Chapter 586
In fact, from the very beginning, the silhouette of the Far West has been appearing in Zhao Xun's mind.

It's just that the silhouette at that time was not very clear.

But after a period of time, this concept and impression became very profound.

Especially after the last dream, everything seems to be fixed, very obvious.

Under such obvious circumstances, Zhao Xun of course chose to talk to his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and Shanzhang.

Facts have proved that the effect of this confession is quite good, at least it proves that I have controlled my emotions for a period of time.

For Zhao Xun, no matter in any angle or in any aspect, he is a person who was born facing the sun.

So no matter what kind of situation he has experienced, Zhao Xun can still handle his mentality well.

Dealing with the mentality is quite critical, and everything will become easier after the mentality is dealt with.

As long as you can continue to explore, as long as you can continue to enjoy, then everything will be different.

The grasp of some details is indeed quite important.When the key points are grasped, everything will be different.

Reasonable layout and reasonable planning are indeed quite important.Zhao Xun can be regarded as having a deep understanding of this point.

After clearly figuring out these details, everything will not become very tedious.

In many cases, the reason for the confusion is because you don't know anything about the situation. Of course, there will be confusion under such circumstances, and of course there will be confusion under such circumstances.

In fact, it would be even more abnormal if you were not confused at this time.

The grasp of details is sometimes like this.

The grasp of details sometimes leads to quite a lot of problems.

Anyway, at least so far, Zhao Xun feels that there is no big problem with his grasp of the details.

So there is no need to deliberately entangle.

Still follow what I said before, try my best to ensure that my thinking does not have too obvious problems, and ensure that everything is running step by step.

The attitude of the whole person should be as stable as possible.

Otherwise, various problems may arise.

Of course, Zhao Xun himself did not want so many problems to arise.

Going with the flow is the most necessary thing in Zhao Xun's view.Therefore, it is extremely important to control your emotions at critical moments.

As long as you can control your emotions at critical moments, then everything will become quite wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is not much different from what Zhao Xun expected.If you continue to follow this rhythm, then everything will still become quite smooth.

This is often the case for the grasp of details.There is no need to be so entangled. The more you entangle the final result, the more disappointed you will be.On the contrary, when your mentality starts to calm down, everything will become easier.

Anyway, so far, Zhao Xun has indeed been able to put his mind very smoothly.

For him, it is very calm to face everything.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has begun to use summoning on a large scale.

His summoning is essentially the same as Wuoris' summoning, a type of dark illusion.

For them, the significance of using this dark psychedelic spell is to ensure the continuity of the Shadow Race and Corruptor to the greatest extent.

After all, what they have to face is the academy.The strength of the academy is well known.Under such circumstances, there must be no slack, and under such circumstances, there must be no hypocrisy.

In many cases, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a very strong person, even internally, he is also like this for the Corruptor Alliance. It can be said that he is an indisputable representative. It is a representative who can control himself to a great extent.

So when Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus proposed to summon more Shadow Race and Corruptors, almost no one refused.

In this case, ensuring that everything is in a stable state to the greatest extent is what Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs must do.

This point is not very difficult, and it is even a very simple matter for the current Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

Because no matter whether it is Wuoris or Geoffron, they will not violate the will of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

Because for all members of the Corruptor Alliance, they hope to be able to summon more Shadow Clans.

In fact, the Shadow Race is not limited to the Shadowlands, but scattered in various places.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew this from the beginning, but the other Corruptors didn't know it.

So for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he knew that at this time he had to spread this information as much as possible, and let all the Corruptors understand this truth as much as possible.

So in this way, there will be no more doubts in the process of cooperation.

Otherwise, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs would have to explain for a long time just to explain to the Corruptors, which can be said to be very exhausting.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus certainly did not want such a result.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, reasonable control of everything is quite critical.

After controlling everything reasonably, all the details can be grasped quite perfectly.

After controlling everything reasonably, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was able to make a huge change in mentality.

After such a huge change, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is an extreme perfectionist no matter from any aspect.

When he can achieve the ultimate in details, everything is quite in place.

During the whole process, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs didn't have to worry too much about anyone's attitude.All he has to do is fulfill the summoning according to his will.After all, for the Shadow Clan, summoning the Shadow Clan is an authentic ability, an innate ability.Especially for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, this is a very good thing.

There will be no pressure during the whole process.In the whole process, people can experience an unparalleled suppression.

So during the whole process, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can realize his dreams wantonly.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, summoning the Shadow Race on a large scale is actually what he has always hoped to do.

It has to be said that this matter is still difficult.

But for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he will definitely do his best.

In Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' view, as long as he can do his best, there must be a chance to achieve this.

As long as you can do your best, there is nothing you can't do.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs he could indeed possess some very powerful traits.These qualities are enough to enable him to have an extremely strong ability for a period of time in the future.This is quite critical, because after this is done, all the details will become simpler.Because after doing this, all the details will become extremely easy.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he has always been pursuing a so-called limit.

Because he knows that for the Shadow Clan, only the limit is reached, so there will be no fear when facing the enemy.

For the Shadow Clan, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs must play the role of a leader.

For the Shadow Clan, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus must control everything as much as possible.

Field control is not a simple matter.

Even for a top powerhouse like Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, field control means that he has to give up a lot of things in disguise.

Sometimes it takes courage.Sometimes it takes a lot of courage.

When you have a certain amount of courage, in fact, everything becomes relatively simple.

But many things are not as good as they can be done.But many things are not so good that can be controlled.

Everything actually set a tone from the very beginning.

With that tone, everything started to go smoothly.

Everything started to develop in the direction that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus expected at the beginning.

In this way, there is really no need to be too entangled.

In this way, for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, let go of his hands and feet in the next time, and start summoning as much as he wants.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, he was most immersed when he started summoning, and he was most selfless when he started summoning.

All the details are beginning to appear.

All the details are able to make people feel an unparalleled feeling.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, this feeling is indeed quite enjoyable.

Because it means that he has targeted quite a lot of people.

If they can target as many academies as possible, then their chances of winning will increase a lot.

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus has always been a very realistic person.

So for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, how to maximize the benefits is always a question he is thinking about.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he will analyze the pros and cons very seriously, and will control the rhythm of everything very seriously.

For him, the ritual sense of the entire summoning is quite crucial, and the whole process can make a person deeply immersed in it.

The feeling of immersion in it is quite beautiful, and the feeling of immersion in it can make Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs feel an extreme sense of enjoyment.

Enjoyment is indeed quite crucial, and enjoyment is indeed very important.

Everything can make Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs have a sense of experience that is different from ordinary people.

When he has gained these experiences, there is no fear anymore.

That kind of emotional satisfaction can be really intoxicating sometimes.That is completely an immersive intoxication, and it is completely a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

This feeling is indeed quite wonderful.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, what he has been doing is actually helping the God of Darkness to do things and fulfilling the wishes of the God of Darkness.

To really do this, it is not as simple as imagined.

It actually takes a lot of effort to accomplish this.

But Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs has never had the slightest fear, but Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs has always been the owner with a decisive momentum.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, these details are actually some points that need to be paid attention to.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss everything can be pretty good after having some extreme experiences.

Tsk tsk tsk, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can have a lot of these experiences.

It's all different when you have these experiences.

Good experiences are sometimes fleeting.

The good thing about Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is that it allows him to have an extraordinary experience.

The guidance of the God of Darkness is actually very crucial.

Tsk tsk tsk, for the God of Darkness, the role of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has always been quite important.

So there is no need to have any hesitation, but if there is any hesitation, everything that follows will be fatal to the Shadow Clan.

So there must be no hesitation.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything is very important.

The God of Darkness' plan for this world is indeed quite in place.

The current situation is actually a crucial moment for the Shadow Clan.

The current situation is actually pretty good for all Corruptors.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the current form must handle all the links well.

After getting it right, all the details will become very wonderful.

In this process, they actually don't have to worry too much about the academy.

Although the academy is a very powerful existence, but to some extent the academy still needs to be ignored.

Otherwise, it is impossible to control all emotions.

Even the Corruptor must control his emotions.

Even Corruptors must ensure emotional stability.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can be said to be deeply convinced of this.For them, having a stable mood will indeed bring great help to the next battle.

All of that is very important.

All are quite wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, everything can make Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs full of enthusiasm.

When Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus brings a certain level of detail, it can be described as wonderful.

The guarantee of the God of Darkness and the Shadow Clan can bring people an extreme experience.

When they have these very beautiful details, there is already an unmatched feeling.

The appearance of the God of Darkness can be said to have brought a very wonderful sense of experience from all levels.

So when the God of Darkness does show up, everything will be different.

Wonderful, everything is quite wonderful.

Everything is quite fitting for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

After getting used to it all became quite wonderful.

As far as the Shadow Clan is concerned, at this time, they have become quite capable of execution.

Summoning the Shadow Clan is indeed quite critical.

In this way, their absolute strength will become even stronger.

After becoming more powerful, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will be able to have a very graceful feeling.

Because after the strength is stronger, there will be no fear.When the strength starts to become stronger, everything can make Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs an unparalleled experience.

Strength is the most critical factor in determining success or failure.

Strength is the most critical link that can determine everything.

Nothing is so precious in comparison.In comparison, everything seems very simple and casual.

When people can unfold some details as much as possible from the very beginning, then everything can reflect the purest experience.

The realism of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus allows him to have a more wonderful feeling.

The threat of the academy has always existed.

Of this Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was beyond doubt, and he never had any doubts.But how to face it is the problem he has to consider.

If this link can be handled reasonably well, then everything will be quite moving.

The handling of details is indeed quite critical.

Whether it is the God of Darkness or anyone else, they need to have a very reasonable plan.

Come on, let that summoning technique be more violent.

Anyway, for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, this is definitely the more the merrier.

Anyway, for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the more Shadow Clans come, the more profits they will make.

Everything can make people have a very confident feeling from the very beginning.

Self-confidence is indeed quite crucial, and self-confidence can indeed bring a variety of different experiences.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, details at this point can lead to a rather wonderful feeling.

The appearance of the academy did pose a threat to him to a certain extent.

But now it seems that all the crises have been downplayed.

At present, the instructions of the God of Darkness can still give a very wonderful feeling.The sense of dominance over the academy was actually something that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs wanted very much.

But now it seems that it is basically very promising.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus would have really liked to have these details.

For them, after all this is guaranteed, everything becomes quite wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, Zhao Xun felt even more wonderful.

For Zhao Xun, his control over the wilderness of the Far West has reached a mature stage.

When Zhao Xun can reach this point, everything can make him more focused.

Zhao Xun found that at this time he could see everything in the Far West very clearly.

Zhao Xun found that all the grasp will not have any huge pressure.

Perfect, everything is really quite perfect.

All the links are basically in line with Zhao Xun's expectations.

Zhao Xun's plan for the entire academy is quite beautiful.

Everything is going according to Zhao Xun's plan.

So in the next period of time, he can have a more wonderful experience.

"It seems that the creatures on the wasteland in the Far West are indeed related to the Corruptor. This connection is actually very close, so even a little look can tell."

In the current mode, Zhao Xun is already very obvious about the creatures on the wasteland in the Far West.

With a very obvious judgment, basically there will be no sense of error.

The reason for making mistakes is because you don't know your opponent that well.

Once you understand it, everything becomes quite simple.

There is no need to be so entangled.

The more entangled it is at this time, the more painful all the problems that arise will be.

Zhao Xun is very clear that he is in a rather delicate moment.

There are some very delicate feelings that manifest in such delicate moments.

When Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs used to come out with some really huge influences.

Zhao Xun even saw the shadow of Diadonas Lorenzo Havrefs on the wilderness of the Far West.

It can be said that this huge influence once gave Zhao Xun a very extreme sense of shock for a long period of time.

This sense of impact affects Zhao Xun on many levels, making it difficult for Zhao Xun to feel a very wonderful feeling.

The details are really quite critical.At least in Zhao Xun's view, there is actually no difference.

When he felt these details, everything changed.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is a very meticulous man.

He will definitely plan his posture as much as possible.

Invading the Far West was not out of the question for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

Otherwise, why would the well-behaved Zhao Xun dream of this dream.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, when he can have a very detailed understanding, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus will start to invade the extreme The Land of the West.

When Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs invaded the Far West, he was able to feel an unparalleled feeling.

For Zhao Xun, at this time, he must try his best to ensure some very extreme experience.

The confrontation between Zhao Xun and Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has actually always been there.

So when I can fully demonstrate these things, everything becomes very extreme.

These detailed controls can be said to be quite wonderful.

Zhao Xun can do his best to ensure that all processes are carried out according to the previous plan in the communication with the academy.

For Zhao Xun, in fact, planning in the Far West can have some more wonderful feelings.

In the process of this contact, Zhao Xun may even have the opportunity to have a more secure understanding of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, he has always been a relatively mysterious person.

Zhao Xun didn't even realize who Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was before he came to the world of Da Zhou.

Unlike the God of Darkness, although Zhao Xun has never seen it, at least he has heard of it.

But Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was a different story altogether.

Zhao Xun hadn't even heard of the legend of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.But now the opportunity can be said to be completely here.

At this time, Zhao Xun had another chance to get in close contact with Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

Before he can get close to this thickening, he can first contact him in the sea of ​​consciousness on the wasteland of the Far West.

So this contact is quite necessary.

Because you can have some pretty extreme experiences right from the start.

You can grasp all the details of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus very delicately.

When these details are grasped, everything becomes simple.

After grasping these details, Zhao Xun can better target Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

The information brought by the wilderness of the Far West can be said to be comprehensive.

And not just limited to the creatures of the wasteland, not limited to the silhouette of Diadonas Lorenzo Haffrefs.

In many cases, the cognition is more comprehensive.

Zhao Xun is actually in the process of adapting.

When he can fully adapt to everything, it is time to launch a full-scale attack.

After being able to launch a full-scale attack, everything is indeed completely different.

That all-round oppressive feeling will make Zhao Xun more aggressive.

When a person is more fighting, all the details will be more vividly reflected, and the performance will be more perfect.

At least as far as Zhao Xun is concerned, at least as far as the current Zhao Xun is concerned, he can hardly pick out any flaws.

Everything is so perfect.

Everything is in line with Zhao Xun's expectations.

No matter from any point of view, this is quite what Zhao Xun is looking forward to.

It's still the same sentence that the head of the mountain said, the more at such a moment, the more I want to reflect as stable as possible.

The more it is at such a moment, the more calm and breezy it is to reflect.

The better the attitude shown, the better the final details will be rendered.

Many times things are that simple.

In fact, Zhao Xun didn't need to be entangled at all, and there was no need to be entangled in these things that are there or not.

Being yourself is the most important thing in life for him.

Not even Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus would have made much of an impact on his life.Because all of this originally came from the extreme experience of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.The sense of experience comes from a deep grasping ability.

After enjoying these, all things become simple.

Zhao Xun took it for granted.

So as far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun really doesn't need to be too entangled.

Zhao Xun decided to perceive some very wonderful details as much as possible.

For Zhao Xun, it is possible to further explore the wilderness of the Far West.

For Zhao Xun, this mode of exploration is actually quite wonderful.

As far as the moment is concerned, this feeling is quite comfortable.

For now, such enjoyment is quite necessary.

Beautiful, Zhao Xun really thinks all this is quite beautiful.

At this time, Zhao Xun entered the space here again.

Although he knew that sometimes he would feel a little strange, but most of the time it was quite wonderful.

Everything can make Zhao Xun intoxicated.

At this time, Zhao Xun had already entered the wilderness of the Far West.

The feeling here is very wonderful, and the feeling here seems to be quite close to the real feeling state.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, it has always been wandering in the wasteland.

So basically there will be no particularly obvious contradictions.

For Zhao Xun, it is still necessary to grasp some crucial factors during this period of time.

Zhao Xun tried his best to show himself quite focused.

At this time, Zhao Xun looked around and saw a group of centaurs on a vast wasteland.

There is a brigade of centaurs, so they almost occupy Zhao Xun's entire field of vision.

Under the current situation, Zhao Xun will not have any entangled emotions.

All Zhao Xun's emotions were concentrated in this centaur gathering area.

Just observing these details carefully was enough to make him very excited.

Sometimes it is not easy to maintain a completely calm state of mind.

Sometimes people become bewildered.

However, Zhao Xun's state is still quite good, and the overall feeling is quite good.

Zhao Xun was already deeply intoxicated.

As far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun has already deeply understood a lot of meanings.

Sometimes if you have some execution ability at the beginning, many things become easier.

Whether it is Zhao Xun or other people in the academy, after feeling these details, the whole person will become quite relaxed.

There's really no need to fret.

At this time, there is really no need to get yourself so entangled.

For Zhao Xun, at this time, it is enough to feel quietly and enjoy quietly.

Everything is so wonderful, everything can make people feel some unparalleled feelings.

Zhao Xun watched these centaurs start to eat grass leisurely, and watched these guys start to fight for courtship.

In the process of fighting, it will actually give people a huge impression.

For Zhao Xun, everything at the moment is actually extremely enjoyable.

Wonderful links, these wonderful links can make Zhao Xun immersed in it from the very beginning.

This is really critical.

For Zhao Xun, this is really crucial.

In many cases, after being able to observe some details carefully, it can basically make people more intoxicated.

Intoxication is actually quite wonderful, and intoxication is actually quite important.

Zhao Xun's current state is simply too good, Zhao Xun's current state has been established from the very beginning.

At this time, Zhao Xun is fearless, and at this time, Zhao Xun is quite enjoying.

The feeling of enjoyment can make people feel extremely comfortable, and the feeling of enjoyment can make people very comfortable.

At this time, Zhao Xun looked around and saw quite a few centaurs charging towards an alpine meadow.

That feeling of charge is indeed quite shocking.

This can really be regarded as an extremely powerful charge.

How could the centaur be so crazy all of a sudden.

How could the centaur be so excited all of a sudden?
Everything is still shocking.

Zhao Xun definitely wants to find out the truth of the matter as much as possible in the next process.

For him, the discovery at this time was quite surprising.

For Zhao Xun, he needs to find out some key information as much as possible.

He continued to read. At this time, only by continuing to read hard, the conclusions he reached would make people feel quite wonderful.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

So for him, the information he has next is the key to his continuous judgment.

So at this time, Zhao Xun must ensure that his thoughts are not interrupted.

The key sense of belief is actually quite sufficient.

Zhao Xun continued to look deep into the alpine meadow, and gradually he discovered something different.

For Zhao Xun, he can have a very deep perspective.

When the perspective becomes deeper, everything becomes quite wonderful.

For Zhao Xun at this time, he needs a more in-depth analysis and a deeper understanding of some core elements.

From the current point of view, Zhao Xun actually saw quite a lot of important battle traces through this layer of forest.

The traces of these battles can be said to be very obvious.

These battle marks basically do not make people feel a sense of discomfort.

The optimization of emotions does require a process.

For Zhao Xun, capturing some key links as much as possible can get some of the most wonderful moments.

"tsk tsk"

For Zhao Xun, he has actually seen some quite meaningful details now.

For Zhao Xun, after understanding these key things as much as possible, everything will be completely different.

Obviously, the battle here is not a battle in the general sense, but has quite deep-seated reasons.

After a deep battle, the scene became quite awkward for a while.

So why did the centaur suddenly become quite manic?
Zhao Xun obviously needs to figure out all this, which is quite critical for Zhao Xun.

This is extremely important to Zhao Xun.

A beautiful session can lead to a completely different experience.

The sense of experience itself is quite important.

After getting a high-quality experience, everything will become easier.

So of course Zhao Xun hopes to further understand what is happening now.

Recognizing these things is really crucial.

Sometimes Zhao Xun himself has some self-doubt.

He wasn't sure what would happen next.

So the details in the whole process are quite critical.

Zhao Xun cannot take it lightly at every moment.

Because if you take it lightly at this time, all judgments will start to become distorted.

There is no need to appear distorted.

What Zhao Xun values ​​is the result.

So it's all worth it if you get fantastic results.

But if the result is not very good, it will definitely make people quite numb.

So it is necessary to stay focused at this time.Only by staying focused can Zhao Xun ensure absolute concentration in the following process.

Everything made Zhao Xun quite focused.

Soon Zhao Xun saw a miraculous picture.

In the miraculous picture, he saw the profile of Diadonas Lorenzo Haveriffs.

All I saw was a centaur in the hand of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

That huge impact is quite exciting.

Many times the huge impact is indeed quite numb.

Zhao Xun admitted that at this time he had already begun to feel numb.

Zhao Xun is very clear that at this time, he must show an unparalleled state.

There is no doubt about that.

At this time, you must not panic, you must remain calm.

As long as you can keep calm, then everything is quite worth looking forward to.

Controllable, everything is controllable.

The arrival of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus did not spell doom.

The presence of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can only inspire contradictions to a certain extent.

How to digest the conflict after it is aroused is indeed a problem that needs to be carefully considered.

Everything is very exciting.

Everything is quite emotional.

Zhao Xun knew that he would work very hard to conduct some in-depth research in the current session.

The presence of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus must have caused a certain crisis in some way.

For now, it would be nicer to have some deeper analysis.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs does not mean the end of life, Zhao Xun is actually a very calm person.

For Zhao Xun, it is absolutely crucial to dig as deep as possible and understand as deeply as possible.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus' evil thoughts are indeed quite huge.

But in fact, it may not be able to completely show the evil thoughts.

Most of the time, the manifestation of evil thoughts is just an instant thing.

In many cases, the expression of evil thoughts is based on instinct.

For shadow clans like Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

Evil thoughts are engraved in the bones.

But when he came to the Great Zhou World, his evil thoughts were weakened.

When his evil thoughts were weakened, everything became quite simple.

Many times it is quite crucial to have a calmer thinking.

Because after having a calm thinking, he can fully target the opponent.

Facts have proved that targeting the opponent is quite critical.

Even a monster like Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus may not be able to achieve a crushing result.

So it is enough for Zhao Xun to keep absolute calm.

At least he has to read some key parts.

These parts are quite important.

No matter from any point of view, these parts are quite critical.

So there's really no need to worry about it.

In a reasonable state of mind, everything will make people calmer.

Zhao Xun observed that after Diadonas Lorenzo Havrefs killed the centaur, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I have to say that this smile is very terrifying.

Zhao Xun was deeply shocked after only one glance.

Zhao Xun was completely shocked after only seeing it.

More importantly, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has been able to kill more than just centaurs.

His attention was obviously focused on other links.

At this time, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs set his sights into the distance.

Here was what Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was most concerned about.

If he could figure out all Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus' movements from the very beginning, then Zhao Xun would become more active.

But now it seems that the difficulty is not small.

Now it seems that the pressure is still extremely huge.

So there is really no need to be too entangled. If it is too entangled, everything will be destroyed.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is likely to slaughter more creatures in the wastelands of the Far West in the future.

It's just that the next unlucky one is unknown.

It was clear that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was a charging demon.

Behind Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss lay more brutal men.

But precisely because of the temptation of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, everything was different.

With Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus's temptations, others can be confident.

With Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus' temptations, others can do as they please.

Specifically, this seems to be a very hypocritical thing.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has actually become less scary after toning down some parts.

At least Zhao Xun never felt that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was scary, at least Zhao Xun felt that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs could be restrained.

As long as Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can be restrained, then everything is very crucial.

Zhao Xun's heart is indeed quite decisive.

Zhao Xun's mood rarely fluctuates greatly.

For Zhao Xun, everything now depends on his own careful judgment.

As long as there are no deviations or problems in Zhao Xun's judgment, then basically everything will become very wonderful.

The impact of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is quite huge, but Zhao Xun can still target it effectively.

So everything will develop as steadily as Zhao Xun expected.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is not a hypocritical person, so when dealing with such a person, he must be as decisive as possible.

Absolutely can't be too entangled in such a time.

For the current state of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, Zhao Xun's performance and targeting will show a more aggressive state.

The details are actually quite important, and the details are actually quite critical.

The state that Zhao Xun can present now can indeed greatly affect Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

Once Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is profoundly affected, there will be more detailed developments in the future.

There must be absolutely no mercy for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

Dealing with Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs must show the most powerful and shocking side.

If you show weakness, the other party will become more brutal.

So at the critical moment, Zhao Xun must not have the slightest hesitation.

Well, it's almost time.

In this case, Zhao Xun has seen enough things in the wilderness of the Far West, so there is really no need to hesitate too much at this time.

For Zhao Xun, the current details are actually quite precious.

For Zhao Xun, everything in the present needs to be remembered well.

So there is really no need to be too entangled at this point in time.

As long as the details can be handled well, then everything is worth looking forward to.

Zhao Xun recounted the scene on the wilderness of the Far West to the head of the mountain and his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi very seriously.

In his opinion, the experience of the two big men can be said to be extremely rich.

After having the analysis from the head of the mountain and his mentor Wu Quanyi, Taoist Master Qinglian, Zhao Xun's thinking will become clearer.

Otherwise, it would certainly lead to a lot of confusion.

"Stinky boy, if it's really what you said, it really proves that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has fully realized where the weak points of this world are."

At this time, the analysis of Wu Quanyi, the Taoist master Qinglian, is actually quite necessary.

Because my teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi once went to the wilderness of the Far West, and he also has some quite rich knowledge among these people.

Therefore, for the mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, the information he has at this time will have a huge impact.

For someone like Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss, an invasion is actually a pretty realistic option.

Under such a realistic choice, there will actually be quite a lot of key information.

For Zhao Xun, he hopes to get as much information as possible from his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

It's not hard, it's not hard.

At this time, Zhao Xun only needs to wait quietly, and only needs to bear these silently.

After all, he fully trusted his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

So when you have these, everything will become quite simple.

For the time being, Wu Quanyi, the benefactor of Taoist Qinglian, is still Zhao Xun's most trustworthy person.

Sure enough, at this time, Wu Quanyi, the benefactor of Taoist Qinglian, pondered for a moment, and then he became quite calm.

For Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, when necessary, everything will become smoother after analyzing these details clearly.

After analyzing these details clearly, everything will become more wonderful.

Everything is actually not that huge of pressure for Zhao Xun.

For Zhao Xun, everything is actually a very easy process to adapt to.

After adapting to the analysis of Wu Quanyi, the teacher Qinglian Daoist, everything began to become wonderful.

At this time, Zhao Xun was indeed in a state of pricking up his ears and listening.

At this time, Zhao Xun had completely calmed down.

He knew that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi would definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

He knew that for Zhao Xun at this stage, diligent analysis was what his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi had been doing, so he really couldn't have any more urging.

What Zhao Xun had to do at this time was to wait silently.

Urging at this time has no meaning, it will only make people very manic.

It's different when a person starts to get manic, it's totally different.

Changes are often wonderful.

Many times the change is quite instantaneous.

So the more it is at this time, the more it is necessary to plan all things reasonably.

Especially at this time, there can't be any entangled emotions.

Calm, calm is very important.

Calm, calm is a must.

"In the eyes of the teacher, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has thoroughly discovered the weak point of this world. In the eyes of the teacher, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs Si has discovered that the wasteland is the breakthrough of this world."

"Why did you say that? How did you see it?"

Zhao Xun was somewhat surprised.

After all, for his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, sometimes the analysis is quite important.

After all, Zhao Xun still trusted his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

So when his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said such a thing, Zhao Xun had no reason to question it.

When Zhao Xun started to question, it was actually his distrust of his teacher.

These are not necessary, and in any case are not necessary.

"Because the wilderness of the Far West is the low point of the air pocket in this world."

At this time, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said without hesitation.

As for the plan of his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, in fact, Zhao Xun has been able to realize a little bit.

However, it is still difficult to realize some things at a deep level, and the difficulty is still quite large.

People still have to have some subjectivity at critical moments.

People still have to show some very strong feelings at the most important moments.

"The low point of the air pocket?"

Zhao Xun was indeed quite curious at this time.

For Zhao Xun, if he wants to have a deeper understanding, he must get to the bottom of it as much as possible.

Getting to the bottom of it is actually a pretty critical process.

After reaching this state, then Zhao Xun really won't have any fear anymore.

Zhao Xun is indeed quite focused.

In this state, basically there will be no sense of deviation.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always paid close attention to the so-called details.

It's just the most vivid expression in this matter.

So there is no more entanglement.

The state displayed by a person at a critical moment is indeed quite important.

After Zhao Xun showed such concentration, his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi began to show a very gratified state again.

In fact, every analysis of Zhao Xun is very crucial to his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

So when he heard it, he said very generously: "Simply speaking, the world is composed of qi. Therefore, the distribution of qi will have obvious characteristics. In some places, the distribution of qi is more uniform, and in some places, qi is more uniform. The distribution is much thinner. So basically you can figure it all out very clearly."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath, and then continued: "So if you want to analyze more deeply in the next process, you must understand this truth. Only if you accept this truth, then all It will be easier to unfold the information.”

Sometimes my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is also a very patient person.

So for him, this time fully demonstrated the state that a teacher should have.

Of course, Zhao Xun felt incomparable enjoyment of this.

For Zhao Xun, this process is worth deeply grasping.

For Zhao Xun, the whole state should be controlled.

So there is really no need to get too tangled up.

So these details really need more attention.

For Zhao Xun, these are indeed the most important things.

After exhaling a foul breath, Zhao Xun tried his best to control his mentality so as not to change significantly.

Because for him, although the current information is a new cognition, it is not unacceptable to a certain extent.

So for Zhao Xun, he should control his rhythm as much as possible in the following process, then everything will become wonderful.

It's beautiful, everything is quite beautiful.

After having a new cognition, everything will become quite emotional.

"If this is really the case, then this Diadonas Lorenzo Haffrefs is too stupid. At present, Diadonas Lorenzo Haffrefs is indeed an experience Incomparably rich. Being able to experience so much is really not like someone who just came to this world."

In many cases, after having a more secure cognition, some doubts will actually be raised.

Because right now, questioning itself is actually quite a wonderful thing.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, when he can have some in-depth knowledge, he will indeed start to invade on a large scale.

That all changed when Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus began his massive invasion.

This kind of invasion does give people a very shocking feeling to some extent.

The most important thing is that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was able to grasp some key nodes keenly.

So Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will always catch some of the weakest spots.

For the Great Zhou World, if it can be caught in this dead spot, then the danger is indeed too high.

It's terrible, everything is very terrible.

At this time, Zhao Xun can be said to have fully realized the crisis.

Many times, if you want to have a calm analysis, many things will become difficult.

Some extremely nuanced analyzes will be watered down a bit.

But Zhao Xun didn't know what kind of situation he could achieve.

The invasion of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was certainly not blind in the absolute sense.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, he will definitely adopt a gradual model, and he will definitely adopt a continuous invasion model.

So at this time, it is actually very difficult to deal with the invasion in a targeted manner.

So there's really no need to worry about it.

It can only be said that it should be done as much as possible so as not to be too disturbed.

Make sure that there are no gaps in the overall thinking.

Otherwise, that kind of comprehensive suppression will cause a person's emotions to collapse.

In fact, Zhao Xun's emotions have always been relatively well controlled, but at this time, it is impossible to have the slightest flaw.

When it's time to maintain the state, there is no hesitation at all.

When it is time to maintain the state, you must be steady no matter what.

For Zhao Xun, he has realized that the battle with Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is not a one-day battle, and he must be prepared for a protracted battle.

So for Zhao Xun, he was indeed ready to fight to the death.

As long as you can show a sense of momentum from the beginning, then there really won't be a situation where you pull your hips too much.

Qin Tianjian.

Yuan Tiangang's emotions have actually been controlled quite well.

But it is still difficult for Yuan Tiangang to guarantee that there will be no problems.

For the Taoist sect at this time, it has actually become a very grueling state.

They can control part of the way of heaven, but they can't control the whole way of heaven.

This is often the case with the understanding of the way of heaven.

In many cases, when a person's judgment is biased, everything will be biased.

As far as Yuan Tiangang's ability is concerned, he can actually control all his emotions well.

But what about his disciples?
What about Li Chunfeng?What about other Taoists?

In fact, everything is unknown.

When people are in an extreme unknown mode and state, everything will become quite confusing.

That kind of feeling is extremely emotional.

It was an incredibly confusing feeling.

So for Yuan Tiangang, his judgment at this time has become particularly critical.

His personal judgment can affect quite a few things.

If you don't want the entire Taoist sect to be greatly affected, then you must have a very decisive judgment.There is no doubt about this.

Yuan Tiangang was really convinced.

The key of Daomen at this time is vividly reflected.

If some very important effects can be shown at critical moments, then everything will be different.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang was very clear about this truth from the very beginning.From the very beginning, Yuan Tiangang knew exactly what kind of choice he should make.

Choice is quite critical, and choice is quite important.

So when Yuan Tiangang can bring some very reasonable suggestions, it will be quite powerful for the improvement of Taoism.

In fact, Daomen has always been in a precarious state.It is actually not easy for Daomen to achieve a very comprehensive improvement.

Sometimes it is possible to reach a state more comprehensively, but that actually requires mastering some very critical points from the very beginning.

For Daomen, this kind of improvement is really an unparalleled improvement.

In many cases, Yuan Tiangang knew very well that the influence of the fate dispute between the imperial court and the academy would not be as great as imagined.

In many cases, Yuan Tiangang is really convinced of this.

For Yuan Tiangang, this is not something difficult to achieve.

For Yuan Tiangang, everything is extremely suitable.

At this point in time, there is indeed considerable pressure on Yuan Tiangang.

But at this time Yuan Tiangang had to choose to resist this pressure.

Stress can really break that person down sometimes.

Sometimes the pressure will cause an extremely powerful sect to fall apart directly.

As far as the moment is concerned, Yuan Tiangang still feels very panicked.

But he couldn't express this panic in any case.

Because his heart is very clear, he must show a very relaxed state at critical moments.

The attitude at this time is indeed quite critical.

If Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi could help him at this time, then everything would be wonderful.

But Yuan Tiangang also knew that it was difficult to achieve such a state.

For Yuan Tiangang, everything he has at this time is really crucial.

It is actually difficult to achieve an optimal model if only relying on the current strength of the Taoist sect.

For Daomen, at this time, it is necessary to hug as much as possible to keep warm.

Holding a group for warmth may not necessarily be able to achieve an extremely powerful model.

But sometimes it is not necessarily possible to choose.

For all the current situation, it is necessary to control the rhythm of everything.

Yuan Tiangang knew very well that the court had become suspicious of them at this time.

Therefore, under the current environment, we must still work hard to improve as much as possible.

After getting promoted as much as possible, then everything will be different.

After getting as much improvement as possible, everything will fall into a more beautiful state.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang understands more and more the importance of choice at this time.

When Yuan Tiangang saw that Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs began to invade the wilderness of the Far West, he knew that everything had begun to change.

Tsk tsk tsk, these details can be said to be very shocking to Yuan Tiangang.

For Yuan Tiangang at this time, it was actually very tempting.

But in fact, it is difficult for him to have a more secure understanding of the current situation.

Cognition is actually based on a very concrete concept.

If you don't have a concrete concept and just guess, then the effect may not be so good.

After all, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is quite powerful. If there is no way to effectively target him, he will definitely encounter a big crisis.

Crisis is actually sometimes reflected in some very weak aspects.

Sometimes if you don't look carefully, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can hide himself perfectly.

Once Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus has done this, it becomes extremely difficult to figure out what he thinks.

In many cases, the judgment of information is a very easy thing.

In many cases, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew exactly what he should do.

So for Yuan Tiangang, the cognition at this time will become more confusing.

It may not be possible to figure everything out at the outset.

Maybe it will be a feeling of seeing flowers in a fog.

This feeling is actually quite bad.

Not everyone can accept this result.

Just like the current Yuan Tiangang.

As a Taoist leader and the most famous Taoist celestial master, Yuan Tiangang must have absolute strength if he wants to show his prestige.

Only when he has absolute strength can he convince the Daoist sect.

The current situation of Daomen can't be considered too good, but it can't be said to be too bad either.It can only be said that everything is quite safe, and it can only be said that everything is still within the scope of control.

So even if there is a problem, you will not be very annoying.

The threat of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has always existed.It's just that Yuan Tiangang didn't expect that the threat of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus would be so vividly reflected at this moment.

For Yuan Tiangang, when he realized the details of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he would actually make a calmer judgment.

For Yuan Tiangang, the Taoist sect at this time actually needs Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs to invade a little slower.

Because for Taoism, the time at this time is quite precious.

If there are no obvious omissions in time, then everything is under control.

In any case, there cannot be huge fluctuations in emotions.

This is the most taboo situation for Daguan Xinshu.

Once such extremely obvious flaws appear in the Grand View Mind Technique, everything will lead to quite a lot of problems.

The embodiment of these details will make people feel quite embarrassing.These detailed manifestations will make people feel extremely painful.

Sometimes Yuan Tiangang can bear it, and sometimes Yuan Tiangang can't bear it at all.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is really an all-round suppression.

After feeling this so-called all-round suppression, everything actually changed, everything became quite embarrassing, and everything became quite painful.

That kind of emotion, really even an old fritter like Yuan Tiangang may not be able to withstand it.

In many cases, the accumulation of details is a rather concrete experience.

In many cases, the influence of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is also deepening.

So for Yuan Tiangang, it is really impossible to panic at this time.

For Yuan Tiangang, as long as he can't be upset at this time, the rhythm will not be too embarrassing.

The threat of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is great, but it has not yet reached the point where it is completely uncontrollable.

As long as everything is under control, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Fear itself is the emotion that arises.

There was a feeling of resistance.

At present, although Yuan Tiangang does have this kind of emotion, it is actually quite good to suppress it.

Under such circumstances, there is actually no need to worry too much.

But it is worth looking forward to in any situation where you can stabilize your mind.

Yuan Tiangang's only worry at this time is that Emperor Xianlong will come to add fuel and vinegar.If Emperor Xianlong came to add fuel and vinegar at this time, then they might not really be able to withstand it.

In many cases, having a calmer state of mind also requires an objective condition.

If the objective conditions are not very stable, then basically no matter how much effort you put in, it will be useless.

In many cases, the criticality of choice can be very confusing.

Yuan Tiangang has been able to achieve the most powerful mode.

But as far as the moment is concerned, he still has no way to ensure that the rhythm of everything is under his control.

I can only talk about human affairs and obey the destiny.

Yuan Tiangang can indeed give his all for the Taoist sect.But it has to be worth it.

Many times, when Yuan Tiangang can have a very shocking feeling, it means that under the current mode, he has indeed encountered a crisis.

Yuan Tiangang at this time was indeed quite embarrassing.

Yuan Tiangang at this time will give people a very confused feeling.

And no one can know what will happen next.Even for the Daoist sect itself, sometimes it is at a loss in an absolute sense.

So at this time the court's attitude will become more and more important.

What was Emperor Xianlong's attitude towards Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs?

The attitude of Emperor Xianlong is actually the attitude of the imperial court.

No matter from any aspect, this truth is quite necessary to bring in.

When these principles are brought in, everything will become more hearty.

Many times when you have these, everything becomes more natural.

Faced with the invasion of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, Emperor Xianlong would definitely make a choice.

It's just that Yuan Tiangang hasn't figured out what kind of influence Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will have on Emperor Xianlong.

It can be said that Emperor Xianlong's grasp of it can be said to be quite impressive.

At present, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a real spoiler.

When the spoiler appears, what happens next can be said to bring a rather huge challenge.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is really a pretty strong guy.For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, as long as he is allowed to seize the opportunity, he will definitely control the entire situation as much as possible in the next process.

As long as he is in a slightly disadvantaged environment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will dodge through a kind of extreme pulling.

In many cases, it is necessary to adopt a completely different attitude in the face of such a huge impact.

Attitude is key, attitude is very important.

When faced with some extreme choices, what kind of posture can be presented is indeed quite critical.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is really a spoiler, able to turn upside down what looked like a good situation.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus would really have had quite the impact.

For the court, this experience is actually very worth mentioning.

After having a very shocking influence, the deterrence embodied by the imperial court is indeed quite powerful.

In many cases, this manifestation is quite obvious.

In many cases, this kind of very detailed performance needs to bring a very targeted choice.

But Yuan Tiangang was actually very serious about whether Emperor Xianlong would choose such a method.

After all, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can be said to be a very oppressive person.

How long can Emperor Xianlong survive in such a situation?
It's really an unknown.

Although Yuan Tiangang is proficient in celestial calculations, it has to be said that sometimes even celestial calculations will have mistakes and omissions.

Once there are mistakes and omissions in the calculation of heaven, it is actually not as good as human calculation.

Especially when facing the God of Darkness.

The God of Darkness has not shown his face, but has shown some adequate gestures through his Warden Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles.

Under such circumstances, there are many unpredictable situations that will lead to a drastic change in a person's mentality.

The choice in this case is indeed quite difficult.

At this time, it is difficult for even Emperor Xianlong to make a very correct choice.

There is also how to be completely correct and how to be completely flawless.In fact, there is no conclusive conclusion, and there are actually many variables.

Although the influence of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is not as powerful as the God of Darkness, it will lead to very complicated things to a certain extent.

Tsk tsk tsk, all of that can cause quite a few problems.All in all it leads to very complicated problems.

For now Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs still takes a probing question.

If you want to adopt a conservative attitude when facing Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, then there is really no need for Yuan Tiangang to tear himself apart with Emperor Xianlong.

Although he can bring a sense of oppression from Emperor Xianlong, he really can't tear his face apart at this time.

Although he has formed an alliance with the academy, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

In many cases, if you can say that you have a very graceful mentality and a very peaceful mentality at the beginning, then you will not feel very afraid when facing your opponent.

For Yuan Tiangang, he knew very well that Taoism is now at a point of life and death.

Since Taoism is at a moment of life and death at this time, it cannot become very confused anyway.

For Yuan Tiangang, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was actually the culprit who caused many influences.

(End of this chapter)

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