big week bad guy

Chapter 493 Fighting Academy

Chapter 493 Fighting Academy

As the leader of the academy alliance, Zhao Xun deeply understands his responsibilities and roles at this time.

In any case, he must choose to stand up at this time and lead everyone to fight against the Corruptor.

It can be said that the quality of Zhao Xun's performance at this time determines many things to a considerable extent.

Everything depends on the details. As long as there are different things in the details, there is basically no need to worry too much.

Anyway, no matter what others think, Zhao Xun understands this very well.

"Everyone be quiet, I know that the Corruptor has launched a fierce attack now, so everyone basically showed some panic. But in fact, everyone does not need to panic at all. Because we have defeated the Corruptor before, we still I can defeat them again. The Corruptors have nothing to fear. They are just a group of very hypocritical guys. They just rely on the so-called superiority of numbers to suppress the weak. But now we are killing the weak in terms of numbers. We are not weaker than them at all, so we don’t need to have any fear of the Corruptors at all. We just need to be ourselves and do what we should do, and we will be able to deal a heavy blow to the Corruptors. Please be sure If you choose to believe in us, please choose to believe in our academy alliance. Our academy alliance is invincible. As long as everyone can unite as one, as long as everyone can unite to the outside world, then nothing can defeat us."

Zhao Xun's speaking skill level is quite high, even if it is just a few words, it can reflect a very high level, which is exactly what some other people don't have.

Therefore, Zhao Xun is extremely hopeful that he can reflect different things in the details, so as to form an influence and move others.

In many cases, the cohesion of the team is built up little by little.

Perhaps the cohesion of the team was not as obvious as imagined at the beginning, but gradually you can clearly feel the great cohesion.

This is really a very touching cohesion.

When Zhao Xun met the members of the academy alliance for the first time, he didn't feel so deeply.

Because at that time, Zhao Xun felt that the academy alliance might not be able to converge into a truly cohesive group.

But then he found out he was wrong.

The tenacity and cohesion of the Academy Alliance are far stronger than he imagined.

The academy alliance, which has shown such a powerful side, has given Zhao Xun too many surprises.

It is actually not a simple matter to gather so many surprises.

But Zhao Xun never regretted or gave up.

Because he knew that this was an alliance he had formed with his own hands, and it was only after a little bit of hard work that he saved it up.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must be responsible for this alliance, and must show a unique momentum at the most critical moment.

Momentum is a process of continuous accumulation.

It may not feel obvious at first, but gradually you will be able to clearly feel part of it.

When you can clearly feel everything in it, you will find that you have become stronger again.

People are in a process of continuous self-knowledge.

In the beginning, people's cognition of themselves was actually quite weak, but it became clearer and clearer.You start to know yourself more and more.

The whole process is quite difficult and requires considerable effort, but when you give it all, what you get can really be moving for quite a long time.

So touched, really touched.


After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun was trying to control his emotions.

He knew that this time was a very sensational stage.

He can be sensational, there is no problem with that, but he can't be too bad.

If it is too rotten and sensational, the effect will not be good.

Therefore, Zhao Xun extremely hopes to show something different in the details, so that the members of the academy alliance are not only moved because he is sensational.

What he wants to show is that the Academy Alliance is moved because of their own cooperative relationship.

The two are indeed fundamentally different.

Sometimes what kind of state a person can achieve actually has a lot to say.

At the beginning, maybe you are just a complete amateur.

But gradually you start to grow.

The process of growing up is long and full of hardships.But you can clearly feel that you have grown up.

To grow is to grow, and this will not change at all.

So when you realize this you become very relieved.

Zhao Xun perfectly fits this state.

No matter from any details, he is a very perfect performance.

Of course, at this time, the members of the academy alliance also gave him quite positive feedback.

Whether it is the leader of the Dragon Clan, Luo Lun or other members, they can all give Zhao Xun quite positive feedback.

Zhao Xun was quite touched by this.

Because sometimes he doesn't ask for anything in return.

But if there is a return, that is naturally the best.

It's like rich people don't dislike having more money, right?

Zhao Xun was very moved by the feedback from Luo Lun and others. At this time, he could clearly feel that his efforts back then were all worthwhile.

With these sacrifices, Zhao Xun grew up quite fast.

After growing up, Zhao Xun can stand alone no matter from any angle.

It is really important to be on one's own side, which allows Zhao Xun to perfectly adapt to the rhythm of all aspects.

Standing alone can make Zhao Xun show unique qualities no matter from any point of view.

After accumulating these qualities, Zhao Xun's whole state will be sublimated.

This is really not something that can be achieved by one person.

Even Zhao Xun achieved it after paying a lot in the whole process.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

Zhao Xun knew the hardships of the whole process, so he also knew what he had to pay to get to this point.

So he will cherish all that he has obtained so far.

Come on, there is nothing that cannot be improved, and there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

Even if the opponent is a Corruptor.

"Everyone, please listen to me. The reason why the Corruptors dared to attack aggressively this time must be because they already had a very detailed plan deep in their hearts. They will definitely implement this predetermined plan intact. But In fact, there is no need to have too many worries. Because what we have to do at this time is to dismantle the current situation as much as possible. We are not the ones who need to take the initiative to deal with it. We just need to ensure that we don’t panic too much. Everyone must be sure This. Because there are so many things we can do. Even the Corruptors themselves cannot do much harm to us. The Corruptors are really an embroidered pillow. They, then they are unlikely to pose any threat to us. In addition, in the specific response process, everyone should show some differences as much as possible. Corruptors will indeed be very competitive in many aspects, but This is actually just a small side. What we need to ensure next is that we can suppress the Corruptor in other aspects. In this way, even if the Corruptor puts a lot of pressure on us on this small side, we can still win them."

Zhao Xun knew that if he said so much at this time, there would be a possibility of arousing everyone's disgust.

But Zhao Xun still did not give up, did not stop.

Because he knew that at this time, there really couldn't be any pause.

If Zhao Xun stopped at this time.

Then the entire Corruptor, the entire Corruptor alliance will have a very big impact on them.

But if they don't stop themselves, but can put up the fence, then the situation is completely different.

It can be said that the maintenance of the entire state and the control of the entire rhythm depend entirely on Zhao Xun.

So Zhao Xun must do the details well, and he must not pull his hips.

The state at this time is very precious.

If Zhao Xun pulled his hips this time, then he really would never tolerate himself again.

After a passionate speech, Zhao Xun returned to the academy.

He knows that he has done a good job in controlling the overall rhythm.

The next thing he has to do is to control the rhythm as much as possible.

If he can press the rhythm very well and firmly, then it will be perfect.

No matter how you say it, the Corruptor is the person chosen by the Shadow Clan to replace their rule on the bright side, so even if they stretch their hips again, they still have certain strength.

Zhao Xun knew that at this time, he must not take it too lightly, and should show some strength.

As long as they have a certain degree of vigilance at this time, it is unlikely that there will be a full-scale hip pull.

As long as the academy alliance does not have a full-scale hip pull, then they will be able to fully demonstrate their strength in the next period of time.

After Zhao Xun returned to the academy, he suddenly felt hungry.

Maybe it was because he had consumed too much energy during the speech, Zhao Xun felt that he needed to replenish his energy now.

Sometimes replenishing energy is a very critical way for people to obtain happiness.

Zhao Xun knew that he really shouldn't have any hesitation at this time.

For him, everything he has obtained right now is actually quite precious.

So he just needs to cherish it and enjoy it.

If you can enjoy it all, why not?
Zhao Xun has always been a person who is extremely strict with himself.

He firmly believes that strict requirements can bring about all-round improvement, and strict requirements can bring about all-round strengthening.

Of course Zhao Xun himself is considered a high-level practitioner, but his current state is not enough to make them a top-level practitioner.

How can one become a top practitioner?

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and realized that in order to become a top practitioner, one must have a very strong psychological quality.

So in the recent period of time, he has been working hard from all aspects to make his psychological quality stronger.

But no matter how strong the psychological quality is, people must eat, and they must eat enough.

It is impossible for a person who cannot eat enough to have a strong potential.

So Zhao Xun ran towards the kitchen of the academy without hesitation.

When Zhao Xun came to the kitchen, he was surprised to find that Wangcai was also there.

"Ah, Wangcai, you are here too."

"Hahahaha, brother Mingyun, yes."

Wangcai chuckled and said, "I'm going to get some food. Isn't it time for dinner? I'm very hungry. You know that fat people tend to get hungry quickly."

Not to mention that Wangcai's words really make sense.

Regardless of the details, Wangcai can always sum up clearly and logically.

This moved Zhao Xun very much.

Because no matter from any angle, Zhao Xun can show a completely different side of himself.

But Wangcai is not the case.

Prosperity seems to be the same.

No matter you look at Wangcai from any time and place, you will find that Wangcai is so real and exactly the same.

But wouldn't such a life seem a little boring?
Zhao Xun didn't know, but what Zhao Xun knew was that Wangcai always seemed to feel that such a life was very happy.

Since Wangcai thinks this kind of life is very happy, shouldn't it be all right?

Since Wangcai thinks this kind of life is very happy, isn't it the most perfect?

Why do you have to emphasize your own rhythm?
Everyone's frequency and rhythm are different.

"Okay, I just happened to be back, let's see what we can order together."

Zhao Xun is really very hungry, he is the kind of hungry heart sticking to the back.

It is actually quite rare to be hungry to this extent.

So Zhao Xun didn't think about making a fuss about some details.

But looking at the meaning of Wangcai, there are actually quite a lot of details.

Wangcai seems to have a lot of ideas.

"Ah, then I think fried rice, fried noodles, or fried rice noodles. These three things are actually quite simple, and it's not troublesome to make at all. Since everyone is hungry, there is no need to make those fancy things. Making so many bells and whistles will always give people a very confused feeling. After all, you can’t eat it in your mouth for half a day.”


Zhao Xun took Wangcai's words very seriously.

Good guy, Wangcai is really speaking quite philosophically now.

"Actually, I also think it's better to make it simpler at this time. As long as it can fill your stomach, it doesn't have to be strong. Are you right?"

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. The most important thing for us now is to fill our stomachs. As long as we can fill our stomachs, we may have the energy to cook other dishes, otherwise, it is simply Nonsense."

Wangcai's words really amused Zhao Xun.

Is it true that a family does not enter a house?

Birds of a feather flock together.

Zhao Xun was able to get acquainted with Wangcai and become a brother who worshiped him, which was really destined.

If you think about many things from another angle, you can actually find completely different points.

Zhao Xun didn't know how other people thought about this point.Anyway, in his opinion, many things are not as complicated as imagined.

Just eat and be happy.

Why should you pursue something that is full of color, fragrance and taste?

The key is to be delicious, and the key is to fill your stomach.

This is the most important thing, the others are not important.

As long as the food is delicious, as long as the food can fill the stomach, then the next thing to do is to feast on it.

Of course, Zhao Xun and Wangcai still have a long way to go before they can feast on each other.

Because right now they are still far away from making a table of fried noodles, fried rice and fried rice noodles.

People absolutely cannot float, especially in the moment.

Because once a person floats, his state will indeed plummet.

Once the state starts to decline and you want to bring it up again, it is really too difficult.

Once the state declines, the energy of the whole person will be like a deflated ball, and it will be deflated in an instant.

So Zhao Xun knew that it was necessary to turn down the heat and strike the iron, and hurry up to cook while they were hungry.

Cooking must pay attention to one detail. Only when the details are in place, can the food be delicious.

Otherwise, the cooked food can find faults no matter where it comes from.

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to details, so even if it is a very ordinary-looking fried rice, even if it is a very simple-looking fried rice noodle, he will try his best to make all the details in place in advance.

In this way, the fried rice noodle fried rice made will be full of details and will be very delicious.

"Wangcai, I'm going to start frying. You help me prepare the side dishes first."

Since Zhao Xun is here now, it must be Zhao Xun who is in charge.There is no doubt about this.

Although Wangcai's cooking skills can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, it is almost meaningless to compare with Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun didn't mean to look down on Wangcai, but he was afraid of comparison in everything.

So Zhao Xun thinks that Wangcai has a huge room for improvement in the future.

What Zhao Xun wants to give Wangcai now is a buffer time.

If Wangcai can learn the essence of Zhao Xun in the next period of time, then he will not be far away from becoming a teacher.

Third senior brother Long Qingquan's state can only be considered so-so.

Because the third senior brother Long Qingquan didn't actually learn the essence of Zhao Xun's cooking, so it can be said that he only has the shape but not the spirit.

So the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, can only be a help cook so far, and there is still a long way to go before becoming the head chef by himself.

But Zhao Xun did not give up on the third brother Long Qingquan because of this.

After all, it is not easy to come out to help a cook.

And with the aptitude of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, it should be very possible to grow up in the next period of time.

As long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan wants to improve, Zhao Xun will work hard to teach him.

Of course, now Zhao Xun will not think about such a far-reaching problem.

The most important thing for Zhao Xun at present is to make a big meal as soon as possible.

After all, only when your stomach is full will you have the energy to do other things.

If you can't even fill your stomach, what's the point of saying that there are some and none?

After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his mood.

For Zhao Xun, cooking is actually quite exhausting.

If his state control is not very good, then the taste of the dishes will not be so good.

So Zhao Xun still hopes to make some breakthroughs in the details.

After all, no matter how you look at it, he very much hopes to make more distinctive fried rice and fried noodles.

These things may seem simple, but in fact they all have completely different points.

Some people don't understand these points at all, so there will be many flaws and omissions in the choice of details.

But Zhao Xun will not, Zhao Xun will work hard to achieve the ultimate in every point.

Even the most trivial point is the same.

Difficult, but very real.

Difficult, but realistic.

Sometimes life is indeed such a reality.

When you're faced with a radically different life choice, every choice matters.

So this time Zhao Xun intends to make some improvements in taste.

After all, Zhao Xun couldn't think of how to improve other aspects.

If all the following details are mixed together, what can be done is quite limited.

So I can only make a fuss about the taste.

If you want to make a perfect taste, you need to make some improvements and trade-offs in the ratio of seasonings.

If you can't make a decision on the seasoning, then basically you don't have to think about those details.

The details are actually the most critical.

If the details can be done well, many problems can be easily solved.

After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his mood.

For him, even such a subtle movement as shaking a spoon will be affected by the fluctuation of true energy.

This trivial action may seem a bit inconspicuous, but it is actually quite precious.

If you can do the details, then you can master these elements very well.

Zhao Xun is very serious, he is an extremely serious person.

So as long as he has the opportunity, he will try hard, and as long as he has the opportunity, he will work hard to control the fire.

He fried the mere pot of fried rice and fried noodles with great care.

So when these pieces came out of the pan, everyone including Wangcai showed a feeling of enjoyment.

"Wow, just smelling the smell is so delicious."

"Yes, yes, I have never smelled such delicious fried rice and fried noodles. Junior brother, your cooking skills have improved again."

Faced with the compliments from the third senior brother Long Qingquan and Wangcai, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

Good guy, these two people are really good at rainbow fart now.It is really quite difficult to control emotions so well without any fluctuations.

"Haha, if you like it, eat more. Anyway, I'm going to eat."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that it is really better to eat more and eat a little bit with this bragging skill.

After all, although Zhao Xun cooked up two big pots, given that there are so many mouths, it is not very reliable.

It is still necessary to ensure that it is safe to eat the food in your mouth.

This is the experience that Zhao Xun has summed up over the years.

And based on experience, generally speaking, what he summed up is not wrong.

Come on, enjoy it all.

The feeling of delicious food is really satisfying.

Although it is only cooked with the most ordinary and simple ingredients, it still makes people feel quite moved.

Zhao Xun is indeed a person who is often moved.

He can always detect every detail of deliciousness.

These details come together to give a very different experience.

These experiences are indeed very satisfying.

Well, compared to fried rice, Zhao Xun actually prefers to eat fried noodles.

Because no matter what angle you look at, fried noodles are more in line with Zhao Xun's taste.

Delicious, really delicious.

"Well, try this milk tea. This milk tea is really a perfect match with the taste of fried noodles. No matter what the details are, they are perfect."

Wangcai's words reminded Zhao Xun.

That's right, they were in such a hurry to eat, and they missed such important things.

In fact, whether it is milk tea or other things, it is necessary to ensure the taste in an absolute sense.

If you only eat one kind, you will inevitably feel dull.

After all, fried noodles are indeed a bit salty.

At this time, if you drink a cup of milk tea with it, the taste will be completely different.

No matter from any point of view, there is nothing wrong with what Wangcai said.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Zhao Xun knew that Wangcai was quite good at making milk tea.

So Wangcai can always make milk tea that satisfies Zhao Xun.

Wangcai's strategy seems to be to always make countless kinds of milk tea for you to taste, anyway, there is always one that suits you.

There is basically nothing wrong with this sentence.

Even the pickiest person can't possibly think that everything is inappropriate.

When a person tries more times, he will find that, in fact, many things in this world can be planned in advance.Once you plan ahead, many things become much simpler and easier to answer.

Zhao Xun doesn't care what other people think, anyway, that's what he thinks.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the taste of this milk tea is really special. I have never tasted such a special taste before."

There is nothing wrong with Zhao Xun saying that.

The milk tea made by Wang Caixin is absolutely perfect in every detail.

Being able to make a milk tea to this level really shows that Wangcai has put his heart into it.

"Hahaha, thank you, thank you. Brother Mingyun, you led me to this door. Without you, I'm afraid I would not be able to make such delicious milk tea until now."

When Wangcai said this, he seemed a little embarrassed.

Zhao Xun was dumbfounded for a moment.

Good guy, Wangcai is really ruthless.

This invisible rainbow fart is really quite comfortable for the shooter.

"Cough, cough, Wangcai, in fact, I have always felt that the state of your milk tea production is quite good. Is there any trick to maintain it so well? Can you tell me about it?"

Zhao Xun knew that there was nothing wrong with starting a wave of business bragging at this time.In many cases, the effect of mutual boasting in business is beyond the imagination of many people.

So when Zhao Xun has adapted to the business bragging, he will be able to adapt to all this in all aspects.

Since Wangcai has blown him off, it's okay for him to blow up Wangcai next time.

Anyway, we are all brothers.

Wangcai has obviously adapted to Zhao Xun's rhythm at this time, and he just feels flattered at the moment.

"Hahaha, then let's stop talking, and enjoy the food and drinks as soon as possible."

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong's mood became more and more gloomy.

What has happened recently is just too complicated.

So much happened one after another that it's hard to dismiss it as coincidence.

Anyway, in Emperor Xianlong's view, this is more or less related to the way of heaven or the fate of the country.

So many things happened one after another, and so many things accumulated together, is it really because God can't stand it?
But the problem is that Emperor Xianlong didn't do anything outrageous!
He was wronged, Emperor Xianlong was really wronged.

When a person's emotions accumulate to a certain level, such and such problems will really appear.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that his emotions were about to collapse.

Emotions can really break down in an instant.

When a person feels a lot of pressure and he can't change it, he can feel a huge sense of powerlessness.

Even Emperor Xianlong couldn't change this feeling of powerlessness.

So what if you are the son of heaven, there are things you can't do if you are the son of heaven.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong felt it clearly and clearly.

For Emperor Xianlong, what happened right now drove him crazy to a considerable extent.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity of killing Wan Yan to vent his depressed emotions, but he found that Wan Yan was rescued by the academy.

Even Wan Yan couldn't kill him.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was about to collapse.

Why does God want to target him like this?
What did he do wrong?
Emperor Xianlong felt that he was really not well.

Sometimes the emotional breakdown really takes a moment. When the emotions become quite angry at this time, the only thing Emperor Xianlong wants to do is to kill people.

So in the past few days, there have been more than a dozen court ladies and eunuchs who have been killed by sticks in the palace.

These are actually some palace people who have made minor mistakes, and it stands to reason that their crimes are not worthy of death.

But at this moment, Emperor Xianlong was in an extremely angry mood, so at this time they handled things completely according to a mood of doing whatever they wanted.

So although these palace people died unjustly, there was nothing they could do.

Who told them to offend Emperor Xianlong at this time.

Emperor Xianlong would never show any affection at such a time.

Emperor Xianlong was so violent and irritable, sometimes it was not just the palace servants who were unlucky.

Even the concubines in the palace were very depressed.

Because Emperor Xianlong originally planned to retreat for more than ten days to relax.

As a result, Emperor Xianlong now plans to retreat directly for three months.

This is three months.

Emperor Xianlong is the only man in this palace, how can these concubines live.

But there is no way out, Emperor Xianlong has made up his mind, and nothing can influence his attitude.

So at this time, the only thing these concubines can do is to smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

Emperor Xianlong still felt very upset.

He knew that what he could do right now was very limited. Apart from venting his anger at these people in the palace, he could only cooperate with Yuan Tiangang to do some other things well.After all, only Yuan Tiangang can help him with some details at this time.

If it weren't for Yuan Tiangang's help, Emperor Xianlong would be helpless in many cases.

Being in a helpless state is actually the most helpless.

Emperor Xianlong has made quite a few attempts before, but it seems that the results are not very good.

In desperation, Emperor Xianlong could only choose to believe in Yuan Tiangang.

Because if he doesn't even trust Yuan Tiangang, then he really has no one to trust.

To some extent, Yuan Tiangang can really be regarded as the last straw for Emperor Xianlong.

Helpless, Emperor Xianlong was really helpless.

But what can he do?

If he still can't make some detailed adjustments, then for now, he really can only reluctantly continue to hold on.

The emperor is also very helpless.

Sometimes the emperor is really helpless.

In the eyes of the world, the emperor is extremely brilliant and mighty, but only the emperor himself knows the suffering of the emperor.

Emperor Xianlong knew very well where his pain points were.

But Emperor Xianlong had no way to tell others about these pain points.

This has caused a series of problems to a considerable extent.Emperor Xianlong was indeed quite helpless.

After a certain amount of accumulation, this kind of emotion will make Emperor Xianlong very desperate.

Alas, he only hoped that the next appearance of the Shadow Clan would take over the academy.

As long as the academy is destroyed, the balance of everything will be broken.

As long as the academy is destroyed, all the hardships will end.

This is really important.

Because the academy was not dead, Emperor Xianlong could always feel a guillotine hanging above his head.

And this guillotine might fall down at any time.

That feeling is really too painful.

Emperor Xianlong didn't even know how to show affection to others.

Let it end, Emperor Xianlong only hopes that this will end soon.

East Palace.

Prince Li Xiankun paced back and forth in the hall.

For him, what happened in this month has already disturbed him.

Why did so much happen in such a short period of time?
Prince Li Xiankun really felt puzzled.

If you want to say that these things were designed in advance, many of them are still somewhat accidental.But if you want to say that these are accidents, they are very designed.

So for a while, Prince Li Xiankun was also a little confused.

He was really confused, and the unreality of his emotions was vividly reflected at this moment.

The unreality of emotions at this moment made Prince Li Xiankun feel that the whole person was on the verge of despair.

How does the emperor feel at this time?

Prince Li Xiankun felt that his father and emperor should be in the same state at this time.

Sometimes Prince Li Xiankun feels that the father and son have very similar emotions.

It's really hard sometimes to get your emotions right.

Especially when you have to show it deliberately in front of people, it is really too difficult.

Prince Li Xiankun sometimes really feels that it is difficult for him to show that perfect feeling.

Sometimes he can act well, but sometimes he can act badly.Generally speaking, it depends on the status.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the father is already very old, and he has suffered so many blows one after another.What can be felt for a while is despair.

What will Prince Li Xiankun do at this time?

He felt it was best for him to do nothing.

Although the crown prince Li Xiankun instinctively wanted to step forward to add fuel and jealousy at this time, adding a fire to send his father back to the west.But he knew there was little point in doing so.

Because no matter how you say it, the father still holds the military power of the imperial army.

It is really difficult to accomplish anything with just this little army in the hands of the prince.

If you act rashly, it will be like giving your father an excuse to abolish the prince.

In this way, the rhythm will be completely messed up.

Bear it, or can only bear it.

Although Prince Li Xiankun felt that he had really endured to the end.

But there is no way.What else can I do if I don't endure it at this time.

If the Eastern Palace is in decline, then the other plans will actually be meaningless.

Prince Li Xiankun has to work hard to endure, as long as he can endure forever, he will be able to wait until the day when the will of the willows is dark and the flowers are bright.

The Corruptor's attack really started to become more and more ferocious.

In the beginning, they only relied on the Necromancer to neutralize the academy's defensive formation.

But then they started working hard to try other routines.

The giants are the first to bear the brunt.

The giants rushing to the forefront put tremendous pressure on the academy alliance.

Because any restriction is a bit fragile in front of giants.

Although the giants can't break these restrictions at once, they can indeed break most of the restrictions by punching and kicking to a considerable extent.

Once the accumulation reaches a certain level, then the prohibition will inevitably fall apart.

It all seemed inevitable.

After realizing this problem, Zhao Xun immediately started a consultation with Luo Lun and others.

At present, blindly passive defense is definitely not good.

This is too passive, it is a feeling of waiting to die.

But is it really good to be proactive?

Taking the initiative to attack at this point in time, there is also a feeling of hitting someone's gun.

Zhao Xun felt that this was not very reliable.

So what to do?

Why does Zhao Xun feel quite embarrassed no matter what he does?

Oh God, help me.

I'm still a kid.

Zhao Xun did have a nervous breakdown for a moment.

But soon he adjusted.

Because he knew that his emotions must not collapse at this time.

Because if his emotions collapse at this time, then the emotions of the entire academy alliance will also collapse.

Zhao Xun is the leader of the academy alliance, and his emotions will affect the emotions of the entire alliance to a considerable extent.

So no matter what he had to grit his teeth, no matter what he had to resist.

You really can't give up easily, and you can't easily let your emotions affect the state of the entire league.

After discussing with Luo Lun, Zhao Xun still decided to use the alternative plan, which is to attack directly by riding a dragon.

It has to be said that this is actually a very dangerous way.

If it can succeed, it will naturally defeat the Corruptor heavily.

But if it fails, the Corruptor will have a considerable opportunity to counterattack.

So in fact, Zhao Xun has never thought about this point.

But now there is no time for him to continue to struggle.

If he still can't make a decision, then the entire Corruptor Alliance will continue to encroach on the territory of the Academy Alliance.

Once this trend and momentum pick up, it's really too late.

Momentum is something that cannot be suppressed.

So Zhao Xun decided to make a strong attack at this time no matter what.

No matter what, you must show your strongest side.

When a person can show a strong side in all aspects, everyone will be familiar with him and get used to him.

No matter what others think, Zhao Xun thinks so anyway.

Lauren and him hit it off.

In some respects, Zhao Xun even had to be more impulsive, and Luo Lun had to be more rational, and would discuss some details with Zhao Xun carefully.

Indeed, as long as the details are in place, then it is possible to cause a big impact on the Corruptor.

Otherwise, the pressure on the corruptors would not be too great, at least not as great as the academy people imagined.

So at critical moments, we still have to show some wisdom.

If you can't show enough wisdom, then the pressure of the entire academy alliance will suddenly come up.

"It's still the same, we go straight to the battle on the dragon. But this time the main opponent we face is not the necromancer, but the giant."

Zhao Xun's judgment is relatively straightforward.

In his opinion, this time the giant has obviously become the main force of the entire Corruptor charge.

With giants at the front, the pressure on the entire Corruptor Alliance is much less.

However, Zhao Xun felt that the Corruptor Alliance should not be too relaxed.

Giants must be eradicated.

Otherwise, the threat to the academy would be too great.

But there is also a problem. The giants can be said to be the representatives of rough skin and thick flesh.It is not an easy task to wipe out the giants all at once.

Even a creature like a dragon cannot kill all the giants in a short time.

So the pressure they have to face for a while will be extremely huge.

Huge pressure will really crush people directly at a certain moment.

Zhao Xun felt that they had to plan the details well, and only then would it be possible to completely eliminate the threat of giants directly.

And the whole details need their careful discussion.

Zhao Xun has never been a person who likes to rush blindly.

So at this time, he will be more willing to listen and listen to the suggestions from Lauren.

After all, in terms of riding a dragon to attack, Lauren's experience is simply not too rich.

It would be great if Zhao Xun could get some advice from Luo Lun.

"Well, giants are indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned. It is indeed quite difficult to destroy them at once. But I think we still have some possibilities. That is to gather a certain amount of power at a certain point, Then blast out at that point. In this way, even a giant cannot withstand the huge pressure in an instant."


After Zhao Xun heard this, he basically understood what Luo Lun meant.

I have to say that Lauren's approach can be regarded as quite ruthless.

Being able to be so ruthless is enough to show that Lauren is deliberate.

Zhao Xun thinks that he can try any plan that has been carefully thought out.

Because once this plan is implemented, it can deal a huge blow to the Corruptor Alliance from all aspects.

Now the focus of the question falls on the Giants.

The giant's pressure comes from various aspects, and the giant's rough skin and thick flesh are simply difficult to eliminate.

So you basically don't expect to kill the giant with a single attack.

Concentrate on one point as Lauren just said, basically only Longyan can achieve it.

So it can be said that the pressure is very huge.

In this way, then Lauren must grasp all the timings, and must complete this at the most accurate timing and the most appropriate timing.

There must be no deviation in the entire plan.

If there is a slight deviation, the whole plan will be over.

Zhao Xun is very clear, so he will work hard to plan everything well.

Luo Lun is also very aware of this, so he will finalize the details with Zhao Xun in advance.

The accumulation of details does make them feel different to some extent.

The accumulation of details will also allow them to continuously improve.

But at this time when explosive power is most needed, what Zhao Xun obviously needs more is the suppression of the dragon flame from the giant dragon.

"Roren, how many times can the dragon spit out dragon flames at one time?"

"Probably three to five times, and then it will take a certain amount of time to recover and adjust. This is definitely not unlimited, you should know, you should understand."

"Well, so we have to attack a giant and try to destroy him directly. It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt him. Only by destroying one of the giants can we frighten the other giants. Otherwise, every time Spray it once for a giant, it's no different from scratching the itch."

Zhao Xun's comprehension is still full marks.

In fact, there are not many giants, so every giant is very precious to the Corruptor.

The Corruptor's willingness to take out the giant to completely act as a battering ram shows that they really have no good solution now.

At least until the arrival of the Shadow Clan, the Corruptor has nothing to fall back on.

In this case, what they have to do is to crush the giants as much as possible.

Once the giants are crushed, so are the Corruptor's right-hand men.

In this way, they can intimidate the entire Corruptor in all directions.

This thing looks simple to do, but it is actually difficult.

So Zhao Xun will always show absolute caution.

Because he knew that to realize this in an all-round way, the difficulty is really not ordinary.

"Well, I think what you said is very reasonable. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Therefore, we must choose the right target. Only when we choose the right target can we reasonably inflict heavy damage on it."

Lauren said quite seriously.

For Lauren, the pressure of this task is still there.

But he won't have any complaints.

Because Lauren knew that the responsibility must be borne by someone.

Since someone has to bear it anyway, there is no problem for him to bear it.

After taking responsibility, Lauren has more possibilities.

And there is Zhao Xun beside him.

That way Lauren would never feel alone.

"Come on, control your rhythm well, let's go together, we will definitely be able to cause serious damage to the giant."

"But here comes the problem. The white flood dragon can't spit out dragon flames, so what kind of damage can it do to giants?"

This is actually a question that Zhao Xun is more concerned about right now.

Because the problem does exist.

The White Flood Dragon Pippi Shrimp and the giant dragon are essentially two completely different creatures.

Therefore, what the giant dragon can do, Pippi Shrimp may not be able to do.

The most obvious one is Dragon Burn.

Bai Jiaolong really can't do it.

"Well, I've also thought about this problem. Simply sweeping with the tail may not have much effect."

Giants are not like necromancers.

Facing the Necromancer, Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong might get good results by sweeping with his tail.

But facing giants, this trick is not effective.

Because the giant is too rough and thick.

So Zhao Xun had to work hard to think of other ways.

The easiest thing is to rely on his own strength to fill the vacancy left by Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong.

"How about I rely on my sword and knife skills to deal with giants."

Zhao Xun is currently at a relatively strong stage in terms of both swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

At this strong stage, Zhao Xun can do too much.

As long as he is willing to display his sword and saber skills well, he will be able to show a frightening side for a long time to come.

But as far as the current state is concerned, it seems that he needs to express this talent more urgently.

After all, against giants, swordsmanship and knife skills can still show a lot of effects.

"Well, this is indeed a good way, and it should also make up for the lack of Pippi shrimp."

Luo Lun nodded at this time, which gave Zhao Xun considerable confidence.

"Well, then we can act according to this plan for the time being. I think this plan is still very reliable. As long as we implement it, we should be able to cause serious damage to the Corruptor."

"Do you want to practice and practice?"

"Well, yes. We can practice on the boulders in the mountains. Basically, these boulders are about the size of giants."

Zhao Xun immediately agreed with Luo Lun's suggestion.

In his opinion, the whole plan is seamless.

Perfect, really quite perfect.

"Well, let's try to rehearse first. It would be best if we could rehearse this kind of thing beforehand. Be prepared."

Lauren spread his hands.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect stared at the cloud-covered sky.

Is it going to rain?
For a split second, he really felt like it was going to rain.

So the High Priest of the Demon Sect felt quite excited.

to him.

Rainfall is a very good sign.

Because the rain can wash away the zhenqi on the academy's defensive array, making the academy's defensive array even more fragile.

The academy's defensive array that has become fragile can be easily smashed by the giants.

The giants only need to swing a light punch, and it is possible to directly smash a crack in this seemingly powerful defensive formation.

Sometimes all it takes is a crack.

But after the first crack appears, there may be a second crack and a third crack.

Many times these things happen in succession.

Once you get used to it, everything becomes easier.

Giants are indeed very important to the Corruptor, even if it is described as a big killer, there is no problem.

It was indeed a very big mistake for them not to reuse the giants before.

But it is impossible to make the same mistake twice in succession.

For the Corruptors, if they want to maintain a good state in the future, then the Academy will hardly have any chance.

The academy has always been very proud.

Because it seems that they really don't have any strong opponents.

This determines that they have always faced many things with the attitude of a defender.

But sometimes people encounter various situations.

When you face various situations, the things you face will become more and more complicated.

At least in the eyes of the High Priest of the Demon Sect, the current dominance displayed by the academy is not that strong.

So the Corruptor must have a chance.

As long as the Corruptor has the opportunity, he can cause huge damage to the academy for a long time.

Maybe this killing just came from a fragment, maybe this killing just came from a certain point.

But who can know?

When the fragments are accumulated, when the points are accumulated, the explosive power is still amazing.

For the High Priest of the Demon Sect, he had really been waiting for this day for a long time.

It is really not easy for him to do this.

So he will never miss this golden opportunity.

He must let the people in the academy understand what the fate of offending the Mozong is.

Even if the Mozong couldn't destroy the academy by themselves, they could use the help of others.

Corruptors are the best partners.

Once the Corruptor joined in, the High Priest of the Demon Sect felt full of confidence.

When the Corruptors are fully mixed with the Demon Sect, their advantages are fully reflected.

After all the advantages are together or together, basically no enemy can threaten them.

Not even the academy.

What's the big deal about the Academy?
Isn't it just an ordinary sect that can no longer be ordinary?
The High Priest of the Demon Sect felt that the academy had been a bit of a myth for a while.

If you want to calm down and think about it, the Academy is actually no better than the Mozong.

It's just that because of the existence of the old monster like the head of the mountain, the academy was forcibly elevated.

If you remove the head of the mountain and look at it again, is there a first-grade academy?

Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan and Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi don't count.

Strictly speaking, neither of them can be regarded as members of the Academy.

So from this point of view, the Academy is really not that strong.

This time, what the High Priest of the Demon Sect had to do was to expose this lie with his own hands.

He wants to let the world take a good look at how fragile the academy is.

How ridiculous are those who believe in the power of the academy.

The academy is really a bunch of trash.

They want to prove this with strength and make those people regret it.

The high priest of the Mozong firmly believed that he would be able to do it, definitely.

"Teach without discrimination!"

When Zhao Xun called out this iconic command, Pipi Xiabai Jiaolong came out of the chessboard space in an instant.

When Zhao Xun saw Pippi Shrimp White Flood Dragon, this guy kept sniffing excitedly.

This is a way for Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong to express his excitement.

Generally speaking, when Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong expresses this feeling, it proves that he is quite comfortable.

And when it is very comfortable, it will usually step forward and rub against Zhao Xun.

Sure enough, this time Pippi Shrimp still came directly to Zhao Xun's side, rubbing his head over and over while purring.

This grunting sound means that Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong feels very comfortable and safe now, which proves that it feels that its current state is very perfect and very good.

For the next period of time, what Zhao Xun had to do was to respond.

This is also the key to him being able to maintain a very good relationship with Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong.

In many cases, the maintenance of this feeling depends on each other, not just because of one party.

The maintenance of the mutual relationship can form a very close friendship.

Yes, Zhao Xun has always regarded Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong as a friend.

Regardless of what other people thought, he always thought so.

This will keep the relationship between him and Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong in a very beautiful stage, and Zhao Xun can be very comfortable in this stage.

Of course, Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong will also feel very comfortable, in fact, the appropriate rhythm of life is just like this.

When both parties feel very comfortable, it is the most perfect moment. Sometimes there is no need to be demanding at all, and the perfect rhythm of one middle school is maintained, and then everyone can benefit from it.

Zhao Xun is very fond of Pipi Xia Bai Jiaolong.

So when Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong gave out such a feeling of excitement, Zhao Xun's response was also quite wonderful.

The relationship between the two is maintained at a rather graceful stage.

So comfortable, really so comfortable.

Good guy, this guy feels like he has gained weight again, which is not a lot.

This was Zhao Xun's first reaction.

Of course, in Zhao Xun's opinion, it would be good for Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong to grow fatter.

After all, if Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong can gain weight during this period of time, then his combat effectiveness will be even stronger.

After all, the opponent Corruptor still has two brushes, no matter from which angle you look at it, they all have certain combat effectiveness.

After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun forced himself to calm down.

For him, being able to maintain the current state is actually the most perfect.

Sometimes the state of a person is really a psychedelic thing, sometimes the state will be very good, and sometimes the state will decline.

Whether the state is very good or the state has declined, all in all, we must look forward, and there is no need to limit our own development for some so-called factors.

This is the point of view that Zhao Xun has always held.

No matter what others think, anyway, he has this view, and his view will not change.

Wonderful things are wonderful after all, and wonderful things are worth pursuing after all.

A good life depends on the efforts of both hands rather than some other factors.

Anyway, Zhao Xun has always held this view.

Facing the onslaught of the Corruptors, the Academy Alliance must respond positively at this time.

This is also Zhao Xun's point of view all the time. In his opinion, the Corruptor will indeed pose a considerable threat to the Academy in some aspects, but this does not mean that the Academy can only be beaten passively.Colleges can still respond positively.

The key is to look at yourself and see if you can withstand the pressure at the critical moment. If you can, there is no big problem. If you can, you can come up with something different at the most critical period.

After discussing with Luo Lun, Zhao Xun now has a whole set of ideas.According to their thinking and plan, it is to rely on this wave of impact to curb the momentum of the Corruptor's invasion.

They unanimously felt that the biggest problem and threat at the moment came from giants.

The giant threat has always existed, but the current threat is undoubtedly the greatest.If they can't give the giant a timely response at this time, the giant's self-confidence will skyrocket crazily.

Inflated self-confidence can destroy many things.

This is what Zhao Xun does not want to see anyway.

At the critical moment, Zhao Xun still had to come up with something different.

For now, the entire league needs to project a strong feeling.

When every member of the academy alliance can stand up at this time, there is nothing to be afraid of.

What to be afraid of, the Academy has never known what it is to be afraid of.

When the academy can be condensed into a whole, the academy is invincible.

The disciples of the academy have always had this confidence.

Zhao Xun, as a member of the academy's disciples, is naturally reserved for the perfect heir.

In terms of self-confidence, Zhao Xun has always been overwhelming. No matter how fierce the opponent is, it will not affect his own judgment.

No matter what others think, Zhao Xun thinks so anyway.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before the expedition at this moment.During this period of time and distance, Zhao Xun will not immediately respond to the Corruptor, but will try his best to ensure that he is always in a positive communication process with Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong.

Is communication important?
Communication is really important.

Being in the communication link all the time, Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong's emotions can always be maintained in a relatively stable state.

This point is really too critical.

Because as long as it can maintain a stable emotional state, Zhao Xun can always maintain a huge competitiveness.

Otherwise, Zhao Xun's combat effectiveness would have dropped dramatically.

tsk tsk.
It is very important for everyone to be aware of this state for a while.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he will still constantly adjust his state, and constantly make his state reach an extreme.

This can make him quite strong, and when he can face his opponent after being strong, he will be more calm.

This is really important because not everyone can do it.

The strength of the opponent is reflected in all aspects, but Zhao Xun is fearless.

Because he has Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong, because he has so many allies.

These allies are Zhao Xun's greatest source of confidence. As long as he has these allies, Zhao Xun will be fearless.

The time to go out has finally come.

Zhao Xun had actually been waiting for this moment for quite a long time.

For such a long time, Zhao Xun has been thinking about one thing, and that is how to deal a comprehensive blow to his opponent.

This blow must cover every aspect, and it must be able to cause a crazy blow to the opponent from the very beginning.

This is really crucial.

Because if you can't deal a huge blow to the opponent from the beginning, and can't make the opponent's self-confidence drop, then you will face quite a big problem.

tsk tsk.
For a moment, Zhao Xun rode the white dragon Pipi shrimp soaring into the sky.

Lauren also flew into the sky riding the big black dragon.

Whether it is Zhao Xun or the Dragon Clan at this time, they all show a side that is superior to others.

No matter who they are, they have shown their unique strength.

At this time, their performance is completely different from their daily life.

The details they show are really very morale-boosting.

Morale is a really psychedelic thing sometimes.

When a person can clearly feel a boost in morale, he can be clearly encouraged.

This is crucial for other members of the academy alliance.

The other members of the Academy Alliance actually adopted a wait-and-see attitude.For them, they want to see how far the leader of the alliance can play.

If the leading members of the alliance can play to a fairly strong level, then they will show a unique side next.

On the contrary, if the leading members of the alliance perform poorly, then they may not necessarily perform well.

This is actually a related function.

At this time, Luo Lun and Zhao Xun obviously understood this truth, so they had to play a very strong role at this time.

tsk tsk.
For a moment, everyone's attention was focused. Everyone knew that this battle was quite critical, and it would even determine many things in the future.

There must be absolutely no hesitation at this time, but any slightest hesitation may cause many problems.

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to details, and any details in the battle will make Zhao Xun more focused.

Zhao Xun must make the details perfect. Only when they are perfect, he will show a very powerful side when facing the enemy.

This is how fighting is, if you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong.

Between the ups and downs of one and the other, the relationship will be manifested more vividly, and it will be manifested more clearly.

Zhao Xun really doesn't pay attention to these points deliberately, he just hopes that he can show it more vividly.

When he himself can show his strongest side, he will not deliberately pay attention to how others play.

No matter how strong the opponent is, it has nothing to do with Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun is a person who can show his talent quite well.

When he showed his strong side, he believed that his allies would do the same.

The feeling of flying at high altitude is really great, letting the wind pass by your cheeks.

That feeling can be said to be quite wonderful.

When Zhao Xun starts to enjoy this feeling, it means that Zhao Xun has really grown up.

Grow into a person with an invincible state, and grow into a person who can face all kinds of powerful enemies.

At this time, a poem burst out of Zhao Xun's mind.

Killing a person in ten steps will never stop a thousand miles away.Flick off your clothes when it's over, and hide your merit and fame deeply.

This poem shocked Zhao Xun quite a lot.

Zhao Xun clearly felt this from the very beginning.

I have to say that Li Bai is really a genius. Being able to write such poems at such a young age is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

So Zhao Xun hopes that he can learn from Li Bai.

If he can also show the same bravery as Li Bai, then he can indeed lead the entire academy alliance to victory.

Victory sometimes requires not reckless behavior, but a well-planned attack.

Nothing is the same when everything is carefully planned.

Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong was quite obedient from the beginning to the end.

The cooperation between Zhao Xun and Pippi Shrimp Bai Jiaolong can be said to be very perfect.

tsk tsk.
For a time, everyone can feel the perfect rhythm.

This atmosphere is really invincible, and Zhao Xun also enjoys this atmosphere very much.

If you can maintain this state, then you will be able to have a perfect prospect.

Strong, really too strong.

Zhao Xun's current rhythm can be said to be quite good.

He is also very aware of this, so there is no hesitation at all.

He knew that many members of the academy alliance were staring at him at this time.

So at this time, what Zhao Xun has to do is to play well and bring his state to the best level.

As long as he can maximize his state, then he will be able to have a state that is almost invincible.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun was able to see the giant at this time.

The figure of the giant is so tall that it can basically be seen.

At this time, Zhao Xun was able to distinguish a lot from the opponent's figure.

It is actually very easy to attack at this time.

But you still can't take it too lightly, you still have to maintain the previous state.

If the status drops too fast, it is not a good thing. If the status drops too fast, it will basically not pose too much threat to the Corruptor or the giant.

Be sure to keep yourself in shape, and be sure to follow the plan.

This is something that Zhao Xun discussed with Luo Lun long ago, so he must implement it, and he must ensure that everything goes smoothly.

It takes quite a while to maintain the whole state, and it needs to be maintained for a long period of time, otherwise problems will definitely occur.

Zhao Xun can be said to be quite clear about this, so he must not show himself too weak, he must show his rather strong side.

In fact, Zhao Xun is quite familiar with this aspect.

For Zhao Xun, this has never been a difficult task.

Just be yourself and come.

What's so hard about being yourself?

Zhao Xun never thought it was so difficult, and he just wanted to do it with them if he was in a good state.

The giants waved their fists frantically, smashing the academy's restrictions into holes everywhere.

The huge pit makes the giants always show a feeling of excitement.

For them, this can definitely be regarded as an exciting thing.

At the beginning, the giants actually showed lingering fear.

In fact, they have always held a skeptical attitude towards serving as the vanguard of the Corruptors.

Because they feel the Corruptor is simply using them.

But later they discovered that was not the case.

The Corruptor is indeed using them, but sometimes they can also show their value.

When the Corruptor faced the enemy, when the Corruptor showed that different attitude, the giants realized that it was time to play.

Because at this moment the giants realize that they have qualities that other Corruptors do not have.

The Corruptors cannot achieve their goals without the giants.

Under such circumstances, the giants have become completely indispensable.

It's okay to lose anyone, but you can't lose a giant.

Once they lost the giant, they lost the most important battering ram.

No matter from any angle, this battering ram cannot be lost.

tsk tsk.
For a while the giants felt extremely excited, because they were able to clearly realize their importance.

When the importance of a person is revealed, his enthusiasm will burst out in an instant.

The feeling of excitement is really unimaginable.

But soon the giants gradually realized that something was wrong.

tsk tsk.
For a moment, the dragons that swooped down from the sky showed their absolutely different sides.

When they began to dive and breathe fire, the giants immediately began to flee with their heads in their hands.

It's the dragon family, it's the giant dragon.

Although the giant dragons were the masters of the world of Alan Lore in ancient times, the memory engraved in their blood still made the giants show considerable fear at this time.

When the dragon spouted flames, the dusty memories of the giants were awakened.

They seem to have seen those miserable pictures of the Second Era.

The dragon clan can be said to be quite dominant during that time period.

No tribe has such dominance.

The powerful dominance makes the dragon clan invincible.

They can carry an overwhelming advantage over any enemy.

At that moment, the strength shown by Zhao Xun infected Luo Lun beside him even more.

At this time, Zhao Xun looked more like a Dragon Clan than any member of the Dragon Clan.

How could he perform so well?
Lauren was really puzzled.

At that moment, the aura that Luo Lun showed was completely in line with Zhao Xun's attitude.

In many cases, what is needed is actually an attitude.

When the attitude can be perfectly reflected, the strength that can be displayed when facing the enemy is very obvious.

Many times when you can show these details, you are really not far from being invincible.

The plan to deal with the Corruptor was actually planned long ago.

So unless some temporary changes are made, basically there will be no more changes.

tsk tsk.
For a while, everyone showed a very strong side.

Both Zhao Xun and Luo Lun knew that they were acting as a leader now.

As long as they don't breathe a sigh of relief at this time, their alliance members will follow suit and attack fiercely with them.

Attacks are like tides, wave after wave.

The desire and fighting spirit shown by Zhao Xun at this time moved everyone.

It's really not easy.

Being able to show such a strong spirit at such a critical moment, almost everyone was very moved.

At this moment, Zhao Xun is completely using his combat power to show something different.

Good guy.

This is really quite brave.

Zhao Xun knew that the more hesitant it was at this time, the more he had to bite the bullet to the end.

As long as he can maintain this state, then in the next period of time, the entire academy alliance will be able to maintain a near-perfect state.

This state is really important.

Fighting is actually fighting with a spirit.

When a person's spirit and spirit show a different place, the situation they face is completely different.

At that moment, Zhao Xun was in his best state during this period.

During this period of time, he trained hard for today.

The Corruptor is probably holding back his stomach.

So the Corruptor will definitely do his best at this time.

Since everyone is holding back their stomachs, there is nothing to say, just work hard.

Zhao Xun was very excited.

For Zhao Xun, the momentum displayed at the moment is enough to overwhelm anyone.

Even Corruptors, even giants.

They are also proving this with practical actions.

Giants are really vulnerable.

The giants began to flee for their lives under the attack of Dragon Burn.

They can really be described as running away.

tsk tsk.
All of a sudden everyone gathered together.

The expressions of fear displayed by the Corruptors were almost written on their faces.

Because the giant's temporary escape caused the Corruptors to be in chaos for a moment.

When the Corruptors were in chaos, everyone understood that the Academy had gained the upper hand in this battle.

tsk tsk.
For a moment, everyone gasped.

The timing of the academy is also very good.

Why is the academy always able to grasp the critical timing?

It seems that the academy can predict everything.

Terrible. This is really terrible.

For a moment, Zhao Xun really felt that he had won.

But then he reminded himself not to be too impulsive.

Because many times it is because of blind self-confidence that the whole good game is ruined.

Once you are too confident, then the whole person will be a little drifting.

And when a person starts to float, he will basically have a series of show operations next.

Of course, Zhao Xun didn't want himself to come to this point.

Once this step has been reached, it proves that Zhao Xun has completely lost his mind.

Of course, so far Zhao Xun is quite rational.

He has maintained a pretty good state at this time, knowing when to do what.

Calm, be sure to stay calm.

This battle has just begun. He must remain calm and lead the entire alliance to the final victory in the best state.

(End of this chapter)

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