big week bad guy

Chapter 515: Three Senior Brothers Gather

Chapter 515 The Three Senior Brothers Gather

At this time, Dakini Yasha Ashina clearly felt a threat from the academy.

The threat of the Academy is really too great, to the point where Ashina feels that he can't bear it.

Although at the beginning he felt that he could withstand the threat from the academy, but through this period of in-depth understanding, Ashina realized the seriousness of the problem.

That is, his strength is not enough to support all this.

It is possible to accumulate the entire Twelve Yakshas.

After all, the combat power formed by the combination of twelve yakshas is much stronger than that of a single yaksha.

The combined combat power of the twelve Yakshas can even fight the head of the mountain.

Although he hasn't fought yet, Ashina feels that the possibility of success is still quite high.

Facing a huge threat, the Twelve Yakshas must be firmly united and must work together to have a chance.

A single Yaksha can't have any effect, and a single Yaksha will only make the academy break down one by one.

It's really a hopeless feeling.

For Yasha, they must gather their own strength as much as possible, and must ensure that they have a unique attitude as much as possible.

If the strength is not enough, it is really possible to be defeated by the academy.

The strength of the academy is still very strong.

"tsk tsk"

At this time, Ashina obviously felt a feeling that was difficult for everyone to feel.

This is like receiving teachings from the God of Darkness.

At that moment, he felt that he was instructed by the God of Darkness.

This is really extremely important and crucial.

That feeling is really hard to describe in words.

tsk tsk.
But Ashina really believes that his choice is correct, so basically there will be no mistakes in judgment in the future.

As long as you honestly follow the rhythm of the God of Darkness, then you can enjoy a completely different point, enjoy a completely different point.

The God of Darkness can guide people, as long as they are people who believe in darkness.

No one can be as perfect as Ash.No one can handle things as well as Ashina.

In Asuna's opinion, he does bring a rather different side to the League of Corruptors.

This attraction really made the entire Corruptor Alliance different.

The Corruptors in the past only knew how to mess around, and only knew how to go on a rampage blindly.

This doesn't make any sense and just confuses people quite a bit.

Confused emotions, once built up, are hard to dissipate.

Ashina knows this very well, so he must constantly use his own efforts to change people's inherent impressions.

This is certainly not an easy task, but in Ashina's view, it is indeed something that must be done.

Many times it is always very important to try.

Failure to make the right choices can lead to a rather miserable resolution.

After exhaling a foul breath, Ashina could clearly feel that he had suffered a huge shock.

It was a feeling of enlightenment, a feeling that was completely incomprehensible.

Is this the God of Darkness calling him?
Ashina felt it, he really felt it.

Can't go, what can't go?

Such a sentence flashed in his mind, but in Ashina's view, it was really miraculous.

Why do you feel so many things?
What does the God of Darkness want to tell him through this method?
Ashina was really confused, he was really confused.

The High Priest of the Demon Sect listened to Ashina's narration with a sinking face.

In his opinion, all this is really more complicated than he imagined.

Judging from the information he has heard now, Ashina is indeed very cruel, to a certain extent.But in the face of the academy, he couldn't show his strength at all.

So what limits his strength?

For a while, the high priest of the Mozong couldn't figure it out at all.

For the High Priest of the Demon Sect, this is something that must be clarified.So this is really a paradox.

Since it is a paradox, there must be no more hesitation, and it must be thoroughly analyzed and thoroughly clarified.

It's hard, but it's possible to figure it out.

Only by thoroughly figuring it out can we ensure that we can have a chance of winning for the academy.

tsk tsk.
For a while, the High Priest of the Mozong was really confused.

"You said you received instructions from the God of Darkness. Can't go? What exactly can't go?"

This information is actually very important.So the High Priest of the Demon Sect hoped to find out as much as possible.

If there is a mistake or omission, it will be very embarrassing.

Once things add up, it can drive people crazy.

Therefore, when facing some crises, we must adjust in time, and we must ensure that we always have an adjustable mode.

"I don't know, I really don't know."

Ashina spread his hands helplessly and said: "I just felt this voice suddenly appeared in my head. This voice should be from the God of Darkness. I'm sure. There must be nothing wrong with it. But What does the God of Darkness want to tell me? I really don't know. That feeling of confusion really filled my mind."

At this time, Ashina really showed a feeling of confusion.

For him, all this can be regarded as a rather helpless thing.

Everything was very different from what he had imagined.

Everything was beyond his expectation.

But he couldn't describe it in simple words.

If the God of Darkness really wanted to give him a certain warning, it shouldn't be in this way, right?

But if the God of Darkness didn't warn him in this way, then what was the voice in his head all of a sudden?
It's so confusing, everything is too confusing.

After the strange emotions condense together, people will really feel a very weird feeling.

Ashina really didn't know how to describe it.

Because he felt that he didn't even do anything, and was completely guided by others to move forward.

So in many cases, he can't see many things clearly at all, and he can only keep pacing within a certain range.This feeling is really very uncomfortable.

Emotional gloom really makes people become more manic.When the emotional mania reaches a certain level, it will definitely explode.

Ashina didn't know what would happen to others, but he would explode himself.

It's hard, it's too hard.

So what is the God of Darkness trying to tell him at this time?

Ashina felt like she was going crazy.

So much information accumulated together is enough for a person to start to have an epiphany.

But Ashina really felt that his mind was like a mess.


The high priest of the Mozong showed a rather helpless feeling.

For him, hearing Ashina talk about so much information was actually quite disappointing.

He didn't want to make things so confusing.

He hoped to be able to think about the problem in a rather cautious manner from the very beginning.

If you can't maintain a cautious mind, then the whole person will become more and more confused.


The High Priest of the Demon Sect really gets confused a lot.

"That's all, let's stop here. Let's not get too entangled in this matter. As long as we can maintain a calm mind, it will still make people feel different. As long as we can feel the difference, then What comes next makes sense."

The high priest of the Mozong knew that at this time, he must not push Ashina too hard, he must ensure that Ashina was in a controllable and calm environment.

Keep everything in a reasonable mode, then people can completely adapt to the current rhythm.

Regardless of whether it is the Demon Sect or something else, they all have to adapt to this rule.

No one can completely jump out of the rules, and no one can ignore the rules.

Even the Corruptors and even the Shadow Clan, the servants of the God of Darkness, must follow this rule.

So the top priority now is to summon all the Twelve Yakshas as soon as possible.

Only by summoning all the Twelve Yakshas as soon as possible can we ensure that we have a strong combination.

Only in this way can they take an absolute advantage in the confrontation with the academy.

This point is really too important.

Zhao Xun is still immersed in the joy of Jia Xingwen and brother Jia returning to the academy.

However, this kind of Western Region has been somewhat diluted compared to yesterday.

The current Zhao Xun is more calm, basically less likely to act impulsively.

But this does not mean that Zhao Xun will be in an almost invincible situation in the future.

Because no matter what it is, Zhao Xun will not be strong in front of Brother Jia Xingwen.

After all, Jia Xingwen is the eldest brother, so he really has nothing to say.

Since Jia Xingwen is the eldest brother, he really doesn't need to have any more confusing things.

Follow Jia Xingwen's wishes as much as possible, then you really don't have to worry about anything next.

"Brother Jia, now that you're back, I think your spiritual training can be put on the agenda again."

What Zhao Xun cares most about Brother Jia Xingwen is his spiritual training.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, only by ensuring that Jia Xingwen and Brother Jia have been training can his cultivation level improve.

Jia Xingwen, Brother Jia's foundation is actually very good, and his talent is also very good.Although the talent has not reached the level of Zhao Xun's BUG, ​​it can still reach an excellent level for a long time.Under such circumstances, Zhao Xun still has nothing to worry about.

Naturally, it was arranged for Brother Jia Xingwen.

Everything now can be said to be the best arrangement.

With this arrangement, Zhao Xun has the final say on everything that will follow.

Zhao Xun's words still have a certain weight.Even in front of Brother Jia Xingwen.

In front of other people, maybe that kind of impulsive emotion will make people violent, but in front of Brother Jia, Zhao Xun will try his best to appear calm and breezy.

"Brother Jia, I think this is the case. As long as you maintain a stable state of mind, you will definitely be able to make breakthroughs in practice. I have some experience in this area. You must believe me, and you must It will not let you down."


When Jia Xingwen heard this, he probably took it for granted.

For him, the only person he can trust now is actually Zhao Xun.

So he must have no doubts about what Zhao Xun said.

Whatever Zhao Xun asked him to practice and train, he would definitely practice and train.

There will be no doubts or confusion during the whole process.

This point is actually quite critical.

Because if you don't reach this state, you will face some problems.

Of course, Jia Xingwen didn't want so many problems to arise.

Some situations should be downplayed as much as possible and the impact should be reduced as much as possible. This is the effect Jia Xingwen most hopes to achieve.

Sometimes people still have to be more resolute.

When a person behaves resolutely, whether it is for himself or for others, it is quite fair.

tsk tsk.
When you think about it, this could really be considered perfect.

Keep calm, stay calm.

Everything is no problem.

"Little brother, what shall we practice now?"

Zhao Xun suddenly became a master from an apprentice, and this huge change made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

a ha ha ha.

I have to say that being a master is very happy, and it can make people fully appreciate the hearty feeling.

It's really good to be a top player and then mentor another talented person to become a top player.

In every detail, it's okay, it's pretty okay.

tsk tsk.
It's so difficult. For Zhao Xun, it is indeed a very embarrassing thing to choose the training project now.

At this time, Zhao Xun was indeed in a state of entanglement.

So what to do next, what to do?

If there is a problem with the choice, it is still very difficult.

At this time, Zhao Xun was really confused.

For him, once confusion arises, he decides to start practicing with the most basic and basic.

"Then let's do light work first."

Because you can't make mistakes if you practice according to the most basic and basic.

Since you can't make mistakes, then you can put people in the most ideal, reasonable and comfortable training environment.This is of course excellent.Zhao Xun doesn't need to worry too much about what other people think.Because he can completely follow his own heart.

When he can cultivate completely according to his own heart, the pressure he faces is actually quite small.

When there are various problems in a person's judgment, it must be that his judgment has deviated.

Zhao Xun would not have such an obvious deviation.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, he has adjusted his state as much as possible anyway.

The same is true when facing Brother Jia Xingwen.

Zhao Xun really did not have any flaws.

The details shown can also be said to be perfect.

So the next thing he has to do is to ensure that he has an excellent competitiveness.

After exhaling a turbid breath, Zhao Xun began to introduce very seriously: "The so-called light work is actually sprinting. When you run fast enough, it looks like you have mastered light work from a long distance. It’s not that mysterious. Regardless of what other people think, anyway, I don’t think it’s that mysterious.”

Zhao Xun tried his best to make his words as simple as possible.

Because he felt that if what he said was complicated, Brother Jia might not understand.

After all, everyone cannot be expected to have the same strong understanding as him.

When there is a certain deviation in comprehension, there will be quite a lot of problems to face next.

Keep as calm as possible, and keep a calm mind as much as possible. This is really very important.


Jia Xingwen, Brother Jia nodded his head half-understood and said, "I probably understand after hearing what you said."

Jia Xingwen took a deep breath and said, "If you look at it this way, I really have great potential. Because I like sprinting by nature."

Zhao Xun agrees with this very much.

Back then, when Zhao Xun started learning sprinting, he followed Jia Xingwen.

He still remembers how he sprinted on the roof with Brother Jia Xingwen back then, it was really a hearty feeling.

Those memories and the past cannot be easily forgotten.

Until now, Zhao Xun can still remember some details very clearly.

The condensation of details will make people quite emotional.

The gathering of these emotional emotions made it impossible for Zhao Xun to forget those things.

tsk tsk.
Interesting, really interesting.

Jia Xingwen was also intoxicated for a while.

Sprinting is indeed Jia Xingwen's favorite thing to do.Because Jia Xingwen can temporarily forget some troubles during the sprint.After forgetting these troubles, Jia Xingwen can immerse himself in a certain state.This is really invaluable.

Because only by maintaining this state, can we have an extreme detail that ordinary people cannot experience in the future.

tsk tsk.
Jia Xingwen laughed and said, "My sprinting speed is already very fast according to common sense. Ming Yun, you mean that if I practice lightness kung fu successfully, my sprinting speed can be even faster?"

"Well, almost. Although Brother Jia, your sprint is already very fast, but there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"tsk tsk"

For a moment, Jia Xingwen was extremely emotional.

"It's true that a mountain is higher than a mountain."

Jia Xingwen laughed and said: "So, so many times I just haven't tapped out my potential, right? If I tap out all my potential, then the realm I can reach next will be quite high .”

"Yes, that's what it means."

Zhao Xun was very excited when he saw that Brother Jia understood this truth.

This can indeed be regarded as a good start.

Zhao Xun knows that it is perfect to start training from the field that a person is most familiar with, because only starting from the field that a person is most familiar with will not make him feel alienated.

Otherwise, he will definitely find it quite difficult and will have embarrassment and fear.

This is absolutely necessary.

For Zhao Xun, it is necessary to maintain a calm state of mind.

Because he has to keep calm so that he can better teach Brother Jia Xingwen Jia.

After all, brother Jia knew little about Qinggong before.

Before Jia Xingwen, Brother Jia thought that sprinting was very useful, but it was only because sprinting was really good for strengthening the body, but it only stayed at this level.

So now Brother Jia Xingwen urgently needs systematic training.

Only with systematic training can all-round improvement be possible.

Zhao Xun is in charge of making a complete plan for Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia.There will be no sense of omission in the whole process, ensuring that Brother Jia Xingwen Jia has a perfect state.

In fact, as long as the final state is good, it is excellent.

So the whole process can be stretched to a relatively long time.

For Zhao Xun, it is acceptable as long as the final state of practice can be maintained within a reasonable space and time.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

So for him it was about doing his best to make it happen.

Perhaps the sense of difference can be clearly felt from the very beginning, but after a period of time, the sense of difference will gradually fade away.

When it fades to a certain stage, it is accomplished.

Zhao Xun knew that there was still a long period of time and distance before Jia Xingwen and Jia's great achievement.

Therefore, for a long period of time in the future, he must always be vigilant and help Jia Xingwen and elder brother Jia to improve at all times.

This state of improvement is very necessary.Not everyone can have such a good state.

So Zhao Xun knew that he had something to do next.

This is certainly difficult, but for Zhao Xun, it is indeed something that needs to be done.

There is really no room for negotiation on this matter, and there is no room for negotiation. It is enough to ensure your own state as much as possible, and let yourself help Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia to improve as much as possible.

"Brother Jia, let's start at the speed you are used to before, so that you can maintain a familiar state as much as possible. Then we will slowly increase the intensity. I believe you can do it. Brother Jia, you must also Have confidence in yourself. I believe you can reach the height we hope for."

Zhao Xun is indeed full of confidence in Brother Jia Xingwen. This kind of confidence is not confidence in the general sense, but a kind of confidence that comes from the heart, a confidence that comes from the bottom of the heart.

Zhao Xun knew that he was going to reach an invincible state, a very high state, but could brother Jia Xingwen reach this state?

This is certainly unrealistic and certainly unlikely.

But even if Brother Jia Xingwen Jia can't reach this level, Zhao Xun still has to help him improve.

After all, if you set a goal that is not too high from the beginning, then everything that follows may decline even more.

And if the goal can be set higher from the beginning, then even if it starts to decline next, then the problem will not be too big.

Therefore, people still have to take a certain amount of responsibility and make a certain decision.Can't be too embarrassed, can't be too passive.

At the beginning, try to set a higher goal as much as possible, then as he declines, the final result is also acceptable.

But never set your goals too low from the start.

"Come on, let you get into the rhythm first."

Zhao Xun was very attentive to Big Brother Jia Xingwen.So even if it's just some incomparable details, he will pick it up very seriously to make sure that Brother Jia Xingwen Jia can understand it.

If something goes wrong, Zhao Xun will make some adjustments as soon as possible.

Facts have proved that these adjustments are really quite necessary and can avoid many unnecessary troubles.

"Come on, brother Jia let go of yourself, don't feel any restraint."

Zhao Xun knew that the current state was actually the most reasonable.

He must not let Jia Xingwen and Jia's condition remain too poor.

Otherwise, brother Jia Xingwen's self-confidence will be severely damaged.Of course, he couldn't make Jia Xingwen, elder brother Jia, too confident.

Otherwise, there will be certain problems.

So Zhao Xun really felt that it was too difficult for him.

That difficult feeling is very helpless.


Jia Xingwen's expression at this time became very intriguing.

At this time, Zhao Xun had a very subtle micro-expression that outsiders could not detect at all.

"It's okay Brother Jia, you have to believe in yourself, try to relax your mind as much as possible, and then just keep calm."

tsk tsk.
I don't know if it was inspired by Zhao Xun, but Jia Xingwen's current state is still quite good.

Being able to have such a good state at least proves that he has maintained a good mentality to a considerable extent.

That's a good start.

Facts have proved that Brother Jia Xingwen Jia can also have a powerful influence beyond the reach of ordinary people, not as many people think.

Influence is something that sometimes really depends on people.

When the state is good and when the state is not good, the influence is also different.

So Jia Xingwen and Jia's maintenance can be considered pretty good.

"Brother Jia, how do you feel about your current state?"

Zhao Xun tried his best to ensure that he was in a good state, but it was really difficult.

Because he not only has to adapt to his own rhythm, but also has to adapt to Jia Xingwen's rhythm.

It is very difficult to maintain the state and ability.

"Well, I think I'm very comfortable now."

Jia Xingwen said without hesitation.

"Uh, if this is the case, then I think you should speed up as much as possible. Because only by maintaining the speed increase will you be guaranteed to have a level of improvement."

The reason why Zhao Xun wanted to ask this question was to see what kind of physical condition Jia Xingwen Jia was in right now.

If Brother Jia Xingwen feels very comfortable, it means that he is still immersed in his comfort zone.

This is quite bad, and it will make a person blindly lazy.

If a person is used to staying in the comfort zone, he will never try hard to challenge himself, and he will never try hard to challenge the limit.

It is actually quite difficult to challenge the limit.

When a person's emotions are suppressed for a period of time, everything is different.

When one's emotions are controlled for a period of time, the state of the whole person will decline.

Zhao Xun knew that Brother Jia's current state of cultivation was like this.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun is trying to control his rhythm, and he is bringing up the rhythm a little bit.

This is very necessary.

Because only by bringing up the rhythm as much as possible at this time, can other people feel that hearty feeling.

This is really a hearty feeling.

Zhao Xun felt that he really did not make any mistakes.

It's such a wonderful feeling.

The feeling of constant heating and accelerating is indeed quite comfortable.

So in such a good state, we must maintain it no matter what.

Only by maintaining the state, then you will be able to have something that others have never been able to experience.

Difficult, really difficult.

But Zhao Xun feels that everything is still perfect.

He is very optimistic about all this.

So this way of gradually warming up is really suitable for Brother Jia Xingwen Jia.

It won't put too much pressure on people all at once, and it can also make people feel extraordinary.

This is really an extraordinary feeling.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

wonderful.It's really wonderful.

Moreover, Zhao Xun could clearly feel that Jia Xingwen and Brother Jia were also enjoying the whole process.

From being very relaxed at the beginning, to getting familiar with it gradually, and then to fully mastering all the details later.

It's really perfect.

Everything is so perfect that Zhao Xun feels unreal.

But I have to say that this feeling is really cool.

It was a feeling that was indescribable in words.

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen try to keep the same frequency as possible, and ensure that everything has the most perfect environment when they are in the same frequency.

"Brother Jia, you can walk a little longer. Then try to force your energy out and transport it to your feet. This way you will have the feeling of flying through the clouds, or stepping on cotton."

Zhao Xun felt that the word "flying the clouds and riding the fog" was too big and ethereal, so he thought about stepping on cotton.

Because stepping on cotton is very grounded.

After hearing about stepping on cotton, I feel wow life is so real.

Life is so real, then it will be easier for Brother Jia Xingwen to improve his realm.

Zhao Xun never doubted this.

In his opinion, this is actually a fairly simple matter.

In fact, as long as you work hard and improve, you can bring something completely different.

Effort is necessary.The improvement that hard work can bring is also all-round.

All-round improvement is necessary.

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun felt an indescribable pleasure for a while.

"It's like stepping on cotton."

Brother Jia Xingwen Jia made a speech that made people laugh and cry at this time.

"But I always feel that the cotton I stepped on has a feeling of stepping on the mud, that is, the feeling of being stuck in it and unable to extricate myself."

Beautiful, beautiful, really beautiful.


Jia Xingwen, brother Jia followed Zhao Xun's rhythm, it can be said that the more he followed, the better.

The more he follows, the more he can keep up, and the feeling of stability in this mode will become more familiar for a long time.

It's beautiful, it's really beautiful.

For a moment, Zhao Xun really felt that he was very satisfied.

Satisfaction makes people fascinated, satisfaction makes people fascinated.

tsk tsk.
For a while, Jia Xingwen, brother Jia had perfectly followed the rhythm.

"Come on, speed up a little more. We must increase the speed at once. Only in this way can we ensure that everything is at a reasonable stage."

Zhao Xun knows that speed is very important.

But the reason why he didn't let Jia Xingwen and elder brother Jia directly pull the speed to the fullest at the beginning was because he was worried that elder brother Jia Xingwen and Jia would not adapt.

But now that feeling is clearly gone.

At this time, Brother Jia Xingwen has indeed entered a perfect state.

Perfect, really perfect.

At this time, Zhao Xun was really emotional.

"Hahahaha, brother Jia, you must resist. As long as you can resist, then you will be able to possess a level and incomprehensible power that outsiders can't understand at all."


At this time, Jia Xingwen had fully adapted to Zhao Xun's training intensity.

Because Zhao Xun's training intensity is gradually increasing.

Since it is gradually increasing, there will not be too much pressure.

Since it is gradually increasing and decreasing, it can ensure that everything can have a good state.

This is really important.

No matter how others see it, your own experience is the most important.

If you can have the most rational experience, then you will definitely be able to improve in the future, and you will definitely be able to improve comprehensively.

Comprehensive improvement is indeed very important. It is not just an improvement in a certain angle, but it can give you a completely new understanding of yourself.

It's really wonderful.

It is indescribably wonderful for ordinary people.

"tsk tsk"

At this time, Zhao Xun could clearly feel the change in Brother Jia's expression from Jia Xingwen.

From the bewilderment at the beginning, to the excitement now.

I have to say that this improvement can really be regarded as quite large.

Such a huge improvement can indeed bring about quite a huge impact to a certain extent.

Zhao Xun could clearly feel the momentum brought by the influence.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, it's really not easy.

This improvement made Brother Jia have entered the initial stage of lightness kung fu.

Yes, even after paying so much, brother Jia Xingwen Jia has only entered the initial stage of lightness kung fu.

It can be said that this is quite shocking.

tsk tsk.
"Hahaha, brother Jia, don't be nervous. So far everything is going well."


Brother Jia was taken aback when he heard this, and then he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've fully entered the state now, and I can't give up easily. Everything is fine for me now."


At this time, Zhao Xun already possessed a powerful strength beyond the reach of outsiders.

This strength is really impressive no matter from any aspect.

So many details are accumulated together, which is full of envy.

Of course, Brother Jia Xingwen should have seen these changes in Zhao Xun, so he has expectations and confidence in himself.

From this perspective, Zhao Xun has really played a role as a benchmark.

Benchmarking is critical at all times.

Benchmarking can make people completely boost confidence and drive.

Because they can firmly see where the other party is, and can firmly confirm where their future is.

Only by confirming these can we guarantee that we will always have a unique point.

This is really very critical.

In fact, not everyone can understand this point, or understand this level.

Many times people are confused.

Once you feel confused, then the next step will give people a very shocking feeling.

Zhao Xun hopes to play down this influence as much as possible.

The impact certainly cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be diluted.

As long as the fade is formed, it can make a person stronger for quite a long time in the future.

Getting stronger is not a matter of snapping fingers, what is needed is an all-round improvement.

These improvements are really necessary.Can ensure that a person has an attitude that is unique to an outsider.

Having an attitude is really important, and having an attitude can really make people stronger.

"Okay, let's increase the speed a little more."

Zhao Xun's speed improvement is a gradual process.In this way, Brother Jia Xingwen Jia will not feel any tiredness.As long as you feel tired, the best way is to make certain adjustments.As long as you are tired, the best way is to make some psychological hints while adjusting.

Just keep giving yourself psychological hints.Then for a long period of time in the future, people can have a unique temperament.This point is really too critical.

tsk tsk.
For Zhao Xun, being able to realize these parts is already quite touching.

So Zhao Xun didn't know exactly how far he could reach.

But he hopes to pass on what he has learned to Brother Jia Xingwen as much as possible.What he hopes is that elder brother Jia Xingwen can reach a powerful state as much as possible.

It's so hard, it's really hard.

Although Jia Xingwen's improvement speed is already fast, compared with Zhao Xun's rapid improvement at the beginning, the gap is still somewhat obvious.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Xun had some doubts about how far brother Jia Xingwen and Jia must reach to reach his level.

The pursuit process is very difficult.

But Brother Jia Xingwen Jia has been working hard to move forward.

Since Brother Jia is working hard, Zhao Xun has nothing to complain about.

He is going to teach Brother Jia Xingwen everything he has gained.

There really can't be any hesitation in the whole process, nor should there be any hesitation.

Sometimes illusions do exist, but only for a moment.

After the illusion, people still have to face reality.

The best thing about Zhao Xun now is that he can perfectly face himself in reality without any mistakes or illusions.This is really extremely important.

He also hopes that Brother Jia Xingwen Jia can also have this state under his training.

I have to say that Brother Jia Xingwen's talent is still quite high, and his state is also quite perfect. Zhao Xun feels the perfect state from Brother Jia Xingwen, and he also firmly believes that as long as Brother Jia Xingwen can continue to maintain it In this perfect state, it won't take long to achieve a comprehensive improvement.For Brother Jia Xingwen, this point is really quite critical and very important.

In many cases, the speed of improvement is very fast.

Sometimes it only takes an instant, and sometimes it takes a little longer, but no matter which one it is, it can actually make him as powerful as possible.

For brother Jia Xingwen Jia, all of this is what he deserves.

Zhao Xun will also do his best to cooperate with him. As for how far he can reach and when he can achieve it, Zhao Xun is really not sure.

Everything at the moment is very difficult for Zhao Xun.

But no matter how hard it is, he will never give up.Because there is Brother Jia Xingwen, then he will always maintain confidence, and with Brother Jia Xingwen, he will persist until the last moment.

For Zhao Xun, this can really be regarded as a perfect start.

After having a perfect start, everything becomes different. After having a perfect start, the next thing to show is to maintain this realm of cultivation.

It takes a lot to maintain the state of cultivation, and Zhao Xun hopes that Brother Jia can persevere.

Of course rest is also necessary.

Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and he couldn't eat a fat man in one bite.

So after training with Brother Jia Xingwen, Zhao Xun offered to take a certain amount of rest.

This is very critical, and it also allows Brother Jia Xingwen to maintain his ideal state.

Zhao Xun took Jia Xingwen and Brother Jia to a very comfortable area.

For Zhao Xun, this area is quite precious.

This area is known as the pool area of ​​the Academy.

"Come on, Brother Jia, let's enjoy it and think about what to have for dinner."

Although it was not the first day that Brother Jia came back, Zhao Xun would still be immersed in a joyful mood.

For Zhao Xun, this can be regarded as quite precious.

Because if you can't keep yourself in a joyful mood all the time, you can't guarantee happiness.

Happiness is real happiness, and happiness can bring a lot of joy.

At this time, Zhao Xun can be regarded as quite joyful.

He naturally hoped that elder brother Jia Xingwen could experience the same joy as him.

Good brothers have to experience something different.

You can enjoy it after experiencing something different.

"Well, I think we can try some new routines."

At this time, Jia Xingwen put forward some ideas of his own.

"A new routine?"

Zhao Xun fell into deep thought.

To Zhao Xun this could mean quite a few things.

So what does this new routine mean?
Brother Jia, do you mean to cook some new dishes?

In fact, it is really not impossible.

Zhao Xun sometimes tries to calm himself down as much as possible.

When Zhao Xun calms down and thinks about problems, he will become more comprehensive.

When he becomes more comprehensive, he can completely be in a reasonable state.

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun's mood at this time is already very calm.

For him, he wants to help Jia Xingwen as much as possible to judge all this.

Because it is obvious that Brother Jia Xingwen Jia has entered a state of confusion.

So at this time, Zhao Xun must make a reasonable plan, and must ensure that everything is in a reasonable state.

tsk tsk.
It's hard, it's really hard.

"Let me think about it, what is delicious, and what is delicious."

At this time, Zhao Xun can be said to be quite calm.

What kind of stage can a calm person be in?

That is, it is perfectly reasonable to think about what to eat and what to do.It will not be affected by the outside world at all.

In fact, this point is really extremely important.

When you feel this core, you can then have something that no one else has.

"Why don't we start eating naan and tiaozi."

"Baked pancakes and strips?"

After hearing this proposal, Jia Xingwen's eyes obviously flashed with light.

"Little brother, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. Brother Jia, you know these are special products of the Western Regions. So you should eat them often when you are in Anxi."

There is nothing wrong with Zhao Xun saying that.

For Zhao Xun, his favorite food in the Western Regions is baked naan and tiaozi.

Both are pasta, but different varieties of pasta.

After experiencing different types of pasta, what you can enjoy is a different kind of pleasure.

tsk tsk.
For a moment, what Zhao Xun could feel was a kind of extreme pleasure.

"smell good."


Although I haven't started cooking, I haven't started eating.But Zhao Xun seemed to be able to smell this fragrance.

Brother Jia Xingwen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the words: "Ming Yun is not so exaggerated. Although the baked naan and stir-fried noodles are delicious, they are actually quite ordinary. If you want to eat, I can make it for you. "

"Hahaha, what I'm waiting for is your words from Brother Jia."


Zhao Xun laughed stupidly for a moment.

good guy.
At this time, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say.

"tsk tsk"

"Come on, enjoy it, I can guarantee that the fried noodles and baked naan I made are absolutely authentic. If they are not authentic, you can come to me."

good guy.
For a while Zhao Xun was really convinced.

I can't tell that Brother Jia is still a ruthless person.

After all these words were spoken harshly, Zhao Xun really shouldn't have any hesitation.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun was quite excited at this time.

Beautiful, beautiful feeling is really quite cool.

Zhao Xun at this time can be said to be very excited.

It is actually quite necessary to maintain a state of excitement for a long time.

Because this allows you to adjust your state to the best.

Zhao Xun is actually not a hypocritical person.So when Brother Jia Xingwen proposed to make fried noodles and baked naan, he immediately agreed.

I have to say that this is actually a pretty perfect choice.

Regardless of the details, Zhao Xun chose to support Jia Xingwen's decision.

Although Zhao Xun can't be the head chef this time, it's perfectly possible to be a helper chef and a top leader.

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful."

"It's delicious."

"bring it on."

At this time, Jia Xingwen, Brother Jia has completely come up with something different.

At this time, there must be no more entanglement. At this time, there is really no hesitation.

Zhao Xun knew that what he had to do at this time was to fully cooperate with Brother Jia Xingwen.

No matter what Brother Jia says, he will do it perfectly.


"Ming Yun, I'll make the noodles in a while, and you can help me chop the vegetables and side dishes."

At this time, Jia Xingwen, brother Jia, made some demands on Zhao Xun.

Of course Zhao Xun chose to accept everything as ordered.

What is there to worry about at this time?

At this time, of course, he chose to support Brother Jia Xingwen out of nowhere.

As long as you can have the most extreme judgment, then you can perfectly respond to it.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Zhao Xun agreed without hesitation: "No problem, I will leave the side dishes to me. I can't guarantee other things, but I will definitely be able to prepare the side dishes quite perfectly. I can deserve it without regret.”

tsk tsk.
For him, all this can be said to be without any hesitation.

Zhao Xun was dumbfounded when he came to the kitchen.

I saw Brother Jia Xingwen Jia showing strong cooking skills.

The key is that in Zhao Xun's impression, he has never seen Brother Jia Xingwen show this kind of cooking skills.

Could it be that in the past, Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia always kept secrets?
Think about it carefully, in fact, this possibility is still there, and it is not small.

tsk tsk.
If this is the case, then brother Jia Xingwen must be too scheming.

With such a scheming heart, Zhao Xun's whole body is going to be a little numb.

"Brother Jia, what we are doing now is face-to-face. Are you sure there is no problem with your two faces?"

Zhao Xun didn't question Jia Xingwen, Brother Jia, but felt that Brother Jia had two completely different sides, Zhao Xun felt a little confused for a while.

"Hahaha don't worry, Ming Yun. I'm not sure about other things. But I'm definitely good at kneading noodles. Of course, the noodles used for baking naan and fried noodles are different. If I choose the same noodles, then There will be problems. Don't worry, I will be able to make sure everything is safe. You just need to serve dishes honestly."


The master chef of the academy in the past was well educated by Jia Xingwen, brother Jia, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

This is really embarrassing.

It's so difficult, I really don't know what to say and what to do for a while.

"Uh, I'll think about it"

Zhao Xun knows that side dishes are actually a very simple matter.

But it is actually very difficult to play with the side dishes.

tsk tsk.
It can be said that Zhao Xun is quite difficult at this time.

So Zhao Xun can't have any hesitation next.He must come up with a side dish that can shock everyone, only in this way can people understand what he will do next and what he will become next.

This is really important.

"Well, why don't I mix a preserved egg, and then make a shredded five-spice tofu."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that it was time to show his true skills, and he must not feel any hesitation anymore.

It can be seen that Brother Jia Xingwen is a very confident person.

So for him, the next thing to do is to make sure everything is in a smooth state.

Otherwise, being underestimated by elder brother Jia Xingwen would be trivial, but it would be troublesome if he even despised himself.

Building confidence is a very difficult thing.But the destruction of confidence is an extremely simple matter.

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want his confidence to be destroyed so quickly.

So Zhao Xun hoped to come up with something different from the very beginning.

In this way, he will not be discouraged when facing opponents.

Cooking is essentially the same as spiritual practice.

In other words, cooking is essentially a kind of practice.

After adapting to this rhythm, the next step will become extremely simple and smooth.

Zhao Xun is currently in a reasonable mode.

So at this time, he really won't have any entanglements anymore.


Zhao Xun was quite excited at this time, but Jia Xingwen, elder brother Jia, kept staring at him with very puzzled and confused eyes.

"What's the matter? Mingyun, what are you talking about?"


For a while, Zhao Xun was completely fascinated.

good guy.
"It's the cold dish I said I wanted to make. I've already figured out what to do."

"Oh, I thought you were going to say something, that's all."

At this time, Jia Xingwen, Brother Jia showed a very helpless expression.

To him, the whole person is stupid.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Xun would have a huge breakthrough in the future, but now it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"If you're cooking, you can start cooking now. After my noodles are ready, I'll start pulling notes, and then I'll arrange the baked naan for him. Don't worry, everything is going well. "

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard these words.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

It is really not easy for Jia Xingwen, brother Jia, to be able to talk about this.

Zhao Xun also took a reassurance after finishing the books.

After taking the reassurance pill, I can cook honestly.

Anyway, Zhao Xun thinks that cooking well and eating good food is the most important thing.As for the next thing, in fact, you are not as important as you think.

The process of preparing dishes is actually very important.

It's just that many times people will deliberately ignore this process.

Zhao Xun felt that this was wrong and bad.

If possible, in fact, more efforts should be made in this process.

If you can realize the force, then you can meet a different point next, and you can meet a completely different point.

This is critical because failure to do so can lead to very dramatic changes ensuing.

After these changes accumulate, people will feel a kind of pleasure from the inside out.


Zhao Xun became quite excited after exhaling a foul breath.

Although the two cold dishes he made were not that difficult, to a certain extent Zhao Xun spent a lot of effort.

So at this time, Zhao Xun still has to show some of his characteristics, and still has to come up with some moving parts.

For example, this cold preserved egg can be said to be Zhao Xun's specialty.

From the jerky at the beginning to the proficiency at the end, Zhao Xun's mastery can be said to be quite perfect.

As for the five-spice shredded tofu, it has been a unique skill from the beginning, and it is a unique skill among unique skills.

So Zhao Xun doesn't need to worry about these.

tsk tsk.
"Okay, it's really good this time."

After Zhao Xun prepared the two cold dishes, he spread his hands together, and expressed to Brother Jia Xingwen as if asking for credit.

And he has already prepared the side dishes.These are the must-haves for Brother Jia Xingwen and Jia when he makes delicious tiaozi in the future.It can be said that if the side dishes are prepared at this time, then Zhao Xun will be able to provide some completely different rhythms.

Obviously, Brother Jia Xingwen is very satisfied with Zhao Xun's efforts.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. Mingyun, your two cold dishes look very good. Just looking at them can make people feel the extreme appetite. I really want it eat."


Zhao Xun was very satisfied after receiving the praise from Jia Xingwen.

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment, thank you for the compliment."

Zhao Xun was really touched.

In his opinion, Brother Jia Xingwen is really a very kind person.He can always surprise you.And then as long as you can maintain a good state yourself, then basically there will be no big problems.

"Well, I want to take a closer look at Brother Jia's essence of baking pancakes and pulling sticks."

In fact, baking naan is not that complicated, the main thing is the control of the oven temperature.

But it's different if you draw a note.

Pulling a note is quite a test of human characteristics. If you can show different skills, then you can show completely different results in the future.

Of course, Zhao Xun expected that he would be able to make a plea that would satisfy everyone.So he had to learn from the most authentic people.

There is no doubt that Brother Jia Xingwen is a very experienced person.So Zhao Xun thinks that Brother Jia's drawing is absolutely authentic.

In addition, Brother Jia Xingwen has spent quite a long time in the Western Regions, and has also received a lot of training.

Then the improvement of strength should be quite fast under the influence of ears and eyes.

At this time, Zhao Xun really couldn't have any doubts about Brother Jia.

As a good brother, what Zhao Xun has to do at this time is to fully trust Brother Jia, completely trust.

What brother Jia can do, Zhao Xun can do in the future.

Therefore, his learning process must also be serious, and there must be no flaws or omissions.

After all, this is a critical period for learning art. If he can learn it in the future, Zhao Xun will be able to praise it in front of all the brothers and sisters in the academy for a long time.

"Hahaha, unusual, really extraordinary."

Zhao Xun started to blow rainbow farts.

Because in his opinion, Brother Jia Xingwen Jia's pulling noodles is really quite professional.

With such a professional link, then everything that follows can show sufficient strength.

Zhao Xun will also feel more confident.

This is not a difficult thing.In Zhao Xun's view, as long as he has mastered all the essence, he can perfectly realize the double cultivation of pulling sticks and baking pancakes.

"Wow, it's really delicious."

When Zhao Xun tasted the roasted naan, he was still very excited.

I have to say that Brother Jia Xingwen is really good at cooking.

Being able to achieve this level is really not a realm that ordinary people can achieve.

At the beginning, Zhao Xun really misunderstood him.

Hahaha, it's really fragrant.

"Come on, let's experience this deliciousness."

Zhao Xun knew that at this time, he must not be hypocritical, but should try his best to enter the best state.

As long as Zhao Xun is in a normal state, he can cooperate with Brother Jia Xingwen to make more delicious dishes.

Choosing dishes is really a difficult thing.

Sometimes it is really difficult to choose.

Now that this is the case, then Zhao Xun will not have any hesitation in the future.

That is to eat them all!

I want all the multiple choice questions for children!
It has to be said that this is completely an almost transcendent experience.

It's really fragrant, and the fragrance is touching.

“Wow, delicious, delicious”

Not only is the baked naan delicious, but the strips are almost perfect.

I don't know what others think, anyway, Zhao Xun really can't find any faults.

The fragrance has reached this level, no matter from any details, it is quite emotional.

tsk tsk.
At this time, what Zhao Xun has to do is to be in a completely reasonable state of mind as much as possible, and after that, he will feast on it.

Dine completely, enjoy completely.

After enjoying these good things, you can experience a completely different point.

"Well, it's really delicious."

Brother Jia Xingwen was also overwhelmed by the tangy aroma after tasting the fried strips.

No matter from any angle, it is almost impossible to find any faults.

No matter from any angle, it can make people fully experience a kind of extreme pleasure.

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen respectively started the cooking mode.This, of course, attracted another member of the sworn trio.This person is none other than Wangcai.

When Wangcai appeared next to the two, Zhao Xun said with emotion: "Hahaha, I knew you would definitely come, but I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"Huh? Brother Mingyun, why do I feel that you don't seem to be praising me?"

Wangcai acted a little arrogant for a moment.

Zhao Xun was completely stupid.

"No, I must be praising you. Wangcai, don't think too much."


At this time, Wangcai was indeed a little numb.

Good guy, anyway, Zhao Xun's performance is pretty good.

So he doesn't intend to get too entangled in this issue in the future.

After all, the purpose of his pursuit is to cook.

As long as you can make a living and make money, you won't pay attention to other things.

As long as we can make a living and make money, we will maintain this wonderful model to the end.

For Wangcai, cooking is the only important thing, not one of them.


At this time, Zhao Xun has undoubtedly entered a state of madness.At this time, Zhao Xun only had rice in his eyes, and nothing else.

So at this time Wangcai was also deeply intoxicated.

"Good guy, I really didn't expect you, Brother Mingyun, to like the food of the Western Regions so much. If I had known this, then we should go to the restaurants opened by the barbarians in the Western Regions to eat more. The food there is definitely very good tasty."


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

Although the villain's office is a bit far from the West Market, it is close to the East Market.

The restaurants and restaurants in Dongshi are generally open to dignitaries.

So basically there is no big problem.

As long as you can keep eating, you can basically maintain a very good mentality.

But at that time, Zhao Xun seemed to have not yet developed the cuisine of the Western Regions.

In other words, at that time, Zhao Xun's appeal for western food was not as high as it is now.

Now Zhao Xun really likes to eat western food, but it doesn't mean that Zhao Xun also liked it at that time.

So there may be some discrepancies in the choice.

However, this effect is really not that great.

Sometimes it is still necessary to ensure that you have a good attitude as much as possible.

"Well, come on, we don't need to think about too many things now. What we need to think about now is to eat and drink as much as possible. As long as we can eat and drink well, that's enough."

"Hahaha, it makes sense and makes sense."

At this time, Jia Xingwen can be said to be quite optimistic about Zhao Xun, and Wangcai is another fool.

Since Jia Xingwen said so, of course he said it directly and incidentally.

There is really no need for any hesitation.

Feel all the beauty, enjoy all the beauty.


It is very important to maintain one's mentality. If there is a problem with the mentality, the mood of tasting food will also be affected.

In Zhao Xun's view, this is unnecessary.

Ensuring a good attitude is a very important step towards success.

If the mentality is not good, then basically everything that follows will not go well.

Anyway, Zhao Xun adjusted his mentality very well during the process of tasting the delicacies of the Western Regions, and he also felt that Jia Xingwen and Wangcai's moods were adjusted very well.

They should also continue to maintain a good attitude in the next process.

Only when the mentality is adjusted, then everything will go smoothly.otherwise
That's not a joke.

Zhao Xun knew this very clearly.So he has been very concerned.

But then Zhao Xun will turn his attention to other places.

Zhao Xun must ensure that his emotions do not appear too obvious.

Otherwise, I am afraid it will affect the final state of practice.

This is not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

The realm that Zhao Xun hopes to achieve must be first-rank and above.

Zhao Xun is not sure whether he can reach the super-grade realm, but he will definitely work hard in this direction as much as possible.

Zhao Xun firmly believes that he still has a very good chance of reaching this realm.

Once Zhao Xun really reaches this level, then Zhao Xun is very hopeful that he can improve in an all-round way in the next period of time.

At first glance it may seem a bit hypocritical, but it is not.

This is a dream of Zhao Xun, and Zhao Xun believes that one day he will be able to reach this realm.

He was sure of it.

"Third Senior Brother, I have also called Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou this time. This way we can start to try the three of us together when we practice Heshen Art."

Zhao Xun is still quite concerned about He Shen Shu.

The main reason is that he finds this spell very interesting.

As long as you start to try it, it can bring people a different experience to a certain extent.

I have to say, the feeling of this experience is really cool.

This is just the state of the two together.

It should be even more wonderful if it is the state of three people conjoining the gods, right?
After all, the third senior brother Long Qingquan said before that the more Heshen there are, the more pleasure he will be able to feel in the future.

The greater the number of Heshen, the stronger the final strength that can be achieved.

No matter which one it is, it is very attractive to Zhao Xun.

No matter which one it is, for Zhao Xun, it can be improved in an all-round way.

Overall improvement is really key.

Sometimes the fear that people can feel can make people feel a little awkward.

But in fact, as long as this emotion is suppressed, it will not feel anything.

The key is to look at your own adjustments.As long as it's adjusted properly, it really doesn't matter much.

"tsk tsk"

At this time, the third senior brother Long Qingquan laughed and said: "Little junior brother really has you, and sixth senior brother has a rather boring personality. He would lock himself in the bamboo building on weekdays to study some weird things. Anyway, I am It is rare to see him come out to practice alone. You can persuade the sixth junior brother today, which is enough to show that your strength is not bad."


Zhao Xun didn't know what to say after hearing the words of third senior brother Long Qingquan.

Because no matter how you look at it from any angle, Third Senior Brother has a sense of ridicule.

tsk tsk.
Could it be that Zhao Xun himself made a mistake?

It shouldn't.

Zhao Xun was numb all over.

He is really numb.

In a state of numbness, what should I do next?
Difficult, it seems really difficult.

"Haha, I won't make fun of you. Since you are ready to start training, let's start. Junior brother, don't hesitate. You are in such a good state now, we must take advantage of this state to practice more what."


Zhao Xun nodded to express his agreement with the third brother Long Qingquan's point of view.

They really need to train more when they are in good condition, otherwise it will be too late if they wait for their condition to be poor and want to train again.

Status is something that can never be met.

There are too many points that can be improved when encountering a good state.

"Tsk tsk tsk sixth brother, let me tell you briefly. The spell we are going to train now is called Heshenshu. As the name suggests, the essence of this Heshenshu is to unite our primordial spirit. Why? What about merging Yuanshen? It is to be able to effectively kill the opponent. After all, if we fight alone, we may not have the advantage. But if we can merge Yuanshen, the effect will be different. So merging Yuanshen is really very important the key."


In fact, Lu Guangdou had heard of the spell He Shen Shu long ago, and he also knew the principle of this spell.

But he never wanted to try.The main reason is that Lu Guangdou has a little cleanliness.

People with cleanliness generally don't want to share items with others.

It turned out that this combination of gods is good, what is shared is not the item, but the primordial spirit.

This was far beyond Lu Guangdou's tolerance.

I have to say that he really couldn't accept it.

"This is a bit too difficult for others."

Lu Guangdou was very embarrassed.

"Third senior brother, can you change someone?"

At first, when Lu Guangdou agreed to Zhao Xun, he was very reluctant.The current state is actually pretty much the same.His agreement and refusal were actually very close, and the state he was in for a while can be said to be quite embarrassing.

Being in a state of distress can be very confusing.The emotion of doubt can indeed make people do many things wrong.


Zhao Xun tried his best to keep calm.

He cleared his throat and said, "Sixth Senior Brother, you don't have to worry, we are actually in a very good state now. So as long as we adjust our emotions, then we can complete this Heshen Art very well. You don't have to Too much psychological pressure. For us, this is actually as simple as eating and drinking. I don’t know what other people think. Anyway, in my opinion, this spell is really not that difficult Yes. Maybe you have a little cleanliness and don't want to merge with other people's souls. But strictly speaking, we are not outsiders. We are all disciples of the academy, and we are all of the same origin. So there is no need to worry These."

good guy.
Lu Guangdou felt much better after hearing Zhao Xun's words.

I have to say that Zhao Xun is really eloquent, and he can always point directly to the point.

This made Lu Guangdou feel quite satisfied.

"Hahaha, reliable, reliable."

Lu Guangdou chuckled and said, "You know me too. I was really worried about this at the beginning, but now that I think about it, I don't really have much to worry about. After all, we are from the same clan and we are from our own family. So The risk is actually not that high.”


"Well, let's get started. Get it done early."

"it is good"

Zhao Xun's mentality at this time can be said to be quite good.

He felt that since sooner or later he had to try the fusion of the three souls, why not try it at the beginning.The end of procrastination is unavoidable.So why bother.

Isn't this tantamount to finding guilt for yourself?

Anyway, when Zhao Xun thinks that people should be ruthless, he should be ruthless to himself.If you can be ruthless to yourself, then everything that follows will become quite easy.

"Come on, the third senior brother and I will force the primordial spirit out first, and then the sixth senior brother will connect you in. Sixth senior brother, you don't need to be particularly anxious when you come in, just make sure you are in a comfortable state."

tsk tsk.
At this time, Zhao Xunduan arranged things clearly.

Not only him and the third senior brother Long Qingquan, but even the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou's order of appearance, Zhao Xun, had been arranged.

In this case, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, only needs to follow Zhao Xun's plan completely, and he doesn't have to think about too many things by himself.

This can really be said to be quite perfect.

For Zhao Xun, all the details can be said to be in place.

Once everything goes smoothly, then it is very reliable.

After he arranged the matter, he and the third senior brother Long Qingquan had a look at each other.

In an instant, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, understood what Zhao Xun meant.

In fact, this is not an easy thing. Many times, if you ensure that you are in a reasonable state, then everything will be different.

There is no need to talk about the tacit understanding between the younger brother and him.

The control between the two is quite good, maintaining a considerable degree of balance.

As long as this balance is not broken by Lu Guangdou, the sixth junior brother, then it will be excellent.

Now Long Qingquan's only worry is that their balance will be broken by the new sixth junior brother Lu Guangdou.

If this is the case, the gain outweighs the loss.

In many cases, it is actually very important to maintain a calm state of mind.

As long as the mentality can remain stable and the balance is not broken, there will be no problems.

But if the mentality collapses and the balance is broken, then everything will be different.

tsk tsk.
Just thinking about it is exciting.

"The Primordial Spirit is out of the body!"

At this time, the third brother Long Qingquan showed a very strong side.

He directly showed the attitude of a strong man.

At this time, Zhao Xun also followed the third senior brother Long Qingquan to perform some manipulations, and his primordial spirit came out of his body in an instant!


I have to say that the third senior brother and Zhao Xun at this time really have an incomparable tacit understanding.

The incomparable tacit understanding allowed both the third senior brother and Zhao Xun to have skills that no one else had.

Lu Guangdou, the sixth brother beside him, was dumbfounded.

good guy.
"It's really amazing. How long have you been practicing?"

"Actually, it didn't take long."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan chuckled and said, "It will probably only take a few days."

"How many days? How many days have you practiced to this level?"

At this time, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, showed a different posture and was very shocked.

Seeing Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, who couldn't believe it, Zhao Xun chuckled and said, "Hahaha, that's actually just a few days. But maybe it's because I usually live with the third senior brother, so Everyone is more familiar with each other, and there is no such repulsion when the primordial spirit is out of the body and merged. I am not saying that there is no repulsion at all, but that there is not that repulsion."

After a pause, Zhao Xun continued: "So generally speaking, the fusion of our primordial spirits is quite smooth. Next, we will see your Sixth Senior Brother. What we are going to do now is the fusion of three primordial spirits. The difficulty of God's integration must be much higher."

Zhao Xun was quite patient at this time.

He knew that only after the sixth brother Lu Guangdou's mental work was done well could everything be resolved more smoothly.

Otherwise, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, will always have this knot in his heart, then it will definitely not work.

So now he wants to reassure sixth brother Lu Guangdou no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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