big week bad guy

Chapter 559 Zhao Xun's Prophecy

Today is an extremely important day for Zhao Xun.

Because after a period of closed-door training, he finally succeeded in breaking through himself and reached a state of deep meditation.

For Zhao Xun, this is actually quite difficult.

It's not as simple as people think, but a very tortured and difficult feeling.

That's why Zhao Xun was so excited to be able to successfully break through the realm, and that's why Zhao Xun was so happy to be able to successfully break through the realm.

Everything is not easy, and everything requires great potential.

Does potential matter?

Potential certainly matters.

When a person has potential, the situation he faces will become more changeable.

Everything and everything in thinking has actually changed a lot.

Compared with the state at the beginning, Zhao Xun's overall state now can be said to be more positive.

Having a positive state is definitely quite necessary.

After having a positive state, everything that follows is completely different.

Zhao Xun must have a calmer understanding of what Zhao Xun is currently feeling.

He knew that reaching the state of hard thinking and meditation was just the beginning, and there was still a long way to go.

In fact, it is hard for anyone to say what kind of state can be reached in the end.

But no matter what kind of realm can be reached in the end, in fact, there are no shortcomings in terms of details.

Zhao Xun knew that he could try his best to prophecy next.

For Zhao Xun, achieving a powerful prophecy means that he has to set the tone from the very beginning.

Once the tone is set, it actually makes all the difference.

Once the tone is set, it's actually easier.

In many cases, the sense of experience is such a simple thing.

After gaining a different sense of experience, everything becomes quite beautiful.

tsk tsk.
This shocking feeling can be said to be able to make people feel different from the beginning.

Zhao Xun fell into meditation again, so that he could quickly reach the point of prophecy.

All this is actually very different from what Zhao Xun imagined.

All these can actually make Zhao Xun feel an unparalleled feeling.

tsk tsk.
Wonderful, all this is really quite wonderful.

After Zhao Xun opened the boundary in the sea of ​​consciousness, he began to look at the dark night sky.

This kind of dark night sky can make people feel an inexplicable fear from the very beginning.

Fear is real fear, fear is real fear.

It is very difficult to maintain absolute calm at such a time.

Zhao Xun's state at this time is actually very good.But it is actually quite difficult for him to suppress the fear in his heart and overcome all the emotions in his heart.

Zhao Xun knew exactly where the pressure was.Zhao Xun knew this very well.

So he must remain calm, must remain extremely calm.

It's not going to do anything to panic at this point, it just complicates things quite a bit.

Zhao Xun is trying to control his emotions.

For Zhao Xun, keeping his emotions in a calm state is quite crucial.

The information given so far is actually quite critical.

If you can grasp it well, basically there will be no serious problems.

But if you don't grasp it well, it's still quite embarrassing.

Zhao Xun knew that his test at this time was quite huge.

Keep calm, and in a state of absolute calm next, the subsequent analysis will become quite wonderful and subtle.

Everything is different from what Zhao Xun expected.

But Zhao Xun still chose to go on, and still chose to go on without hesitation.

After exhaling a foul breath, everything is different.

Zhao Xun kept staring at the starry sky.

For him, the things he saw in the starry sky really benefited him a lot.

This dark universe can really make people experience an unparalleled feeling.

Wonderful, everything is incomparably wonderful.

For the grasp of details, this is really quite critical.

For the grasp of details, he really reached the limit.

After reaching a limit mode, there is really no need to struggle anymore.

Zhao Xun continued to stare at the universe, which was a very wonderful feeling.

There is light in the depths of darkness, and it is a kind of extreme light.When you feel this bright feeling, everything becomes quite mysterious.

The feeling of breaking through everything and clearing away all the fog is really enjoyable.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he still wants to say that this feeling is extremely wonderful.

Enjoy some of this, enjoy the beauty of it all.

The texture that breaks through everything really makes people feel unparalleled.

Beautiful, this is really quite beautiful.

Zhao Xun's mood has calmed down.Zhao Xun's mood has calmed down.

For Zhao Xun, all this is really quite wonderful.

So really don't have to worry about it.

Zhao Xun kept staring at the dark universe like an abyss.

He wanted to see something different in this chaotic universe.

Wonderful, really quite wonderful.

Beautiful, all of this is really quite beautiful.

The truly magnificent feeling only needs to last for a long time to feel a different feeling.

There is no need to be entangled at all, there is no need to have any entanglement at all.

Deal with it all calmly, enjoy it all calmly.

So far, all that Zhao Xun has seen and all that Zhao Xun has felt can completely put him in a very wonderful state.

There is really no need to worry about it anymore, Zhao Xun's eyes shine brightly.

The brilliance passes through the darkness, which can make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

Wonderful, this is really incomparably wonderful.

In the previous period of time, Zhao Xun had basically never experienced a similar feeling.

For Zhao Xun, everything is incomparably beautiful, and everything can arouse his interest.

Especially after his eyes shined, everything was completely different.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun has completely entered a detached state at this time.

Entering a transcendent state is actually not easy, so far, Zhao Xun has had this experience.

But what happens next will be very different.

Zhao Xun found the door.

So everything becomes easier after that.

It's really wonderful.

That extreme feeling made Zhao Xun extremely excited, and enabled Zhao Xun to further explore the whole world.

The feeling of exploring the world is quite wonderful, and the feeling of exploring the world can fully unfold a person.

When everything is unfolded, everything becomes simple.When everything is unfolded, everything becomes very precise.

Tsk tsk tsk. A detailed grasp is very beautiful, and a detailed grasp can make people have a new hope for the future life.

It's a wonderful feeling, it's really an unparalleled feeling.

Zhao Xun discovered that in the depths of this universe, there were some details that he had never seen before.

Zhao Xun is quite satisfied with these details.

What will he see next?

Zhao Xun was really looking forward to this.

Be sure to keep calm, you must keep calm in the next moment.

As long as Zhao Xun can see more things clearly with his own eyes, then everything that follows will be more beneficial to the academy.

Many times things are so simple, many times things are so pure.

When a person can face the future purely, the details he shows will make people extremely satisfied.

It's really beautiful, this feeling is really beautiful.

When a person can maintain the hope for the future well, then everything that follows will become smoother.

Zhao Xun is a person with light in his eyes.

So Zhao Xun will not give up even when the situation he is facing is quite confusing.

Because he knows that as long as he persists, even the most difficult things can be overcome.

Even the most difficult things can be overcome.

All of this is actually quite wonderful, and all of this is actually the brightest side that can be seen.

At present, Zhao Xun has indeed seen the most beautiful star ring on Alvar Star.

The beauty of that star ring is really too bright.

The feeling of radiance is really shocking.

No wonder so many tribes live on this planet.This radiant feeling can give people an unparalleled feeling.

Obviously, this can actually explain a lot of things.

Obviously this can represent quite a few things.

Zhao Xun knew that Oval Star must be rich in products.

But in this case they still have to expand?
Zhao Xun was a little confused.

These guys simply don't know how to be blessed.

There is really nothing wrong with using this sentence to describe them.

Maybe this is human nature.

People are greedy, and people want more.

Even though he had gotten quite a lot at the beginning, he still wanted to get more after that.

So this is definitely able to make people more crazy in the future.

When people feel a lot, everything is different.

Zhao Xun is able to calmly think about anything.

In Zhao Xun's view, nothing is impossible in this world.

As long as you try hard, you will always be able to see something different.

As long as you try hard, you can always see more information.

For Zhao Xun, this importance is self-evident.

Maintain a good state for a long time, then everything after that will be completely different.

Zhao Xun began to explore in-depth along the Oval star.

Keep exploring, so everything that follows will be completely different.

Zhao Xun knew that there was more to Aval Star than that.

Zhao Xun knew that there were still quite a lot of things waiting for him to explore on Oval Star.

Wonderful, all this is really wonderful.

Zhao Xun felt like he was intoxicated.

After feeling the difference for a long time, the whole person will feel more excited.

But when Zhao Xun was extremely excited, the style of painting suddenly changed.For a moment, Zhao Xun could clearly feel a strange feeling.

The entire planet he saw began to dim.

Apparently this is no longer Star Oval, but a different look.

So what did he see now?
So what planet did he feel at this time?
If what Zhao Xun felt before was different from what he felt afterwards, then what went wrong?
It's actually quite difficult to figure out these things.

Zhao Xun is trying to explore all this.

For Zhao Xun, it is quite crucial to have some deeper cognition.

"This is not Oval Star, this should be Suna Star."

Zhao Xun made a judgment without hesitation at this time.

In his opinion, this planet really looks like Suna Star.

No matter what the details are, they are incomparably comparable to the characteristics of Su Naxing.

All this is really shocking.

So the two planets are really very close.

It is not easy to see these two chain stars.

Have some deeper cognition when necessary, then everything that follows will appear incomparably real.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been directional.

The reason why some details seem to be very difficult is actually because the most suitable tone was not set at the beginning.

So we must grasp everything as much as possible.

Zhao Xun continued to explore, and began to explore deeply.

For him, being able to explore as much information as possible will help them face opponents more in-depth in the future.

With some sound judgment it all becomes clear.

Oval Star, Suna Star
These two planets are so close, no wonder the people of these two planets are feuds.

There is a saying that is far away and close attack.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

After the two of them began to attack each other, the contradictions were actually accumulating.

When the contradictions accumulate to a certain level, it becomes an inevitable battle.

The feeling of the battle will be quite shocking.

Zhao Xun also knew in his heart that the battle between the two planets should last more than once.

There should be several major battles, let alone small-scale battles.

When people's experience is different, everything becomes quite shocking.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun kept exploring.Because he knows that what he sees now is actually only a very small part.

For Zhao Xun, there must be no more entanglements at this time.

If everything is tangled, then the subsequent shock will make people even more confused.

Zhao Xun chose to continue walking to the depths.

He wants to see the floating city.

For Zhao Xun, this was the first time he saw the Floating Void City from outside space.

For Zhao Xun, everything is different when he can realize some detailed cognition.

Is it important?This is of course important.

When a person can experience a completely different point in this future stage.

Everything will make people more and more excited.

Excitement is real excitement, and happiness is real happiness.

It's beautiful, all of the present is quite beautiful.

There is really no need to have any entangled emotions anymore.

If it is too entangled, then the whole experience afterwards will make people feel quite painful.

The Floating Void City was right in front of him, so Zhao Xun kept walking forward.

Looking up at the floating city from this perspective can be said to be quite shocking.

This feeling is really hard for ordinary people to feel.

This feeling is really wonderful.

It's beautiful.

But Zhao Xun knew very well that he couldn't indulge in this kind of environment.Because if he is intoxicated in this environment, it is impossible to make a very rational judgment.

This is still very important.

Because when you face a confusing scene, you will become quite confused.

Once you are in a confused situation, there will be problems with your overall judgment.

This is not something a normal person can bear.

For Zhao Xun, at this time, it is unacceptable that there is a problem.

For Zhao Xun, the responsibility of fighting on his shoulders is very heavy.

So he is not only for himself but also for others and countless people.

So at this time, we must hold on.

Zhao Xun must not indulge in it.

For him, all the choices made at this time are extremely precious.

All decisions made at this moment are crucial to him.

Zhao Xun kept walking towards the depths of the Floating Void City.

Zhao Xun is very clear that under a rational thinking, there will basically not be too serious problems.

tsk tsk.
At this time, Zhao Xun began to climb.

He started to climb up from the bottom of the floating city.So what Zhao Xun saw at the beginning was a very dark part.

I have to say that Zhao Xun was quite shocked by this.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun restrained his fear of darkness, and tried his best to restrain himself.

This requires a process, but it is not that difficult for him.

Zhao Xun has gradually adapted to this process.

He knew this boded very well for him.

After this incident, everything became more reasonable.

When faced with many challenges, it can also show an unparalleled attitude.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, posture is really crucial.

When you can take out a completely different posture, no matter what the enemy you are facing, then you can show a completely different momentum next.

Zhao Xun is really in the process of constant adaptation.

It may not feel obvious at the beginning, but as time goes on, the result will be completely different.

After a few calm stances then everything will be different.

Zhao Xun is currently paying attention to what he sees.

For him, the images of sentient beings seen at this time will be more real.

For him, the judgment at this time will be more secure.

For Zhao Xun, making a reasonable judgment is simply too precious.

He has always cherished and attached great importance to the people at the bottom.

In Zhao Xun's view, the people at the bottom are the cornerstone.

In Zhao Xun's view, the people at the bottom are what he cherishes most.

So even in this floating city, what Zhao Xun cherishes most is this thing.

Zhao Xun is a very calm person, Zhao Xun is an extremely calm person.

For Zhao Xun, he basically would not get angry because of this kind of thing.

Once Zhao Xun gets angry, it must be because of some other problems.

Zhao Xun continued to walk deep into the floating city.

Because in Zhao Xun's opinion, what he can feel now is everything in Floating Void City.

That kind of extremely profound sense of shock, that kind of very vivid feeling.

tsk tsk.
Just thinking about it is quite shocking.

Every plant, every tree, the face of every ordinary person.
These have been constantly echoing in Zhao Xun's mind.

In his opinion, the lower level of this floating city is like a slum.

tsk tsk.
Every different place seems to give people a completely different impression.

For now, what Zhao Xun feels is an incomparable sense of sadness.

This feeling of desolation is so obvious that it is hard to compare.

For Zhao Xun, everything he saw right now was very shocking.

It seems that the people of Suna Star are not doing well.

Those extremely dark alleys, small houses, those extremely impressive haggard faces.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he has to say that this scene really shocked him and left a deep impression on him.

When some very delicate things start to appear, it can make people feel full of emotions in an instant.

When something real starts to emerge, it's shocking enough.

Keep a calm mind.

At this time, in any case, don't be impulsive.

At this time, if it is always in an impulsive mode, it will not be a good look no matter how you look at it.

What's more, Zhao Xun wants to keep moving forward, Zhao Xun wants to keep moving forward.

For Zhao Xun, the process of continuous progress is gratifying enough.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

For Zhao Xun, what he saw so far made it difficult for him to calm down his excitement.

When Zhao Xun calmed down, what he saw might be completely different.

Zhao Xun knows that people see different things in different moods.

Keep moving forward, at this time, continuous progress can really benefit people a lot.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, he has never been a hypocritical person.

There is no need to stand still.Continuing to stand still will only affect quite a few things.

Zhao Xun's forward speed can be said to be very fast, and when he continues to walk in the floating city, he can feel an unparalleled feeling.

This feeling is very strange to Zhao Xun.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun has changed his mentality at this time.

For Zhao Xun, it is actually very important to have a more rational mentality.

When he can have a more rational state of mind, then the scene he sees will be completely different.

This is the truth no matter how you look at it from any angle, no matter how you look at it at any level.

Calm down, stay calm no matter what.

Zhao Xun moved on after adjusting his mood.

He left the slum area, which looked very miserable, and began to walk up gradually.

For him, the landscape began to change.

These changes in the scene can be said to be completely beyond Zhao Xun's expectations.

The dark alleys began to turn into very wide avenues.

Some very warm breeze blows across the cheeks.

That feeling can make people feel quite wonderful.

A shocking sense of happiness instantly enveloped him.

This feeling is really wonderful.

This feeling is really shocking.

This feeling is really exciting.

tsk tsk.
At this time, Zhao Xun definitely wanted to move on.

Because he knows that all these can give people a huge impact.

It's hard to be sure where those feelings are coming from, it's hard to pin down those details.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun thought to himself that this is not the top wealthy area, it has already become this magnificent.

No matter from any point of view, it can make people feel extremely excited.

Everything is enough to give people a feeling of shock.

tsk tsk.
This can be said to make Zhao Xun have mixed feelings, and it can be said that he is deeply moved.

All of this is really exciting.

tsk tsk.
At this time, Zhao Xun was still moving forward.

He was able to see many different things as he kept going.

I kept seeing those magnificent courtyards, as well as some armored guards.

This shock is indeed quite large.

The more it is at this time, the more excited I will feel.

Zhao Xun was already trying hard to calm himself down.But he will find that the difficulty is actually very high.

To maintain an absolute sense of calm, it is not just a simple matter of psychological suggestion.

To keep calm in all aspects, Zhao Xun still needs to make a lot of efforts.

Zhao Xun worked hard to go up to a higher level.For him, the more he goes up, the more he can see the area where the rich live.

No matter from any point of view, the area where the rich live is more luxurious.

Everything is extremely shocking, and everything is extremely exciting.

Zhao Xun keeps moving forward with such emotions.

For Zhao Xun, being able to see more things is simply too precious.

Zhao Xun's mood is still very complicated.

For him, it is actually very important to have a calmer mentality.

tsk tsk.
As you go further up, the style of painting begins to change.

Zhao Xun can already see the palace complex.

It was a shocking feeling.

It can be said that the palaces in the Floating Void City are completely different from the palaces that Zhao Xun saw in Chang'an City before.

Those are totally two styles, totally two different looks.

After careful distinction, you will notice a huge difference.

After careful distinction, you can see a huge difference.

When a person can clearly see these differences, then the huge impact that will be brought afterwards is indeed a shocking feeling.

"The owner of this palace complex should be Nosalo, right?"

Zhao Xun muttered to himself.

At this time, Zhao Xun should actually maintain a relatively calm posture.

Even if he knew that the palace complex belonged to Nosalo, it would not change anything.

If Zhao Xun is too excited at this time, then what he sees next will be even more distorted.

This is definitely not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been a very rational person.

So of course he hoped that he could stay sane.

As long as he can maintain his sanity all the time, then what he sees can always have a kind of reality.

Keeping it authentic is really quite key.

Be authentic and basically get a lot of good things.

tsk tsk.
For a while, Zhao Xun has become quite wonderful.

Feeling a wonderful feeling is really an unparalleled feeling for Zhao Xun.

So he continued to walk deep into the palace complex.

For Zhao Xun, the moment he saw the palace was actually the most emotional.

So there must be no mistakes or omissions.

He had to look carefully and make sure that all the details were correct.

After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his mood.

For Zhao Xun, at this time, he tried to feel the details as much as possible.

It doesn't make any sense if what you feel is too cold.

Zhao Xun wants to feel something warm, he must confirm that what he feels is more real.

When he can feel these, he may be able to infer some key points where people from Star Su Na can continue to attack.

Apparently, the people from Planet Suna aimed their spearhead at their neighbor, the people from Planet Auval.

As for how to fight next, and what kind of posture it will take, Zhao Xun actually doesn't know.

At this time, Zhao Xun must maintain a very calm posture.

For him, Zhao Xun has become quite calm at this time.

When Zhao Xun's mentality is already in a stable state of mind, everything will be completely different in the future.

Zhao Xun is extremely looking forward to what will happen next, Zhao Xun is extremely hopeful to see some good things happen.

"How do you feel, little brother?"

The sixth brother Lu Guangdou saw that Zhao Xun had ended his trance, and immediately stepped forward to ask with great concern.

Regarding Zhao Xun's recent attainment of hard thinking and meditation, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, has always paid close attention to him.

Because Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is very aware of all this, and he is very aware of how great the impact of these details will be on Zhao Xun.

These huge influences sometimes drive Zhao Xun crazy.

How to deal with these is actually the most critical factor.

If it can be handled completely well, then everything after that will become relatively smooth.

But if you can't handle these well, then the risk is actually very high.

tsk tsk.
All of this shocked Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, and made Lu Guangdou very worried.

So next, we must ensure that everything is in a relatively detailed state.

"I feel pretty good, but I haven't been affected that much."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said without hesitation.

tsk tsk.
All this can be said to be very amazing.

"Uh, Junior Brother, you mean that you feel pretty good right now?"

"Yes. After reaching this state of hard thinking and meditation, I can see more things, and the boundaries I can see are wider. At present, everything feels wonderful."

tsk tsk.
Everything is what Zhao Xun hopes.

So far these are pretty awesome.

All this is really quite exciting for him.

"From the current point of view, the people from Planet Suna must have tripped the people from Planet Oval. So basically there will be no major problems."


At this time, some judgments from details can really shock people.

For Zhao Xun, if he continues to make inferences to the depths, then some details later will be enough to make people feel a lot of emotion.

tsk tsk.
These details are really shocking.


"How they fight is actually not very important to me. What I care about is actually the impact of their fighting on us."

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to the so-called details.

Of course he understands the meaning of sixth brother Lu Guangdou's concern.

So there's really no need to allow yourself to become fearful.

If you become afraid, then in fact everything becomes completely different.

In many cases, having a calm state of mind is actually quite critical.

"Well, it should be clear. For me now, as long as I want to be able to figure it out, then I must be able to figure it out. As long as I want to be clear, then everything that follows will not be difficult."

For Zhao Xun, keeping a calm mind will become very important next.

In fact, as long as they are in a calm state of mind, basically Zhao Xun's predictions and their plans will become quite accurate.

After having an accurate cognition, everything is completely different.

Having an accurate perception then everything is quite different.

"Don't worry, Sixth Senior Brother, there is really no need to worry. Just wait quietly. The final result will definitely satisfy everyone."

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

In a very calm situation, Shan Zhang was fishing.

I have to say that the head of the mountain has been used to this kind of thing recently.

For the head of the mountain, it is not too easy to maintain a calm state of mind for a long time.

So the head of the mountain itself will not be too entangled.

For the head of the mountain, maintaining a calm state of mind for a long time is simply too critical.

Not pleased, not to have compassion.

Under this mentality, it will basically not be affected in any way.

In this state of mind, the head of the mountain can completely feel a very graceful feeling.

The carp in this pond are simply too shocking.

The carp in this pond can make people feel refreshed from the very beginning.

The head of the mountain is now not only fishing, but also responsible for frying fish.

Shanchang fried fish is definitely a must.

This point Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi can well prove.

No matter from any details, it can basically give people a very shocking feeling.

"Hahaha, I caught another one."

The head of the mountain is quite excited at this time.

For him, he has not had this state for a long time.

At this time, the head of the mountain has become quite comfortable.

When a person is in a very comfortable state, then all the things he does afterwards become handy.

For the head of the mountain, the realm he can reach at this time is already quite good.

Being in the best state is already a very wonderful thing for the head of the mountain.

Shan Chang is a very calm person.

Shan Chang is a very mature person.

So the head of the mountain is always able to handle various situations very well.

For the head of the mountain, as long as he can fish reasonably, the final state will be satisfactory.

Shan Zhang is not a hypocritical person, never has been.

Shanzhang is always able to make the details perfect as much as possible.

"Hahaha, I caught a lot of fish again, as expected of the head of the mountain."

At this time, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi praised with great emotion.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is really not an ordinary person.

He can always make very critical judgments at very critical moments.

When he can make a very reasonable and critical judgment, everything will be different.

He can feel a very charming feeling, he can feel a very shocking feeling.

No matter from any details, no matter from any angle, Shan Chang's performance is extremely admirable.

"Haha, I have fish to eat tonight."

For the head of the mountain, sometimes it is very important to have some very detailed analysis.

In fact, he has always been very good at cooking fish.

But in some other details, there are still different feelings.

At least for now, Shan Zhang can do some very basic things well.

So Wu Quanyi, Daoist Qinglian, doesn't have to worry any more.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi paid great attention to Shanzhang's performance no matter from any aspect.

For the head of the mountain, these so-called concerns are actually very light.

There is no need to be so hypocritical.

If it is too hypocritical, then it will appear to be quite hypocritical.

Sometimes the judgments made in a very rational state will be wonderful.

"Hey, at this moment, the old man misses 72 a little bit. I don't know if he eats well or lives well in Jiangnan Road."

In many cases, the head of the mountain is actually very concerned about Zhao Xun's choice.

Because in Shan Chang's opinion, Zhao Xun's performance is very good.

Since Zhao Xun's performance is so good, it is more natural for the head of the mountain to pay attention to some details.

Because the head of the mountain hopes that Zhao Xun can perform better, and the head of the mountain hopes that Zhao Xun can perform even better.

This difficulty is really not very big, this difficulty is actually quite small.

For the head of the mountain, his focus has never been deviated or problematic.

For the head of the mountain, as long as he made a judgment, it is basically unlikely that there will be a problem with this interpretation.

There is still such a confident mountain leader, and this confident mountain leader can still guarantee it.

In many cases, if you have a more rational cognition, then everything after that will have a completely different expression.

In many cases, with a more rational cognition, the road ahead will be broader.

This series of feelings will make the head of the mountain feel extremely wonderful.

The head of the mountain is rarely so excited.

Mountain chiefs rarely act quite passionately.

Rarely does a mountain long come with a rather pure feel.

But at this time, the head of the mountain did show some completely different attitudes.

So at this time, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi showed a completely different attitude, which is understandable.

For Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, the gesture shown at this time is actually very easy to understand.

There is no need to be entangled at all, and there is no need to hesitate any more.

"Hahaha eating fish is the most interesting thing to eat when eating fish, and the most enjoyable thing is to eat grilled fish at this time. Everything tastes so amazing. Once you taste it, everything will be different. "

"Haha, I can't think of it. Daoist Qinglian still understands it very well. Looking at it now, the details are really in place. Yes, the grilled fish tastes very good."

Having a better experience has always been the pursuit of Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

For Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, in fact, he has always wanted to eat a meal of grilled fish so that he can feel the delicious feeling.

For the head of the mountain, he actually enjoyed the whole process very much.

For the head of the mountain, what he said just now was actually meant for him.

So there's really no need to get too tangled up.

"Come on, the old man will grill the fish for you. It's actually quite simple and there is nothing to embarrass. The old man will definitely finish the grilling of the fish, so you can rest assured."

It is actually quite rare for a mountain leader to be so confident.

For the head of the mountain, having a more direct experience actually set a tone from the very beginning.

Grilling fish is not a difficult task for the head of the mountain.For the head of the mountain, grilling fish is a very simple matter.

"Come on, fish!"

After the head of the mountain shouted, a fish came to the head of the mountain in an instant.

The head of the mountain held the fish as if he was holding a sword, not to mention how chic he was.

That unrestrained feeling will give people a very exciting feeling.

Hahaha, just after looking at some details, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi began to look forward to it.

Just looking at the posture of the mountain chief holding the fish is enough to make people feel a lot of emotion.

Tsk tsk, everything is so perfect, everything is so sharp.

No matter from any point of view, no matter from any aspect, it can make people excited.

"Haha, this fish must be delicious when grilled."

The shocking force it gave people at this time was simply amazing.

"Marinate the fish before grilling. Brush some sauce on the fish first, and then start a full-scale grilling. Be sure to make sure that all sides are grilled. There must be no omissions. Otherwise, the grilled The taste of fish is definitely not good."

The head of the mountain is very confident planning everything while marinating the fish.

For the head of the mountain, being able to grill fish is the happiest thing, let alone grilling fish in front of Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi.

This grilled fish is just perfect.

tsk tsk.
The head of the mountain really enjoyed the process.

For Shan Chang, grilling fish is a process of letting go of himself and making himself wonderful in all aspects.

For the head of the mountain, this feeling will be very wonderful.

"Haha, this grilled fish is absolutely delicious."

Although Shanchang has just started grilling, the taste of the grilled fish can make people feel a very wonderful feeling.

The fragrance flutters, and people can smell it very clearly from the very beginning.

This feeling is really mesmerizing.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is quite enjoying this time.

For Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi, being able to watch Shanzhang express his excitement so excitedly.

Expressing feelings of excitement is actually quite natural.

Expressing feelings of excitement is actually quite wonderful.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is indeed extremely happy at this time.

For him, everything he felt at this time was enough to make people extremely happy.

There is really no need to worry about it anymore.

Keep a calm mind to grill fish.

The fish baked in this way can be said to be basically delicious.

tsk tsk.
No matter from any angle, the taste is enough to make people feel a sense of excitement.

"Oh, it tastes good."

The fragrance of the grilled fish is actually quite good, and the fragrance of the fish can make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

"tsk tsk"

"This taste is really amazing."

"Hahaha eat more if you like."


For Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, the details he felt at this time were already quite wonderful.

These details at the moment can be said to be really extreme.

When a person has fully enjoyed all these parts, he will feel very comfortable.

These feelings are really very beautiful.

"tsk tsk"

The head of the mountain took a deep breath, and then began to feast on it.

Not to mention that Shanchang looks the same when he grills fish, and he looks the same when he eats grilled fish.


tsk tsk.
Shan Chang enjoys all the details very much now, what kind of posture he should be in when eating fish is really quite crucial.


After the mountain chief shouted, the grilled fish had already come to his mouth.

No matter from any point of view, this is worth enjoying.

No matter from any point of view, this is worth grasping.

The head of the mountain gorged himself without hesitation, and the hearty feeling was really wonderful.

tsk tsk.
You must eat well, and you must eat with pleasure.

There must be no more entanglements, absolutely no more entanglements.

After exhaling a foul breath, everything is completely different.

The head of the mountain really enjoys it very much, and the head of the mountain can really enjoy all the core parts.

For the head of the mountain, the decisions made after feeling different levels are also completely different.

Wonderful, everything is the best arrangement.

"Haha, seeing how delicious the mountain chief's food is, Pindao is hungry again."

In fact, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi ate quite seriously at the beginning, and he continued to eat for a period of time afterwards.

For Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, it is actually not easy to maintain a stable state for a long time.

But he did.

In terms of eating, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi did a very good job.

The head of the mountain has become extremely comfortable at this time.

For Shanzhang, enjoying delicious food has really become a rather simple way.

"In fact, the feeling of enjoying delicious food is the same as enjoying life. So we can really relax our minds. As long as we can calm our minds, the next thing will become more wonderful."

While eating grilled fish, Shan Chang expressed his thoughts on life.

For Shan Chang, this is often the case.

For the head of the mountain, it is often necessary to express a very calm state of mind as much as possible.

Shan Chang's view of life is indeed quite calm, and Shan Chang's view of life can exceed his original plan by a lot.

These details can always reflect a lot of parts.

The mountain grows as sweet as a sugarcane.

Emperor Xianlong has entered the state of divine consciousness!
This is extremely shocking.

At the beginning, many people did not dare to believe these parts.For Emperor Xianlong, being in a state of spiritual consciousness for a long time was indeed extremely shocking.

tsk tsk.
Everything is completely different from Emperor Xianlong.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong became extremely excited.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong became extremely powerful.

After entering the state of consciousness, everything began to be completely different.

After entering the state of consciousness, Emperor Xianlong has become quite active.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong rarely showed such initiative.

It was bad for Emperor Xianlong to be in a depressed state for a long time.

So Emperor Xianlong was desperately adjusting.

I didn't expect to be adjusted by him.

For Emperor Xianlong, all this began to change.

When Emperor Xianlong can enter the state of consciousness in a different posture, it means that Emperor Xianlong can reach a state of selflessness and self-respect in the next period of time.

In fact, it is not so difficult to achieve this level.

Especially in the state where Emperor Xianlong took the lead.

tsk tsk.
These are really pretty easy.

To reach this realm, all it takes is a breath.

When you can have this breath, basically there will be no more pressure.

If you can have this tone, you can basically reach this state in an instant.

After exhaling a foul breath, everything is actually completely different.

Emperor Xianlong could obviously feel that he was completely different from before.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong has improved in all aspects.

When a person improves in all aspects, his self-confidence also skyrockets.

After the self-confidence soars, it can also show a completely different attitude when facing a crisis.

It's wonderful.

It's all really pretty wonderful.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Xianlong really only had one thought in his heart, and that was to adjust his state to the best from the very beginning.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually not a difficult task.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually quite easy to achieve.

When a person faces a situation that is completely different from before, then he can fully express his truest inner thoughts.

Expressing the truest thoughts in his heart is what Emperor Xianlong wants to do most at this time.

The pressure is really not that great.

After taking a few breaths, Emperor Xianlong immediately entered this state.

After being in this state for a long time, the whole person seems to be floating.

That feeling is really wonderful.

This feeling is really enjoyable.

It is really not easy for Emperor Xianlong to enjoy the present moment.

Because before that, Emperor Xianlong really showed too much scheming.

When Emperor Xianlong showed such scheming, the pressure he faced was actually enormous.

The key is that Emperor Xianlong had to deliberately hide this pressure, and had to resist it.

In fact, the difficulty is really quite huge.

But Emperor Xianlong was fine, he survived.

All this is well accepted.

In fact, the most difficult state to achieve is a state of ecstasy.

What is self-forgetfulness?

Ecstasy is to completely forget where you are and who you are.

To achieve this step, the sacrifices that need to be made are actually quite a lot.

But Emperor Xianlong still did it.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually a huge breakthrough.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong had reached a state of being close to ecstasy.

But there is still a long way to go to truly achieve ecstasy.

From the state of consciousness to the state of selflessness, it seems like a small step, but it is actually a big step.

Being able to truly reach this state means that he has been fully improved.

Emperor Xianlong really hoped to achieve this state.

But Emperor Xianlong knew very well that there was still a big gap between him at present.

The more this is the case, the more you have to bite your breath.

It's more like this time, the more you can't relax in the slightest.

Because if he slackened at this time, Emperor Xianlong would have wasted all his previous efforts.

Emperor Xianlong actually had great hopes for the future.

Emperor Xianlong's requirements for himself are actually quite huge.

Emperor Xianlong attached great importance to himself.

So Emperor Xianlong certainly believed that he could have a completely different tomorrow.

Although Emperor Xianlong has not yet reached the realm of selflessness, Emperor Xianlong is already trying to move towards this realm.

Everything is still wonderful, everything is still quite interesting.

No matter from any angle or any details, Emperor Xianlong is very promising.

At this time, there is really no need to entangle. What Emperor Xianlong has to do at this time is to completely immerse himself in his own world.As long as you can fully immerse yourself in your own world, then everything that follows will become quite wonderful.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Emperor Xianlong was completely intoxicated.

When a person has reached the process of being completely intoxicated, then in fact he is completely different from reaching the state of ecstasy.

There are really many details that a person has.

Even for Emperor Xianlong, the Supreme Being in the world, there is no difference.

So in the future, Emperor Xianlong will definitely try his best to try everything.

For Emperor Xianlong, he would definitely fight to the death.

Emperor Xianlong firmly believed that he could see a completely different point.

Emperor Xianlong firmly believes that he can have some absolutely new cognition.

Emperor Xianlong's self-confidence is definitely not completely groundless.

Emperor Xianlong's self-confidence was possessed from the very beginning.

This is the self-confidence that belongs to the supreme being in the world.

Emperor Xianlong really looked forward to the future.

For him, these so-called details can make him stronger and more comprehensive.

When Emperor Xianlong can become more comprehensive, everything will be completely different.

During this process, Emperor Xianlong certainly did not lack the support from Master Huiyan.

Master Huiyan is such a person. Whenever Emperor Xianlong needs it, Master Huiyan will always stand up without hesitation.

This point is really too critical.

This point is really too important.

This will allow Master Huiyan to have a sense of communication with Emperor Xianlong, which will enable Emperor Xianlong to have a sense of hope for the future.

It's perfect, the rhythm is perfect everywhere.

Emperor Xianlong was really looking forward to it.

For Emperor Xianlong, being able to reach a state of selflessness is a great improvement.

The huge improvement is actually an instant thing.A huge improvement is a matter of thought.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is really not such a difficult thing.

For Emperor Xianlong, reaching an optimal state was actually an instant operation.

The key is to see whether Emperor Xianlong himself is willing.

As long as Emperor Xianlong is willing, then everything becomes quite simple.

The current state of Emperor Xianlong can be said to be very ideal.

It is not easy for him to achieve an optimal model.

For him, he has put in so much effort, of course he will not give up so easily.

For Emperor Xianlong, the state at this time is extremely important and crucial.

The state he has played will be directly reflected in quite a few details.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is really of great significance.

For Emperor Xianlong, this really determined the future direction of the Great Zhou Empire.

Emperor Xianlong really appreciated all the details, and really appreciated everything that Master Huiyan brought him.

It can be said that Master Huiyan made Emperor Xianlong know himself again.It can be said that Master Huiyan made Emperor Xianlong realize how many possibilities he has.

It can be said that Master Huiyan gave Emperor Xianlong a new understanding.

All this is really not easy.

All this is really precious.

Everything is actually derived from some of the most beautiful details.When you master these details, everything starts to become quite graceful.

It was not easy for Emperor Xianlong to become such a person.

For Emperor Xianlong, being able to surpass himself and reach the state of selflessness was actually something he never thought about at the beginning.

But now Emperor Xianlong's self-confidence has been completely opened up.The current Emperor Xianlong is quite excellent in all aspects of strength, and the current Emperor Xianlong basically does not see any shortcomings in any aspect.

So at this time, Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that he had reached the so-called peak of his life.

It is very difficult to reach the so-called pinnacle of life from the very beginning.

But after experiencing some things and experiencing some setbacks, if you want to reach the pinnacle of life, then everything is different.

That is definitely an extreme feeling, definitely an unparalleled feeling.

When you get these qualities, everything is completely different.

When you get these traits, everything feels completely different from the beginning.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person. For him, this kind of improvement can be clearly seen.

For him, this improvement is visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong really cherished this promotion.

For Emperor Xianlong, when a person is in the best condition, all the choices he makes are perfect.

Of course Emperor Xianlong had his own hopes for the future, and of course he had his own hopes for tomorrow.

So it is not so difficult for Emperor Xianlong to have an extreme judgment.

The key is to have strong execution throughout the process.

If you can have the ability to execute, then the next thing will become quite easy.If you can have the ability to execute, then everything that follows will appear calm and breezy.

Everything is able to make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

Everything can make people feel a shocking feeling.

For Emperor Xianlong, these details were quite enjoyable.

Emperor Xianlong really enjoyed these details.For Emperor Xianlong, it was not so difficult to reach a realm that he had never reached before.For Emperor Xianlong, all these improvements were actually very simple.

Emperor Xianlong's current hard power has been completely improved.

It is very reasonable for him to have soaring self-confidence.

For Emperor Xianlong, when a person has all-round improvement, the next thing will become quite perfect.

When a person has achieved all-round improvement, he can show a completely different mentality no matter what problems or disasters he faces.

Emperor Xianlong actually enjoyed everything at the moment.The current state of Emperor Xianlong is actually very enjoyable.

Everything is developing towards the best mode.

For Emperor Xianlong, he really couldn't find any flaws, not even a single flaw.

When a person begins to elevate to the extreme, then everything about him begins to become incisive and vivid, and everything about him begins to become quite quintessential.

Emperor Xianlong hoped that he could achieve the state of ecstasy.So in this process, he will do his best.

The previous retreat experience was very precious to Emperor Xianlong.

The energy of the previous retreat helped Emperor Xianlong make a great improvement.

After having this experience, Emperor Xianlong's experience will be more sufficient when facing difficulties.

When facing difficulties, Emperor Xianlong showed a very extreme feeling that can make everyone admire.

Sometimes emotion is such a simple thing, and sometimes emotion is such a pure thing.

When a person can express emotion, it often means that this person has reached an extreme in some aspects.

So for Emperor Xianlong, everything at present is worth looking forward to, and everything at present is worth feeling.

For Emperor Xianlong, this state really has nothing to criticize for him.

For Emperor Xianlong, as long as he can maintain an optimal state for a long time, it is enough.

For Emperor Xianlong, as long as he can adjust his state to the best, it is enough.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, never was.

Emperor Xianlong was a very confident person.

So it is actually quite simple for him to adjust himself.

When Emperor Xianlong can do his best to adjust himself, it means that he has a new thinking about his life.

In fact, this is a very difficult thing.

Because not everyone can reach the state of Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong himself also reached the state after a period of struggle and thinking for a period of time.

For Emperor Xianlong, it was not easy to reach the current state.

For Emperor Xianlong, today's experience is actually quite precious.

For Emperor Xianlong today, he wants to show his best state in time.Other than that, there is no need for any hesitation at all.Other than that, there is no need for any hesitation at all.

For Emperor Xianlong, he has completely adapted to the present moment and all the rhythms.

Everything is just right, everything is perfect.

Emperor Xianlong really got used to it, Emperor Xianlong really got used to it completely.

For Emperor Xianlong, these rhythms were what he dreamed of, what he wanted to fight for with his life.

Now he has a chance to become a top powerhouse.Now this opportunity is in front of him, how can Emperor Xianlong not be excited, how can Emperor Xianlong not be enthusiastic.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything at the moment was simply too perfect.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything that happened at the moment was simply too shocking.

It was very simple for Emperor Xianlong to grasp these opportunities clearly.This is not difficult at all, it is simply the simplest thing.

Emperor Xianlong didn't even need to ask Master Huiyan for advice at this time, he just needed to grasp all the details honestly.

Aslan and Kayle had a whole new experience.

For them, maintaining a very calm mode for a long time is actually a rather strange experience.

For them, the current sense of experience after experiencing so many changes can be said to be full.

For them, everything at present is completely unexpected.

For them, everything at the moment is like a dream.

For Aslan and Kayle, it actually required quite a lot of effort to walk out of the void space and the chaotic environment.

For them, all this they have obtained at the moment is a very shocking feeling for them.

For them to be able to achieve this step, in fact, it really requires quite a huge challenge.

Everything was done very well, and there were basically no flaws in the whole process.

So everything that follows will become more reasonable and more wonderful.

All in all can not pick out any flaws at all.

Perfect, everything is perfect.

The most excited person belongs to Aslan.

As for the king of the Kervas on Alval Star, Aslan's responsibilities can be said to be extremely huge.

For Aslan, having an ultimate experience is quite crucial.

When he had such an extreme experience, everything was different.

Aslan could clearly feel that he had opened the door to a new world.

After they were able to rush out of this chaotic area, Aslan clearly realized that great changes had taken place.

For Aslan, everything that followed began to become hearty.

This is an indescribable feeling.

Once a person starts to get drunk here, everything goes smoothly.

Aslan knew that they were getting closer and closer to the enemy in the next period of time.

They are getting closer and closer to the Shadow Race, and they are getting closer to the miracle of life.

For Aslan, the elimination of the Shadow Clan is something in his bones.

If he could eliminate the Shadow Clan, he would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

For Aslan, this means that he can have a completely different posture for the next period of time.

This means that he can maintain a very hearty feeling for the next period of time.

This is really quite crucial to Aslan.

For Aslan it would make him feel things he had never felt before.

All this has become very glorious for Aslan.

All this has become quite agitated for Aslan.

When Aslan brought an unparalleled experience of his own, he had become very shocking.

Aslan knew that the glory of the Kerwas was at hand.

Aslan knew very well that all of this was to pave the way for this day to come.

So when this day really came, Aslan would not have any hesitation.

When this day really came, Aslan had only a feeling of excitement in his heart.

This feeling of excitement is simply, it can make people experience an unparalleled feeling.

When a person starts to become extremely excited, it means that this person can show the strongest confidence in the following process.This is really quite precious.This is really extremely important.

When a person can fully show his strong side in front of others, Aslan can fully express his fiercest side.

For Aslan, this was a completely new experience.

This is exactly what allows him to experience a very authentic and pure feeling.

This feeling is simply wonderful.

This feeling is simply amazing.

Everything is so simple, everything is so lucky.

When luck favored Aslan, Aslan was not so happy.

But when he felt it for a while, he really became extremely excited.

Everything actually needs a certain amount of time.

All that is actually required is a process of adaptation.

When people are able to adapt to all of these in an all-round way, they have actually made a huge change to a large extent.

Sometimes Aslan also thinks about this problem very seriously.

Because for Aslan, what he can do is actually quite limited.

When a person starts to face a very confusing situation, it is actually still unknown what choice he can make.

But Aslan made his own choice, and Aslan made a choice that would not allow him any hesitation.

For Aslan, this feeling of extreme enjoyment is indeed very touching.

For Aslan, this extreme feeling of enjoyment really made him extremely comfortable.

It's wonderful, everything is incomparably wonderful.

To Aslan, enjoyment itself was a very jovial feeling.

When a person can feel the joy of enjoyment, everything will actually become quite pure.

A delicate feeling, a wonderful feeling.

When a person begins to feel that impulsive feeling, Aslan feels that he has not lived in vain.

Aslan felt himself reborn.

It really is a feeling of rebirth.

Aslan felt that he had become someone else.

This feeling is really quite amazing.

It was hard for Aslan to describe what it was like.

To Aslan, this feeling was simply incomparably miraculous.

For Aslan he knew that the Kervath would always be with him.

As for Kayle.
As for what Kayle will do and choose in the end, Aslan is not sure.

Aslan was not sure of all this, just as Aslan was not sure whether he would meet the Shadow Clan tomorrow.

In fact, Aslan has never had much confidence in foreigners like Kayle.

The main reason why they can still be allies and cooperation targets is because they still have interests.

Interests bound them tightly together.

Benefits enable them to continue to persevere.

Interests can make them fight together firmly.

But what about after that?

After that, things are actually hard to say.

When everything starts to change in the primaries, when their interests start to change, in fact everything is very different.

That is a completely different experience, and it is a feeling that is completely unimaginable.

Aslan wondered how long their alliance with the Hayskos could last.

Everything is unknown, everything is unknowable.

After a certain amount of confusion, in fact, everything changed.

When everything starts to change, the things that can be done next are quite limited.

For Kayle, in fact, he has been looking for a balance point.

Because as far as Kayle is concerned, he doesn't know which direction he will develop next.

As far as Kayle is concerned, he doesn't know what kind of situation he can reach with his entanglement.

Everything is hard to say.Everything is very difficult to say.

Everything is actually psychedelic.

This kind of confusion can make people feel a shocking feeling completely.

When the feeling of shock starts to appear, when the feeling of great confusion begins to appear, the next thing to do is to keep calm, and the next thing to do is to keep completely calm.

All of this really makes people feel a lot.

For Aslan, it could be said that this really taught him a lesson.

In the beginning, there were actually many obstacles in Aslan's cognition in this regard.

But after today's experience, Aslan's sense of experience can be said to have been greatly enhanced.

Now Aslan has a more comprehensive understanding.The current Aslan has a completely different cognition no matter from any aspect.

For Aslan, this kind of experience is quite perfect.

For Aslan, a sense of experience in the future will make him feel full of expectations from the very beginning.

Perfect, no matter from any angle or aspect, it is perfect.

They can finally get back on track.

They can finally fully enter into a correct rhythm again.

Aslan really enjoyed it very much.

For Aslan, this extreme feeling of experience is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

Everything made Aslan feel quite beautiful, and everything made Aslan feel quite passionate.

When they returned to the vast universe, when they were able to complete the interstellar jump again, everything seemed so beautiful.

There are almost no flaws to be found.

There are almost no flaws to be found.

These details, these perfect details, can really make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

Aslan simply enjoyed the process.

In the process of enjoying, Aslan simply couldn't stop.

To Aslan, all this was dreamlike.

To Aslan, all this was intoxicating.

All this is able to make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

Aslan is looking forward to the future.Aslan is already full of expectations for the future.

This kind of expectation is really not an expectation in the general sense, but a kind of full hope.

At least from now on, Aslan doesn't have to hesitate at all.

Aslan knew he had staunch allies.

Aslan knew all too well that he had very powerful allies.

These allies can give Aslan considerable help.

These allies can help Aslan continue to move forward.

Is it important to move forward?

of course!

Kervas are born to fight.

For the Kerwas people, there are actually quite a few things they can do next.

For the Kerwas, their presence is to eradicate the Shadow Race.

The Shadow Clan are the worst enemies of the Kerwas.

The Shadow Clan is the biggest opponent of the Kervas.

So at this time, the people of Kervas must be consistent with the outside world.

When they are able to direct their spearheads to the outside world, the hard power displayed by the Kerwas is extremely powerful in any aspect.

Powerful traits are often revealed in the details.

That feeling is really shocking.

Many times it is really important to have a correct plan.

For the Kerwas, everything is extremely shocking, and everything is extremely powerful.

The Kervas are really quite strong.

When he can feel the presence of an enemy, the Kervas will definitely fight to the last moment.

What's more, there was Aslan's leadership in the whole process.

The appearance of Aslan is to call on the Kervas.

When the Kervas are called upon, they can be fully assembled to face the enemy.

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