at any time.

As long as you believe in the darkness, the God of Darkness may help them at any time.

Earlier, the High Priest of the Demon Sect had successfully summoned ferocious beasts and Zerg, which was a key step in summoning the God of Darkness.

This crucial step requires much more effort before it can be taken.

Although the high priest of the Demon Sect has made a lot of efforts, it is not enough so far.

tsk tsk...

"That touch of scarlet began to jump and flicker again."

The scarlet flicker had stopped for some time before, so the high priest of the Demon Sect was quite excited to restart it now.

He knew there was a significant connection to all this, but so far he hadn't found the pattern.

But the High Priest of the Demon Sect didn't think there was any problem.

In his opinion, as long as there is enough time, it is quite simple to find out the rules.

Even if there are laws about the God of Darkness.

The scarlet jump will give everyone a throbbing feeling for a long time.

At a certain moment, people can clearly feel the huge impact.


The high priest of the Demon Sect knew that at this time, he only needed to maintain it.

Neither Wu Aolis nor Jeffron will actually have much impact on the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Everything is actually predestined, especially for the believers of the God of Darkness.It is absolutely impossible and impossible to escape.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So when will the God of Darkness come?"

At this moment, the High Priest of the Demon Sect was extremely looking forward to it.




With a loud noise, the artillery of the dwarves directly blasted a boulder.

Zhao Xun was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Although he knows that the dwarves are good at firearms, whether it is firecrackers or artillery, they are all very superb.

But the problem is that for now, he hasn't seen the bombardment of the dwarven artillery with his own eyes.

This was the first time he saw it with his own eyes, and he was really shocked.

You must know that the dwarf cannons are different from ordinary cannons. The dwarf cannons are enchanted.

The power of the magic-wrapped artillery can be described as extremely huge.

Basically, a boulder can be crushed with one shot.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

For a while, Zhao Xun praised: "It's wonderful. This artillery is so powerful, I really didn't expect it."

"Actually it's fine."

Jaylin seemed to have gotten used to it long ago, and spread his hands together.

"Haha, in my opinion, it is already quite powerful."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I think with this, defending Zhongnan Mountain should not be too easy. Of course, if you go out to chase, the artillery is really not very easy to carry."

Zhao Xun still has a very clear understanding of the pros and cons of firearms.

In his opinion, the effect of the dwarves for guarding the house is quite good.

As long as it can be stabilized without waves, it is basically impossible for the Corruptor to fight in.

Of course, if the Shadow Clan came, it would be a different matter.

But if it's just ferocious beasts and Zerg, it doesn't actually pose too much risk to the academy alliance.

Risk is something that exists all the time.The key is how to maintain a certain security model.

If you can effectively deal with risks when facing risks, there will be no problems.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Speaking of which, the Corruptor has not attacked for a long time. I don't know what they are doing during this time. If everything can be traced back, I really want to follow them to take a good look. At least so far , we should enjoy the joy of these victories beautifully."

There is nothing wrong with what Zhao Xun said.At least so far they are indeed victors.

Maintaining a victorious posture helps them maintain a considerable degree of confidence.

Confidence is a very important thing in some places.

Once you have confidence, everything becomes easy.

"Okay, go ahead, I'll go elsewhere."

Zhao Xun felt that it was necessary for him to come out to make inspections every once in a while.

Because in this way, he can maintain a good relationship with the members of the academy alliance.

Relationships are really learned.

If you can have a good relationship, many things will become easier.On the contrary, if the relationship is not good, it may be hindered everywhere.

This is especially evident in the same league.

So for Zhao Xun, the next step is basically to take care of all the alliance members.

This is not an easy matter, after all, there are too many members of the academy alliance.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this moment, the next place Zhao Xun decided to go to was the human camp.



Terran Prince Harry Botsman is drinking tea.

After coming to Da Zhou World, Prince Harry Portsman developed a habit of drinking tea.

Drinking tea can make him feel happy physically and mentally, and it can make him feel extremely comfortable.

It's so comfortable.

After taking a sip of hot tea, I felt a very wonderful feeling after the hot tea was poured into my mouth.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The Terran Prince Harry Botsman has tasted so many teas and already has a whole set of tea tasting system.

Among them, his favorite drink is green tea, because green tea is refreshing.Followed by white tea.

The taste of white tea is slightly different from that of green tea, but it does give people a completely different taste to a certain extent.

As for the taste of black tea is completely different.

Black tea can make people feel very sweaty from the very beginning.

The feeling of warming up the body really makes people feel very at ease.

Yes, very solid.

Prince Harry Portsman is not a hypocritical person, but he does feel that way after tasting black tea.

This is a beautiful happiness.

At a certain moment, Prince Harry Portsman even wanted to stay in the world of Da Zhou forever.

This feeling will make people completely relaxed.

That sense of security made Prince Harry Portsman nostalgic even more.

so good.

"Your Highness, Zhao Xun is here."

The appearance of Baron Goose broke the beautiful moment of Prince Harry Botsman sipping tea alone.

At this moment, Baron Guos's voice was very soft, without any sense of error or omission at all.

"Huh? Zhao Xun is here?"

Prince Harry Portesman was still very surprised when he heard this.

Because Zhao Xun has indeed not been to the Human Race camp for quite a long time.

The human camp has always been in a state of tranquility.

"Huh... let's meet then. It just so happens that the prince misses him a little too."

I have to say that Prince Harry Portsman misses Zhao Xun very much.

The time spent with Zhao Xun will make people feel very comfortable.

Soon Zhao Xun appeared in front of Prince Harry Portsman.

Zhao Xun stretched out his arms and said with a smile: "Haha, Your Highness, long time no see, I miss you very much."

He really hasn't seen Prince Harry Portesman in days.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really felt a sense of yearning.

Being able to be with Prince Harry Portsman all the time, Zhao Xun can completely relax.

It has to be said that although Harry Portsman is the crown prince of the Casper Kingdom, his emotional intelligence is quite high, and he doesn't feel that inferior at all.

When someone with a higher EQ than you is with you, there is absolutely no possibility of making you feel uncomfortable.

"It's been a while indeed."

Prince Harry Portesman smiled lightly and said, "Let's enjoy a wonderful afternoon tea next."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Your Highness, you are really used to this kind of life now. Now if you say that you are a big Zhou person, I wouldn't find it strange at all."


At this moment, Prince Harry Portesman showed an awkward but polite smile.

At that moment, Zhao Xun actually felt a little embarrassed.

And the best way to relieve embarrassment is to drink tea directly.

Zhao Xun picked up the teacup and drank it down without hesitation.

"Yeah, the taste is really good."

"Tsk tsk tsk, yes."

"I also like the taste of this green tea the most. After drinking it once, I can't forget it."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

A prince from a foreign land likes to drink tea from the Central Plains so much, this persona is really interesting.

"Quack quack, yes. It's just so interesting a lot of times."

"I didn't like drinking tea that much at the beginning. But now I really like it more and more. Drinking tea can give people a completely different feeling. It's like the feeling when soaking in a hot spring The same. After coming to Dazhou, I am most satisfied with these two points.”


Zhao Xun felt helpless for a while.

"Well, there are indeed quite a few similarities between the two."

When you drink tea, you sweat from the inside out.

And when you soak in hot springs, you sweat from the outside in.

Two completely different feelings will make people feel a little confused for a while.

But there is nothing wrong with saying that the two have similar feelings.

"It seems that His Royal Highness has adapted to life in the Central Plains."

"Yeah, the world of Dazhou is like a gentle town, which can make people feel comfortable. And if a person stays in the comfort zone for too long, basically he will not have any thoughts of getting out of the circle. .”

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

For a moment, Zhao Xun really felt that he quite agreed with this point of view.

Because sometimes he also has the feeling of being in his comfort zone.

After staying in the comfort zone for a long time, I really don't want to leave.

"If you like it, you can stay in the Great Week World as long as possible. I think the Great Week World is quite suitable for you."

"is it?"

Prince Harry Portsman narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile: "If that's the case, it's really quite interesting."


"His Royal Highness hasn't been walking around during this time?"


His Royal Highness Prince Harry Botsman shook his head and said: "So now I basically stay in Zhongnanshan. It is indeed quite comfortable to stay in Zhongnanshan. It is a very comfortable feeling. I can't even move No idea."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhao Xun felt desperate for a while.

It's really a must.

"Come on, let's go for a walk together. It doesn't matter if we are in Zhongnan Mountain."

Zhao Xun's main reason for coming this time is to be able to make good contact with the major tribes.

As long as the relationship is in place, there will basically be no problems.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."


Prince Harry Portesman doesn't see a problem going for a walk together.

Since Zhao Xun wants it, go for it.

Zhongnan Mountain can be said to be a place of beauty.

This does not refer specifically to the academy, but to everything.

It's just that the scenery in the academy is better.

So for Zhao Xun, he can still clearly feel that kind of contentment when wandering in the Zhongnan Mountain area.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Looking at the moment, the Corruptor has already retreated. But I don't know when the Corruptor will come back. So we still have to plan for the best and the worst."


Hearing what Zhao Xun said, Prince Harry Portsman basically understood what it meant.

"So what preparations and arrangements does His Royal Highness have?"

"What preparations and arrangements? In my prince's opinion, it is natural to make preparations. It is best to lay out the magic and defense array first. If you can do this step well, then you can actually get the bottom line. "

Prince Harry Botsman said with a chuckle: "Of course, this alone is not enough. The members of the Paladins must be mobilized. As long as the Paladins can gather together, it will be a huge blow to the Corruptor."

"Tsk tsk tsk, yes. The Paladins can be said to be against the Corruptor. In many cases, the Corruptor can be said to have a huge deterrent effect on the Paladins. So as long as they fight, they can basically show their full strength." effect."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Yes. The head of the Paladins, Baron Guos, is quite reliable. The paladins he leads trust him very much. So as long as it is his order, it can be well implemented and implemented. That's it. Once we come here, we don’t have to worry about being stolen by the Corruptor.”

"Well... and witches can be used if they can."



Conversations with Prince Harry Portsman are always so lighthearted.

After that, Zhao Xun went directly to the camp of the elves to catch up with the elf king Odysseyka.

Among the leaders of the Allen Lore tribe, the Elf King Odysseyka feels quite lonely.

That lonely feeling will make Zhao Xun feel a little uncomfortable for a long time.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Long time no see, Elf King."

"Hahaha yes. How long ago did we last meet? Half a month ago or a month ago?"

"It should be a month?"

Zhao Xun spread his hands and smiled wryly.

The current situation is generally quite complicated.

Zhao Xun needs to constantly shuttle between different tribes, and do a good job in the role of liaison.

Only by connecting well can we ensure that everything goes smoothly.

No tribe can be ignored, and if any tribe is neglected, there may be a rift.

Once a crack is formed, it is difficult to recover.

"The days are very peaceful these days. But we still can't be careless, because we may encounter the onslaught of the Corruptor at any time and anywhere. I expected that the Corruptor is very likely to come back. As long as the Corruptor can kill again When we come back, we must be ready for a big battle at any time.”

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"The Corruptors dare to come back! Didn't we scare them last time?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Zhao Xun laughed loudly and said, "Tsk tsk tsk... They might have been really scared when they ran away. But now it seems that they didn't hurt them completely. So there is still a possibility of the Corruptor coming back, and it is very high. I I feel that they are now in the brewing stage. So we must always be prepared, and we must not let them catch the flaw easily."

"Tsk tsk tsk, if you put it this way, you should actually be ready for the battle. The existence of the Corruptor has always been a threat. It's just that the time is different."

"The threat that the Corruptor poses to us is different at different times. I think the threat of the Corruptor will be even greater when it strikes again after brewing for a while."


"Don't be afraid. If the Corruptor really dares to show up, hit him hard. Our archers are not vegetarians, and they can shoot the Corruptor into a pig's head in an instant."

"Haha, that's what I was waiting for."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Okay, with the archers, we can hold our line for quite a long time."

"Yes, basically there is no need to worry about this anymore. If the Corruptors dare to invade, they must be prepared to be beaten by us. And not only us, but also other tribes."

"Well, I feel more at ease when you say that. Corruptors are really not that scary. As long as everyone can unite as one, then there is nothing to worry about."



There has never been any problem between Zhao Xun and Luo Lun.

At this moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel the joy from Luo Lun's excitement.

"Lauren, do you want to ride a dragon for a walk?"


"Why do you want to ride a dragon out?"

"Because it looks cool."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I think you want to see where the Corruptor is?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Lauren also knows me."

Zhao Xun smiled and said: "The time for the Corruptor to disappear is indeed too long. I really want to see where the Corruptor is. If we can't figure this out, we may be attacked at any time."

Zhao Xun's attitude is quite clear.

The location of the Corruptor must be well determined, only by determining their location can they take the initiative in the next duel.

Mastering the initiative is indeed quite key in top-level duels.

As long as you master this point, basically there will be no serious problems.

"Well, since you want to go so much, I have to accompany you no matter what."

Lauren smiled and said, "Shall we go directly next?"

"Of course we set off directly."

Zhao Xun smiled lightly.

"Teach without discrimination."

Zhao Xun read a formula, and then summoned Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong from the chessboard space.

After Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong came out, he immediately snorted excitedly, and then rubbed his head with Zhao Xun excitedly.

I have to say that the relationship between Zhao Xun and Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong is quite good.

Such a good relationship is indeed very rare.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's ok, Pippi shrimp, it's ok..."

Zhao Xun felt a little helpless being rubbed by Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong, so he patted it on the back lightly.

Bai Jiaolong had a spirit and immediately stopped.

Zhao Xun jumped lightly without hesitation, and jumped onto the back of Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong.

For him, this can be said to be another attempt after a long time.

Both he and Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong were quite excited.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I really have some small expectations."

Roren on the side also jumped onto the back of the great black dragon of Deathwing.

"let's go!"

Both sides were extremely excited, and for a while, both dragons flew together.

Such grand sights are indeed reassuring.



The feeling of flying in the sky is very pleasant.

At a certain moment, Zhao Xun even felt a spring breeze blowing on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Lauren, let's look south first. Corruptors should be gathered in the southern area."

Zhao Xun's judgment was not completely unreasonable.

Because the Corruptors were scattered all the way south after the Zhongnanshan War.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It should be. I also think that the Corruptors should actually gather in the southern area."

"Well, this time we have to find out what happened no matter what."



Jiangnan Road, Jiangzhou City.

The most dangerous time is often when everyone gathers together.

Because gathering will make people relax their vigilance.

The monster sneaked into Jiangzhou City, of course it took a disguised form.

So to the monsters, they didn't really expose themselves.


A monster turned into an old man.He looked around very vigilantly, and continued to move forward after confirming that there was no threat.

Beside him are other monsters.

"Everyone, be careful, and be careful not to be discovered. Our mission is to save our companion. Of course, if we can't do it... let's end him."

"At least he won't be in pain after finishing him."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Yes, so we must carefully judge all threats."

"I heard that there is a very powerful practitioner in Jiangzhou City?"

"Yes, this cultivator is said to be from an academy and is quite powerful."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"This person is called Yao Yan, and he is in the first-rank Dzogchen realm."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"So he can detect our existence?"

"Can you?"

At this moment, the monsters seemed quite unconfident.

For them it means a big battle is coming.

It is unrealistic to completely bypass Yao Yan and rescue the monster companions. After all, Yao Yan's perception is quite strong, and he can detect any trouble.

At present, Yao Yan is still in the city.

So they had to be more cautious and try not to disturb Yao Yan.



Monsters have entered the city!
Yao Yan felt a strong evil spirit!

His feelings are never wrong, and at that moment his blood boiled.

Finally let him wait.

These monsters have been hiding for so long, and finally they can't hold back anymore.

It seems that Yao Yan's strategy of creating a bait to lure other monsters to take the bait is very reliable.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Next, they should definitely get close to this imprisoned monster."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

For a moment Yao Yan became vigilant.

He knew that at this time, there must be no slack in the slightest, and he had to warm himself up.

As long as he gets hot, he will be able to feel the approach of the monster in the next period of time.

Even at a short distance, Yao Yan can still distinguish the movement of the monster.

Yao Yan can judge the speed of the movement.

So for him, this is just a matter of hooking his fingers and moving his ears.


Then just wait for the monsters to come to your door.



"Is Yao Jianxian really reliable?"

"Of course. Governor Song, don't worry. There will never be any problems with my judgment. So as long as we can wait honestly and don't move around, we will definitely be able to wait until the monster arrives."

"It's just that you must be able to distinguish monsters?"

"Well, monsters have a monster's aura. So as long as monsters come and go, we will definitely be able to detect them. Even if they change their appearance or even turn into a human form, it doesn't have much effect."

"With Yao Jianxian's words, I feel relieved."

Song Changheng nodded and said, "There shouldn't be many monsters sneaking into the city this time, right?"

"Of course, I can detect it if there are a lot of them. So it's not unusual."


"That's good, that's good. After this time, we should be able to capture and kill more monsters. This will be of great benefit to our next arrangement. I never thought that monsters would flood in at once. According to the official, the next thing to do is to cooperate with Yao Jianxian as much as possible to gradually eliminate the influence of monsters."

"Well, the process may be slower, but it must be able to see this day. I am very confident about it."

Yao Yan clenched his fist and said.



In the Western Regions, Master Hui'an knew that he had to make a big move next.

If you want to break the balance, you must dare to be ruthless.

At this time, Master Hui'an was able to clearly realize that the biggest trouble for him was the big formation.

That large formation can restrain Master Hui'an's hands and feet to the greatest extent.

"It looks like witchcraft is going to be used."

The so-called witchcraft is a rather terrifying western magic.

It can use the resentment of the undead to dissipate the magic circle.

At first glance, this looks like fighting each other.

tsk tsk...

But Master Hui'an had no choice.If he doesn't, the stakes are even higher.

As long as he gets close to the big formation of the Protectorate's Mansion, he will be restricted by the prohibition, so he will face a terrible fall.

Although it is only a temporary fall, the impact is not insignificant.

Because during this period of time, Master Hui'an had to face a large number of high-level practitioners alone.

There must be these high-level practitioners in the Anxi Protectorate.

Originally, Master Hui'an's cultivation level had a certain advantage over them, but once he fell into the realm, that advantage disappeared in an instant.

It is impossible for Master Hui'an to endure this kind of thing, he must not accept this!
So even if this old life is at stake, Master Hui'an will find a way to dissipate the prohibition of this large formation.

It's just that witchcraft has a backlash effect, and Master Hui'an didn't want to try it until the critical moment.

Once you try it, there is no going back.

Once you try it, you must follow the established routine.

But even so, Master Hui'an had to give it a go.



Chang'an City, East Palace.

"It's unreasonable, it really is unreasonable. King Qi has really been bullying too much recently! Does he think Gu is so easy to bully?"

For a moment, the prince immediately threw everything on the table out of his head.

"Your Highness, calm down."

The little eunuch beside him said very carefully.

"Hmph, King Qi is just pulling a tiger's skin to make a big banner."

Prince Li Xiankun threw out a sentence very angrily: "Gu must let him know that even if the emperor is optimistic about him, Gu will not give him any chance. It is wishful thinking to compete with Gu for the position of crown prince!"

Prince Li Xiankun was indeed panicked.

After all, at this moment, the entire princeling party was besieged by the Qi royal party.

King Qi's reckless behavior made the princelings quite panic.

If the prince cannot stand up and express his position at this time, these princelings may really panic.

"Let Gu think about it, let Gu think about it..."

At this moment, Prince Li Xiankun started pacing with his hands behind his back.

There was silence in the hall.

Prince Li Xiankun could even hear his own breathing and heartbeat.

At a certain moment, Prince Li Xiankun thought of a wonderful method.

"Yes, yes!"

At this moment, Prince Li Xiankun felt ecstasy in his heart.

"Once this plan is worked out, then the arrogance of the King Qi's party can be perfectly attacked. There is no need to worry about King Qi stepping on Gu's body to do his best."

Prince Li Xiankun is really very excited now.

Because this move is not just aimed at King Qi, but it can kill two birds with one stone, successfully disgusting the father.

So in this way, the prince can fully gain the upper hand in this battle and can successfully complete a counterattack.

Although he cried poor and weak at the beginning, but it must be Li Xiankun who laughs at the end, it must be his East Palace!
Father, you will definitely regret it.

King Qi, you just wait to die.



(End of this chapter)

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