big week bad guy

Chapter 578 Desperate Breakthrough

The scene in the Realm of Fire is very different from what Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus imagined at the beginning.

Originally, in the imagination of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, it would only create some terrifying obstacles to him, but now it seems that the real horror of this flame realm is not physically not a fantasy, but a conscious fantasy.

At this time, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was constantly able to see the appearance of the twins.

Although he has tried his best to block all these images, but the effect does not seem to be very good.

It's hard, everything is really hard.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was indeed in a great deal of pain.

The whole process was indeed quite painful for him.

It is still quite difficult to get rid of the painful feeling in a short period of time.

Therefore, at critical moments, we must constantly strengthen our thoughts and strengthen our control over the primordial spirit.

Otherwise, the following situation may be quite painful and embarrassing.

In many cases, the grasp of details and the handling of details will be very embarrassing.

Not being the best at it can indeed lead to quite a few complications.

For example, the current Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he is very aware of the crux of his problem, but it is really difficult for him to keep himself from making mistakes.

Making mistakes seems to have become a fairly normal situation, and making mistakes seems to have become an impossible situation for him to avoid.

Why is this?
It seemed that everything was caused when the vision of his twin son came out.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, everything has been different since he started seeing visions of the twin.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus began to worry about gains and losses, and began to become very manic and irritable.

At this time, he was already on the verge of collapse.

It has to be said that the weakening and restriction of this flame space is too obvious for him.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs really felt quite embarrassed.

No matter from any detail, it is difficult for him to be in the best state.

No matter from what point of view, it is difficult to do the best.

So for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he is actually in the most collapsed state.

If he can't adjust to the best in the next period of time, then everything after that will be even more devastating.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is not a hypocritical person, but he also understands that human adjustment is something that must be done.

If he can't adjust everything effectively, then sometimes the crisis he faces will indeed drive people crazy.

It's hard, it's really quite difficult so far.

After facing so many crises, in fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is also constantly summing up.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, continuous generalization can lead to many valid conclusions.

These conclusions may not be able to see anything if you look at them alone.But accumulated together, there are still some very shocking effects after being piled up together.

So at this time, it really can't be entangled.Absolutely can not have any entanglement.

Because if you get too entangled at this time, you will drive yourself crazy.

That's a real example of driving yourself crazy.

When faced with so many problems, it is actually the most important thing to stay calm.

But it's also the hardest thing to keep calm.

Many times, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was in a very tangled state under the control of the God of Darkness.

He knew what the will of the God of Darkness was, but it was difficult to maintain it.

Because sometimes there is an obvious conflict between the direction of the God of Darkness and the direction he personally wants to move forward.

When there is an obvious conflict, then everything is different.

When there is an obvious conflict, then the details can become quite oppressive.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has indeed adjusted his rhythm very desperately.

But the truth is it's still hard, still pretty tough.

This rhythm is not so easy to adjust.

This rhythm can be maddening at times.

The order of the God of Darkness, it is like a giant sword hanging above the head of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.This giant sword would indeed make Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs's scalp tingle sometimes.

So what to do next?

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is really a little confused, he doesn't know what to do in the future.Because he could obviously feel a tremendous sense of pressure.

It’s fine if you can resolve this feeling of pressure by yourself, but if you can’t do this, then the problem is actually quite big.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, at this time, he must not be able to relieve the pressure by himself.

Because he is struggling with the twin son problem at the moment.

This problem can be really maddening sometimes.

When a person starts to really realize this problem, it means that he has quite a lot of problems to deal with in the future.

As long as any detail is not handled properly, the result will be quite fatal.

In many cases, the details really can determine everything.

If one detail is not handled well, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs may never have another chance.

So more often what Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs really lacks is an opportunity.

Opportunities are really crucial to him.

When a person has the opportunity, he will no longer have any fear, at least there will be no shrinking back.

This point is really too important.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss was not a hypocrite, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss was never a hypocrite.

He knew that there was some connection between himself and the God of Darkness.

So he will do his best to make himself have some unique characteristics.

These distinctive qualities can indeed help Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs enter a new world.

Although from the current point of view, the pressure he is under is extremely huge, but it is still possible for him to go out.

These illusions are illusions after all.

Since it's all an illusion, it's a matter of time to go out.

As long as Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus thinks, then there is no difficulty, as long as Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus thinks, then everything is quite simple .

People still can't question themselves too much, they still need to have self-confidence.

Sometimes self-confidence can really bring miracles, and sometimes self-confidence can really bring unparalleled experience.

It is indeed very important for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus to fully understand himself.

For him, cognition is actually a process of constantly analyzing himself.

At the beginning, you may feel that this process is a bit tangled and twisted, but in fact, after you get used to it, you will feel that everything is fine.

At the critical moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was able to fully unfold himself.

In the opinion of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, this is not so tangled.

Sometimes the reason why people feel entangled may be because they couldn't think about everything very rationally from the beginning.

But now, after a period of adjustments, in fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has begun to be able to adjust everything very seriously.

In the face of different situations, the adjustments Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs made are actually quite different.

So nothing is impossible for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

Everything is possible.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus already knew that this was a test for him by the God of Darkness, so he certainly wouldn't complain too much under such circumstances.

Because he knew that complaining at this time was meaningless, and would instead cause the God of Darkness to loathe him.

At this moment Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew that he had to overcome his emotions.In fact, this is not a very simple matter. In fact, it can make a person constantly move towards confused emotions.

So keeping calm is indeed quite critical.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew he would have a crisis for a long time to come.

The crises he has encountered so far are not rare, but after encountering a crisis, the handling he faces is actually the most critical.

It is indeed quite critical to deal with the details clearly, and it is indeed quite important to deal with the details clearly.

Details are often difficult to grasp.

Many times the details are difficult to deal with.

But Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has been forced to this point, so he has no choice but the possibility of choice.

Absolutely can not have any more hesitation.

Although everything is difficult, we must choose to support it.

If you keep going, then everything is hopeful.If it keeps going, then everything is possible to move forward.

In many cases, the sense of crisis is so realistic.

If you can stand up when you are facing a crisis, then everything will be different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew that the God of Darkness was watching him from the depths of the Dark Realm at this time.

So he must cheer up and try his best to get out of this area.

Although Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew it would be difficult, he had to try hard.

The whole process will have some challenging elements for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrevs, but with challenging elements, it can just inspire Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrevs Doves' fighting spirit.

When a person has fighting spirit, everything is actually different.

When a person has fighting spirit, in fact, the height he can reach is even stronger.

Details are actually a very important thing, and details are actually the most important standard that can reflect a person's prospects.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is ready, no matter how annoying the twins are, no matter how frightening the illusion, he must go out.This process can actually affect him to a considerable extent.But Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles will not yield.

Suna Star.

Old Billy meditated alone in the golden temple behind the waterfall.

For old Billy, he is already fully used to this kind of life.

For old Billy, this has become a part of his life.

For old Billy, he has completely adapted to everything here.

There won't be any feeling of tangle, there won't be any feeling of tangle.

When he can completely calm down, he will find that everything is so relaxed and peaceful.

When he can maintain a relaxed and peaceful state of mind, everything actually becomes easier.

For old Billy, he really enjoyed the mode already.

Old Billy was not a hypocrite.So when he promises to Zhao Xun, he will try his best to realize these.

For Old Billy, it is really crucial to fully express himself and fully realize himself, because this can show his talent in one detail.

Showcasing talent is really important.

Because not all people understand what talent they have.

In fact, from the very beginning, Old Billy didn't understand, and he didn't understand.

For Old Billy, Zhao Xun was the one who enlightened him.

It was only after Zhao Xun opened up many new worlds that he realized that he was so talented, so talented.This is really quite exciting.

For Old Billy, this feeling is really quite emotional.

Zhao Xun was indeed very helpful.

After getting so much help from Old Billy, it is only natural that he hopes to give something back to Zhao Xun.

What he gave back may not be useful to Zhao Xun, but it is more or less a wish.

It is always good to have intentions, and intentions can always bring a completely different experience.

For Old Billy to fully express himself and fully demonstrate his sincerity at this time is really quite precious.

He's never been that troubled.

Because for old Billy, showing himself is actually quite a wonderful thing.

What you need to show yourself is courage, and what you need to show yourself is a kind of fighting spirit.

So when a person can show fighting spirit, everything is different.

Old Billy is such a man with a strong fighting spirit.

In his view, nothing is impossible in this world.

Even with his control over the Shadow Clan, it is not difficult to track the Shadow Clan.

In many cases, as long as you fully demonstrate your talents, you will become quite perfect in the control of some details.

It's hard to grasp, sometimes it's really hard to grasp.

The handling of details sometimes does cause quite a lot of trouble.

For old Billy, when he was able to analyze many things in depth, he had actually played down quite a few crises.

For Old Billy, he knew very well that the Shadow Clan was constantly marching towards the Great Zhou world where Zhao Xun was.

So he instinctively wanted to do something, wanted to do something for Zhao Xun.

In fact, it is difficult to do this.Having some awareness when necessary is a key thing.

Old Billy is actually in the process of continuous growth.

For Old Billy, the more cognition he has, the higher level he can achieve in the future.

This cumulative process can indeed reach an astonishing height in the future.

Zhao Xun himself actually understood this point.

Therefore, Old Billy will also mention these parts intentionally or unintentionally in the process of interacting with Zhao Xun.

In Old Billy's view, Zhao Xun would not do anything that would disappoint him.

Zhao Xun's performance is always so perfect, and Zhao Xun's performance is always so detailed.

So there is really no need to be entangled. At this time, there is really no need to have any entanglements.

Just show yourself fully.

Old Billy knew it was pointless to struggle at a time like this.

Because the area he was in was actually an uninhabited area.

Anyway, old Billy hadn't seen a living person in such a long time.

He is the only one in the entire golden temple of Nuoda.

He was the only one in the empty golden temple, which sounded really scary.

But in fact, if he thought about it carefully, he would be able to fade away the terrifying emotions.

Because in Old Billy's view, since there is no one here, he can completely regard this place as his own home, just like some very concrete details in the floating city.

As long as he can stop being entangled, then everything will become quite wonderful.

As long as he can no longer be entangled, then everything does not need to feel pain anymore.

Old Billy knew that what he had to do at this time was to immerse himself in being himself.

It's actually not that difficult.

All he has to do is analyze everything he sees to Zhao Xun in an indiscriminate way.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, he can recognize everything clearly, and can see the trajectory of all the Shadow Race.

Because if there is a cognitive error, the result is quite disturbing.

So there really can't be cognitive errors, and we must ensure the rigor of everything.

Old Billy's predictions were never very obviously wrong.

Old Billy's predictions were quite accurate, and he possessed an unparalleled innate sense of certainty.

So when I felt this feeling, everything changed.

When you feel this feeling, everything is completely different.

Old Billy was exploring and switching between the constant sense of smell.

He seems to have an innate ability to explore the darkness, chase the darkness and discover the darkness.

Old Billy knew that Zhao Xun was very concerned about the movements of the Shadow Clan, so he didn't dare to relax for a while, for fear that the relaxation would lead to quite a lot of irreversible and inevitable contradictions.

In fact, the contradiction itself is nothing to be afraid of. The real fear is that you encounter a lot of dangers at the beginning and give up directly.

If you give up directly from the beginning, then the crisis you are facing is still quite difficult to deal with.

But Old Billy would definitely not give up so easily.

Old Billy would never give up so easily no matter what.

For Old Billy, anything was possible.

Anything was possible for Old Billy.

So for them, maintaining a calm mode for a long time is actually the most precious.

In this regard, what Old Billy really did is quite good.

Anyway, so far, Old Billy has no intention of giving up.

At least so far, Old Billy still intends to stick to it.

Difficulty is definitely still very difficult, but there is no reason to give up until the last moment.

There is nothing to say about sticking to the end, and sticking to the end is what they must do now.

For Old Billy, he must not betray Zhao Xun.

For Old Billy, he must try his best to do what Zhao Xun wanted him to do.

For old Billy, this is the direction he must keep trying.


After exhaling a foul breath, Old Billy tried hard to control his emotions.

It was really not easy for Old Billy to achieve this.

Because it will face quite a few crises, it will face quite a few challenges.

When you are aware of so many challenges, there is an instinctive feeling of dread in you.

But Old Billy's overall control is quite good.So in the whole process, there is actually not much feeling of shrinking back.

Overall, it's pretty smooth.

Overall it's pretty smooth.

However, Old Billy also knew that this time was actually just the beginning.If you start to relax at this time, if you start to be afraid at this time, everything will be completely different.

In many cases, you should still maintain a calm posture.In many cases, you should still maintain a peaceful state of mind.

Only by mastering these, then you will not panic when facing a crisis.

Obviously, the Shadow Clan will start to go to the Great Zhou World where Zhao Xun is located sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

So when faced with such a huge impact, Old Billy himself actually knew that he should give Zhao Xun some help as much as possible.

If his help arrives late, then maybe it's meaningless.

This kind of thing has always been rushed sooner rather than later.

Once you catch up early, everything becomes quite simple.

That's why Old Billy put so much emphasis on starting to meditate as much as possible from the very beginning.

When Old Billy entered this meditative state, it meant that he could feel the direction of the God of Darkness in all directions.

Yes, now Old Billy can already feel the direction of the God of Darkness, not just the so-called disciples of the God of Darkness.As far as this point is concerned, it can actually be regarded as a rather huge breakthrough.

With this breakthrough, Old Billy can give Zhao Xun more useful information.But the premise of all this is that he must try his best to control the entire rhythm at the beginning, and he must concentrate on it from the beginning.

And it's really hard to stay focused, and it does take quite a bit of effort to stay focused.

Old Billy didn't know if he could do it, and Old Billy didn't know if he could be perfect.

So for Old Billy, the challenge and pressure are quite huge.

Old Billy hoped to be able to control his emotions as much as possible at the beginning, but it was still very difficult, these were really quite difficult.

But he has no choice, he must continue to persevere.

Persistence is hopeful, and persistence is possible.

If you still can't choose to persevere at this time, then it is impossible for Old Billy to have any way out.

Old Billy was a man who believed in hope.So for him, he will definitely stick to it.

For him, if he can hold on to the end, then everything will be completely different.

Zhao Xun will not be disappointed, and neither will Old Billy himself.

As long as you can fully demonstrate your talents, as long as you can fully express your advantages, then everything is quite exciting.

Old Billy is full of confidence in this, and he also hopes that Zhao Xun can join in deeply.

Everything is the best arrangement, their alliance is indestructible.

At this time, Wu Aolis became more and more excited.Because a steady stream of dark believers began to pour into the Great Zhou world.

He was a little surprised at first.

But then Wuoris realized that this was something to be excited about.

Because Wu Aolis found that the situation they faced was completely different.

With the influx of so many dark believers, the strength of the Corruptor Alliance can be said to have greatly increased.

In this way, they don't have to have any fear at all.

Because under the current situation, they can actually challenge any enemy and show their best strength.

This is actually quite precious.

Wu Aolis had been waiting for this day for too long.He didn't know how long he would have to wait, but for Wuoris, now was actually the perfect moment.

He knew that he could not have any hesitation when facing the academy.Because the strength of the academy is quite strong, when you show the slightest hesitation, the academy will very decisively catch your flaws.

In this way, Wuoris has no chance.The Corruptor Alliance has no chance.

In many cases, the decisiveness of judgment is very important.

When facing the enemy, it fully demonstrates its own strength.

For Wuoris, this is a skill that must be learned hard.

For Wuoris, this is not a rare thing, and for Wuoris, this is not an impossible level.

Wuoris has actually been working hard all along.

It may just take a little bit of luck for him to reach this state.

For him to reach this state may just need some sense of struggle.

Wu Aolis is actually not bad at all, whether it is fighting spirit or other aspects.

So when he can fully express himself, everything will be completely different.

In fact, Wu Aolis has never had any problems in expressing himself.

For him, he also enjoys this feeling, this process.

Wu Aolis is very clear that when he can fully express himself, the realm he can reach is an extremely enviable realm.

All of these things could have made a considerable difference to Wuoris right from the start.

The grasp of these details and the play of these details are actually quite critical.

Wuoris knew that at this time, it was necessary to show some different characteristics between the Corruptor Alliance and the Shadow Clan.

When you can show some different qualities, the next thing will become even more wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, Wuoris is already sufficiently calm at this time, and Wuoris has already reached his own excellent state and excellent mode.

As long as he can maintain this state for a long time, everything about Wu Aolisi and Jeffron will make the Academy feel daunted.

At this time, Wu Aolis was already full of confidence.

But Jeffron still advised him to keep a low profile as much as possible.

After all, anything can happen before the God of Darkness comes.

If it is too high-profile at this time and the academy appears, and everything starts to change under the intervention, then it will really be very painful.

Painful emotions are absolutely unacceptable.

For Wu Aolis, he also understands that it is not a bad thing to seek stability at this juncture.

So after he reached a certain level of cooperation with Jeffron, everything was different.

It is really crucial to have a certain degree of agreement and cooperation.

For Wuoris, maintaining a stable opinion for a long time can indeed give people a positive perception from all aspects.

After gaining these positive cognitions, they will actually have more confidence when facing the academy.

When facing the enemy, if you can play to your heart's content and show your strongest state, then this is undoubtedly the most emotional moment.

Not everyone can reach this level.

Not even Wuoris and Jeffron.

So they have actually put in a lot of effort at the moment.

At this time, you must not have any slack. At this time, you must fully demonstrate your talents no matter what.

Being able to fully demonstrate your talents makes all the difference.

If they can fully demonstrate their talents, the chances of success for Wu Oris and Jeffron will be much greater.

All in all, the God of Darkness really gave them a lot of encouragement at the moment.

This also enables them to give the enemy a heavy blow to the maximum extent.

Very different, everything is quite different.

Under the current situation, the Corruptors have completely let themselves go.

They don't have any fear anymore.

Under the current situation, the Corruptor Alliance must grasp the best state.

For them, this is actually not such a difficult thing.

For them, this is actually a very simple matter.

Therefore, the impact that the entire Corruptor Alliance can bring is quite huge.

The future is promising, all in all, the future is really promising.

For Wu Aolisi and Jeffron, they have already fulfilled their expectations.

Just wait quietly for everything to happen.

Wei Wuji had a slight sense of distrust towards Prince Li Xiankun.

If they cooperated at the beginning, they could still feel very comfortable.

But now, Wei Wuji has only one feeling for Prince Li Xiankun and his princelings, and that is a deep disgust.

Maybe he shouldn't have gone to work with Crown Prince Li Xiankun in the first place.

Because now it seems that no matter from any point of view, this did not bring Wei Wuji a very wonderful experience.

The appearance of Prince Li Xiankun actually made his handling even more difficult.

When he felt that the situation started to become difficult, in fact, everything would make people more painful.

It is absolutely unacceptable for Wei Wuji that several opportunities slipped away from his hands.

Wei Wuji actually had several excellent opportunities, but he lost them all.

This painful feeling is simply indescribable.

Wei Wuji is not a hypocritical person, but he knows the reason not to come when the opportunity is too late.

Those who waste opportunities will definitely be punished. There is no doubt or doubt about this.

But it's not that he wants to waste the opportunity, he is actually fighting for the opportunity quite a bit.

But just because of some detailed processing has caused quite a lot of problems.

It is indeed quite embarrassing when these problems accumulate in everything.It's so difficult. For Wei Wuji, the current situation is indeed quite difficult.

When a person has a problem with the details, it is likely to cause some chain reactions in the next two processes.

It has to be said that the current situation can be regarded as the end of the road for Wei Wuji.

Since it is the end of the road, it will naturally be quite painful.

Wei Wuji knew that at this time he had to make a decision as soon as possible.

If at this time he still can't control his rhythm well, and still can't handle anything well, then the final ending will be quite painful.

For Wei Wuji, this result is probably really quite unacceptable.

In fact, he never gave up assassination.But because of various factors, he really couldn't successfully assassinate Emperor Xianlong.

Wei Wuji himself was quite annoyed by this.

But what can he do?

For Wei Wuji, the state he is in now will indeed make him start to experience certain mood swings.

So Wei Wuji has actually been working hard to adjust.

For Wei Wuji, at the beginning, he did fully trust Prince Li Xiankun.

But later Wei Wuji discovered that it was not possible to do so.

When he began to fully trust the prince Li Xiankun, he found that the prince did not give him sufficient respect.

So things that happen in the future may cause people to become quite numb.

When the situation becomes more and more complicated, more and more situations will be caused.

Sometimes these complicated situations can really make people start to go crazy.

Wei Wuji has already begun to experience some similar situations.

If he can't kill Emperor Xianlong as soon as possible, the situation will definitely continue to deteriorate.

For Wei Wuji, he has endured it for quite a long time, so he must not be able to endure it any longer.

Human patience always has a limit.

For Wei Wuji, the current state is actually difficult to maintain in a stable state.

For Wei Wuji, he is indeed in an unstable situation now.

He knew that as time passed, as time passed, the probability of his success in assassinating Emperor Xianlong also decreased.

So Wei Wuji must seize the opportunity as much as possible.

Wei Wuji firmly believes that wasting opportunities will definitely be punished.

So he doesn't know what will happen in the future.For Wei Wuji, handling his details well is actually the most critical thing.

For Wei Wuji, he doesn't know what will happen in the future, but he will still try his best to do it.

If you put aside the prince Li Xiankun and try to be yourself as much as possible, then the difficulty will undoubtedly increase a lot.

But even under such conditions, Wei Wuji still didn't give up, and Wei Wuji still didn't have any feelings of fear.

Because Wei Wuji is very clear that keeping an absolute calm means that they have more possibilities in the future.

If you can have unlimited possibilities from the beginning when facing the enemy, then everything will be completely different.

Wei Wuji had limited himself before.

When a person has limitations, it is really difficult for him to break through.

So Wei Wuji now hopes to open up this limitation.

He hoped that he could assassinate Emperor Xianlong with an open attitude.

As long as the assassination is successful, it is actually acceptable to cooperate with anyone.

In Wei Wuji's view, he is indeed full of hope, full of all possibilities.

So there are no impossible events.

For Wei Wuji, he was indeed full of hope.

Assassinating Emperor Xianlong is what Wei Wuji most hopes to do.So in order to be able to do this successfully, Wei Wuji can make any effort.

Since the prince is not trustworthy, he will look for another partner for cooperation.

In short, he can't be alone.

The probability of success in this way is too low.

This is an era that emphasizes cooperation, and even top practitioners cannot avoid it.

So Wei Wuji will definitely try hard to find a reliable ally.

This reliable ally can be from this world or from another world.

For Wei Wuji, this point is not so critical.

For Wei Wuji, this point is actually very open.

For Wei Wuji, the only thing on his mind now is to kill Emperor Xianlong. As long as he can achieve this goal, he can do anything even if he is asked to do it.

Zhao Xun made a summary based on recent discoveries.

For him, recent events were too shocking.

Such a shocking situation must be analyzed calmly.

Because only with a calm analysis can the following things be in a reasonable situation.

Only with a calm analysis can the subsequent events meet Zhao Xun's expectations.

Meeting expectations is actually quite magical sometimes.

After all, people's expectations are sometimes relatively high.So it does take quite a lot of effort to get everything to work as expected.

Zhao Xun himself is also a very hardworking person, so as long as there is the slightest chance, he will try hard.

What's more, beside him are the third senior brother Long Qingquan, the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, and his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.So Zhao Xun is not alone.Since Zhao Xun is not alone, there are infinite possibilities.Since there are infinite possibilities, there is no need for any panic and panic.

Sometimes people still need to be more confident. When people become more confident, then everything becomes easier.

When people become a little more confident, everything seems calm and breezy.

That's how it happens a lot of the time.Many times things are that simple.In fact, there is no need to imagine things so complicated.

Zhao Xun doesn't know what other people think, anyway, personally, he really thinks so.

So whenever there is an opportunity, Zhao Xun will think hard.

In Zhao Xun's view, hard thinking is actually a very serious expression, and hard thinking can bring quite a lot of possibilities.

Everything is possible, everything is definite.

In fact, everything is preordained long ago, but you just haven't discovered it.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, Zhao Xun is a very natural person.

So for Zhao Xun, he will try his best to imagine that he can reach the limit.

If he can really reach this limit, then everything is fine.

If you can't reach this limit, there is no big problem.

Because Zhao Xun at least tried.

When one has tried it then there is no regret.

When a person has tried all kinds of possibilities exist.

It is a wonderful thing to have the possibility, and there is a possibility to constantly break through yourself if you have the possibility.

Zhao Xun really yearns for the possibility of constantly breaking through himself.

He is indeed not an ordinary person, so for Zhao Xun, any possible thing is what he hopes to do.

After you keep trying, everything will have a halo, just like a filter.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been a person who pursues perfection, so he will not be hypocritical about these so-called details.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, all the efforts are worthwhile, and all the efforts will eventually lead to receipts.

So for looking for you, when he opened his heart and began to share with the third senior brother Long Qingquan, the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou and his teacher Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi, it just means that he has grown up completely.

Of course it takes time for a person to grow up, and of course a state is needed for a person to grow up.

Not everyone can have such a good state, and not everyone can always maintain this state.

But Zhao Xun never gave up.

Because for Zhao Xun, because for the entire academy alliance, they actually have responsibilities on their shoulders.

Zhao Xun has never denied these responsibilities, because in his opinion, this is what a man must bear.

It's perfect, it's beautiful, and it's very attractive.

For Zhao Xun, this is really something worth enjoying.

For Zhao Xun, this must be something he has to work hard to bear.

When a person does his best, when a person fully demonstrates his talent, then everything is different, everything is different.

In fact, there is really no need to be so entangled, in fact, there is really no need to be so hypocritical.

Just let nature take its course, just follow your own way of thinking and do it.

After Zhao Xun had adjusted for this period of time, he really had a great understanding.

For Zhao Xun, enlightenment is actually an instant thing.Maybe it's a very subtle movement, maybe it's a very relaxed expression, so everything is different.

Sometimes easy and freehand brushwork is an extremely real thing, and it is not in the legend or in the script at all.

In many cases, people are deliberately ignoring the so-called beauty in the world.

But as long as you feel carefully, you can still feel it.

"Stinky boy, if what you said is true, then something big is going to happen."

Teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's mood at this time can be said to be quite low.

If it was Zhao Xun who had glimpsed the way of heaven at the beginning, then now Zhao Xun is simply predicting what will happen in the future.

Zhao Xun did not do this for anyone.If you must find one person, then this person should be everyone in the world.

So it sounds a bit hypocritical at first glance, and it still sounds a bit deliberate at first glance.

Zhao Xun's attitude now has actually changed a lot from before.Now Zhao Xun has become more calm, and now Zhao Xun has become more realistic.Now Zhao Xun has become more able to understand the things in this world.

For Zhao Xun, comprehension is indeed a very important thing.It is precisely because of the realization that many things will change because of this.

Sometimes it is just a matter of one thought, and sometimes all kinds of differences appear precisely because of the choice between this thought.

In fact, most of Zhao Xun's predictions have been proven to be effective.

Although it may not be [-]% consistent, it can be fulfilled to some extent.

So there really shouldn't be any doubts at this time, and a very calm attitude should indeed be maintained at this time.

With this calm attitude, everything will become quite wonderful, and with this calm attitude, everything will become quite perfect.

The details are really a very meditative one.

These details are really very touching details.

After Zhao Xun said these words to his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, his third senior brother Long Qingquan, and his sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, his mind was completely opened up.

Sometimes that's the case.You think one way when you are alone, but another way when you share it with others.

For Zhao Xun, it is not easy to gain a new understanding.This is not something that everyone can do.

So Zhao Xun has always cherished it very much.For him, all of this is extremely beautiful.

For him, all of this is worth protecting.

What Zhao Xun wants to protect is by no means a single family name, but the entire family that he wants to protect.

What he wants to protect is the people of this world.It is everyone in this world.

This is a kind of fraternity, this is a broad love.

In fact, Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person, he will fully express any emotion he has, and there will never be any hypocritical meaning.

For Zhao Xun, he has fully felt all the so-called beauty.

These details and beauty can really make people feel a lot.

After feeling so many things, all the details can be condensed together.

For Zhao Xun, this is indeed a very emotional thing.

The analysis of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is actually not wrong.

Because with the continuous influx of the Shadow Clan, the Corruptors will definitely have new actions soon.There is no doubt about this.Just according to Jeffron's character, and according to the form and routine of corrupting the alliances, everything is doomed.

But at this time, there is really no need to have any entangled emotions, just be yourself fully, and there will be no difficulty in being fully yourself.

Fully enjoy yourself, you must fully enjoy yourself at the critical moment.

Zhao Xun actually cherishes everything he has obtained now.Because he knows very well that not everyone can get what he has got so far.

Zhao Xun is quite grateful for this.

Zhao Xun enjoyed it quite a bit.

This feeling can be said to be quite amazing.

This feeling can be said to be quite intoxicating.

When Zhao Xun knew very clearly what he should do next, the hard power he displayed was indeed quite desirable.

Zhao Xun's improvement is often a comprehensive improvement. He will not be reflected in any aspect, but a comprehensive improvement in the true sense.That kind of refreshing feeling is really quite touching, and that kind of refreshing feeling can also make people completely intoxicated.

So for Zhao Xun, after sharing with his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, third senior brother Long Qingquan, and sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, he has actually become more confident personally.

When a person can become more confident, he will actually have a lot of initiative in dealing with any problem.

In fact, Zhao Xun has never been a person who is pushed away by others.Under most circumstances, Zhao Xun is quite proactive.

So when all this begins to unfold, when all this begins to fully manifest, then everything is different, everything is completely different.

It's really a wonderful feeling.Zhao Xun feels that sometimes it is difficult to describe this feeling.

But no matter from any detail analysis, he is worth enjoying.

Because these details are indeed quite beautiful.Because these details can indeed help him improve to the greatest extent.

When a person can be promoted, then all-round access to everything can allow him to get quite a lot of things that he has never had before.

This kind of extreme experience is something that Zhao Xun has never experienced before.

Quite a wonderful feeling.

Zhao Xun is actually quite grateful sometimes.

When a person can re-understand himself, the comprehensiveness he possesses can indeed show his strength from any side or angle.

Zhao Xun has understood this point more and more.

For him, this kind of promotion really made him feel deeply.

"Tell me, in fact, I didn't expect the Shadow Clan to move so fast at first. Originally, in my mind, the Shadow Clan would be delayed for a while. They will show up when they can't go on. The paper in the whole process is actually the so-called corruptors disrupting the situation. But now, I still have some mistakes in my judgment. I underestimated the determination of the Shadow Clan, and I also underestimated the execution ability of the Shadow Clan. From the current point of view Looking at it, the hard power of the Shadow Clan is still quite strong, and they are also fully confident in themselves. And I guess it seems that the time for the arrival of the God of Darkness may be earlier than before. So for us What's more, we must always show that we are ready. At this time, we can't seduce someone to be discouraged. We can't be distracted, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

In fact, Zhao Xun's analysis has no problems at all. He really analyzed the problem from the perspective of the Shadow Clan and Corruptors.

In fact, the current problems faced by the Shadow Clan and Corruptors are basically the same as those analyzed by Zhao Xun before.

As things stand, the condensation of these details can cause quite a few problems.

He didn't analyze carefully before, and he didn't think carefully before.

But for Zhao Xun.When he can think about a problem deeply and seriously, then the problem will become quite intoxicating.

Sometimes the details are like this, and sometimes the details are so worthy of deep thought.

When a person can continue to dig deep, it just means that the person has fully grown up.

It takes time to grow up, and it takes a price to grow up.

In fact, Zhao Xun finally reached this level after putting in a lot of effort.

For Zhao Xun, after paying so much, what he got is not too little.

Everything is actually a very remarkable arrangement.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

So after a very serious analysis, he soon got some thoughts that he had never had before.

These thoughts are actually very helpful to Zhao Xun.These thoughts can give people a beautiful cognition from various levels.

There is really no need to entangle, really there is no need to have any entanglement.

These details are indeed quite perfect, and these details are indeed quite touching.

In the process of Zhao Xun sharing with his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, in fact, he was also thinking hard, and he was also trying hard to analyze.

Nothing in this world is taken for granted.

Nothing in this world is taken for granted.

Zhao Xun's promotion process is actually a slow process.

But as far as the moment is concerned, his improvement can really make him feel deeply moved.

For Zhao Xun, after fully enjoying all this, everything becomes different.

After enjoying these good things, everything is different, everything is completely different.

That feeling of enjoyment, that feeling of enjoyment is something that Zhao Xun has never experienced before.

For Zhao Xun, the enjoyment he enjoyed with his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is really quite extraordinary.

Tsk tsk tsk, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi gently dragged his chin at this time, and said leisurely: "Yes, according to your current analysis, brat, that is indeed the case. Regarding our current situation It’s true that you can’t be too forward-looking. Because at this time, if you are too forward-looking, it really doesn’t make any sense.”

The analysis at this time is actually so realistic.The analysis at this time is actually extremely real.

Sometimes the analysis of Wu Quanyi, the teacher Qinglian Daoist, really moved Zhao Xun.

After getting so many emotions, everything is different.

In fact, Zhao Xun will dig deep into it and analyze it.

After all, the experience of my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is quite rich.

With his experience, Zhao Xun's understanding of everything will be calmer and more comprehensive.

These are really very beneficial to Zhao Xun.

In the past, Zhao Xun would not think so much.But now Zhao Xun will let himself think as much as possible.Because in Zhao Xun's view, if he can think as much as possible, then he will be able to consider the problem more comprehensively.

When the issues he considers are more comprehensive, then all the issues will become quite wonderful.

The thing is that.

That's the reason.

There is really no need to get too tangled up.

When a person becomes very entangled, all judgments become quite numbing.

When a person can fully express himself, then he will usher in a very wonderful moment in the future.

Sometimes when a person can fully understand himself, then his judgment on all things will become quite wonderful.

Wonderful, everything is oh so wonderful.

For Zhao Xun, these details are really quite critical.

For Zhao Xun, all of these are incomparably beautiful.

For Zhao Xun, when he fully understands these, he has actually stood on a brand new height.

It's not easy, it's pretty amazing.

Zhao Xun's improvement is actually an overall improvement.After getting these improvements, Zhao Xun will actually try his best to plan himself.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been quite serious about his own planning.

There are almost no flaws in Zhao Xun's performance.

So in terms of targeting the Corruptors or the Shadow Clan, Zhao Xun actually needs to pay more attention.

Because in the past process, in fact, what he targeted was really limited.

So in fact, the effect is not as ideal as imagined.

Just like what my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said, if you want to achieve very good results, you must put in your own efforts.

Many times hard work is a very important thing.Unless you are very talented.

But there are also many talented people who fail to live up to their expectations.This is a waste of your talent.

For Zhao Xun, cognition is actually quite easy.

For Zhao Xun, it is not such a difficult thing to get to know himself again.

Of course, if you want to have a very comprehensive understanding, you will still feel a hearty feeling.

For the current Zhao Xun, his cognition is quite comprehensive.

For the current Zhao Xun, he has indeed reached an extreme that he has never reached.

So in fact, Zhao Xun will not have any entanglements.

In the whole process, Zhao Xun will only try his best to see the level that he has not reached, and Zhao Xun will only constantly adjust and adapt.

Entanglement is meaningless, and entanglement will only make a person's state plummet.

Zhao Xun knows that it is not easy to maintain his state for a long time.Many times people's state will decline.This point is applicable to anyone.

Even the benefactor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi or the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou are applicable.

So there's really no need to worry about it.

Fully doing yourself well is what Zhao Xun needs to do most right now.

For Zhao Xun, the enjoyment at this time is quite emotional.

For Zhao Xun, when he can give full play to his advantages, he can also feel a very graceful feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is developing according to the situation in my imagination.

All this is really not easy.

My teacher, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi, is really a very meticulous person, always able to pay attention to the most concerned point.

These points are very important, and these points can bring people a completely different sense of experience.

Everything is incomparably wonderful, tsk tsk tsk.

Everything at this time is quite wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, at this time, when a person can show some very graceful details, then there will be nothing strange.

Not ordinary, everything is quite unusual.

For Zhao Xun, this kind of experience has never been experienced before.

These details are really quite touching, and these details are really quite difficult to conceive and grasp.

But for Zhao Xun, since he has paid so much, he can't have any hesitation.

Ascension is not a simple matter.Ascension is inherently difficult.

But for him, it is quite crucial to fully demonstrate his talent.

People are more valuable in having self-knowledge.

Zhao Xun is indeed self-aware.

So the whole process will not have any pressure for Zhao Xun.

The whole process was actually extremely enjoyable for Zhao Xun.

Well, everything is fine.

Zhao Xun can fully show some very graceful feelings.

All of this is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even the third senior brother Long Qingquan and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou may not be able to feel such a graceful feeling.

Sometimes the conjecture of Tao is an illusory thing.Sometimes the reason why it is so illusory is that it is impossible to have a very detailed plan from the beginning.

For Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, after having some details, he can fully demonstrate his talent.

The mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi can make Zhao Xun unstoppably promoted.

For Zhao Xun, this is a very wonderful thing.

After Zhao Xun was promoted, this is indeed very good.

After Zhao Xun was promoted, he actually had unlimited possibilities.

With unlimited possibilities, there really won't be any entanglement.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is quite touching.

Everything is expected.In fact, the more it is at such a time, the more Zhao Xun can't be entangled, and the more it is at such a time, the more he must fully demonstrate his perseverance.

Because practice is not something that can be done in a short time, it depends on persistence for a long time.

As long as you can stick to it all the time, everything will become quite influential.

Zhao Xun actually gained quite a lot of enlightenment during the process of monitoring the Corruptor.

Many of them are quite wonderful. For example, for the connection between people and the world, in fact, Zhao Xun really thought of quite a lot.

The reason why Zhao Xun can achieve such a comprehensive improvement is indeed inseparable from his good thinking.

After all, for the mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, the third senior brother Long Qingquan, and the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, in fact, they can only give Zhao Xun advice on one side.In the end, what kind of realm can be enlightened to, in fact, it still depends on oneself.

When you can get a certain improvement, when you can realize the Tao, then everything will make a huge breakthrough.These are all doomed from the very beginning, and these are things that will happen when conditions are ripe.

There is no need to tangle, there is really no need to tangle.

When a person starts to struggle frequently, it means one thing, and that is to fully adjust his mentality.

If the mentality can not be adjusted well, then in fact anything will have no future.

This is Zhao Xun's most obvious cognition during this period of time, and it is also his biggest cognition. Zhao Xun's ability to reach this level has a lot to do with his enlightenment.

If you want to reach the most powerful state of enlightenment, you still need to improve a lot.

Zhao Xun's improvement speed is still quite huge. After he reached an extreme mode, everything became simple.

"Men, shouldn't we do something now? For example, add more magic spells?"

"Well, I also have this idea as a teacher. Especially if Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can greatly increase our pressure."

It can be said that Wu Quanyi's train of thought coincides with Zhao Xun's at this time.

Therefore, in order to achieve an optimal state, it is indeed necessary for two people to have a certain tacit understanding.

"tsk tsk"

"Well, at this time, we must fully demonstrate our talents."

At this time, Zhao Xun has fully demonstrated a quite different posture.

For Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is actually the best arrangement.

For Zhao Xun, in fact, everything at present is quite worth looking forward to.

"Well, drawing a talisman is actually quite a simple matter. Drawing a talisman is a very relaxing and comfortable thing. So as long as you can do this, everything will be different."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has reached a very wonderful state at this time.

As far as his current thinking is concerned, there are actually no flaws.

He felt that his mentor had actually developed a very wonderful idea.

There is no problem with this line of thinking.

This idea is indeed worth looking forward to.

Wonderful, everything is quite wonderful.

For Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is already very comfortable.

At this time, I really can't be entangled anymore.

If you continue to struggle, it will only make the overall state start to stretch your hips, and it will only make the overall thinking start to have problems.

Of course, Zhao Xun did not want such a problem to arise.

For Zhao Xun, as long as he can fully express himself, everything will be completely different.

Wonderful, everything is really quite wonderful.

Beautiful, everything is extremely exciting.

Whenever this happens, it is enough to do your part well.

Whenever this happens, it is actually quite critical to work hard to control yourself.

Don't be too excited, don't be too impulsive.

Impulse is the devil, Zhao Xun is quite sure about this.

Especially for the threat of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, in fact, Zhao Xun's cognition is quite perfect.

tsk tsk.
Everything is quite touching, and everything is quite shocking.

At this time, Zhao Xun knows that it is very important to maintain his own rhythm and maintain his own state.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is quite wonderful, and everything is quite worth thinking about.

These wonderful details, these wonderful prospects, really don't need any more hesitation.

Just do your part well.Leave the rest to my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

As long as you do this, there is nothing worth worrying about.As long as you do this, everything will be very easy and comfortable.

"The talisman technique is actually not that difficult. Anyway, it is a very simple matter in the eyes of the teacher. Don't worry, brat, all the next things will be left to the teacher, and you just need to be honest. Just enjoy it."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said so, but Zhao Xun couldn't be punished at once.

Zhao Xun felt quite embarrassed for a while.

good guy.
This can be said to be quite frustrating.

"Master, it's okay. I can also contribute. As long as you keep telling me, there is nothing I can't do."

Zhao Xun is eager to show his loyalty at this time, and it is indeed very important to show some key gestures at critical moments.

For Zhao Xun, the current model is indeed quite perfect.

For Zhao Xun, the whole process really doesn't need to be too entangled.

After getting entangled, it will lead to quite a lot of problems
And if you can show your loyalty from the beginning, then the situation is completely different.

It can be said that Zhao Xun is extremely looking forward to this.

"Well, that's good. As a teacher, I know it well. As long as there is something to do next, it will definitely make you feel an unparalleled feeling."

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was in a very sober state.

For him, all of the present is actually a very huge test.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, having a chaotic state for a long time made Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs very gloomy.

This state is really too bad.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus had grown quite manic.

For him, if there is no way to get out of this space, then everything will become quite maddening.

After exhaling a foul breath, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs has become quite different.

At this point in time, for all Corruptors, it is already a new round of communication with the Shadow Clan.

So the next thing has become quite different.

It would have been different if Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus hadn't been able to catch up head-on.

That feeling can be quite embarrassing.

That feeling can make people feel quite uncomfortable.

It's hard, everything is quite difficult.

After feeling these differences, it is difficult to make Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' emotions quite stable.

Once a person's emotions start to have problems in all aspects, everything after that will become quite manic.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew he could never go on like this.

Otherwise, both the Corruptor and the Shadow Clan will definitely be irritable.

Once in such a state, everything after that will become quite angry.

It's hard, it's really quite infuriating for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has been trying his best to adjust, but if it continues, everything will be different.

It's hard to go any further.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus felt himself on the verge of collapse.

tsk tsk.
In fact, he is already trying his best, but the next step will still make people quite manic.

"No, it must not be able to make the academy feel so smooth. I have to rush out."

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus roared, and then a huge gas leaked out, and a powerful impact penetrated the audience.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus' roar caused quite a few problems.

At this time, the cracks in all the worlds have begun to show quite a few gaps.

tsk tsk.
The state at this time has shown a considerable change.

After exhaling a foul breath, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs felt extremely smooth in an instant.

good, very good, excellent.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew that his strength had become quite sharp.

Now that a crack has appeared in this world, everything that follows will become quite wonderful.

It's wonderful, everything is quite wonderful.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus has been able to show his best form.

For him, he will be able to fully demonstrate an incomparable posture next.

This is very important, this is critical.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, being able to fully display his posture will make everything that follows is easier.

In fact, there is really no need to be so entangled.

He should never doubt himself, and should not doubt his statement.

Express yourself fully at critical moments, and everything will be completely different.

tsk tsk.
For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, as long as he can fully express himself, then there are still more possibilities in the future.

This full expressiveness is really key.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus knew that he could decide quite a few details for himself.

It all changed when Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus showed a very strong form.

It's a wonderful feeling, and it's quite shocking.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is really a guy who likes to show his details to the fullest.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, knowing that limitation doesn't hold him back.

He knew that he could definitely break through this limitation.

Academy?What is an academy?
How could the academy restrain him?

In this world, the only one who can really limit him is himself.

As long as he tries to show his full expression, there won't be any problems.

It is only a matter of time before breaking out of this world.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus has fully revealed himself, and the next thing is to make the world kneel at his feet.

In his opinion, this is not difficult at all, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs thinks so.

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