Emperor Xianlong knew very well that he had reached a rather wonderful state.

After reaching this state, everything changed. After reaching this state, Emperor Xianlong actually had various possibilities.

The realm of harmony between man and nature, this is the legendary realm of harmony between man and nature!

No matter from any angle, this will make people feel quite exciting!

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, and Emperor Xianlong was not a mean person.

For Emperor Xianlong, the beneficiary who can achieve the realm of harmony between man and nature is definitely not only Emperor Xianlong himself.

So everything that follows will make Emperor Xianlong feel extremely excited.

In addition, Master Huiyan felt a very strange feeling, which is really wonderful.

"Holy Monk, I think that next time I might try calling the wind and calling the rain. If I can really reach this level, it means that I have really broken the level."

What Emperor Xianlong said was not a breakthrough in the usual sense, but a breakthrough in the sense of the Dao.

After reaching this breaking point, Emperor Xianlong really became stronger.

That feeling is incomparably wonderful.

Emperor Xianlong's Tao is completely different from that of ordinary people.

This is the way of the king, this is the great way.

Therefore, after gaining understanding at a deeper level, Emperor Xianlong will focus on comprehensive improvement.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is really not very difficult to achieve this.

Making sure you pace yourself is actually very important.

Sometimes when a person can improve in an all-round way, everything that follows will be completely different.

"Call the wind and call the rain."

Master Huiyan recited these four words silently.

It can be said that these four words are quite shocking no matter from any angle.

It can be said that the weight of these four words is very heavy.

So for Master Huiyan, he must ensure that he has a more rational cognition.

Master Huiyan must ensure that there are no mistakes in his judgment.

tsk tsk.
Because Master Huiyan knew very well that he was the last line of defense.

If even his line of defense is broken, then everything will collapse.

"Your Majesty can give it a try, but if the effect is not good, you must accept it."

Master Huiyan is indeed extremely aware of the importance of maintaining rhythm.

So at this point in time, he shouldn't do anything illusory.

Otherwise, it is not impossible for the entire rhythm to collapse.

For Master Huiyan, it is really very precious to give some suitable advice to Emperor Xianlong at this time.

For Master Huiyan, having a deeper level of cognition makes everything inconsistent.


After Emperor Xianlong responded, his mood became quite peaceful.

If Emperor Xianlong was somewhat agitated at the beginning, now Emperor Xianlong has completely calmed down.

Excitement is meaningless, and excitement is meaningless at this time.

Keeping a calm mind can ensure that everything is stable.

What Master Huiyan said is correct, and what Master Huiyan said is indeed correct on this point.

tsk tsk.
All this has been very shocking.

Emperor Xianlong was completely in a calm state of mind.

He will really try, he will really try hard to try everything possible.

"Well, I will definitely try it, and I will definitely try hard."

Emperor Xianlong knew very well that he had to take care of the whole state.

The state cannot be biased.

The state cannot have any hip stretching.

Otherwise, everything will become crazy and make people collapse.

tsk tsk.
The details are indeed quite critical.

As far as the moment is concerned, Master Huiyan has been able to fully adjust his state.

It's hard, it's all hard right now.

For Emperor Xianlong, he has only reached this state at present, not that he can have a very good grasp.

If there are some deviations in the process of mastering, it will indeed make people very confused.

"Well, Your Majesty just give it a try, as long as you try it, you will know how deep it is."

There is actually no problem with the analysis at this time.

"Your Majesty, there is one more point that the poor monk also wants to remind His Majesty, that is, you must not try to anger the academy and the head of the mountain from the very beginning."

"Why is this?"

Emperor Xianlong was obviously very displeased after hearing the words.

He raised his eyebrows and said: "The holy monk thinks that my current strength is not enough to fight against the academy?"

"Your Majesty misunderstood."

Master Huiyan said without hesitation at this time.

"The reason why the poor monk said this is because the poor monk is very clear that the time has not yet come. Since the time has not arrived, there is really no need to have any impulse. If the time comes, it is very appropriate for His Majesty to go to the Academy."

It is a completely different feeling when the same words are said by different people.

For Emperor Xianlong, when he felt a different feeling, he would not have the feeling of being pushed.

It's all really tough.

For Emperor Xianlong, it was really difficult to maintain a peaceful mind for a long time after being suppressed by the academy for so long.

So at this time, you must plan your mentality reasonably.

The details that Master Huiyan said are actually very important.

Master Huiyan's expression is very crucial.

So when he was able to feel that, it was very different.

For Master Huiyan, he must let Emperor Xianlong have a steelyard in his heart.

If this mode can be achieved, as long as Emperor Xianlong has a bottom line in his heart, there will not be much impact.

For him, after reasonable planning, the next thing to do is to maintain a calm mind.

"tsk tsk"

This can be said to be very exciting.

Emperor Xianlong has become quite different.

tsk tsk.
"Well, I can indeed give it a try."

Emperor Xianlong paused for a moment, and then everything was completely different.

He changed the subject abruptly, and then he said in a deep voice: "In fact, I have always attached great importance to the academy. But in fact, there is no need to have so many worries."

"Because the academy itself is not that sharp. The academy itself is not enough to scare me. The time is also changing. It is because the academy has caught up with this general trend that it can have an overwhelming advantage in the following process But in fact, I’m really not reconciled. So now when I can reach the state of harmony between heaven and man, everything will be different.”

tsk tsk.
Master Huiyan really thinks so.

For Master Huiyan, everything is really different after such a major change in one's mentality.

At this time, there is really no need to be so radical.

It is indeed a better choice to maintain a stable state of mind.

As long as the mentality is stable enough, then everything will come naturally, as long as the mentality is stable enough, then everything will become quite wonderful.

tsk tsk.
"Of course."

Master Huiyan followed Emperor Xianlong's words and said: "It's really great that Your Majesty thinks this way. The poor monk actually thinks the same way. So as long as we can advance according to this routine, everything will become quite smooth." The reasoning went quite smoothly."

tsk tsk.
Emperor Xianlong really thought it was quite wonderful.

Emperor Xianlong felt that getting along with Master Huiyan was the happiest time.

As long as he can be with Master Huiyan, Emperor Xianlong won't feel pushed.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's really quite perfect.

"Well, I'm sure I'll take care of this."

After Old Billy lived in the golden temple for a period of time, he gradually began to experience hallucinations.

This illusion can be said to be very shocking.

This hallucination can be quite frightening.

Because Old Billy can clearly feel a down-to-earth feeling, so he won't have a fluttering feeling.

Otherwise, he would be as weak and fluttering as he is now.

It's really too bad to stay in such a state for a long time.

Being in a bad state for a long time can drive people crazy.

What's more, what old Billy saw at this time was still a hallucination.

At this moment, Old Billy could see a glacier that stretched as far as the eye could see.

At this time, Old Billy could see every detail in the glacier.

These details are really quite clear.

Old Billy could even see a kind of crack in the glacier.

The feeling of that kind of crack will be quite shocking.

The feeling of that kind of crack will be quite tearing.

For Old Billy, making sure he's free from flaws, making sure he's free from some very obvious mistakes and omissions is pretty critical.

As long as he can do this, then everything will look peaceful in the future.

"what is this."

Old Billy was able to see some very detailed things at this time.

tsk tsk.
He saw a human form.There is no doubt that this is a human form.

But at this point in time, Old Billy couldn't see the man's face clearly, and he couldn't see some very concrete things clearly.

what is happening?
Old Billy couldn't figure it out at all, Old Billy couldn't figure it out at all.

tsk tsk.
This vague feeling can be quite confusing.

Old Billy tentatively walked into the depths.

He knew it was actually important.

Because for old Billy, it is indeed quite crucial to have some deeper cognition when necessary.

After reasonable planning, everything needs a breakthrough.

At this time, there is really no need to tangle.

Old Billy got as close as he could.

He knew he had to see everything clearly.

This pressure is always here, and this pressure will always make people feel pressured.

Old Billy kept going and trying to figure out everything he could.

He must see the man's face clearly.

Who is this person?
It's something to figure out anyway.

No matter what, Old Billy must make everything clear and clear!
Keep getting closer.

It wasn't all that hard for old Billy.

For Old Billy, this is actually a matter of subjective will.

As long as there is no problem with the subjective will, then everything will become quite wrong afterwards.

tsk tsk.
It all has a very different feel to it.

tsk tsk.
For old Billy, he already had a very admirable feeling at this time.

Old Billy took a closer look, and the result was terrible.

This face is none other than Diadonas Lorenzo Haveriffs!
That's right, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss!

tsk tsk.
I have to say that this shock can be said to be quite large.

In the beginning Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus had briefly appeared in Old Billy's consciousness.But now it seems that it is not simple.

So for Old Billy, he still needs to maintain a very calm mind at this time.

You can't panic, and you can't panic at this time anyway.

Although he saw Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he still had to remain calm in an absolute sense.

Because old Billy knew that Diadonas Lorenzo Haveriffs would cause quite a few problems if he got flustered under the circumstances.

tsk tsk.
So at this time, Old Billy has already begun to try hard to control the rhythm of everything.

There's nothing wrong with controlling tempo. Controlling tempo can lead to a series of results.

So for old Billy, having a calmer cognition at this time can make him have a very wonderful cognition next time.

tsk tsk.
It can be said that this is quite exciting.

For old Billy he knew that the knowledge of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles would cause a series of problems.

So Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus would lead to quite a bit of cognition for Old Billy.

Having cognition is definitely quite crucial, after having cognition, everything will become relatively smooth.

Old Billy secretly felt that he should communicate with Zhao Xun.

If they can communicate to a certain extent, they will all be able to have a solid understanding of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, and they will not have any fearful attitude.

But if it is not targeted at the beginning, then everything will be confusing and unknowable.

So in fact, it is really hard to say which direction the situation will develop.

Old Billy felt that the most urgent task now was to get in touch with Zhao Xun as soon as possible.

Zhao Xun felt a strange feeling in his sleep.

It was as if someone wanted to actively communicate with him.

This feeling is indeed quite magical.

For Zhao Xun, after having a deeper level of cognition, then everything will become quite smooth.

Tsk tsk tsk, he started to take the initiative to connect.

For Zhao Xun, if he can actively connect with the other party, then everything will change in a different way, and everything will change in a different state.

It's worth looking forward to.

Zhao Xun's condition can be said to be quite good the whole time.

So the process of him actively building connections is also quite worth looking forward to.

For Zhao Xun, this process will not put too much pressure on people.For Zhao Xun, if he had a more wonderful experience, everything would become quite wonderful.

"Is that you, old Billy?"

Zhao Xun actually has a good impression of Billy.

The cooperation between the two has also been maintained in a fairly stable state.

So as long as they can still have a good communication in the next process, then everything will go smoothly.

tsk tsk.
It's really quite wonderful.

"it's me."

After feeling a little bit of shock, everything that followed became completely different.

"I feel the place of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafriffes."

It can be said that what Old Billy said surprised Zhao Xun.

Old Billy actually saw the location of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus!

This is too amazing!

No matter from any point of view, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a rather mysterious person.

This shows what?
This shows that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus has already started to act!

Because if Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus continued to stay in the Dark Realm, then he would definitely not be easily seen.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, what he sees so far is a very virtual thing.

So what Old Billy sees is also a virtualized thing.

This thing is not very concrete.

This thing isn't terribly impressive.

"Well, where did you see Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus? What was he like?"

tsk tsk.
I have to say that Zhao Xun did ask the point. I have to say that Zhao Xun's focus is indeed quite in place.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is really a pretty scary guy. The guy is really quite able to hide himself. So."

"It is really difficult for us to figure out the position of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs. So we have to be more cautious in the future, and there must be no omissions."

Zhao Xun is very clear about this point.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss is indeed a dog, and Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss can cause quite a bit of trouble indeed.

If it is handled a little carelessly, it may lead to catastrophe.

tsk tsk.
At this time, Zhao Xun had completely become intoxicated.

"So will Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs continue to appear in the near future? Why is he appearing in the iceberg area"

Zhao Xun has become quite confused.

In a state of confusion, he needs to make more reasonable analysis.

If the analysis is reasonable, then the next thing will be successful, and more reliable things will happen.


Zhao Xun has completely changed his state. For him to have a more perfect experience, he must analyze it better, and he must not be too impulsive.

For Zhao Xun, the steady cognition at this time will indeed help him a lot, and at this time, he should not panic anyway.

Otherwise everything can get pretty confusing.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs should have started to move. We can see some silhouettes of him, but we can't see very clearly. Many times we can only rely on some fragments to get Perception. We can only rely on some extrapolation to make sure everything doesn't go too far."

Zhao Xun knew that he could only rely on deduction.

For Zhao Xun, if he can have a reasonable inference, then everything will become quite wonderful.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs should have a series of further actions in the future, so we must try our best to ensure that our inferences will not have any major problems. The minor problem is Acceptable, but big problems are by no means acceptable."

Zhao Xun knows that it is important to ensure some principled cognition at this time.

If there are some flaws in the cognition problem, it is actually quite difficult to deal with.

It is not a simple matter to control such things as state.

So Zhao Xun knew that he must remind Old Billy more often.

After all, Old Billy is not as experienced as he is, so there must be some problems.

tsk tsk.
"Okay, I'll pay attention."

For Zhao Xun, being able to say this is actually enough.

The rest was up to old Billy to handle himself.

Zhao Xun still trusts Old Billy very much, so in his opinion, Old Billy will not let him down.

In the East Palace, Prince Li Xiankun began to be ecstatic.

Because he got the news that his father would impose a three-day curfew in Chang'an City.

To celebrate the completion of Tongtian Pagoda.

No matter from any angle, this is an extremely shocking thing.

Especially for Prince Li Xiankun.

Prince Li Xiankun's perception is actually very clear.

Prince Li Xiankun's judgment is actually very accurate.

For example, Le Youyuan's assassination plan was basically perfect in the process of mastering it.

However, there are still some flaws in the details.

So it is very important to have some rationalized planning at this time.

Otherwise, everything will be the same as last time, and everything will fall short like Le You's original plan.

This will indeed cause Prince Li Xiankun's mentality to explode.

Prince Li Xiankun had finally achieved this state of peace of mind.

So he didn't want to make any mistakes.

For Prince Li Xiankun, he can make one mistake, but he cannot make countless mistakes.

If you make mistakes again and again, there will be a situation beyond redemption.

It's hard, everything is hard right now.

For him, it is still necessary to arrange everything as much as possible.

As long as everything is arranged as far as possible, then everything that follows will become quite ingenious.

Choices matter, choices really matter.

When a reasonable choice is made, there is still hope for a breakthrough in the future.

Prince Li Xiankun can't wait, Prince Li Xiankun really can't wait.

For him, it would be the best result if all this can be ended once and for all.

tsk tsk.
Prince Li Xiankun actually knows how to grasp the situation, and Prince Li Xiankun actually knows what to do at critical moments.

For him, what is actually missing is an opportunity.As long as you can seize the opportunity, everything will go quite smoothly.

For Prince Li Xiankun, the next curfew cancellation is an excellent opportunity.

As long as you can grasp the opportunity well, then everything will be different.

"The cancellation of this curfew will help us mobilize our troops. Otherwise, any troop mobilization will require soldier symbols, and it will become quite conspicuous once it is mobilized."

tsk tsk.
But if the curfew is lifted, things will go quite smoothly.

Because in the process of mobilizing troops, we can change our thinking.

For example, let the soldiers of the Eastern Palace Faction make up as ordinary people.

If this can be done, then in fact, many things will become more reasonable in many cases.

Because after the curfew was lifted, everyone's attention was basically on the night tour.

As long as night tours can be realized, it will not be too embarrassing to mix in large-scale troops.

Many times the choice is a simple matter.

Prince Li Xiankun's choice is really very straightforward.

Prince Li Xiankun's control is really quite stable.

So basically there will be no obvious problems.

At this time, dispatching troops and generals will become more straightforward for Prince Li Xiankun.

Of course, there is another premise that it must not be too hypocritical.

If you are indecisive and if you are very impulsive, then it is not a reasonable choice from any point of view.

Furthermore, Prince Li Xiankun must contact Wei Wuji as soon as possible.

Wei Wuji's role is still quite large, and Wei Wuji's strength is still quite strong.

So as long as Wei Wuji can play a key role, he will play a leading role.

This point is really too critical.

If the optimal state of this optimal mode can be achieved, then Wei Wuji will play a pivotal role.

This is really quite important.

Prince Li Xiankun has completely changed his mentality.

For him, everything really has a chance, for him, everything really has many possibilities of success.

So for Prince Li Xiankun, this time really shouldn't be discouraged.

If you get discouraged, it's all over.If you are discouraged, all rhythm points will be broken.

tsk tsk.
However, it is indeed not an easy matter to contact Wei Wuji in time.

More often than not, you will face quite a lot of huge shocks.

More often than not, there are quite a few problems.

Prince Li Xiankun must work harder, Prince Li Xiankun must try his best to fight for some possibilities.

For Prince Li Xiankun, the future is full of hope.

For Prince Li Xiankun, having a very rational plan will determine quite a few things in the future.

Tsk tsk tsk, all this is really not easy, and all this will really have a profound impact in the future.

Therefore, Prince Li Xiankun has to pay more attention to details.

He knew he would achieve pretty good results.He knew he had a very good future ahead of him.

It was a kind of carefree feeling of dominating the world, and it was a kind of unparalleled pleasure that made people experience it.

Prince Li Xiankun really felt that his chance had come.He is now completely in luck.

Once there is an opportunity, everything becomes quite critical.

After being able to grasp it, everything will become cloudless and foggy.

It's really very comfortable.

This is really very beautiful.

"Have you heard? Your Majesty has ordered that from now on, the curfew in Chang'an City will be lifted for three consecutive days. So we can all go to the streets and experience a very wonderful feeling."

"Really? Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true. Why should I lie to you at this time?"

tsk tsk.
"Haha, if that's the case, it's really quite exciting."

"That is to say, sometimes you still have to try your best to ensure that there are no major omissions in your actions."

"That's right, unreasonable things must not be done. Otherwise, the rhythm of everything will completely collapse."

"It now appears to be the case."

"tsk tsk"

"But in this way, at least we have some more wonderful nights except for the Lantern Festival. This kind of moment can actually be a good outlet for us who are usually depressed."

"Hahaha is exactly what I said. We still need to have some ideas about the future. Anyway, in my opinion, the future is really worth looking forward to. As far as the present is concerned, it is indeed worth celebrating."

"Well, after the completion of the Tongtian Pagoda, there are still many festive things. So basically we have enjoyed some blessings."

"Yeah, so we need to seize the opportunity to enjoy it even more. Otherwise, it is very likely that all rhythms will collapse."

In the eyes of these Chang'an common people, the good days are actually very short-lived.

So they need to firmly seize these good opportunities.

Otherwise it's all over.

It is almost impossible to seize the opportunity when it is lost.

So when necessary, we still have to control the opportunity and rhythm.

When necessary, you still have to control your own destiny.

There is no doubt about that.

Only when you control your own destiny, everything will be completely different.

Only when they have their own destiny in their hands, they will not have many confusing situations.

From this perspective, the Tongtian Pagoda is indeed equivalent to doing a good deed.

They have to seize this opportunity as much as possible and make sure that nothing goes wrong as much as possible.

Just treat these few days as the Lantern Festival to enjoy.

The feeling of enjoyment is indeed very wonderful.

In fact, Chang'an City can be regarded as having experienced quite a lot of things.

So for them, it is still necessary to ensure that they have the most comfortable mode at this time.

For them, having a very calm cognition will indeed bring quite a lot of benefits, and this specific extreme experience will indeed make people feel quite wonderful.

Enjoy these things beautifully, feel all of them well.

Because I really don't know when I won't feel it anymore.

Night always comes so fast.

When the night fell, the city of Chang'an was lit up.

After the lanterns first came on, the common people were fully mobilized.

For them, a night without curfew is indeed quite worth looking forward to.

It was the perfect night for them.

So they really don't have any other ideas now.

That's pure enjoyment.

Once they can reach a mode of pure enjoyment, things start to get pretty good.

They can make sugar figures, guess lantern riddles, and do any wonderful things.

tsk tsk.
These good feelings are quite enjoyable.

"Haha, you see, this lantern is really quite beautiful."

"Yeah, it's really pretty. I've never seen such a beautiful lantern before."

"I heard that this was specially ordered by the nobleman in the palace. So."

"Could this nobleman in the palace be His Majesty?"

"It's Your Majesty."

tsk tsk.
"Let me tell you, it's definitely not an ordinary person who can build such a sharp lantern. If this person is His Majesty, then everything can be explained."

"Hahaha, so it is really important to build the Tongtian Pagoda. So we can create a very wonderful atmosphere by building the Tongtian Pagoda."

"Yeah, I have to say that the sense of atmosphere we get now is all related to the construction of the Tongtian Pagoda."


"I heard that His Majesty will still appear at Danfengmen to have fun with the people."

"Ah, if that's the case, we must continue to advance along Suzaku Street and go to Danfeng Gate to see what's going on."

"Well, you are right, you are right. We really shouldn't have any entanglements at this time."

"Hahaha yes, so next we will have a fully immersive experience."

Emperor Xianlong in the Zichen Palace changed into a gorgeous gown.

For him, today is an extremely important day.

Because Emperor Xianlong was going to attend a very important occasion.

That is Danfengmen.

Emperor Xianlong wants to have fun with the people at Danfeng Gate.

This is actually quite difficult, because Emperor Xianlong has to ensure that there are no problems with his rhythm.

But if there is a problem with the rhythm, the consequences will be very serious.

Emperor Xianlong sought stability.

In his opinion stability is more important than anything else.

So anything can go wrong, but only stability can't go wrong.

So although Emperor Xianlong didn't think so in his heart, he still had to pretend.

It's not a big deal to pretend, the key is to pretend to be in place, and there must be no omissions.

Otherwise, everything that follows can cause quite a few problems.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything that followed was a huge test.

His performance will determine many things at a considerable level.

If there is no problem with the choice, there will actually be no sense of pressure.

For Emperor Xianlong, keeping his mentality reasonable is indeed quite crucial.

As long as there is no problem with his mentality, Emperor Xianlong will be able to feel an unparalleled feeling.

Wonderful, all of this is quite wonderful.

Emperor Xianlong really felt very excited.

Emperor Xianlong really felt quite excited.

For Emperor Xianlong, the current state is indeed his best state.

Emperor Xianlong is not a entangled person, and Emperor Xianlong is not a person who likes to control his emotions.

Generally speaking, after he thought of this point, he would quickly make a choice. Generally speaking, when there was a problem with the choice, Emperor Xianlong was able to adjust it very well.

But now Emperor Xianlong was actually a little flustered in his heart.

Because this occasion is actually quite confusing.

If the control is not in place, then there will indeed be quite a lot of problems.

"tsk tsk"

Emperor Xianlong was a very calm person.

For him, this opportunity should really be grasped, and for him, this opportunity should really be grasped tightly.

As long as Emperor Xianlong pays more attention, as long as Emperor Xianlong does not make some very obvious mistakes and omissions in the process of controlling, then everything is worth looking forward to.

For Emperor Xianlong, this can be regarded as the best opportunity to enhance the image of the court and the royal family.

For Emperor Xianlong, this time is indeed an opportunity that cannot be missed.

It must be grasped well, there is no room for negotiation, no possibility of negotiation.

Maybe there will be small flaws and omissions in the process of overall grasp, but
Emperor Xianlong still had to ensure that there would be no problems in the general direction.

tsk tsk.
Emperor Xianlong has become quite enjoyable, and Emperor Xianlong has begun to feel a very beautiful rhythm.

In his view, his future will be very wonderful.

In his opinion, the future of the royal family will become quite wonderful.

So Emperor Xianlong just needs to make sure that everything is as usual.

He doesn't need to deliberately manage it, he just needs to ensure that all his rhythms are safe.

For Emperor Xianlong, all rhythms must be well controlled, even a wave to the common people requires careful design.

As long as the degree of completion can be completed well, then everything that follows will become quite smooth.

Emperor Xianlong really hoped that everything would go well, and Emperor Xianlong hoped that everything would be under his control.

That way you don't have to worry about too many things.In this way, Emperor Xianlong will be in a good mood.

Many times the choice of things is between one thought.

When you can choose the most suitable direction, then everything will become quite wonderful.

Emperor Xianlong is just such a person who likes to make choices.

For him, he was able to make the right choice basically every time.

This is indeed very difficult, this is indeed very difficult.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong must strictly control all rhythms in the future.

There is no doubt that the details must be done well.

The key is to ensure that you have an aura that is better than me on the premise of doing the details well.

This feeling was actually quite familiar to Emperor Xianlong.

After all, he is a very successful superior.

Emperor Xianlong has developed a very strong feeling since he ascended the throne for many years.

For Emperor Xianlong, maintaining a calm mind was simply too important.

As long as there is no problem with his mentality, then he will feel wonderful everything next.

tsk tsk.
Having fun with the people, these can really be said to be the situation that Emperor Xianlong most wanted to see.

After all, he was born to be the most honorable man in Da Zhou.

But even he, even the most expensive man in Dazhou, sometimes still has to show some gestures of enjoying the people.

Even if it's really just a gesture, it's absolutely different.

With this posture, everything becomes quite beautiful, and with this posture, everything becomes quite beautiful.

These can really be said to be very shocking.

These are really amazing.

So for the Great Zhou Emperor, this can be regarded as the best arrangement.

Having fun with the people at the Danfeng Gate, Emperor Xianlong couldn't think of anything more wonderful than this.

Everything can make Emperor Xianlong feel the happiest.Everything can make Emperor Xianlong experience an unparalleled feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, this can really be said to be an extraordinary experience, it can really be said to be a hearty experience.

So when you fully experience these details, everything changes.

When you fully experience these things, everything becomes quite wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, Emperor Xianlong's mood at this moment can be said to be very good.

For Emperor Xianlong, all this was what he most hoped to see.

For Emperor Xianlong, all this was what he most hoped to achieve.

Emperor Xianlong is not a hypocritical person. It is really crucial for him to show his most powerful details.It's all different when he can do that.

When he can do that, everything will be different.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is really the most attractive part, and for Emperor Xianlong, this is really the most exciting part.

Tsk tsk tsk, no matter how you look at it from any detail, you can't find any flaws.

Emperor Xianlong really enjoyed it very much, really enjoyed it quite a lot.

Everything is similar to what he expected, and everything is similar to what Emperor Xianlong originally expected.

It's perfect, it's really quite perfect.

After enjoying these, everything will become quite graceful, and after enjoying these, everything will become quite exciting.

This can really be said to be a very extreme experience.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is an unparalleled feeling, everything is a feeling that can mobilize people's emotions.

For Emperor Xianlong, the next thing he has to do is to follow his heart completely.

For him, it's all about making him feel extraordinary from the very beginning.

Tsk tsk tsk, this can really be said to excite Emperor Xianlong the most.

Emperor Xianlong took a photo in front of the bronze mirror after changing into the uniform, and chose to set off when he confirmed that he was in the most perfect state.

The transfer of the holy driver can definitely be regarded as the top event in the palace.At this time, there must be absolutely no slack in the slightest.

For the Forbidden Army, performance at this time will be particularly important, and performance at this time will be particularly critical.

When a person can embody the most detailed aspects of himself, everything is different.

Nothing is the same when a person can bring out the best parts of himself.

For the Forbidden Army, at this time, not only must it be detailed, but it must also be refined.

Everything is so important, and it is absolutely impossible for the imperial army to make mistakes.

Anyone else can make mistakes, but the Forbidden Army cannot make mistakes.

Because for them, if they make a mistake at this time, it means that everything that follows is over.

This is absolutely intolerable.

For the forbidden army, it is necessary to ensure that everything is safe at this time, and it is necessary to ensure that Emperor Xianlong's life is completely protected.

For the forbidden army, it is actually not so easy to do this. For the forbidden army, it is necessary to start searching from every street in Chang'an City.

Of course, the most critical area is Suzaku Street, and the most critical point is Danfeng Gate.

Danfengmen can be said to be the most important area, and it is definitely a key area for the imperial army to deploy.

Only by being as extreme as possible in this area, then the next thing will become reasonable.

Only by making this area as perfect as possible, then it is possible to ensure that Emperor Xianlong will not be affected in any way.

Emperor Xianlong is an extremely powerful person, Emperor Xianlong is an extremely powerful person.So for Emperor Xianlong, the performance at this time is particularly important.

What kind of state can be reached will determine quite a lot of things.

For Emperor Xianlong, of course he could accept the protection from the Forbidden Army, but at the same time he had to show himself a very strong state.

It was actually not difficult for Emperor Xianlong to reach a fairly strong state.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually something he was used to, something he did on a daily basis.

So for Emperor Xianlong, this is really quite exciting, and for Emperor Xianlong, this is really very exciting.

At a time like this, there really is no longer any hesitation.At a time like this, there really is no longer any hesitation.

At times like this, I really have to show my strongest part. At times like this, I really have to show my strongest state.

For Emperor Xianlong, if he showed his strongest part, then everything would become quite easy.Everything will become less stressful.

This is still very important.

Because if there is no way to achieve this point, then Emperor Xianlong will definitely be ridiculed by the academy.

Because Emperor Xianlong caused such a big battle, what did he want to do to have fun with the people.It is necessary to condense the luck by having fun with the people, and consolidate the luck snatched from the academy after the induction between heaven and man, so Emperor Xianlong must ensure that there will be no problems with this operation. You have to make sure your play is absolutely perfect.

If there is a problem during this process, it is definitely unacceptable.

If there is a problem during this process, the final result will definitely make people collapse.

It's hard to make a choice, it's really hard to make a choice.

So if there is a problem, then everything will make Emperor Xianlong go crazy.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong must ensure that everything has the best rhythm, and Emperor Xianlong must ensure that everything has the strongest state.

In many cases, ensuring all this does require a lot of responsibility.In many cases, if you want to ensure that you can have such a strong position, you really need to come up with completely different things from the very beginning.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong ordered the imperial army to start inspecting the three floors around Suzaku Street into three floors.

Although in the end, there will still be a lot of people rushing in front of Danfeng Gate.

But in fact, these influxes of civilians were strictly screened by the Imperial Army to ensure that no spies or assassins would be mixed in.

After the battle of Leyouyuan, Emperor Xianlong was actually a little scared.

For Emperor Xianlong, it was understandable to feel fear when faced with such a terrifying thing suddenly.

For Emperor Xianlong, this time was indeed a time to fully demonstrate his so-called calmness.

Although this calmness is determined by the meticulous and thorough search of the imperial army.

Many times the choice is a very simple matter.

In many cases, the choice is a very detailed matter.

So at this time, you really should do your own things to the extreme.

So at this time, Emperor Xianlong really should fully express himself.

For Emperor Xianlong, fully expressing himself was not so difficult.

He was born to be a habitual expressive person.

So for Emperor Xianlong, expression is a very ingenious thing, and expression is a relatively simple thing.

So for Emperor Xianlong, what he has to do is to fully release his nature.

For Emperor Xianlong, it was not difficult to release his nature.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is very confusing, everything is very shocking.

So Emperor Xianlong really couldn't have any more entanglements at this time.

Now that he has made all the plans, the next thing Emperor Xianlong has to do is to implement all the details of himself according to the established plan.

For Emperor Xianlong, there was actually no hesitation in the whole process.

For Emperor Xianlong, this time is to fully demonstrate his talent, that is, to fully demonstrate everything about himself.

For Emperor Xianlong, his strong performance seemed just right at this time.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is indeed quite perfect to show an unparalleled state at this time.

It's really quite wonderful.All this is indeed quite wonderful.

For Emperor Xianlong, Emperor Xianlong can show an unparalleled feeling at this time.

So Emperor Xianlong really didn't need to be hypocritical.

For Emperor Xianlong, this time expressed a very graceful feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, Emperor Xianlong was really looking forward to this moment.

Emperor Xianlong really began to think about the beauty of this moment.

For Emperor Xianlong, if he could reach this level, then everything would become quite surprising.

As Emperor Xianlong expected, quite a lot of people had gathered in front of Danfeng Gate at this moment.

For Emperor Xianlong, this can be regarded as a very good omen.

For Emperor Xianlong, this means that his next performance will become quite perfect.

This is indeed quite important.

Because when a person can get a good sign from the beginning, it usually means that this person's performance is also quite perfect.

It's all a different story when the person is playing perfectly.

Emperor Xianlong's state at this time is probably directly full.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is indeed the best state.

In this state, Emperor Xianlong didn't have to have any worries or entanglements.All he has to do is enjoy.

Emperor Xianlong is indeed worth enjoying, and Emperor Xianlong really wants to enjoy it.

There's nothing pretentious about it, there's nothing hesitant about it.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was simply the most wonderful thing in the world.

Tut tut tut, not the same, everything is quite different.

For Emperor Xianlong, after showing a completely different attitude in the next period of time, Emperor Xianlong can fully express himself.

In fact, the reason why Emperor Xianlong wanted to design this link of having fun with the people was that he hoped to have a similar effect in the whole process.

For Emperor Xianlong, if this effect can be achieved, then it is the situation he most hopes to see.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, this was not difficult.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, this is actually a matter of course.

When Emperor Xianlong fully showed his most powerful side, everything would become quite wonderful.

Emperor Xianlong could imagine the scene when the common people worshiped him.

Emperor Xianlong could imagine the scene when the common people admired him very much.

Everything that Emperor Xianlong could think of began to tend to favor the court.

These are the purposes of Emperor Xianlong.

Sometimes you will feel that luck is illusory.

But sometimes you will be very emotional. When you realize that luck can actually be condensed, then everything is different, everything is completely different.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong really enjoyed it.

For him, this is indeed a rather wonderful promotion.

When Emperor Xianlong really obtained this promotion, everything that followed was completely different.

Emperor Xianlong really needs this promotion, and Emperor Xianlong really needs this transformation of luck.

Because he is not only for himself, because he is for others.

At this time, what Emperor Xianlong can show is an unparalleled state, and what Emperor Xianlong can express at this time is a very wonderful state.

For Emperor Xianlong, fully displaying his talents and fully expressing himself is quite a key thing.

For Emperor Xianlong, the whole process did not create a great sense of pressure.

If he can feel the pressure himself, he will dispel it by himself.

So there's really no worries about that.

Emperor Xianlong will try his best to distribute all the pressure equally from the beginning.Just being able to split the pressure evenly makes all the difference.

In many cases, confidence is reflected from the very beginning.When you can feel that way from the very beginning, it's really quite enjoyable.

Well, it's all really pretty good.

When a person can feel all that Emperor Xianlong felt at this time, it is indeed a huge improvement.

Emperor Xianlong felt very excited, Emperor Xianlong felt extremely excited.

For Emperor Xianlong, he had waited too long for this moment.

After the layout, everything will be different in the future.

After planning for so long, it is finally time to wrap up.

Now that it's time to end, we need to pay more attention to details when playing.

When playing, we must try our best to achieve the ultimate in all the details.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is actually not that difficult.

He's really gotten used to the rhythm.So the next step is to make sure that your appearance is amazing enough.

The appearance of Emperor Xianlong was actually carefully designed.

It has also been practiced countless times.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is necessary to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

So this way of appearance can't be too escaped.For example, the so-called falling from the sky.

This way is really too escaping.

This way is really too exaggerated.

Anyway, in Emperor Xianlong's view, this way of appearing on the stage is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Since it is a bit exaggerated, of course it must be ruled out first.

After thinking about it, after thinking about it, Emperor Xianlong finally felt that he should show a very stable posture from the very beginning.

After all, for Emperor Xianlong, the grasp of his current state can be said to be quite good.

After all, for Emperor Xianlong, his appearance has reached a very wonderful state.

Breakthrough actually requires a certain amount of courage.

Emperor Xianlong didn't know whether he could reach the realm of breakthrough, but there shouldn't be any problems in dealing with some details before that.

Tsk tsk tsk, it is really quite exciting.

Finally, Emperor Xianlong, surrounded by the forbidden army, slowly climbed up the tower from Ma Daoshan.

For Emperor Xianlong, this can indeed be regarded as the most perfect way.

For Emperor Xianlong, this can indeed be called a very grand way.

Everything is so exciting, and everything is worth looking forward to.

For Emperor Xianlong, there is really no need to hesitate any more.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is enough to ensure that his state can be well grasped.

He really enjoys every part of it fully, he really enjoys every link fully.

For Emperor Xianlong, his performance at this time was extremely perfect no matter from any direction or any angle.

Everything can make people feel a rather shocking feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's really possible, it's really quite possible.

When Emperor Xianlong felt this shocking feeling, everything became more expectant.

Emperor Xianlong was extremely looking forward to what would happen next, Emperor Xianlong extremely wanted to figure out what would happen next.

For Emperor Xianlong, he was looking forward to the expressions of the people.

That mixed expression of awe, joy, and surprise was really what Emperor Xianlong wanted to see most at this moment.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was simply an extremely happy event.

To have fun with the people. At this time, Emperor Xianlong kept telling himself that the theme of what he was going to do now was to have fun with the people.

He must achieve this goal, he must achieve this state.

So everything will become quite wonderful because of it, everything will become quite wonderful because of it.

"Look, His Majesty the Emperor has already arrived at the top of the city."

"Ah, where is it, where is it. Why can't I see it, I'm so anxious."

"Oh, look, there's really nothing to be anxious about making you anxious. Look, at the Danfeng Gate, isn't this His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Oh, yes, the bright lights confuse me. The Danfeng Gate is indeed His Majesty the Emperor."

"Hehehe, that's why we didn't lie to you. His Majesty the Emperor really did what he said, and he wanted to have fun with the people."

"Hahaha, at present, it seems that His Majesty the Emperor wants to achieve this state and achieve this goal. After all, only when the effect of enjoying the people is achieved, can the luck of the dynasty be condensed and stabilized. "

"Hush, although you understand the truth, can you not say it so directly? No one will treat you as a fool if you don't say it so directly. The more you say it, the more complicated it will be. It is completely unnecessary. If you have caused such a situation, let alone yourself, we will lose our lives."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems like this."

So in many cases, the importance of ensuring a rhythm is quite critical.

For the common people who came to Danfengmen, they really showed their best state.

But at this moment, no one knows what Emperor Xianlong is thinking in his heart.It is also impossible for them to speculate wantonly.

So enjoy the atmosphere of this moment, it is quite good for these common people to be able to achieve this state.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong had completely landed on the top of the city, and began to wave to the people of Chang'an on Zhuque Avenue.

For Emperor Xianlong, being able to reach this state is already quite good.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is actually the realm and state he hopes to achieve.

Perfect, everything is so perfect.

Perfect, everything is impossible to find any flaws.

These details are indeed very exciting.

These details are indeed very moving.

For Emperor Xianlong, he was indeed moved with a little bit of regret.

But I have to say that these emotions are actually fleeting.

Didn't last too long.Because Emperor Xianlong is the supreme emperor in the world.For such a supreme emperor in the world, what kind of state he can express at the critical moment is quite crucial.

Emperor Xianlong has indeed reached a fairly perfect state, and has reached an excellent state.

So at this time, for Emperor Xianlong, there is really no need to entangle any longer.

It doesn't really make any sense to go any further.

If you continue to entangle, it will actually cause quite a lot of complications.

For Emperor Xianlong, enjoying this moment that belongs to him quietly is the most perfect.

For Emperor Xianlong, to feel the beauty of all this silently is worth enjoying quietly.

It is indeed quite perfect, and it is indeed impossible to pick out any flaws.

Everything seems to be arranged in advance.

Emperor Xianlong really enjoyed the whole process.

Emperor Xianlong knew exactly what role he was going to play.

He knew exactly what he was going to do.

So for Emperor Xianlong, the performance at this time will be particularly critical.

Emperor Xianlong knew that he was not a hypocritical person, so if he could reach the best state, it was exactly what Emperor Xianlong wanted to see.

Emperor Xianlong really hoped to achieve the best state possible, and this was not a difficult task for Emperor Xianlong.

Especially after he ascended the Tongtian Buddhist Pagoda, but after he reached the state of induction between heaven and man.

Emperor Xianlong was surprised to find that he could adjust his state at will.

No matter when it is, Emperor Xianlong can adjust this very easily.

For Emperor Xianlong, the adjustment of this state became no longer difficult.

For Emperor Xianlong, the adjustment of the whole state became a seemingly ordinary thing.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong did not relax completely.

Because Emperor Xianlong knew very well that it is really important to show some wonderful details at critical moments.

Emperor Xianlong overlooked the magnificent Suzaku Avenue, which looked like a fire dragon.

This Suzaku Street is indeed quite prosperous and quite perfect.

Even just looking at it like this will still make people feel quite perfect.

Everything will make Emperor Xianlong intoxicated.Everything will make Emperor Xianlong feel as if he is in a fairyland.

It's definitely a wonderful feeling.

This feeling is definitely quite shocking.

Everything will make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

Everything makes people feel a very wonderful feeling.

Emperor Xianlong really enjoyed every detail here, and Emperor Xianlong really enjoyed every part of the environment here.

It is indeed quite wonderful, and there are no flaws at all.

The parts of these details can make people completely condense.

These details are the parts that can make people feel the most exciting.

It's perfect, everything is quite perfect.

Therefore, at the critical moment, Emperor Xianlong must demonstrate his responsibility as the supreme emperor in the world.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was not a difficult task.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was actually a common thing.

It is really perfect, no matter from any details, it is quite perfect.

So feel it as much as you can, and feel as much as you can in pretty wonderful details.

This really allows Emperor Xianlong to enjoy everything as much as possible.

After all the details of the environment are fully detailed, Emperor Xianlong's expression will be infinitely magnified.

Emperor Xianlong is undoubtedly the person who has received the most attention at the moment.

It is impossible for anyone to receive as much attention as Emperor Xianlong.No one felt the gaze as concentrated as that of Emperor Xianlong.

So everything is quite perfect, and everything can be carried out in the direction of Emperor Xianlong's thinking.

Emperor Xianlong certainly enjoyed all of this.

Emperor Xianlong extremely hoped that he could feel this feeling as much as possible in the days to come.

It's really a feeling of being watched, and it's really a shocking feeling.

Wonderful, this is really quite wonderful.

When you fully feel these wonderful things, everything becomes more reasonable.

This is indeed extremely wonderful, this is indeed quite wonderful.

So there is really no need to hesitate during the whole process.

Plan all this reasonably. With these plans, everything will change.

With this plan, the realm and state that Emperor Xianlong can achieve has a new level of improvement.

The process of promotion must be progressive.

The part I felt at the beginning is definitely not as good as later.

Emperor Xianlong also understood this very well, so he designed a very special link.

That is setting off fireworks.

Of course, setting off fireworks is not simply ordinary fireworks, but fireworks carefully designed by Emperor Xianlong.

To be precise, this firework represents the Great Zhou Dynasty and the royal family.

For when evolution all begins to burn, what is revealed in the sky is a dragon.

Yes, it is a dragon, a dragon with teeth and claws.The image of this dragon can be said to be quite impressive.

So during the whole process, there will be no huge pressure on people.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is indeed worth enjoying.

For Emperor Xianlong, this is really worth realizing.

For Emperor Xianlong, to some extent he has indeed played the role of a benchmark.

So these fireworks express his personal charm to an extreme state.

This is indeed very critical, this is indeed very important.

When a person's state can reach the best state from the very beginning, then everything will be different.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person, but he also knew that his personal prestige would reach an extreme value after this fireworks show.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was indeed the situation he most hoped to see.

Everything is quite beautiful.Everything was what Emperor Xianlong wanted to see most.

For Emperor Xianlong, this was indeed quite touching.

Beautiful, everything is quite beautiful.

There will be no sense of mistakes or omissions, and the arrangement of all the details will make people feel quite moved.

This can really be said to be very enjoyable.This can really be said to be very gratifying.

It's simply quite ingenious.It is quite distinctive.

All this is really an ultimate sublimation.

Sure enough, Emperor Xianlong saw that the people began to cheer.

It wasn't very obvious at the beginning, because some people might still be quite nervous.They dare not be too obvious.But gradually, the people are no longer so nervous.

Gradually, the common people have expressed their most authentic state.

It is actually not easy to reach this point.

Not everyone can show such a good state at this critical moment.

Emperor Xianlong was indeed a special case, a rare special case.

For Emperor Xianlong, all of this was quite touching, and all of this was quite surprising.

Tsk tsk tsk, these details are indeed very precious to Emperor Xianlong.

It can be said that he achieved his goal with the smallest cost.

For Emperor Xianlong, he cherished this result very much.

For Emperor Xianlong, he really paid great attention to this detail.

When he saw that everything was developing according to his pre-designed links, the feeling of pride was indeed born spontaneously.

Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that everything was fine.

Continue to develop according to this model, then everything will move Emperor Xianlong Kaihua Temple in a short time.

Tsk tsk tsk, all this is really developing in the direction of luck condensation.

After achieving the unity of man and nature, Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that his luck had been opened up.

Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that his mind had been opened.

Things that were difficult to understand before are now basically easy to figure out.

This improvement can be said to be quite huge.

No matter from any point of view, this improvement can be said to be incomparably huge.

Perfect, all of this is really quite perfect.

Xianlong is not a hypocritical person.But for him, the development of all links is moving towards a perfect state in this way.

So for Emperor Xianlong, the most comprehensive thing he needs to do right now is to be himself.

Emperor Xianlong didn't need to worry too much about other things.

As long as he can be himself, then everything is perfect.

Just when Emperor Xianlong was smiling, suddenly a crossbow arrow shot at him.

At this time, Master Huiyan, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, appeared in front of Emperor Xianlong first, and pushed the crossbow arrow away.

Emperor Xianlong was shocked for a moment, and stepped back a few steps, almost falling down.

Fortunately, a group of imperial guards supported him, otherwise he would have made a big fool of himself.

For Emperor Xianlong, he actually expected that the fun with the people in front of the Danfeng Gate would encounter risks, but he did not expect that the risks would be so obvious, he did not expect that the risks would come so quickly direct.

So for Emperor Xianlong, at this moment, he was more or less nervous.

For Emperor Xianlong, the backbone and support at this time became Master Huiyan.

Master Huiyan is also a super master anyway, and a very top super master.

So as long as Master Huiyan doesn't panic, Emperor Xianlong won't panic.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong really relied on Master Huiyan incomparably.

He knew that Master Huiyan would do his best for himself.He knew that Master Huiyan would show his best for himself.

The reason is the same, it is because the interests of Buddhism in the Western Regions are actually closely bound with Master Huiyan.

So even if it is for the benefit of Buddhism in the Western Regions, Master Huiyan can't have any entanglements at this time.

Because if he got entangled, Emperor Xianlong would have any mistakes.Then all the efforts Master Huiyan made before will be in vain.

Therefore, Master Huiyan must disdain all costs to resist these.

For Master Huiyan, mistakes are allowed in everything, except for one, and that one is Emperor Xianlong.

Even if there is a problem with Master Huiyan himself, it cannot make Emperor Xianlong have a problem.

Looking at it at this time, Emperor Xianlong is really all about Master Huiyan.

It's not easy, everything is really not easy.

For Master Huiyan, his current grasp is indeed quite difficult.

Being able to push that crossbow at such a critical time is enough to show his strength.

"Is Your Majesty alright?"

Master Huiyan soon came to Emperor Xianlong and asked with great concern.

"I'm fine."

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was in shock.

For him, everything at the moment is actually far beyond expectations.

So for Emperor Xianlong, he must calm down right now.

But when he calms down, he still needs to do one thing, that is, not to make Master Huiyan too nervous.

Because he clearly felt that Master Huiyan's emotions had also begun to become tense.

If it affects Master Huiyan's mood and gives the assassin an opportunity, then the loss outweighs the gain.

For Emperor Xianlong, guaranteeing his own interests at this time is actually completely consistent with ensuring the interests of Master Huiyan.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong was even more unable to show any nervousness.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine. It's just that what happened to this sudden shot of a crossbow arrow? I don't understand."

Da Zhou banned the use of crossbows among the people, but it did not prohibit the use of bows and arrows.

Therefore, those who can use crossbows basically have some military and government backgrounds.

So Emperor Xianlong knew that this assassination must have been premeditated.

And the main messenger behind the scenes should not be simple.In many cases, it is simply too difficult to decide many things from the beginning.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to protect all the clues reasonably.

At present, the clue that Emperor Xianlong can get is this crossbow arrow.

So this crossbow should be protected no matter what.

After protecting this crossbow bolt, it is possible to figure out the next thing, whether it is following the clues or other choices, basically there will be no flaws.

So for Emperor Xianlong, he must do everything possible to make a fuss about this crossbow at this time.

It's perfect, all of this is really quite perfect.

So at the critical moment, it is indeed quite precious for Emperor Xianlong to express his best state.

For Emperor Xianlong, there was really no reason to hesitate at this time.

"Well, this crossbow bolt did reveal something very weird."

Master Huiyan picked up the crossbow bolt and observed it carefully.

"Your Majesty, is it possible to determine the identity of the user from the standard of the crossbow?"

After hearing this, Emperor Xianlong shook his head resolutely and said: "It's impossible, the standards of these crossbows are basically the same. Besides, even if there is any difference, there are any marks, the assassins must be They will consider it, they will not make such a stupid mistake, and they will definitely erase these marks and differences from the beginning to prevent them from falling into trouble."

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