big week bad guy

Chapter 529 Probe into Invisibility

Chapter 529 Probe into Invisibility

Zhao Xun decided to go to Qingzong Mountain. After this decision was made, there was actually new progress soon.

Because Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, soon judged that there was a strong evil spirit exuding near Qingzong Mountain.

"Senior Brother Six, how do you explain this evil spirit!"

"Yeah, little brother, I can now clearly judge that the evil spirit that appears here is not from the Corruptor. So..."

"What doesn't the Corruptor emit?"

Zhao Xun was numb for a while.

If it's not the Corruptor then who is it?

Zhao Xun was quite confused for a moment.

Although Qingzong Mountain is a veritable yin mountain, it shouldn't have such a strong evil spirit, right?

The corpse aura in Qingzong Mountain is actually very strong, but corpse aura and monster aura are actually two completely different things.

Corpse Qi and demon Qi are different.

Only the corpse aura that has been accumulated for many years can be transformed into a monster aura.

That is to say, there are prerequisites for converting corpse aura into monster aura, not all corpse aura can be converted into monster aura.

Everything is too strange, everything is too confusing.

"Well, things are really unusual."

At this time, Zhao Xun began to analyze calmly and began to think carefully.

For him, everything that is happening now has a very strong strange color.

It is not so difficult to get everything clear.

But even so, you still have to try hard to judge.

At least in Zhao Xun's opinion, the difficulty of this matter is actually not as great as imagined.

So as long as you work hard, there should be results.

Zhao Xun is convinced of this.

tsk tsk...

Strange, everything is much more peculiar than I thought before.

After judging these things, Zhao Xun will have a more calm analysis next.

"Senior Brother Six, do you think these evil spirits emanate from monsters?"


The sixth brother Lu Guangdou shook his head repeatedly after hearing this, and said: No, no.If it is a monster, it will be more obvious.But now I feel that it is not so obvious.The feeling that the demonic energy is very weak makes people feel quite confused. "

tsk tsk...

I have to say that Lu Guangdou's judgment is quite impressive.

If the demonic energy is weak, it means that it is not a monster.

The evil spirit of monsters can really be smelled from a long distance, and can be smelled thoroughly from a long distance.

tsk tsk...

For a while, Zhao Xun felt a lot of pressure.

So then Zhao Xun cleared his throat and said, "If it's not a monster, then according to Brother Six's judgment, what kind of monster is making trouble?"

The chaos of monsters is definitely very confusing.

tsk tsk...

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt a very strange feeling.

"Tsk tsk tsk... so I think it should be the yin thing making trouble."

"The fetish..."

Femininity is no joke.Femininity is a pretty disgusting thing.

When he was in the Yamen of bad people before, Zhao Xun had encountered some fetishes.

At that time, it was in a large tomb.

It felt very bad for a while.

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to details, so when faced with some problems, he can quickly write them down.

Especially those memorable questions, I can definitely remember them clearly.

tsk tsk...

"So next we have to face not only the Corruptor, but the Infernal..."

This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that we have no way to judge the orientation relationship between Yinwu and Corruptor.

If there is no way to determine this, then many things will become more complicated.

"And I have a very bold idea that this yin may become the prey of the Corruptor."


Zhao Xun gasped when he heard this.

Good guy, this can really be said to be a world of the jungle.

This world is really extremely cruel.

Such a cruel world can make people feel a very uncomfortable feeling from the beginning.

But Zhao Xun knew that he still had to be able to analyze and judge well and reasonably, and he couldn't be too subjective.

Subjectivity cannot solve any problems, and subjectivity can make people quite problematic.

Calm down, you must be completely calm.

"If that's the case, shouldn't we be more calm?"

"Yes, we need to be more calm when making plans. Don't act too impulsively, otherwise, it won't be bearable."

tsk tsk...

As expected of fellow apprentices, their judgments are so reliable and their judgments are so consistent.

Zhao Xun was very satisfied with this.

With this judgment, then they can have a big goal and routine.

With this policy and routine, other things will no longer be troublesome.

"Haha, that's a good thing. In fact, I like to make myself more calm. Calmness can solve many problems, and calmness can make difficult problems no longer difficult."

Zhao Xun is a very calm person.

Now he has become very calm.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Well, then it looks like we should be able to have a new cognition."

"Actively explore. If you can actively explore, you will be able to discover many details. I don't think these ghosts will willingly become prey for the Corruptor."

"Well, when two tigers fight, one will be injured."

At this time, Zhao Xun's judgment was quite stable.

So what happened next, he had to deal with it more completely to ensure that nothing too troublesome or serious happened.

Everything, at least from the current point of view, is still within the controllable range.

So keep calm, stay as calm as you can.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so he has to express his attitude at this time.

Expressing your attitude is really important.

At least in this way, he, the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou can completely agree with each other.



Academy, Zhongnanshan.

Shanzhang is playing chess with Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

I have to say that after playing chess with Yuan Tiangang, Shanzhang felt that playing chess with Daoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi would be a little boring.

As long as the gap between the two sides is really too big, the gap is too obvious.

Such an obvious gap, that's really...


"Shan Zhang, I can't beat you in the poor way, and the abandoned son has surrendered."

"So fast? But Daoist Qinglian can still continue!"

"No, no, no, no, no, even if you continue, it's still a result. It's just a waste of time, and it doesn't make any sense."

"Hahaha Daoist Qinglian is very transparent."

"Hey, there is no way. It would be even more strange if you are still so hypocritical at the age of Pindao. You must not be hypocritical, so it is easy to understand if you look at it clearly."

"That's the truth, that's the truth."

The head of the mountain gently picked up the teacup and took a sip, feeling very calm and breezy.

For the head of the mountain, all these things are actually stable and controllable.

Including playing chess with Taoist Qinglian is the same.

From beginning to end, the whole situation was under his control.

and so…

So at this time, the head of the mountain can really rely on himself to decide the direction of quite a few things.

This feeling is very wonderful and wonderful, and it can give people a dreamlike feeling.

It's really hard for ordinary people to feel that feeling.

tsk tsk...

"Haha, that's all. Actually, I don't need to fight for courage. This kind of thing is not interesting. Just let it be, just let it be."

At this time, Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, smiled and said: "I don't know how that stinky boy is doing in Jiangnan Road now. Although the poor Taoist said he was not worried, he was actually very worried about him in his heart. "

"Hahaha that's it, how could you really not worry about it. But Xiao 72 is quite capable, especially this guy has quite a lot of tricks, so don't worry too much. Just calm down, Qing Daoist Lian, this old man feels that everything is under control, there won't be any problems, there won't be any accidents."

The words of the head of the mountain can be said to have convinced Wu Quanyi, the Taoist priest of Qinglian.

"What the head of the mountain said is really completely reliable, and completely makes people feel safe."

There is indeed nothing wrong with Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's words.

Show something different at the critical moment, then they can have a completely different perception next.

tsk tsk...

Everything is very reasonable, everything is very normal.

Everything is developing in the normal direction, so that is enough.

"Well, disciples have their own blessings, and we masters really don't need to worry about them too much. Besides, that brat seems to be a blessed person, so there is really no need to worry about it."


Zhao Xun's state at this time can be said to be quite stable.

For him, all of the present is quite reliable.

The head of the mountain is very clear about this, and Wu Quanyi, the Taoist priest of Qinglian, is also quite clear.

In this case, there will naturally be no flaws.

As long as there are no blemishes and no danger, then everything that follows is safe.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, then everything can be let go.

Can be picked up and put down, these are indeed the things that top practitioners should have.

If you don't have this quality, then you are not worthy of being a top practitioner.

"Then let's just stay here with good food and drink, right?"

"That's right, it's not good to eat and drink. Could it be that the two of us also went to Jiangnan Road? Well... the old man almost forgot, Taoist Qinglian just went to Jiangnan Road once before. Sorry, sorry... "

Shan Chang's statement at this time can be said to be quite in place.

Daoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi is really not in an ordinary embarrassment at this time.

It's too hard. Everything is too hard.

"That's all, play chess and continue playing chess."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

In fact, the head of the mountain admires Wu Quanyi, the Taoist priest of Qinglian.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

This kind of perseverance is really quite touching.

So the next step is to play chess well.Otherwise, wouldn't it be a disappointment to Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's company.



Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was in a very good mood.

For Emperor Xianlong, he has now seen the prototype of the army of practitioners.

In fact, as long as you have the prototype, the next thing will become simple first.

Now that there is already a prototype, we can see hope.

As long as you can see hope, it is wonderful, and as long as you can see hope, everything that comes next becomes quite wonderful.

This is really a very wonderful feeling!It makes people feel like a dream, and makes people feel extremely excited.

Master Huiyan still has two tricks.

Emperor Xianlong really saw the right person.

In fact, as long as you have this army of practitioners, you will be able to have a completely different experience next.

tsk tsk...

At this time, Master Huiyan has completely adapted to the current rhythm.

For him, the process of accompanying Emperor Xianlong would be very satisfying, and the process of accompanying Emperor Xianlong would allow Master Huiyan to obtain many things that he could not obtain before.This is quite critical.

If Buddhism in the Western Regions can't rise after having these things, it will be Master Huiyan's own problem.

But in fact, Master Huiyan felt that with these supports, Buddhism in the Western Regions would definitely be able to rise in the Central Plains.

In fact, what the Buddhism in the Western Regions lack is an opportunity. As long as they are given the opportunity, then they will be able to enjoy a hearty feeling.

Master Huiyan was very moved by this, and he cherished it very much.

Everything in the present must be firmly grasped, and everything in the present must be firmly grasped.

The future is bright and the future is boundless.

Everything seems to have been planned in advance, so that no one can see any flaws.

But in fact, they still felt a lot of pressure during the whole process.

But in the end they held on, in the end they held on.

It's really important to hold on, it's really important, which at least guarantees many things to come.

Master Huiyan knew that his interests were now completely tied to Emperor Xianlong.At this time, really don't have any entanglement, any hesitation.

tsk tsk...

Everything is more complicated than he imagined.

Everything went much smoother than he imagined.

In fact, as long as things go well, people's mood will always get better.

At this time, Master Huiyan became very calm and very calm.

This point is really too critical.

When people's thinking is not clear enough, when people's judgments are not accurate enough, problems of one kind or another will arise.

For Master Huiyan, it is necessary to get rid of these problems as much as possible.

Removing these questions is critical, and failing to do so will make everything that follows becomes more confusing.

Master Huiyan has adapted to all the rhythms, and everything is positive and sunny.

Forming an army of practitioners is the first step.

After this step, Master Huiyan will actually have more operations.

After operating Tianxiu, everything became quite stable.

good, very good.

At this time, Master Huiyan already had a different mentality and a completely different hope.

He's looking forward to what's next, he's looking forward to what's next.

Everything is so perfect, and everything can make people feel hopeful.



Now that the trip to Qingzong Mountain has been decided, there is no need to hesitate any more.

Zhao Xun has already reached an agreement with the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, so there is no more hesitation at this time.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

At this time, Zhao Xun had to be very decisive.

Keep a calm mind, then the whole trip to Qingzong Mountain will be smoother.

Keep the rhythm going and everything will go fairly smoothly.

"Now comes the last question, what method should we adopt to get to Qingzong Mountain?"

In fact, this issue must be considered very seriously.

If you can't think about it very well, then the problems that will happen next may cause very difficult problems.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The third brother Long Qingquan pondered for a while and said: "Yu Jian, let's fly. This way the movements will be smaller. In fact, as long as you make sure that there are not too many movements, then you can ensure that they will not attract too much attention. "

tsk tsk...

Just thinking about these details is actually very interesting.

Sometimes Yujian flight can indeed solve a series of problems to a considerable extent.

As long as the hips are not stretched too much during the whole process, then basically nothing too difficult will happen.


So far, all the details are looking good.

Zhao Xun didn't have to hesitate any more.

Everything is going well, and everything will be able to reach the peak completely.



I have to say that the saying that skills are not overwhelming is really quite reasonable.

If it can be guaranteed that the Yujian Flying Technique will be used all the time in the following process, then Zhao Xun's Yujian Flying Technique will not be practiced in vain.

Many times, the reason why people feel that there are many difficulties is actually because of their own lack of self-confidence.

The most important reason for so much lack of self-confidence is because of their own strength.If the strength itself is top-notch, then no matter what, you won't feel unconfident.

So it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself.The most important thing is to make yourself stronger, and the most important thing is to make yourself more competitive.

Everything else will be more real.

"I'm coming."

It has to be said that Zhao Xun could clearly feel the uniqueness of Qingzong Mountain at this time.

Compared with other places, Qingzong Mountain will show a strong evil spirit.

This evil spirit is too strong, it is too obvious.

tsk tsk...

For a while, it will make people feel shuddering.

It's a pretty bad feeling indeed.

After this feeling lasts for a long time, the state will decline extremely.

tsk tsk...

Just thinking about it makes me feel really bad.

But it's all here, and there shouldn't be any other thoughts at this time.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

"Thirty, shall we take shape next?"

"No need, let's use invisibility directly."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan said without hesitation.

good guy...

This seems to be quite reliable.

After having a very calm state of mind, everything that followed became quite smooth.

At this time, Zhao Xun really realized the excellence of being a slash youth.

The slash youth can make him have more possibilities, and can make the impossible possible for him.

If you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, the ancients don't deceive me with sincerity.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so in the future, Zhao Xun will work hard to make himself stronger, and when he becomes stronger, he will be able to face any problem in a reasonable posture.

tsk tsk...

"Okay, then use invisibility."

At this time, there is really no need to be pretentious with third senior brother Long Qingquan.

After all, the purpose is to better hide yourself.In fact, as long as this goal can be achieved, it will be excellent.As long as this purpose can be achieved, then both incarnation and invisibility are excellent.

There is really no need to be hypocritical, hypocritical will really make people completely out of control.

"Escape into the invisible!"

At this time, Zhao Xun recited the formula without hesitation.

I have to say that the effect of this formula is quite good.

Basically, you will be invisible immediately after reading it.

At this time, the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou also entered the invisible state.

Tsk tsk tsk, beautiful, everything is beautiful.

"Come on, little brother, let's make sure that we can be completely silent, and we can't make a sound no matter what."

Now they are indeed in an invisible state, but there is no guarantee that they will not make any sound at all.

So at critical moments, it will still lead to a series of problems.

Silence, silence is still very important.

Therefore, the proposal of the third senior brother Long Qingquan at this time is still very crucial.

"Hahaha no problem, from now on I won't make any more noise."

For Zhao Xun, it is very important to ensure that he is in the group, and ensuring that he is in the group can allow him to fully integrate into this small group.

After being able to integrate into this small group, everything became quite smooth.

It's not a cheesy thing to do, and making sure you fit in is key at all times.

Zhao Xun and the other three started walking in the forest.

Everything that they are trying right now is pretty good.

With a better exploration everything went smoothly.

tsk tsk...

"Next we should keep a low profile."

"Silence, silence!"

After being reminded by the third brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun suddenly realized.


So the rest should be kept quiet.

After encountering something too exciting, Zhao Xun tends to forget many things, which is not a good thing.

So come on, the next step is a long way to go.

Zhao Xun is still under a lot of pressure, and must ensure that there will be no major mistakes in the future.

The strange thing is that this forest is too ghostly, no matter from any angle.

However, Zhao Xun was not seriously affected.

For Zhao Xun, he has completely adapted to the current rhythm.

No matter from any point of view, this is quite perfect.

Even if I feel some ghosts a little bit, it's not a big problem.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun knew that what he had to do at this time was to start actively exploring.

Only after exploring this area clearly can we have a more perfect cognition.

Otherwise, there will definitely be various problems in the future.

Zhao Xun has no doubts or hesitation about this.

He knew that no matter whether it was the Corruptor or the Yin Thing, they would actually bring quite a lot of confusing things to Qingzong Mountain.

Sometimes after being confused, you will become more aware of this point.

For Zhao Xun, the current situation must be explored carefully, and he must not let his temper mess around.

This is very unreliable.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun couldn't speak the whole time, he could only keep talking from his heart.

I have to say that the current situation is indeed very complicated.

Even if a ghost or a corruptor suddenly came out of the forest at this time, Zhao Xun would not be surprised at all.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, this is actually a very normal thing.

It is very normal to make mistakes in judgment in many cases.

But it is indeed necessary to have a quality that no one else has.

Having this quality makes all the difference.

Zhao Xun is trying his best to detect the change of resentment around him.

For Zhao Xun, this is very normal.

A strong demonic aura floated over, at this time Zhao Xun had already clearly felt the feeling of demonic aura.

tsk tsk.
It's really unusual, very unusual.

At this time, Zhao Xun was trying to distinguish this smell, hoping to distinguish it from some smells.

Zhao Xun seems to have really smelled this smell before, so he still has a certain memory of this smell.

This judgment is actually quite thorough, and it actually has some leftover memories.

So what Zhao Xun has to do at this time is to analyze from his remaining memories of these memories.

This difficulty will not be very great, at least in Zhao Xun's view, it is not a very difficult thing.

In many cases, the reason why people find it difficult is more because of subjective ideas.

It's that people don't want to try, not that they can't.

So at this time, Zhao Xun has to let himself have a state of hard work.

If he can work harder in the next process, maybe he can tell the difference.

This is the reason why Zhao Xun works hard, and it is also where Zhao Xun struggles.

There must be struggle.

life is long so add oil.

This is Zhao Xun's motto and also one of Zhao Xun's principles.

For Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is actually the best experience, and for Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is actually a very enjoyable process.Enjoy every detail of life, even if it's just a tiny part of practice, it doesn't matter.

At this time, we must show our best state to feel.

Feelings are really important.If you can have an extreme feeling ability, then basically you can have a better judgment.

Judgment is really important.

If judgment is wrong, what follows is a very infuriating one.

So no matter what, Zhao Xun will ensure that there are no major flaws in his judgment.

This is a principle, a point that must be followed.

In fact, as long as you follow this point, then many things in the future will become smoother.

Zhao Xun carefully distinguishes the evil spirit.I have to say that this evil spirit is indeed very familiar.

But it's not enough to just confirm the familiarity. It is necessary to distinguish whether the evil spirit is emitted by the Corruptor or the Yin thing.

tsk tsk.
This is really quite difficult.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so he is really confused.

Because just judging from the current aura, he couldn't tell what the evil aura belonged to.

It's so hard, it's really hard.

Everything is much more difficult than he imagined, and everything is much more difficult than he thought.

No wonder the third senior brother Long Qingquan said not to make any mistakes in judgment.

Really, as long as there is a slight mistake, there will be quite a lot of complicated changes in the next thing.

It was too difficult, everything was really too difficult.

The difficult situation was completely beyond Zhao Xun's imagination.Everything is too difficult.

But even in this situation, Zhao Xun did not give up.

He is still exploring very seriously.

Because for Zhao Xun, the whole process was not too extreme.

At this time, I can already have a different feeling.

tsk tsk.
Good guy, it's really different.

Zhao Xun really did not expect everything to be so strange.

Everything is very different.

It is different from what I imagined, and it is completely different from what I thought before.

tsk tsk.
For a moment, Zhao Xun was extremely shocked.

"Be careful."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan reminded with ventriloquism at this time.

Zhao Xun was really taken aback.

He looked in the direction pointed by third senior brother Long Qingquan, and as expected, he saw a black shadow flash by.

The speed of this black shadow flashing by is quite fast.

If you don't look carefully, it's actually hard to find the clues.

But as far as the present is concerned, Zhao Xun can still see clearly.At least the general clarity can be guaranteed.

So at this time, Zhao Xun really doesn't need to worry about anything.For Zhao Xun, the next thing to do is to ensure a more rational judgment within this category.

This point is really too important.

After all, it is actually very difficult to judge clearly if only relying on the third senior brother Long Qingquan to judge.What is most needed at this time is actually comparison.

As long as there is a comparison, everything will become clear, as long as there is a comparison, everything will become hearty.

It's not easy, everything is really not easy.

So Zhao Xun knew that at this time, no matter what, he had to help the third brother Long Qingquan to analyze it.If you can analyze as much as possible, then you can have a completely different experience in the future.

But if the analysis is not thorough enough, then the problem is actually quite big.

Zhao Xu, you know that at this time, you must have an exploration spirit that others don't have.

At this time, Zhao Xun can be said to be looking at it quite seriously.

It is actually quite difficult to maintain such a serious attitude.

But Zhao Xun really maintained it quite well, maintained it quite well.

tsk tsk.
Everything was beyond his expectation, everything was beyond his consideration.

Everything made him feel very puzzled.

Doubt, everything is really full of doubt, everything is full of doubt.

Doubt will make a person more incomprehensible, and doubt will make people more confused.

But Zhao Xun must actively explore, must see the essence through the phenomenon.

This is of course difficult, but Zhao Xun really has no choice.

What's more, at this time, Zhao Xun has no problem even if he turns on the sharp-eyed mode.

At this time, Zhao Xun knew that he had completely changed into a different meaning.

Gee tut.

Zhao Xun was really excited.

"It seems to be really a ghost."

After seeing this guy's back clearly, Zhao Xun came to a fairly stable judgment next.

There shouldn't be any problems with this judgment, at least Zhao Xun felt that way.

So at this time, Zhao Xun should make a reasonable judgment with the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou.

After some exchanges between the three people, they can actually figure out a general idea.

As long as you can figure out a general idea, there is basically nothing wrong with it.

In fact, what I'm afraid of is the situation where I can't communicate at all.

If you are faced with this situation, you will indeed fall into confused emotions for a long time.

Once you are really caught in a confused emotion, it will be difficult to get out after so long.

So at this time Zhao Xun must communicate.

Of course, in order to avoid attracting the attention of that genital, Zhao Xun adopted the method of ventriloquism.

The way of ventriloquism can avoid being affected to the greatest extent.This is really critical.

After receiving the signal from Zhao Xun, the third brother Long Qingquan responded immediately.

"I also feel like a female. But because I can only see one back, I can't be completely sure now."

"Yes, Junior Brother, I can basically confirm from my identification of the other party's breath that the other party should be a femininity."

At this time, the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou also joined in, and began to analyze it very seriously.

Good guy.

Zhao Xun was even more excited all the time.

It has to be said that whether it is the third senior brother Long Qingquan or the sixth master Lu Guangdou, they can basically make a very reasonable judgment.

Their judgments are basically the same as Zhao Xun's.

So Zhao Xun didn't have to have any doubts.

Wonderful, really quite wonderful.

Judging from all the details that Zhao Xun can see now, this should be the legendary ghost.

Once it is really confirmed that it is a female thing, then it will be able to make a more reasonable judgment next.

If it is really a ghost, it can actually be explained from one side that the purpose of the Corruptor coming here should be related to these ghosts.In a way the Corruptors wish to feed on these femininity as prey.

Because the Corruptor can replenish his energy as quickly as possible through this method.

This point is really too critical.

Because the Corruptor has indeed not replenished energy properly for quite a while.

When energy is always in a state of no intake, then people will become deficient and fatigued.

Even Corruptors have no difference in this regard.Even the Corruptor is pretty sure of that.

So the conclusion that Zhao Xun can draw at this time is that he should try his best to ensure that he has a stable judgment.

He must be able to continue to follow the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou to start a more reasonable judgment.

With a more reasonable analysis and a more reasonable judgment, they can have a quite satisfactory understanding of the Corruptor.

Corruptor and Feather's current relationship is under a rather subtle skill swap.

It is actually not realistic to figure out everything in a short period of time.

But if you want to be able to figure out a small part of it, Zhao Xun thinks it can be done.

There will not be too much pressure in the whole process, and the whole process will not give people a huge sense of oppression.

If this is the case, then Zhao Xun should play his role even more.

Although his discrimination ability is not as strong as the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, it should still play a role at this time.

Otherwise, it is definitely not appropriate.

At this time, the Corruptor must be catching all the ghosts in Qingzong Mountain, so if it continues, Zhao Xun will be able to keenly capture the news about these ghosts and track them for a long time. Corruptor's message.

This difficulty will not be quite great, at least Zhao Xun really thinks so.

The whole process should still be relatively easy.

So as long as you are willing to put in a certain amount of energy in the future, you will definitely be able to have a pretty good result.

It is really important to invest energy at this time, and it is far more cost-effective to invest energy at this time than to invest energy later.

"Hahaha, yes. We will continue to follow up now, and I think there will definitely be new discoveries."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan's ability to judge has never been a problem, basically there is really no problem.

So when the third brother Long Qingquan said these words, Zhao Xun really felt at ease.

Take it easy, this time it's really taking it easy.

Everything was smoother than Zhao Xun imagined.

Unexpectedly, they saw such useful information just after they came to Qingzong Mountain.

Combining this information together can lead to important conclusions.

In fact, it is just a matter of time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, then let's continue to follow up. If we continue to follow up, we will definitely be able to gain something."

Zhao Xun knew that his statement at this time was very important and crucial.

If you can't have this judgment, then other problems will still appear next.

At this time, it is necessary to ensure that the opinions are consistent. As long as the opinions are consistent, the next thing will be nothing.

"Well, then we've made a deal. No matter what miracle happens next, we have to track it down as much as possible. We can't give up."



What Zhao Xun and the others were after was indeed a ghost.

This Yin thing is transformed from a wronged soul.

The huge change is really quite shocking.

good guy...

When Zhao Xun and the others approached, none of them were shocked.

I saw that this Yin thing had mussels and fangs, which was very terrifying.

Just observing the details and being shocked.

How long will it take for this level of Yin thing to be refined?

After all, things like innocent souls are the lowest level of femininity.It takes a very long time of refinement to change from a wronged soul to a ghost.

No one knows exactly how long it will take, only that it is quite a long time.

But the entire Qingzong Mountain is actually full of such ghosts.No wonder it is said to be a yin mountain.

tsk tsk...

This can be said to be really quite emotional.

So it makes perfect sense for the Corruptors to flock here.

They can obtain enough energy from it to replenish the Corruptor's energy to the greatest extent.

Tsk tsk tsk, this can be said to be really unusual.

It's amazing, it can be said that it's really amazing.

"Senior brother, what are we going to do now?"

This was almost Zhao Xun's question to Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan immediately.

After all, for Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, this should be an area he is very familiar with.

So Zhao Xun really doesn't need to have any doubts next.

Make a good judgment, and then you will be able to more smoothly figure out the relationship between these Yins and Corruptors.

Only after clarifying these things will become quite clear and familiar.

tsk tsk...

Everything is more complicated than he imagined.

Judging from the current situation, it was really beyond his expectations.

Great, really great.

"Well, continue to observe secretly. It must be very good to observe secretly at this time. It's better not to suppress yourself too much. But you can't be too impulsive."

Zhao Xun was quite calm at this moment.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with what the third senior brother Long Qingquan said.

Third senior brother Long Qingquan's judgment is still very reliable.

Since the third senior brother Long Qingquan said that they should observe secretly now, then they must observe secretly next.

It is not a good thing to shoot rashly, it will expose them completely, and the biggest possibility is to startle the snake.

It is very bad to startle the snake.

Once it really scares the snake, it will cause quite serious problems next.

tsk tsk...

Then continue to observe silently.

Zhao Xun was quite calm at this moment.

For him, as long as he can analyze the potential threats, that's all right.

There is no need to get too tangled up in the details.

If you get too entangled in the details, it will make the situation completely out of control.

This is not a good thing.

"Little Junior Brother, look!"

At this moment, the third senior brother Long Qingquan suddenly started to remind.

Zhao Xun went to look seriously.

Sure enough, Zhao Xun saw a black light at this moment.

This black light appeared very suddenly, and when it shrouded here, it would feel very shocking.

tsk tsk...

At this time, Zhao Xun felt a huge shock.

Zhao Xun knew exactly what this black light meant.

This black light should represent the Corruptor.

Nothing can go wrong, nothing can go wrong.

good guy...

Now it seems that everything makes people feel a huge shock.

This should be the famous scene where the Corruptor is preying.

It can be seen that the Corruptor really took these guys as prey.

Therefore, Zhao Xun has to work hard to track down this kind of hunting scene no matter what.

This kind of time is not so difficult, all you need is to have a keen observation ability honestly, and silently record the passage of the Corruptor and what they did.

This is quite necessary.With keen judgment, many things become quite easy to understand.

It can be seen that this Yin thing is also aware of the danger now.When this Yin thing realized the danger, it began to flee in an instant.

Yinwu's escape speed is quite fast, and at such a fast speed, it is completely fleeing for its life.

The speed of this escape is very shocking.

Zhao Xun even felt that this speed had exceeded his speed.

I'm afraid only the third brother Long Qingquan's speed can catch up.

tsk tsk...

Great, this time it's really great.

Zhao Xun can be said to be greatly shocked now.

This shocking force simply made it difficult for Zhao Xun to calm down his excited mood from any aspect.

tsk tsk...

Powerful, everything is stronger than Zhao Xun imagined.


Of course, Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't get too excited at this time, and had to keep calm.

This is a very precious scene, someone must capture it and record it.

Recording information is really critical, and the accuracy of recording information is also necessary.

If the accuracy and completeness of the information cannot be ensured, then it will be impossible to have the most hearty performance on the Corruptor and the Fetish.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

Knowing your opponent is really important.

As long as you can understand your opponent, then the next things will be easy.

In fact, Zhao Xun thinks this logic is very easy to understand.He didn't know where the problem was.

Continue to observe in secret.


I saw black smoke everywhere.The black smoke has been able to wrap the opponent up.

This escaped ghost has already reached his maximum speed, but it is still difficult to escape and ascend to heaven.

It's outrageous. Everything is really outrageous.

tsk tsk...

Uncommon, this Corruptor is even more unusual.

If it is said that the escape speed of this Yin Thing has reached a very strong point, then the speed of the Corruptor is even faster than that of the Yin Thing.

Too strong, really too strong.

tsk tsk...

Sure enough, the speed of the Corruptor is full.

Soon the corruptor was devouring the yin.

The speed of devouring can be said to be quite fast.

Such a fast speed, Zhao Xun did not expect.

It didn't take long at all, Zhao Xun saw that this genital was devoured so cleanly that not even a bone was left.

Good guy.This was beyond Zhao Xun's expectation.

Sure enough, the Corruptors are ruthless people.There is really no suspense about this.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Third senior brother, what should we do now?"

Zhao Xun continued to ask in ventriloquist.

"Let's follow him and see where he goes."

Zhao Xun called out the pressure in his heart.

This pressure can be said to be very amazing.

With such a great pressure, it is difficult to guarantee that Zhao Xun can keep up.

Just hope this guy doesn't use full speed.

Zhao Xun may not be able to keep up with this full-speed sprint mode.

With such a great pressure, Zhao Xun still hopes to suppress the rhythm as much as possible.

As long as the rhythm can be suppressed, the problem will not be too obvious.

People can put pressure on themselves.But the pressure really should not be too great, otherwise it is easy to have emotional breakdown.

But Zhao Xun is really well adjusted.

So the next question will not be too obvious.



Soon Zhao Xun and others followed to the Corruptor camp.

The Corruptor camp can be said to be built in a small mountain depression.

There is a gloomy air everywhere in this small mountain depression.

Zhao Xun just smelled it and was about to pass out.

Good guy, this feeling can be said to be really bad.

"Junior brother hold back, we must hold back at this time."

"Tsk tsk tsk, good third senior brother."

Although it feels quite painful at this time, there is really no need to be so deliberate.

If it is too deliberate, it will really make people feel quite uncomfortable.

"At present, the Corruptor should be stationed here with all its members, not just a part."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this time, the Corruptor has adapted to the environment in Qingzong Mountain, and has completely adapted.

Now that I'm used to it, there won't be some very exaggerated moves.

They should not leave Qingzong Mountain for a short time.So now it seems that the missing villagers in Qingzong Mountain should not be done by corroders, but by ghosts.

Yinwu is formed by wronged souls, so he will definitely feel a kind of extreme anger next.

After encountering the human race, they will definitely hunt and kill them as hard as possible.

So it is entirely possible for the femininity to kill people.

Zhao Xun will not try his best to downplay all the possibilities.

Because in his view, everything that the femininity feels is completely different from everything they feel.

Since the two sides feel completely different things, there is nothing to talk about.

tsk tsk...

At this time, Zhao Xun has become quite calm.

The calm Zhao Xun has a keen judgment that others don't have.

And peeling off cocoons is what Zhao Xun is best at.

So next, Zhao Xun was able to judge everything more clearly.

"Tsk tsk tsk... We're almost done seeing this, third senior brother, I think we can go back almost."

Zhao Xun's judgment has never been particularly problematic.

For Zhao Xun, the recent judgment has indeed reached an extreme value.

The next step is to return to Ningzhou City.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"let's go."



Ningzhou City.

In the city, the governor's yamen.

Ningzhou Biejia stated with a solemn expression.

Zhao Xun and others just returned from Qingzong Mountain.

They also brought back some very critical information.

"Currently, there are two forces in Qingzong Mountain. One force is the local local snake in Qingzong Mountain. The other force is the corruptor who came here later."

Gee tut.

No matter which details you look at, this is quite shocking.

"So it's not the Corruptor that really hurts people, but the Fetish?"

The statement felt a little weird.

"Well, my judgment is like this. But at present, no one has seen what the real situation is. But in fact, this doesn't matter much. Because we need to eradicate whether it is Yinwu or Corruptor."

For Zhao Xun's point of view, the statement certainly agrees.

For the statement, the threat here does come from Mount Qingzong.

It really doesn't make a difference whether the threat is from the Fetish or the Corruptor.They are all raccoon dogs.

If you insist on picking a difference, I am afraid that the strength of the Corruptor is stronger.

tsk tsk...

So now, the statement is to support Zhao Xun's judgment.

Because Zhao Xun's judgment did not have any problems and could not find any faults.

With this point of view, in fact, many of the remaining things are logical.

Being able to judge things logically will make people feel quite secure.

In fact, as long as it is stable, there is no big problem.

At least Zhao Xun thinks so.

"So the gentlemen should already have a way to deal with it?"


Zhao Xun nodded without hesitation and said, "It's true that we have a solution. Let's watch them dog-eat-dog first, and then rush out to end them when both sides are hurt."

Zhao Xun's judgment is very strong.

He could feel that the Yin thing in Qingzong Mountain should not be very weak.

So Yinwu will definitely start to fight back next.

As for what kind of state will be achieved after the counterattack, Zhao Xun really doesn't know.

tsk tsk...

This can be said to be really quite shocking.

In fact, as long as we can ensure that the rhythm will not be particularly big, then there will be no serious problems.

"Hmm... if that's the case, all we have to do next is wait, right?"

Suddenly stated that Chen Biejia felt that what he had to do now would be very simple.

"of course not!"

Zhao Xun said without hesitation: "At least we must transfer the people in Qingzong Mountain safely. It is quite dangerous for them to stay in Qingzong Mountain."


There is really nothing wrong with the statement if you think about it carefully.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, I didn't think of this, I need you to remind me."

Statement is really feel a little ashamed.

Because he is also Ningzhou's parent officer after all.

Therefore, the parents and officials of Ningzhou must consider the people of Ningzhou.

The people of Ningzhou are more than just the people of Ningzhou City.

In fact, all the people in the entire Ningzhou jurisdiction need to be protected by them.

So at this time, the statement must show its own posture.

Because it is his duty to protect the people, and it is what he is obliged to do.

If you can do this, then you will be able to experience a different meaning.

"Chen Biejia doesn't need to say that. You just forgot in a moment of impatience."


Chen Biejia smiled bitterly and said: "Forget it, I will do my best to evacuate the people and move them to a safe place."

tsk tsk...

At this time, Chen Biejia had completely agreed with Zhao Xun's point of view.Zhao Xun was also very satisfied at this time.

Chen Biejia is quite a reliable person, and basically there will be no major problems.

As long as you tell him what to do, he will most likely be perfect and the best.

As for what happens next, it actually depends on what direction it will develop.

If the direction of development is good, then you should be able to have an experience that outsiders can't imagine.

"Well, if there is anything I need to do, I will do my best to cooperate. As long as this can be achieved, as long as it can benefit the people of Ningzhou, then I will not hesitate to go through fire and water."


Keeping calm at this time is really crucial.

Zhao Xun is indeed a very impulsive person.

And what Chen Biejia said was quite passionate.

Zhao Xun did not think of such passionate words.

But Zhao Xun must not let himself get too excited.

If you get too excited, then the next thing will definitely become quite annoying.

"Well, the purpose of all of us is actually the same. So as long as we work together in the future, we will be able to achieve a fairly good result."



League of the Corruptors, Uoris with magical ease.

He just finished eating.

The prey is a yin thing that has been cultivated for 500 years.

This vagina is very deep, so it can make people feel a very sharp feeling.

Obviously, this can be regarded as a great tonic for Wuoris.

Originally, Wu Aolis felt that he was very weak, but then he could clearly feel his strength increase.

This feeling makes people feel very perfect.

That's a pretty mesmerizing feeling.

Everything has become so much that Wu Aolis began to look forward to it.


It seems that this place is really coming to the right.

Since coming here, the vitality of the Corruptor Alliance has received a lot of nourishment.

The increase in strength after tonic is actually visible to the naked eye.

tsk tsk...

The key is to counterattack the academy after recovering its vitality.

From Wu Aolis' point of view, they will fight back no matter what.

I can't swallow this breath.I can't swallow this breath no matter what.

tsk tsk...

It seems that this is really more complicated than imagined.

If comprehensive suppression can be achieved, it is indeed possible to cause huge damage to the enemy after a certain period of time.


Sometimes if you can let yourself get a certain amount of relaxation, then the effect afterwards will definitely be better than when the pressure is all full.

Wuoris was absolutely sure of this.

For Wu Aolis, he is now able to adjust his state very reasonably.

Adjusting the state is actually a very rhythmic thing.

But he was able to finish just right.


Keep yourself in a state of kindness.

In fact, as long as the condition is good.So many things will become a matter of course.



Chang'an, Daming Palace.

Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong suddenly had an idea in his mind, that is to hold a grand sacrifice ceremony to take back luck from the academy.

Once he did this, once he was able to regain his luck from the academy, many things became quite simple.

Of course, the venue of Emperor Xianlong's altar was not chosen in a conventional location, but in Leyouyuan with a unique approach.

Leyou was originally the highest point in Chang'an City.

So it can be guaranteed to be the closest to the sky here.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong wanted to build the Tongtian Pagoda because of this consideration.

It's just that the Tongtian Pagoda collapsed suddenly, which caused a series of problems.


This can really be said to be quite shocking.

But in fact, Emperor Xianlong's adjustment ability is still very strong.

He quickly adjusted from the haze, and he walked out quickly.

But now in fact, the situation that Emperor Xianlong faced has become completely different from before.

The change in form gave Emperor Xianlong some new ideas.

In his opinion, as long as he can handle everything according to the rhythm, the Great Zhou Dynasty will undoubtedly reach its peak.

This is so important.

tsk tsk...

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong paid great attention to these details.

Because only after the details are dealt with, then can we fully enjoy that different feeling.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, it was very important to be able to achieve the level of harmony between man and nature.

As the son of heaven, reaching this level can be said to be able to let the subjects and subjects understand the majesty of the royal family.

It was a sense of oppression from the vast heavenly power.

When you can truly understand this feeling, the people in the world will become more docile.

This is really critical.

tsk tsk...

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was able to fully adapt to the rhythm. For him, he was actually fighting against the world in many cases.

That kind of fighting process is actually very crucial, and it can make Emperor Xianlong feel a completely different feeling.

The more infighting, the more experience you will accumulate, and you will indeed learn what to do next on a considerable level.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

For Emperor Xianlong, everything that follows can be said to be very critical.

For Emperor Xianlong, what kind of state he can achieve will indeed affect quite a lot of things.

The incident of offering sacrifices to heaven is a big deal, and the incident of offering sacrifices to heaven is very crucial.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong was in good communication with Master Huiyan from the beginning to the end.

Only after the communication is good can some details be determined, and only after the communication is good can the general direction not be deviated.

Many times this is really critical.

tsk tsk...

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong was indeed a very cautious person.

It is enough for him if he can achieve the pre-set goals.

As for what kind of state can be achieved in the future, it doesn't seem to be so critical.

"Your Majesty, the matter of offering sacrifices to heaven is actually very well settled now."

After Master Huiyan arranged everything, he came to Emperor Xianlong immediately.

Because he knows this is very critical.

His plan is meaningful only if Emperor Xianlong finally approves of his plan.

If Emperor Xianlong did not approve of his plan, his plan would have no value, and it would have to be re-planned very carefully.

The whole routine is actually very difficult to do.

"Well, let's hear it."

Emperor Xianlong was quite enthusiastic about Master Huiyan.

After all, Master Huiyan has helped him a lot no matter from any aspect.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong felt grateful to Master Huiyan from the bottom of his heart.

If you feel grateful, then you will say a lot of caring words next.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong knew that this was not the time to act emotionally.

"Well, specifically, it is to establish an extremely powerful magic circle in Leyouyuan. This magic circle can absorb a lot of vitality, and after absorbing a lot of vitality, it can form a unique channel. This channel can Lifting His Majesty to ascend continuously, and finally achieve the purpose of communicating with God."

Master Huiyan spoke very seriously, and Emperor Xianlong listened very seriously.

tsk tsk...

Emperor Xianlong was really moved.

For him, if he can really achieve all these things, if he can really reach the realm of communicating with God, then he will be truly satisfied.

That kind of feeling will make people feel very mysterious, and it will make people feel that there is a feeling of ecstasy.

After realizing this feeling, Emperor Xianlong can really achieve a half-reaching feeling.


Everything is wonderful.

tsk tsk...

"At this time, I should be able to hear the voice of God, right?"

"of course."

At this time Master Huiyan said without hesitation.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"That's great, that's really great."

Emperor Xianlong was really quite excited at this time.

For him, everything at the moment can be said to be completely beyond his expectations.

After being able to reach this level, he can really realize the interaction between heaven and man.

The feeling of the interaction between heaven and man is really wonderful, it is an extremely mysterious feeling.

tsk tsk...

"I believe that after this incident, I will be able to feel that luck is shifting towards the Great Zhou Dynasty and towards the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Huh, it should be like this."

Master Huiyan said without hesitation: "There is no suspense in this estimate. As long as His Majesty is willing, it should not be particularly difficult to realize. In fact, luck is quite mysterious. Originally, luck is in the It is constantly changing. Therefore, His Majesty should be able to realize the exchange of luck. There is really no problem with this."

tsk tsk...

Hahaha, good, great good!

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, what he expected was a nearly perfect result.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, the current result is very good from any point of view.At least he thought it was perfectly acceptable.

Of course, he really doesn't know how it will develop in the future.But in fact, as long as you take care of your eyes, you are fine.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing that day. I'm really looking forward to seeing the day when the Academy will lose all luck! The Academy is really a serious problem for me! If I can't get rid of the Academy, I will never be able to feel at ease. .If I can't get rid of the academy, then I can't ensure that I have a perfect situation."

"Your Majesty can rest assured. If this trend continues, the Academy will surely die. Moreover, the Academy will be destroyed completely, completely. When the Academy's luck is gone, it will naturally fall on Your Majesty! "

tsk tsk...

Emperor Xianlong was really excited at this time.

It can be said that every word of Master Huiyan touched Emperor Xianlong's heart.

Emperor Xianlong was really very satisfied.

There is really nothing to say about such satisfaction.

Next, Emperor Xianlong will pay more attention to the changes in luck.

The change of luck is actually an instant thing.

The change of luck does not need to take into account too many things.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong really felt extremely excited.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything at the moment is actually a good arrangement.

From the beginning to the end, Emperor Xianlong felt that his luck could get a good continuation.

Now let's see the opportunity really come.



Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

The head of the mountain is fishing by the lake of Wangyou.

This is actually a very rare thing.

For a person with the character of Shanzhang, it is really rare for him to be completely quiet.

Therefore, it is really unusual for the head of the mountain to spend such a whole time fishing.

Accompanying Shanzhang at this time is Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

"The mountain chief is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait. Pindao had heard that brat say it before. Today I finally saw it."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this time, Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, made fun of the priest.

The head of the mountain laughed and said: "Miaozai, Miaozai. It's true that I haven't fished for a long time. But I really think it's quite interesting to go fishing all of a sudden."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"What does Shan Chang do on weekdays to cultivate his temperament?"

In fact, the head of the mountain seldom behaves like this.

As far as the moment is concerned, Shan Chang's mood is completely loose.

Just because his mood was completely relaxed, he could feel a completely different feeling next.

Even fishing, which was boring on weekdays, suddenly became interesting.

tsk tsk...

"Actually, fishing can really be regarded as a very good thing to cultivate one's sentiments. It can make the mood reach the best state. In short, I really think so."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said: "Pindao didn't think so at the beginning, but now it seems that fishing is really a very good thing. The mood will become quite good."

"Well, indeed, it feels very obvious now."

The head of the mountain stroked his beard with one hand, and pulled the fishing rod with the other.

That feeling is really amazing.

Incomparably miraculous, incomparably mysterious.

It's such a wonderful feeling.

"Tsk tsk tsk... yes, yes!"

Suddenly the head of the mountain became ecstatic.

The feeling of ecstasy is beyond words.

The feeling is too obvious, and it can make people feel the hearty feeling.

"Let this old man see how big the next fish is!"

A fish can be very large or very small.

This was originally a matter of fate.

But judging from the current situation, judging from the extent of the mountain's strenuous effort, it should be a big fish.

"Come on, let the old man see your true face."

As the mountain grows and shakes the pole, a big koi is caught directly.

tsk tsk...

It's not ordinary, it's not ordinary, it's really extraordinary.

When the head of the mountain saw this big fish, the head of the mountain was very happy.

tsk tsk...

Unexpectedly, his fishing level is so high, which is really beyond his expectation.

For him, everything is off to a great start.

The head of the mountain even thought that he might fall in love with fishing.

I have to say that to some extent, fishing is really a joyful thing.

When fishing, you will really relax completely.

That feeling of relaxation can really make people feel relieved.

At this time, you will no longer feel any pressure, and you can feel everything with the most relaxed state of mind.

This can be said to be the most perfect.

Wonderful, everything is really wonderful.

"Well, it seems that the old man will have to go fishing frequently in the future, which is really interesting."

"Hahaha, if you want to do what the head of the mountain wants to do, you can do it freely, and there must be nothing wrong with it."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi echoed: "Next, you must ensure that you have a complete fishing plan. Only by ensuring that the entire fishing plan is perfect can you unswervingly support it. This is absolutely very good."

"Well, the old man can still control himself."

The head of the mountain is quite confident in himself.

In his opinion, there is nothing he cannot do as long as he really wants to do it.

"Come on, Pindao is optimistic about the head of the mountain. But whenever there is a need for me, Pindao will be happy to do so."

Since it was originally an interesting thing like fishing, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi must be extremely willing to cooperate in the future.

It must be perfect to cooperate in the best state, otherwise it will definitely make people experience a different feeling.

"Well, next time I'm fishing again, I will definitely call Daoist Qinglian. Well... there are fish to eat tonight. It's a pity that Xiao 72 is not here. Otherwise, I can try to eat squirrel mandarin fish tonight. There are also stinky mandarin fish, boiled fish..."

The head of the mountain began to drool as he spoke.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was also very interested.

"Hahaha, not to mention, the taste of the fish made by this stinky boy can be said to be top-notch. The taste of the top-notch fish is really delicious. It makes people want to eat a second bite after one bite. The taste is simply amazing. It's dead."

"Hahaha, yes. I don't know if Little 72 and the others ate well in Ningzhou, dressed warmly, and slept well. It's really very worrying."

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Shan. That brat is a very reliable person, and he must be able to take care of himself. Besides, there is still the third child and the sixth child."

The head of the mountain thought about it carefully, and it was indeed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, now I finally understand that the importance of Little 72 is reflected in some places that you can't see every day. These places are really wonderful. Only when you lose them will you know how to cherish them, hahaha..."

Shan Chang's emotion at this time can be said to be quite touching.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi could feel a hearty feeling after hearing this.

"Tsk tsk tsk... What the head of the mountain said is reasonable. This brat really has a lot of effects when you think about it carefully. It is not obvious on weekdays, but you can understand it after thinking about it carefully. Haha, but like this Well, at least we can realize his importance."

"Yeah, sometimes the old man really thinks about how special this little 72 is. No matter what angle you look at, he is extremely miraculous. It seems that as long as anything happens to him It’s all very normal, and it’s all going to be taken for granted.”

"It's true that Pindao also feels this way. Maybe this is the legendary Chosen Son. He is really a very magical kid."

"I just hope he can realize his talent. It would be a pity if such a good talent cannot be realized in the end."

Shan Chang said leisurely: "Our generation will eventually grow old, but there are always people who are young. Little 72 and they are the group of young people."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

At this time, Daoist Qinglian said with great emotion: "We old guys will risk our lives to help them escort them. But in the end it's up to them. I hope they don't let us down."

"Well, the longer we old guys can stand, the better for them. The longer we can stand, the more time they have to grow."

"Haha, that's the truth. Even if we old guys are going to grow old, we have to support it for as long as possible. These little guys are actually quite reliable, basically there will be no major problems. But if we can help them share more, then we should help them share more. Only in this way can they grow faster, so that they can grow more thoroughly."

"Well, many of them are grown up by us watching them step by step. So we must show some different attitudes."

On Qingzong Mountain, after continuously absorbing the energy from the yin, Wu Aolisi obviously felt that he had become stronger.It was a hearty feeling, a completely refreshing feeling.

He hadn't experienced this feeling for a long, long time.

This feeling is really quite wonderful.

To Uoris this meant quite a few things.

In fact, as long as he can maintain a strong posture, he will become stronger in a short time.

Getting stronger is actually a very good signal, which means that he is qualified as a servant of the God of Darkness as a disciple of Satan.

As long as he is qualified, he will be able to continue to work for the God of Darkness and Satan in the next period of time.

From then on everything went smoothly.Everything has become smoother since then.

This feeling is very cool, this feeling is very wonderful.

Of course, for Wu Aolis, there is another point that is also very important, that is, to ensure that he has a peaceful mind. After having a peaceful mind, many things actually become much easier.Doing things without a peaceful mind will be very impulsive.This is not a good phenomenon, it will make people quite uncontrollable.

When a person begins to lose control, everything he does will have a kind of unpredictability.

Since then, it is very unacceptable, and since then, it has been very difficult to support.

It was too difficult, it was simply too difficult for Wuoris to do this.

But Wuoris knew that he still had no choice.

He had to do it, it was something he had to do no matter what.

He must ensure absolute peace of mind, and must ensure that he can lead the entire Corruptor Alliance to glory in the future.

The portal of darkness has been closed now, and it is conceivable how difficult it is to reopen the portal of darkness.

So the best choice for them now is to try their best to control and adapt to the world as much as possible.



(End of this chapter)

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