Chapter 471
One life two, two beget three, three beget all things.

The powerful strength of the three swords in one is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Of course, the demon emperor Brigud didn't understand either.

So when Yao Yan manipulated such a huge sword with three swords in one, he came to the demon emperor Brigu, instead of showing any fear, he opened his bloody mouth to kill Yao Yan. Swallow it in one gulp.

In fact, this was exactly what Yao Yan wanted to see the most.

Because Yao Yan knew very well that this meant that he had a chance to kill the monster with one blow.

This is an opportunity to put yourself in danger.

But precisely because he put himself in a dangerous situation, Yao Yan has more possibilities in the future.

Yao Yan then made a decision that shocked everyone. He went straight into the belly of the monster.

At this moment, Yao Yan got into the monster's stomach, and then began to use the giant sword with three swords in one to stab the weak inner wall of the monster's abdomen.

Soon a bloody hole was poked out.

Compared with the scale-covered skin, the stomach of the Demon Emperor Brigu is much more fragile.

After Yao Yan tasted the sweetness, he continued to poke.

In this way, after the continuous jabs, the stomach of Demon Emperor Brigu was already riddled with holes.

For Demon Emperor Brigu, this is definitely a huge challenge.

Because he has never faced such a situation.

How do you face when the enemy is in your stomach?
At this moment, Demon Emperor Briggu felt a sense of bewilderment.

He was really at a loss.

At this moment, the demon emperor Brigu was numb.

At such a stage, the demon emperor Brigud really didn't know what he could do. He was just twisting his body desperately according to his instincts, turning his body desperately, trying to throw Yao Yan away directly by inertia.

But this is obviously invalid, and it is obviously useless.

At this moment, all the demon emperor Brigu could feel was pain.

Endless pain.

Because Yao Yan is not just in his stomach, but to cause pain to the demon emperor Brigu as much as possible.

The more pain the demon emperor Brigu felt, the more he would suffer next.

Constantly feeling the accumulation of pain, constantly feeling the heart-piercing feeling.

This is really a heart-piercing feeling.

Yao Yan became more and more excited, and after he tasted the sweetness, he began to shuttle more quickly in the stomach of the monster.

At the beginning, it attacked the abdomen and stomach of the monster, and then began to attack the heart of the monster.

When Yao Yan pierced the giant sword into the heart of Demon Emperor Brigu, he could clearly feel the violent explosion.

The bursting feeling was so strong that even Yao Yan was taken aback.

Then Yao Yan heard a loud bang, and the entire body of the Demon Emperor Brigu began to explode.

Fragments burst apart one by one, and Yao Yan was able to see the light of day again.

When Yao Yan stepped out of the blood mist, he felt a different kind of coldness.

Yao Yan was indeed too tired, this battle almost exhausted all his strength.

At the beginning, Yao Yan hoped to fight a blitz and end the battle as quickly as possible.

But after playing Yao Yan, he found that it was not that simple, and it turned into a tug-of-war, a fierce battle.

Fortunately, in the end Yao Yan still seized the opportunity, he did not hesitate to risk himself, and finally killed the demon emperor Brig.

At this point, the battle is over.

The end of the battle ended with Yao Yan beheading some lonely monsters.

In fact, the moment the demon emperor Brigu died in battle, basically the monsters were already scattered.

When the demon emperor Brigu was killed, they lost their backbone.

In this case, if you don't escape in time, it will be a dead end.

No one wants to face Yao Yan who is like a monster at such a time.

How could the people who could kill the Demon Emperor be provoked by these shrimp soldiers and crab generals?

The death of the demon emperor Brigu gave all the monsters a heavy blow.

All monsters understand that their era is over and their glory is over.

If they take advantage of this opportunity to escape desperately, they may still have a chance.

If they can't escape in time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After all, not everyone can withstand such tremendous pressure.

Facing an enemy who is obviously invincible and still not running away, the pressure is really not ordinary.

The difference between monsters and humans is that monsters act on instinct.

When it is obvious that the situation is not right, the best way is to flee as soon as possible.

Yao Yan also seemed to have more than enough energy for this.

Of course, he also hopes to kill all the monsters as much as possible.

As the so-called wild fire burns endlessly, spring breeze blows and regenerates.

So there really can't be any mercy at this time.

But the problem is that the speed of the monsters fleeing is too fast, and they are fleeing in different directions in all directions.

So in this situation, even if Yao Yan wanted to chase the monsters as much as possible, it was almost impossible to achieve.

He finally returned to Jiangzhou City, and came before Song Changheng, the governor of Jiangzhou.

At this moment, Governor Song was really excited, so excited that he was even speechless for a moment.

"Miaozai, Miaozai. The governor really didn't expect this battle to last so long. But Yao Jianxian can be regarded as a breath of anger for us. These monsters are really abominable. Once the demon emperor dies, they will all die." It’s just like a cowardly softie, I no longer have the previous arrogance. It’s really a relief, it’s really enjoyable.”

If he hadn't been wearing this crimson official robe, Governor Song would have jumped to celebrate at this moment.

However, due to his current image as an official, Governor Song still needs to be able to show some so-called stability.

As for Yao Yan, he really didn't care about these so-called details.

After all, for him, being able to control his emotions stably is a very good thing in many cases.

"Hahaha, once the Demon Emperor dies, within a short period of time, the monsters will not dare to commit crimes again."

Yao Yan was actually quite relieved.After all, the enmity between him and the monster has a long history.

It is really indescribable to be able to explosively clear the hatred after accumulating for so long.

"Hahaha, so, in many cases, emotions need to be safely controlled. Only by controlling emotions can you defeat your opponent."

At this moment, Yao Yan started to summarize.

"Come, come, come tonight, I must hold a banquet to celebrate Yao Jianxian's achievements."

Song Inspector said happily.

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

The chess game between Shanzhang and Daoist Qinglian finally came to an end.

This game of chess can be said to be very stalemate, the two sides strangled each other until the middle of the game, it can be said that every piece must be fought and every piece must be captured.

But in the end, the head of the mountain still won the opponent with a slight advantage of half a son.

"Look, the old man still won."

"Shan Zhang, this game of chess, the poor are not convinced."

After losing this game of chess with such a slight disadvantage, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi must not be convinced in his heart.

"Let's talk about it, if Pindao goes here in the end, then the winner will be Pindao."

"Ahaha, Daoist Qinglian, I would like to admit defeat. You can't regret the game."

"Where do I want to regret the game, that's what I said."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi seemed quite unwilling.

All this happened to him can be said to be quite helpless.

But helpless so what.

If you lose, you lose, and if you lose, there is nothing to say.

If you still talk nonsense if you lose, and if you still don't accept it after losing, then you can't afford to lose.

Daoist Qinglian is obviously not the kind of person who can't afford to lose.

The big deal is that if I have a chance to play a game of chess with Shan Zhang again, I just want to win it back.

At this moment, a treasured sword suddenly flew out of the sky.

This sword is naturally Qinglian Sword.

Qinglian's sword came up from the sky, and at that moment, a look of joy flashed across Qinglian's brows.

"I won, it seems that Yao Yan has won."

There is sword energy on the sword, and top swordsmen can read the scene of the battle they just experienced from the sword.

Not to mention the wielder of the sword.Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi only took a quick glance and knew that Yao Yan had won.


The head of the mountain was slightly taken aback.

"So soon?"

"Yes, it's still relatively fast. In fact, Pindao didn't expect it to be so fast. Now it seems that Yao Yan's performance is much better than we imagined."

"This demon emperor can't help but fight too much. After all, he is a rank one, so he was killed by Yao Yan?"

"Well, Yao Yan is also known to be invincible below the super-rank. One rank against one rank, he is basically a sure winner. It is nothing more than a matter of time. But it is indeed a bit fast."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The head of the mountain gently stroked his beard and said with a leisurely smile: "It's wonderful. From the old man's point of view, it's a sign that Yao Yan is about to break through. It's really true that he can kill the monster so quickly and neatly." It's not easy for ordinary people to do it. Yao Yan's performance is so sharp, it's really gratifying. If he can quickly break through the first rank and reach the super rank realm, then there will be another super rank in the academy. Qinglian said Long, the pressure is coming to you again."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi curled his lips when he heard the words and said, "I can feel any pressure. Pindao always only compares himself with himself and not with others. Besides, Pindao has just been promoted to the first-rank realm, so it is unlikely in a short time Promoted. So Pindao has a good mentality."


For a while, Shan Changzhi didn't know what to say.

"That's all, what's the point of fighting for these false names? After the old man reached the super-grade, he actually found that the so-called super-grade is nothing more than that, and there is no sense of superiority. In fact, it is the practitioner himself. If he can adjust his mentality, Then no matter what cultivation realm you are in, there is actually no big problem. Anyway, the old man feels that this will not have any impact on the old man's practice."

There is something showy about Shan Chang's words.

After all, he is No.1 in the world, no matter what he says is right.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi curled his lips and said: "Pindao thinks so anyway, it is better to leave these so-called super-level things to young people to do. Isn't that brat already a second-rank soon? With this momentum going on, there is still hope to reach the Super Grade before the age of 30. I don’t know if it is possible to compete with the head of the mountain for the title of the fastest Super Grade.”

Hearing this, Shan Chang's calm facial muscles twitched slightly.

Anyway, it's quite a challenge indeed.

Thinking back when Shanzhang reached the super-grade state when he was 30 years old, he shocked the world for a while.

At that time, this achievement was unprecedented and unprecedented.

Many practitioners can't reach the super-level state throughout their lives, and can only hope for it.

But Shan Chang reached this level at the age of 30.

Thirty and standing.

To be able to possess such a powerful cultivation realm at such a young age is absolutely beyond the imagination of many people.

However, the head of the mountain did not have any arrogance, but a normal heart.

The arrogance of a scholar is reflected in his bones, and he will not show it easily.

Anyway, Shan Chang has kept this record for 20 years, and basically no one can come close.

But now comes the problem.

If Zhao Xun reached the second rank in his early twenties, and hit the first rank in three years in the future, it may not be impossible to reach the super rank before the age of 30.

If Zhao Xun really reached the so-called super-grade realm before the age of 30, wouldn't he break the record set by the mountain chief?

That's really it.
It made Shan Chang feel a little embarrassed.

Although it is said that blue comes from blue and is better than blue.

But the head of the mountain wants this record to be kept by himself, and there is almost no doubt about this.

But if this record must be broken by others, it is obviously best to be broken by Zhao Xun.

In this way, it can be considered that the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders.

"Hahaha, wonderful. If this is the case, then it corresponds to the words that Xiao 72 often talks about."


"The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach."

The head of the mountain said with a wry smile: "Although the old man has never understood what the Yangtze River is, I have to say that it still sounds very reasonable."


Daoist Qinglian was stunned for a moment.

After a long time, he laughed and scolded: "This brat always has so many weird words coming out of his mouth. It makes people confused for a while."

"Yes, but the old man is actually somewhat used to his speaking skills. It has to be said that the disciples that the old man recruits are all eloquent to some extent."

"Haha, this is not your criteria for selecting apprentices, Master Shan. People must be handsome in appearance and nice in speech."

Daoist Qinglian turned on the complaint mode for a while, but couldn't stop at all.

"Cough cough."

Shan Chang coughed twice in embarrassment for a while.

"Actually, it's not completely according to the standard that Daoist Qinglian said. Anyway, the old man chooses people more based on his mood, rather than following the rules. Because the old man thinks that being a human being is the most important thing. It's too boring to blindly follow the rules. A little bit."

"Well, it makes sense and makes sense. So what do you decide to have for dinner tonight, Master Shan?"

"It depends on what little 72 does. Anyway, no matter what he cooks, it's delicious. We'll just wait."

In the bamboo grove, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother who was gridding bamboo, suddenly noticed a flying sword coming through the air.

He took a closer look and found that it was his burial sword.

The Buried Flower Sword flew back on its own initiative, which could only show one thing, that is, the person who borrowed the sword just now had already finished the fight.

"Hahaha, it seems that Yao Jianxian should have won."

Long Qingquan quickly read a lot of key information from the sword energy of the Buried Flower Sword, and explained to Zhao Xun who was beside him.

"So fast? You won so quickly?"

"Isn't it too soon? Junior brother, do you want Yao Jianxian to experience a long and fierce battle?"

Long Qingquan rolled his eyes and said: "I think the sooner the battle can be resolved, the better. Now this speed is naturally the best. As long as the demon emperor is killed, I think they can almost return to the academy. Because the monsters have no leader, short It is unlikely that there will be any big storms in a short period of time. What we need next is immediate combat power. Yao Jianxian, Senior Sister, and Second Senior Sister are all very good helpers. If they can return immediately at this time, it will indeed be quite long. It can help us solve the problem for a period of time."

"Well, it would be best if they could come back. Anyway, the threat of the Corruptor still exists. If we can quickly resolve the battle, then our pressure will be much less. It's a pity, Jia Brother still has to leave. Although he will stay in Zhongnanshan for a few more months, he still has to go."

When Zhao Xun thought of this, he felt very emotional.

After all, for Brother Jia, returning to Anxi is a must.

So no matter what, returning is a must.

It's only a matter of time.

It would be great if he could stay with Zhao Xun for a few more months.

Having said that, Zhao Xun still felt a lot of pressure when this day really came and had to face it.

"Little brother, don't think too much about it. Jia Xingwen will only be able to display his talent after returning to Anxi, and then he will be able to use his skills. It would be unfair to him if he stays with you in Zhongnan Mountain and Haoran Academy all the time. .”


Zhao Xun also understood this truth, but it was a bit difficult to accept emotionally at the beginning.

When you really get used to it, you will find that there is actually nothing.

After all, didn't he also come over the year when Brother Jia was away?

"Well, I will bid farewell to Brother Jia at that time. After all, it is really difficult for us to get together again in a short time after this farewell. I really hope to say goodbye to Brother Jia."

"Haha, your sentimental appearance makes me not know what to say for a while."

The third brother Long Qingquan spread his hands and said, "Forget it, I won't say any more and I'll give you a period of time to relax. By the way, the best way to relax yourself is to cook. It just so happens that the sky is getting darker." It's time, let's make dinner quickly."


Zhao Xun was very helpless for a while.But after touching his growling stomach, he felt that it was time to cook.

"Okay, let's go and make dinner first."

College kitchenette.

Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan were nervously preparing dishes.

The question of what to eat has always been quite a problem for people.

Even a top chef like Zhao Xun sometimes faces such a test.

Mainly because there are often too many choices.

Once there are too many choices, it is inevitable that there will be confusion.

So Zhao Xun decided what to eat tonight after some deliberation.

That is turkey noodles.

The biggest feature of things like turkey noodles is that they are spicy.

Probably because recently Zhao Xun felt that the taste of the food in the Academy tended to be lighter, and the taste was too bland and needed to be added.

The taste after adding ingredients is obviously more suitable.It can make people experience different feelings in all directions.

It's worth a try.

Sometimes Zhao Xun thinks that the so-called heavy taste should not be emphasized too much.

The taste is just right in moderation.

But it has been dull for a long time and really needs to be stimulated.

So turkey noodles came into being.

The most critical point of the so-called turkey noodles is the preparation of the sauce.

If you can adjust the sauce to the limit, you can really feel the hot and spicy feeling to the maximum.

As for the noodles and side dishes, there is nothing special about them, they are similar to ordinary noodles or even cold noodles.

Zhao Xun entrusted these tasks to the third senior brother Long Qingquan with confidence.

The third brother has been working as a kitchen assistant for so long, so he still has these basic knife skills.

Zhao Xun devoted all his energy to making the sauce.

Because Zhao Xun is very clear that making the sauce is the most critical part.

As long as the sauce can be prepared well, then everything will be smooth.

The success or failure of turkey noodles depends entirely on the sauce. As long as the sauce is the best in the future, it is impossible to overturn the car.

Now Zhao Xun is really too excited.

A good bowl of turkey noodles depends on his shivering.

If the sauce can match the taste, then this turkey noodle will be out of the circle.

In the process of preparing the sauce, Zhao Xun needs to keep himself absolutely focused.

Because only when he is extremely focused, can he feel the changes between the taste buds well, and only when he is absolutely focused, can he feel those subtle taste differences.

Sometimes it is such a small difference that people feel completely different feelings.

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to details. He believes that details can change many things.

Sometimes I feel that the taste is acceptable at first, but gradually I can detect the gap.

Sometimes I feel that the taste is not online at all at first, but after tasting it, I will find that the taste is still very good.

When Zhao Xun is trying, he will try his best to add some extreme flavors into it.

Because turkey noodles are an extreme taste route.

If it weren't for the extreme taste route, the turkey noodles would not be so popular.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun is boldly trying.

He believed that there would never be any problems with his attempts.

As long as you dare to try, you will always be able to experience surprises.

"Little brother, how are you preparing the sauce over there? My side dishes are all ready."

The third brother Long Qingquan quickly prepared the side dishes, and shouted at the top of his voice, "If your side is ready, I'll prepare the next noodles."

"Wait, wait. Brother Third, this is not the time to be in a hurry. I still need some time."

There is nothing wrong with Zhao Xun saying that.

For now, everything seems a little long.

If the sauce can be prepared in the next period of time, then the third senior brother will definitely have no problem ordering noodles at this time.

But if the third senior brother made the noodles too fast and he didn't make the sauce for the turkey noodles in time, then there would indeed be a problem.

Things like sauces are really inspired.

Zhao Xun can't guarantee that the sauce can be prepared in the shortest time.

So in the next period of time, Zhao Xun must work hard to configure as much as possible.

Finally, Zhao Xun prepared a sauce that satisfied him completely.

The sauce of this turkey noodle meets Zhao Xun's needs from every angle, it can be said that it is completely online.

"Next, Third Senior Brother."

Now Zhao Xun is looking forward to the finished product of this turkey noodle.

Well, just wait for the moment when the noodles are ready.

"Oh my little brother, I really doubt whether this noodle will be delicious after all. After all, it is the difference of a sauce. It is so difficult to enhance the taste of the whole noodle simply by relying on a sauce. It's not that big."

"Tsk tsk tsk, third senior brother, don't worry. My arrangement will definitely not go wrong. This noodle will be delicious, you only need to try it once and you will understand."


At this time, Zhao Xun is still confident.

He couldn't make the third brother Long Qingquan understand the same words.

Because after all, the third senior brother has never tasted it before.

The comprehension of those who have tasted it and those who have not tasted it is completely different.

So he could only wait for Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan to taste the turkey noodles before listening to his evaluation.

Not in a hurry anyway.

At this moment, the little fat man Wangcai came over looking for a taste.

Zhao Xun felt very interesting for a while.

"Haha, Wangcai, you really came here in time."

"Huh? It smells so good. I just smell it and I'm sure you guys are cooking. So I must be there at the first time. If I'm late, the day lily will be cold. Couldn't taste anything."

"That's not the case."

Zhao Xun spread his hands helplessly and said, "Even if we lose someone else's, it's impossible for us to lose yours. Wangcai, it's not proper for you to say that."

"Hahaha, brother Mingyun, I was just joking, don't mind."


"Okay, the noodles are about to come out of the pan. Just wait here. When the turkey noodles are ready, I'll let you try the first bowl."

Zhao Xun has always loved Wangcai very much.

Basically, any delicious food will be reserved for Wangcai as soon as possible.

"Hahaha, okay. Then I'll make a few cups of milk tea too, and we'll drink it when we eat noodles later."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that he is a good guy, and Wangcai is reliable.

It is really crucial to have a cup of iced milk tea when eating turkey noodles.

Basically, it can only end up being scorched to death.

I have to say that Wangcai's intuition is quite reliable, and Zhao Xun is already looking forward to this iced milk tea.

"Okay, you can add sauce."

The noodles are out of the pan, now add the sauce and stir.

The whole process is not that complicated and not that hypocritical.

It is exactly the same as dry noodles.

Zhao Xun performed all the operations very skillfully, expressing the essence of the turkey noodle dishes as much as possible.

Every detail at this time needs careful attention.

Every detail may be related to the final success or failure.

Turkey noodles can be regarded as the most extreme of the many dishes that Zhao Xun has tried recently.

If the turkey noodles can be successful, it will play a decisive role in Zhao Xun's many food inventions.

Soon Zhao Xun mixed the noodles and sent them to Wangcai.

"Okay, it's ready to eat. Wangcai, hurry up and try this delicious turkey noodles."

Zhao Xun believes in Wangcai very much, mainly because Wangcai has so much experience in this area.Zhao Xun believes that as long as Wangcai is willing, he will be able to taste the essence of turkey noodles.Of course, in many cases, Zhao Xun still needs to pay more attention to the details.That is to see as many clues as possible from Wangcai's micro expressions.If Wangcai can give a relatively positive evaluation, it proves that Zhao Xun's details in all aspects are quite perfect.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this smell."

After Wangcai only took a sip, a very strange expression appeared on his face.

It's really hard for Zhao Xun to describe this expression.It can only be said that Wangcai's expression is really amazing.

"How about it, Wangcai. Do you think it suits your appetite?"


Wangcai showed distress for a moment and said, "Brother Mingyun, do you want to listen to the truth?"

"Of course, I don't listen to the truth."

"Uh, okay."

Wangcai smiled wryly, "I think this turkey noodle is too spicy."

"Hahahaha, I thought you were going to say something. Spicy, spicy is really normal. If the turkey noodles are not spicy, then it's nothing."

For a while, Zhao Xun's joy blossomed.

"Wangcai, I want to ask if you have any other feelings? For example."

"Like what?"

Wang Cai frowned and asked.

"For example, will this turkey noodle have some special taste that makes you feel unacceptable for a while."

"Well, that's not true."

Wangcai said honestly: "Actually, I have always thought that the taste of this turkey noodles is very strange. Apart from being spicy, it is also slightly sweet. I don't know if it is my illusion. But let alone, this slightly sweet The taste is still very fragrant. So there is no special unacceptable taste you mentioned."


Zhao Xun was very satisfied with the words of prosperity for a while.

It can be said that Wangcai's performance is perfect no matter what the details are.

So all they have to do next is eat up all these leftover turkey noodles.

"What are you waiting for, third brother, let's start cooking."


Seeing this, the third senior brother Long Qingquan showed an embarrassing expression.

"Ming Yun, are you so impatient to start cooking?"

"Why, Wangcai has already said that there is no strange smell."

"I, I think it's better to wait a little longer."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan spread his hands, looking not very confident.

"Some flavors have stamina. I think Wangcai hasn't noticed the stamina yet. Don't worry, let's wait and see."

Good guy, when did third senior brother become so cautious.

Zhao Xun really didn't expect it.

But since the three senior brothers have talked about this, it is not easy for Zhao Xun to refuse directly.

Otherwise, third senior brother would definitely be upset.

In any case, the seniority of the third senior brother is placed there, ranking third in the academy, it is far from what Zhao Xun, a junior 72, can compare.

So Zhao Xun felt that it was better not to touch this bad luck.

"Okay, okay, since the third senior brother said so, then we'll just wait."

The waiting time is not in vain.

At this time, Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan began to drink extremely delicious iced milk tea.

This is a superb drink prepared by Wangcai.

Zhao Xun is quite optimistic.

Of course, the third senior brother Long Qingquan was also tasting the iced milk tea with great appreciation at this moment.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not made by yourself, it is really fragrant.

After tasting it once, Zhao Xun just wants to enjoy this perfect moment beautifully.

The iced milk tea is really delicious, but he can't finish it now, and he can't drink too much.Otherwise, there will be nothing to drink when eating turkey noodles.

Zhao Xun is still looking forward to the turkey noodle moment.

Just when Zhao Xun and his third senior brother Long Qingquan were enjoying this rare delicacy very comfortably, Wangcai, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly blushed.

And all of a sudden he was clutching his throat with both hands, sticking out his tongue.

"water, water"

"Wangcai, what's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell? Do you want a drink of water?"

Zhao Xun immediately noticed the strangeness of Wangcai.

He realized that this was no joke, and immediately rushed over.


Wangcai's state at this time can be said to be quite bad.

Zhao Xun quickly handed over the iced milk tea.

Wangcai didn't care that this cup of iced milk tea was drunk by Zhao Xun, and immediately started to drink it.

"Good guy, Wangcai, drink slowly, don't choke."

Zhao Xun is still very worried about Wangcai at the moment.

Looking at Wangcai like this, it seems to be very spicy.It looks like it's too hot.

This turkey noodles will definitely be spicy, but it shouldn't be so spicy.

At this time, Zhao Xun felt somewhat confused.

But looking at Wangcai's behavior, he didn't seem to be fake at all.

For a while, Zhao Xun could only wait silently.

After Wangcai drank the whole cup of milk tea in one breath, he touched his mouth and said, "Oh, brother Mingyun, you don't know, this turkey noodle is really super spicy. I have never eaten it before." It is the first of its kind in this life to experience such a spicy thing.”

Wangcai frantically turned on the Tucao mode.

"The most important thing is that I didn't think it was very spicy at the beginning. But the stamina of this hot sauce is too strong. After a while, the spicy taste fermented up. My whole mouth is hot. Really It's hard to describe the feeling. It's really an indescribable feeling."


Zhao Xun was helpless for a moment.

"Uh, maybe I put too much chili in the chili sauce. But I think everything should be under control. That's all, if that's the case, I'll definitely pay more attention to it later. Wangcai, you Would you like another cup of milk tea?"

Wangcai nodded when he heard this.

"Yes, yes."

Zhao Xun had no choice but to take out another cup of milk tea and pass it to Wangcai.

In view of Wangcai's spirit of sacrificing himself and fulfilling Zhao Xun's turkey noodles, Zhao Xun felt that there was no problem in giving him a few more cups of milk tea as compensation.

At this time, the third brother Long Qingquan walked up to him and spread his hands together and said, "What did I say, my little brother, this turkey noodle is really spicy. The key is just like what Wangcai said, it doesn't come out very spicy , but the stamina is very strong. After a period of time, the explosion of fermentation is really unbearable for ordinary people.”


For a moment, Zhao Xun was really helpless.

As far as the current state is concerned, it is really difficult to guarantee all-round satisfaction.

Youdao is difficult to adjust to everyone's taste. If you want to make a dish that everyone is satisfied with, then this dish is destined to be mediocre.

Otherwise, you have to find another way and take a slanted sword.

The consequence of doing this dish is that it is possible to make a similar type of today's turkey noodles.

This kind of dish is basically unlikely to satisfy everyone, and it is very likely that people will fry their nests directly.

Zhao Xun is really quite helpless at the moment.

He really didn't know who to confide in this helpless emotion.

"Then do you still want to eat the turkey noodles?"

The third senior brother Long Qingquan shook his head again and again when he heard the words: "I won't eat it, I still won't eat it. Such delicious turkey noodles, why don't you wrap them all up, junior brother."


Being so provoked by the third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun was really a little bit hard to get off.

Mainly because of the current state, others can skip the turkey noodles, except Zhao Xun.

If even Zhao Xun didn't dare to eat the turkey noodles he made, who would dare to eat it in the future?
So no matter what the purpose is at this moment, Zhao Xun should have the courage to try it.

"Okay, then I'll try it."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, isn’t it just a turkey noodle, how spicy can it be?
Wangcai's performance just now was too exaggerated.

There are some exaggerated elements in this.

Zhao Xun didn't believe that turkey noodles could be so spicy.

So he decided to take a good taste, to have a good taste.

As long as you have tasted delicious food, you can fully understand what food is.

Zhao Xun is looking forward to the follow-up of this turkey noodle, so let's start.

After Zhao Xun mixed the noodles, he began to eat them heartily.

At first, he still had some reservations, but after the turkey noodles tasted mellow and rich, Zhao Xun immediately let go of all vigilance.

"Wow, it smells so good."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, look, it's not as exaggerated as in the legend, this turkey noodle is really invincible, okay?

He immediately started the storm cooking mode.

The cook is the soul of the cook, we are all cooks.

Zhao Xun is now a cooking machine with no emotions.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really didn't want to think about anything except cooking.

For him, the whole cooking process can be said to be quite perfect.

Zhao Xun finished all the delicacies at the fastest speed, then wiped the oil on his mouth with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Look, this turkey noodle is actually not as spicy as the legend says. Wangcai , Your performance just now was too exaggerated. You are not an actor, why do you like acting so much. "

As a result, Zhao Xun felt a tickle in his throat before he finished speaking.

Then came the burning sensation.

"uh uh"

Zhao Xun had a very bad feeling.

No, no, no, the stamina of this turkey noodle can't really be that great.

For a moment, Zhao Xun wanted to cry but had no tears.

But he didn't want to give up like this, and planned to endure it for a while to see how the stamina was.

But he obviously made a very serious mistake.

It doesn't matter if he waits, the next explosion makes him doubt his life for a moment.

"Shui Shui, bring water quickly. I can't do it anymore."

In an instant, Zhao Xun's whole body was about to collapse.

His condition is really good recently, but when he ate the turkey noodles, tears flowed down his face involuntarily.

It can only be said that this turkey noodle is really too spicy.And the stamina is really great.Wangcai is really not performing.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt a little regretful.

Why didn't he listen to Wangcai's words, why couldn't he listen to Wangcai's words honestly.

At this time, Zhao Xun was really going to collapse.

"Ah ah ah ah."

In that instant, Zhao Xun was completely dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Wangcai quickly handed over a cup of milk tea, and Zhao Xun drank it clean without hesitation.

I have to say that this turkey noodle is really a perfect match with milk tea.

The function of milk tea is really to dilute the taste of turkey noodles.

This spiciness is really unparalleled, really unparalleled, unparalleled.

Zhao Xun felt that it would be difficult for him to forget the taste of this turkey noodle in this life.

Although he has made attempts before, he will definitely never want to make similar attempts in the future.

If you don't have curiosity, you won't eat such a dark dish.

Damn, why do some people like to eat turkey noodles? This is too tiring.

Zhao Xun was so hot that he exploded. Although he drank a large cup of milk tea in a row, it was only slightly relieved.

Zhao Xun felt that the spiciness was really unique, and he would never forget it in his life.


Zhao Xun is actually a very tolerant person, but at this moment he still cried unbearably.

Although he quickly wiped away his tears, the careful Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan captured the details.

"Hey hey, little brother, you must be so hot. I said it a long time ago, Wangcai will definitely not lie. When it comes to eating, we still have to trust professional Wangcai. When eating this On the one hand, he is much more professional than you and I. So I think since Wangcai said that the turkey noodles are spicy, then don’t try it again. Otherwise, you will feel sorry for yourself.”

"Okay, I've believed in evil today. I'll cook another pot of rice noodles for everyone to make up for it."

Zhao Xun had no choice but to make this compensation plan.

Jiangnan Road, Jiangzhou City.

Song Changheng, governor of Jiangzhou, held a grand banquet to celebrate Yao Yan and Yao Jianxian.

Yao Yan's move killed the majestic demon emperor Brigu in one fell swoop.

This move definitely shocked the entire Jiangzhou city.

All the officials and gentry in Jiangzhou City expressed their excitement.

The calamity of monsters that had plagued them for so long was resolved in an instant.

Either way you look at it, it's a cause for celebration.

Of course, there is another point that needs to be paid attention to, that is, Yao Yan paid great attention to protecting the fathers and villagers in the entire Jiangzhou during the whole process.

Before the final decisive battle with Demon Emperor Brig, Yao Yan intentionally took Demon Emperor Brig out of Jiangzhou City and ran to a very high altitude.

Doing so can effectively prevent the entire Jiangzhou city from being attacked by monsters.

After all, no matter who is fighting, the aura between the practitioners will blow all the buildings away.

This is not a joke, so it is really not easy for Yao Yan to think of this step when he is so nervous.

Yao Yan himself didn't think there was anything wrong.

Because he came to Jiangzhou to eradicate monsters.

In his opinion, monsters are a group of moths, a group of extremely lazy moths.

They only go to harm the people, other than plundering wealth.

For these guys, Yao Yan knew that there must be no mercy in the slightest.

He had to strike hard, and he had to show absolute momentum, only in this way could the monsters feel hopeless.

This time he took the demon emperor Brigu for surgery.

Facts have proved that this move is very necessary.

After killing a brig, other monsters are quite guilty.

These monsters didn't dare to confront Yao Yan head-on anymore, and they didn't dare to touch the taboo of the academy.

In Yao Yan's opinion, this is a pretty good start.

Many times people have so many emotions.

More because of government inaction.

But sometimes the government is very helpless.

After all, it is a monster, not an ordinary gangster, not an ordinary horse thief or bandit.

In many cases, you still have to show a certain awe.

But with the Academy, everything will be different.

Yao Yan is not a hypocritical person, and he doesn't like to hide his strength.

In Yao Yan's opinion, when it's time to make a move, he should make a move.

Teaching monsters doesn't need to be so hypocritical.

As long as it can show its absolute strength, even a first-grade monster like the Demon Emperor can be captured and killed at any time.

Yao Yan also proved this point with practical actions.

In Yao Yan's view, everything is actually within the controllable range.

It's just that at the beginning, the entire Jiangzhou government was overly vigilant.

There's really nothing to panic about.

So what about monsters, monsters are also flesh and blood, nothing more than thicker skin and thicker flesh.

Yao Yan also tore the Demon Emperor into pieces.

Of course, it has to be said that this has a lot to do with the stupidity of Demon Emperor Brigu himself.

If it hadn't been for the demon emperor Brigu who opened his bloody mouth in the end and swallowed Yao Yan, including the man and the sword, it's really hard to say what happened in the end.

Many times people's judgment is reflected in some minor details.

Those who dare to play tricks on the minutiae are ruthless characters.

Yao Yan is indeed such a ruthless character.

The demon emperor Brigu gave the opportunity, and he also seized the opportunity.

Given the same opportunity to other people, there would not be many people as ruthless as Yao Yan.

Yao Yan was ruthless to himself, and even more ruthless to monsters.

The end result is that everyone is happy.

It can be said that this result is perfect no matter where you look at it.

Everything is executed according to the established plan.

Therefore, the monster did not show any horror.

At least Yao Yan felt that the monster hadn't forced him to use his full strength.Although he borrowed three swords, he borrowed these three swords for stability.

In fact, Yao Yan felt that even if he didn't borrow these three swords, he could perfectly kill all the monsters.

For him, this is a perfect victory, especially for the people of Jiangzhou.

So there is no problem for him to come to the celebration banquet.

Because Yao Yan knew that if he didn't come to the celebration banquet, Song Governor would definitely feel uneasy.

So in order to fulfill Song Governor's wishes, Zhao Xun came without hesitation.

But after coming, things are actually another matter.

Yao Yan's plan at this moment can be said to be basically perfect.

He is in a hurry to go back to Ningzhou now, and he will inform Senior Sister Xiao Ning to return to Ningzhou as soon as possible.

With the death of the Demon Emperor, the monsters would fall apart and fall apart instantly.

In a short time, the monsters should not gather together again, and it is impossible to pose too much threat to the coastal states and counties of Jiangnan Road.

Yao Yan felt that it was time for them to return to Zhongnan Mountain and Haoran Academy.

The big problem on the side of the monster has been solved, but the pressure on the side of the academy is still quite huge.

Corruptors may launch an attack at any time, and the strength of Corruptors is much stronger than that of monsters.

Yao Yan is really worried about the academy now, and he believes that Liu Yingying and Xiao Ning must also be worried about it.

At this time, the sooner they return to Zhongnan Mountain, the sooner they return to the academy, they can relax.

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

After careful calculation, today is the day when Jia Xingwen and Brother Jia parted ways.

Zhao Xun specially set up a banquet beside the bamboo forest for Brother Jia Xingwen to practice.

No matter from any point of view, he has absolutely no reason to beg Brother Jia to do too much at this time.

After all, Brother Jia was going to leave a long time ago, but he has stayed for a few more months because of him.

Zhao Xun has no reason to force Brother Jia to stay because of himself.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Brother Jia Xingwen has a brighter future in the Western Regions and in Anxi.

So for them, if they can return to the Western Regions and Anxi, they will be able to feel their own glory to the greatest extent.

Zhao Xun had absolutely no reason not to let Jia Xingwen go.

So he prepared this table of banquets to practice for Jia Xingwen.

Soon Jia Xingwen also arrived.

After Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen took their seats, Zhao Xun said with emotion: "Brother Jia, I really didn't expect you to leave in such a hurry. Of course you have your reasons, the caravan is leaving, and you must not stay alone. I only hope that your trip goes well and you can arrive in Anxi safely. If you encounter any danger, remember to send a telegram as soon as possible. As long as I know your location, I will definitely find a way to save you. "

What Zhao Xun is most concerned about is actually the safety of Brother Jia Xingwen.

In Zhao Xun's view, as long as it can ensure the safety of Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia, it will be excellent.

As long as he can be sure that there is no problem with his safety, Zhao Xun can continue to train and live as usual for a long time to come.

"Ming Yun, you have a heart. In fact, why don't I want to stay with you. But you also know that I am serving in the Anxi Army now, and I will go back anyway. This time, I only hope that I can get along well with Daduhu Recover Anxi. This way I will return to Chang'an more often in the future."

After a short pause, Jia Xingwen continued: "You should also be well in Anxi, and don't have any emotions. It doesn't matter if you have emotions, you can write more letters. Anyway, teleportation is so convenient now, the two of us have to think about it." Communication is actually very convenient.”


Zhao Xun nodded and said, "Yes. The teleportation technique can still be used as much as possible. Here I also give Brother Jia two poems. I hope Brother Jia can go well."

After all, Zhao Xun brewed a lot of emotions and chanted:

"The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, and there is an isolated city, Wanren Mountain.

Why bamboo flute complain willow, spring is not degree Pass. "

"Weicheng is light and dusty in the morning rain, and the guest houses are green and willows look new.

I advise you to drink more wine, and there is no old friend when you leave Yangguan in the west. "

Zhao Xun finished reciting two poems in one breath, and then looked at Brother Jia Xingwen.

After hearing this, Jia Xingwen praised him.

I have to say that Zhao Xun's poems are very good.

But there were parts of the two poems that he did not understand.

Let me talk about the first one first.

What kind of river is the Yellow River, what kind of mountain is Wanren Mountain?

He had never heard of either.

But he knew about Yumen Pass.

Let's talk about the last one.

What kind of city Weicheng is, I have never heard of it.On the contrary, Yangguan is famous like thunder.

So Mingyun's poems always have some strange place names.

Sometimes Jia Xingwen has no idea what it means.

But on the whole, the big artistic conception is actually very good.

The most important thing in poetry is the artistic conception.As for the polishing of some details, there is no need to be so deliberate in terms of words.

Otherwise, it is easy to fall behind if you pick out each word.

"Good poems, good poems, brother, I really appreciate you for writing these two poems. Don't worry, I will arrive in the Western Regions safely."

After finishing speaking, Jia Xingwen directly picked up a wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"Well, come and drink this cup."

At this moment, Zhao Xun also felt proud and full of pride, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it clean.

In fact, Zhao Xun usually doesn't like to drink.

But today, for Brother Jia Xingwen, he decided to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

"Okay, there will be a farewell to sending you thousands of miles away. I should go, take care."

In fact, Zhao Xun could use the teleportation technique to send Jia Xingwen directly to Anxi.

In this way, a lot of fatigue and hardship on the journey can be saved.

But since Jia Xingwen wanted to escort the caravan back, he had to slowly return along the Silk Road.

When Jia Xingwen turned around and took a few steps, Zhao Xun hurriedly shouted: "Brother Jia! Go home and have a look."

Jia Xingwen stopped for a while, and then walked away again after stopping for a while.

Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou City.

Yao Yan returned to Ningzhou immediately, and the senior sister Xiao Ning also returned to this city shortly thereafter.

With the addition of Liu Yingying, the three of them were gathered together again.

The three of them now got a unanimous answer, that is, the monsters in the southeast have basically been calmed down, and they don't need to worry about the disaster of monsters anymore. At this time, they can return to Zhongnan Mountain with complete peace of mind.

But after all, this is only the decision of the three of them, and it still needs to be discussed with Governor Wan Yanwan.

This also reflects the respect for Wan Yan.

"Inspector Wan, the three of us have decided to return to Haoran Academy and Mount Zhongnan. I don't know if you have any concerns."

"Eh? In such a hurry?"

Governor Wan was obviously taken aback.

"Actually, it's not very urgent. After all, it doesn't make much sense for us to stay in Ningzhou City."

"That's right, now that the Demon Emperor is dead, and the monsters have no leader, even if you lend them ten more guts, they won't dare to invade Ningzhou again."

"So when we return to the academy at this time, we can also help the academy resist the corruptors."

The three expressed their opinions respectively, and Governor Wan probably understood after hearing this.

It seems that the three people in this academy have decided to go.

The reason they tell themselves is to show respect.

Wan Cishi has no reason to continue to insist.This will only embarrass the three people in the academy, and it will also embarrass Wan Cishi himself.

This is how embarrassment often arises.

With embarrassing emotions, the whole person will be in a very depressed state.

It's better to be more casual and free and easy.

Being able to cultivate one's own state well and reasonably, and being able to put oneself in a state of complete relaxation.

This is still quite necessary.

Because if you don't do this, to a certain extent, the whole person will be very awkward.

Wan Cishi is a smart man and a man who knows how to assess the situation.

So he cleared his throat: "Since that's the case, I won't force you to stay. During the period in Ningzhou and Jiangnan Road, you really helped me a lot. I am very grateful to you. If it is useful in the future Please speak directly about my position, without any hesitation. But if this officer can do it, I will do my best to cooperate, and I will definitely support the Academy."

This is actually quite a face-saving thing to say.

Yao Yan hurriedly said: "The governor Wan is really serious. We are here this time for the people of Jiangnan Road. The people are being ravaged and poisoned by monsters. This is something that no one wants to see. We are just doing our best. I did my part. Sometimes people still have to show something different. At least in my opinion, I don’t regret it.”

"Yes, I don't regret it either. It's really great to be able to do something for the common people. There's nothing to regret about it."

"Yes, yes. It is my responsibility to do things for the people."

The statements of the three members of the academy also made Governor Wan very heart-warming.

"Well, in fact, this should be something that the court should do. But the current state of the court must be known to several people, so I won't say more."

At this time, everyone including Yao Yan knew it well.

"What the court does is the court's business, but we will not let ourselves be indifferent. People's hearts are warm and warm. We must be worthy of our conscience."

Yao Yan's words are very accurate.

"Inspector Wan, after we leave, we still hope that you can treat the local people kindly. If you encounter any difficulties, or if monsters attack again, you can still write to us. If there is anything our academy can help, we will definitely I won’t refuse. As long as our academy can help, no matter how far apart we are, we will definitely arrive as soon as possible.”

After Yao Yan finished speaking, he drew a teleportation array.

"Farewell, Governor Wan."

Then he was the first to walk into the teleportation array.

Then came Liu Yingying and Xiao Ning.

Following a halo, the entire teleportation array began to move.

Not long after, the academy trio including Yao Yan, Liu Yingying, and Xiao Ning disappeared.

Prior to this, Yao Yan had already sent away a group of disciples outside the academy in batches.

So at this point, all the members of the academy have returned perfectly.

"Junior Brother, Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, Yao Jianxian and the others are back."

Seeing that Zhao Xun has been in the difficult mood after Jia Xingwen's parting, the third brother Long Qingquan rushed over without hesitation and said in a deep voice.


Zhao Xun was taken aback for a moment, apparently not thinking why the third senior brother would say that.

"Elder Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Yao Jianxian are all back?"

"Yeah, they're back, they're all back."

At this moment, Jia Xingwen was extremely excited.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. They will come back so quickly, and they will come back so thoroughly. Now it seems that everything is really within their expectations. I At that time, I thought it was a good omen that the Flower Burial Sword would return after borrowing the sword. What do you think? Isn’t it that they all came back?”

Zhao Xun knew that at such a time, he would go there in person no matter what.

Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Yao Jianxian are all prominent figures, and their seniority in the academy is quite high.

At this time, it is very reasonable for Zhao Xun to step forward and express his emotions.

In short
"Ahem, cough, why not, let's go meet them."

Although they have already returned, it is a little late to go at this time.

But Zhao Xun felt that it was better to go than not to go.

At this time, senior sister, second senior sister and others will definitely feel more at ease.

"Well, I'm just waiting for your words. Let's go, let's go."

When the third senior brother Long Qingquan and Zhao Xun rushed to the mountain gate, they found that the senior sister and the second senior sister Yao Jianxian had already entered the mountain gate, and they were striding forward at this moment.


"Hahaha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I didn't expect you, Senior Sister, to come back so quickly."

The third brother Long Qingquan first stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun smiled awkwardly.

"Hahaha, I have beaten all the monsters, so if I don't come back, will I live in Jiangnan Road?"

Yao Yan chuckled and said, "You guys didn't see the appearance of the demon emperor Brigu when I killed him. Everyone was shocked."


For a moment, everyone was stunned.

To them, being able to kill the demon emperor Brig is indeed a very remarkable thing.

But Yao Jianxian's description with such fanfare is probably not good.

After all, who in the academy is still ignorant?
"And I feel that this time I have touched the threshold of super products?"

What Yao Jianxian said next shocked everyone even more.

"What, Yao Jianxian, have you reached the threshold of Super Grade?"

"Yeah, I didn't feel it at the beginning. Because at that time, I was in the middle of a fierce battle with the demon emperor Brig. At that time, all my attention was put on the demon emperor Brig. So there was no time at all. Distracted. So I didn't realize until very late that I was really close to super quality."

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun still felt a little excited when he heard this.

After all, it is a great joy for the academy to have one more super-grade practitioner.

Currently, there is only Shan Chang in the entire academy who is a super grade.

This is not a big deal.

After all, super-grade practitioners are not big radishes and cabbages, and it is impossible to exist everywhere.

But it is definitely beneficial to have one more super-grade cultivator.

After all, the head of the mountain is always absent, and the head of the mountain is always in retreat.

What to do at this time?
Do you rely on first-class practitioners to go to the top?

But what if the opponent is a super practitioner?Wasn't it hit by dimensionality reduction?

No matter how Zhao Xun looked at it, he felt that this seemed unreliable.

So at critical moments, we should take some responsibility.

In Zhao Xun's view, it would be the best solution if Yao Jianxian could be promoted to Super Rank.

Zhao Xun will not count on the words of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

The reason is also very simple.

The mentor is a character who does not fight or grab.Even this first-rank realm was reached only by accident.It is better to count on Zhao Xun to be promoted to a super rank than to count on his mentor to be promoted to a super rank. Anyway, it is unlikely to be possible in a short time.

So Zhao Xun will not have any hypocrisy.

For him, as long as he can steadily control his emotions, handle the details steadily, and wait for Yao Jianxian to reach the super-level realm, it will be fine.

"That would be really nice."

Zhao Xun praised: "Yao Jianxian, isn't your duel with the Demon Emperor this time thrilling?"

"Well, in fact, it's okay. The demon emperor's strength is average, anyway, I don't think he deserves to be called a first-rank realm. I don't know where he got such a name, parallel imports, this guy It’s a real parallel import.”


Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.

I have to say that Yao Jianxian is really a little drifting now.

Although defeating the Demon Emperor is a great achievement, there is no need to be so flustered.

After all, what is important in fighting a war is the right time, place and people.

It should be that Yao Jianxian has occupied all three to show such strength.

Otherwise, Yao Jianxian wouldn't have acted so fiercely against the monster beast.

Of course, Zhao Xun's EQ is not that low.

So at this moment, he would definitely not ask such a stupid question.

Anyway, Yao Jianxian has won now, so the next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to honestly feel this beauty.

Honestly feel the beauty of the academy crushing everything.

"Since you guys are back, I'll make a delicious meal to cleanse you up."

"What do you want to eat?"

Zhao Xun still wants to ask everyone for their opinions.

"Uh, junior brother, let's have a barbecue. Don't tell me, the barbecue is what I miss most these days after leaving Zhongnanshan. The dishes in Jiangnan Road are very delicate. But the barbecue is really lacking. Even if they have It's true that barbecue is also very delicate. I always feel that this is not a good thing. If it is too delicate, the whole person will become numb."

"Hahaha, what the second senior sister said is good. Then I will prepare the barbecue. Well, do you want to eat more meat dishes or vegetarian dishes?"

"Half and half is fine."

Senior sister Xiao Ning expressed her opinion.

"Okay, half and half. You rest first, and I will prepare the ingredients."

Zhao Xun regained his vitality for a while and became full of vitality.

Such things as preparing for barbecue can be regarded as Zhao Xun's specialty.

In many cases, Zhao Xun was able to win everyone's admiration by relying on this unique skill of barbecue.

This time is no exception.

As a welcome banquet for the senior sister, the second senior sister, and Yao Jianxian.

Zhao Xun knew that he must prepare as perfectly as possible.

There must be no slack.

At this time, any slack in the slightest will give people a feeling that the arrangements are not in place.

Since the elder sister said that meat dishes and vegetarian dishes should be half and half.

Zhao Xun naturally took all the circumstances into consideration when preparing dishes.

First of all, meat dishes.

For meat dishes, kebabs are definitely the soul.

BBQ is soulless without kebabs.

The rest is actually optional.

There are actually many types of vegetarian dishes.

Like grilled mushrooms.There are grilled mushrooms, grilled enoki mushrooms.

The baked starch products include potato chips, baked steamed bun slices, and baked pancakes. Just thinking about it makes Enen feel that the carbohydrates are exploding, full of happiness.

Then there's the grilled vegetables.

Roasted Leeks, Lettuce, Roasted Garlic
These can be said to be the role of barbecue among vegetarian dishes.

Wow, Zhao Xun's mouth is already drooling while preparing the dishes.

Why is it so delicious, how can it be so delicious.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really couldn't control his emotions.

It's so fragrant. It's really delicious.

Being able to have such fragrant ingredients can really make people fully appreciate the charm of barbecue.

Zhao Xun called the third senior brother Long Qingquan to help him string the sticks together.

For a time, people can clearly feel the happiness of Meimei.

"Oh, third senior brother, it's been a long time since we have eaten barbecue, right?"

"Ah. Actually, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true."

The third brother Long Qingquan held his chin with one hand and said: "It should be quite a while since I ate."

"The main reason is that we have always been these few people. Without Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister, Yao Jianxian will not be able to set up the atmosphere after Yao Jianxian."

Zhao Xun analyzed: "After all, barbecue is an atmosphere. If the atmosphere is in place, it is easy to say. But if the atmosphere is not in place, it is quite unreliable."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan laughed loudly and said, "That's the truth, that's the truth. I just feel that there are fewer people eating barbecue. After your analysis, I suddenly realized."


For a moment, Zhao Xun was somewhat astonished.

"what is wrong."

"It's nothing, let's continue to skewer."

At this moment, Zhao Xun entered a state of extreme concentration.

For Zhao Xun, if he can stay in a state of concentration all the time, he can last for quite a long time.

"Actually, little brother, I've always been very curious sometimes, you can be regarded as a big man, why don't you refuse to open a restaurant. If you open a restaurant with your cooking skills, you must make a lot of money what."


Zhao Xun was speechless for a moment.The third senior brother really doesn't understand or is he pretending.

"You need time to run a restaurant. Third brother, do you know how tiring it is to run a restaurant? It's really not something ordinary people can bear."

Zhao Xun smiled wryly and said: "Think about it carefully, running a restaurant requires initial investment, mid-term operation, and later maintenance. The key is that you still have to be responsible for attracting customers and purchasing ingredients. If you are a chef, You don’t have to worry about hiring a chef. But have you ever thought about the time cost? These are some invisible costs. And there is another biggest question, that is, how much money does a restaurant make in a day? Is it a lot? Unless you have opened a chain store. But in that case, you have to consider the qualifications of the franchisees. If the franchisees can’t operate according to your business philosophy, which leads to bad reputation, it’s not worth the loss. Instead, write like me Playbooks, writing novels, are actually steady profits. As long as you can calm down, as long as you can calm down, you can basically gain steadily."


For a moment, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was shocked by Zhao Xun.

He just thought that Zhao Xun was too lazy to do business.

But I didn't expect my junior brother to have so many considerations.

Looking at it this way, he was really negligent.

"Hahaha, if you don't do it, don't do it. I still feel sorry for you if you go out to open a restaurant. Besides, who will cook for us after you go. Now this model is pretty good."

Zhao Xun wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this.

You are fine, but I am really tired.

With this mode of cooking, my whole body is tied to death. I am really helpless.

"Okay, okay, that's it."

"Continue to dish."

Zhao Xun really didn't want to continue on this topic, so he changed the subject abruptly.

"Well, skewering, let's continue to skewer."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan is quite understanding at this time.

As long as Zhao Xun can cook this barbecue properly, he will be worthy of the academy trio who have returned from a long journey.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations to Your Majesty. Great victory in Jiangnan Road, great victory in Jiangnan Road. The demon emperor Brigu was captured and killed, and the whole world celebrates for a while."

The eunuch sent the latest news to Emperor Xianlong, thinking that he could win a jackpot, but Emperor Xianlong did not show any joy at all.

Not only Emperor Xianlong did not show any joy.Looking at him simply, his face was rather gloomy.

The eunuchs who accompanied the emperor were all very good at observing words and expressions.

He immediately understood that this was not a good omen, immediately changed his posture, and hurriedly said: "Hey, look at my mouth, this old slave should be hit, this old slave should be hit."

Immediately he started smacking his mouth.

There is also skill in this palming mouth, that is, there must be no reservations, and the slap must be fierce.

Only when the fan is hard enough and loud enough can the master be satisfied.

But if the master feels dissatisfied, it is basically slapped for nothing, and you have to start all over again.

So sometimes people still have to be hard-hearted towards themselves.

Most of those who can be ruthless have strong endurance, and most of them can achieve great things.

And those who can't bear it will probably not have any big attendance.

After the eunuch slapped himself dozens of times in a row, the corners of his mouth were already bleeding.

But without Emperor Xianlong's order, he still didn't dare to stop.

He knew that he committed a taboo today, and he probably knew the reason why he committed the taboo.So at this moment, all he can do is continue to slap silently, hoping that His Majesty the Emperor can calm down a little bit.Otherwise, it might not be as simple as smacking his mouth, and it is very likely that his head will be lost.

So he didn't dare to stop at all, and could only wait for Emperor Xianlong's mercy.

But Emperor Xianlong just kept silent.

It wasn't until the eunuch slapped him a hundred times that his eyes were staring, Emperor Xianlong snorted coldly and said: "That's enough, who are you going to play here for?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness."

"Your Majesty, the slaves dare not."

The eunuch's face was pale with fright at this moment.

It has to be said that the resolute posture displayed by Emperor Xianlong at this moment is really shocking.

These eunuchs stayed in the palace all day, and they thought they knew the temperament of these masters clearly.

But it still crashes sometimes.

"Hmph, don't say what you shouldn't say in the future. No one will think you are a fool if you don't say it. I will know if you don't say it."

Emperor Xianlong shook his sleeves and said, "Go away."

The eunuch immediately scrambled and ran out as if he had been pardoned.

Emperor Xianlong's mood at this moment is of course extremely complicated.

He can admit that he was quite upset when he learned that the academy killed the Demon Emperor.

The main reason is that after this incident, the imperial court was severely suppressed by the academy.

After this incident, the people in Jiangnan Road only knew that there was an academy but not an imperial court, and only knew that there was a mountain chief, but not an emperor.

If things go on like this, is it okay?

Coupled with the status of the mountain chief in the minds of scholars, I am afraid that it will not be long before the academy becomes a place that scholars all over the world yearn for?

At that time, wouldn't the imperial examination become a decoration?
You must know that the imperial examination is an extremely important means for the imperial court to select talents.

If this method is missing, the consequences can be imagined.

If the talents finally selected by the imperial court are the remaining ones picked by the academy.

Then wouldn't it become a joke of the world?

Emperor Xianlong had always had a bad feeling towards the Academy.

But it didn't become very practical.

But I have to say that at this moment, his bad feeling has become a real feeling.

Because the academy has replaced the status and role of the imperial court to some extent.

Some people will definitely say that it is the inaction of the court and the inaction of the emperor.

But Emperor Xianlong wants to say that he has his own considerations, these mud-legged ass people know nothing.

They would just watch their own one-third of an acre of land, completely ignorant of the court's decision on the emperor.

The chick knows the ambition of the swan.

Emperor Xianlong would not pay attention to the opinions of these mud-legged people, but he really had to think about the academy.

After all, the threat of the Academy is quite huge.

Even if Emperor Xianlong didn't care about anyone, he couldn't ignore the academy.

Otherwise, the academy will definitely make him suffer very much and let him eat a pot.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong had to think carefully about how to deal with the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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