big week bad guy

Chapter 561 Clues from the Dark Realm

I have to say that this mode of operation is quite good.

After Zhao Xun started a round of in-depth heart-to-heart talks with Old Billy, everything went smoothly.

This is an extremely smooth mode of heart-to-heart conversation, a mode of heart-to-heart conversation that can make people extremely comfortable.

Old Billy completely opened up his heart, and thoroughly began to talk about his true inner thoughts to Zhao Xun, which is quite necessary.

Because with communication, everything becomes easier, and after communication, Zhao Xun can immediately know the most real thoughts in Old Billy's heart.

This is really quite important.

With this, everything really becomes easier.

So Zhao Xun further understood the Floating Void City from the perspective of Old Billy.

From Zhao Xun's point of view, the Floating Void City is not that complicated at all, and from Zhao Xun's point of view, the Floating Void City is not so unpredictable at all.

In fact, as long as you can calm your mind, then the so-called Floating Void City can be quickly figured out.

It's really not difficult, everything is in Zhao Xun's expectation.So the next thing Zhao Xun has to do is to analyze all this properly.

It's really not such a difficult thing.

After Zhao Xun left the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he immediately joined the Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou.

In Zhao Xun's impression, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, paid considerable attention to these details.

And he can always give some very rationalized and detailed analysis.These very detailed analyzes can definitely help Zhao Xun deeply, and they can definitely help Zhao Xun a lot.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so it doesn't matter even if he faces a series of problems.

Many times, many things are chosen in this way.

When a person has made a lot of choices, the next thing becomes relatively simple.

Because this person already has experience.

After gaining experience, in fact, more things can be dealt with in an orderly manner.

Zhao Xun believes that Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is currently in such a state.

"What little brother, do you mean that you have been able to re-guess some new things now? You have been able to have a direct dialogue with the people in the floating city?"

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, couldn't believe it when he heard this.

Hahaha, in fact, Zhao Xun couldn't believe it at the beginning, but the fact is so.

Since this is the case, why worry about it? Since the fact is the case, why worry about it?

Zhao Xun really didn't have any entanglement, really didn't have any hesitation.He entered the sea of ​​consciousness in that state.After entering the sea of ​​consciousness, everything became easier.After seeing the floating city, everything became easier.

There is really no need to get entangled, what Zhao Xun is doing is actually a very simple and very authentic thing.

Sometimes some people will make things quite complicated, but it is unnecessary.

Sometimes choosing to follow your heart is actually the easiest thing to do.

There's really no need to be so tangled up.Sometimes entanglement can cause extremely significant changes in a person's state.

At least Zhao Xun currently thinks so.

I don't know if his judgment will have a very profound change in the future.

Zhao Xun is a very calm person, so he is the same even when facing the sixth brother Lu Guangdou.

When he told the result so calmly to the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou was shocked beyond measure.

"Tsk tsk tsk, junior brother, you are not ordinary! This is really quite extraordinary. You are too strong, and your current state is simply too strong."

"Um, isn't it the realm of hard thinking and meditation?"

"No, no, no, it's not just a realm of hard thinking and meditation, but a more powerful realm that can be reached."

At this moment, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, seemed extremely excited.

In fact, Zhao Xun rarely saw the sixth brother Lu Guangdou express such excitement, which is indeed quite rare.But at present, it seems that Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is indeed in a good state.

"Actually, this matter is very simple, but the key depends on what kind of realm you can maintain. Junior brother, from the current point of view, the breakthrough of your realm is really quite obvious, just continue to follow this Keep it up, I guess you will be able to break through even more."

Good guy, Zhao Xun said in his heart that he was an expert.

No matter from any point of view, Lu Guangdou's words were not fooling him.

Zhao Xun is a person who pays great attention to details, so when he can achieve the ultimate in details, he will feel very happy.He was actually quite satisfied with the whole process.

Zhao Xun did not expect to be able to reach the current state at the beginning.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not ordinary, it's really quite unusual.

In fact, Zhao Xun really didn't expect his realm to break through so sharply, he really didn't expect his realm to break through so quickly.

Everything is beyond Zhao Xun's cognition, in Zhao Xun's view, everything is already the best model.

Of course, Zhao Xun will not have any hypocritical emotions.Because Zhao Xun is very clear that all the present is not the key point, and all the present is just foreshadowing.

At this time, it is best to maintain a calm state in an absolute sense.As long as you can keep calm, basically there will be no overturning in the next thing.

"Senior Brother Six, I actually have a question all the time, but it's hard to say it."

"Little brother, just tell me what you have, without any entanglement."

"Uh, okay. Actually, it's like this. One question I've been thinking about is why the first thing we see when we can see the floating city is the bottom one? It's like the first thing I saw It’s Old Billy and the tavern. What I saw was actually a very real existence. Then as I went up, the things I saw became more and more luxurious. But it also became more and more luxurious. It goes beyond basic understanding."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he thinks that he needs to express his truest thoughts.Otherwise, the problems faced in the future will be even more confusing.

If the problem can be analyzed as well as possible from the beginning, then obviously the effect is the best.

But if it doesn't work, Zhao Xun actually has alternatives.

"Well, this is indeed a good question. If you must ask me to give an answer, then I might say that it is because the foundation of our world itself is the bottom people. Because our world is made up of the bottom people. It is formed by people. So you will see the people at the bottom first, junior brother. This is not a rare thing in itself, it is the simplest thing in itself. The reason why you are confused in this regard, junior brother, is that I I think it is very likely that it has something to do with some real things. For example, do you think the structure of our world should not be like this?"

"No, no, that's not true."

Zhao Xun quickly explained.

In fact, Zhao Xun really didn't have such an idea at all.

For Zhao Xun, sometimes it is not a bad thing to have some seemingly novel ideas, at least it can make that person's analysis more rational, at least it can make a person understand the world more quickly.This point is actually very critical.

But there are actually more important things.

For example, how can Zhao Xun analyze the Floating Void City more comprehensively.

The floating city is actually a very realistic world.

Just like what the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou analyzed just now, the Floating Void City is a city built by the lowest-level people.

Although this floating city is completely different from the general sense of the city, but he still has not escaped from this construction mode.

That is, ordinary people are the foundation, the foundation for building a whole city.

So after having these foundations, this floating city came into existence.

After understanding these clearly, everything actually becomes quite reasonable, everything becomes quite simple, and everything becomes quite easy to understand.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person, so as long as there is a chance, Zhao Xun will understand the problem from a deeper level.

Zhao Xun has always tried his best to keep himself in a very detailed thinking state.

Zhao Xun has always tried his best to make himself look less extreme.This is actually very important.If a person seems to be very extreme, then his analysis will not have more credibility.

And Zhao Xun's current state definitely hopes that his analysis can be accepted by more people.

Zhao Xun's current analysis has actually reached a relatively good state on some levels, but no one knows how far it will develop in the next process.Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but for Zhao Xun, it is obviously very important when he can conduct a more in-depth analysis and a more reasonable analysis.

Zhao Xun is actually trying to adapt to this world.

Adapting to a world actually sometimes takes time.

When you realize that the world is not what you imagined at the beginning, then you have to make some deeper judgments.

Judgment itself is not a very serious problem, the key is whether you can get some extended things through judgment.

This is simply too difficult, really too difficult.

Sometimes Zhao Xun has been puzzled by this.But now with the help of Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, the situation has actually become relatively much better.

Because the Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou's train of thought is quite clear.Even if Zhao Xun himself was confused, basically as long as he could get the answer after the analysis of the sixth brother Lu Guangdou.

So Zhao Xun is very willing to conduct a wave of analysis with the sixth brother Lu Guangdou.

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou will never disappoint.

Zhao Xun's cognition has always been different from other people's cognition.Zhao Xun's cognition is always oriented by his own thinking.

Zhao Xun didn't just think blindly, but was able to conduct a round of summary and analysis.At first glance this may not seem very important.Actually this is really quite critical and very important.How a person can understand determines what kind of future he can have next.

In fact, Zhao Xun's understanding of the universe has always been at a very concrete stage.

But in fact, to have a deeper understanding of the universe, it needs to be able to abstract.

In fact, Zhao Xun has not been doing very well in this regard.Of course, he still has a lot of room for improvement.As long as Zhao Xun is willing, promoting disease is not a difficult task.

The analysis of Lu Guangdou, the sixth brother, allowed Zhao Xun to understand the world more clearly.

After Zhao Xun can get some in-depth understanding, he can put forward some more useful analysis.

Analysis is actually quite critical.When you can come up with some more useful analysis, you can actually have some brand-new theories on some deeper levels.

Theory is actually very important sometimes.

For example, for these people from Suna Star, why do they have to fight to the death with people from Oval Star.What kind of blood feud is there between them?

In fact, these are worthy of careful analysis and planning.

After clarifying these, everything can be analyzed in depth.

For example, what kind of relationship does the two of them have with the Shadow Clan.

In fact, these are quite interesting, in fact, these are quite interesting.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so as long as he has the opportunity, he will try his best to make his own analysis more reasonable.

He didn't want his own analysis to be pure guesswork, such words were meaningless.

Zhao Xun hopes that his analysis can be accepted by more people.

Of course, it takes time, and it takes enough time. Only with enough time will the following things become more reasonable.Only when sufficient time is obtained, the subsequent analysis will be more rationalized.

Zhao Xun's current stage still needs continuous improvement and exploration.Zhao Xun himself didn't know what kind of realm he could reach.But in any case, this can be regarded as a relatively wonderful start.

For Zhao Xun, as long as he can have a cognition at a deeper level, then everything that follows should come naturally and smoothly.

Zhao Xun's current understanding of the Shadow Clan is actually at a relatively good stage.However, the cognition of the Suna and Aovar stars still needs to be further strengthened.

Of course it will take time, but Zhao Xun does have plenty of time.

For Zhao Xun, the most important thing right now is time.

So he is quite confident about his future.

Everything is quite perfect for Aslan and Kayle so far.

When they rushed out of the blockade of the void space, they suddenly discovered that the universe was so vast.

In the process of completing the interstellar jump, various problems will actually be encountered.This is basically unavoidable.

It's actually pretty good when one can spot some details during the interstellar hop.This means that one can analyze some issues in greater depth.When some problems can be further analyzed in depth, everything becomes quite smooth.

When everything can be unfolded, everything becomes quite simple.

All this is actually quite confusing to Aslan and Kayle.

For them, sometimes they can't see the long road clearly.So sometimes I really feel emotional.When a person can fully feel the emotion, the details that he feels next are really quite shocking.

These details are actually quite useful to them.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that their cognition of this world is really quite strong. In fact, there are still some problems in our understanding. In fact, there are still some deviations in our understanding. So after these deviations appeared People will take advantage of the loopholes, and people will seize the opportunity to severely suppress them. It can be said that the deviation of time and space jumps is basically because of this reason, and we still need to be able to sum up some experience in time. I think If we can sum up some experience in time, then the next thing will become more reasonable. After all, we are going to track the Shadow Race, so we should be more reasonable in the whole process. Tsk tsk tsk "

The analysis at this time actually sometimes reflects a very detailed side.

Aslan is such a meticulous person.

When faced with different situations, Aslan can always give people a detailed analysis.Sometimes these analyzes do play a crucial role.

Kayle is actually well aware of this.

Kayle is also very clear about this in his heart.Kayle actually agrees with Aslan's analysis very much.Because Kayle knows in his heart that it is very important to maintain a professionalism.

Especially in the process of tracking the Shadow Clan, it is basically impossible to make a single mistake.

Because you only need to make a small mistake, and the opponent will seize your mistake and suppress it frantically.

At this time, the situation you face will become more complicated and confusing.Just like the situation they are facing now.

It's like they were once trapped in the void space.

Sometimes Kayle finds this rather ridiculous.Because when you face such a situation, you will want to think as hard as possible for no reason.

When a person can do some in-depth thinking, he will actually understand the difference, and he will actually understand these differentiated things.

Sometimes analysis is really not a difficult thing to massage, the key is whether you want to take that step.

If you can take that step, you will actually feel that things are still very reasonable and easy to understand.

The key to everything depends on courage. If you have courage, everything will no longer be a problem.

But if you don't have the courage to take that step, it will be very useless after all.

Whether it is Kayle or Aslan, in fact, the situation they are currently facing is still very severe.

The Shadow Clan hides in the dark, so they cannot judge the location of the Shadow Clan immediately.

So they actually have the possibility of being attacked.

Once they are attacked, the situation will be very complicated.

Once they are attacked, the situation will be very troublesome.

At this time, for Kayle and Aslan, sometimes it is quite crucial to have a more detailed analysis.

After you have a more detailed analysis, your understanding of your opponent will be even higher.

At present, the process of completing the interstellar jump is still quite boring.Such a boring thing can really make people feel boring sometimes.

Faced with such a boring thing, what choice should we make?How to push forward in the face of such a boring thing.

Sometimes Kayle doesn't keep asking himself this question.

But for Kayle, having some very detailed analysis at this time can actually bring quite a lot.

This is actually quite critical information for Kayle.

For Kayle, the information produced at this time can actually give Aslan quite a few hints.

When Aslan accepts these hints, their alliance will play out more complicated things.

After all, Aslan is the leader of this alliance.

Since he is the leader of this alliance, it still depends on Aslan's face most of the time.

When Aslan can show a very strong state, everything will be completely different.

This point is quite critical.

Many times, Kayle really needs to see Aslan's face.

But he didn't really think it was wrong.

In fact, Kayle thinks this is actually a very normal thing.

Because an alliance definitely needs a leader, and an alliance definitely needs followers.

When there are both, everything will become more reasonable and everything will become more beautiful.

When you have a very rational model, everything will become more beautiful.

"Actually, the people from Star Su Na have been making troubles in the dark. There is no doubt about this. We must control our state well, and we must not let people completely lose control."

Kayle is also a very meticulous person, so he can always make the most reasonable analysis within a reasonable time period.

In fact, this point is quite critical.Because only when you face such a situation can you know yourself more fully.

Such a process helps you fully understand all this.

Kayle's words undoubtedly made Aslan feel more serious about Chari.

In fact, Aslan has always been very aware of all this.

For Aslan, after some detailed analysis, everything became quite thorough.

"Well, that's true. I think people from Star Suna have been staring at us. People from Planet Suna have been staring at us, so they can always see our movements. It's hard for us to guarantee that we can always Get rid of them, but we still need to try to do as much as possible. You never know what will happen until the last moment. So we must try until the last moment."

In this regard, Kayle's judgment is basically the same as Aslan's analysis.

Therefore, in the case of some confusion, they need to conduct a more rational analysis.

For this alliance, after showing some strong experience when necessary, everything will be different.

After a strong experience, everything you face will become simple and clear.

Sometimes that's the kind of experience you need.

When the sense of experience is full, things actually become much simpler.

Sometimes people feel that the whole process is quite difficult, because there are still some quite obvious errors in the analysis process.

For them, all that they have obtained at this time is obviously not enough.

But if it can be further in-depth analysis, then the following cognition can still make people go further.

Everything is quite different from what I imagined.

But if it continues to develop in this style, it is basically worth looking forward to.

Daming Palace, in Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong sat upright.

He seems to have reached the state of selflessness.

According to Master Huiyan, the state of selflessness is actually a very powerful state.

Generally speaking, when a practitioner reaches such a state, the final state is very perfect.

So when Emperor Xianlong felt that he had reached this level, his heart was actually filled with ecstasy, and he was actually very excited.

It is quite necessary to maintain an excited state.Stay in a state of excitement and what comes with it is quite satisfying.

Emperor Xianlong had never appreciated himself so much as today.

Emperor Xianlong really felt that his day was worth celebrating.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, but for him, he needed to make constant summaries.

Only after a person has undergone continuous summarization can everything have a more perfect tomorrow.

Emperor Xianlong's current state has actually undergone some very wonderful developments.

For Emperor Xianlong, it would be great if he could maintain this state for a long time.

As long as he can maintain this state for a long time, it is not impossible for him to go further.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything in the future is actually quite worth looking forward to.

When a person's future is quite worth looking forward to, then everything is completely different.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is quite worth looking forward to, and everything is worth moving forward.

For Emperor Xianlong, what he has obtained so far can indeed be said to be relatively perfect.

When everything is in a relatively perfect situation, there is really no need to tangle any more.

What academy, what mountain leader, what Zhao Xun is all bullshit.

In the eyes of Emperor Xianlong, all these are bullshit, and all of them are not worth mentioning.

Emperor Xianlong is a very calm person, and Emperor Xianlong is a very realistic person.

For Emperor Xianlong, all the details he possessed could enable him to further improve.

But these are not enough.

For now, the state that Emperor Xianlong has achieved is not enough.If possible, Emperor Xianlong actually hopes that he can be further improved in the future.

For him, when a person can get further promotion, all of this has become quite extraordinary.

All this is really quite perfect, these are really quite tempting.

Tsk tsk tsk, all this really confused Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong is already quite confident at this time, but if he can analyze it more deeply in the future, it will be quite difficult for him to improve as a whole.

Everything needs constant improvement.

Everything is actually a gradual process.

When there is this step-by-step process, then everything is different.

Tsk tsk tsk, Emperor Xianlong has indeed become quite confident at this time.

When Emperor Xianlong can have a very calm everything, his whole state will become more confident.

Confidence is really good.

The detail that self-confidence can bring is quite a lot.

For Emperor Xianlong, the details he possessed at this time could indeed allow him to go a step further.

But at this time, Emperor Xianlong must have chosen not to act blindly.Because at this moment Emperor Xianlong's heart is in a relatively confused state.

For Emperor Xianlong, he needs to deal with everything more calmly at the moment.

For Emperor Xianlong, he needs to handle everything more carefully at the moment.

Everything needs to be handled better, and everything needs to be handled more safely.

If there are some confusing things in the details, then you must be more vigilant next.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong was extremely clear about this, and Emperor Xianlong was extremely clear about this.

When a person is in a waking state, the whole person is in a very passionate process.

For Emperor Xianlong, this process is quite worth looking forward to.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything that follows is actually worth taking good care of.

These details are a good experience for him.When he experienced these things, everything was completely different.

Sometimes having a more nuanced analysis makes all the difference.

This is indeed quite worth the wait.Although Emperor Xianlong really wanted to summon Master Huiyan at this time, he still held back.

Because he knows very well that for Master Huiyan, it is very important to have some more rational thinking.

If he blindly asks Master Huiyan for advice at this time, the final result may not be very ideal.

So at this time, Emperor Xianlong must hold back.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong must control all emotions.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is obviously more meaningful to think for himself at this time.

When a better state is reached, everything is different.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong's improvement speed is obviously quite high, and Emperor Xianlong's all-round improvement at this time really makes him full of confidence.

In fact, as long as people have self-confidence, then everything is not a problem.As long as you have yourself, everything will be very rational.

Tsk tsk tsk, these really made Emperor Xianlong a completely different person.For Emperor Xianlong, he was completely a practitioner at this time.

Emperor Xianlong, who has entered the state of a practitioner, is indeed very confident, and indeed has a very special quality that cannot be seen in ordinary times.

This feeling made Emperor Xianlong feel quite perfect.As long as you keep feeling like this, then everything is worth looking forward to.

For Emperor Xianlong, maintaining a good posture for a long time is actually very important.

After this state, everything is actually different.

For Emperor Xianlong, he was indeed quite powerful at this time.

When a person becomes strong, all the following things will become easier.

Emperor Xianlong firmly believed in this.Emperor Xianlong was extremely convinced of this.

For him, the current state is indeed quite wonderful.

As far as Emperor Xianlong was concerned, the overall state could be well grasped.

After grasping these details, everything becomes quite wonderful.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything at this time is quite important.

Emperor Xianlong is not a hypocritical person, Emperor Xianlong is a very realistic person.

When he can face the world very seriously, then the state displayed by Emperor Xianlong is indeed worth looking forward to.

However, there are still some details recently that make Emperor Xianlong feel a little uneasy.

One of them is the Corruptor.

The leaders of the Corruptor, Wuoris and Jeffron, are actually quite powerful.

So in the face of a huge impact, they can always show a completely different attitude.

The cooperation between Jeffron and Wu Aolis has always been quite strong.For them, facing the pressure for a long time will definitely not support them.

They will definitely choose a more ghostly way to deal with their opponents.

So Emperor Xianlong was a little worried that Jeffron and Wu Aolis would target them.

Emperor Xianlong was quite frightened personally.

Some details can make people feel very scary.

Everything works perfectly if the details are taken care of, but if there are some problems with the details, it will undoubtedly become quite confusing.

That's how it is, that's how it is.

So Emperor Xianlong would become quite nervous.So Emperor Xianlong would feel a little afraid.

For Emperor Xianlong, sometimes what is needed to deal with things is a situation of extreme caution.

Under the circumstances of extreme caution, there will basically not be too exaggerated situations.

But sometimes there will still be unexpected situations, and sometimes there will still be rollovers.

tsk tsk.
For Emperor Xianlong, there are not many things worth worrying about at present.

If he can grasp the next rhythm well, then everything is still worth looking forward to.

Wuoris is already performing sacrificial rituals.

For him, holding a sacrificial ceremony is actually quite simple.

For him, this is a very normal thing.

This thing will be extremely easy.When this mode is reached, everything will be without any sense of pressure.

Sometimes there is no need to put pressure on yourself.

Because if there is too much pressure, it will make people feel a very shocking feeling.

But Wu Aolis' emotions were indeed well controlled.

He is still very good at grasping the details.In fact, as long as you do this well, there is nothing to worry about.

From Wu Aolis's point of view, the reason for being at a loss sometimes may be because he couldn't maintain a strong attitude from beginning to end in the process of facing the enemy.

This point is actually quite critical.

When a person can have a strong attitude at the beginning, then everything that follows is completely different.

Wuoris actually already understood this.It is very crucial for him to have a unique grasp.

If there are some problems in the process of grasping, then there will indeed be a series of derived problems.

So when it's time to keep calm, you must keep calm.

If you are in some very passive situations during the whole process, it must be very disadvantageous.

Wuoris absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

Wuoris is a person who really likes to deal with details.In his opinion, as long as he can have the opportunity to deal with the details, it proves that the situation has been maintained well.

As long as the situation remains under control as a whole, then everything is fine.

The details are really quite critical.

When a person can handle the details as well as possible, it proves that this person is excellent in all aspects.

It's really not easy, and it's really worth thinking about.

"Come on, I just got a message today that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will arrive in the fastest time. Do you know this person?"

Wu Aolis was shocked when he heard the news.

He had, of course, heard of Diadonas Lorenzo Haveriffs.

In his impression, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a very strong person.

And Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a great protector beside the God of Darkness.

According to the legend, there are two guardians beside the God of Darkness.One of them was Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

It can be said that Diadonas Lorenzo Haffrefs is more famous, no matter from any point of view, Diadonas Lorenzo Haffrefs is a very strong people.

Wu Aolis is quite excited now.

Because he knew very well that with the arrival of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the coming of the God of Darkness was getting closer and closer.

The arrival of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss is the most obvious signal.

At this point, Wuoris will become more and more confident.

As long as you are in a state of self-confidence, then everything is actually very reasonable.

When everything is in a reasonable state, Wuoris feels that the hope is even greater.

In fact, Jeffron's heart has become completely different at this time.

For Jeffron, he actually hopes that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs can come as soon as possible.

Once Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs arrives at the first time, the cohesion of the entire Corruptor will be greatly enhanced.

No matter from any point of view, this is something to be thankful for.

It's absolutely wonderful.

Wuoris took a deep breath and said, "When His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs arrives, we must treat him well no matter what. We must be able to make him feel at home." .”

At this time, Wu Aolis' attitude was still very clear.

For him, it seems to him that sometimes it is quite crucial to maintain a calm mood and to be in a rational posture.

After having a reasonable mentality, it doesn't matter even if you face the most powerful enemy.

Top matchups can bring top experience.

Top-level duels can inspire everything that is most powerful in Wuoris.

Especially with the backer of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, everything is different, which is equivalent to occupying a top-level advantage from the very beginning.

When the advantages can be accumulated, everything is completely different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was a signal, a signal of a Corruptor's all-out attack.

It's a very palpable feeling.

Sometimes Jeffron is also filled with emotion.

One moment they were being chased and running around, but the next moment they behaved completely differently.

Tsk tsk tsk. All this is really quite exciting.When Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs came to this world, he would definitely be able to further change the situation in this world.

When the situation in this world has undergone extremely profound changes, the Corruptor's opportunity has actually come.

The strength of His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is beyond doubt.

After all, it exists as a guardian beside the God of Darkness, and its hard power is actually quite powerful.

As long as His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs makes a move, everything will be completely different.

"I think the academy will make some moves recently, so we still have to be vigilant. We must not let down our vigilance just because His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is coming. If this is the case, then the next There is a good chance that we will regret it."

"Yes, although the arrival of His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is good news, we still need to maintain sufficient vigilance. Only in this way can we be competitive for a long time."

"Yes, His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Haverefles represents hope. But we cannot place all our hopes on His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Haverefles. "

Jeffron took a deep breath, and then continued: "When it's time for us to perform, we must show a certain momentum. When it's time for us to perform, we must show an unparalleled feeling."

Jeffron is quite strong personally.

No matter what kind of situation he faces, he will show an incomparably strong state.

So there's really nothing surprising about that.

Jeffron knew that they were destined to have a big battle with the academy next.

What kind of state you show when facing a big battle will determine quite a lot of things.

"Your Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs should give us an instruction from the God of Darkness. Wuoris, don't you always want to listen to the teachings of the God of Darkness? Is it? Then at this time, you must listen carefully to His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs."

"Well, don't worry. I will definitely listen to the words of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus. As long as we can grasp the details in the next time, we will basically live up to the darkness. God's entrustment. The arrival of His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs must be good news, and it must be very comprehensive good news."

Wu Aolis has become very calm at this time.


The two have become quite excited at this time.

For them, after they can have a calmer thinking, everything that follows will become more exciting.

"The moment His Excellency Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs arrives must be known to everyone, and all Corruptors must be able to realize what we are going to do next."

Wu Aolis was indeed quite excited at this time.

When a person is in the excited mode for a long time, then everything actually becomes easier.

At a time like this, there's really no need to worry.Tangled words can cause quite a few problems.

"Hahaha, the victory will definitely belong to the Corruptor, and the victory will definitely belong to us."

Wu Aolisi and Jeffron have become quite wonderful at this time.

They were indeed quite excited.

For them, when they have a calm state of mind, everything will be very different.

The Corruptor Alliance has always faced a big challenge, but at this time, almost no one will choose to back down.

If they can continue to persevere, then they will definitely be able to occupy the top points.

As long as you can always occupy the top score, then everything is worth looking forward to.

dark world.

Devil's eye.

Burial ground.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus gazed into the abyss of death.

It seemed to him that he could see quite a lot whenever he gazed into the abyss.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is not a hypocritical person, so when he makes a judgment, it is usually when he really needs to make a good judgment.

When a person can fully demonstrate his talent, everything is different.Everything is different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knows where his strengths lie, and he can give full play to his strengths.

When a person has their own advantages, the choices they make next will be more comprehensive.

Having a comprehensive selection makes all the difference.

Having a comprehensive selection makes all the difference.

After having a calmer thinking, the things that can be done next will be closer to reality.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew the will of the God of Darkness incomparably.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, understanding the will of the God of Darkness is as simple as eating and drinking.

Sometimes after having a calmer thinking, everything will become completely different afterwards.

tsk tsk.
This time has become quite different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew the Dark God would have a cool head next.

So in the face of a calm judgment, then things after that will be even more wonderful.

The God of Darkness wants to spread the darkness as much as possible, wants to spread the darkness as much as possible.

When the darkness can spread and the darkness can spread, everything will be different, everything will be completely different.

A different stance when necessary, a different attitude when necessary.

This is indeed quite critical.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is indeed getting more and more excited at this time.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he knew that he was about to take the lead in going to the so-called Great Week world.

What Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus actually did was throw stones for the God of Darkness.

After doing this, everything becomes easier.

Sometimes making the right choice is far more important than how much effort you put in.

When you can take a completely different posture from the beginning, everything will give people a very shocking feeling.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is really looking forward to it, really looking forward to it.

When all the power of a person can be gathered, everything will be completely different.

Gathering a sense of strength is indeed quite crucial.

When a person has very different characteristics, then there are so many things they can do next.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has thoroughly figured out these facts at this time.

For him, any choice he makes at this time will give people an extremely shocking feeling.

Sometimes it is necessary to have a very shocking feeling.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus could already see the way forward at this time.

In fact, the road ahead is not that rough, not that difficult.

When a person can keep moving forward, the posture they show is completely different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was already very optimistic about the coming of the Dark God.

All of the present can make him look forward to it.

Then everything will become easier.

Everything after that will be quite easy.

Everything is worth thinking about.

For the Corruptor Alliance, the choice made at this time will make people look forward to it.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is well aware of his importance.

His importance is certainly unmatched.

When a person shows a very strong feeling, everything is very different.

Strength is really important sometimes.

When a person can be quite strong, then there will be no fear in the future.

Having a fear mentality can lead to overall dysfunction.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew the Corruptors all too well.

So of course he doesn't want them to perform abnormally.

At present, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can really strive for the best in everything.

In fact, as long as this is realized, then all the following things will become easier.

Calm down, stay calm at all times no matter what.

Be calm, stay calm at all times.

But as long as this attitude can be achieved, then everything that follows will be much simpler.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was already very excited.

For him, having a saner mind made all the difference.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus had foreseen the spread of death, had foreseen the coming of darkness.

The next thing to do is to wait silently.

As long as you can wait silently, then all this will definitely happen.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss was absolutely certain of all this.

You can always choose to believe in the God of Darkness.

You can always choose to believe in the dark.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus kept swearing in his heart.

For him, everything he has done so far is actually a foreshadowing.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he is now playing the role of a pioneer.

When he realizes this role, everything becomes simpler and easier.

Facing death itself is not something to fear.

The key is to maintain a calm state of mind in dealing with the situation.

As long as there is no problem with the mentality, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs believes that the situation will not deteriorate in any way.

As long as the God of Darkness does not give up on them, darkness will eventually descend on the earth.

As for the leaders of the two Corruptor alliances chosen by Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, Uoris and Jeffron, they are actually two scarecrows.

So really don't have to worry about anything.

In the end it was Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus who made the difference.

With a more calm mind, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will show a more perfect state when facing the enemy.

Everything is really exciting.Everything can really make people full of confidence.

After having a different posture, you can have more confidence when facing the enemy.

"I, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, am the embodiment of the will of the God of Darkness. As long as I exist, the God of Darkness will be able to implement the will."

At this time, the coming of the God of Darkness is getting closer and closer.

At this time, there really shouldn't be any impulse.

Zhao Xun entered the dreamland.

Zhao Xun was very clear this time, he was in a dream and not in some so-called state of consciousness.

At this time, Zhao Xun was very focused, because he knew very well that something very important might happen next.

Be sure to keep calm, this time no matter what.

After Zhao Xun kept moving forward, he could feel the huge changes in the surrounding scene.

Everything is very exciting.

It's really unusual, really quite unusual.

tsk tsk.
Everything has become quite graceful.

For Zhao Xun, he now has a completely different mentality.

When a person's mentality becomes more stable, there are more things that can be done next.


At this time, Zhao Xun began to think hard about some details.

For him, everything at present can actually be regarded as a huge breakthrough.

The dream space that Zhao Xun is in is obviously the Dark Realm.

When a person is in the dark world, the feeling he feels can be said to be extremely shocking.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun knew that what he could see at this time was very exciting.

The dark world is indeed quite graceful.

In such an environment, you must analyze some details as much as possible, and you must be more rational in your opponent's analysis.

Only in this way can we have a completely different posture in the future.

Zhao Xun kept walking in the dark world.

For him, he gradually began to walk towards the depths of the dark world.

Devil's Eye, Boneyard
This is the goal that Zhao Xun keeps moving forward.

For him, after having a calmer cognition, many things become different.

This devil's eye was completely different from the burial ground and everything he was thinking about.

At this time, Zhao Xun was able to have a completely different cognition.

Obviously, as a seer he is now able to see many different details.

Obviously, as a prophet, his next judgment will be more detailed.

"who's that person!"

Zhao Xun suddenly became nervous.

At this time, everything has a completely different feeling, and everything has a very shocking feeling.

At this time, directly opposite Zhao Xun, I met a man in black!

The man in black couldn't see his face at all.

Because his whole body was covered with a black cloak.

Not just covering the face, but covering the whole body.

"I am Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus."

The man in black suddenly spoke.

This really startled Zhao Xun.

good guy.
Zhao Xun was scared to death.

At this time, you still need to have a calm state of mind.

Don't be nervous.

"You are. Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus?"

Zhao Xun was quite unfamiliar with this name.

In his memory, he had never heard of this name.

So what's the situation?
The situation in confusion is indeed quite confusing.

So it's all getting pretty confusing.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus? Who are you?"

"I am the guardian of the God of Darkness, and I am a servant of the God of Darkness. I represent the will of the God of Darkness."

tsk tsk.
In any case, Zhao Xun was greatly moved by this cognition.

For Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is actually quite confusing.

What kind of existence is this Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus?
Who the hell is this Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus?

Really like what he said?

Is he really the guardian of the God of Darkness, is he really a servant of the God of Darkness?

Everything is really quite shocking.

All in all is really quite confusing.

The mixing of these things and these details will really give people a feeling of excitement.

In fact, Zhao Xun really wanted to figure out something deep in his heart.

In fact, Zhao Xun really hopes to show some very critical states during the whole process.

But the first thing he needs to figure out is that he must figure out who this Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is at the beginning.

If he has no way to figure out the true identity of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, then everything is actually in vain, then everything is actually meaningless.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

In fact, Zhao Xun is a very calm person.

For Zhao Xun, if he can figure out the identity of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs, then everything will come to light.

But if he can't figure it out, then everything is different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss.
The name is very exotic.

Of course, Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't just analyze the problem literally.

He must analyze and clarify some very important details as comprehensively as possible.

After analyzing these very important details, everything is actually different.

For Zhao Xun, everything will be different after having a more detailed cognition.

"Hudiadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, may I ask you a few questions?"

Suddenly Zhao Xun realized a problem.That is, he is in his own dream.Since Zhao Xun is in his own dream.

Then he is the master of his dream.

So there's really no need to get confused anymore.

Because in his dreams he can control all developments.

This Diadonas Lorenzo Haverefs should not be the real Diadonas Lorenzo Haverefs.If he is long, he is just a shadow.

Therefore, at the critical moment, some very important details must be presented.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, let me ask you my first question."

Seeing that the other party did not refuse or agree, Zhao Xun thought that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs had acquiesced.

So of course Zhao Xun chose to continue asking questions at this time.

"The first question, why did you appear in my dream? What do you want to prophesy?"

For Zhao Xun, this is what he most wants to figure out at the moment.

If he could figure out why Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus appeared in his dream at the beginning, then the next thing would be quite simple.

"Because it is to herald the coming of the God of Darkness."

Have a necessary thinking when necessary.

Have a calm analysis when necessary.

This is Zhao Xun's current way of life.

For Zhao Xun, if he can show a completely different posture at the beginning, then he will take the initiative from beginning to end.

But the answer that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs gave him afterwards was quite shocking.

Zhao Xun has been acting a little confused for a while.

This answer by Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is simply
It has to be said that the shadow of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus in this dream is simply a fool.

He should have no thoughts of his own at all.

Zhao Xun should answer whatever questions he asks.

tsk tsk.
Interesting, this is really interesting.

With a calm attitude for a long time, many things become quite simple.

"Very well, when will the God of Darkness choose to descend?"

The coming of the God of Darkness is actually a problem that has arisen since the very beginning.

Faced with so many problems, a series of problems will definitely arise.

It's normal for a dark god to have some pretty weird mechanics.

The key is that this is from the mouth of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, so it must be worth believing.

At this time, there is really no need to worry about it.

No matter how entangled, things may not be able to reach the best state.

But if you can ask more clearly at the beginning, everything will be completely different.

"What will the God of Darkness do after he descends?"

The question Zhao Xun asked should be a detail that he paid close attention to.

For the God of Darkness, sometimes having some deep cognition is quite crucial.

When there are some operations that Zhao Xun didn't expect, then things will become even more confusing.

It's better to have some more precise cognition at the beginning.

If there is a relatively accurate cognition at the beginning, then the defense against the Shadow Clan will be more effective.

Sometimes it is really not possible to be very confused in the face of some confusing situations.


At this time, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus said in a deep voice: "Kill everyone and light a fire. Turn this place into scorched earth and ruins."

When everything can go according to what Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus said, when the God of Darkness can really achieve this goal, it is simply too terrifying.

This is actually unacceptable to Zhao Xun.

The point is that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus's whole sentence is so cold, without any emotion at all, which really makes people feel very confused.

Although Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is just a shadow at the moment, his role should be more than that.

Zhao Xun still felt a little confused about this.

When sometimes the judgments made will be more confused, then sometimes it is suitable to think more deeply.

In short, Zhao Xun got a lot of useful information from Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

So for Zhao Xun, a reasonable analysis at this time is also reasonable.

If you analyze the problem carefully, the final conclusion will be completely different.

Carefully analyze the problem, then the result will never let you down.

It's really not worth getting confused about.

It really should have set a good tone.

Once a tone is set then everything is different.

After setting a tone, everything can make people feel very shocked.

"Why does the God of Darkness do this? What are the benefits of doing this?"

Zhao Xun really couldn't figure it out.

It stands to reason that if the God of Darkness chooses to invade a place, he will indeed do quite a lot within a period of time.

But the God of Darkness really has no reason to kill everyone in this world.

So what's the point of his ruling?
At this time, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus said coldly: "I don't know, but this is the instruction of the God of Darkness."

Zhao Xun couldn't help gasping when he heard the words.

For Zhao Xun, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' answer was indeed too scary.

It's terrifying, it's simply terrifying.

Zhao Xun didn't know how to comment for a while.

Because at this time Zhao Xun felt that no matter how he commented, the final result might not be as simple as he thought at the beginning.

The details are just too complicated.

"So you don't have any hesitation, right?"

"Yes, all we have to do is execute the order. No matter what the order of the God of Darkness is, we just execute it."

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus said coldly.

Terrible, all this is really terrible.

Once you have these cognitions, everything is completely different.

After having these cognitions, Zhao Xun simply didn't know what else to say next.

Zhao Xun is not a cold person.

For him, being in a cold state is really something he really doesn't want to face.

It is actually quite crucial for him to have a very calm judgment.

At present, the answer Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs gave him is still not satisfactory to him.

If the conclusion of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can be fooled, then Zhao Xun has been in vain for so many years.

After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xun said almost coldly: "All this is very different from what I imagined. Anyway, I think this difference is very big. Your point of view cannot convince me. God and the Shadow Clan definitely did not adopt this routine when they invaded other galaxies. For the God of Darkness, does the Great Zhou World have a special feature?"

This is actually a rather bold guess by Zhao Xun.

For Zhao Xun, having a bold guess is actually quite crucial.

When he has a rather bold guess, he will run through this guess.

In fact, the difficulty is not that great.

For Zhao Xun, as long as he has a very wonderful perception of everything that follows, everything will be different.

"I do not know about this"

A slight hesitation suddenly appeared in the tone of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, having this hesitation means that Zhao Xun has already got the point.

At this time, Zhao Xun took a deep breath and asked: "So, the God of Darkness should really think that the Dazhou world is different from the general world, right?"

Zhao Xun asked quite forcefully, with an unquestionable feeling.

Zhao Xun really didn't want anyone to question him at this time.

At this time, Zhao Xun really hoped that Diadonas Lorenzo Havrefs could tell the truth.

As long as Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can tell the truth, then Zhao Xun's analysis can be completely connected.This is still quite precious.

When some details go wrong, what happens next becomes even more confusing.

Behavior of confusion is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, Zhao Xun will pay more attention to the details of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' speech.

If some key parts can be refined, then everything will become simpler.

If some key parts can be interpreted, then everything becomes simple.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, please tell the truth. I know you know the truth. I know you know the truth. So tell the truth. Really There is no need to get entangled anymore. You have to know that you are in my dream. So everything is up to me. So don't have any chances."

At this time, Zhao Xun stopped pretending, and he had a showdown.

He knew that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus must know some details.

So at this time Zhao Xun must be relatively strong.

It's not too difficult in itself.

In Zhao Xun's view, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' psychological defense is about to collapse.

So for a period of time, Zhao Xun will choose to apply continuous pressure.

As long as sustained pressure can be achieved, the end result is acceptable.

As long as the pressure can be continuously applied, an excellent model can be achieved in the end.

Zhao Xun is extremely confident in himself.

Zhao Xun knew that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus would definitely not be able to bear it.

Zhao Xun is very aware of all this, and he knows that it is actually crucial to have some very detailed cognition at this time.

"no no"

Sure enough, at this time Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs began to go crazy.

His whole body began to become quite crazy.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, there are times when there is basically very little that can be done.

So for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the necessary adjustments are necessary.

As long as you can ensure that there are no major problems in the adjustment process, you can generally ensure that everything is very stable.

"Well, you can already say it, right?"

At this time, Zhao Xun was indeed extremely strong.

He knew that the psychological defense of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs had indeed collapsed.

Under such circumstances, there is really no need for any hesitation.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus's heart is actually not strong, so at this time Zhao Xun has to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is already on the verge of collapse, so there is no need to be confused.


After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun continued to ask: "So you actually understand what I want to ask now, right?"

"You actually knew what question I wanted to ask from the very beginning!"

At this time, Zhao Xun made a very strong statement

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus. This man is his real shadow, but under certain circumstances some consciousness will appear.

This is not full body consciousness, but just this residual consciousness can still cause quite a few problems.

So there really can't be any hesitation anymore.

Keep calm, at this time, you have to speak out decisively no matter what.


Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus had a nervous breakdown.

At this time, Zhao Xun continued to ask: "So you are very clear about when the God of Darkness will come, right?"

"No, I don't know, I don't know"

At this time, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has basically become quite manic.

He let out a hysterical roar.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, Zhao Xun was too tight.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is basically unacceptable in a short period of time.

Zhao Xun refused to give up such a good opportunity.

For him, this is an excellent time to open up the situation.

As long as you can grasp this opportunity, everything will become simple and easy.

So how could Zhao Xun give up such a good opportunity?
"My God of Darkness"

Some cold news at this time will make people quite confused.

"The God of Darkness will choose to descend after the Oval people and Suna people arrive in this world, and then wipe them all out."

Finally Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus spoke.

Although the whole process was very painful, I still spoke out.

All this will be very exciting.

All this will be extremely shocking.

I have to say that Zhao Xun was really shocked at this time.

Haha, it's not easy.

This Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus finally spoke.

This is simply like the blossoming iron tree.

It's so hard, it's all really, really hard.

Sometimes it is not easy to have a calmer thinking.

Therefore, it is actually not easy for Zhao Xun to have the current harvest.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is not as difficult to deal with as he imagined.

At this time Zhao Xun has become quite calm.

So the information he got so far is that the God of Darkness will appear at the same time as the people from Suna Star and even Oval Star, which is really a very crucial piece of information.

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