big week bad guy

Chapter 659 All-round Suppression

Chapter 659 All-round Suppression

This is what Zhao Xun has to do at this moment.

Zhao Xun has always been an extremely strong person.

So for Zhao Xun, this will not put much pressure on him.

Everything is to allow him to gain a more rapid and energetic energy, and everything is to allow him to grasp the entire rhythm from the very beginning.

This is actually a pretty wonderful experience, which is actually being able to control the entire scene from the very beginning.

The field controller Zhao Xun is still doing very well, and the field control Zhao Xun is still perfect.

So no matter from any details, you can't pick any flaws.

Zhao Xun is a refinementist, and Zhao Xun is also a person who can fully express himself.

As long as he has the opportunity, Zhao Xun will definitely show his strength as much as possible.

For Zhao Xun, this is definitely the most exquisite moment.

When a person can fully demonstrate his own strength, then there is no need to have any fear.

Because at this time this person is extremely confident.

When a person is in a state of full self-confidence, then no matter from any aspect, he does not need to be afraid of anyone.

This point is very clear to Zhao Xun.

People still need to have dreams.

Otherwise, what is the difference from salted fish?

In fact, Zhao Xun has been working very hard to grasp this point.

Zhao Xun has been working hard to control the field and control all the rhythms.

Rhythm is a key thing, rhythm is a very important thing.

So there must be no hesitation, no hesitation at all.

When a person can fully demonstrate his talent, then everything will become logical.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss is indeed a threat, but Zhao Xun does not think that the threat of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus can reach an unattainable height .

In fact, in Zhao Xun's view, everything is controllable, and in Zhao Xun's view, everything is bearable.

So Zhao Xun must have fully grasped these things from the very beginning.

For Zhao Xun, this is by no means impossible.

All this is really too simple, and all this is really too easy to control.

For Zhao Xun, all this is as simple as eating and drinking.

Therefore, Zhao Xun will fully demonstrate his strength when facing Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.He will not make any reservations about this moment, any reservations will not be made.

Express yourself fully, express yourself fully.

If you hesitate any longer at this moment, it would be a bit hypocritical.

Being hypocritical is pointless.

When a person starts to be hypocritical, it means that the person starts to worry about gains and losses.

But Zhao Xun would definitely not have such emotions.

For Zhao Xun, fighting against Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs means going all out, showing his full potential, and he will never hesitate, never hesitate under such circumstances.

"Let's do it, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs!"

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

So when he decides to make a shot, he won't have any hesitation.

When a person needs to fully express himself, he must be able to show absolute strength.

There is no doubt about this, and this must be done.

So for Zhao Xun, for the current Zhao Xun, fully expressing himself is a very realistic thing.

After fully expressing myself, everything becomes completely different.

That feeling of incomparable detail was a huge blow to Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

Tsk tsk tsk, this time is a very detailed experience for Zhao Xun.

In fact, Zhao Xun has never been afraid of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, but sometimes he will weigh it.

But the purpose of the trade-off is also to better deal with it. Anyway, in Zhao Xun's opinion, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs definitely belongs to the type of strong outside but capable in the middle.

There is no need to hesitate anymore. At this time, there is no need to hesitate anyway.

It is definitely a very easy performance for Zhao Xun to fully express himself.

Zhao Xun has completely released himself at this moment.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus seemed to him to be a poor man.

So at this moment Zhao Xun needs to fully express himself, at this moment Zhao Xun definitely needs to fully express himself.

There is no need to hesitate anymore, at this moment, there is really no need for the slightest hesitation.

When Zhao Xun was able to fully express himself, everything became a matter of course, and everything became very natural.

The words he provoked Diadonas Lorenzo Haverefs actually hoped that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverefs could make a quicker shot.

After all, if Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus shot faster, then Zhao Xun would actually face less pressure.

Sometimes the reality is like this. When a person can fully demonstrate his talent, then everything will be different.

Many times the details are so real, and many times the details are so vivid.

When a person can fully express what he wants to do most, then everything will become very simple.

Zhao Xun is definitely a strong person.

For Zhao Xun, this is a very unparalleled feeling.

"Come on, let's fight, come and fight if you're not cowardly."

At this moment, Zhao Xun already felt completely relieved.

When a person can fully relax, then he has a very strong feeling.Tsk tsk tsk, at this moment Zhao Xun just wanted to use words to annoy Diadonas Lorenzo Havrefs.

After all, this guy should actually have a bad temper.

As long as Zhao Xun can irritate Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus as much as possible, the possibility of him being stupid will increase greatly.

After all, people's judgment ability will be greatly reduced when they are angry. This is beyond doubt, and there is no need to have any doubts about this.

When a person can fully express himself, that feeling is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

That kind of strong feeling is really touching.

That kind of strong feeling can really make people suppress their opponents as much as possible from the beginning.

Anyway, Zhao Xun felt that there was no need to hesitate any more.

Zhao Xun felt that he had to control everything as much as possible.

For Zhao Xun, all of this is simply the most beautiful expression. For Zhao Xun, all of this can allow him to completely suppress Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs from the very beginning.

This guy's strength is actually far less than imagined, and he has been using illusion to manipulate the situation.

For Zhao Xun, it is really crucial to control everything as much as possible.

Sometimes fully expressing yourself is an extremely realistic person.

Zhao Xun was able to fully demonstrate his strength.

This can be said to be a manifestation of Zhao Xun's incomparable joy.

For Zhao Xun, this all-round suppression is enough to make him stronger.

A more powerful person, that is the envy of everyone.

There is no need to hesitate anymore, at this moment there is no need to hesitate anyway.

Tsk tsk tsk, for Zhao Xun, the display at this moment will make him even stronger.

For Zhao Xun, the display of this moment will make him more brave.

The fight against Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles will be very exciting.

That kind of incomparably wonderful feeling is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In fact, Zhao Xun has been trying to control this feeling.

In fact, Zhao Xun has been trying to maintain this feeling.

It has to be said that at this point in time, Zhao Xun's control is quite in place, there are no obvious flaws, and there are no obvious loopholes.

Then he will at least not be at a disadvantage in the process of confronting Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

This point is very critical for the duel of top powerhouses.

Because first of all, you have to ensure that you will not be easily found by your opponent.

If the opponent can easily find a flaw, then your weakness will be fully reflected.

Sometimes it is necessary to have a certain amount of luck, and sometimes it is necessary to ensure as much as possible that you will not have some hip stretching.

Anyway, for Zhao Xun, for the current Zhao Xun, it is true that there should be no fear.

Otherwise, it is indeed quite hip-pull.

For Zhao Xun, in the process of dealing with Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, it is still necessary to control the rhythm as much as possible.

Because maybe Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will make some unexpected operations next.

So ensuring your own rhythm is the most critical.

As long as Zhao Xun's own rhythm does not appear to stretch his hips, then everything is worth looking forward to.

The present battle is certainly inevitable.

In fact, Zhao Xun had already been mentally prepared for this.

For Zhao Xun, fully showing his own strength is actually a very realistic manifestation.

When you can fully express this feeling, you don't need to worry about anything anymore.

Zhao Xun at this time is indeed quite relaxed, and Zhao Xun at this time is indeed in an unparalleled state.

When your state has adjusted to a certain level, then you really don't need to look at anyone's face.

It's an incredible feeling, a very powerful feeling.

Zhao Xun is indeed extremely powerful, and Zhao Xun can indeed make people feel awe from the very beginning.

At least at the moment Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus did feel a sense of fear from Zhao Xun.

The strength of this person's cultivation is actually at the level of an ordinary strong man, but the aura he displayed is simply incomparable.

This is a bit too surprising.

It's really hard to understand all this.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs was indeed extremely confused.

But there must be a reason for the confusion.

At least for the moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs should have an epiphany.

But now he doesn't.

When facing Zhao Xun, in fact, what Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs showed was not a kind of dominance.

That feeling is really shocking.

In fact, Zhao Xun has been working hard to control the entire rhythm, Zhao Xun has been working hard to control the field.

For Zhao Xun, in fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs probably could guess what he was thinking.

It's just that sometimes it's not enough to just rely on guesswork, and sometimes it's still necessary to show some strong strength as much as possible.

Otherwise, there will be a feeling of overwhelm when faced with a very daunting situation.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's situation is probably like this.

When a person starts to show a feeling of being overwhelmed, it is really a kind of all-round suppression.

Sometimes the repressive force can make people feel extremely painful, and sometimes the repressive force can make people feel that they are in a semi-crazy state.

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is really in almost such a state.

It's so difficult, it's really quite difficult.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he couldn't accept the feeling of being suppressed all the time.

For him, fully expressing himself is the most critical factor.

Only when he can fully express himself, can he be equal to Zhao Xun or even gain the upper hand.

Sometimes Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is very clear about this, and sometimes Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is very clear that he should not be irritated.

But many times people are also easy to get carried away.

Once you are dazzled, you may do things that you can't even imagine.

These things are actually full of confusion.

When you feel these perplexities, it is a kind of all-round suppression.

That feeling was pretty tough for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

That feeling was something Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus could not bear anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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