big week bad guy

Chapter 557 Immortal Dao and Meditation

King Aslan and Patriarch Kayir were a little confused.

This is not the first time they have been in such a situation.

For them, they are now in a very sad misunderstanding.

It is obvious that they were framed by someone's design, and at this moment they have completed deviations again and again during the interstellar jump.

At this moment, they don't even know where they are.

This feeling is really too painful.

It feels so bad.

If this feeling continues, it will probably not take long for the whole person and even the whole group to collapse.

This is by no means a cover, this is clearly reality.

The reality is that everyone is quite embarrassed.

The reality is that everyone is desperate.

The situation of the matter is far more complicated than they imagined.

The current situation can be said to be quite bad.

How to survive this level is quite difficult.

Sometimes it's easy, other times it's quite embarrassing.

Many times the situation people face is quite difficult, and many times the situation people face is extremely painful.

Sometimes when a group of people is faced with a situation that they have never experienced before, this kind of incomparable situation will appear.

This situation indicates that they will not be able to maintain a good attitude for a long time in the future.

Have to say it was definitely pretty bad.

If this situation continues, it won't be long before all the people on Oval Star will fall into a situation beyond redemption.

Everything is more complicated than imagined.

Everything is much more terrifying than imagined.

When a group of people face an embarrassing situation but are completely unable to deal with it, it has to be said that such a life is simply too embarrassing.

Many times people are aware of this.

Many times people will understand that their situation is quite difficult.

The longer this bad and tough situation goes on, the more complicated things will follow.

Some situations are indeed far beyond their expectations.

As far as the moment is concerned, the situation is changing rapidly.

As far as the moment is concerned, what they can do is quite limited.But if nothing is done, it won't take long for everyone to fall into a very scary situation.

As long as this situation continues, then in the end they will become quite embarrassing, and in the end they will become quite painful.

Everything is more complicated than they expected, and everything is more confusing than they thought.

The delusion is really too strong.

Such a strong delusion is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Such a strong delusion is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

That kind of extreme pain, that kind of extreme confusion really made Aslan and Kayle miserable.

They are really confused now.

They felt that they and their people had been exiled into empty space.

In such an empty space, what they can do is quite limited.

In such an empty space, they are almost completely unable to act according to their original design.

In such an empty space, all their subsequent mentality must be completely sorted out, and they must face life again.

This is truly a utterly painful thing to do.

After such emotions last for a long time, it will be too difficult to show a different attitude when facing life.

When life becomes completely different from what you imagined, everything will make people very confused.

Emotions are unavoidable.

But when the emotionality really gets worse, all it brings is pain itself.

Pain can be quite disorienting indeed.

When a person feels pain, then his attitude towards life will also undergo extremely significant changes.

When a person feels the pain, then their next operation will also produce very profound changes.

After exhaling a foul breath, everything is different.

After exhaling a foul breath, everything will start to change.

When people are faced with completely different situations, everything they do will change dramatically.

Sometimes transformation is a matter of an instant.Sometimes transformation is a blink of an eye.

Maybe the life you thought about was one way, but after some changes, it became another way completely.

This kind of change is actually quite fast, and this kind of change is actually completely beyond people's expectations.

This is roughly the state of Aslan and Kayle at this time.

For them, everything in the moment is actually too confusing.

For them, everything that can be shown at this time is actually too confusing.

Everything makes people feel a little helpless.

Everything makes people feel a little bit of pain.

Painful emotions are nothing in themselves, but after accumulating certain things, they become completely different.

Sometimes what you feel is actually different from what you end up experiencing.

So when necessary, it is necessary to show some different characteristics as much as possible.When what you can feel is closer to your current life, in fact, the more adjustments you can make when facing dangers and difficulties.

These are really necessary.

These are really needed.

Because many times people really need something completely different.

When what people see is exactly the same as before, they may lose motivation and confidence in life.

This is definitely not sensationalism, but the real fact.

Therefore, sometimes even facing life itself requires a different attitude.

The emotions of Aslan and Kayle were indeed on the verge of collapse at this time.

For them, what can be done at this time is absolutely limited.

But even so, it is necessary to be able to withstand the pressure at critical moments.

Even so, they must be able to withstand tremendous pressure.

Otherwise, they may face a storm-like onslaught next.

The enemy will not show any mercy, and the enemy will definitely show the most ruthless side.

So for them, they must resist all the pressure next.

In fact, not all people can withstand so much pressure.

In fact, not all tribes can have such a strong resistance.

But at this time, Aslan and Kayle knew that they had to resist.

Because there is actually no possibility for them to choose.

It is right for them to make necessary choices when necessary.

All they can resist at this time is their own choice.

If the choice is right, then everything is acceptable.

If the choice is right, then everything can be resisted.

"I think we should still make certain marks on the route we have traveled in the next period of time. In this way, it doesn't matter even if we encounter some disturbances in the next process. In this way, we can still follow the vines and follow the vines. Back to the original track."


"Yes, this method seems to be very good indeed."

After listening to Kayle's narration, Aslan felt that this method was indeed quite feasible.

Sometimes choices are instant.

Sometimes it is really impossible to have any hesitation.

Because when your judgment is wrong, when you start to hesitate, everything starts to change.

When the changes start to appear, you will realize that everything is different from what you imagined.

But if you can keep marking, you will probably not make mistakes, or the possibility of your mistakes will be greatly reduced.

In a way it's really the best way, it's really the best way.

Sometimes people still need some self-knowledge.

When a person has some self-knowledge, his judgment will become stronger and stronger.

After Aslan and Kayle had some communication, everything became completely different.

When they made a communication, everything became completely different.

Tut tut. Everything is so perfect, everything is so realistic.

When life has taught you something, it must have also given you some serious damage.

Aslan and Kayle hardly had any doubts about this.

Because they're convinced that's what they've got so far.

This is why many times the situation people face is different from what they imagined.

Many times Aslan will also face some hesitant situations.

But judging from the current situation, there is still no obvious problem with Aslan's handling.

But from the current point of view, Aslan can still do the best within his ability.

This is actually quite an easy task.

This is actually a very difficult thing.

But Aslan did pretty well.

Aslan finished without any blemish.

If they maintain this state for a long time, they may still be able to escape from this void space again.

What I said before is that they have some very small flaws in the handling of details, such as not marking in advance.

Now that they have made up for this shortcoming, everything will go smoothly.

From Aslan's point of view, they will not have any defects in the future.

In Aslan's view, they will be able to demonstrate their full strength in the following process.

This is indeed quite an easy task.

Because many times people are confused because they don't know where their direction is at the beginning.

That's why there are problems again and again.

But if they can handle things as well as possible, and handle the situation as peacefully as possible in their own way, then everything will be within their expectations.

Aslan had no doubts about this.

Kayle did not make any mistakes in judgment on this point.

For them, every next step is actually quite challenging.

For them, there is absolutely no hesitation in the next step.

Because at this time they are already on the edge of the cliff, and if they take another step outside, it will be an abyss.

So at this time and in this position, there are quite few things they can do.

So in such an environment, they have very few opportunities to choose.

It's hard, it's really hard.

When there are not many opportunities to choose, basically few people can make choices intact.

Basically, there will be certain problems with the choice.

So everything that follows is still very challenging.

For them, the most correct choice is made at the most critical time.In fact, this is quite a test.

But at this time, there is really no hesitation.

Because for them, the moment is already quite a test.

"Come on, just follow what we just said and start marking. I think marking is indeed a very good way. As long as we deal with it without any major flaws, we can definitely achieve an optimal state. As much as possible Get it all right, it's really not that hard to get it all right."

For now, everything is quite reasonable.

For now, everything is salvageable.

At least it seemed so to Aslan.

So he will never give up easily.

For Aslan, all this is in a very reasonable mode, so he will definitely try his best to the end.

Chang'an City.

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong was breathing.

Recently, he clearly felt that he saw the fairy world.

Although it sounds a little nonsense at first glance.

But Emperor Xianlong just felt that he saw the fairy world very clearly.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Xianlong certainly would not have any hesitation.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Xianlong would of course allow himself to launch a round of assault in the most primitive state.

For Emperor Xianlong, if he could see the fairy world, it would prove that he would have a chance to become a fairy in a certain period of time in the future.

Although this opportunity is not that big in general, it can still make people feel quite excited.

As long as there is a chance, it's good, isn't it?
As long as there is a chance, there is a possibility of success.

In fact, from the very beginning, Emperor Xianlong was extremely sure that he would be able to succeed.

But for now, his performance does still have certain problems.

This has caused quite a few problems from some aspects.

So there is really no hesitation in the next step.

If there is any more hesitation, then the whole person will completely become a very bad state.

It really can't go on like this.

Emperor Xianlong thought that he must firmly grasp the opportunity.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is indeed a very good opportunity.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was indeed a rare opportunity.

Therefore, we must be able to withstand critical moments.

At critical moments, you must be able to resist pressure.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong was very good at resisting pressure.

When he faced the head of the mountain alone, and when he faced Wei Wuji who suddenly appeared in Leyou Yuan Jitian, Emperor Xianlong was actually in very good condition.

Regardless of any details, Emperor Xianlong is the most stable and perfect person.

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong even felt that he was quite strong.

The state he showed was as if he was a top practitioner.

A top practitioner can indeed display an unparalleled state.

A top practitioner can indeed show this without hesitation from the very beginning.

Everything is more complicated than imagined.

Everything is more wonderful than imagined.

Everything is to allow Emperor Xianlong to have more imaginations about his future life.

This is actually quite difficult.

Because Emperor Xianlong didn't expect him to be able to get to where he is today.

At the beginning, Emperor Xianlong felt that he was actually like this.

At the moment when the Tongtian Buddhist Pagoda collapsed, Emperor Xianlong had already decided that his life basically had nothing to do with attaining Taoism and becoming an immortal.

But Emperor Xianlong will still choose to persevere, and Emperor Xianlong will still choose to persevere without hesitation.

As a result, he now has hope.

It has to be said that from any point of view, Emperor Xianlong's performance is perfect.

Judging from any aspect, Emperor Xianlong's performance can be called a must.

So at this time, there is no more hesitation.

At this time, it is even more necessary to fully demonstrate one's own strength.

For Emperor Xianlong, he basically had no flaws at this time.

For Emperor Xianlong, the details he can show at this time are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Emperor Xianlong is indeed not a hypocritical person. For him, as long as he has the opportunity, he will fully demonstrate his strength.

Sometimes it is some hard power, and sometimes it is some soft power.

But whether it is hard power or soft power, Emperor Xianlong will pay great attention to details.

For Emperor Xianlong, all the details are quite critical.

For Emperor Xianlong, all the details were very important.

As long as he handles all the details step by step, he will still be able to achieve something in the future.

This point was confirmed by Master Huiyan, and it was also what Emperor Xianlong hoped for.

Emperor Xianlong suddenly saw hope for the future again.

Although this hope is not as much as Emperor Xianlong imagined, it is better than no hope at all.

All this made Emperor Xianlong very satisfied, and all this made Emperor Xianlong very excited.

Good feelings are always something to look forward to.

Good feelings are always worth enjoying.

Emperor Xianlong was indeed full of expectations for the future, he felt that in the future he really had the hope of attaining Taoism and becoming an immortal.

The most amazing thing about Emperor Xianlong now is that he can see the gate of heaven.

It was a complete gate of heaven, but Emperor Xianlong was able to see the location of the gate of heaven, which can definitely be regarded as a fairly major breakthrough.

For Emperor Xianlong, this means that he will be able to see places that ordinary people cannot see in the next period of time.

You know, that's the heaven, that's the real heaven.

The heavens are indeed quite shocking, and the heavens can indeed make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

When Emperor Xianlong saw the smoky feeling, he was really shocked.

When Emperor Xianlong felt the unparalleled sense of shock, he really understood what is the real fairyland.

Compared with it, this kind of world is really not enough.

Emperor Xianlong would never have any hypocritical emotions.

For Emperor Xianlong, sometimes he was in an extremely calm mode, and he was able to make quite a lot of meticulous judgments.

Make quite a lot of detailed judgments, then the feeling of his own strength that Emperor Xianlong can show in the future will be even more exciting.

That can definitely be regarded as an extremely powerful feeling.

Emperor Xianlong knew that when he realized those details, the choices he could make would become very many.

When Emperor Xianlong himself has a lot of choices, everything that follows will give people a very vivid feeling.

Emperor Xianlong knew that he was getting closer and closer to the fairyland.

So at this time, there is absolutely no hesitation.

The more this time, the more you have to show your strong side.

At times like this, there is no hesitation.

Because whenever there is hesitation at this time, the next judgment will be even more confusing.

Emotions in confusion, emotions in confusion can really make people feel quite painful.

When an emotion begins to spread and become confused, everything is completely different.

That was a really frustrating thing.

So Emperor Xianlong is trying his best to overcome this emotion recently.

It was not difficult for Emperor Xianlong to overcome this emotion.

The difficulty is how to deal with it more rationally after overcoming this emotion.

This is actually where the real difficulty lies.

Emperor Xianlong knew where his limit was, and he also knew where his predicament was.

So Emperor Xianlong was able to handle all of this very well, and was able to avoid all of this very well.

Deal with the difficulty when it arises.

Face him when danger arises.

These are things that must be dealt with reasonably.

Otherwise, what Emperor Xianlong suffered was a blow that no one could bear.

Most of the time people feel confused, mostly because of such emotions.

So for Emperor Xianlong, he really needs to fully demonstrate his hard power when necessary.

Sometimes it's really not as difficult as you imagined to open the door, and sometimes it's just a matter of hooking your fingers.

Emperor Xianlong had already made many attempts.

For Emperor Xianlong, all this can really be said to be quite perfect.

No blemishes, no flaws.

Everything is quite perfect, and everything can make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

As long as this feeling continues to spread, it can be maintained for a period of time.

As long as this feeling continues to exist, then everything can be expected.

Everything is more complicated than imagined, and everything is more exciting than imagined.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that he was actually at this critical point.

The choice he can make will indeed change a lot of things for a long time in the future.

Change itself is very different, and the impact that change itself can bring is also quite different.

Sometimes when you don't have any choices, the choices you can make are very different from the choices you can make when you have many other choices.

Because under such circumstances, you can only choose to burn the boat.

Emperor Xianlong at this time was generally in such a state.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong really didn't have much choice.

He is in an extremely helpless situation, but he may have a glimpse of the gate of heaven, and may enter the fairyland.

When he opened the door to the fairy world, everything was completely different.

When he was able to open the gate of the fairy world, Emperor Xianlong could feel a feeling that no one else had ever experienced.

Everything will make Emperor Xianlong quite excited, and everything will make Emperor Xianlong feel a feeling that he has never felt before.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person.

For Emperor Xianlong, making necessary choices when necessary is really too precious.

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong also wondered whether he would face many very complicated things.But looking at it now, it seems that there is no more.

Looking at it now, the things that Emperor Xianlong faced can actually be handled well by himself.

At the beginning, the reason why Emperor Xianlong felt that there were greater difficulties in dealing with the problem was actually more because he himself faced some obstacles when dealing with the problem.

But now it seems that this kind of obstacle does not exist in the first place.

After reasonable planning, Emperor Xianlong discovered that more aspects were his own problems.So as long as these problems are avoided, there is really nothing to be confused about.

This is how details are often handled.

In many cases, the handling of details is to be able to see the most important points.

Emperor Xianlong understood this deeply.

So for Emperor Xianlong, everything that follows can actually be greatly changed through his own efforts.

He changed and not through his supremacy as the emperor of the world, he changed through his extreme sincerity.

In Emperor Xianlong's eyes, he himself was an extremely sincere person.

The characteristics that sincere people display when facing different situations are also completely different.

A sincere person is one who can make different choices in the face of a variety of different situations.

Emperor Xianlong didn't care what other people thought, anyway, as far as he was concerned, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

So once the opportunity arises, Emperor Xianlong will definitely try his best to show himself.

Once given the opportunity, Emperor Xianlong would definitely try his best to express himself.

Expressing yourself is not such a difficult thing, expressing yourself is actually an instinctive choice.

Make different judgments under the instinctive trend, and make different choices under the drive of instinct.Then everything is very different.

These details can really make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

These details are really impressive.

Everything moved Emperor Xianlong very much.

He tried to enter the state of meditation.

As long as Emperor Xianlong enters the state of meditation, then he can sense quite a lot of things next.

For example, at the moment, Emperor Xianlong felt the legendary gate of heaven.

For Emperor Xianlong, all of this was actually a matter of course.All this was extremely smooth for Emperor Xianlong.

Everything is so simple, everything is so easy.

Emperor Xianlong felt that he had come to a completely different world.

In this world, Emperor Xianlong can do too many things.

In this world, Emperor Xianlong could feel too many people and things.

Everything is very amazing.

After Emperor Xianlong saw such a beautiful scenery, everything was completely different.

Emperor Xianlong enjoyed it immensely, he really enjoyed it very much.

For now, what he has grasped makes him feel a lot of emotion.

All in all it's pretty confusing.

Everything is quite confusing to Emperor Xianlong.

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong would try his best to think about the difference between this fairy world and the human world.

Sometimes Emperor Xianlong would also think about where the biggest difference between this fairy world and the human world is.

Everything was quite different from Emperor Xianlong's imagination, but he was indeed extremely curious.At this moment, Emperor Xianlong is like a child, he wants to explore as much as possible, he wants to know the world as much as possible.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything is extremely interesting, and for Emperor Xianlong, everything can arouse his unparalleled interest.

When a person's interest is fully aroused, then the details he shows are completely different.

That's definitely an unmatched feeling, and that's definitely a feeling that makes a lot of sense right from the start.

This feeling is really wonderful.

This feeling is really exciting.

Keep going with this feeling.

When you can feel this feeling continuously, everything will be completely different.

Everything is completely different.

It was such a wonderful feeling.

Emperor Xianlong kept walking in the fairy world.

In fact, from the moment he passed through the fairy gate, he could clearly feel that everything was completely different.

That kind of wonderful feeling can really make people feel quite interesting sometimes.

After looking around, Emperor Xianlong felt that this strange environment really made him very intoxicated.

When Emperor Xianlong began to indulge in such an environment, he would find that all this was actually quite different from what he had imagined.

Emperor Xianlong tried his best to calm down his mood, but it was not easy to completely calm down.

Because there are too many things happening around, and so many things happen, then everything you face will be completely different.

The details shown by Emperor Xianlong at this time are completely different from when he was at the beginning.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was able to realize quite a few points that he hadn't realized at all before.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, the fairyland should have the appearance of the fairyland, and the fairyland should be completely different from the human world.

If the fairy world is exactly the same as the human world, that feeling would be too strange.

If the fairy world is exactly the same as the human world, that feeling is indeed quite confusing.

Once confusion arises, everything that follows will become very confused.

For Emperor Xianlong, he wanted to explore the fairyland as much as possible.

So at this time, he couldn't stop.

Emperor Xianlong must ensure that he constantly maintains a forward posture.

This point is really too important.

This is really too precious.

In many cases, the reason why people see different things is because they have different cognitive directions from the beginning.

So at this time, Emperor Xianlong tried his best to let himself have a different perspective.

Because he must see the difference of the fairy world as much as possible in this state of meditation, he must let himself see the different characteristics of the fairy world as much as possible.

In fact, there are still some difficulties to do this, in fact, the difficulty is quite huge.

But the more it is at this time, the less hesitant it is.The more it is at this time, the more it is necessary to come up with a completely different mentality.

Emperor Xianlong is indeed professional in this respect, and Emperor Xianlong is indeed extremely professional.

So don't be confused.

There is no need for an iota of confusion.

What Emperor Xianlong has to do now is to observe all of this as much as possible, to observe the current details as much as possible.

For Emperor Xianlong, observing the details is actually quite critical.

It was quite necessary for Emperor Xianlong to observe some very fine details.

He was able to see as many things as possible that he had never seen before.

These things are simply too magnificent and magical.It is impossible to see any kind in the human world.

So for Emperor Xianlong, he is really immersed in it at this moment.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is indeed necessary to maintain a long-term immersion mode.

Everything is much more complicated than Emperor Xianlong imagined.

Everything can make Emperor Xianlong re-understand the world.

This is really quite precious.

This is really quite touching.

When a person begins to perceive the world in an all-round way, what he sees next is completely different from before.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong's previous knowledge of the fairy world only came from the records in the classics.

This kind of record is generally mentioned lightly, and there is no very detailed description at all.

So for Emperor Xianlong, in fact, his own understanding of the fairy world is quite one-sided.

So he hopes that through such a good opportunity, he can have a good understanding of the fairy world.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was not a difficult task.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually quite a simple matter.

He just needs to immerse his heart as much as possible.

Because only when his heart calms down, the judgments he makes after what he sees will be more reasonable.

Otherwise, in some aspects, the judgment that Emperor Xianlong could make would actually have some kind of problem.

For Emperor Xianlong, there are still many flaws in some details that he feels now.

These flaws are indeed shocking.

These flaws can indeed be deeply confusing.

When they feel these unparalleled points of confusion, the things and choices they can make are actually quite few.

Sometimes, if you want to make all-round judgments, and want to make all-round reasonable judgments, you need to continue to recognize.

Only when you perceive more and more situations, will you be able to feel more and more things.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong has never been a hypocritical person.

It's just that due to the majesty of the emperor, sometimes Emperor Xianlong can't make choices like other people.

But this is not to say that Emperor Xianlong was a bad person.

On the contrary, Emperor Xianlong felt that his performance was actually quite perfect.

Some of the aspects he showed during his travels in the fairy world were also incomparably perfect.

As long as he can continue to follow this routine, Emperor Xianlong will actually be able to see more and more things.

This can really be said to be quite shocking.

Emperor Xianlong kept trying to move forward in the future.

For Emperor Xianlong, this can definitely be regarded as a huge and incomparable breakthrough.

When you can see these breakthroughs, what you do later will be even more impressive.

All of this is really much more important than Emperor Xianlong imagined.

Then continue to improve yourself, and then continue to adapt to all this.

For Emperor Xianlong, all of this was extremely emotional.

After seeing the fairy world, he will do his best to record all the information in the fairy world.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, this is not a difficult thing at all, but actually it is very easy and very common.

So in fact, as long as you get used to all this, there is nothing to be surprised about.

As long as you get used to all this, it will become quite simple and easy.

Adapting itself is a process of constant compromise.

Emperor Xianlong actually made many compromises in his life.

Don't look at him as the supreme emperor in the world, but in fact he also needs to make concessions at critical moments.

In this world, no one can be completely above anything.All people need to make compromises at some point.

There is no doubt about this, there is no doubt about this.

Even Emperor Xianlong couldn't escape this circle, and even Emperor Xianlong had to make a relatively reasonable choice.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was in such a stage.

After a period of observation, Emperor Xianlong was surprised to find that the world he saw was actually quite different from the world he imagined.

Of course, there are certain similarities between the fairy world and the human world to some extent.

So under such circumstances, Emperor Xianlong didn't need to worry too much about some fragmented things. What he needed was to immerse himself completely and be able to immerse himself in it. This is actually not a simple matter.But it was not that difficult for Emperor Xianlong.

If you can grasp everything well, then the next thing will become quite simple.

When you can grasp everything, then things will become smoother later.

Sometimes things are that simple.

Sometimes the situation you need to face is extremely simple and easy.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was extremely relieved.

For him, what he sees now can really give him a completely different look at his previous life.

When a person can start to re-examine his life, everything will be completely different.

Especially for a big man like Emperor Xianlong.

No matter from any angle or aspect, Emperor Xianlong's judgment is completely different from other people.

So he can show those unique qualities.

For Emperor Xianlong, the traits displayed at this time are indeed extremely enviable.

Emperor Xianlong at this time was a unique existence.

Emperor Xianlong at this time was an extremely enviable existence.

Emperor Xianlong was indeed able to achieve his own best state to a certain extent.This is the moment.

The current Emperor Xianlong can be said to enjoy it extremely.

The current Emperor Xianlong is simply incomparably refreshed.

This feeling is really difficult for ordinary people to understand.

This feeling is really difficult for ordinary people to grasp.

Emperor Xianlong would not want to share it with ordinary people.

The chick knows the ambition of the swan.

Emperor Xianlong's ambition is far away thousands of miles away, far above the nine layers of clouds.

For Emperor Xianlong, there are more possibilities and countless choices in the future.

For Emperor Xianlong, as long as he wanted, as long as he was willing, then this possibility could be extended infinitely.

As long as there is possibility, then everything is possible.

As long as the possibility can be maintained, then everything is possible.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.Opportunities have always been for people to feel some details.

For Emperor Xianlong, he was indeed able to show different qualities in quite a few ways.

For Emperor Xianlong, he was indeed able to reach his best condition.

Emperor Xianlong is not a hypocritical person, on the contrary, Emperor Xianlong is a very realistic person.

So for Emperor Xianlong, next he must ensure that he has the ability to screen information.

At present, he has recorded the situation in the fairy world as much as possible.

But with so much information recorded in one brain, Emperor Xianlong still needs to make a selection.

If it turns out that the results of the selection are very good, then it means that Emperor Minglong's performance is incomparably perfect.

Emperor Xianlong really paid attention to these details.

For Emperor Xianlong, if he could get these details in place at the beginning, then basically things would go quite smoothly afterwards.

It has certain advantages from the beginning, so basically there will be no sense of flaws.

The reason why flaws appear is because they didn't pay enough attention at the beginning.But Emperor Xianlong absolutely paid great attention to it at this time.

Emperor Xianlong not only paid attention to it, but also attached great importance to it.

So for Emperor Xianlong, there is no need to hesitate any more.

For him, it is enough to fully display his talents.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything is so perfect.

For Emperor Xianlong at this time, he only needs to honestly grasp his most core elements.

After Emperor Xianlong selected and screened the information, he certainly didn't completely digest it by himself. He would share it with Master Huiyan in the next process, and the two of them had a new understanding.

After gaining a new understanding, everything will be different.

Especially after comparing the information with Master Huiyan, everything feels completely different.

It's perfect, all of this is really quite perfect.

For Emperor Xianlong, all this is worth looking forward to.

When a person's sense of expectation can be fully filled from the very beginning, then the details he shows are really worth looking forward to.

Emperor Xianlong would not deliberately pay attention to the choices made by other people.Emperor Xianlong was concerned about his own affairs.

Emperor Xianlong paid incomparable attention to these details, incomparable attention to these extreme details.

So to him, everything is quite precious.

For him, everything is worth celebrating.

For Emperor Xianlong, there was really no need to worry about these aspects.

There is really no need to worry about it anymore.

He knows where his limit is, he knows where his limit is.

Emperor Xianlong knew very well that with Master Huiyan's analysis, he would be able to understand himself more deeply, and he would be able to show the most extreme talent as much as possible when making judgments.

This is actually very valuable.

Because only by doing this, it is possible to have some characteristics that others do not have in the future.

Only if this is achieved, then at a certain point in the future, he will be able to show an unparalleled quality.

It's really tough, it's really not easy.

These are really touching.

"Okay. Let's stop here today."

After meditating for a while, Emperor Xianlong already had a very basic understanding of the fairy world.

After having a basic cognition, everything is completely different.

After having a basic cognition, everything is very different from the imagination.

In fact, to distinguish the difference itself is a rather sad thing.

When you find that your life is different from what you imagined, the difference has actually been there from the very beginning.

So these changes have indeed existed for quite a long time.

But Emperor Xianlong really couldn't have any hesitation at this time.

For Emperor Xianlong, at this time he must have some more extreme judgments.

At this time, Master Huiyan will definitely make some more rational and rational judgments as much as possible in the next time point and time period.

Because if there are some problems in judgment, then there will definitely be quite a lot of problems in everything that follows.

Emperor Xianlong must listen to some more profound opinions. He must plan everything reasonably, and he must understand everything reasonably.

When these things are mixed in everything, it will make people feel a lot of emotion, and when these things are mixed together, there will be many problems in people's judgment.

It is so valuable to listen to some professional judgments at this time.

This can improve people in all aspects.

These improvements are simply too precious.

When you have achieved all-round improvement, everything after that will become extremely smooth.

Everything actually depends on the grasp of a state, and everything actually depends on the understanding of a detail.

Emperor Xianlong himself actually had shortcomings in this regard.

But when faced with some crises, it does show some very complicated details.

The revealing of details can sometimes bring about an all-round difference.

It makes all the difference when a person is already able to express quite different characteristics.

After exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Emperor Xianlong was able to completely calm down.

"Come here, summon Master Huiyan."

In the East Palace, Prince Li Xiankun looked extremely serious.

He recently received news that his father seems to have been practicing meditation in the palace.

It is of course important for Prince Lee Hsien Kwan to show a completely different attitude.

But he still has to be quite cautious when facing a crisis.

If he is not cautious enough, there will definitely be quite a lot of problems in the future.

So being cautious is a must, and keeping calm is also a must.

It is also necessary to maintain a certain state of calm.

Prince Li Xiankun's situation at this time can't be said to be so bad, but it can't be regarded as so ideal either.

In many cases, the situations faced are different, so the details revealed are completely different.

The grasp of some details will indeed lead to very confusing things.

When some very detailed situations appear, there will be quite a lot of problems to face next.

At critical moments, it is still necessary to show some different postures.At critical moments, it is still necessary to show some different strengths.

Prince Li Xiankun knew this very well.

Because he knows very well that it is really critical to show a completely different posture at critical moments.

If he can't express his own things in these aspects, then he will be very confused in the next period of time.

Prince Li Xiankun himself is actually quite confused.

But he really didn't want to continue to be confused.

Because Prince Li Xiankun knew very well that if he continued to be confused, then the princelings or the entire East Palace would be in a very confused state.

It's so difficult, everything is quite difficult.

These bewildering emotions are really very bewildering.

"Master Feng, what kind of situation do you think the emperor's state has been during this time?"


Prince Li Xiankun's question actually made Feng Hao quite confused.

For Feng Hao, guessing what Emperor Xianlong was thinking was never his strong point.

Sometimes Zheng Jie is good at doing this kind of thing.

But since the relationship between Emperor Xianlong broke with him, it seems that Zheng Jie has also begun to be bad at it.

So sometimes if you want to fully show your strength, it is actually quite embarrassing in itself.

Sometimes it is very difficult to have some unexpected points of others.

But at this time, since Prince Li Xiankun took the initiative to ask questions, it is impossible for Feng Hao not to answer completely.

If so, wouldn't it be slapping Prince Li Xiankun in the face?
Is this okay?

Once such a situation really starts to spread, it will be quite confusing for a period of time in the future.

Feelings of confusion are absolutely unacceptable.

At critical moments, Feng Hao still needs to be able to show some unique concepts that belong to him.

For Feng Hao, this is actually not such a difficult thing.

For Feng Hao, this is actually quite a simple matter.

But sometimes, when the specific situation you face is different, the posture you may show will be different.

All in all, Feng Hao's state at this time is actually not very good.

At this time, Feng Hao didn't have such a strong desire to express himself.

But Prince Li Xiankun has already said this, indeed Feng Hao can no longer hesitate.Not even the slightest hesitation.

"His Royal Highness, in my humble opinion, His Majesty should be trying to use this short special period to establish a relationship with the fairy world."

Feng Hao is actually a very upright person.So basically he said what he had to say without any hesitation.

As far as the current situation is concerned, what they can do is actually quite limited.

So when faced with many crises, you will realize that there are quite a lot of troubles.

There will certainly be feelings of confusion.

Confused emotions are sure to be quite numbing.

So really don't have to worry too much.If you get too entangled, then you don't have to do everything after that.

But for now, these things still have to be done.

Not only do you have to do it, but you have to do it well, not only do you have to do it well, but you also have to do it naturally.

For Feng Hao, in fact, everything came very naturally.

He didn't feel that he was under too much pressure.

There may be a slight sense of oppression, but the feeling is not so strong.

For Feng Hao, everything at this time is actually quite stressful.

But as long as he can handle all this well, then everything is quite simple and easy.

Everything is quite perfect, and everything is quite simple.

Therefore, Feng Hao only needs to express his truest inner thoughts at this time point.

It's really not that difficult, it's really not that difficult, sometimes you just need to fully express your true inner thoughts.

Everything is extremely simple.

Everything is extremely comfortable.

Everything is able to make people feel a very different quality.

Everything is so simple.

This made Feng Hao feel extremely comfortable.

"Well, if that's the case, why did the father do such a thing at such a special node?"

In fact, Prince Li Xiankun still felt somewhat confused.

Because in his opinion, the behavior of the emperor's father revealed a trace of weirdness no matter from any aspect.

When these weird emotions appear, it will indeed make people feel confused on some levels.

Prince Li Xiankun would indeed feel quite confused when these actions of his father appeared.

Therefore, in the next period of time, Prince Li Xianku will listen more consciously to the opinions from his courtiers and staff.

But Feng Hao's analysis couldn't really impress Prince Li Xiankun.

Because Prince Li Xiankun could obviously feel that there was something else.

So he needs to figure this stuff out.

If you can't figure out these things, then Prince Li Xiankun will still feel confused for a while.

So for Prince Li Xiankun, the road to go is still quite long.

For him, every choice he makes is actually quite a test.

To what extent he could do it, in fact, he didn't know at all.

So Prince Li Xiankun is actually quite sad.

Because he can only cross the river by feeling the stones, and can only constantly adapt to all this.

For Prince Li Xiankun, there is still a huge gap between the state he can achieve and the state he expects to achieve.

Sometimes these gaps can be really confusing.

But after a person's confused mood lasts for a long time, then what you can do next is quite limited.

In many cases, the posture a person can show has a very important relationship with his tone.

In fact, Prince Li Xiankun has always thought that he has such a breath.

But sometimes he inevitably has to face the problem of discouragement.

Once Prince Li Xiankun faced this problem, he would also appear a little confused.

What can he do in this situation?
It is obvious that the father is not reconciled to all that he has obtained in the world, so the father will definitely continue to fight for the heaven without hesitation.

This can be said to be quite a shocking thing.

If the father can feel quite a lot in the following process, is it a good thing for Prince Li Xiankun?
In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, Prince Li Xiankun really has no way to make an inference.

Because in his opinion, there are actually many variables in all of this.

Just judging from the current situation, there are still some possibilities for changes.

So according to the character of the father, the prince Li Xiankun would not find it strange even if anything happened next.

He will only do his own part honestly, and hope that there will be some troubles with his father.

If it really doesn't work, we can only rely on Wei Wuji to make a move.

Prince Li Xiankun was never one to hang himself from a tree.

Prince Li Xiankun has always liked to try different possibilities.

In his opinion, he does have different possibilities at present.

As long as there is an opportunity, Prince Li Xiankun will definitely try his best in the future.

For him, the future really has infinite possibilities.

For him, the future is really worth imagining beautifully.

So he will never eliminate this relationship no matter what.

For Prince Li Xiankun, as long as he can keep in touch with Wei Wuji, there will be more possibilities for him in the future.

These possibilities can allow Prince Li Xiankun to show some completely different parts, and allow him to fully express the qualities he should have.

This is really quite precious.

When Prince Li Xiankun showed these qualities, everything was completely different.

He has always been a person who likes to express himself.

But sometimes you still need some opportunities for performance.

If there is no chance to perform, then Prince Li Xiankun will definitely go crazy.

But so far, things are looking good.

Although not to a great extent, it should still be acceptable.

So in the next period of time, Prince Li Xiankun will make more reasonable use of all his links and all parts.

He will reasonably mobilize all the resources he can mobilize.

This point is quite critical.

Because only when he can fully mobilize all resources, everything will be different from the beginning.

At present, the details of the prince Li Xiankun are still very good.

But in which direction the future will develop is really unknown.

Today's Da Zhou world has become a mess.

So judging from the current rhythm, everything is very different from Prince Li Xiankun's imagination.

So Prince Li Xiankun actually didn't dare to set the tone hastily.

For him, whatever happened next was actually quite reasonable.

So for him, all he can do at this time is look forward to it.

Hope something good happens next.

Looking forward to something pretty wonderful happening next.

But if nothing like this really happens next, Prince Li Xiankun can't actually do anything.

So I can only pray silently in my heart, praying that everything can develop in the direction Prince Li Xiankun expected.

In fact, there are still some variables.

But at this time, there really can't be any more entanglements.

Stay rational, stay reasonable and rational, and everything after that will develop in a more reasonable direction.

Jiangnan Road, Ningzhou City.

After a period of mecha strengthening training, Zhao Xun obviously felt that his body became much refreshed.

This is actually quite an easy task.

Because sometimes you're going to be under quite a lot of pressure.

When you're under such a lot of pressure, sometimes you feel quite overwhelmed.

When you face such a difficult situation, your first thought must be how to overcome him.

This is also the most real thought in Zhao Xun's heart at the moment.

So at this time, it is true that there can no longer be any entangled emotions. It is indeed necessary to plan and judge various details more reasonably.

Only if all the details are planned, then it is possible to obtain some detailed improvements in the future.

Otherwise, it would be a disguised torment for Zhao Xun.

For Zhao Xun, the pressure has always existed.

For Zhao Xun, the feeling of difficulty has always existed.

But he never gave up easily.

Because Zhao Xun is very clear in his heart, that is, no matter what kind of situation he faces, he must show his strongest side, no matter what kind of phenomenon he faces, he must show an unparalleled hard power.

Zhao Xun has always been a strong person.

No matter what kind of situation he faces, he will try his best to show his characteristics in this aspect.

Now it seems that the difficulty is actually quite huge.

But Zhao Xun never had any thought of retreating.

Because in his opinion, it is useless to shrink back, it will only make one person fall into a very dangerous situation.

So the best choice at this time is to face the difficulties head on.

"Third Senior Brother, I saw another picture now. It is that the people of Oval Planet are trapped in a chaos. It is difficult for me to describe what is going on in this chaos. But from some details, I can basically It is determined that these chaos are related to the dark space."

The characteristics of Zhao Xun's current prophet are becoming more and more clear.

So Zhao Xun can always fully demonstrate this point in some links.

In fact, he was very pleased.

Because for Zhao Xun, it is really not easy to show some pretty wonderful details at critical moments.

And his prophet can help both himself and others.

This is really quite commendable.

"Ah, if you say that, it is very likely that your previous prediction has come true."

The third brother Long Qingquan is not a hypocritical person, on the contrary he is a very sincere person.

He usually speaks directly in any situation without any hesitation.

For now, his judgment is quite reasonable.

So Long Qingquan's expression at this time will indeed give Zhao Xun some very ideal cognition in some aspects.

So at this time, Long Qingquan's cognition will make Zhao Xun's cognition also have some sense of deviation.

In fact, in Zhao Xun's view, there is no serious problem in itself with some sense of cognitive deviation.

The key is whether you can reach a fairly perfect situation in grasping the details.

If your grasp of the details is not perfect, then you need to communicate with other people more.

Communication is indeed quite necessary.

After feeling some different details, the next judgment will be more reasonable.

"Hahahaha, so let me tell you, it's really not easy to say what kind of model these three forces are. At present, my overall state is actually very good, but what will happen if I continue to develop? It's hard to say."

At this time, Zhao Xun had completely calmed down.

Zhao Xun knew that at this time he had to deal with this state well.

At this time, he must not be too extreme.

If he acts too extreme, it will definitely lead to a series of problems.

For Zhao Xun, keeping calm and restraint is what he needs to do most right now.

At first glance, these things do not seem to be very difficult.

But if you think about it carefully, the difficulty is actually not very small.

Because sometimes the situations and situations you face are quite different from what you imagined.

Faced with different situations, the pressure to make the most reasonable plan can be said to be quite enormous.

So it's really hard to say what kind of situation can be achieved within a certain period of time.

So at this time, there must be no entanglement.

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said, "Senior brother, in fact, I have always had a big question, that is how to control the direction and angle of this prophecy through my own efforts. If I can't achieve this by my own way If so, then my prophecy as a whole has a lot of randomness. Once it has randomness, then everything that follows will be different."

Zhao Xun's analysis at this time is actually quite calm.

For him, he knows where his short board is, and he knows what method he must use to relieve this pressure and eliminate this short board.It may not be possible to achieve overnight, but as long as you work hard, there is hope.As long as you work hard, it is possible to achieve it.

This is actually the most precious place.

All along, Zhao Xun was not a hypocritical person.

Zhao Xun has always been a person who pays great attention to details.

So for him, he even hopes to reach a very graceful state in the distant future. He hopes that he can see some very key parts, and he hopes that he can see some very subtle points very clearly.

If you can control the direction, then the next thing will become quite simple.

Once he can control the direction, Zhao Xun can selectively choose what to watch and what not to watch.

This may seem simple at first glance, but it is actually quite difficult.

If this can be achieved, then the next thing will become quite simple.

In fact, this is really quite precious, and it is really worth grasping.

So Zhao Xun really won't bother with it anymore.

He had to ask whether it was possible to achieve this.

If it is possible, then the next thing will become more wonderful.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

So he has always been like this.

Ask what you have, so the pressure will be much less.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan started to do his signature one-handed chin movement again.

For Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan, every time he made this movement, it meant that he started to think very seriously.

Zhao Xun is already very familiar with this.

So Zhao Xun didn't hesitate at this time.

At this time, Zhao Xun began to wait and listen very seriously.

Sure enough, after a long time, the third senior brother Long Qingquan finally said: "Of course there are ways, but I'm afraid you will have to suffer a little bit, junior brother."

After Zhao Xun heard the words, he quickly stated: "I am not afraid of hardships, I am not afraid of hardships, third brother. I can do even the most difficult things. Doing such things like this can help everyone. As long as I do this, I will be able to predict more. something regular."

Zhao Xun really thought so in his heart.

Because in his opinion, it is not a bad thing for young people to suffer more sometimes.

Suffering more can actually bring about quite a lot of changes.

As long as a certain change can be brought about, the overall state will then undergo a very big change.

This is actually a complementary relationship, a chain reaction.

At the beginning, this manifestation was not obvious.But gradually, the difference is reflected.When you can feel all these things in all aspects, in fact, everything becomes quite graceful.

In many cases, the grasp of details is such a magical thing.When you can fully appreciate these, you will be able to fully realize this point.

After exhaling a foul breath, everything was completely different from what I imagined.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the truth."

At this time, the third senior brother Long Qingquan said in a deep voice: "If you want to be able to reach such a point where you can select the direction of prophecy, you must do something, and that is hard thinking and meditation. This is not meditation in the general sense, but real meditation. meditation."

Uh, I have to say, the words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan can't help Zhao Xun.

Anyway, in fact, Zhao Xun's grasping ability is quite good.

Anyway, in fact, Zhao Xun's hard power is quite strong.

So at the critical moment, what kind of state Zhao Xun can reach still needs to be improved by himself.

So he really wanted to hear what this so-called hard thinking and meditation was like.

He really wanted to carefully understand what this hard thinking and meditation meant.

Zhao Xun knew very well that he was definitely able to endure hardships.But what kind of bitterness to eat and what kind of bitterness to eat is actually very important.

If he has a considerable problem in the handling of some details, then he will definitely regret it later.

"Contemplation and meditation mean that you have to go on for three days and three nights without rest, so that your spiritual consciousness can reach a state of constant tempering. Junior brother, can you really endure this hardship?"


I have to say that Zhao Xun was stupid at this time.

This is what it means to think hard?
Then this difficulty is simply not ordinary.

Sometimes Zhao Xun would feel the huge pressure.

But most of the time, Zhao Xun would feel the point of three days and three nights.

Why is it three days and three nights instead of nine days and nine nights, or ten days and ten nights.

Does this three days and three nights have any special meaning?
In fact, Zhao Xun was really curious.

But he is also very clear that this is not the most critical time to ask such a question.

At this time, Zhao Xun knew very clearly that he had more important questions to ask.

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan is not a hypocritical person.

The third brother Long Qingquan must be able to give Zhao Xun some reasonable suggestions, and he must be able to give Zhao Xun some very detailed suggestions.

"Uh, third senior brother, if I really want to stay awake for three days and three nights, will I really be able to bear it physically?"

In fact, what Zhao Xun pays most attention to is the physical aspect.

As long as there are not too many physical problems, then Zhao Xun thinks it is acceptable.

The only thing I'm afraid of is that my body won't be able to bear it.

In that case, no matter how much you pay, there is no point in it.

Because if the body collapses, Zhao Xun will not be able to help the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou too much in the future.

In that case, Zhao Xun's whole state will plummet, and maybe he will become a drag on the two senior brothers.

Zhao Xun finally reached this state with great difficulty.

So next he really can't have any hesitation anymore.

If Zhao Xun still hesitates in the future, then he will become quite numb and confused next time.

"Certainly not. You are a top cultivator, not to mention not sleeping for three days and three nights, even if you don't sleep for ten days and ten nights, it doesn't really matter."

Come, come, this time he really came.

I have to say that Zhao Xun was still greatly shocked at this time.

After Zhao Xun felt this kind of shock, he simply didn't know what to do in the next period of time.

Ten days and ten nights without sleep?
I am a good boy, is Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan serious?

I have to say that Zhao Xun was greatly shocked.

But if what the third senior brother Long Qingquan said is true, it does prove one point, that is, when facing the challenge from the enemy, Zhao Xun has the possibility of escaping with the time he won by not sleeping.

Of course, this is something to talk about for the time being.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the hard power that Zhao Xun can display is actually quite strong.

"Well, if that's the case, I can try it next, right?"

"Well, yes. Junior brother, you can try it. Generally speaking, the difficulty and pressure are not too great. You should be able to handle it well. But you still have to pay attention to one thing, It is during this period that we cannot be disturbed by any external pressure. Otherwise, all previous efforts may be wasted."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan was still introducing these key points to Zhao Xun very seriously.

Because in his opinion, only when Zhao Xun clearly grasps these key points can all potential threats be eliminated.

This is critical.

As far as the personality of the younger brother is concerned, if he encounters a certain danger during the stage of hard thinking and meditation, it will definitely lead to the wastage of all previous efforts.

"Okay, it's up to you guys. Third Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, can you protect me while I'm thinking hard?"

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