big week bad guy

Chapter 574 Dark Traces

Since Wu Quanyi, the benefactor of Taoist Qinglian, is here, there must be no reason for Zhao Xun to let go so easily.

For Zhao Xun, at this time, it is quite crucial and practical to let his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi teach him some details of talisman and Taoism as much as possible.

After all, such good opportunities don't always come along.

Now or never.Zhao Xun understood this reason quite well.

When an opportunity comes your way, you must be able to grasp it well.

When an opportunity comes to you but you fail to grasp it, it is inappropriate no matter how you look at it from any angle, no matter how you analyze it from any angle.

So Zhao Xun's character is doomed that he will take the initiative to attack.

For Zhao Xun, it is very important to express himself as much as possible and to explore some infinite possibilities as much as possible.

In many cases, when a person can appreciate more things, the things he will feel next will also increase accordingly.

Sometimes understanding is a process.

It is a gradual process.

Zhao Xun is not a entangled person, he will not be entangled in some very small details.

If there is an opportunity, Zhao Xun will definitely show his talent as much as possible.

This is not such a difficult thing.

As long as you can reflect your strengths as much as possible from the beginning, and speak diligently, there will be no pressure.

The reason why the pressure is too great is because there are so many other ideas at the beginning.

It turns out that thinking too much is really not a good thing.

Because there will be more worries after thinking too much.

But when the worries start to increase, everything is different.

It's hard to grasp. At present, everything is quite difficult to grasp.

But Zhao Xun never gave up.

Because he knew that with such a good teacher by his side, he had no reason to give up.

Only by continuing to move forward can there be gains.Only by constantly moving forward can we feel a lot.

After a lot of feelings, everything is completely different.

"Teacher, can I understand it this way. I want to inject the primordial spirit into every talisman array I draw?"

"Well, yes, that's what it means."

At this time, teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said quietly while stroking his beard.

For him, he has always felt that Zhao Xun is extremely intelligent.

No matter what angle or aspect you analyze, you can always feel the brilliant part from Zhao Xun.

Therefore, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, will always try his best to let Zhao Xun analyze some quite critical links by himself.

As long as Zhao Xun really analyzed it, he would feel quite excited.

Sometimes things are that simple, and sometimes there really aren't that many twists and turns.

When things get easier, everything gets easier.

When things became easier, my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi wanted to start the practice.

Facts have proved that practice is very necessary, and practice is quite necessary.

When you feel some details that you can't easily feel in the theoretical part, everything becomes completely different.

It's wonderful, all of this is really quite wonderful.

At this time, Zhao Xun had completely realized it.

When the benefactor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has fully developed his own part, Zhao Xun is indeed observing very carefully from the sidelines.

In Zhao Xun's view, there is actually no need to be so entangled at this time, in fact, it is to maintain an absolute sense of restraint.

At this time, it is enough to fully learn the essence.

As long as you can fully learn the essence, then all the following things will become quite easy.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything has to be mastered from the very beginning.

Everything is to grasp the essence from the beginning.

It's not that unmanageable, it's not that elusive.

In fact, as long as you keep learning, you can always learn something.

For example, Zhao Xun now has indeed learned a lot.

He began to pay attention to every detail of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Facts have proved that this is indeed quite precious.

Because the process of casting spells by my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is quite fast.

If you can't maintain a high degree of attention all the time, and can't always have a strong ability to control, then you can't actually reach the best mode.

So you have to make sure you have the best idealized model.

For his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, the state he can achieve is actually still a little bit far from Zhao Xun's point of view.

But Zhao Xun is trying to narrow this gap, so the whole state is actually constantly being adjusted, so the whole adjustment process is still acceptable.

It doesn't feel that difficult.

Overall, it is still manageable.

Zhao Xun was very moved.

For him, the process of learning is indeed a process of enjoyment.

When a person can feel a lot, he can improve in all aspects.

In the process of Zhao Xun learning from his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, why didn't he optimize and improve his own parts as much as possible?
In fact, this really requires a better cognition, and it really requires controlling the sense of rhythm as much as possible from the very beginning.

It's really difficult, everything is really quite difficult.

For Zhao Xun, everything he has at the moment has indeed reached a fairly good state.But he knew he couldn't stop there.

"Okay, I have already demonstrated it once as a teacher, so you can try it next."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's performance is indeed quite good.

After Zhao Xun saw it, his eyes were always greedy.

But he also knew that at this time, he should try his best not to compare with his mentor.

Because if the benchmark is set too high all of a sudden, it is very likely that the final effect will not satisfy me so much.

Therefore, the standard should be set as low as possible.

If the standard is set lower, then even if there is a certain impact in the future, the feeling will not be particularly obvious.

So this is a kind of survival wisdom and practice wisdom.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been quite good at this aspect.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always grasped this aspect quite well.

For Zhao Xun, it is quite crucial to master the core part of himself as much as possible.

He began to work hard to bring out his primordial spirit, and then injected it into a talisman array.

During the whole process, Zhao Xun can be said to be quite focused.

Because Zhao Xun is very clear about the importance and significance of doing so.

He knows how important his performance at critical moments is, and he knows what role he has to play.

Many times, many things are not as simple as imagined.

In fact, the improvement that Zhao Xun can have is really much more than imagined.

But what kind of state can be achieved?

In fact, from the very beginning, Zhao Xun really didn't know.

He knew that he should actually focus on the present moment.

Only by focusing on his current performance will he not pull his hips.

There is no need for people to be so ambitious.

The same is true for practitioners. Doing all the things that you can do well at the moment is actually a huge improvement.

A lot of times things are that simple, a lot of times things are that straightforward.

It really isn't necessary if one is overcomplicating the whole thing very much.

Zhao Xun's expression in this poetry meeting can be said to be quite focused.

He can be said to have enjoyed the process of primordial spirit infusion.

For Zhao Xun, the whole process was really very comfortable.

For Zhao Xun, enjoying all this is really very important.

It's not easy, everything is quite difficult.

But Zhao Xun's performance can really be said to be quite perfect.

For Zhao Xun, he was trying his best to inject his primordial spirit into the compound talisman array.

Although the whole process seemed a little bit complicated, Zhao Xun's completion was quite good.

Of course Zhao Xun felt a little proud of this.

For him, there is really no other problem with his current performance.

Zhao Xun's ability to grasp details can be said to be perfect.

So it is very important to grasp all the details.

There is no need to be entangled, there is no need to have the slightest entanglement.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is the best arrangement.

For Zhao Xun, having an extreme experience for a long time is quite perfect.

"Very well, you are doing quite well in this way."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's admiration for Zhao Xun at this time can be said to be quite in place.

Zhao Xun's performance at this time really deserves such admiration.

For Zhao Xun, the current detailed development is really quite subtle.So there is really no need to tangle, there is really no need to have any tangle.

"good, very good, excellent."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said leisurely while stroking his beard: "Stinky boy, I didn't expect your performance to be so perfect. As a teacher, I really didn't expect it. Keep it up. As long as you can keep it up, Then the final state will definitely be better than being a teacher."

The analysis of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is quite wonderful.

Zhao Xun was quite impressed by the words of his teacher, Daoist Qinglian.

This is tantamount to making Zhao Xun's confidence continue to soar.

In fact, this is not easy.

It is difficult for ordinary people to easily reach this state.

But Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, believed that Zhao Xun could achieve it.

So how could Zhao Xun not like it?
He was not very good at Talisman, which is a typical congenital deficiency.

So at the critical moment, if the mentor can push him, everything will be completely different.

This feeling of enjoyment is really very touching.

This feeling of enjoyment is really quite emotional.

Everything is extremely touching, and everything is extremely exciting.

So for them, Zhao Xun's performance at this time will be particularly critical.

If Zhao Xun can adjust his state as much as possible in the following process, then the subsequent improvement will be all-round.

This promotion process can be said to be quite emotional.

It is not a state that ordinary people can easily achieve.In many cases, grasping the realm of cultivation is a very mysterious thing.

Sometimes it can reach an extreme state, but sometimes it may cause stretching of the hips in the realm of cultivation.

Zhao Xun has gradually realized some of the key points.

So in the future, he will try his best to control all the rhythms, and he will try his best to control all the rhythms.

It's hard, it's quite difficult.

But Zhao Xun's pressure was not that great overall.

For him, he knew that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi would not just sit idly by.

If he encounters some difficulties, or falls into a quagmire, then his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi will definitely give him some support in time.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's ability to grasp is quite strong.

Therefore, Zhao Xun needs to have an in-depth grasp of some detailed aspects.

If you can control all the rhythm as much as possible from the beginning.

Then the improvement of the overall talisman technique is still promising.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he can deeply understand these principles.

For Zhao Xun, these promotion processes can be said to be quite emotional.

"Very good, brat, you have to continuously inject your primordial spirit into it. One thing you have to remember is that as you inject more primordial spirits into it, the mana of the talisman array you draw will It will become stronger. The truth is such a truth, such a very simple truth. So you really don’t need to have any entangled emotions. Do your part well, then everything will be fine. Got it."

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun can be said to be filled with emotion at this time.

He knew that the analysis of his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was quite in place.

So basically his analysis will not have quite a lot of problems.

Zhao Xun only needs to do his best in the next link, then the improvement will follow.

Zhao Xun's ability to grasp is quite strong, so it can be said that he grasped it just right during the whole process.

The details of Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, gave Zhao Xun quite a lot of exquisite experience.

After having these experiences, the all-round improvement is even more mysterious.

Not ordinary, everything is quite unusual.

As far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun's promotion is indeed very fast.

Whether it can be further improved in the future is really hard to say.

But as far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun is indeed enjoying it quite a bit.

Very good, everything looks pretty good now.

So there is really no need to be entangled in the whole process.

During the whole process, Zhao Xun only needs to do some immersive experiences.

Enjoy, everything is extremely enjoyable.

Zhao Xun knows very well that as long as he can enjoy as much as possible, then everything will be extremely smooth.

Everything can give people an extraordinary experience.

For Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is an extraordinary feeling.

For Zhao Xun, the guidance from his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is indeed quite crucial.

It is precisely because of such guidance that everything changes, and everything makes people feel an unparalleled feeling.

After feeling these feelings, Zhao Xun felt that he had realized something again.

"Men, when we draw a talisman, can we inject some other ideas of ours, such as some fragments from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. If we inject these fragments, can we feel some strange feelings? ?”

Zhao Xun's thoughts are actually quite a lot.

So he can always output these ideas very well.

This is actually quite commendable.

Because not all people are very expressive.

Most people are actually quite lacking in expressive ability.

The level of expression they can achieve is quite limited.

So when you are in a very special environment, what kind of expression level you can achieve is actually quite critical.

Otherwise, on the whole, the process of improvement is actually not very obvious.

Zhao Xun knew that he still had a huge room for improvement.

So he will try his best to express all the doubts in his heart.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, this is actually a very wonderful choice.

Because sometimes it is necessary to be as brave as possible to express the truest thoughts in your heart, so that all things will be meaningful and all things will be more interesting.

If not, sometimes the confused emotions may really drive people completely crazy.

This is not a very good result.No matter from any point of view, it is not a good result.

Therefore, for Zhao Xun, it is still very important to master some necessary analytical skills when necessary.

Sure enough, at this moment, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said: "Don't talk about it, you brat, your analysis still makes sense. In fact, you can try to inject the breath from your sea of ​​consciousness into these things." If it is really feasible, it proves that the effect is still very good. But I have never tried it before as a teacher. Therefore, as a teacher, I cannot give you a very firm suggestion. All this has to be done by yourself I tried hard. I really can't guarantee you the final result, but I hope this is a very good result. I hope this result can satisfy you."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi didn't say the whole thing to death, but left a living mouth.In Zhao Xun's opinion, this is quite good.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus felt a very strange feeling.

That is, the moment he opened the darkness, he felt the impact of a light beam from afar.

This point was actually very obvious when he entered the glacier environment.

So for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the shock at this time is still quite huge.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is very clear that the situation he is facing now is quite difficult.

If in the next period of time, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can't effectively get rid of this distracting thought, then it is actually quite dangerous.

In many cases, how to deal with the details is actually to experience a person's skills.

Servants of the God of Darkness like Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus actually have certain strength no matter from any angle or any details.

But possessing strength is one aspect, and showing strength is another completely different aspect.

So at the beginning Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was actually a little bit confused, but he adjusted fairly quickly.

After realizing that he was in a fantasy space, he adjusted it as quickly as possible.

After jumping out of this space, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus originally thought that everything was on the right track, but who would have thought that he would fall into another fantasy space.

This kind of pressure is indeed too great, and this kind of pressure really makes Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs feel a feeling of scalp numbness.

As the apostle of the God of Darkness, the pressure on his shoulders is actually quite enormous.

So at the critical moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs must show some unique qualities.

If he can't show such a strong side of himself, then he will actually face quite a huge danger.

In many cases, whether you can handle everything yourself is a very critical thing.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he can't even handle the details of his own part very well now.

This is a very bad thing.

The God of Darkness is still counting on him to be able to charge forward.If he pulled his hips as soon as he came up, wouldn't that mean it was all over?

No matter from any point of view, it is impossible to accept such a result.

Sometimes these detailed things can really make people feel extremely tangled.

Could it be that there is a deviation in the guidance of the God of Darkness?

No no no, this must be his own problem.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was actually quite frustrated when he had such a thought.

How could he question the God of Darkness?

The God of Darkness is the person they believe in.

The God of Darkness is the one who can guide them.

So even if there are some deviations in any situation, it should not cause too many emotional problems.

Otherwise, the all-round impact is really quite huge.

It can be said that the impact of these details on Du Yudiadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' self-confidence is huge.

He felt himself exiled.He felt like he had become an outcast.

Regarding the guidance of the God of Darkness, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs had no idea what he should do.

He didn't know what the God of Darkness was thinking at this time, and he didn't know what he should do at this time.

When a person's judgment sharply stretches his hips, then everything will start to become difficult.

At this time, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs had a very obvious feeling.

For him, all this is like a torment, like an unparalleled torment.

Everything at this time can be said to be in a very confused state for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

He really didn't know what to do.

He really didn't know how to take that step.

For him, having a very different perception made all the difference.

"Guidance from the God of Darkness, which direction do you want us to go?"

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs was indeed very confused.

It was as if he had walked into the desert alone.

At this time, he really didn't know how to act at all.

Everything reveals a sense of confusion.Everything is quite frustrating.

Helpless emotions, helpless emotions have indeed enveloped him all the time.

How to do it?
No matter how you do it, it seems to be a little bit meaningless.

Could it be that the legendary academy is playing tricks?

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs thinks this possibility is quite high.

Because in his opinion, the Academy is the strongest camp in the Great Zhou World.

If there is anyone who can stop him, then this camp must be the Academy.

None of the others, not even Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles, took a look.

Because in his opinion, other people are not even worthy of being compared with him.

It is such an easy thing to compare in many cases.

Many times comparison is such a calm thing.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he firmly believes in his own strength.

If there is a certain problem, it is also caused by the academy.

So at this juncture he has no reason to be confused.

If there is persistent confusion, then the next result will definitely be even more confusing.

At this time, I still have to show some of my strong parts, and I still have to show some of my sharp parts. Only in this way can I reach an unparalleled situation, and only in this way can I reach a quite strong situation.

"If it's the academy that's playing tricks, what can I do to weaken the role of the academy? How can I make the role of the academy less obvious?"

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is not a hypocritical person.

Even when faced with a problem, what he thinks about is how to solve the problem reasonably.

Solving problems sometimes does require a certain amount of luck.But in the view of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, his luck has never been a problem.

As long as you can handle the details as well as possible, then everything will become quite wonderful.

He is asking the God of Darkness, isn't this a wonderful way?
The God of Darkness should have given him instructions, right?
Isn't it a natural and normal operation for the God of Darkness to give instructions to his servants?
In the final analysis, it still depends on the God of Darkness. In the final analysis, it is still up to the God of Darkness to solve everything.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, he believed in the God of Darkness absolutely unconditionally.

So even at the last moment, this kind of pressure will not be so huge.

Everything gives people a sense of enjoyment.

Everything gives people a very delicate feeling.

This feeling made Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs feel better gradually.

In fact, when a person has been in an exiled space for too long, there will be more or less mental problems.

This is not an unacceptable process, the key is whether you can adjust in time after going through this stage.

If it can be adjusted in time, everything will be different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is a man who is good at regulating himself.

When he was able to give himself some extremely strong psychological hints by talking to himself, then everything was different.

This feeling is really enjoyable.

This kind of feeling really makes people feel an unusual feeling from the very beginning.

So at this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs firmly believes that he will be able to go out.

Nothing is impossible for him.For him, as long as he works hard, everything is very simple.

When he successfully walks out of this empty space and escapes from the state of exile, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will carry out a very severe round of attack on the academy and the entire Dazhou world revenge.

He had indeed been waiting for quite a long time.

He couldn't wait any longer.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, all the choices made at this time are actually paving the way for the last moment.

For him, the whole process was actually not that stressful.

It makes all the difference when one is able to master as much confidence as possible from the start.

Many times it is really quite precious to make a subtle choice.

Many times making an exquisite choice can really bring an unparalleled feeling.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, his current improvement in hard power is already unparalleled.

So in the future, he will optimize the details in some practical links.

He is a disciple of the God of Darkness, so he must be able to have some very practical performances.

The God of Darkness blesses him in the sky.

Casual For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, it is not difficult to fully demonstrate his strength.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, all opportunities will be available as long as they don't give up.

Suna Star.

The mountain behind the floating city.

Waterfall, Golden Temple.

Old Billy was meditating.

As far as old Billy was concerned, he had never actually meditated.

But after some suggestions from Zhao Xun, Old Billy finally started to meditate tentatively.

It's definitely off to a pretty fantastic start for Old Billy.

For Old Billy, this was a brand new breakthrough.

When a person can start to meditate, it means that the person's heart can completely calm down.

Is meditation important?

Meditation is of course very important.

When a person can completely meditate, the sense of pride he can feel is really very enjoyable.

At this moment, Old Billy was in a meditative state after meditating.

In his opinion, this is quite critical, and it is quite commendable.

For Old Billy, when a person can be in a meditative state from the very beginning, then the next thing will be even less entangled.

Why do people have to be so entangled?
Why is it so painful to be a human being?
In fact, in the state of meditation, those painful memories can be temporarily forgotten.

In the state of meditation, those so-called painful emotions can actually be left behind.

Enjoy, everything is a very enjoyable feeling.

For old Billy, he had already tried this process.Every time the feeling is different.Every attempt can bring a completely different feeling.

So it's really pretty perfect.

Regardless of the analysis from any detail, this is incomparably perfect.

For old Billy, if he could enjoy this difference in all aspects, then everything after that would be completely different.

Old Billy really enjoys it, and Old Billy can really enjoy all the details.

For Old Billy, all the parts of the moment can reach a state of communication with his spiritual consciousness.

As for how long it can last, in fact, Old Billy doesn't have a very good idea.

For old Billy, there are still some elements of confusion in everything at present.

It's just that he couldn't express all his confused emotions at this point in time.

For old Billy, figuring out a few things seemed crucial.

Especially at a time like this.

It's not easy, at present, everything is quite difficult.

But for old Billy, the details he has now are actually enough to support him to continue to go deeper.

In fact, Old Billy has always deeply remembered Zhao Xun's teachings in his heart.

Old Billy had always known what to do.

For old Billy, when a person can deeply improve himself, then he can get a lot of feedback.

This is actually a process of communication.

Old Billy didn't quite understand at first.But gradually he has realized something.

For old Billy, it is quite important to realize something in this state.

When a person can have an in-depth analysis, his development will actually be much better than at the beginning.

This is the state of old Billy.

Old Billy's ability to get to where he is today is actually more due to a so-called survival instinct.

The survival instinct is in everyone.

But what kind of state can be played is actually not certain.

Not all people are able to maximize their survival instincts from the very beginning.

Even Old Billy is constantly trying to improve.

For Old Billy, this process was actually quite enjoyable.

When he felt the beauty of these things, everything was completely different.

For Old Billy, he knew that Zhao Xun was watching him from a certain shaded place at this time.

So Old Billy's sense of pressure is still there.

He knew that he couldn't do anything to disappoint Zhao Xun.

He knows that his performance is still related to many things.

At least in Suna Star, Old Billy will play the role of Zhao Xun's eyeliner.

Old Billy can see what Zhao Xun cannot see.

Old Billy can do what Zhao Xun can't do.

So the role of Old Billy is indeed quite obvious.

For Old Billy to fully express himself is indeed quite precious.

So in the next period of time, he will have to show his talents more reasonably.

In fact, it was only slowly that Old Billy discovered that he possessed so many talents.

At first, old Billy thought he was a piece of shit.

But through Zhao Xun's guidance, Old Billy gradually discovered that everyone has their strengths.

Everyone has the possibility to improve, and everyone has room for continuous growth.

So there is no need to have any entanglements.

It is necessary to continue to grow before it is possible to find your own potential.

Old Billy at this time is indeed fully confident, and Old Billy at this time does have his own set of ideas.

Old Billy knew that these details must be fully exploited.

Old Billy knew he had to come up with something unique.

It's important, it's pretty critical.

In the process of continuous optimization, Old Billy actually improved quite quickly.

In the process of continuous improvement, Old Billy's improvement can make him feel a refreshing feeling that he has never had before.

This is really quite wonderful.

Zhao Xun gave him advice. Old Billy has been studying silently.

Now Old Billy already possessed a very powerful talent and ability, that is clairvoyance.

Old Billy could directly and clearly see the scene on the upper floor of the floating city.

Old Billy, including Lord Nosalo, could see every move clearly.

But to achieve this, there is actually a prerequisite, that is, Old Billy must ensure that he is meditating.

After entering the meditative state, Old Billy was able to activate the clairvoyance very smoothly.

After entering the state of meditation, Old Billy was able to use clairvoyance very easily.

Very different, everything is quite different.

For old Billy, he is now used to the operation of this spell, but he will only use it when necessary.

Because if the other party finds out, Old Billy is still very dangerous.

Zhao Xun could suddenly feel that Old Billy was greeting him.

This is a unique relationship between him and old Billy, and it is an extremely magical relationship.

It is difficult for Zhao Xun to describe the feeling of communicating with each other at any time.

It's as if they have a very special connection with each other.

This connection is indeed quite ingenious, and this connection is indeed incomparably magical.

So at such a moment, Zhao Xun was indeed very emotional.

For Zhao Xun, he suddenly felt a sense of excitement at this moment.

Because he knew that Old Billy could greet him at this point in time, which showed one thing, that is, Old Billy valued him very much.

Old Billy would only adopt such a pattern when Old Billy valued him very much.

Generally speaking, when a person encounters danger, generally speaking, when a person encounters a crisis, he will definitely seek help.

And when he went to ask for help, the first person must be someone who occupied a very important position in his mind.

From the current point of view, this person of Old Billy is Zhao Xun.

So Zhao Xun should be able to feel that Old Billy has encountered some troubles, and the troubles are probably not small.

Therefore, for a period of time, Zhao Xun had to prepare his emotions well, because obviously, if he could not prepare his emotions well, he would not be able to maintain a very calm state with Old Billy Calm minded.

In many cases, when a person's emotions begin to change in all directions, everything is completely different from the beginning.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but for him, the communication with Old Billy that he can have at this time really makes him feel very enjoyable and very gratified.

"Is that you, Old Billy?"

At this time, Zhao Xun began to open up a very special connection with Old Billy.

Because he knew that after opening the connection at this time, they could talk about everything with each other.

Such a relationship is really good, this kind of relationship is really wonderful.

For Old Billy, it was quite a joy to feel that connection so beautifully.

Because he knew that Zhao Xun was able to contact him and communicate with him at this time.

Once this interoperability mode is turned on, there will be no more confusion.

Once this intercommunication mode is turned on, everything becomes quite familiar, with a rather warm feeling.

I have to say that this feeling is really comfortable, without the slightest discomfort.

"That's right. I was just able to see Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus. He seems to have broken through the void space, and he seems to have reached a rather wonderful space."

Old Billy's voice was slightly hoarse, but there was still a hint of certainty in the hoarseness.

So for Zhao Xun, this will not make people feel quite embarrassed, but it will make people feel quite wonderful.

For Old Billy, when he communicated with Zhao Xun for a long time, that extreme sense of happiness would spontaneously arise.

Perfect, everything is really quite perfect.


After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his excited mood.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, this is tantamount to him opening a door at the moment.

He can see a lot of interesting things through this door.

Through this gate he could see something incomparably wonderful.

Everything is quite wonderful, and everything is incomparably wonderful.

Sometimes these details can really open a person's heart.

The whole process might seem a little embarrassing, but it's really okay once you get used to it.

Zhao Xun knew that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs had already broken through the inherent space limitation.

So what happens next?

This point is actually something he really doesn't understand, this point is actually something he really doesn't understand.

So Zhao Xun didn't know what would happen next.

As far as he is concerned, he only knows that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is the guardian of the God of Darkness and a loyal believer of the God of Darkness.So Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will definitely do things for the God of Darkness.

The reason why this guy opened the door of darkness this time, and the reason why he decided to come to the world of the Great Zhou, is that his core purpose should be to help the God of Darkness explore the way, right?

Anyway, Zhao Xun himself really thought so.

So everything that follows is actually very confusing.

It is actually very difficult to have a more reasonable judgment in such a confusing process.

But this is Zhao Xun after all.

So Zhao Xun still has to come up with something different.

Zhao Xun definitely couldn't make Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs too arrogant.

After all, no matter from any angle or any details, this guy is quite powerful.

If it is not suppressed and suppressed, God knows what will happen to this guy.

Moreover, Zhao Xun could not disappoint Old Billy.

The relationship between Old Billy and Zhao Xun can be said to be quite harmonious.

In such an environment, Zhao Xun must ensure that he has an optimal and reasonable state.

Zhao Xun must ensure that the relationship between himself and Old Billy will not cross the line.

Because if there is a cross-border situation, everything will be very troublesome.

Zhao Xun will do his best to handle all the details well.

But some details are really not so easy to deal with.

So if there are some problems, it is very easy to understand.

For Zhao Xun, the details he has at this time must be displayed very well.

There must be no panic during the whole process, no chaos during the whole process.

He must be able to make a very rational analysis, and the process of this analysis can make people feel quite wonderful things.

"Well, let me think about it."

From the current point of view, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs looks trapped by a magic circle.

This magic circle created a void space in an absolute sense.

So after this void space was opened, everything changed.

After this void space is opened, the magic circle should also be invalid.Zhao Xun's judgment basically never has any problems. Within a certain range, Zhao Xun's analysis is quite in place.

So Zhao Xun is basically sure that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has completely cracked the magic circle.

But who set up this magic circle?

Sixth brother?Daoist Qinglian?

No no no.None of these answers are possible.

Because no matter for the sixth senior brother or for the mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, it is impossible to set up a magic circle against a guy in a distant galaxy.

Their magic power may still be effective in the Great Zhou world, but it must be ineffective on distant planets separated by countless galaxies.

Therefore, Zhao Xun can basically conclude that there is another person who planted a powerful magic circle for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.It's just that it's really hard for him to determine who this person is now.

It's hard, everything is quite difficult now.

If you want to have a very meticulous judgment from the very beginning, then the pressure is indeed quite huge.

But Zhao Xun can take his time, Zhao Xun can progress step by step.

Step by step is indeed something Zhao Xun is very good at.

Step by step is indeed something that Zhao Xun is very diligent about.

So at this time Zhao Xun has completely recovered to a very quiet state.

For Zhao Xun, it is quite crucial to analyze clearly who the person behind the scenes is.

If he can do this, then everything that follows will be easier.

If this can be achieved, then Zhao Xun can give Old Billy an explanation.

This is a very idealized result, and it is also the result that Zhao Xun most hopes to see.

But this world is not entirely based on Zhao Xun's will.

So when there are some very confusing behaviors, it will indeed make Zhao Xun very embarrassed.

Whenever such a situation occurs, Zhao Xun has to work hard to calm down his mood.

Because he has to analyze slowly.

Enjoy the so-called unraveling feeling, enjoy the feeling of slowly figuring out the truth of things.

I have to say that this feeling is indeed quite beautiful.

I have to say that this feeling is really enjoyable.

It is indeed possible for Zhao Xun to make a huge breakthrough and discovery in the future.

For Zhao Xun, this difficulty is actually not very high.

The key is whether you can withstand such a huge pressure.

After all, for Zhao Xun, some of his discoveries are actually delineated within a certain range.

And if it exceeds this range, it is really not easy to say whether it is still effective.

Some very detailed things, some very detailed analysis sometimes will indeed bring quite different experiences.

Zhao Xun can only say that he has to work harder.

When a person can continue to work hard, then it is a very wonderful moment to greet him.

Zhao Xun's current analysis is basically not too overturned.Zhao Xun believes that as long as he can continue to analyze according to the current thinking, then everything is quite perfect.

As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy.

Zhao Xun will not force himself too much, but will try his best to keep himself in a comfort zone.

There will always be people who oppose the comfort zone, thinking that staying in the comfort zone will not have a sense of challenge or stimulation.

But in fact, Zhao Xun thinks it feels good to stay in the comfort zone.

It's a really nice feeling, a really enjoyable feeling.

When you feel this way from the beginning, you will have more motivation to fight.

Struggle is indeed a very important thing, and struggle is indeed something that can improve a person in an all-round way.

So sometimes it is really crucial to fully show your talents.

When a person can start to fully express himself, it just means that the person's cognition of himself has reached a new level.

Currently, Zhao Xun is at such a stage.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

So since Old Billy said this sentence, Zhao Xun has been thinking and analyzing hard.

For him, if he can figure out everything in the next time, then the result will definitely satisfy everyone.

Zhao Xun knew that for people like Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, their abilities actually came from the God of Darkness.

So if he breaks through this void space, it can only explain one thing, the God of Darkness has guided him in the direction.

From this point of view, the God of Darkness is still quite optimistic about Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

So, from the current point of view, this guy should be able to find the door to the Great Zhou world in a short time.

So expecting this guy to get lost is indeed a bit unrealistic now.

It is indeed quite difficult to have a more detailed judgment in a short period of time.

But in Zhao Xun's view, getting some huge breakthroughs is also very crucial.

For Zhao Xun, the current analysis actually has a room for obstacles.It is particularly critical to be able to cross the space of this obstacle.

In fact, not everyone can easily break through this barrier space.

Not everyone can break through this space at the very beginning.

Basically all people will have an obvious misunderstanding, and all people will have a subjective thing.

Everyone's subjectivity is different, but Zhao Xun is sure that not everyone can break through it easily.

Zhao Xun can only say try his best.

If the attempt works well, then everything is not bad.

"I guess, this Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs should follow the old path that the Corruptor took."

The reason why Zhao Xun came to this conclusion was that the Corruptors had always started the ritual of the dark sacrifice.

The ritual of this dark sacrifice is actually to summon the Shadow Race, to summon the God of Darkness.

No matter from any point of view, there is nothing wrong with this.

No matter how you look at it, it makes no difference.

Since Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a member of the Shadow Clan.

Then the Corruptors might be calling him.

Zhao Xun even thought that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs could easily identify the specific location of the Corruptors' Dark Portal, and could rely on smell to identify it.

This unique ability is actually really surprising sometimes.

Sometimes it is really necessary to make some detailed analysis.

Because not all people can make everything clear at the beginning.

For Zhao Xun, inferring cause from effect is actually a way.

Although this approach sometimes looks a bit silly.

But in fact, if you have really figured it out, you won't feel stupid in the future.

When you feel stupid is exactly when you don't understand.

The time to feel stupid is precisely the time when you don't understand these phenomena.

If you want to understand these clearly, there is indeed quite a lot of pressure.

For Zhao Xun, all the current inferences are actually quite necessary.

For him, if he can analyze everything as clearly as possible, then he will have a completely different sense of experience.

Zhao Xun really enjoyed this experience.

"That is to say, the portal of darkness is interoperable with them. Can they easily tell the direction of the portal of darkness?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Zhao Xun's analysis on this is still very decisive.

Because in his view, the truth is such a truth.

Since the truth is such a truth, then there is really no need to have any entanglements in the whole process.

After a reasonable analysis, then in fact everything is different, everything is completely different.

For Zhao Xun, there are actually many different possibilities in the future.

For Zhao Xun, he actually knew that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs would have quite a lot of other room for manipulation.

So Zhao Xun couldn't directly decide on the plan.

Because he knows that there are many variables, so he can't sort it all out.

Difficult, all this is really quite difficult.

But Old Billy obviously listened very seriously. Old Billy obviously listened very carefully.

Zhao Xun couldn't bear to disturb Old Billy.

Because the other party's state is really too comfortable.

The opponent's mode is really too easy.

So Zhao Xun must ensure that he has the best model.

For him, with an optimal model, all judgments will become quite reasonable.

Zhao Xun has basically been able to make some predictions about the route of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

He knew that if Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus really came to the Great Zhou World through the Dark Portal, then the first place he came to must be the gathering place of the Corruptors.

And where are the corroders gathering now?Isn't it just the way to the south of the Yangtze River, Qingzong Mountain?

At present, looking at the lair where the Corruptors gather, there is no doubt about it, and there is no doubt about it.

So Zhao Xun and the others can completely realize that they are waiting for the rabbit.

It's just that the waiting time may be a little longer.

Zhao Xun is already very rational at this time.He knows what kind of state he should maintain.

The whole person cannot be too impulsive, and the whole person cannot be too excited.

You must maintain a relatively stable state, and you must maintain your absolute calm.

Because only in this way can his analysis be on the right track.

Otherwise, the overall analysis will be under a downward trend.Of course, this is what Zhao Xun does not want to see.Zhao Xun hopes that his analysis can hit the key link, and he hopes that his analysis can make people extremely satisfied.

Especially old Billy.

It can be said that Zhao Xun attaches great importance to Old Billy's opinion at present.

If old Billy can get some very swimming advice, then his pursuit of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus will also become more timely.

At present, the connection between Zhao Xun and Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is not as deep as the connection between Old Billy and him.

Therefore, under certain circumstances, Zhao Xun still has to ensure that his operations do not have some very obvious problems.

Otherwise, everything may go wrong, or the rhythm of everything may be avalanche.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so he hopes to gain a completely different experience from the very beginning.

This completely different experience is actually quite precious.

When a person can start to have different meanings, then his analysis must have some very detailed considerations.

For Zhao Xun, he is indeed in a very rationalized stage right now.

If it can be in a very rationalized stage, the analysis of things will not be too hip-stretching.

This is still quite precious and important.

Because if you are a little slack about a big devil like Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, then his next operation may cause you very painful.

Emotional planning is sometimes really embarrassing.

Emotional manipulation is indeed very difficult to control.

But Zhao Xun is very clear that there must be no hypocrisy at this time.

For him, putting himself in a very rational thinking mode at this time will make everything quite easy.

Zhao Xun was trying hard to figure out all the details.

For him, this pressure is still there, but he knows that he must be able to hold his breath at this time.

It is quite difficult to hold on to this breath, but Zhao Xun has made up his mind.

So he won't have any hesitation.

During the whole process, he will not have any hesitation anymore.

Zhao Xun knows what role he should play, and what state he should unfold.

So next, Zhao Xun's performance will become quite wonderful, and everything Zhao Xun shows will be quite graceful.

Many times it is a process of self-awareness, and many times it is a process of self-realization.

These detailed analyzes can really make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

"From the current point of view, if they come to the world of the Great Zhou, Jiangnan Road should be the first to come. It is where we are currently."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and still felt that he should explain it to Old Billy as clearly as possible.

Because only when Old Billy figured out these things, everything that followed could be more clearly grasped.

If old Billy didn't even know the movements of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, how could he be able to figure out what happened.

Many things in this world are actually so simple.

When you can figure out these details in all directions, everything is different.

Zhao Xun's analysis at this time is quite in place, and Zhao Xun's analysis at this time is extremely quintessential.

So he had to communicate with Old Billy at this time, and he had to make sure that he had a good cognition in an absolute sense.

Obtaining an essential cognition actually requires a continuous and progressive process.

You may not be able to reach an extremely perfect situation at the beginning.

But if it can be continuously progressive, the effect is quite ideal.

At critical moments, people have to show some completely different characteristics.

At critical moments, people have to show some unique momentum.

Momentum is really quite crucial.

There is a world of difference between a person with momentum and a person without momentum.

The current state of Zhao Xun is indeed quite good.

So in the next period of time, Zhao Xun should take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and should continue to work hard.

In terms of hard work, Zhao Xun has never lost.

In terms of hard work, Zhao Xun is actually quite awesome.

So even for the sake of Old Billy, Zhao Xun must conduct some in-depth analysis as much as possible.

At present, everything is quite different from what Zhao Xun imagined at the beginning.

Under such circumstances, it is actually quite necessary to analyze various situations reasonably.

For Zhao Xun, it can be inferred at this time that the Corruptor has begun to develop some deeper understanding with the Shadow Clan.

After having some deeper cognition, everything is different.

Tsk tsk tsk, just some detailed analysis can clarify some sexual issues.

This is still quite necessary.

Because you never know what will happen in the future.

You have no idea what the future holds.

So you can only continue to make your opponent feel terrified in this way, you can only continue to make your opponent feel extremely terrified in this way.

It's hard, it's all pretty tough.

But for Zhao Xun, there are so many analyzes that need to be given at critical moments.

Now that Old Billy has connected with him, it means that Old Billy needs his help.

Under such preconditions, Zhao Xun couldn't feel any hesitation.

Because if Zhao Xun hesitated, he would feel sorry for Old Billy.

Even for old Billy, Zhao Xun had to grit his teeth.

In fact, the truth is such a truth, a very clear and rationalized truth.

It is to see what the final degree of completion is, that is, to see what the final effect is.

Zhao Xun still sees himself very much.He is very sure of himself.So in Zhao Xun's view, everything is possible now.

As long as we can continue to develop, then nothing is impossible.

As long as it can continue to develop, then Zhao Xun is still very confident in himself.

Everything is very different from what I imagined.

Everything deviated somewhat from what Zhao Xun had expected.

But so what, Zhao Xun's vision and vision are so long-term.

So in his view, whatever happens next is possible.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's beautiful, everything is quite beautiful.

For Zhao Xun, the next step is to show his talent as much as possible.

Come on, it's time to show his talent.

Zhao Xun will not let Old Billy down, let alone himself.

"Don't worry, old Billy, I will keep an eye on this place. If there is any trouble, or if Diadonas Lorenzo Huffrefs comes to Jiangnan Road, I will be the first I will report to you soon. At that time, you will definitely receive my news."

"Well, I will always follow the direction of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus here. Unless he escapes into the darkness, then I can't see him. Otherwise, I will Will keep reporting to you."

At this time, Old Billy also responded very positively.

For Zhao Xun, hearing this result can be said to be quite satisfactory.

If the two can form a very effective and tacit cooperation, then everything is quite worthy of celebration.

No matter from any point of view, this is quite worth looking forward to.

Let them experience it slowly, let them feel it slowly.

It must be possible to catch the traces of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

Chang'an City.

Emperor Xianlong has now obtained some very useful information.

That is, the crossbow arrows used to assassinate him came from among the kings as expected.

These crossbows are standard crossbows, which are only owned by the army and the palaces of the princes.

The army was first excluded by Emperor Xianlong.

Because the entire military camp in Chang'an City, except for the Imperial Army, is outside the city.

As for the Forbidden Army, all of them are direct descendants of Emperor Xianlong, and there is almost no possibility of being mixed up with traitors.

So basically the only option left is the kings of Beijing.

For Emperor Xianlong, it is actually very important if he can get as many key factors as possible next.

Because for Emperor Xianlong, if he can have some very detailed judgments from the very beginning, then everything that follows will be very clear.

Among the kings, the East Palace was naturally included.

The East Palace must have what the kings have.

The kings in the East Palace may not necessarily have them.

So if we analyze it from this angle, then we can basically draw a conclusion that the East Palace is basically the most suspected.

So for Emperor Xianlong, for the current Emperor Xianlong, the pressure is still quite huge.

If the mastermind behind the assassin was really Donggong, Emperor Xianlong would definitely take this opportunity to abolish the crown prince.

But whether this effect can be achieved is really not certain.

Sometimes if you want to have a deeper level of cognition, you need to have a thoughtful attitude from the very beginning.

For Prince Li Xiankun, in fact, he may make various choices.

For Prince Li Xiankun, any operation is possible.

So even what happens next is quite reasonable.

Emperor Xianlong would not find it strange even if anything happened next.

Everything is different from what Emperor Xianlong imagined at the beginning.

What he didn't expect was that the prince or the kings would really dare to send people to assassinate so blatantly.

No matter from any point of view, the truth is such a truth.

No matter from any point of view, the details are such details.

The analysis that follows becomes even more confusing.

If Emperor Xianlong wanted to figure out the direction of these details, he needed the Daomen to be able to use the Grand View Mind Technique.

But now it seems that the Taoist sect may not be willing to cooperate.

Take Yuan Tiangang, the supervisor of the Qin Tianjian, for example. In fact, Yuan Tiangang's state at this time is really quite ordinary.

It's really hard to say what kind of situation Yuan Tiangang can achieve.

Whether Yuan Tiangang is willing to help Emperor Xianlong is a matter of two opinions.

Under such circumstances, it is quite difficult to use the Daguanxin Technique to determine whether it was the prince or the king who did the assassination.

Emperor Xianlong was not a hypocritical person either.It was obviously too difficult for Emperor Xianlong to figure out everything from the beginning.

So in fact, Emperor Xianlong could accept some other options.

For example, relying on time to grind.

The end result can be pretty good if you can put it to the test of time.

If you can rely on time to grind, then everything in the end is acceptable.

Everything is actually very different from what they imagined.

Regardless of everything at the moment, it is actually quite wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, Emperor Xianlong decided to send an invitation to Yuan Tiangang to test Yuan Tiangang.

If Yuan Tiangang can pass the test, it will prove that everything is good and everything is acceptable
But if Yuan Tiangang can't easily pass the test, it means that Emperor Minglong still needs to keep moving forward and keep trying.

Sometimes it is always a good thing to have some detailed attempts.

For Emperor Xianlong, he really thought so.

For Emperor Xianlong, sometimes the choices he made could indeed make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

For Emperor Xianlong, the choice he made at this time could indeed give him an endless advantage in any aspect.

Emperor Xianlong enjoyed this feeling of dominance, because Emperor Xianlong knew very well that people should fully express themselves at critical moments.

Only when people fully show themselves can they win the so-called respect.

Especially for a top-ranking person like Emperor Xianlong.

If Emperor Xianlong couldn't win respect in this way, he simply didn't know who else could win full respect in what way.

Is the mountain long?
Academy disciple?
Zhao Xun?
Do they deserve it too?
In fact, Emperor Xianlong is no longer as angry as before.

If it was changed to the previous state, then Emperor Xianlong must have felt extremely angry.

For Emperor Xianlong, the current state is actually maintained very well.This is because he is already trying his best to control his emotions.

For him, everything at this time has become quite mysterious.

For him, if he controls his emotions for a long time, everything will change.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything is different when a person has different characteristics.

So now Emperor Xianlong is working hard to make himself more diversified.

When Emperor Xianlong began to diversify, the talents he can show now become even more wonderful.

For Emperor Xianlong, the details he has now are what other people don't have.

He enjoys this feeling very much, he enjoys this rather graceful feeling.

For Emperor Xianlong, he knew that if he continued to search, he would definitely be able to find some clues.

After all, there is nothing new in Chang'an City.

As long as anything is done, there must be results.As long as anything is done, there must be traces to follow.

For Emperor Xianlong, his current cognition is indeed enough to support him to keep going.

For Emperor Xianlong, the most important part of him is to let Yuan Tiangang gain the same understanding as him.

If Yuan Tiangang and Emperor Xianlong's cognition can reach a consistent state and consistent pattern, then everything can be well grasped, everything can be well grasped.

To be honest, Emperor Xianlong enjoyed this process very much.

For Emperor Xianlong, if he can really do this, if he can really make Yuan Tiangang willingly work for him for the Great Zhou court, then everything is expected.

So far, everything is quite reasonable.

From the current point of view, everything is still worth looking forward to.

Yuan Tiangang's attitude might not be as good as Emperor Xianlong imagined, but it might not be as bad either.

In fact, it is a process of mutual game.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong knew very well what Yuan Tiangang was thinking in his heart at this time, and he also knew very well what Yuan Tiangang's appeal was at this time.

What Yuan Tiangang wanted happened to be owned by Emperor Xianlong.

But Emperor Xianlong would never give it to Yuan Tiangang so easily.

He wanted to hang Yuan Tiangang like this all the time, and let Yuan Tiangang be devoted to him.

Only by doing this, only by reaching this state, will the final result be very good.

Emperor Xianlong really understood this principle very well.

For a top-level person in power, for a top-level manipulator, these are the basic operations.

So for Emperor Xianlong, in the following process, he should control his emotions as much as possible and control everything about him as much as possible, then all the following things will become quite reasonable.

There is no need to worry about all this, all of this needs to be enjoyed.

For Emperor Xianlong, he just wanted to do what no one else could do.

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