big week bad guy

Chapter 69 1 Dream into the Academy

Chapter 69
Now that the decision has been made, Zhao Xun no longer hesitates to start writing.

Things like writing a book must be done while the iron is hot.

If you delay by one day, you will delay by one month, and if you delay by one month, you will delay by one year.

Endless procrastination, and finally a complete eunuch.

Writing with passion?No! Relying on the subscription of the sponsor's father, a reward!
Zhao Xun is full of enthusiasm when he thinks that after writing Nie Xiaoqian, the city of Chang'an will explode and earn a lot of money every day.

Hmm codewords make me happy!
He penned and wrote:
Ning Caichen, a Taoist from the south of the Yangtze River, has a generous personality and is honest and self-respecting.Every couple said: "There are no two colors in life." It is appropriate to go to Wuzhou, to Beiguo, and unpack Lanruo.The nave and pagoda of the temple are magnificent, but there is no one in Penghao, and there seems to be no whereabouts.The east and west monk's houses, the double doors are hidden, but the south small house, the keys are as new.Also look at the east corner of the hall, where bamboo arches are built, there is a huge pond under the steps, and the wild lotus root has bloomed.I am very happy about it.Know how to make the case come, the price of the city house is high, and the thought will stay...

Except for changing Zhejiang to Jiangnan Road and Jinhua to Wuzhou, Zhao Xun basically did not change.

He clasped his hands together and said silently: Mr. Pu Songling, I'm sorry.

Zhao Xun is a very prolific author, and he quickly finished writing an entire Liaozhai.

The novels of this era are not as lengthy as the online articles of the later generations. Basically, a novel is a few thousand words, and a collection of novels is only tens of thousands of words.

10,000+ words can be considered a novel.

A novel with hundreds of thousands of words like A Dream of Red Mansions is a super long novel.

Now the books published by the bookstore are all thin pamphlets, even for taste reading, it is enough to finish reading in one afternoon.

Zhao Xun read it through again, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he put away the manuscript paper with satisfaction, and prepared to send someone to Wangcai.

In this Great Zhou Dynasty, who is faster than me, Zhao Mingyun?

It was agreed to hand in the manuscript in three days, and it was already finished on the first day.

The next step is naturally to have a good rest.

Zhao Xun has been working so hard for so long, it's time to catch up on sleep.

Zhao Xun got up and walked to the bed, fell asleep and fell asleep.



Zhao Xun had a dream, in which he was in a mountain temple.

The surrounding walls of the mountain temple have collapsed, and most of the roof has collapsed.

Weeds are overgrown and green plants are densely covered.

Zhao Xun looked around, eyes full of shock.

Where is he?Why do you have this dream?

The point is that he still knows that he is dreaming...

"follow me!"

After a while, Zhao Xun heard a voice like a bell.

He followed the direction of the voice, and the voice sounded again, as if trying to lead him.

"follow me!"

Zhao Xun seemed to be possessed by a demon, and his body started to move involuntarily.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, and an extremely tall archway appeared in front of him.

The letter to Haoran Academy is four words.

Zhao Xun was beyond surprised.

Haoran Academy?

Before, he only had a glimpse of Haoran Academy in the sea of ​​consciousness, but now he dreamed of it again in a dream.

If it happened once by accident, it cannot be explained twice.

Could it be that there is really a chance between him and Haoran Academy?
"follow me!"

Zhao Xun instinctively opened his legs and continued to walk forward in the direction of the voice.

Before arriving at the archway, Zhao Xun could clearly feel a wave of restraint coming.

This prohibition is like a wave, but not necessarily so.

Zhao Xun gently touched it with his tentacles, and it was scorching hot with a tingling pain.

"follow me!"

The majestic voice sounded like a bell again, and Zhao Xun thought to himself.

It's not that I don't want to follow, it's that there is a restriction here.

Could it be that you are telling me to break through the restriction?But I'm just a novice cultivator, my magic power is not strong, and my cultivation level is not enough.

Take your head to open the restriction.

and many more…

Take the head, right take the head!
This is Haoran Academy, what does the academy rely on, isn't it relying on brains?And of course the mouth.

The great Confucian scholars in the academies of all dynasties are all kings with strong mouths, which is well known to the world.

But I have to admit that they are also very smart.

If you want to enter the academy, you can't be Bai Ding.

The purpose of this prohibition is to get rid of those who have no gaps in their chests and are just pretending to be numbers.

After figuring this out, Zhao Xun burst into ecstasy.

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm himself down, and then touched the prohibition of the archway with his palm again.

This time he didn't retract his palm, and a tingling sensation came immediately, like an electric shock.

Then Zhao Xun heard a voice without any emotion.

"Why do you want to learn Confucianism?"

Zhao Xun froze for a moment, trying to think about how to answer.

This is obviously an examination question, and only those who answer it correctly can enter the academy.

What is the core of Confucianism?
Zhao Xun, a liberal arts student who was born in a major, knows very well that it is benevolence and courtesy!
The extension of these two points is that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

To put it bluntly, studying Confucianism is not for self-gratification but to change others and the world.

That's why the rulers of all dynasties dismissed hundreds of schools and only respected Confucianism.

Because Confucianism can serve the empire and the ruling class.

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and desperately searched for relevant sentences.

In the end he found a perfect answer.

"I study Confucianism to establish my heart for the world, to establish my life for the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations!"

Zhao Xun was impassioned and eloquent.

After a moment of silence, the voice sounded again.

"How to do it?"

Zhao Xun yelled in his heart, this is still a series of questions.The old guys in the academy are no longer human.

But the complaints belong to the complaints, and after the complaints are over, he still has to think about how to answer.

Holding his breath and concentrating on it for a long time, Zhao Xun replied indifferently: "Enlightenment in a quiet place, tempering in things."

This answer can be said to be both pragmatic and compelling.

It's just that Zhao Xun felt that things would not be that simple.

Sure enough, that annoying voice sounded again.

"How do you view saints and all things in the world."

Zhao Xun was silent.

After a long time, he raised his head and said: "The sage is one with the heaven, the earth, the people and things. This is called the great way. The second family is selfish, which is called the small way."

This time no sound came again.

The ban on the torii disappeared.

Zhao Xun touched again, and there was indeed no barrier.

He was ecstatic in his heart, and took a step to walk in.

He had never entered the academy before, and driven by curiosity, he really wanted to see what was so strange about this sacred place in the minds of countless scholars.

However, the main building of the academy, which is close in front of us, seems to be impossible to reach the end. On the way, Zhao Xun saw many sculptures standing on both sides of the road.

Sculpture of a saint.

These sculptures were so lifelike, Zhao Xun simply stopped to observe.

At this moment, the majestic voice sounded again.

"follow me!"

Zhao Xun's scalp went numb.

This time the sound did not come from any direction, but from directly above.

He looked up to see, there was only a bright sky and a scorching sun.

Is this calling me to the sky?

Zhao Xun knew that a practitioner could fly with a sword, but that was at a certain height.

How could a person of flesh and blood really ascend to the sky?



(End of this chapter)

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