Baron Guos at this moment has fully demonstrated the most powerful part.

Prince Harry Portsman is actually quite confident in his heart.

Baron Guos gave him the most support when necessary.

"At present, the world of Alan Lore has completely changed its posture. At present, the Paladins have been reorganized. After the reorganization of the Knights, we no longer have to fear the Corruptor."

Although Prince Harry Portsman said he was not afraid before, he was actually very worried in his heart.

But at this time, Prince Harry Portesman can be completely relieved.

Many details of Alan Lore's world sometimes need to be carefully grasped.

When he can fully express many things clearly, Prince Harry Portsman can fully demonstrate his hard power.

When necessary, it is necessary to fully demonstrate the most powerful part of oneself.

When necessary, it is necessary to be able to withstand tremendous pressure.

The world of Allen Lore is still in an unstable state, and there may still be more disputes in the world of Allen Lore.

When disputes continue, any details will be even more disturbing.

Prince Harry Portesman is definitely a key point that can change many factors.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, Prince Harry Portsman is really looking forward to what will happen next.

"tsk tsk"

At this moment, Prince Harry Botsman said in amazement: "At present, the Corruptor should not go to the world of Alan Lore to make trouble again. The Shadow Clan will not go. This is good news. Of course there are good news and bad news information."

Whenever this happens, it is actually necessary to plan all things more reasonably.

Whenever this happens, it is actually necessary to clarify some details as reasonably as possible.

"I think we can now focus our attention on the Great Zhou World as much as possible. What happened in the Great Zhou World can be said to be quite emotional."

Prince Harry Portesman is a very good thinker.

So when some situations arise, it is basically necessary to capture some key information in all directions.

Prince Harry Portesman at this moment is actually quite natural.

At this moment, the world of Alan Lore no longer needs any nostalgia.

At this time, it is Prince Harry Portesman who must consider in time to live the life of Dazhou World as well as possible.

tsk tsk.
Baron Gus actually admired Prince Harry Portesman's words.

In the view of Baron Guos, at this moment, try to ensure that his thinking can match that of His Royal Highness Prince Harry Portsman, so that they basically will not have any omissions.

The more it is at such a moment, the more it is a test.

The more at such a moment, the more you can see the importance of personal strength.

Prince Harry Portesman gave the entire college league a new chance.

After having many opportunities, there is basically no need to worry too much.

A combination of Prince Harry Portesman and Baron Goose could secure a lower limit. …

After the lower limit is guaranteed, there is basically no need for any confusion.

After the lower limit is guaranteed, there is basically no need to have any doubts.

Prince Harry Portsman has slowly adapted to the current rhythm.

For him, every time point here can bring an unparalleled experience.

The human race should have dominated the entire process.

As long as it can dominate, there will basically be no flaws.

This is a critical moment for the rise of the human race.

Prince Harry Portsman is convinced of this.

After firmly believing this, Prince Harry Portsman will not have any hesitation.

Let's start, let's start a wave of operations belonging to the human race.At this moment, Prince Harry Portsman has begun to believe it.

Baron Goose will help him, Baron Goose will help him to the end.

The leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, began to clean his gun very seriously.

For Jielin, maintaining his firecracker in a rather wonderful state is actually quite worth looking forward to.

As far as the moment is concerned, Jielin is actually in a very good state.

For Jaylin, he is looking forward to a battle with the Corruptor in the near future.

If you can fight to the maximum, then there is really nothing to hesitate.

If you can fight to the maximum, it will be a very wonderful moment for Jaylin.

Uncommon, really quite unusual.

Jielin's characteristic is that he can defeat his opponent in the shortest time.

Firecrackers can quickly end a person.

No matter how fast a person moves, it is impossible to pass the gun.

So as long as Jaylin can control his firecracker, he can guarantee that he will always have a very strong suppressive force.

tsk tsk.
When Jaylin started to let the dwarves practice marksmanship continuously, the entire dwarf group could have an unparalleled strength.

When the strength of the dwarves is strong, there is no need to be afraid of anyone.

Many times things are very realistic, and many times things are extremely realistic.

In fact, the status of the dwarves in the entire academy alliance is very special.

After feeling that feeling, Jielin actually needs to make himself more professional.

In many cases, Jielin is actually extremely professional.

Of course, it is unrealistic to rely solely on dwarves to fight the Corruptor.

When necessary, all the major tribes need to be clear and clear.

Whether it is human race or elf race, these big tribes all need to show some different characteristics.

This alliance will be extremely powerful when it can possess some qualities that ordinary people do not possess.

The leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, had to do one thing at this time, and that was to have a very strong feeling from the very beginning.

As long as they can cooperate with the human race and the elf race as much as possible in the subsequent process, there will be no problems.

Odyssey the Elf King is reciting the incomparably ancient elf magic. …

For Odysseyka, at this moment he already has a stronger state.

For Odysseyka, if he can continue to use ancient magic, then he can obviously deal a blow to his opponent in the future.

In this way, there is really no need to have any doubts.

Odysseyka is very confident, he is an extremely confident person.When a person starts to have full self-confidence, then any sense of crisis is no longer necessary.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, Odysseyka already felt some very comfortable feelings.

That magical feeling can make people feel quite enjoyable.

tsk tsk.
This moment can be said to be extremely comfortable for Odysseyka.

Beautiful, everything is beautiful.

After fully experiencing some extremely comfortable feelings, there will basically be no impulse.

Odyssey the Elf King knew that he must not be careless at this time.

It is necessary to analyze the problem in great detail.

Only in this way can it be possible to ensure that one's own rhythm does not appear obvious flaws as much as possible.

In many cases, Odysseyka can ensure that he has a good response, then the elves can fully grasp their own advantages.

Only when a person grasps his own advantages as much as possible can he be invincible in the next process.

The Corruptor's invasion is staged.The Corruptor invasion is constant.

So you must not relax your vigilance until the last moment.

Odysseyka has actually been constantly adapting to the rhythm.

The overall state will be quite wonderful, and the overall state needs to be carefully grasped.

Odyssey is really trying his best now.

At this moment Odysseyka knew his role well.

When he can give full play to his strength, then the supreme moment belonging to the entire elves will come.

When everyone gathers together, basically there will be no fear anymore.

Whether it is Prince Harry Portsman or Baron Goose.

Or the leader of the dwarves, Jelin.

It was really an extreme enjoyment.

Not all people are able to have a strong suppressive force at the beginning.

Odyssey is already trying its best.

For him, all the performances at this moment are worthy of special mention.

Odyssey has been working hard.

He very much hopes that he can fully show the posture of a strong man.

Because as long as Odysseyka can express his strongest state, then everything can be well controlled.

At this moment, for Odysseyka, it is necessary to firmly control all directions.

After all, when you can fully act as a leader at this time, there is basically no possibility of failure.

Odysseyka has always been a realistic person.

So in his opinion, what he needs to do at this point in time is to make the details the most flawless.

As long as this mode can be achieved, it is basically stable. …

Zhao Xun is preparing the ingredients for the barbecue.

Although it is in the wild, you still have to be very serious about cooking.

If you are not serious enough at this time, then some unexpected things will happen.

Once such a situation occurs, Zhao Xun will actually be very passive.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must not have any omissions.

For Zhao Xun, this moment is actually a time when he needs to keep his full attention.

For Zhao Xun, as long as he can be highly concentrated, he can cook a delicious meal.

The incomparably sweet taste, the fragrant smell.

At this moment, Zhao Xun already felt an extreme feeling.

tsk tsk.
"Little brother, are you making a barbecue? Look at this posture, it really looks good."

At this moment, the third senior brother Long Qingquan had already come together completely.

For Zhao Xun's barbecue cooking skills, the third brother Long Qingquan believed very much.

So at this time, he is looking forward to his junior brother Zhao Xun being able to make a table of delicious barbecue.

After being able to truly experience this feeling, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, will actually become quite calm.

Quietly waiting for the delicious barbecue to be ready.

The relationship between Zhao Xun and the third brother Long Qingquan has always been very good, because they are kind of confidants.

When they can live in harmony for a long time, it means that their rhythms are in the same frequency, which means that they can accept each other's shortcomings to the maximum extent.

It is actually not easy to do this well, and Zhao Xun has indeed put in a lot of effort.

At least for now, Zhao Xun can be said to have a clear conscience.

So in the face of third senior brother Long Qingquan's praise, Zhao Xun laughed and said: "It's too much praise, third senior brother, you are too much to offend me. My cooking skills are very primitive, basically there will be no too much Over strict requirements, take a casual route."

At this moment, Zhao Xun actually expressed his attitude very clearly, and he hoped that the third brother Long Qingquan would not pay so much attention to these details.

"Well, you can grill slowly, I won't bother you anymore."

At this time, the third senior brother Long Qingquan knew that it was meaningless for him to disturb the little junior brother here again.

Instead of that, he might as well go directly to the bamboo.

The third brother Long Qingquan actually liked grid bamboo very much when he was in Zhongnan Mountain.

According to my younger brother Zhao Xun, this death is actually a kind of knowledge through investigation of things.

After being able to reach the state of knowing things, no matter what practitioners are able to break through their limits, they can reach their best state to the maximum extent.

So Long Qingquan very much hoped to maintain his advantage.

After being able to study things for a long time, the extent to which Long Qingquan can break through actually began to change.

Sometimes Long Qingquan enjoys spending time with his junior brother very much.

Because when they live together, they will understand each other and give each other enough respect and help.

This actually moved Long Qingquan very much.

Long Qingquan is a person who likes sincere emotions very much. …

For Long Qingquan, being able to ensure that he has a sincere emotion can make him have a stronger upward desire.

Sometimes people need to be self-motivated.

When you have self-motivation, you can fully demonstrate a person's resilience.

Of course, this time period is somewhat special.

So Long Qingquan would not be too demanding.

For Long Qingquan, what he has to do in this period is to adapt himself to this environment as much as possible.

The environment of Jianmen Pass is definitely different from that of Zhongnan Mountain.

The aura of the two is different, and the magic circle is different.

Therefore, Long Qingquan needs to ensure that he has an absolute calm state of mind.

Sometimes he would miss the scene when he just arrived at Zhongnan Mountain and entered Haoran Academy for the first time.

At that time, Long Qingquan would feel very sincere.

The whole process will not make people feel too much pressure.

What the head of the mountain pursues is also a plan that teaches without discrimination.

After being able to give full play to his subjectivity, Long Qingquan actually reached a relatively strong state.

Expect him to be more competitive in the future.

As long as this standard can be met, Long Qingquan is confident that he can pierce that layer of window paper.

Long Qingquan was sure that he would be able to fully experience the feeling of a first-rank powerhouse.

Chang'an City, Daming Palace.

Emperor Xianlong was able to see clearly what happened at Jianmen Pass.

This is due to the rather powerful spell cast by Mage Huiyan.

The function of this spell is to help Emperor Xianlong see things thousands of miles away.

Equivalent to a powerful crystal ball that opens up a whole new perspective.

This perspective is definitely quite shocking.

When Emperor Xianlong saw that the disciples of the Academy had finished repairing the dilapidated magic circle at Jianmen Pass, his mood was actually very complicated.

There is nothing wrong with describing it with mixed flavors.

Emperor Xianlong knew that the academy was very powerful, but Emperor Xianlong did not expect that the strength of the academy would be so terrifying.

Just some academy disciples can fully express a strong posture.

Emperor Xianlong never thought of this.

Emperor Xianlong now really understood why the imperial court's luck was taken away by the academy.

It turns out that the Academy itself has this strength.

When the academy itself has a high level, then Emperor Xianlong needs to think carefully about the way to deal with it.

In the past, he really underestimated the academy too much.

Now it seems that the imperial court should devote more energy to the academy.

As long as Emperor Xianlong paid enough attention to the academy, the impact of Haoran Academy on the imperial court would be minimized.

This is actually what Emperor Xianlong wanted to see.

He also knew that under the current environment, it was almost impossible to completely wipe out the Academy at once.

But Emperor Xianlong could strive for more possibilities.

For Emperor Xianlong, this moment is a critical period related to the fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If he can grasp it, then everything will develop in a good direction.

If he can't grasp it, then he may fall into the abyss, leading to an end beyond redemption.

So at this moment, Emperor Xianlong was really extremely nervous.

"Holy Monk, what should I do now?"

Whenever he was confused, what Emperor Xianlong needed to do was to ask Master Huiyan for advice.

Because in Emperor Xianlong's view, Master Huiyan was the only one who could help him among all the people present.

Master Huiyan has this strength, and also has this heart.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong didn't need to have any hesitation.

As long as there is some confusion in his heart, then Emperor Xianlong will definitely ask Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong also firmly believed that Master Huiyan would not disappoint him, and Master Huiyan would definitely give him a perfect explanation.

"Excellent, Amitabha."

At this time, Master Huiyan clasped his palms together, and for a while it was considered a full gesture.

"I want to report to Your Majesty, the poor monk feels that His Majesty does not need to care too much about these things at this time. You should try to calm down as much as possible at this time. Your Majesty does not need to care about the direction the academy will develop. Your Majesty only needs to be yourself."

Master Huiyan felt that it was necessary for him to tell Emperor Xianlong the most true thoughts in his heart, so that Emperor Xianlong could avoid many detours.


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