big week bad guy

Chapter 60 Miniature Chang'an City and Talismanship

Chapter 60 Miniature Chang'an City and Talismanship
When Zhao Xun saw Yuan Tiangang take the initiative to talk about the conditions, Zhao Xun couldn't help but slander him.

Anyway, Yuan Tiangang is also the only supreme powerhouse in the Great Zhou Empire who has surpassed the ninth-rank system, so why is he so philistine?

But after thinking about it, Zheng Jie, the internal servant, is also an old scumbag, so he was generally relieved.

Well, among the three strong men, only the head of Haoran Academy should be an elegant person. After all, he is a Confucian and Taoist, and he regards himself as a gentleman and a sage, so it is impossible for him to be tainted with copper stink.

Zhao Xun comforted himself.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, as long as Yuan Tiangang can agree to help, it is not a problem to agree to some conditions.

Equivalent exchange, it is impossible to let the horse run and let the horse not eat grass.

"Little uncle, tell me."

However, Wu Quanyi seemed to know Yuan Tiangang's temperament very well, so he didn't agree immediately.

"This Zhao Xun, I want to adopt him as a foster son."

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile.

What the hell!

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was so shocked that he was dumbfounded.

What is this old magician thinking in his mind, why doesn't he play his cards according to the routine.

Just now Zhao Xun was still thinking that the negotiation between Yuan Tiangang and Wu Quanyi was a matter between their bosses and Zhao Xun would not be involved.

That's why Zhao Xun was able to hang on high as nothing to do with himself.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

This Yuan Tianshi, no, the old magic stick actually has plots against Zhao Xun.

Wait, if Yuan Tiangang really accepted Zhao Xun as his adopted son, how would he be arranged in this seniority.

Wu Quanyi is Yuan Tiangang's nephew, Zhao Xun is Yuan Tiangang's adoptive son, they are of the same generation.

And Zhao Xun is Wu Quanyi's apprentice, should he be called Wu Quanyi's master or righteous brother?

Should he be called Master Yuan Tiangang, or foster father?
The seniority seems to be messed up.
Just when Zhao Xun was bewildered, Wu Quanyi nodded calmly: "Yes."

There was only one word, but Wu Quanyi actually agreed!
He actually agreed!

Shouldn't I ask Zhao Xun's opinion?

Although it is said that one day is a teacher and a lifelong father, but it is not so domineering.

Is this Taoist sect of Qingcheng Mountain so domineering?
Zhao Xun was speechless.

Yuan Tiangang nodded in satisfaction upon hearing this.

"Since that's the case, the old man will reluctantly help you once."

Zhao Xun was about to cry but had no tears.

Obviously it was Yuan Tiangang who took advantage, why does it feel like Zhao Xun has gained a huge advantage.

That's all, things have come to this point, and we can only let nature take its course.

"Father, please."

Zhao Xun knew that now was not the time to save face, so he had to strike while the iron was hot.

In case Yuan Tiangang backs out again, he will really lose his wife and lose his army.

Yuan Tiangang got up and walked to the inner room on the seventh floor of Huntian Tower. He picked up a whisk and lightly swept it over a chessboard-like object.

In an instant, countless golden gossamers appeared on the chessboard, and these golden gossamers soon formed palaces, Taoist temples and other buildings, which were exactly the same as those in Chang'an City.

Even the drainage ditches and bridges between the canals in the east and west cities, and the vegetable fields in the remote square city in the south city are all revealed one by one.

Only now did Zhao Xun realize that this is not a chessboard at all, but a miniature version of Chang'an City.

Compared with the sand table of later generations, this thing is much more accurate.

Zhao Xun found that Yuan Tiangang breathed out next, and the breath was attached to the outlined buildings in the city, and then this tiny Chang'an city seemed to have a spiritual energy, and countless paper figures were born.

These paper figurines come in different shapes and are lifelike, and some of them are even drinking and talking.

Now Zhao Xun really cast his eyes on Yuan Tiangang's admiration.

If he just outlined the shape of Chang'an City just now, he directly depicted the charm of Chang'an City.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.Water does not have to be deep.The city is not big, but there are people who are prosperous.

Kings and grandchildren, traffickers and pawns, are the real people who fill Chang'an City with smoke and fire.

And isn't this miniature version of Chang'an City the same?
Although the paper dolls don't really have flesh and blood, they can already make this miniature version of Chang'an City the closest to reality.

Then Yuan Tiangang's eyes fell on Chongrenfang.

The residence of Chen Liangfu, Prime Minister of the Left, is in Fangzheng North of Chongren.

"go with!"

Yuan Tiangang conjured up another paper figurine, born out of the talisman written by Yuan Tiangang, and stood up after struggling for a moment like a newborn lamb, and then floated towards Zuoxiang's mansion in Chongrenfang.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun understood that the so-called Grand View of Mind is not really capable of monitoring and observing people's true thoughts from dozens of miles away, but a kind of consciousness intake through paper figurines and talisman techniques.

Talisman Dao belongs to Taoist practice in the practice of the Great Zhou Empire.

In other words, this is the exclusive skill of Taoist priests.

Zhao Xun watched with greedy eyes, subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

If he can master this unique secret technique in the future, it will be of great help to his practice.

Whether it is swordsmanship or saber technique, they are all externalized things after all.

If he wants to integrate and improve himself in an all-round way, he also needs an internal cultivation method.

It is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on Confucianism cultivation.

Although my teacher Wu Quanyi gave Zhao Xun a copy of "The First Awareness of Wen Zong", it was only an entry-level reading after all, and if I dig deeper, my teacher, a Taoist practitioner, may find it a bit difficult.

Therefore, at least from the moment, Zhao Xun can use the relationship between Yuan Tiangang and Wu Quanyi's thighs to improve his ability in talisman.

More skills do not overwhelm you, and more skills are not harmful.

Since Zhao Xun had made up his mind to steal the teacher, he naturally looked very carefully.

The paper figurine made by Yuan Tiangang sneaked into the mansion of the Left Prime Minister Chen Liangfu and landed on the ridge of the bedroom in the north.

The paper figurine flipped off a tile lightly, and then slipped in through the gap.

Zhao Xun held his breath, he couldn't see the scene inside the house, but the paper figurine could.

With this skill, it is equivalent to having a pair of clairvoyant eyes and smooth ears, just like playing chicken with a perspective plug-in.

Fuck, this is simply too handsome.

After about a moment, the paper figurine carefully slipped out of the gap, and put the tile back intact.

Afterwards, the paper figurine rose again with the wind, and landed on Yuan Tiangang's palm in a burst of floating.


Yuan Tiangang drank again, and immediately the paper figurine started to burn.Yuan Tiangang took out an uncorked porcelain bottle, stuffed the burning paper figurine into the porcelain bottle, and then put the cork back on.

Yuan Tiangang didn't say a word during the whole process.

"All right."

Yuan Tiangang handed the vase to Wu Quanyi: "Here is the memory evidence of Chen Liangfu's collusion with the demon saint. You send it to the palace. After opening the plug, the memory fragment will be presented in front of Your Majesty in the form of a shadow puppetry."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, isn't this the ancient version of holographic projection?

(End of this chapter)

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