big week bad guy

Chapter 629 Ultimate Comprehension

The more Wangcai practiced, the more he could understand Zhao Xun's difficulties back then.

At the beginning, Wangcai felt that everything was taken for granted, but it was not.

Regardless of any aspect or any detail, in fact, it needs to be carefully explored.

Only by careful exploration can a better experience be obtained within a period of time.

This is the realization that Wangcai has gained from practicing for a period of time.

Although this understanding is not too much, it can be regarded as very perfect.

The sense of experience at this stage is beyond the control of ordinary people.

Only after grasping the details can one reach a so-called peak.

In the beginning, Wangcai didn't understand it very well, but gradually he began to understand it.

When Wangcai starts to understand, he can give full play to his talent.

It's not impossible.

In Wangcai's view, anything is possible.

As a person who started practicing very late.

Wangcai had to work harder.

If you can't reach this level, you will fall into confusion to the maximum extent.

Wangcai definitely doesn't want to live in a muddle.

At this stage, Wangcai's comprehension ability is actually quite strong.

When Wangcai can recognize his new side in an all-round way, basically there will be no more confusion.

The prosperity of this period is enough to give the opponent a great shock.

Wangcai is constantly broadening his own path.

It may not look so exciting at first glance, but it is actually very promising.

Wangcai at this stage is actually the most powerful existence.

Many potentials that he didn't even know before were completely burst out at this moment.

This feeling is unparalleled.

Ordinary people can hardly imagine what it feels like.

Only by carefully understanding can we understand the depth of practice.

Practice is actually a very profound knowledge.

In Wangcai's view, this is the fact.

Therefore, he must control the situation as much as possible, and must try his best to ensure that everything is within the control range and will not jump out of this range.

This point is actually quite critical.

Because if there is no way to do this, it will face great pressure in the future.

In fact, Wangcai has always been aware of the pressure Zhao Xun is under.

Therefore, Wangcai definitely does not want to bear such huge pressure in the future.

When facing confusion or crisis, no matter what the situation is, you need to adjust your emotions reasonably.

Wangcai actually learned quite a lot during the process of practicing and studying with Yao Yan, the Sword Immortal of the Bamboo Forest.

It's not just about spiritual practice, but also about how to behave in the world and so on.

These so-called details are actually quite critical.

When a person's personality can be expanded in all directions, everything becomes completely different.

Wangcai is such a person.

Wangcai will never have any hypocrisy.

He is a person who always has positive energy.

So when he can fully expand his advantages, he doesn't need to worry so much anymore.

Wangcai is always a very wonderful person.

Wonderful people deserve a wonderful life.

In the face of difficult situations, in fact, Wangcai still has a very strong explosive power.

This is critical.

When he can master these situations well, Yao Yan's teachings will become more practical.

This is very important.

Yao Yan himself is the kind with a strong cultivation talent, Wangcai must be a lot worse in comparison.

So when faced with a confusing situation, Wangcai actually needs to pay more.

Because if he can't give more, it's not enough to show his strongest side.

In front of Yao Yan, it was actually the most important thing for Wangcai to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Otherwise, that kind of huge pressure could really drive people crazy in an instant.

This is not the pressure that ordinary people can bear.

Although Wangcai had been with Zhao Xun for a while, he didn't learn everything about Zhao Xun.

The pressure at this stage is actually quite high.

When fully aware of these pressures, all of this will make people feel a sense of collapse in an instant.

Adjust in time, when faced with this situation, timely adjustment is essential.

The control at this stage must be properly grasped.

When the control can be adjusted in place, Wangcai lacks water is very confident about his future.

"Wangcai, in fact, I think you are very talented in cultivation. I didn't feel it at the beginning. But as your practice deepens, my feeling becomes more and more intense."

At this time, Yao Yan, the Sword Immortal of the Bamboo Forest, took a sip of tea, and then said very calmly: "Actually, cultivation is difficult and easy to say. Anyway, it should be said that it is not as difficult as you imagined. The key is to It depends on whether you use your heart or not. If you can think about it with your heart, you may be able to realize some truths."

Not everyone can figure everything out at this point in time.

Not everyone can control all of this.

But Yao Yan has already talked about this point, if Wangcai goes to be hypocritical, it really can't be justified no matter what.

In this case, Wangcai must follow Yao Yan's words as much as possible.

The comprehension at this stage is actually only possible with the support of certain people.

Yao Yan was undoubtedly the biggest supporter of Wangcai at this point in time.

Now that he has become a teacher, Wangcai must be able to reach his peak state.

Otherwise, wouldn't the whole apprenticeship be in vain.

Such a good opportunity to make money must not be missed.

He quickly asked: "Dare to ask Yao Jianxian, how long will it take for me to enter the eighth-rank realm based on my current state?"

After some advice from Yao Yan, Wangcai is now a product.

The so-called entry refers to the ninth grade.

This level can be said to be quite good.

It doesn't make people feel that there is such a huge pressure, it is a very easy start.

But Wangcai's ambition is definitely not limited to the ninth rank.

He hopes to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible.

If possible, Wangcai hopes to reach the eighth-rank realm in a short time.

This is still critical.

Once he can reach the eighth-rank cultivation realm in all directions, everything will become completely different.


At this stage, Wangcai is actually looking forward to all of this.

Even his breathing became short due to this.

The control in this stage is difficult for ordinary people to control.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that all the details of oneself can be presented perfectly.

"Well, at least half a year, at most a year. If you practice like this, you should be able to break through in a year at most."

At this time, Yao Yan stroked his beard lightly while speaking slowly.

He didn't seem in any hurry.

Because in his opinion, with Wangcai's current state, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through.

He didn't even need to worry about it.

What is there to worry about at a time like this?

Confusion at this time is simply an insult to yourself.

Yao Yan at this stage just needs to watch quietly from the sidelines.

For him, this is a very beautiful moment.

You only need to control everything quietly, and the state you can finally achieve is an unparalleled one.

What else is there to worry about.

To put it bluntly, Yao Yan's luck is really good.

He only accepted Zhao Xun as an apprentice, and then Wang Cai as an apprentice.

Yao Yan was simply lucky.

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good. I really didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. I thought it would be impossible for me to break through without three or five years. But now it seems that everything is quite smooth. of."

At this stage, Zhao Xun has indeed reached his peak state.

But Wangcai is just getting started.

So he still needs to be able to match Zhao Xun, and he needs to control his emotional state as much as possible.

Can't be too proud.

Otherwise, the final effect may not be so ideal.

Everything obtained within this level actually requires people to constantly adapt.

Development at this stage also requires careful planning.

It's not that Wangcai is unwilling to try, nor is it that he is too lazy.

It's just that Wangcai hadn't discovered so many talents before.

It can be said that Wangcai's comprehension ability improved quite rapidly during this stage.

The refreshing feeling when he can look at the problem from a new perspective is really hard for ordinary people to realize.

Wonderful, all this is truly wonderful.

When people can perceive all this from all directions, the distance from breaking the realm is actually not too far away.

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

Jia Xingwen was carefully analyzing the information brought back by the returned paper figurine.

"Strange, really strange. Why are the information brought back by these paper figurines so broken? It seems that most of the information has been artificially destroyed."

At this stage, Jia Xingwen really felt very confused.

In his opinion, there are quite a lot of things that he can analyze to this extent.

In view of the current situation, Jia Xingwen must control his mentality, otherwise, it will lead to huge differences in the overall situation.

This is not a very easy thing to deal with, and it is not something that can be done in one sentence.

Jia Xingwen had to control his mentality as much as possible.

Otherwise, it will definitely fall into a vicious circle.

At this moment, Jia Xingwen has indeed become more comprehensive.

His all-round improvement can be said to have made him Liu Lin's right-hand man.

But this alone is not enough, we still need to explore some unknown areas as much as possible.

The control power at this stage is actually not possessed by ordinary people.

At this moment, Jia Xingwen is indeed actively planning.

He knows the heavy responsibilities he has to bear at this time, and he also understands how to perform in order to reach a personal peak state.

This needs to be honed slowly, and it also needs to be constantly explored.

It may not be as smooth as imagined, but it is always possible.

"Perhaps the northern barbarians have realized the existence of paper figurines and talisman formations. So they deliberately interfered."

In this state, it is actually possible for the northern barbarians to do this.

Once the northern barbarians deliberately interfered with the existence of the paper figurines, the information collected by the paper figurines would be incomplete.

This is not the news that Jia Xingwen hoped to get.

For Jia Xingwen, the talisman technique of the paper figurine was carefully planned by him, and he naturally hoped to control everything properly.

If there are some accidents during this process, it is still necessary to control and analyze them as reasonably as possible.

If you let it go and ignore it, you will actually fall into a very numb state.

"Da Du Hu must be very depressed now. So I must do my best to relieve Da Du's worries. Otherwise, it is very likely that Da Du will become depressed."

Jia Xingwen was still very worried about this.

In his opinion, Liu Lin is indeed an existence that can influence many factors.

If Liu Lin's body collapsed, it would lead to quite a few crises.

At this stage, Jia Xingwen must control his mentality.


At this stage, Neijia Xingwen has turned into a brand new stage. When he can start to explore all the changes in all directions, he can probably deduce where the paper figurine is damaged.

This is very important.

When he realized this, many things became easier.

As a practitioner, Jia Xingwen may not be the best, but as a former bad person, he has developed a very rich cognitive analysis ability.

This is the experience cultivated over the years, which is enough for Jia Xingwen to use for life.

So Jia Xingwen's heart is still very peaceful.

He knew that confusion at this point in time was meaningless.

At this stage, only by controlling one's emotions can it be possible to infer more things.

Right now the entire Anxi army is counting on him.

Therefore, Jia Xingwen must not be slack in the slightest.

The responsibilities on Jia Xingwen made him have to work as hard as possible.

As long as he is willing to work hard, there will be gains.

He was sure of it.

So far, in fact, Jia Xingwen's heart is still very peaceful.

When a person's mentality can completely calm down, he will not be disturbed at all.

Jia Xingwen knew that the Anxi army still had a long way to go in the future, so he had to compact the road as much as possible, so as to ensure that everything went smoothly.

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