big week bad guy

Chapter 489 Joint Letter

Chapter 489 Joint Letter
Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

Early in the morning, Wangcai ran towards Zhao Xun in a hurry.

Zhao Xun was taken aback when he saw this.

"Ah, Wangcai, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, brother Mingyun, don't mention it. Do you know what's going on now?"


Zhao Xun looked somewhat surprised.

Generally speaking, Wangcai's ability to come to him on his own initiative is mostly related to the publication of the book, so in the current situation, is there a problem with the new book?
This is entirely Zhao Xun's instinctive judgment.

Because usually Wangcai took the initiative to come to him mostly because of this matter.

Zhao Xun was a little curious next.

"Oh, for some reason, Wan Inspector Shi wrote a memorial to insinuate Emperor Xianlong. After seeing the memorial, Emperor Xianlong became furious and threatened to kill Wan Inspector."


Zhao Xun was taken aback when he heard this.

So what is the situation?
If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Wan Cishi is already in danger?

After all, Governor Wan is different from them.Wan Cishi was an official of the Great Zhou Dynasty and received the salary of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Therefore, Governor Wan must maintain the most basic respect for his immediate superior, Emperor Xianlong.

If he didn't have this respect for Emperor Xianlong, Emperor Xianlong could definitely punish him.

And it was justifiable, without any resistance.

After all, few people can stand up to a disrespectful hat.

It can be said that Wan Yan is indeed the way to death.

No matter how you look at it, you don't look very smart.

"Wangcai, is the source reliable?"


Wangcai was a little helpless for a while, he sighed and said: "It can only be said that it is still reliable. Because our family has an informant who works in the palace, and he heard the news. Although it is not first-hand, but second-hand It should count.”

good guy.
After hearing this, Zhao Xun was taken aback.

It is really possible for Wangcai to get the news immediately, and their family actually has an informant in the palace?

As expected of a top wealthy businessman in Chang'an and even Dazhou, it really makes sense for his family to be prosperous.

Zhao Xun cleared his throat and said, "That Wangcai, actually, there is still one thing I don't understand. That is why Wan Cishi was so good at giving the memorial to Emperor Xianlong? Isn't he good at first, An An Wouldn't it be nice to be his governor for life, and live his life, why would you go against Emperor Xianlong?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself that not everyone is like him. The reason why Zhao Xun is so strong is because there is an academy behind him, and he has the head of the mountain to support him.

What's behind Ke Wan's governor?
No matter how you look at it, it is not a wise move to offend Emperor Xianlong so much.

"I heard that it was because Emperor Xianlong was going to send troops from all over the world. Governor Wan couldn't bear it this time, so he planned to give a memorial to Emperor Xianlong to let him give up this idea. Maybe he was too excited when he wrote the memorial. So the wording is a little more aggressive."


Zhao Xun thought it was something, that's it?

Wan Cishi is confused.

People like Emperor Xianlong are the most headstrong.

Once he has decided on something, he will never change it easily.

Counting on Emperor Xianlong to give up?
That's not realistic at all.

Don't say that Wan Cishi played alone.At this time, a group of officials jointly signed a letter, and it is estimated that Emperor Xianlong would not even blink his brows.

This is really too difficult.

Zhao Xun could feel the tremendous pressure from Wan Cishi.

With so much pressure on Wan Cishi's shoulders, he was really afraid that Wan Cishi would not be able to bear it.

Sometimes people still need some self-knowledge, at least not too impulsive and presumptuous.

After all, they all have to beg for food in the world of Da Zhou.

Still have to follow the objective laws.

This time, I have to say that Wan Cishi was too impulsive.

But now that things have happened like this, it is definitely too late to regret.

At this time, we still have to take some responsibility, and we should not be too impulsive or presumptuous.

"I think so. First of all, we must always ensure that we can get first-hand information. In this way, no matter there is any trouble, we can get the news immediately. In this way, we can very keenly capture Emperor Xianlong's Thinking trends. In this way, we can inform the governor of Wanshi."

"Breaking news?"

Wangcai was a little confused for a while, he didn't understand what Zhao Xun meant.

"So what Ming Yunyi means is that he wants to report to Wan Shishi in advance, and then let him run away in advance, right?"

"It's just one possibility, the worst possibility."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said without hesitation: "I have to say that this kind of possibility is really bad, but it is actually possible. So we must take all kinds of possibilities into consideration. In this way It is responsible to the governor Wan."

Zhao Xun is a very serious person. Once he becomes serious, people who are familiar with him will feel strange.

For example, Wangcai, Wangcai at this moment feels very strange.

Is this still the brother Ming Yun he knows well?Is this still the Ming Yun brother he knew?
God, what the hell is going on here.

For a while, Wangcai felt astonished.So many things happened one after another, which caused a huge shock to his young mind.The key is what can Wangcai do after suffering so many huge shocks one after another?
He felt a little numb for a while.

It's so difficult, it's really so difficult.

What should he do at this time?
Do you do exactly what Brother Mingyun said?
But he felt that it was a little unreliable to follow Zhao Xun's instructions completely.

He is not saying that Zhao Xun's approach is unreliable, but that he thinks there is a better solution.

Since there is a better solution, there is no reason to be too obsessed with the current method and thinking.

After all, people still have to look forward as much as possible.

Why look back if you can look forward.

"Brother Mingyun, I'm afraid you don't know a little bit. Like these local officials, all of them have family members in the capital. They are afraid that they will plot illegal rebellion or something."

The expression on Wangcai's face when he said this was quite helpless.

He is really helpless.

Some things still need to be made clear to Zhao Xun face to face.

Because Zhao Xun did not seem to pay much attention to this aspect.

Although he is the son of the prince, he is more like the kind of son who keeps his ears shut.

So in this regard, Wangcai obviously has to worry a lot.

Sometimes Wangcai actually doesn't want to worry so much.But there is no way.

If he wasn't going to worry about it, someone else had to.

But among the people around Zhao Xun, Wangcai still didn't find anyone suitable to worry about.

These disciples of the academy are really like a group of hands-off shopkeepers, and they really don't want to take care of these things.

So after a long time, it will give people a feeling of being quite stunned.

This feeling of astonishment condenses after everything and makes people feel very confused and helpless.

So what to do next?

As it stands, it does seem rather limited in what they can do.

This is a very helpless feeling.

I clearly feel that I have to do something, but there is nothing I can do.

Wangcai's whole little head was spinning desperately, thinking desperately.

He wanted to come up with some reliable methods in a short time.But at this moment, it was as if his brain was glued with glue, and he couldn't move for a moment.

It's really, really hard.

Why is it so difficult to help a group of Wan governors?

"Ah, there is still such a thing. How many family members of Governor Wan are in the capital now? Can you help them transfer at once?"

After Zhao Xun heard the details that Wangcai said, he realized the problem for a while.

It can be said that the trouble of the governor of the governor is here.

After all, things like family members are actually quite exhausting.

If all the family members could not be transferred smoothly, then it would be impossible to expect Wan Governor to agree to escape through teleportation.

After all, these are his relatives.

With so many relatives held in Emperor Xianlong's hands, held in the capital, how could they run away?

If Wan Cishi ran away at this time, his relatives would definitely not escape the fate of tragic death.

From the perspective of a responsible person like Wan Cishi, he would definitely not do such a thing of abandoning his family and running alone.

So in this way, things are really difficult.

Control your emotions, be sure to control your emotions.

Don't be impulsive at this time.

Zhao Xun knew that controlling his emotions was crucial at this time.Although he is currently concerned about the safety of Governor Wan, he must ensure that he is in a reasonable mood.

If his mood has started to fluctuate greatly, if he cannot guarantee that he is in a good or even perfect state, then the pressure he will bear next is really too great.


Zhao Xun really felt that it was too difficult for him at this time.

What should he do in such a difficult situation?

Zhao Xun instinctively looked towards Wangcai, and seeing Wangcai was also staring at him, Zhao Xun thought to himself that he was under too much pressure.

Good guy, Wangcai is a guy with a lot of ghost ideas.

At this time, even Wangcai can't do anything, which is enough to show that the situation has reached a certain level.

Zhao Xun could feel all the pressure on him for a moment.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

So what should he do next, what should he do to successfully resolve this crisis?

Zhao Xun could clearly feel the tremendous pressure.He has to do some things, and he must do some things next to be able to reasonably resolve the conflict.

So what is he going to do?
What is he going to do?

Zhao Xun felt that it was really too difficult for him.


Zhao Xun knows that his emotions at this time are not enough to support him to continue to make the next decision, so what Zhao Xun has to do at this time is to adjust his emotions as much as possible.

If he can adjust his emotions perfectly next, it is still possible to catch up from behind.

Zhao Xun is not a person who must win at the starting line.

For him, it would be great if he can come from behind in the next long process.

Emperor Xianlong, Emperor Xianlong.
Zhao Xun understood Emperor Xianlong's temper and nature quite well.

Although the time spent together is not too long, it is not short.

So the problems we are facing at this time are actually quite a lot.

Any judgment made at this time may affect quite a few things in the future.

No matter what others think, anyway, Zhao Xun feels that Emperor Xianlong must not be trusted.At least not fully trustworthy.

Emperor Xianlong is the most mean and ungrateful guy, the most able to despise others and elevate himself.

So when he saw the memorabilia played by Wan Assassin, he must have been furious inside.

At this time, he definitely wanted to kill Wan Shishi.

Then the next judgment is whether Emperor Xianlong will kill Wan Cishi.

Then the answer is two.

Yes or no.

Say yes first.

If Emperor Xianlong really decided to kill Wan Cishi, he would immediately issue an imperial decree to arrest Wan Cishi directly from Jiangnan Dao Ningzhou City to Beijing.

This is without any suspense.

Since Emperor Xianlong hated Wan Cishi so much that his teeth were itchy, he naturally wanted to snap Wan Cishi under his nose.

Therefore, the imperial decree should be issued in the near future.

With Emperor Xianlong's violent temper and impatient temper, this kind of thing is very likely to happen immediately.

The second is that Emperor Xianlong decided not to kill Wan Cishi for the time being.

This possibility is actually quite large.

It's not that Emperor Xianlong didn't want to kill Governor Wan, but after a fierce ideological struggle, Emperor Xianlong knew that he couldn't kill Governor Wan, at least for now.

Because Wan Shishi is currently the hero who successfully suppressed the monsters.

If it weren't for the efforts of Governor Wan, the entire Jiangnan Road would be in chaos.

The chaotic Jiangnan Road will to some extent become a hidden danger for the entire Great Zhou Empire.

So to a certain extent, Wan Cishi really made a great contribution.

At this time, if Emperor Xianlong killed his loyal ministers and heroes, it would indeed cause an uproar.

This is definitely not a small incident, and it is no longer even a so-called independent incident, but will cause a chain reaction to a considerable extent.

Once you set off a chain reaction, what happens next creates quite a bit of traction.

Can these traction reactions be handled well?
Or will it cause big fluctuations for a long time in the future?

These are hard things to say.

At least for now, everything is still in a very chaotic and disorderly state.

Zhao Xun couldn't immediately judge Emperor Xianlong's next move, because he didn't know what Emperor Xianlong was thinking at this moment.

Generally speaking, Emperor Xianlong is a person who does not play his cards according to the routine.

So for Emperor Xianlong, the next step is to do anything that is actually reasonable.

So what will Emperor Xianlong do next?

As far as the moment is concerned, what method will Emperor Xianlong adopt to deal with Wan Cishi?

This can really be regarded as an unsolved mystery.

At least for the moment, Zhao Xun felt that he was still in a state of absolute confusion.

What to do next, which direction to go?
I'm afraid no one really knows.What should I do at this time?
Zhao Xun was really at a loss.

He knew that if Emperor Xianlong hadn't made a decision, they would have been unable to deal with it.

In other words they are passive.All the things they were going to do next had to be put forward after Emperor Xianlong made a decision.

If they have always responded with such a backward attitude, then it is impossible to be able to take the lead.

Although they have a big killer like teleportation.

But teleportation also takes time.What if something they don't want to see happens during the time they use the teleportation technique?

Wan Cishi is a very strong character, and the things he believes will not be easily changed.

So Zhao Xun is actually quite worried about Wan Cishi.

Just easy to fold.

If this situation has always been like this, then the pressure to be endured next is really not ordinary.

Zhao Xun could clearly feel the tension from the bottom of his heart.

He and Wan Cishi are really very good friends.

Such good friends naturally need to support each other.

At this time, Zhao Xun certainly couldn't watch Wan Cishi take such a big risk and suffer.

Wan Cishi is a very good official.Nowadays, such a good official can hardly be found in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

So Zhao Xun felt that he still had to do something.

He had to work hard to do something in response to make the whole court different from what he imagined.

There should still be many officials in the court who opposed Emperor Xianlong, right?

After all, it has not been a day or two since Emperor Xianlong acted perversely.

At this time, if there are a large number of court officials who oppose Emperor Xianlong or even condemn Emperor Xianlong, then it can indeed cause considerable influence in the future.

Once a larger and stronger public opinion is formed in the court, then even Emperor Xianlong, who is used to acting arbitrarily and arbitrarily, would not dare to act completely according to his original plan in a short period of time, right?

Emotional stuff like this is unavoidable a lot of the time.

But once there is a consistent voice, even the most emotional people will tend to be rational.

Emperor Xianlong was actually a villain.

He will judge the situation and make the most favorable judgment based on the situation at that time.

Once he finds that the situation is not right, he will immediately make adjustments, and he will never go all the way to the dark.

People who go all the way to the dark are often those who feel that they are extremely powerful.

But Emperor Xianlong is actually a person with low self-esteem in his heart.In other words, he is a person who is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

His strength is not because of his own strength, it is entirely because of this layer of skin on his body, and it is entirely because he is the emperor.

If he throws away his identity as emperor, then he is nothing.

Zhao Xun could crush him to death with one kick.

So Emperor Xianlong would actually be afraid.

Facing the one-sided public opinion of the imperial court, he will definitely make certain adjustments.

Zhao Xun believed that he should do something properly next.

As far as the moment is concerned, everything is going well.

But if something happens next, it may break the whole calm situation.

Zhao Xun wanted to break this peaceful situation.

Because in his opinion, once the calm situation is broken, then he can enjoy the so-called smooth situation.

At present, Emperor Xianlong still feels timid in many aspects. At this time, Zhao Xun must show his sharp teeth and start lobbying the officials.

Of course not relying on his own lobbying.

Not to mention that this is too time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If he showed up himself, the courtiers who might have planned to speak up might change their minds temporarily and give up.

So Zhao Xun couldn't show up easily no matter what.

If Zhao Xun showed up at this time, it would actually push people into the fire pit instead.

Therefore, Zhao Xun thought of an excellent opportunity.

"Wangcai, I have thought of a perfect plan. If this plan can be tried out, it will indeed bring a very good experience to a certain extent. I think you only need to experience this experience once and you will be able to completely fell in love with him."

"Huh? What is this?"

Wangcai was clearly interested at this time.

The main reason is that Zhao Xun's description of the whole process is so wonderful that people feel very much looking forward to it after listening to it.

Wangcai didn't know how others felt, anyway, he was really looking forward to it after hearing it.

"Hahaha, I will go to Senior Brother Xu Rong and ask him to use paper figurines to convey information. Send the paper figurines to the mansions of the officials in Chang'an, the capital, and spread the news. I believe they will have action."

Of course Zhao Xun knew that not all the courtiers would choose to stand up and speak out for Wan Shishi, but as long as half of the officials chose to stand up, great public opinion pressure could be formed.

Once these pressures come to Emperor Xianlong's side, Emperor Xianlong will also bear a lot of pressure.

As Zhao Xun analyzed before, although Emperor Xianlong was a foolish emperor, he was not actually a foolish person in the true sense.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong will still make some trade-offs and comparisons.

Once he thinks that the next choice is not perfect, he will definitely make some adjustments.

For Zhao Xun, the most important thing is this adjustment process.

If they can accept the decision made by Emperor Xianlong after some adjustments, it will be excellent.

If the decision made by Emperor Xianlong after some adjustments still cannot be accepted by Zhao Xun and the others, then Zhao Xun will make other choices and seek further adjustments.

Anyway, Zhao Xun will never give up until the last moment.

Although Wan Cishi is a bully, he is indeed one of the few good officials in Da Zhou.

If such a good official died unjustly, it would really be unreasonable.

Zhao Xun is a very upright person, he believes in reincarnation, and he also believes in justice.

A person can only be called a person if he fully possesses the heart of justice, and only if he fully possesses the heart of justice can he have a unique life in the future.

"Okay, then let's go find Senior Brother Ten."

Wangcai at this time is also very much looking forward to.

Wangcai knew the magic of the tenth brother Xu Rong's paper figurine, and it was not difficult to let all the courtiers know about it overnight.

In the bamboo building, Senior Brother Xu Rong is making paper figurines freely.

He folded the paper figurines with great care, which can even be described as concentration.

So much so that after Zhao Xun and Wangcai came to the bamboo building, he still didn't realize this.

"Cough, cough, tenth brother, I am Zhao Xun."

"Ah, the junior brother is here, sit down quickly. Wait until I finish folding the remaining paper figurines."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that this is really in line with Xu Rong's way of hospitality.

But Zhao Xun is used to it, so he doesn't think there is any problem.

Some things will feel quite awkward when you are not used to them, but once you get used to them, you will feel that it is okay, but it is nothing more than that.

In this way, Xu Rong will no longer have any awkward feeling, and Zhao Xun will also feel comfortable.

It's actually the best of both worlds.

"Okay, I have finished folding the last few paper figurines. Junior brother, why are you looking for me at this time?"

Hanhan ten senior brother Xu Rong asked very carefully while putting down the paper figurine.

"Hahahaha, that's right, Senior Brother Ten."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and first tried hard to control his emotions.

"We would like to ask you for a favor. This favor cannot be easier for Senior Brother Ten. As long as Senior Brother Ten is willing, I think we can achieve it immediately."

"Well, let's listen first."

Tenth senior brother Xu Rong is simple but not stupid.

He knew that he had to listen to everything before he could make a decision.

Otherwise, it would not be a reliable thing to make a decision hastily.

"Uh, Governor Wan, you should still remember. When we first went to Ningzhou, we had a lot of dealings with Governor Wan."

Zhao Xun knew that at this time, he must first bring back the memory of Xu Rong, the tenth senior brother.

Only in this way can he have a good impression of Wan Cishi in the future.

"I remember. I have a very deep impression on Wan Cishi. Wan Cishi can definitely be regarded as a good official. We traveled all the way from Chang'an at that time, and basically we couldn't find anyone like Wan Cishi. Good job."


After Zhao Xun heard this, he was quite satisfied.

Yes, yes, yes.

It is really not easy to have this awareness.

As long as the tenth senior brother has a good impression of Wan Cishi, then this matter will actually be much easier to handle.

What Zhao Xun is most worried about is that Senior Brother Hanhan Shi is not interested in Wan Cishi, and has even completely forgotten about this person.

If this is the case, the next thing will be really difficult.

Therefore, Zhao Xun had to constantly emphasize the importance of Wan Cishi, so that Senior Brother Hanhan Shi could think in his heart that Wan Cishi must be protected.

Once he can have this idea, then the next thing will really become very, very easy.

Many times, many things will deviate greatly from our imagination.

How to dissipate this sense of deviation as much as possible is actually very challenging.

Anyway, Zhao Xun has already made a full set of preparations, and the next step is to see how he can make Senior Brother Hanhan ten obedient.

This is actually not a very simple matter.

Anyway, in Zhao Xun's opinion, it is actually not easy.

So in the future, he must work harder and harder, and must make the tenth senior brother Xu Rong tempted.

"Now Emperor Xianlong is written in the history of Wanci, asking the emperor not to send local officials to Chang'an. It is said that there are many sarcastic and blunt remarks in the memorial. I think Emperor Xianlong will be very upset. I am worried about the governor. It will be life-threatening.”

When Zhao Xun said these words, he was really excited and nervous.

Of course Senior Brother Hanhan Shi could also sense this.

In fact, he could clearly feel this from the very beginning.

He could tell that his junior brother actually attached great importance to Wan Cishi.

They had lived together for quite a long time, so in fact Senior Brother Hanhan Shi had a pretty good impression of Wan Cishi.

Now that Governor Wan is in danger, Brother Hanhan Shi will certainly feel quite uncomfortable.

"Uh, this is indeed a very difficult matter. Junior brother, have you thought of a way to deal with it now?"

In the entire academy, if you want to ask who has the brightest mind, it must be Zhao Xun.

So the first person Hanhan Shixiong thought of at this time must be Zhao Xun.

Sometimes Zhao Xun always brings surprises to people.

So Senior Brother Hanhan Shi instinctively wanted Zhao Xun to come up with some practical solutions.

"Well, the current situation is actually quite complicated. I think it should be like this."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said: "Next, we will try our best to ensure that the paper dolls are placed in the mansions of the major officials in the capital. The main purpose is to tell them about this matter. I believe they have various reasons I will still choose to speak out and fight for Governor Wan."

Zhao Xun does not believe in the character of these officials, but he believes that these officials should choose to speak out for the sake of their so-called official reputation.

Because speaking at this time is almost guaranteed to make money, there is almost no risk and no loss, and you can get a good reputation for nothing.So why not do it?

Sometimes people are really in a quite entangled stage.But in general, such a rather tangled situation is when it is difficult to make a choice.

At present, there is really no need for any hesitation, as long as it happens together without hesitation.

In this case, what Zhao Xun could realize was that the Wan Cishi incident was not just his own business, but the business of all court officials.

Even if it is to fight for their own interests, they will definitely choose to form a group at this time.

Holding a group is not a shameful thing. To some extent, holding a group can indeed bring a completely different experience.

At least at the moment, this is indeed a fairly reliable choice.


Tenth senior brother Xu Rong fell into deep thought after hearing this.

For him, this can indeed be regarded as an extremely huge challenge.

To release so many paper figurines at once would consume a huge amount of soul.

"No problem, I'm willing to try for the sake of the governor."

After hesitating for a while, Senior Brother Hanhan Shi finally made a choice.

For a while, Zhao Xun felt very excited.

Hahahaha, as expected of Senior Brother Hanhan Ten, he is really responsible.

With the words of Senior Brother Hanhan Shi, Zhao Xun can feel at ease.

In fact, sometimes it is not very easy to make a choice, not to mention that it still involves your own core interests.

But Hanhan ten senior brother Xu Rong did a pretty good job.

A person can make such a wonderful and good choice in this time period, in Zhao Xun's view, Brother Hanhan Ten can do a lot.

Sometimes it is really important to keep restraint, and keeping restraint can have a good future to a considerable extent.

But sometimes it is also very important to take the initiative.

Sometimes people can't just shrink back blindly. If they keep shrinking and become a habit, then when they really need to act righteously in the future, they will be caught blind.

Difficult, really very difficult.

In many cases, it must be very difficult to ensure that we are in a very idealized mode.

But in the end, someone needs to be able to try.

If you don't even dare to try, if you don't even have the courage to try, then such a life is actually quite boring.

"Hahahaha, that's really great. Tenth senior brother, I did the math. There are hundreds of civil and military officials in the court. How many paper figurines do you have now, is it enough?"

Zhao Xun is still quite concerned about the number of paper figurines.

In his opinion, if the number of paper figurines is not enough, it is still a very terrible thing.

If the number of paper figurines can be made up, the situation will be completely different, at least they will not face many embarrassing things.

Zhao Xun is now very much looking forward to getting the perfect number of paper figurines.

"I still have more than 100 paper dolls in stock. If you want to say a few hundred people, it's definitely not enough. But it's not a big problem. We can start to collect them now. After all, we can make them neatly. Little Junior brother, come and join me. Let’s all make paper figurines.”

Zhao Xun was a little surprised when he heard this.

Good fellow, tenth senior brother Xu Rong's handicraft of folding paper is passed down from generation to generation.

So basically you don't have to worry too much about the details.

Next, if everything goes well, then the perfect scene can be perfectly presented.

"Okay, I'll help tenth senior brother stack together. But tenth senior brother, you still have to teach me first."

Zhao Xun smiled naively, hoping that Xu Rong, the tenth senior brother, could understand what he meant.

"Hahaha, it's easy to say, it's actually not that difficult, you can learn it soon after you get used to it. Anyway, I don't think it's difficult, little brother, follow my pace."

"In fact, paper-folding figurines are the same as clay figurines. First, you need to squeeze out the root bones. Only after you squeeze out the root bones can you have everything more perfect. If the root bones are not well squeezed, then everything that follows It's going to be pretty confusing."


What Zhao Xun heard was clouded.

Pinch out the root bone?

What does it mean?
Why did Zhao Xun feel that he didn't understand what he meant?

For a moment, Zhao Xun really felt a little astonished.

He tried to start stacking, but encountered great difficulties at the beginning.

It can be said that Zhao Xun should belong to those with strong hands-on ability, but he still encountered a lot of resistance when folding paper figures.

It can only be said that there is specialization in the art industry.

Zhao Xun is really not very good at this aspect.

Fortunately, Brother Hanhan Shi is quite responsible.

Seeing that Zhao Xun was in trouble, he immediately stepped forward to help Zhao Xun.

"Little brother, you have to fold it like this. Start folding along the drawn line, and then turn it over. It must be kept in good condition. Otherwise, there will be problems with the details of the paper figurine you folded."

Brother Hanhan Ten spoke very seriously, and of course Zhao Xun listened very seriously.

If you want to maintain a good state at this time, you must control your emotions.

Emotions cannot fluctuate first.After all, no matter how you look at it, folding paper is a technical job.

If there is a technical problem, it is not a simple matter.

Once there is a problem, then you will encounter a rather complicated situation.


Zhao Xun exhaled a foul breath, trying hard to keep himself calm.This is really extremely important.

Zhao Xun knew that he had to do something that no one else had ever done.

Only Zhongnanshan Old Ten can fold paper figurines, and what they can fold depends entirely on their status.

So at this time, Zhao Xun knew that he must adjust his state to the best.

Only after adjusting the state can you enjoy the whole process.

Zhao Xun is a person who places great emphasis on enjoying the process.Because in his opinion, only a person can enjoy the process of paper folding can attract people from all aspects.

Otherwise, what will be stacked is a loneliness.

Zhao Xun pays great attention to details. He hopes that the paper figurines he folded are perfect no matter which direction they are viewed from, so that there will not be too many deviations in details.

Once there is a deviation in the details, then the next step is to accept a huge sense of gap.

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want this to happen.

So he has been secretly observing, observing every detail of Hanhan ten senior brother Xu Rong.

Details must be learned, and details must be learned no matter what.

Only by learning the details well can it be possible to come up with something different at a critical moment.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun studied very seriously, and he knew that he had a lot of things to do next.

After finishing all the details, the next thing he can do is quite convenient.

"Little brother, you are folding too hard here, and your paper figurine's arms and legs will be easily broken. I suggest that you fold it a little bit when you use force, and don't use too much force. The paper doll Generally, it is impossible to adjust it after it is folded. Therefore, there must be no damage. If there is any damage, it will really be too late."


Zhao Xun knew that tenth senior brother Xu Rong was talking about his accumulated experience over the years, so Zhao Xun listened very seriously.

Listening carefully at this time will be quite beneficial for the future.

Paper folders are purely based on experience, and experience is really crucial.

At this moment, Hanhan tenth senior brother Xu Rong has already passed on the experience he has accumulated over the years to Zhao Xun without reservation.

So what kind of bicycle does Zhao Xun need?

Next, Zhao Xun really can't have any hesitation.

The rest of the paper figurines must be folded properly.

For Zhao Xun, every detail that follows can be said to be quite critical.

If he can fold all the paper figurines, it won't be long before he has a wonderful prospect.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he knows that sometimes people still have to be a little ruthless.

When you show some ruthlessness, the other party will give up.

When the other party gives up, your good life ushers in a new chapter.

Don't think it's just such a simple thing as a paper stacker, but it can still reflect a lot of things at critical moments.

Zhao Xun knew that he still had a lot to learn next, so Zhao Xun did not dare to take it lightly from the beginning to the end.

He has been studying very seriously and very hard, and he wants to learn the details to the extreme.

This is certainly not an easy task, but sometimes there is nothing wrong with active learning.

Zhao Xun worked very hard, Xu Rong, the tenth senior brother, naturally saw this.

He felt very relieved.

Now in the entire academy, there is no one who works as hard as Zhao Xun, the younger brother.

More academy disciples have chosen a relatively simple model.

They prefer to use a relatively simple method to train.

The results obtained after such training can be said to be quite satisfactory.

Zhao Xun is not hypocritical, so the result he hopes to get is a perfect result.

So he will work tirelessly to learn every detail from the tenth brother Xu Rong, and he will not forget even some seemingly trivial things.

The details are really, really key.Sometimes, if the details can be achieved to the extreme, then it is indeed possible to suppress the opponent from all aspects.

Otherwise, it is not a simple matter.

Sometimes you still have to show some courage.

Since Zhao Xun has decided to learn paper folding from tenth brother Hanhan, he must come up with something different.


After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun was able to control his emotions well.

For him, all of the current situation can be said to be a match made in heaven.

If he can perform so well, then he will be able to usher in a perfect result.

A perfect result requires a lot of things, but the rewards that a perfect result can bring are also very rich.

At present, Zhao Xun is not only doing it for himself, but also for Wan Cishi, so that Wan Cishi can be saved from being slaughtered by Emperor Xianlong.

After all, Governor Wan is their friend, and friends should show some responsibility to friends.

At this time, Zhao Xun believed that what they were going to welcome next was a very wonderful moment.

This moment can be said to be what he has been looking forward to for a long time.

If all civil and military officials collectively wrote a letter to protect the governor, how would Emperor Xianlong feel?

Zhao Xun could almost imagine that Emperor Xianlong's angry face turned into a pig's liver.

That is definitely a liver-colored face, and it will definitely make people feel extremely helpless.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha
Zhao Xun felt very happy when he thought of this.

The wicked need the wicked to grind.

Anyway, Zhao Xun felt that there were not many good things in the civil and military affairs of the Great Zhou court, so let them disgust each other.

It's actually okay to hate each other, as long as a comprehensive duel can be achieved, it will indeed bring a completely different experience to a considerable extent.

Zhao Xun knows that sometimes people should show some hard power.

This time is the best opportunity.

In Daming Palace, Emperor Xianlong was about to explode with anger.

In just one day, he received memorials from the civil and military officials of Chang'an City one after another.

These officials only played for one thing, and that was Wan Yan.

What kind of magical power does this Wan Yan have, that he can make all the civil and military officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty work for him?

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt numb.

Good guy, this is kicking his nose and face, bullying him on the head?
Emperor Xianlong didn't understand how all this happened.

But just looking at the details, it should be related to some leaks.

The news did not necessarily leak from the palace.

Because Wan Yan is from Jiangnan Road.

All the way through the canal and then to the post station, the memorial was sent to Chang'an.

It is very likely that news will leak out during this long process.

There is also a possibility that after Wan Yan submitted the memorial, he immediately released a message, asking his colleagues in the capital to help him submit the memorial together.

In this way, a huge momentum can be formed.

For Wan Yan, the bigger the momentum, the better.

The greater the momentum, the greater the pressure on Emperor Xianlong.

The greater the momentum, the greater the accusations that Emperor Xianlong had to endure.

In this state, it is really difficult for Emperor Xianlong to issue the so-called imperial decree to punish Wan Yan.

This hand is really wonderful, wonderful.

For a while, Emperor Xianlong became numb.

At these times, when a person's emotions have been completely condensed together.Your whole mind will be in a state of chaos.

When a person has been in a state of chaos, it is basically impossible to do something reliable.

The current Emperor Xianlong is in such a state.

He was completely dizzy.Not only dizzy but also turned.

The feeling of confusion really made him not know what to do for a short time.

What should he do now?

Emperor Xianlong actually felt that no matter what he did next, it didn't seem right.

Every choice he made seemed to be deliberately restrained.

So no matter what he does next, he will be severely criticized by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, right?
Then this is too difficult, right?
Emperor Xianlong felt that he was being targeted.

The opponent's target is still on the point, and the target is very ruthless.

So how can I control my emotions?

Emperor Xianlong felt that his mentality was about to explode.

At that moment, Emperor Xianlong was really helpless.

How to do it?

How can I make myself quite competitive?

How can he handle Wan Yan's matter well?
Emperor Xianlong knew that the Wan Yan incident was definitely not an isolated incident.If you can't handle this incident well, you will be in a very difficult situation next.

Afterwards, similar things would happen from time to time, and Emperor Xianlong would really want to cry without tears.

Emperor Xianlong felt that his current situation could be said to be quite difficult.

It was really a single careless move and everything was lost.

If one point is not handled well, the situation that will be faced afterwards will all collapse.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was really very confused.

What to do next?

Emperor Xianlong felt that no matter what he wanted to do, the next situation he would face would be very difficult.

Alas, at this time Emperor Xianlong instinctively wanted to call Master Huiyan into the palace.

But Master Huiyan is a monk after all.Does he really know so much about these matters of the court?
What if Emperor Xianlong was not satisfied with the plan proposed by Master Huiyan?
Wouldn't that reduce Master Huiyan's favorability in his mind?
So at this time Emperor Xianlong was indeed incomparably confused.

What should I do?

Emperor Xianlong was going to be stupid.

In the East Palace, Prince Li Xiankun was so excited that he jumped up and down after hearing the news that the ministers had jointly signed a letter to his father.

It really means that when he wants to sleep, someone comes to hand him a pillow.

This situation can be said to be ideal.

If there are so many people who oppose the father because of Wan Yan, they can suppress the father's arrogance to a considerable extent.

During this period of time, the royal father's arrogance was indeed too arrogant.

It is really not a good thing to maintain such an arrogant arrogance.

At the critical moment, we still need to be able to come up with something different.

Prince Li Xiankun knew that once his father was in a disadvantaged position in the duel with the officials, it would be a very good thing for him.

After all, for Crown Prince Li Xiankun, if he can exert all-round suppression, then the pressure he can bear next will become quite small.

When the father was already too busy dealing with the officials, it was impossible to spare any extra energy to deal with him.

For Prince Li Xiankun, this can be regarded as the best result.

Sometimes Prince Li Xiankun would think about how a prince should behave in order to be stronger, and how a prince should behave in order to become an existence that countless people envy.

Now he has found the answer, which is to do the right thing at the right time.

For example, now, Prince Li Xiankun's opportunity has come.

There have never been many members of the princelings in the court. If the prince Li Xiankun can make good use of the princelings in a reasonable way and mobilize the princelings reasonably, then they will have a considerable chance to turn defeat into victory in the future.

Even facing his father, the prince has no fear at this time.

Once upon a time, the father was like a mountain lying in front of the prince. The prince felt that he could not overcome this mountain, but now the prince found that this mountain was not as insurmountable as imagined.

In order to step over this mountain, what he needs to do is actually very simple.

As far as the current situation is concerned, as long as he can find useful princelings among the officials who signed the letter and order them to point the finger at the emperor with guns and sticks inside, the effect will be quite explosive.

After all, the group of ministers jointly signed the letter just to protect Wanyan, but the prince wanted to take this opportunity to make a big fuss.

If he can take advantage of such a good opportunity to do something extremely enviable and astonishing, Prince Li Xiankun will really gain a firm foothold in the court.

Of course this process will not be easy, but Prince Li Xiankun has no choice.

At this time, he can only go one way to the end.

At this time, if he has any emotional changes or any emotional interference, it will actually be quite unfavorable.

When it's time to act, it must be acted immediately.

When it's time to exert strength, there must be no hesitation.

If there is still hesitation at this time, the changes in the situation are really confusing.

Sometimes emotions are really a thing that can continue to spread.

Maybe it was just Prince Li Xiankun's mood that changed at first, but gradually the mood of the entire East Palace began to change.

When the mood of the East Palace begins to change, the mood of the princelings may also change accordingly.

The accumulation of so many changes can indeed bring a huge impact to a considerable extent.

When the impact is condensed together, the impulse brought by it can make the entire court situation arouse great waves.

Prince Li Xiankun now of course hopes that the court situation will be as chaotic as possible.

The more chaotic the court, the more chances he has.

Fishing in troubled waters has always been Prince Li Xiankun's unique skill.

As long as the court remains chaotic, there are quite a few things he can do.

Many times people's emotions will have some fluctuations and problems.

But in the eyes of Prince Li Xiankun, this is not a big problem.

It is important to achieve his ultimate goal, so it is okay to pay some price.

Prince Li Xiankun was looking forward to this day.

For him, everything that follows is full of expectations.

He really wanted to see what his father, who had already reached the state of the emperor's mind, would choose to do next.

It can be said that the next choice and deployment of the father will cause various changes in the entire court situation.

But the prince will definitely exert his influence in it.

If the prince can exert his influence as soon as possible, his party members will be more confident to charge for him.

Sometimes these things go hand in hand.

If the prince has been showing an indifferent mentality.

The members of the princeling party will definitely feel indifferent.

So at critical times, we still have to come up with something different.

At least from the prince's point of view, his personal emotions are well controlled.

The next thing to look at is the ability of the princelings to fuel the flames and fan the flames.

Prince Li Xiankun firmly believes that it is not difficult for these officials to achieve this.

After all, for these officials, this can already be regarded as commonplace.

It's a very simple thing, just do it according to their instincts.

After doing this well, Prince Li Xiankun really felt that nothing could stump them.

Then just enjoy everything honestly.

Prince Li Xiankun is really looking forward to it.

It was already in a dead end, but now this pool of stagnant water was revitalized instantly.

Prince Li Xiankun saw hope again, and the excitement was really indescribable.

Tsk tsk tsk, next, we must control our emotions well, and grasp this rhythm and opportunity well.

The Western Regions, the country of Shaz.

Master Hui'an really couldn't bear it anymore.

He endured it for so long but the result?
The result is to watch the Anxi army reclaim the fields while mowing soldiers and horses.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is not a perfect choice.

If they are allowed to go on like this, it won't be long before the pressure on the entire 36 countries in the Western Regions will be too great.

It's okay if it's a short period of time, but it's really not something ordinary people can bear to bear such a huge pressure for a long time.

At this moment, Master Hui'an really felt that he was too difficult.

What to do, what to do next?
It can be said that Master Hui'an's next decision will to a considerable extent determine the direction of the entire Western Region main combat faction city-state.

Now that they have formed an alliance, it is impossible to act alone.

At this time, as the real leader of the alliance, Master Hui'an must choose to stand up at the critical moment.

If he can't stand up at this time, the alliance will inevitably become more and more disintegrated in the future.

The state and spirit displayed at critical moments can determine many things to a considerable extent.

No matter what others think, anyway, in Master Hui'an's opinion, he has no other choice at this time.

He has to stand up, and he has to be able to come up with a perfect way to solve the problem.

This path should not be too difficult, otherwise, among the 36 countries in the Western Regions, there will definitely be those who choose to quit.

The reason why they wanted to join this alliance at the beginning was that they thought they could have a mouthful of soup and a mouthful of meat.

But now it seems that they think a little too much. Things are not as simple as they imagined at the beginning. Now, no matter from any angle, the pressure is huge.

After exhaling a foul breath, Master Hui'an knew that he must be cautious in the next decision he made.

If you make a decision easily, it may be used by someone with a heart in the next period of time.Once that happens, it may cause a big wave of rendering.

This is not a joke.

Because of this, the pressure of the situation to face is quite great.

Can they withstand such a huge pressure?

If they are under such huge pressure blindly, will the atmosphere in the entire league become very tense in the next period of time?
Master Hui'an feels that this possibility is quite huge, and it will almost certainly come true.

Everything that comes next seems very difficult.

Master Hui'an must grasp this speed, because no one can share it with him, and no one can help him make a choice.

At this time, Master Hui'an can only rely on himself.

It is better to ask yourself than to ask others for everything.

If you blindly ask for help, it will be quite troublesome to develop a habit.

Sometimes emotions still need to be able to be suppressed, and things that cannot be suppressed are even more troublesome.


After exhaling a foul breath, Master Hui'an has calmed down.

In fact, he already has a plan in his heart, at least so far the whole plan is not quite perfect.

He also needs to polish the details, and only after polishing can it be used reasonably.


With a loud noise, the Tongtian Pagoda collapsed.

This incident caused an uproar in Chang'an City for a while.

Because the Tongtian Pagoda is too high and too big, the huge sound of the collapse cannot be concealed at all.

Although the imperial court deliberately concealed the matter, the speed at which this matter fermented among the people obviously far exceeded the imperial court's imagination.

For a moment, almost everyone exclaimed.

what is happening?
Could it be that God wants to issue a warning because God can't stand the current imperial court's perverse behavior?

If this is the case, then it actually makes sense.

Recently, there have been continuous rainstorms in Chang'an area, and the frequency of rainstorms is much higher than in previous years.

The common people did not notice such an abnormal thing at first.

But looking at it now, everything is different.

At this time, the heavy rain in the long press area is connected with the Tongtian Pagoda, and you can clearly figure out what caused all this.

These things are really too closely linked.

For a moment, even the officials of the imperial court began to wonder whether it was because they offended God that they were punished by God.

Because if this is the case, then everything can be explained.

Heaven and earth.

If this is really the case, doesn't it mean that the national fortune of Da Zhou is already in jeopardy?

No matter which details you look at, this is quite disappointing.

Some officials turned their attention to Qin Tianjian.

After all, Yuan Tiangang is a Taoist celestial master, and his ability to observe celestial phenomena and providence is second to none.

If Yuan Tiangang can give some reasonable judgments at this time, then they will be able to clearly understand what is behind this incident.

But they knew that with Yuan Tiangang's bad temper, it was difficult to express their views easily.

In other words, even if Yuan Tiangang really saw something clearly, in the end, he probably just told Emperor Xianlong.

They do not deserve to have such critical information, and they do not deserve to have such critical information in such a short period of time.

In Daming Palace, Emperor Xianlong sat dumbly like a log.

His emotions really broke down completely.

After breaking the defense in such an instant, Emperor Xianlong really couldn't adjust his emotions to the best state.

With so many things happening in a short period of time, it would be difficult for anyone to adjust.

Emperor Xianlong didn't know why so many things happened one after another. Is it really because God started to send disasters?

But isn't the purpose of his decree to build the Tongtian Pagoda to be able to establish contact with God?

Looking at it this way, he didn't do anything wrong, did he?

Why did God send him such a big disaster?
Why is this, why?

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt very confused and confused.

He really couldn't understand what was happening right now, it was so confusing and confusing.

Life is really hard to see through.

Although Emperor Xianlong is the son of heaven, he can't even fathom God's mentality.

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt quite helpless.

So what should he do next?
Emperor Xianlong knew that it was useless to summon Master Huiyan at this time, and he had to summon Yuan Tiangang to ask about the way of heaven at this time.

Although Emperor Xianlong himself didn't like Yuan Tiangang that much, he still couldn't have any hesitation at the critical moment.

Hesitation will cause many difficult problems, and hesitation will make the hard work come to nothing in an instant.

So at this time, Emperor Xianlong knew that he had to plan reasonably and make the best choice reasonably.

Only by making the best choice can he survive this crisis perfectly.

"Come here, pass the decree, and announce that Tianshi Yuan will have an audience."

In Qin Tianjian, Yuan Tiangang sat cross-legged on a colorful lotus.

He was meditating silently.

He had a premonition of some things, but the development of some things still exceeded his expectations.

For example, the collapse of the Tongtian Pagoda today.

This incident happened so suddenly that even experienced people would feel a little astonished.

I am afraid that not many people can bear the occurrence of this kind of thing.

So Yuan Tiangang's emotions at this time can be described as quite complicated.


After exhaling a breath of turbid air, Yuan Tiangang tried his best to stabilize his emotions.

He knew that it would not be long before there would be news from the palace.

As the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, Yuan Tiangang couldn't forgive this topic.

It won't be long before Emperor Xianlong will come to ask him for advice.

At that time, Yuan Tiangang will tell Emperor Xianlong some words of divine enlightenment.

This really is
Yuan Tiangang is actually very unsuited to doing such similar things.

But at this moment Yuan Tiangang really has no choice.

Everything at this time was very different from what he had imagined.

At this time, the change of heaven is far faster than he imagined.

Can Emperor Xianlong withstand this time?

What would Yuan Tiangang do if Emperor Xianlong couldn't stand it?
Just thinking about these things makes me dizzy.

"Master, there are people coming from the palace."

Sure enough, it still came.

When Yuan Tiangang heard what his apprentice Li Chunfeng said, he smiled wryly for a while.

It has to be said that this event is definitely a big one.

So at this moment, Emperor Xianlong would definitely be restless.

At this time, if he wants to understand the will of heaven and the way of heaven, the best choice is to ask Yuan Tiangang.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the explanation Yuan Tiangang can provide him is far higher than that of Master Huiyan.

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong was also a traitor.

He will always make the choice that is most beneficial to him, and then make a series of adjustments based on this choice.

After adjusting to the most perfect state, he will completely change his posture again.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was under enormous pressure.

"I know it as a teacher. During the period of entering the palace as a teacher, you should stay in the Qin Tianjian honestly and don't go anywhere, and you must not cause trouble. Do you understand?"

"The disciple knows."

At this moment, Li Chunfeng was trying his best not to laugh.

The Tongtian Pagoda was destroyed, of course he was the happiest person.

For Li Chunfeng, it is not difficult to plan everything reasonably, but he can't see that the Western Regions monk is proud of himself.

As soon as he saw Master Huiyan's unbeatable face, he wanted to punch him directly.

It has to be said that sometimes the Buddhism of the Western Regions puts a lot of pressure on the Taoism.

At the beginning, Buddhist temples were built on a large scale in Chang'an City.

Then it became the beginning of the construction of the Tongtian Buddhist Pagoda in Chang'an City.

Such behavior really stimulated Li Chunfeng to a considerable extent.

Because before that, the Taoist sect was the only orthodox sect in the entire Chang'an city.

But now the Taoist sect is threatened by the Buddhist sect from the Western Regions.

Buddhism in the Western Regions is coming aggressively, and the momentum of development is very rapid.

With the intentional or unintentional support of the imperial court, there is a great intention to come from behind and catch up with Taoism.

How could Li Chunfeng not be in a hurry?How can we not panic?

In many cases, the situation that Li Chunfeng has to face is actually the situation that the Taoist school has to face.

However, as the leader of the Taoist sect, the master sometimes behaves too calmly.

Such a calm state of mind is actually very detrimental to the development of the entire Taoist sect.

Although Daoism emphasizes quietness and inaction, it is not about not fighting for nothing.

The key is to scramble or to scramble when the time comes.

People still have appeals in comparison, and they can't be like a docile little sheep.

What's the point of living like that?
Of course Li Chunfeng knew that he couldn't say these words to his master no matter what.

If Master has endured such a huge pressure with his character, then he will face a huge reprimand next.

The master will definitely scold him, and once he starts talking, he can't stop it at all.

Li Chunfeng knew that he had to control his emotions, so he had to hold back at this time.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't exert your strength at this time, as long as you read the jokes of the Tantric School in the Western Regions.

It can be said that the Buddhism of the Western Regions is in bad luck at this time.

Daoists don't need to add insult to injury, they just need to read jokes.

When Yuan Tiangang left Qin Tianjian, he gave Li Chunfeng thousands of exhortations.

His apprentice knows best, in fact, Yuan Tiangang is really worried about Li Chunfeng.

But no matter how worried he was, he still had to move on. Even if he couldn't worry, Yuan Tiangang didn't have any choice.

When there is a choice, there must be a choice.

When there is judgment, there must be judgment.

When there should be a decision, there must be a decision.

At this time Yuan Tiangang had to enter the palace.

Moreover, Yuan Tiangang can clearly feel that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the entire Taoist sect.

If he can grasp this opportunity well, then he will be able to steadily feel the improvement from the Dao Sect.

The Daoist sect has indeed been squeezed into a large amount of living space by the Buddhist sects of the Western Regions for more than a year.

Now the number of temples in the entire Chang'an City is not more than the number of Taoist temples, but at least it is the same.

If this momentum cannot be reversed, it won't be long before the Taoist sect, the number one sect in the Central Plains, will be replaced by the Buddhist sect of the Western Regions.

How could Yuan Tiangang not be in a hurry, how could he not be sad?

But no matter how urgent and sad, there are still some things to come up with at critical moments.

Yuan Tiangang knew what he was going to do next, and he knew what he was going to do for the Taoist sect next.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang has always been very clear in his heart, he just doesn't want to express it too clearly.

Because he is a very introverted person, he likes to put everything in his heart, and he likes to put everything on his shoulders.

In this way, he can obviously feel the huge pressure.

But at this time, he shouldn't be the one to resist the pressure alone.

There should be someone to share with him at critical moments.

But these are all things for later.

Now Yuan Tiangang only knows that he should do one thing, and that is to enter the palace honestly.

Emperor Xianlong waited thousands of times and finally waited for Yuan Tiangang.

To be honest, Emperor Xianlong was still very panicked at the beginning.

Because Yuan Tiangang's personality is different from other people, and he is still very weird.

Yuan Tiangang might not come.

In that case, Emperor Xianlong actually had no good way to take Yuan Tiangang.

After all, sometimes whether it is Emperor Xianlong or Yuan Tiangang, it is actually just a mutual achievement relationship.

Since it is a relationship of mutual achievement, it is impossible to order Yuan Tiangang in the same way that an emperor orders his subjects.

If Emperor Xianlong chose this way, the situation he faced and the result he accepted would be completely different.

Of course Emperor Xianlong knew he couldn't do this, so his attitude towards Yuan Tiangang has always been very good.

It can be said that the courtesy has increased.

But Yuan Tiangang still seemed a little aloof.

This made Emperor Xianlong feel a little embarrassed for a while.

But considering that Yuan Tiangang has maintained a good state, it is really hard for Emperor Xianlong to say anything at this time.

After exhaling a foul breath, Emperor Xianlong was already able to control his emotions reasonably.

After Yuan Tiangang was brought, Emperor Xianlong sat upright.

"Pindao pays homage to His Majesty, what is the matter that His Majesty summoned him to enter the palace?"

Although Yuan Tiangang knew the meaning of Emperor Xianlong's summoning him into the palace, he just didn't say anything.

He must let this sentence come out of Emperor Xianlong's mouth.

"tsk tsk"

Emperor Xianlong pondered for a moment: "Today, the Tongtian Pagoda in Chang'an City suddenly collapsed. I invited Yuan Tianshi here to ask, what does the collapse of the Tongtian Pagoda mean?"


Yuan Tiangang made a look of astonishment: "What, the Tongtian Pagoda collapsed? Doesn't that mean that?"

Seeing Yuan Tiangang acting so well, Emperor Xianlong was both angry and laughing in his heart.

Well, you can laugh if you want to, well, there's no need to look like this.

Emperor Xianlong was helpless for a while.

"Yes, the Tongtian Pagoda has collapsed, and now rumors are spreading throughout Chang'an City. Although the government has tried its best to suppress it, it can't be suppressed at all. It's hard to defend the people."

Emperor Xianlong was really helpless at this time.Although he is an emperor, he still has no way to completely stop the people's mouths.

At present, Emperor Xianlong is still in a relatively passive situation.


Yuan Tiangang pondered for a moment and then said: "If your majesty is like this, the situation is indeed a bit tricky. I don't know what your majesty thinks?"

"What do I think?"

Emperor Xianlong was stunned for a moment.

What does Yuan Tiangang mean by this?
I was clearly asking you, why did you ask me back?

Interesting, this is really interesting.

"I think it might be purely accidental. There have been a lot of heavy rains in the Chang'an area recently. The heavy rains loosened the entire foundation, which is why the Tongtian Buddhist Pagoda collapsed."

After Emperor Xianlong finished speaking, he stared closely at Yuan Tiangang's eyes, waiting for Yuan Tiangang's answer.

I have to say that this is indeed a big challenge for Yuan Tiangang.

Because how he analyzes is one aspect, but on the other hand, he still needs to be able to show what Emperor Long wants in his heart.

If what he said couldn't match what Emperor Xianlong thought, it would actually be very fatal.

"Well, that's why Pindao may think differently from His Majesty."

In fact, Yuan Tiangang had already gone through it several times carefully when he came, and he already had a draft.

What he has to do now is to ingeniously combine this passage with what Emperor Xianlong said just now.

As long as the combination is good enough, there will be no major problems.

"Tianshi Yuan, please tell me."

At this time, Emperor Xianlong still showed an attitude of listening and being taught.

Yuan Tiangang nodded slightly and said: "Your Majesty, in the eyes of the poor, this may be because of changes in the way of heaven and the reason for God's anger."


Emperor Xianlong only felt that once his brain exploded, his whole body would be in a bad state.

It can be said that everything he felt at this time was quite confusing.

If the words just now came from someone else's mouth, then Emperor Xianlong might feel a little unbelief.But these words happened to come from Yuan Tiangang's mouth.

Can Emperor Xianlong not believe it?
Who is Yuan Tiangang? He is the number one Taoist priest in the world, and he is the one who understands God's will best.

Even if Emperor Xianlong didn't believe in anyone, it was impossible not to believe in Yuan Tiangang.

It can be said that to some extent Yuan Tiangang is an absolute perceiver of the Dao of Heaven.

"This, how should this be done."

Even Emperor Xianlong, who had always been calm, began to panic at this moment.

He couldn't help but not panic.With so many things happening, Emperor Xianlong always felt that he was not well.

If he can't stand still, then the next thing will make Emperor Xianlong continue to slide down until he slips into the abyss.

This is simply too difficult, really too difficult.

"Your Majesty, you should follow the way of heaven. If the way of heaven wants your majesty to have no desires, then your majesty shouldn't fight for things you can't see."


Emperor Xianlong's face was ashen.

"No desires, no desires."

"Yes, just like His Majesty is doing now, maintaining an extremely calm attitude and retreating to practice is the best embodiment of having no desires and no desires."

At this time Yuan Tiangang knew that he could not show his cards yet.He had to be persuasive and persuasive, constantly leading Emperor Xianlong to the position he wanted to lead.

"Uh, but do I want to keep practicing in closed doors like this?"

Emperor Xianlong was really going crazy.He would have had enough of living this kind of life for ten days and half a month, and it would be too tortured if he continued to live like this.

(End of this chapter)

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