big week bad guy

Chapter 504 Yuan Tiangang's Statement

Chapter 504 Yuan Tiangang's Statement

Everyone has their own ambitions, and for Emperor Xianlong, destroying the academy was his greatest wish.

Although this wish was difficult to realize, Emperor Xianlong still would not give up easily.

For Emperor Xianlong, any wish sometimes seemed a little precious.

After all, he is already old, if he can't achieve ascension, or practice the growth growth technique, then every wish he realizes now is likely to be the last one.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong cherished the present very much.

For him, as long as he can withstand these pressures and realize these wishes one by one, it will be excellent.

As long as he can realize these wishes, even if he controls Bintian in the future, he can bring something different to future generations.

This is still quite precious.

Because sometimes when people face too much pressure, they will habitually choose to lie flat and habitually choose to give up.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, this was not good.

No matter what other people are like, Emperor Xianlong thinks this way is a bit weird.

Emperor Xianlong wanted to watch the Great Zhou Empire prosper day by day, so the great Zhou's national fortune must not be ruined in his hands.

To be honest, he was cruel to his group of children, but he could still be trusted at critical moments.

After all, after a hundred years, the blood of the Great Zhou Dynasty will still be inherited by his sons. As long as it can be passed on well, then it will definitely feel different in the future.

"tsk tsk"

For a while, Emperor Xianlong was full of expectations for the future.

Especially the conversation with Master Huiyan made him enlightened like a sudden enlightenment.

Really, sometimes if you can open your mind, then there will be a lot of things that you can see and feel next.

To be able to feel so many things at once is really quite perfect.

With so much experience, everything will be much easier in the future.

No matter what others think, anyway, for Emperor Xianlong, this can really be regarded as a very special experience.

After experiencing this, he will find that he will not panic no matter what he faces, no matter what situation he faces.

This feeling is really wonderful.

There are no major issues other than life and death, Emperor Xianlong really understood this truth at this time.

For Emperor Xianlong, this may be his biggest achievement recently.

After harvesting a lot, Emperor Xianlong can do more things.

For Emperor Xianlong, as long as he can continue to improve, as long as he can continue to do something, it is worthwhile.

Self-cultivation is an improvement.

If he had been standing still, then Emperor Xianlong would also find it boring.

But if you can get a certain improvement, it's still pretty good.

No matter what other people think, anyway, in Emperor Xianlong's view, as long as he can always get promoted, that is the happiest thing for him.As long as he can keep improving, it won't take long for him to have happiness that no one else has.

Wonderful, this is really wonderful.

Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books.

This is by no means that Emperor Xianlong was flattering Master Huiyan, but that he truly felt that Master Huiyan could bring him too much.

After Emperor Xianlong summed up what Master Huiyan brought him, he would find that life is so wonderful.

With such a beautiful life, what Emperor Xianlong can feel is full of happiness.

It is really quite happy.

Emperor Xianlong felt that as long as the academy was destroyed, he could live for another 30 years at least.

Because I'm in a good mood.When a person's mood improves, his life expectancy will increase accordingly.

This is really very important and very critical.

Emperor Xianlong firmly believed that he could get something.

This is not easy, what it needs is that he has continuous improvement and continuous enhancement.

Emperor Xianlong firmly believed that he could do this.

It's not easy.

Many times Emperor Xianlong himself would want to give up.

But after thinking about it, I finally gritted my teeth and persisted.

For Emperor Xianlong, if he could persevere, then what he felt next would be very different.

If he can persevere to the end, then he can possess a quality that ordinary people cannot possess.

This is still very precious, and not everyone can have it.

Emperor Xianlong knew very well that everything that followed was crucial.

If he can perform well, then there may be a better experience in the future, but Emperor Xianlong is a little worried that he will not be able to perform as well as he imagined, because there will be various special situations in reality. With so many special circumstances, there will be no small crisis.

Under certain circumstances, such a huge crisis would make Emperor Xianlong feel a little confused.

Once Emperor Xianlong fell into a confused environment, it would be really too difficult.

No one can sustain in this environment for too long. When a person sustains in this environment for too long, there will be more or less emotional changes.

It is impossible for a normal person to support such a high-intensity situation for too long, it will only make people crazy.

Coupled with Emperor Xianlong's bad temper, the situation will only continue to deteriorate.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong still hopes that everything can develop as well as possible, so that at least some unnecessary problems can be avoided.

The situation is still a bit complicated. In fact, it is still difficult to deal with all the situations thoroughly.

But Emperor Xianlong will not be afraid at this time, because he knows that there are other people beside him, as well as Master Huiyan and others.

Master Huiyan is an invincible existence.As long as you don't meet the head of the mountain, as long as you don't get caught, you basically won't encounter any risks.

Then there is Yuan Tiangang.

In a sense, the interests of Taoism and the interests of the imperial court are still tightly bound together.

So from this perspective, Yuan Tiangang has no reason to stand alone against Emperor Xianlong.

This has no meaning or benefit not only to Yuan Tiangang but also to the Daoist sect. On the contrary, it will only make the situation more uncontrollable and more chaotic.

So emotions can really get confusing at this time.

When a person's emotions start to become confused, everything he does will deviate.

But Emperor Xianlong believed that Yuan Tiangang was a smart man, so at this time he would definitely not do such a stupid thing that hurts others and does not benefit himself.

Time will eventually prove everything, Emperor Xianlong firmly believed in this.

So you don't need to have too many doubts in the future, you just need to feel everything honestly.

When a person can honestly feel everything, he can capture as many details as possible.

Qin Tianjian.

Yuan Tiangang pinched his fingers and calculated, something bad happened.

"Not good, not good"

Seeing that Master's mood is so abnormal today, Li Chunfeng, who has been waiting on the sidelines, was very puzzled for a while.

"Master, did something important happen?"

"Well, it should and indeed can be regarded as a big event."

Yuan Tiangang said without hesitation: "At present, His Majesty the Emperor and Master Huiyan are getting very close again. I am worried that this will make the situation that has finally turned better become worse again."

Yuan Tiangang's words are actually quite meaningful to a certain extent.

Because he knew that it was impossible for Yi Xianlong's temperament to maintain a lasting state in a sect.

When Emperor Xianlong's mood changes drastically, it means that the subsequent state will also undergo a drastic change.

This affects not only Taoism, but may even affect the entire world.

When it affects so many people, basically no one survives, basically no one survives.

This is extremely difficult, and everyone feels a real sense of hopelessness.

It's so difficult, it's really too difficult.

Almost normal people feel this way.

Yuan Tiangang is no exception.

But he knew that at this moment, the fate of heaven or the fate of the country of the Great Zhou had quietly affected and changed quietly.

This can really be considered a big deal.

What happens next after such a big event?
So far, no one really knows.

So with so many things happening all at once, it's enough to drive people crazy.

I don't know what other people think, but for Yuan Tiangang, this is indeed a very important event.

If this matter is not handled well, then the events that will usher in the next one can be said to be quite difficult.It is difficult for a person's state to maintain a fairly peak extreme value all the time, and a person's state will always fluctuate or even decline to a certain extent.

So Yuan Tiangang actually doesn't know how long he can maintain this state.

When his state is already a little unbearable, what should the whole Taoist sect do?
At that time, will the Taoist sect be able to withstand it?

This pressure is really quite big.

That kind of pressure can be really maddening at times.

Yuan Tiangang is not a hypocritical person, but he knows that in order to handle everything properly, his personal performance is really very important.

In other words, the performance of every super practitioner is actually quite important.

If you can't reach a perfect situation at all, then the situation you will face next will be really very difficult.

It's fine if the situation is difficult, but if the situation you face next changes completely, it will be really embarrassing.

Sustained changes will cause the Taoist gate to gradually fall into the abyss.

So Yuan Tiangang knew that he had to stand up no matter what at this time, and played the role of a strong man no matter what.

After all, he is the guide of Taoism.

As the guide of the Taoist sect, as the leader of the Taoist sect, if even Yuan Tiangang can't play a decisive role at this time, then the next situation is still a bit confusing.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang doesn't need to pay too much attention to what other people think.

Because for him, everything at the moment is in a relatively reasonable situation.

It was only because Emperor Xianlong himself acted as a demon that the situation changed to a certain extent.

But it doesn't really matter much.

As long as a certain emotional stability is maintained, then there will be no too crazy things to happen next.

"Disciple, as a teacher, I feel that Taoism still needs to say hello to the academy. After all, if the Shadow Clan really invades this world, it will not be a good thing for Taoism, and it will be even worse for the people of the world. of."

Yuan Tiangang is a very realistic person, he hopes to look at the world more reasonably.

Judging from the current situation, many things happening in this world are actually very different from what they imagined at the beginning.

Maybe at the beginning, you will feel that there are some changes, but gradually you can find that these changes do not play a so-called decisive role.

Everything that follows is even more critical.

If everything is going well, then the problem is really not too big.

But the Shadow Clan is not an ordinary person, the Shadow Clan can definitely be regarded as a cruel existence.

Once the Shadow Race is made comfortable, once the Shadow Race is allowed to enter a so-called comfort zone, will the world really be able to withstand it?Can the world really withstand such enormous pressure?
When these pressures come together, can only one academy withstand it?
Don't other sects need to do anything?
Even if other people don't do anything at this time, they shouldn't remove the stool, right?
Because if other people choose to remove the stool at this time, the situation they will face next will be quite complicated.

This is really too difficult.

In an instant, almost everyone was able to realize what was going to happen next.

But Yuan Tiangang was extraordinarily clear, and his heart was extraordinarily clear.

Because for a practitioner, for a top practitioner, for a top practitioner of Taoism, it is very necessary to show some necessary gestures when necessary.

As long as he can continue to show his posture, he can continue to improve, and he can continue to put pressure on the opponent.

This is not only putting pressure on Master Huiyan, but also putting pressure on the Shadow Clan.

He may not need to take action directly, but he still needs to tell the academy and report to the academy.

Because at this time the academy needs to make a move.

Once the academy chooses to make a move at this time, the rhythm and meaning of everything will be completely different.

The hard power that the academy can display can be completely powerful no matter from any angle.

tsk tsk.
Sometimes Yuan Tiangang would think about what kind of model it would be if the Taoist sect could form an alliance with the academy?

If the Taoist sect can unite with the academy, wouldn't it be equivalent to a dimensionality reduction blow for other sects?
This can really be regarded as an extremely exciting event.

When you are familiar with these so-called events, you will find that everything becomes easier, and you will find that there are really no so-called difficult things in this world.

But can Daomen and Academy really reach an alliance?

Yuan Tiangang knew that it was very difficult, very difficult, and the main reason was that the head of the mountain was too lofty.

It is because the head of the mountain is too lofty, so sometimes Yuan Tiangang can do too little.

Because every time Yuan Tiangang tried to show favor with the academy and form an alliance with the academy, the head of the mountain would change the subject without hesitation.

The head of the mountain did not directly refuse, but that meaning is actually no different from rejection.

So Yuan Tiangang would feel very helpless at such times, quite helpless.

When a person's emotions really have problems of one kind or another, the emotions will definitely appear helpless.

It doesn't matter if you feel helpless emotionally, the most important issue is actually how to face it effectively.

If you can't face it effectively, the problem is actually quite serious.

The situation itself doesn't mean anything, but sometimes the situation really makes a person go to an extreme.

I don't know what other people think, but Yuan Tiangang is really like this anyway.

Although Yuan Tiangang practiced Taoist spells, what he paid attention to was nourishing the mind and calming the mind.

But sometimes he really falls into a misunderstanding.

Sometimes Yuan Tiangang also knows very well that the reason why he became like this is because of his inner demons, but he really can't control it.

Once the inner demon is formed, it is really quite difficult to control.

Once the inner demon is formed, the huge pressure it causes will make a person really go crazy.

Crazy emotions really make people desperate.

Yuan Tiangang keeps working hard and trying, constantly hoping to rely on his own powerful technology to do everything well.

But he will find that one person's strength and one's efforts are limited after all.

The situation you face will ultimately be one of relative cooperation.

But Yuan Tiangang really didn't know who to cooperate with.

Do you cooperate with the academy?

This is really Yuan Tiangang's true thoughts, but sometimes he will find that the pressure to cooperate with the academy is not so great.

Because when you cooperate with the academy, the head of the mountain will put tremendous pressure on you invisibly.

This is not intentional, but what is subtle is that he can feel the huge pressure.

If you cooperate with other people, it will be even more unreliable.

Among today's sects, which one is worthy of the Taoist sect to take the initiative to lower its status and humbly ask for cooperation?

Doesn't seem to be there?

Anyway, after much deliberation, Yuan Tiangang still didn't come up with such a sect.

No sect deserves to be so humbled by the Taoist sect.

Daomen is a very powerful sect, and they also need to have their own persistence.

Because he couldn't find a more suitable ally, Yuan Tiangang had no choice but to choose to continue to cooperate with the court.

In other words, this is a choice of last resort, a helpless move.

If there is a better choice, Yuan Tiangang will definitely be willing to try it.

After all, for Yuan Tiangang, for the current Daoist sect, continuing to follow the court can guarantee that there will be no serious decline, but it is not easy to continue to go up and maintain a growth trend.

But after various circumstances changed, everything became different.

After some situations come together, the whole situation will change drastically.

tsk tsk.
Yuan Tiangang knew that what happened next would affect the whole situation for quite a long time.

If the situation can be maintained in a stable environment and a stable state, it can indeed make a considerable difference.

But is it really possible?
Can such a stable state really be maintained?
The general trend of the world is divided for a long time, it must be united, and it must be divided for a long time.

This is what Zhao Xun often talks about.

It sounds a bit frivolous at first, but there is still a lot of truth in it when you think about it carefully.

It is not a simple matter to understand all these principles.

Sometimes people will fall into the mood of confusion.

When people fall into a confused mood, they will usher in a more complicated situation.

This will make people in a confused mood for a long time.

For a long time, we must unite, and for a long time, we must divide.

This sentence depends on how to understand it.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang has always felt that the rule of the Great Zhou was not very stable, so I won't talk about the deep-seated reasons, but if we only look at the shallow-level reasons, we can actually see a general idea.

All in all, in Yuan Tiangang's view, the biggest problem and the most serious problem should be that the entire imperial court cannot form a cohesive force and a centripetal force.

No matter from any point of view, this is more like a situation of loose sand.

Everyone is fighting on their own, fighting for their own interests.

This feeling is actually very bad, and it will make people feel that there is no cohesion at all.

So sometimes Yuan Tiangang hopes to face the situation that the court can be twisted into one rope and form a joint force.

Not to mention the growth of the national fortune of such a big week, but at least there will be no decline.

But he knew it was almost impossible to happen.

The reason is also very simple, because Emperor Xianlong fueled the flames behind the scenes.

There is absolutely no problem in saying that Emperor Xianlong is behind the scenes.

Because no matter from any point of view, the role played by Emperor Xianlong is extremely huge.

And this effect is subtle. Maybe you didn't pay attention to it at the beginning, but you will be able to realize this change afterward.

This is really quite exhausting.

When a person is faced with such a situation, it really feels a little crazy.

What Emperor Xianlong felt at the moment really made him feel a little embarrassed.

Under an extreme emotion, there are many things he can do.

But he will never show his attitude easily.What he hopes is that the officials in the court can continue to fight.

If the ministers could continue to fight, it would definitely be the situation that Emperor Xianlong wanted to see the most.

For Emperor Xianlong, as long as the ministers were fighting, as long as the party struggle continued, his power would be absolutely stable.

As long as Emperor Xianlong's own power is stable, he will not care about the lives of others.

This was actually what Emperor Xianlong valued the most.

Emperor Xianlong was a person with an extremely strong desire for power, and also a person who could exert all his efforts to the extreme.

This is actually very difficult for an emperor, and it is also very rare.

It is actually not easy to maintain a good attitude for a long time, because you will always face some problems more or less, and the best way to deal with these problems is to understand them rationally.

But when you can rationally understand them, you will find that these so-called problems are not really problems.

But Emperor Xianlong didn't do that.What he relies on is a method that is almost mature, a method that is almost mature.

This kind of political means can indeed play a pivotal role to some extent.

Not everyone can perfectly enjoy the essence of this kind of power.

But Emperor Xianlong really did a good job, and it can even be said to be quite good.

In some aspects, Emperor Xianlong did it perfectly, and the reason why he did it so perfectly is because he is really talented.

There is really nothing to say about talent.

Some people can't make great achievements in a certain field even if they have been working hard all their lives, but some people can still make small achievements in certain fields even though you can see that they haven't put in too much effort. He has achieved something, and even become a very strong and independent figure.

This is where the so-called talent comes into play.

Different people have very different talents.Some people are extremely talented, so even in the face of some emergencies, they can effectively deal with them.But for some people, the talent is actually quite average, and the limit they can do is to control themselves as much as possible and avoid making mistakes as much as possible.

This difference and gap can really be said to be quite obvious.

Faced with such a huge gap, sometimes it is really hopeless.

But Emperor Xianlong just loves to play tricks, to the point where he is a little paranoid and even crazy.

In this case, the state of the whole person will undergo a series of serious changes.

The reason why Emperor Xianlong's temperament often changed greatly is inseparable from this point.

"tsk tsk"

Whether Yuan Tiangang's mood is good, or the mood of other people is good, in fact, it is not enough to influence Emperor Xianlong's mood at all.At most, they could give Emperor Xianlong some suggestions to some extent, but whether Emperor Xianlong adopted it or not was really another matter.

Emperor Xianlong was really a very, very strong, very assertive emperor.

Let alone this emperor in the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even if you go back thousands of years, you can't find much.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong's display of such strength will make people feel uncomfortable.

It's all right if the courtiers don't adapt, but after the kings don't adapt, they will fight more fiercely and fight more fiercely.

Because for the kings, they are not just fighting for themselves, they are also fighting for the followers behind them who support them.

Whether it is the prince or the king of Qi, or the rest of the kings, there is actually no difference in essence.

They have no way out.Because behind them is the support of the entire party.

They have been driven up.

In this case, there is only one option to go to black.

If you continue to choose to persevere, the situation you face will still be quite embarrassing.

Therefore, Yuan Tiangang pinned his hopes on the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, at least the wish of the powerful class to be twisted into one rope is almost impossible to realize.

Because from top to bottom, from Emperor Xianlong to the crown prince to the rest of the kings, they were almost unwilling to have such a thing happen, and it was impossible for them to accept such a thing to happen.

Because almost everyone starts from their own ideas, and they all hope to be able to do some of the most basic things.

So at this time, the criticality and importance are fully reflected.

When these details are revealed, everything becomes different.

Sometimes when a person's mood begins to change, there will be a series of changes immediately.

Ordinary people may not be able to easily guess the root cause of these changes, but Yuan Tiangang can.

This is mainly because he is not only proficient in the art of observing the mind but also the art of observing the mind.

The combination of these two spells can bring people an unparalleled experience for a long time.

These experiences allow him to clearly see what a person is thinking in his heart.

If you think about different things, you will face different situations, and if you face different situations, everything that unfolds will also be different.

It can be said that Yuan Tiangang really understood.

But can other people live and understand like him?

Yuan Tiangang didn't know that he really didn't know.

He felt that many people lived in a rather confused way all their lives, and it was difficult for them to maintain a very calm environment. Everything they did seemed so stupid, so stupid.

How could a normal person make such a stupid decision?
No matter from any point of view, this is not a normal thing.

So sometimes Yuan Tiangang is really confused.

When a person's emotions start to appear to such a point of confusion, the person really cannot develop fully.

Yuan Tiangang knew that the court was now in chaos, and all the princes and princes were muddy and could not support the wall.

So what they can do at this time is really quite limited.

That being the case, Yuan Tiangang had to be more or less careful.In any case, he had to say hello to the head of the mountain and the academy in advance.

In this way, even if something really happens in the future, it will not be blinded.

The importance of preparing in advance is fully reflected at this time.

No one wants to face an extremely chaotic situation, and no one wants to face an extremely painful situation.

The same is true for Yuan Tiangang.

He knew that the future of Taoism should be full of twists and turns, difficulties and obstacles.

But he still wants to weaken part of this difficulty and danger as much as possible.

If some of this difficulty and danger can be weakened, the road ahead will be much easier for the sons and daughters.

There is no one in the world who does not want his sect to gradually become prosperous.

From this point of view, Yuan Tiangang is actually the same kind of person as Master Huiyan.

It's just that the means used by the two sides are still very different.

Yuan Tiangang's mood was milder to some extent.

Master Huiyan, on the other hand, would appear a little violent.

Whether gentle or violent.

But at a certain point, it can still reflect a completely different feeling.

Yuan Tiangang knew that the next one would be a test for the entire Taoist sect.

If they can play properly next, then not to mention prosperity, but at least there is no problem in ensuring that they are in a rationalized situation.

tsk tsk.
"Come on, let me write a letter to the head of the mountain. I hope this letter can have a good effect. I hope this letter can make the relationship between the academy and the Taoist school go further."

At this time, an alliance is definitely not possible.But as long as the relationship can go further, Yuan Tiangang is satisfied.

Shan Zhang's temperament is still a little arrogant.So the whole process takes a lot of time to get used to.

Sometimes time is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is not being able to adapt to the rhythm.

Once there are certain problems in the rhythm, the situation to be faced next will become even more confusing.

Deceptive behavior is sometimes really desperate.

I don't know what other people think, but for Yuan Tiangang, he still hopes that the academy can express their attitude as simply and neatly as possible.

If the academy's attitude can be expressed more directly, then there is still a possibility of an alliance between the Daoist sect and the academy.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, it will not be a good thing for the Taoist sect or the academy.

Because according to what Yuan Tiangang saw when he glimpsed the secrets of the sky, the arrival of the Shadow Clan is inevitable, and it is nothing more than a matter of time.

Once the Shadow Clan really descends, the pressure they will have to bear next is really too great.

Such a huge pressure is really not something ordinary people can bear, and sometimes such a huge pressure can really drive people crazy.

Try to keep your emotions stable as much as possible, and keep your emotions in a reasonable state as much as possible, so that after a long time, everything will become different.

Yuan Tiangang knew that the head of the mountain would not necessarily reply to him.But it doesn't matter, Yuan Tiangang can wait, he can continue to wait.

As long as the head of the mountain has the willingness to cooperate in the end, he can accept it.

What I am most afraid of is that after this letter is sent out, it will directly become a state of no news.

If this is the case, it is really quite embarrassing.

Emotional things can be really depressing.

Once everything becomes emotional, then the head of the mountain may also do some stupid things.

Most people would definitely not dare to say this kind of thing, but Yuan Tiangang dared to say it.

Because Yuan Tiangang is not an ordinary person.

He can see through people's hearts.

In his opinion, as long as they are human, as long as they are normal people, as long as they are normal people with mortal eyes, they are likely to make mistakes.

Is the head of the mountain a saint?

Scholars in the world always like to flatter him, saying that Shan Chang is a Confucian saint in the world.

But in Yuan Tiangang's view, there are no so-called Confucian saints in this world.

The head of the mountain may have reached the standards of some Confucian saints in terms of practice or other aspects, but in more cases he still cannot compare with Confucian saints.

This gap is actually quite obvious, and it can even be said to be visible to the naked eye.

Faced with such a huge gap, the most reasonable model is to choose to accept him.

Because if you don't choose to accept it, it is actually the case.

Since the head of the mountain is not a saint, and since the head of the mountain is also emotional, it is more normal for the head of the mountain to make mistakes.

So what happens next when the mountain chief makes a mistake?What's next?

In fact, Yuan Tiangang is still looking forward to it.

Because he knows very well that the decision of the head of the mountain will to some extent become the key for the practitioners in this world to fight against the Corruptor and even the Shadow Race.

Once the head of the mountain can decide many things, then everyone is likely to follow suit, and it is very likely to imitate what the head of the mountain does.

So, it's really a pretty big reaction.

So Yuan Tiangang is really looking forward to seeing the decision of the head of the mountain this time.

It can be said that every time the head of the mountain makes a decision, it will cause a sensation to the greatest extent.

It seems that everyone is staring closely at the head of the mountain, and every move of the head of the mountain can play an extremely important and shocking role.

When the head of the mountain showed his shocking side, everyone could feel the powerful impact.

Can Shan Zhang alone fight against the Shadow Clan?

Sometimes Yuan Tiangang would always ask himself this question in his heart.

But he knows that sometimes it is really difficult to answer this question.

Sometimes it is unrealistic to ensure that you are in a relatively reasonable state.

Because you will always face such and such problems.

So at this time Yuan Tiangang really needs to adjust.

Can the mountain chief see what he can see?
Or can he see what the head of the mountain can see?
This is actually a relatively unknown situation.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang is not able to see clearly everything that happens in this world.

What he can see clearly is actually very limited.

When able to face these situations, sometimes he also gets confused.

It doesn't matter if you feel confused, the key is whether you can adjust in time afterwards.

If it can be adjusted in time later, then it can actually lead the Taoism forward steadily.

It is impossible for a person, even a super master, to never make mistakes. The key is to see how they adjust their mentality after making mistakes. After the mentality is adjusted, everything will be different.After the mentality is adjusted, the whole mood becomes quite stable.

Where does Taoism go, this is indeed a matter that makes Yuan Tiangang quite difficult to make a decision.

For Yuan Tiangang, this was also what he was most concerned about during this time.

No one knows what direction things will develop, and Yuan Tiangang can only see a fragment, a very small fragment.

Next, he will look forward to it even more, and will look forward to how things will go.

Things go differently, and everything that follows will be different.No matter what others think, anyway, Yuan Tiangang thinks so.

Come on, feel all this well, maybe what you feel is a little different, and what you can bear next will be completely different.

Feel everything beautifully, feel beautifully everything is beautiful.

This is really very touching.

Yuan Tiangang firmly believes that the future of the Dao Sect is bright, and he can also lead the Dao Sect to prosperity.

"Hahaha, did you see, Daoist Qinglian, your little uncle can still think about the academy and you."

Shanzhang handed a letter to Wu Quanyi, Taoist Qinglian, who was stunned for a moment.

"My little uncle? Master Shan, are you talking about Yuan Tiangang?"

"Of course it's him, who else could it be if it wasn't him?"

Shanzhang stroked his beard and said with a leisurely smile: "It's interesting to say that, at the beginning, I thought Yuan Tiangang was a very introverted and egotistical person. But recently, my judgment on him has changed a lot. Now I Gradually, I feel that Yuan Tiangang is a very wise person. On the issue of right and wrong, Yuan Tiangang can make the most reasonable judgment."


Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi didn't know what to do at this moment.

Because he felt that no matter how he picked up or what he picked up at this time, it would look a little strange.

If so, it would be better not to pick up.

Tsk tsk tsk, this can really be regarded as an incomparably wonderful thing.

Wu Quanyi didn't know how long he hadn't heard from his junior uncle Yuan Tiangang.a month?Two months, or three or five months?

This is really quite difficult to judge.

Sometimes this feeling can really make people feel quite confused.

Because Wu Quanyi felt that the relationship between himself and his junior uncle was actually very confusing.

The distance between the two is sometimes close, and the grasp of the sense of alienation is sometimes very confusing.

It is obvious that the two of them are drifting away, but the little uncle will come back at critical moments.

tsk tsk.
Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi unfolded the letter paper and looked at it carefully.

The content of the letter was not much, but the meaning was very clear, that is to tell the academy to be careful of the coming danger.

The danger comes from two aspects, one is from the Shadow Clan, and the other is from the imperial court.

It can be said that Yuan Tiangang wrote such a letter at this time, and sent the letter to the academy, and sent it to the head of the mountain and Taoist Qinglian, which can be said to be meaningful.

Does this mean to show favor to the academy on behalf of the Taoist sect, want to make friends or form an alliance?

After all, Yuan Tiangang's identity is there, and the identity of the Taoist celestial master is not covered.

The words of Taoist celestial masters are to some extent the words of Taoism, which can play a representative role in a complete sense.

So this means that the Taoist sect can get good cooperation in the next period of time, provided that the academy is willing to cooperate.

So is the academy willing to cooperate?

Yuan Tiangang gave the chance of choice to the head of the mountain.

So, what will the head of the mountain choose?

At this moment, Wu Quanyi was quite curious.

It can be said that Wu Quanyi can do quite a lot at this time.

At this time, Wu Quanyi can reply a letter to the junior uncle, or do some other things.

All in all, it must be able to achieve a certain effect, and the effect cannot be too bad, otherwise it is better not to do it.

For Wu Quanyi, everything at the moment can be said to be quite complicated.

Some situations will become more confusing after everything is condensed.

Sometimes Wu Quanyi even felt that he couldn't see the situation clearly.

It takes a good grasp before you can fully see the truth.

This is of course difficult, but for the current choice, it really doesn't matter.

Because for them, everything in the moment is of the utmost importance.

Every choice at the moment is extremely precious.

As long as the choice is correct, many things that follow will become easier.

"What do you think, Master Shan?"

"What does this old man think about it? Obviously, this old man asked you first."

While gently stroking his beard, the head of the mountain said leisurely: "All of this can be said to be quite critical. If you can handle all these emotions well, then you will be able to deal with the situation perfectly. Daomen can also If you blend in, you can also join in. Isn't this the best of both worlds? Daoist Qinglian, you have to think about it carefully."

Sometimes the head of the mountain seems to speak calmly, but he always shows some different meanings.

If you can understand it well, you can still understand the difference.

At this moment, Wu Quanyi was thinking very seriously about the words of the head of the mountain.

Did the head of the mountain agree to cooperate with the Daoist sect?

Otherwise, why would you say that?

Isn't the head of the mountain sending an obvious signal by saying this?

tsk tsk.
For a while, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi began to guess the intention of the head of the mountain.

It can be said that every move of the head of the mountain at this time is extremely meaningful. If it can be understood well, it can still be of great significance.

Wu Quanyi's mentality at this time can still be maintained quite well.

When it's time to do something, do it hard, and when it's not time to do it, don't do it no matter what.

This may seem confusing and embarrassing, but it makes sense anyway.

"The Daomen should be looking for cooperation."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi thought about it carefully, and finally said it.

This sentence has to be said by someone.

Since someone has to say it anyway, and if the head of the mountain doesn't want to say it, let him do it.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi felt that this was not a difficult task.

As long as you maintain a good attitude and calm your mind, then it is really all right.

After exhaling a foul breath, Wu Quanyi spread his hands, indicating that he had finished speaking.

The head of the mountain nodded lightly and said, "Interesting, a little interesting."

In fact, the head of the mountain has been thinking about these details very seriously.

In his opinion, if these details can be handled well, they can still deal with even the most powerful enemy.

With the addition of the academy and the Taoist sect, this alliance and combination is quite powerful no matter how you look at it.

As long as there is strength, there will not be too much danger in dealing with the crisis.

tsk tsk.
The key is to see how the head of the mountain chooses.

It can be said that the choice of the head of the mountain is the most important thing now, and the choice of the head of the mountain is the key to determine the final direction of things.

Many times people's choices are really in a relatively wrong mood.

The key is to look at the choice of the guide.

"Well, that's very good. If the academy and the Daoist sect can form a cooperation, the old man thinks that they should be invincible in the world, right?"

The head of the mountain is very confident, and he does have the capital of this confidence.

Because the enemy will pose a certain threat to it no matter where it is.

When the enemy poses a certain threat to it, an extremely powerful alliance can solve many things.

Sometimes a strong alliance can resolve the crisis to the maximum extent.

It seemed that a crisis that could not be solved at all may be solved directly.

This is not easy, the key still depends on performance.

But with the configuration of the Academy and the Taoist Alliance, it is really not difficult to achieve this.

"Tsk tsk tsk, interesting, really interesting."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi exclaimed: "It's not easy, it's really not easy. If you can grasp this situation, you should be able to perfectly grasp the situation now. The situation is really difficult to control. To fight against corrosion It is not a simple and easy thing for those who fight against the Shadow Clan to be wary of the imperial court at the same time. It must be a good thing for the Academy to form an alliance with the Taoist sect at this time."

For Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, he is naturally the happiest person that the Daoist sect can form an alliance with the academy.

Because he is not only a Taoist disciple, but also a half-academic student.

After all, Daoist Qinglian has been used to everything in the academy after eating and drinking in Haoran Academy for so long in Zhongnanshan.He has completely settled down in Haoran Academy.

Sometimes this feeling of enjoyment really makes Daoist Qinglian very satisfied.

So in a short time, he didn't want to leave Zhongnanshan, nor did he want to leave Haoran Academy.

Everything is so perfect, everything is so beautiful.

Such beautiful things come together, sometimes it really makes people feel a little unreal.

"Well, let's settle it like this. Yuan Tiangang has to ask Taoist Priest Qinglian to pay more attention. After all, you are from the same school, so you can talk."

There is nothing wrong with Shan Chang's words.

No matter from any point of view, the relationship between Yuan Tiangang and Daoist Qinglian can be regarded as quite good.

Such a good relationship can bring a lot to a certain extent.

Many times, the head of the mountain would think that Taoist Qinglian is an atypical Taoist disciple, because Taoist Qinglian often does not use the thinking mode that people usually think of as a Taoist disciple to think about problems.

Because in Wu Quanyi's view, how a person thinks about a problem, how a person judges a problem, and how a person handles a problem is his own business.Why does everything have to be related to the sect?
Why do you have to be tightly tied to the sect no matter what?

This is really a very confusing and confusing event.

Many times Wu Quanyi really didn't understand.

So when he does things, he seems to be a little arbitrary.

Since you can do whatever you want, it will appear to be a little out of tune with Taoism.

But this is really not Wu Quanyi's deliberate intention, but his nature is like this.

People have to follow their own heart, otherwise it would be too tiring to live.

If a person can follow his own heart, then what he can feel next will be very complete and complete.

tsk tsk.
This is really quite dramatic.

At the beginning, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi never thought that the Taoist sect could reconcile with the academy.

Originally, he thought that after that kind of thing happened, the Taoist school and the academy would not say that they would never communicate with each other, but at least they would not maintain a good relationship.

But now it seems that he is thinking too much.

A mountain chief can punt a boat in his stomach.

Shan Chang's mentality and heart are quite good.

No matter what happened, no matter how big it happened, in the eyes of the head of the mountain, it was actually nothing.

tsk tsk.
For a while, the head of the mountain can be regarded as full of expectations for the future.

For the head of the mountain, everything that follows can be regarded as quite critical.

If he can bear so much and feel so much, it is actually very precious.

When a person can feel a lot, he can show more and more strength.

Shan Zhang is obviously so strong, yet so broad-minded, I really can't find a word to describe him at this moment.

Daoist Qinglian's admiration for the head of the mountain is really quite strong.

From this point of view, it is really a perfect thing for that brat Zhao Xun to be able to worship under the head of the mountain as an apprentice.

"So now the old man is more concerned about what to eat tonight, and I don't know what the little 72 guy is preparing. Not to mention, the old man is really looking forward to it now."


For a moment, Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, laughed and said: "It's really not easy to say this. This brat never pays attention to any routines in cooking, and he does everything he wants. So the poor don't know What will he do next. But to be honest, this brat cooks delicious food. So we just have to look forward to it."

There is nothing wrong with Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's words.

Zhao Xun is indeed very talented in cooking.

It is really not an easy thing for a person to develop his talent to this extent.

With such talent, the taste of the following dishes will definitely not be bad.

It's really something to look forward to.

"Well, the old man has to taste it when the time comes. If the taste is different, the texture must be different. The old man is really hungry."

Zhao Xun's stomach has started to growl.

He began to seriously consider what to eat next.

To be honest, the problem of eating is basically a problem that Zhao Xun must work hard to think about every day.

In fact, this problem sometimes seems a bit tricky and difficult to deal with.

Because the problem of eating is the most prone to disagreement.

Zhao Xun not only wants to take care of himself, but also takes care of other brothers and sisters.

Zhao Xun must try his best to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the food.

This is not a simple matter.

Sometimes if you really want to ensure that there are no problems, you must have a completely different routine.

After all, no matter how delicious a dish is, not many people can bear it if they eat it all the time.

Zhao Xun hopes to make new dishes as much as possible. In this way, no matter from any angle, it is enough to satisfy people.

tsk tsk.
At this time, Zhao Xun was really looking forward to it.

His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking hard about the choice of dishes next.

Every dish choice is quite embarrassing.

Because you will consider various situations and different people.

Different people have very different tastes.

Since the taste is different, the taste of the food you will enjoy next will also be different.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must think from the perspective of these brothers and sisters, even mentors and mountain leaders, so that the taste of the dishes will be more perfect.

If he just thinks about the problem from his own point of view, there will indeed be a lot of problems.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but it is really quite difficult to make his dishes satisfy everyone.

Zhao Xun is working hard to adjust his mentality. For him, the current mentality must not be messed up.

If the mentality is chaotic, then everything that follows will be chaotic.

And if the mentality can remain stable and stable, then at least there will be no rollover.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun can be said to be full of expectations for a while.

From a variety of details, everything is relatively perfect.

Next, let's look at some details.

"If it doesn't work, let's do barbecue. You can't make mistakes in barbecue."

Zhao Xun went through everyone's preferences in his mind, and found that everyone liked to eat different things.

In this case, it is really too difficult to ensure that dishes that satisfy everyone can be made.

At this time, Zhao Xun was very helpless.

good guy.
For a moment, all he could think of was barbecue or hot pot.

These two dishes can be said to be very popular, and there is absolutely no problem with overturning.

Then enjoy it beautifully.Beautiful enjoyment can bring the ultimate different experience.

This is really a difficult thing, but as long as you enjoy it, your goal will be achieved.

Isn't it just to be able to eat in many cases?
As long as you eat well, other problems really don't matter.

"Okay, I don't have to worry about it anymore, so I decided to make a barbecue."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that if he continued to struggle at this time, it would not be a wise choice.

If he can make a choice in time, then he will have enough time to think, operate and prepare for the next step.

Otherwise, the next time is really not enough.

After all, this is not a small-scale barbecue, but to cover almost everyone.

The pressure to reach almost everyone is really enormous.

Difficult, really difficult.

So Zhao Xun had to make a quick decision and start preparing immediately.

The earlier the preparation time, the better for Zhao Xun.

Of course, Zhao Xun can't just prepare by himself.

This is unrealistic, Zhao Xun needs as many helpers as possible, so Zhao Xun went to find the third brother Long Qingquan and Wangcai without hesitation.

These two are Zhao Xun's long-term partners when cooking.

After working together for so long, they already have a tacit understanding.

Once there is a tacit understanding, there won't be too many problems.

It will also be very skillful in matching, and the efficiency can be directly maximized.

This can be regarded as the most suitable choice for Zhao Xun at the moment.

"Okay, let's start. Let's start working, I really can't hesitate any longer!"

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

Recently, the chief guardian Liu Lin is in a good mood.

For Liu Lin, after killing Master Hui'an, the situation was turning in favor of the entire Anxi army.

At this time, they can clearly feel that the attitudes of the countries in the Western Regions have begun to soften, and they are no longer as strong as before.

Because they knew that after losing Master Hui'an, the most powerful patron, they no longer had any capital to clamor and bargain with the Anxi army.

In many cases, the reason why they are very strong is because they feel that they have a certain amount of hard power, and then they have a lot of backing behind them.

But now that these are all gone, Liu Lin, the general guard, feels that Anxi Army's chance has really come.

No matter from any details, the Anxi Army has a huge advantage.

In contrast, these small countries in the Western Regions are really like a mess of sand after losing their backbone.

When they behave like a mess of loose sand, the whole person will be in a rather chaotic state.

It's so hard, it's really hard.

People's emotions still need to be channeled.

Otherwise, it will become depressed.

Therefore, under Liu Lin's insistence, the Anxi Army sent envoys to the small countries in the Western Regions.

The role of the envoys is to persuade them to submit to the Great Zhou completely, and to proclaim their vassals as the vassal states of the Great Zhou.

In fact, the 36 countries in the Western Regions have been doing the same for a long time.

It's just that there have been some turmoil in the past few decades, which has caused some changes in the attitudes of the 36 countries in the Western Regions.

What Liu Lin has to do now is to bring the 36 countries in the Western Regions back to their original state.

In his opinion, this is not a difficult task. If he can grasp the situation well, then he will be able to usher in a unified Western Region.

This is very important, and it is also Liu Lin's greatest wish over the years.

If this wish can be realized, Liu Lin will feel quite satisfied.

After all, for him, everything at the moment can be regarded as perfect.

Keep a reasonable state of mind, and then you will be able to have more possibilities.

As for what Jia Xingwen will do next, that is also a point that Liu Lin needs to pay attention to.

If Jia Xingwen can be alone, then Liu Lin can really take some of the burden off.

Liu Lin is indeed too tired and exhausted these years.What Liu Lin can do in such a tired situation is quite limited.

So if Jia Xingwen can take over some burdens, it will be the happiest thing for Liu Lin.

Liu Lin looked forward to this day with great anticipation.

For Liu Lin, as long as this can be achieved, then what can be felt next is a completely different point, and what can be felt is a completely different state.

Anxi Army is really not easy.

Since it is not easy for the Anxi army, then it is even more important to protect all of these things, and to grasp all of them well.

Liu Lin firmly believes that the Anxi Army can have a completely different prospect.He also firmly believes that Anxi Army will continue to bring him surprises in the future.

Let's start with stabilizing the Western Regions first.

Once the Western Regions are stabilized, the next things will become simpler and easier.

The devil Orikos is already approaching the core area of ​​Zhongnanshan Haoran Academy.

This area can be regarded as the core area of ​​the academy, and if you walk further in, you can see the mountain gate of the academy.

Olikos is very clear about this.

From the very beginning, he could feel the vitality between the heaven and the earth, and he could feel the difference in these vitality.

So at a certain moment, Olikos even had the idea of ​​getting into the academy.

It is not very difficult for him to achieve this.He just needs to enter through the gap.

But Olikos still showed some hesitation.

Because for him, he didn't know what was in the academy.

There are still risks in such a hasty intrusion.

Faced with such a large risk, there will still be various dangers.

So for Olikos, everything that follows is actually a test.

If he can complete this test well, then he will be able to get first-hand information from the Academy, and be able to respond to the Academy in a targeted manner.

This is actually very critical.

Because no matter how you look at the academy, it is impossible for others to target it easily.

The academy is really too magical and dreamlike.

So from the details point of view, the academy has almost no weaknesses.

How would an academy with no weaknesses deal with it?
How can an academy with no weaknesses fight against it?
So for Olikos, what he has to do now is to find out the flaws and weaknesses of the academy.

As long as he can find out the flaws and weaknesses of the Academy, then the Corruptors are not easy-going lamps, they are also ruthless characters.

As long as these corruptors can gather together, as long as they can play the role that a strong person should have, then they will still cause a lot of trouble to the academy.

At this moment, Olikos can be said to be full of expectations, it can be said to be full of expectations.

The details in life are often able to make people feel a lot.

The details in life can often make people feel quite a lot.

When these details come together, it will make people realize the tastes of life.

After all these aspects of life are gathered together, people can really understand which direction to go.

Although Olikos is a devil and lives in the dark world, he is still very curious when he comes to a new environment and comes to the human world.

He felt these things in the world, and he wanted to continue to understand as much as possible.

In Olikos's view, the details of these things are very interesting.

If he can continue to understand, maybe he can dig out a lot of things.

It's really quite interesting.

Sometimes Olikos feels that life is like this, and there are always surprises.

He is now an ordinary hunter who can no longer be ordinary.

It is actually the most reasonable to appear as a hunter in the rugged foothills of the Zhongnan Mountain area.

What's more, Olikos has already blocked all his breath in advance.

Therefore, it is impossible for the practitioners in the academy to be aware of his existence, and it is impossible to know that he has appeared.

In this way, Olikos can be said to be quite calm, quite calm.

He knew he was in no danger, he knew he was in no danger.

When these dangers gather together, Olikos will feel something different, but that's all.

Not too magical, really.

Sometimes Olikos feels that life is a little numb, but sometimes he also feels that life is a little boring.

So he will transform into a different look, and experience life from the perspective of different people.

In this way, he seemed to be alive again.

That feeling is really quite amazing.

Olikos enjoyed the process.

No matter from any detail, this process is extremely perfect.

That's how life should be, that's how life should be.

Although Olikos is not a person, he really likes to experience what these talents can experience.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

Olikos really likes the feeling of walking in the mountains.

But he still knew the purpose of coming this time.

So Orikos didn't let himself relax.

He is constantly looking, constantly looking for the location of the academy gate.

He could smell the forbidden smell of the academy, but he still couldn't find it completely.

So difficult, really difficult.

Olikos has no intention of giving up.

For him, this is actually a relatively enjoyable process.

As long as you can search more perfectly in the future, you can always find it.

It is impossible for the academy to completely hide the mountain gate, because they will not be able to find it anymore.

In the next days, for Olikos, what he has to do is to search for the past inch by inch.

This may seem a bit difficult and stupid, but it is the most effective method.

This way can make Olikos feel something that the academy can't feel.


Olikos kept sniffing.

He had smelled the smell of these academies before.Now it's just strengthening the memory.

After comparing the smells again, Olikos at this time can definitely make some in-depth discoveries.

Olikos is quite confused, because he really can't tell the difference from the taste, and what he can tell from the taste is quite limited.

Orikos was really a little confused.

what is happening?
What the hell is going on here?
So many things happened all of a sudden, it's really incomprehensible.

Orikos was getting more and more confused.

Could it be that the academy even blocked out the smell?
It would be outrageous if the academy blocked even the smell.


Olikos knew that at this time he had to continue searching.

If you give up at this time, all previous efforts will be wasted.

He has put in so much effort before, there is absolutely no reason to give up at this time.

Keep looking.What else can be done?

If you continue to search, there will always be hope.

Where is the mountain gate of this academy?

One of the talents of the devil is the ability to reveal invisible things.

It only takes a glance to achieve this effect.

But after searching, Orlyx didn't see what he expected to see.

Strange, this is really weird.

So what happened?
Since there is no invisibility in the academy, and there is no invisibility technique to hide, then what exactly caused the situation to change?
Olikos thought to himself that it would be great if the High Priest of the Demon Sect was by his side at this time.

The high priest of the Mozong will definitely give Olikos some help at the first time, and will definitely give Olikos many useful suggestions at the first time.

After all, Olikos is a newcomer, after all, he is unfamiliar with the place.

But the High Priest of the Demon Sect is not.

The high priest of the Demon Sect really knows and is too familiar with this place.

Under such circumstances, there is basically no need to worry too much.

With the High Priest of the Demon Sect, everything became much simpler and crisper.

But now the High Priest of the Demon Sect is not around.

So Orikos can only rely on himself.

At this time, Olikos continued to walk deep.

He could clearly feel a strong impulse coming.

It seems that a master rushed over, and the aura of a master gave Olikos an extremely strong impact at this moment.

Olikos can't judge the level of this master, but based on the strength of this qi, Olikos can basically judge that the opponent's strength is not weak, and it should be at least rank three or above.

tsk tsk.
Could it be that he was noticed?
It shouldn't be, Olikos has always hidden himself quite well.Olikos has always done everything perfectly.

So what went wrong?
Until now, Olikos still hasn't really figured it out, but just from some details, it can be roughly judged what the other party has discovered.

If the academy practitioner didn't find Olikos, it means he found another person.

So there's a third person here besides them?
Thinking of this, Olikko suddenly felt quite shocked.

good guy.
In this way, Olikos changed his mind.

He didn't need to panic.Because at this time, he didn't have any smell overflowing from his body.At this time, he was an ordinary hunter who couldn't be more ordinary.

So what he has to do is to walk forward slowly, without panic at all.

Keep calm and stay calm.There are quite a few things he can do next.

At this time, as long as the mentality can be calmed down, basically the car will not overturn.

Olikos continued to walk forward after adjusting his mentality.

For him, everything at the moment is actually full of expectations.

Regardless of whether the academy practitioner can finally find the third person hiding in the dark, this is the best opportunity for Olikos to get close to the academy practitioner.

He really wanted to see how powerful the incomparably powerful academy practitioners were entangled in what the high priest of the Mozong said.

Sometimes Olikos can feel very confused.

So he wanted to see for himself.

seeing is believing.

It can't be fake if you see it with your own eyes, right?

At this time, Olikos' mentality has been completely calmed down.

For him, he just needs to feel all this honestly.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, he saw a cultivator flying out like a sharp arrow.

Although the opponent rushed out very fast, Olikos still saw the practitioner's face clearly.

The face of this cultivator was the one that the High Priest of the Demon Sect let him see in the illusion.

Although Olikos only saw it once, he couldn't forget it.

tsk tsk.
This guy actually chased him out of the academy?
What is he chasing?
Olikos knew that the practitioner of this academy was called Zhao Xun. Although his cultivation level was the lowest in the academy, he was only the third rank, but to some extent he was the one who received the most care from the head of the entire academy.

Because he is the youngest, the head of the mountain will even prescribe a small treatment for him alone to help him improve his cultivation level.

Although Zhao Xun's current level of cultivation is not too high, but the momentum is still very good, and the prospects are also very good.

For a while, Olikos was really very interested.

Not bad, really good.

Olikos knew that he had a lot to do next.

For him, if he can capture all the information as much as possible, then it is very likely that he can directly investigate the details of the academy.

Sometimes the investigation of information is also very critical.

As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy.

In many cases, if you can investigate the details clearly, you will be able to have more experience when facing the battle head-on.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

Orikos was trying to sense.

But he still didn't notice these third people hiding in the dark.

Because Olikos is now a hunter, he must not be too careless.

If he behaved too carelessly at this time, his identity would be exposed if he galloped away.

So at this time, it was difficult for Olikos to keep up with Zhao Xun's speed.

This guy's lightness kung fu is amazing, and his footsteps are very fast.

Such a fast speed really makes people feel quite admirable.

It is really not easy for a practitioner to have such a fast speed.

Even a devil like Olikos may not be able to guarantee to run faster than him.

But this is in this world.

If it is in the dark world, the situation is completely different.

If you are in the dark world, the situation will become quite weird. At that time, Olikos' speed can be fully maximized and improved in all directions.

In this case, Olikos can become a strong man in an absolute sense.

But this is not the Dark Realm after all, this is the Great Zhou World.

So Orikos doesn't have any bonus in this regard.

In this way, if he wants to catch up with his opponent, he has to rely on his own strength.

But he can't show his own strength, which is really hard for people to die.

Olikos was clearly aware of that difficulty.

But he won't give up.

Because he knew that Zhao Xun was the key to breaking the situation of the academy.

If he can understand Zhao Xun thoroughly, then everything that follows will become quite simple and smooth.

Come on, since Zhao Xun has come to your door, he has absolutely no reason not to choose to follow.

As long as you can continue to follow, then everything that follows will come to light.

Olikos secretly said in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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