Chapter 640
As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

It has to be said that Yao Yan's swordsmanship is still very powerful.

After learning a lot, Wangcai was full of emotions.

Although he has made considerable progress compared to the beginning, the gap between Yao Yan and Yao Yan is quite obvious.

This can only be said that there is indeed a huge gap between the strengths of the two, and it is difficult to completely overcome this gap in a short period of time.

To further improve himself, Wangcai still has a long way to go.

Wangcai was able to get to where he is today, and he has made great efforts.

In the future, he still has to put in more effort.

It is unrealistic to expect that everything will be done in one step.

Even a talented practitioner like Zhao Xun didn't do such an outrageous thing in one step.

People still need to show some different qualities at critical moments.

Only in this way can it be improved rapidly.

Wangcai has this characteristic.

So in his view, this is not a possibility.

Anything is possible if you put in the effort.

Since Wangcai has chosen the path of cultivation, he will never change easily.

For him personally, this is actually an excellent opportunity.

As long as he can seize this opportunity, it is not impossible to skyrocket from now on.

The more it is in such a special period, the more Wangcai needs to work hard to control his emotions and rhythm.

As long as he personally can bring all these to the extreme, there will never be any omissions.

This stage is actually quite a test of people's resilience.

Wangcai is also convinced of this.

So he will work harder to improve himself and try his best to make every detail perfect.

In this way, basically there will be no big problems anymore.

Everyone will face certain challenges, the key point is what kind of mentality to face the challenges.

Wangcai's attitude is actually very good.

So in his view, this is not a big problem.

Everyone needs to have a certain enterprising spirit.

In this regard, Wangcai is directly full.

He was a little worried about Zhao Xun who was far away in the middle of Shu.

After all, Zhao Xun is more dangerous than him at this time.

If something unexpected happened to Zhao Xun, then Wangcai would definitely feel uneasy in his heart.

So Wangcai actually prayed silently for Zhao Xun deep in his heart.

He hoped that everything was fine for Zhao Xun, and he also hoped that Zhao Xun could withstand the tremendous pressure.

As long as Zhao Xun can withstand the pressure, then he can handle all this with peace of mind.

Take care of your own part, which is the view that Wangcai has always adhered to.

In his opinion, he has gone very steadily on the road of practice.

With Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, guiding the way, as long as he doesn't commit suicide, there won't be any major problems.

People always have to learn to face some problems alone.

There is nothing wrong with this in Wangcai's view.

No matter what kind of difficulties he encountered, he was able to face them.

No matter what kind of danger you encounter, Wangcai can go far enough.

This is the pursuit of Wangcai, and it is also his biggest realization during this period of time.

Wangcai will never let himself fall into a desperate situation, because he will always leave enough retreat for himself.

Jingcha began to become more and more serious.

Both Cen Wendao and Jiang Liang began to use their real killer moves.

This point can be said to be crucial.

When they use their unique skills, they can deal a great blow to their opponents.

In this way, there will be no more scruples.

If the two sides still had certain temptations at the beginning, they have already discarded the so-called temptations during the following period of time.

This is a duel with real knives and real guns, without any sympathy left.

Anyone in this kind of duel is actually highly nervous.

Because maybe a small mistake will ruin all the good games.

Whether it is the princeling party or the Qi royal party, they actually have great power in the court.

This kind of force can be said to be deeply intertwined, and it is unrealistic to expect it to be eradicated all at once.

This is destined to be an endless tug of war.

As long as there is a tug-of-war, there will be many possibilities.

The accumulation of these variables will give people unparalleled pressure.

These pressures gather together and can make people collapse in an instant.

But both Cen Wendao and Jiang Liang are old people who have experienced ups and downs in officialdom, so their experience can be said to be quite rich.

In this way, they will hardly feel any pressure.

But all stress is self-inflicted.

As long as you can deal with it reasonably, the stress will disappear by itself.

But when it comes to the battle between the princelings and the Qi royal party, it is doomed that this will not be a simple matter.

This mutual restriction is actually very ingenious.

What both parties pay is actually unimaginable for ordinary people.

But for both parties, there is actually nothing to worry about.

Because at this moment, they have already played their famous brand.

Now that the famous brand has been played, the next thing to do is to ensure that all the details of oneself are done well enough.

As long as they can hit their opponents as much as possible, their goal will be achieved.

At this moment, the most critical factor is often to extinguish the opponent's arrogance.

After all, once momentum is formed, it will suppress the opponent in a short time.

And if you can extinguish the opponent's arrogance, it can actually have a very good effect.

The more such a moment, the more courage is needed.

Only courage can help them get out of their blind spots, and only courage can give them the upper hand.

It is not a simple matter to occupy an all-round advantage, it requires continuous accumulation.

Perhaps the accumulation of this advantage is quite limited at the beginning, but after a period of hard work, it will become quite exciting.

That's pretty realistic stuff.

Both the Qi royal party and the princelings have actually faced these potential challenges.The key point is how to deal with these challenges reasonably.

This point is actually quite critical.

Because if there is no way to achieve this step, no matter how to deal with any crisis, there will be problems.

At this time, Cen Wendao and Jiang Liang acted as vanguards.

Because no matter from which point of view, their experience is crucial.

As long as they can play a very reliable role in the details, they will definitely be able to lead the entire princeling party or the Qi royal party to the peak.

This process actually requires a certain amount of execution.

It just so happens that what Jiang Liang and Cen Wendao lack most is execution.

As long as they can maximize their execution in this area, they don't have to worry about it anymore.

Sometimes people have to learn to look forward.

When you can look ahead, you can avoid as many crises as possible.

This is an excellent opportunity brought to them by Jingcha, so they must not miss it.

The more such a moment is, the more it tests people's resilience.

Where the princelings and Qi royal party can go in the end depends on their performance.

Prince Li Xiankun's mood has obviously improved a lot during this time.

Because he clearly felt that under Jiang Liang's urging, the princelings began to launch a fierce counterattack.

The ferocity of the counterattack was far beyond his expectations.

Originally, Prince Li Xiankun had expected that the princelings had always been in a passive situation.

But after some operations by Jiang Liang, this trend was obviously reversed.

For a while, the princelings became quite confident.

From top to bottom, no matter what official they are, they can have a sense of self-confidence.

This is really quite important.

After gaining self-confidence, the princelings can maximize their executive power, and they will be more targeted when aligning with the royal party's strife and criticism.

To be honest, everyone understands what Jingcha is all about, but whether it performs well or not will still have a far-reaching impact.

Originally, it might have had an effect, but due to the unsatisfactory performance, there were extremely serious problems in its performance.

This is what no one wants to see.

Prince Li Xiankun is of course the same.

In the process of fighting against King Qi, he actually faced many challenges.

So even if he encounters a certain crisis, he can rely on his own strength to face it.

But it would be a very bad thing if the hearts of the entire princeling party were scattered.

Once such a situation really occurs, the entire princeling party will become quite loose.

It is quite difficult to gather people's hearts together.

So the more such a moment, the more Prince Li Xiankun can't take it lightly. He must ensure that the whole party is united, and must ensure that the princelings can have a unified fighting spirit.

In this way, even if they encounter serious things, they can all be twisted together and face it positively.

This point is really too critical.

If there is no way to achieve this, no matter what kind of situation you encounter, you will become quite passive.

The more passive you are, the more collapse you will face.

The more it collapses, the worse the final effect will be.

This can be said to be a vicious circle.

Prince Li Xiankun certainly does not want to become a so-called vicious circle.

For him personally, everything in this period needs to be carefully handled.

If there were some problems in the details, Li Xiankun, the prince of the East Palace, also needed to do his best to control the rhythm.

Although there will be some difficulties, as long as you can actively try it out, you can still get a certain effect.

Everyone will face certain challenges, and everyone will face some difficulties.

In the eyes of Prince Li Xiankun, this is not a big problem.

The key point is whether you can have a very detached mentality when facing these problems.

After all, if the mentality is good, everything will be fine.

And if you can't handle the mentality well, then there will indeed be many secondary problems.

At this stage, facing the impact of the royal party, the challenges faced by the princelings are not small.

At this time, Prince Li Xiankun definitely needs to stand up.

At this time, it is definitely not possible to rely on Jiang Liang alone.

Although Jiang Liang is the leader of the princeling party, in some respects, the role of Prince Li Xiankun is irreplaceable.

Prince Li Xiankun's personal action and Jiang Liang's appearance caused a completely different effect.

So you have to get as good a rhythm as possible.

Prince Li Xiankun knew that Qi Wang Li Xiang would not use his ultimate move until the last moment.

This Cen Wendao is an old fox with a lot of experience. No one knows what to do at what time.

So at such a moment, Prince Li Xiankun knew the importance of keeping an eye on Cen Wendao.

As long as Cen Wendao can be completely stared at, then most of the crisis will be alleviated.

As long as the crisis is resolved, there is no need to worry too much.

Everyone will face a crisis, the key point is that you have to find a way to solve the crisis.

Prince Li Xiankun actually knew this very well from the very beginning.

So in his opinion, this is not a big problem at all.

As long as he can strangle Cen Wendao to death.Then the Qi royal party will not cause any big disturbances.

After all, the princelings still have an advantage in legitimacy.

This advantage may be much greater than he imagined.

As long as Prince Li Xiankun doesn't commit suicide and make mistakes, it is basically impossible for this advantage to be reversed.

Even the royal father can't easily abolish the crown prince.

Every move of the father is actually under strict control.

He will carefully observe the situation and make a series of judgments based on the situation.

Prince Li Xiankun can be said to be well aware of this.

So all of this at the moment will not affect his mentality.

Prince Li Xianku will operate in accordance with the method discussed with Jiang Liang before.

As long as he can ensure that there are no major problems in the entire operation, then everything will develop in a direction that is beneficial to Donggong.

And this is exactly what Prince Li Xiankun most wants to see.

What made him feel even more fortunate was that the Academy was not involved in this battle.

Originally, this was a point that Prince Li Xiankun was very worried about.

After all, Li Taiping, the lord of Yonghe County, is now Zhao Xun's first wife. Logically speaking, the academy should favor King Qi.

But it seems that the academy didn't show any intention in this regard, and didn't feel like intervening at all.

This is how the prince Li Xiankun has become quite powerful, making it possible for him to fully exert his strength.

As long as the academy does not intervene, the last scruples of Prince Li Xiankun will be gone.

In this way, he doesn't even need to have any reservations anymore, he just needs to show his full strength as much as possible.

This is also the effect he most hopes to achieve.

The Jingcha has begun in full swing, and the good show has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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