big week bad guy

Chapter 637 Angry Jiang Liang

Chapter 637 Angry Jiang Liang
Jiang Liang, the left servant of the official department, felt extremely angry.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense.

Do these guys really think that no one knows what they're doing?

Do they really think that these little tricks of theirs can confuse the dignified servant Zuo Shilang?

Really a bunch of rats, rats!

It's no wonder that Jiang Liang was so angry. It turned out that recently, some officials of science and Taoism took advantage of the extremely special period of Jingcha and started to make a big fuss.

They released the news that Jiang Liang lingered in Yanliu Lane, looking for flowers and asking Liu, intending to slander Jiang Liang in this way.

It can be said that this is a very vicious poisonous plan.

If it can be used properly, it can basically hammer the vilified into the abyss from which they cannot extricate themselves.

Once such an effect is formed, within a certain period of time, it is really beyond redemption.

In this case, not to mention Jiang Liang, even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be greatly affected by this.

How could Jiang Liang not be angry?
But there is also a saying that is very good, the so-called body is not afraid of the oblique shadow.

Jiang Liang has never been to the so-called Yanliu Lane, so why should he be afraid of others' slander?

In Jiang Liang's view, these non-existent things are nothing to fear at all.

The reason why people feel a little confused, and the reason why they feel a little scared, is essentially because they feel guilty deep in their hearts.

Why do you feel guilty deep down in your heart?

To put it bluntly, isn't it because they have done something wrong?
But Jiang Liang is different, Jiang Liang has never done similar things, so there is no panic at all.

Jiang Liang knew exactly what he should do.

As long as he can make the details perfect and proper, there is no need to hesitate at all.

Everyone will encounter some difficulties.

So is Jiang Liang.

But how to deal with it after encountering a dilemma will determine quite a lot of things.

At least in Jiang Liang's personal opinion, his handling method must be quite decisive and direct.

Direct counterattacks often work very well.

At this time, the more you try to hide it, the worse the effect will be.

So Jiang Liang has been controlling his emotions reasonably.

Even if he is angry, he needs to remain calm for a certain period of time. In this case, he can reach a so-called personal peak state in a short period of time.

As long as he reaches this peak state, he will not be affected too much, and his performance will not be disturbed too much due to emotional changes.

This is critical.

For Jiang Liang, his efforts can bring quite a lot of different things to a certain extent.

His control is also enough to make opponents fear.

The key is that his efforts must be focused, and there must be absolutely no mistakes or problems in the details.

Otherwise, the whole person's emotions may collapse in an instant.

This is something Jiang Liang absolutely does not want to see.

Because once his personal emotions collapsed, the impact on the princelings would be too great.

The more such a moment is, the more we need to be clear about our mentality.

Facing the onslaught of Qi Wang's party, Jiang Liang must not panic first.

If even he panicked, the impact on other people in the future would be immeasurable.

The more at this stage, the more Jiang Liang needs to seek stability.

At this moment, Jiang Liang had to come up with something that belonged to him.

The control at this stage is unimaginable for ordinary people.

As long as Jiang Liang can do his own part in an all-round way, the final result will not be too bad.

People should still have a certain degree of executive power.

Otherwise, it must be at a disadvantage in all aspects.

In order to win in the brutal power struggle, Jiang Liang must be proficient in various changes.

The more difficult the time is, the more we need to be clear about our mentality.

The more it is at this time, the less impulsive it is.

Although he did feel surprisingly angry, he still needed to suppress his inner emotions reasonably.

Because Jiang Liang knew very well that the choice he made at this time was unimaginable for ordinary people.

Everyone experiences a crisis, and everyone responds in very different ways.This determines the different results within a certain time range.

Of course, Jiang Liang knew this very well.

Therefore, under the premise of encountering confusion, Jiang Liang can still handle the problem properly.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he must be calm.

Calmness is the main premise. If you can't even do this well, everything will be false.

Obviously, there is a pusher behind the King Qi Party.

Jiang Liang didn't believe that just a few officials in the department dared to impeach Zuo Shilang, the Ministry of Officials.

Unless their heads had been kicked by a donkey, there was no way they could have done something so stupid.

In Jiang Liang's view, this can only show one thing, that is, the Qi royal party has begun to use a real killer move.

It can be said that there is no fuel-efficient lamp in the Qi royal party.

It seems that they are probing, but in fact they hope to use this method to judge the degree of unity of the princelings in the Eastern Palace.

If the princelings are not united enough, it is actually easy to be broken through one by one.

As long as Jiang Liang falls, the princelings will have no leader, and they will fall into a predicament in an absolute sense.

This is not a joke.

Really wait until they fall into such a predicament, it will be difficult to get out of it in a short time.

So in fact, Jiang Liang's current responsibility is still very important.

The more he is at such a moment, the less he can panic.

If he starts to panic at this stage, it will actually lead to immeasurable consequences within a certain time range in the future.

So at this point in time, the first thing Jiang Liang needs to do is to keep himself calm.

As long as Jiang Liang can keep calm, then everything is still up for discussion.

At this stage, Jiang Liang's personal execution ability is actually quite strong.

In the face of a crisis, no matter what kind of situation arises, Jiang Liang will definitely move back.

Although it may be very difficult, he still needs to control his emotions reasonably.

"Since the Qi royal party chooses to criticize this official's personal style, then this official must retaliate with an eye."

At this moment, Jiang Liang's thoughts were actually very clear.

He knew that for civil servants, personal reputation was quite crucial.

There is no civil servant who does not cherish his feathers.

Officials whose reputations have been damaged or tainted will be more or less greatly affected.

Once they are really affected in this way, they will basically miss the so-called promotion within a certain period of time.

This is absolutely unacceptable to civil servants.

Military generals can still obtain titles by virtue of their military exploits, but if civil servants want to be promoted, do they rely on political achievements?
What is political achievement?

The so-called political achievements are actually the accumulated reputation.

If a person's prestige is very problematic, then what achievements can he be expected to have?
That's just not possible.

The more flustered you are, the more you need to be reasonable and clear about your thinking.

In Jiang Liang's view, this is crucial.

If he can't achieve the ultimate at this time node, he will actually suffer backlash because of this.

So the more flustered you are, the more you need to control your emotions reasonably.

You must not let your emotions fluctuate greatly, otherwise, it is really unforgivable.

"None of these members of the Royal Qi Party have clean buttocks. According to this official, they will more or less hang around in Yanliu Lane, it's just the length of time and the number of times."

Jiang Liang's heart is actually very decisive, and the ideas he can have are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

When Jiang Liang was able to start deducing his own plan in all directions, it was actually a huge blow to the Qi royal party.

The more such a moment is, the more it is necessary to maintain the emotion of thinking.

Jiang Liang was able to achieve this step, but it was really not easy.

But this is also equivalent to proving one's own strength from one aspect.

Jiang Liang was able to achieve the position of the left servant of the official department, and he was by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

His strength is reflected in every aspect.

So as long as he can have absolute strength in all aspects, he will never be led by the nose.

The tactic of tit for tat can be said to be quite easy to use.

As long as Jiang Liang can get the details right, there is no need to worry at all.

Everyone will encounter certain crises, and everyone will face some confusing situations.

But how to resolve it reasonably is a test of personal skills.

Jiang Liang is very good at handling these details, so as long as he wants to, he can definitely make the details to the extreme.

It's not impossible.

For Jiang Liang personally, as long as he is willing, then anything is possible.

"Hmph, I don't need to think about it, I can know that this old ghost, Cen Wendao, must be behind this."

Jiang Liang and Cen Wendao have been dealing with each other for more than ten years, so it can be said that he knows this person's behavior style like the palm of his hand.

So basically Jiang Liang was able to understand exactly what Cen Wendao was thinking in his heart.

It can be said that Cen Wendao can't hold back any boring farts.

As long as Jiang Liang can make an in-depth analysis, then he can figure out all of Cen Wendao's ideas.

If so, what is there to be confused about?

For Jiang Liang, as long as he can do this well, he doesn't need to look at other people's faces at all.

In fact, Jingcha is fair to all people. Some people can achieve perfect details, while others may only be able to achieve a certain level.

But whether it is good or bad will be directly reflected in the details that follow.

So for Jiang Liang, at this moment, he needs to be able to grasp his mentality even more.

If Jiang Liang has problems in controlling some details, he still needs to make timely adjustments.

Otherwise, the impact must be all-round.

Now that he has decided to fight an eye for an eye, the first thing Jiang Liang needs to determine is the target of his attack.

This is still very important.

Only by choosing the right target can it cause a great impact on the opponent.

Otherwise, it may be counterproductive.

The backbone of the Qi royal party must be Cen Wendao.

This guy is a leader no matter from any point of view.

But Jiang Liang knew very well that he couldn't choose Cen Wendao as his target.

Because Cen Wendao, like him, has no flaws at all.

Not to mention the problem with his life style, Cen Wendao didn't even marry a concubine.

Do you think it is possible for such a person to linger in Yanliu Lane?

It will only cause extreme suspicion in others.

So Jiang Liang can only choose suitable candidates from other aspects.

This choice is actually quite challenging.

If there is a problem with Jiang Liang's choice, it will have a severe impact on the princelings within a certain range.

But if there is nothing wrong with Jiang Liang's choice, the impact on Qi Wangdang will be quite huge.

The gap between the in and out is not insignificant.

So even Jiang Liang needs to control his mentality very well, and he must not make mistakes in details.

Otherwise, it will definitely be very depressing.

The more it is at such a moment, the more it is actually necessary to be able to control one's own attitude, and absolutely not to make some very low-level mistakes.

In fact, Jiang Liang still needs to plan carefully.

Although he generally has an idea.

But in order to turn this idea into reality, it still takes a lot of effort.

So Jiang Liang knew that he must not panic at this time, and he must not be carried away.

The more at this stage, the more he needs to control everything reasonably.

As long as he can grasp everything well, he can still deal with it well in the event of a crisis.

In fact, at this stage, Cen Wendao's control ability is not possessed by ordinary people.

So Jiang Liang can't take it lightly.

He must deduce various possibilities as much as possible, and analyze all aspects of details in an all-round way.

In this way, it is possible that Cen Wendao has the upper hand in this fight.

This is quite critical.

On the surface, this is a battle between him and Cen Wendao, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a battle between the princelings and the Qi royal party.

This leads to a series of crises.

Once the crisis begins to appear in all directions, it is unimaginable for ordinary people.

So at this moment, Jiang Liang must ensure that he can handle this crisis with ease.This requires him to overcome his anger and maintain a relatively calm attitude. This is really the most important part of defeating the Qi Royal Party. Jiang Liang must do it to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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