big week bad guy

Chapter 674 Disdain from the leader of the shadow clan

Chapter 674 Disdain from the leader of the shadow clan

Is it strong?
Not really, right?

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus has always believed that academies are superficial.

Why do some people really think that the academy is very powerful?
In fact, after fully grasping everything when necessary, then the academy actually has no chance to take advantage of.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, when he can fully grasp the key factors, then all the rhythms can be controlled under his control.

Of course, Zhao Xun is an unstable factor, and Zhao Xun is a factor that can collapse the entire rhythm.

So for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, it would be great to make sure his rhythm doesn't go wrong when necessary.

At the critical moment, in fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will definitely be able to stabilize the situation.

At the critical moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will definitely be able to determine the advantage from the beginning.

This point is quite critical, and this point is quite necessary.

So no matter how many confusing things happen in the future, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can actually deal with them effectively.

In his opinion, the current Shuzhong is a very confusing and chaotic area.

As long as you can accumulate as many advantages as possible from the beginning, then you don't need to worry too much.

Many times the choice is the most critical thing.

If the choice can be perfect, there is really no need to worry too much.

The reason why people are worried is that in essence, there are too many problems in the selection process.

But in fact, for now, the overall handling is still very good.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, this has really been achieved to the extreme.

So he really wasn't worried at all about the Corruptor's information, about the information from Wuoris.

Because he knew that the academy must be in trouble next.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is ready to wait and see.

"It's weird, it's really weird."

In Shuanglong Gorge, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, did not find any particularly obvious information after exploring.Not only that, he also felt quite confused.

For Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, this is simply a very helpless thing.

How did everything become like this?
"Master, haven't you found anything?"

"Yes. I searched carefully for my teacher, but I didn't find any ghosts. This is really confusing, it's really confusing."

Sometimes some very detailed things can be really confusing.

As far as the moment is concerned, in fact, his ability to analyze problems is still very strong.

However, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, did not find anything after searching.

This is too bizarre.

In Zhao Xun's view, there must be a problem, and it's not a small problem.

So at the critical moment, it is necessary to grasp all the rhythms.At the critical moment, it is necessary to control all the states.

There can be no problems with the state anyway, otherwise, it will cause a huge deviation in the overall rhythm of the person.

As far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun actually feels that his handling is quite good.

But many times it is actually quite troublesome to grasp the details.

If there is a problem with the details, it will still be very embarrassing.

As far as the moment is concerned, there is still a big problem with his ability to grasp opportunities.

Therefore, he hopes to conduct some in-depth analysis with his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, and hopes that this analysis can reach a fairly good situation.

In fact, this is not easy.Because many times many things are difficult to guarantee.

Even if you are a god-level existence, you may not be able to get everything done at the beginning.

This difficulty is not small.

But Zhao Xun knew that he had to make a move at this moment, and no matter what, he had to make a move. Only when he made a move at this critical moment, would he not feel so much pressure when facing his opponent.

But the premise is that you have to find the loopholes and find the clues.

Even a teacher who is so familiar with Qingcheng Mountain can't find clues in this Shuanglong Gorge. It must be too difficult for Zhao Xun to find clues.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he really thinks that is the case.

It is indeed a huge challenge for Zhao Xun now.

When faced with such a huge challenge, sometimes people still have to show some different qualities.When you can come up with such qualities, everything becomes completely different.

The present moment is indeed a completely different existence for Zhao Xun.

For Zhao Xun, the present is indeed an existence that ordinary people cannot understand.

Of course, Zhao Xun has no intention of giving up.For him, everything is actually not bad at the moment.

For him, continuing to explore is the kingly way.

If any problems arise during the entire exploration process, it may lead to quite complicated situations.

This is actually unacceptable to Zhao Xun.

Of course, for now, they still have a chance.

Until the last moment, Zhao Xun will not give up no matter what.

There are still opportunities for everything, and the opportunities for everything are still not small.

So Zhao Xun still urgently needs to communicate with his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

There is nothing that communication cannot solve.

This is what Zhao Xun firmly believes in.

For him, fully achieving his ultimate is the most important thing.

When Zhao Xun can reach this state, then all things will become simple.

The control of the details is really crucial, and the control of the details can make Zhao Xun have an unparalleled tension from the very beginning.

This is indeed the key to achieving the strongest temperament, and this is indeed the most critical factor that can make people feel a lot.

At least for now, Zhao Xun doesn't need to have any doubts.

At least for now, Zhao Xun's overall rhythm control is perfect.

For Zhao Xun, to actively grasp the rhythm is to be responsible to himself, to the academy, and to other people.

This is what he wants to achieve, and it is also the state he must achieve.

So for the next period of time, Zhao Xun had to think desperately.

Thinking may bring about change, and it will definitely bring about change.

So right now, it's really a different state.

As far as Zhao Xun is concerned, he probably already has some guesses and inferences.

Of course, whether this speculation and inference will become a reality is actually easy to confuse people.

When a confusing situation arises, it is still necessary to calm down as much as possible.

When you can be in a calm state, then everything is completely different.

Zhao Xun is aware of these possible situations.So at this time, he began to analyze boldly.

Anyway, there are no outsiders here.Since there are no outsiders, there is no need to worry about it.

"Men, do you think the so-called information has been sealed?"


After hearing the analysis from Zhao Xun, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, found it very interesting for a while.

Indeed, the situation that Zhao Xun said is actually very possible.

If it is really sealed, then there is a formation and a formation.

This moment is actually a very challenging moment for Zhao Xun, and even more so for Wu Quanyi.

Because he is proficient in talisman formations, but from the current point of view, he does not feel very shocking.

He didn't find out where the formation eye was, so he couldn't make any further inferences.

So for Wu Quanyi, this challenge is quite huge.

When a person can have an unparalleled cognition from the very beginning, it is quite wonderful no matter how you look at it.

Many details of planning are obtained step by step.

At least Wu Quanyi felt that his analysis should not have some obvious shortcomings.

So, what is the problem?
Wu Quanyi was actually really confused.

He really didn't understand.

Why is it so good that I can't figure it out.

If this formation really exists, where is the eye of the formation?
To figure this out, Wu Quanyi had to be more careful and serious.

During the whole process, there must be no excessive hesitation.

Because if you hesitate too much, then there will be problems with the whole temperament.

Once all the temperament starts to have problems, it is not impossible for the sense of rhythm to collapse.

All in all, the difficulty is really quite huge.

Faced with such a huge pressure, sometimes a person will really collapse.

However, Wu Quanyi's overall sense of rhythm is still very good.

So for him, the control of rhythm is quite perfect.

tsk tsk.
After a lot of hard thinking, Wu Quanyi has actually adjusted his rhythm to an optimal state.

For Wu Quanyi, at the moment he has really controlled all the rhythm as much as possible.

It's not easy, everything is quite difficult.

"Let me take a good look at it as a teacher."

At this moment, Wu Quanyi knew that something very miraculous would happen.

In this case, his search process will become more serious.

Because if it is really sealed by the talisman array, then there will definitely be traces left, and it is impossible that there will be no traces.

It would be too weird if there were no traces at all.

As a talisman master, Wu Quanyi's analysis is generally not a big problem.

When you can have a very detailed thinking, basically there will be no confusion.

The grasp of some critical moments will indeed make people have some deeper thinking.

When you have some deeper thinking, then all the actions will become very wonderful.

"The teacher thinks it should be in that direction."

After some pre-judgment, the mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi gave a general direction.

Zhao Xun looked in that direction, and saw a mass of purple air rising up there.

Tsk tsk tsk, good guy, just by looking at this cloud of purple air, you can tell that the situation is not normal.

If it is really like what my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said, then it is really worth going to see it.

Anyway, take a look and there is nothing wrong with it.

If you can gain something further, that is naturally the best.

Even if there is no gain, there is no loss.

If so, why not do it.

Zhao Xun is actually quite a calm person.

So he really will try his best to let himself follow the rhythm of his mentor Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, as long as they can synchronize so many things will become easier.

Sometimes things are so simple, you don't need to have so many worries, just let yourself follow your heart.

After all, Zhao Xun was able to be in a perfect rhythm with his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

These are really wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, everything is not easy.

To Zhao Xun, these details are already quite wonderful.

These details have reached a pretty good state for Zhao Xun.

So what Zhao Xun has to do at this time is to cooperate as much as possible with his mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

As long as he can cooperate as much as possible, then there shouldn't be any serious problems.

In short, Zhao Xun is still confident.

"Then let's go and have a look."

Seeing that other people were meaningless, Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, took the lead and started walking towards the area where the cloud of purple energy gathered.

For him, after some new discoveries at this moment, the rhythm of everything is different.

Having some holistic knowledge when necessary makes all the difference.

No matter from any point of view, the current thinking must be kept clear.

If you can keep it clear, then basically there will be no problems.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, everything is quite difficult.When you have some experience, you can start operating in all directions.

No matter from any angle, these details can make people very shocked from the very beginning.

These incomparably touching details are really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Zhao Xun actually felt a lot of emotion after merging into this mass of purple energy.

For Zhao Xun, after adapting to all this, he really has a very graceful feeling.

Is this the so-called luck?
In fact, Zhao Xun really felt this way.

Because he felt that the purple air here was too strong, so rich that it was irresistible, so rich that it was intoxicating.

So during this period of time, Zhao Xun really felt quite wonderful.

There will be no hesitation, it will only make people feel very comfortable.

When immersed in such an extremely comfortable state, the whole person's emotions will become very relieved.

So comfortable.

This is the most real thought in Zhao Xun's heart at this time.

There are no miscellaneous thoughts, just feel comfortable.

The feeling of comfort is wonderful, and the feeling of comfort makes people feel quite wonderful.

So just enjoy it quietly.

It is good for them to enjoy this moment quietly.Anyway, my teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.Anyway, Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi can help them come up with some very thorough things.

So what Zhao Xun has to do at this moment is to enjoy it quietly.

Isn't enjoying the present moment a very joyful thing?
I don't know what other people think, anyway, Zhao Xun really thinks this rhythm is very good.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun had no time to worry about it, he was completely immersed in it.He has completely integrated with the people here.

That feeling is simply quite wonderful.Zhao Xun is quietly perceiving everything here.Including the taste of purple gas, including the smell of purple gas.

It's really quite inconsistent, and it's really quite moving.

Tsk tsk tsk, very cool, everything is quite cool.

For Zhao Xun, this kind of quiet enjoyment is indeed a feeling that ordinary people cannot perceive.

This kind of quiet enjoyment is indeed a very graceful feeling.

For Zhao Xun at this moment, it was like becoming a fairy and becoming a fairy.

This feeling is simply absolute, absolutely absolute.

Zhao Xun had never experienced such an amazing feeling before.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt that his whole body was ecstatic, and there was no pressure at all.

Release it to your heart's content, this time is the only thing Zhao Xun wants to do.

(End of this chapter)

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