Chapter 752
At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely released himself.

After taking out one's absolute strength, everything will be different.

Not all people can reach the state that Zhao Xun has reached at the beginning.

Zhao Xun is quite satisfied with his state.

He also firmly believes that as long as he can play to the end, then the final state will be extremely comfortable.

The strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely presented an unusual feeling.

Not everyone can fully express themselves.

You don't need to express yourself completely all the time.

But as far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun really has nothing to regret.

"Good job, little brother!"

At this moment, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan immediately praised him.

In his opinion, the recent performance of the little junior brother is perfect.

Such a perfect performance is really difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

After fully adapting to these, everything becomes quite wonderful.

Don't need to worry about it anymore.

There is no need for a little bit of entanglement at this moment.

Zhao Xun scratched his head and said, "So now it seems that these revenant souls who have been suppressed for thousands of years are really strong outsiders, embroidered pillows."

In the beginning, Zhao Xun was trying his best to control himself.

But for the moment, he can completely let go.

tsk tsk.
At this point in time, Zhao Xun felt that he was so strong.

Zhao Xun's strength is reflected in all aspects.No matter from any point of view is the case.

At this moment, self-confidence is actually even more bursting.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was completely relieved.

When a person is in a state of relief, he is actually able to express himself better.

This is not an easy thing.

It is really not easy for Zhao Xun to be able to do this.

What made Zhao Xun a little curious was that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus hadn't fully appeared yet.

This guy is really calm, he doesn't know what the hell he's up to.

Sometimes Zhao Xun actually feels a little confused.

"Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is indeed acting weird. I don't know what the situation is, but it seems to be related to some other factors. It's not entirely because of what you just said move."

Daoist Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian who has been silent for a long time, made a clear statement at this time.

In his view, the current situation is indeed full of variables.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus's reluctance to show up must have been a key factor.So at this point in time, you must not be careless.

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi believes that we should continue to dig deeper.

If one could dig out as much as possible, it would still be possible to find Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

Although it doesn't look easy, but my mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi thinks I can give it a try.

There is nothing wrong with giving it a try.

As long as you can give it a try, then there will be no loss.

"Well, is there any good way to make Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs appear directly?"

In fact, this is what Zhao Xun is most concerned about at this moment.

If Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi has a good way, then use it directly.

When necessary, let yourself fully enter into a good state, then you can give your opponent a great impact.

Otherwise, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will put a lot of pressure on people.

Wraiths are one thing, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is quite another.

Sometimes it is necessary to be able to distinguish the difference.

The clearer the distinction, the less pressure there will be in the future, otherwise, it will definitely be very passive.

When a person starts to become passive, it is simply too difficult to regain his advantage.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss
This can really be said to be an old enemy.

In fact, Zhao Xun really never thought that things would change so drastically.

Originally, Zhao Xun thought that he would be enough to deter Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs by knocking the mountains and shaking the tigers.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Sometimes when a person's emotions have been fully presented, there will be no hesitation when facing the enemy.

"Don't care about him. Since Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has not shown any signs of action so far, we don't need to focus on him all the time. People are still Be more confident."

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely adapted to the rhythm.

When he has completely reached his best condition, there is no need to look at the face of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

"Well, let's continue to go deep."

Prince Harry Portesman has decided to head south.

It was actually a bit difficult to make this decision, but at this time he had to do it again.

Because this is something that concerns the entire league.

The interests of the entire academy alliance must be taken care of.

Prince Harry Portsman knows that although Zhao Xun is not here now, he still has to be himself and set an example.

As long as Prince Harry Botsman achieves this, Baron Goos and the rest of the family will support him and support him.

Sometimes people definitely need to keep improving.

Many things are very different after ascension.

Prince Harry Portsman is actually quite a calm person, so he made a decision immediately after discussing with Baron Guss.

The processing at this moment is quite necessary.

Even if it is some details, it will still make people feel very extraordinary.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, Prince Harry Portsman is already looking forward to the future.

"I heard that the armies of Academy and Ningzhou have gone south, the purpose is to chase the Corruptor and the Shadow Clan."

Prince Harry Portesman took a deep breath and felt a rather shocking feeling.

This feeling is hard to grasp.

This feeling is unbearable for most people.

So at this point in time, what Prince Harry Portsman needs to control is to handle things well from the details.

As long as he can handle the details well, then Prince Harry Portesman will definitely be able to bring the entire alliance to the top together with Baron Goose.

What happened during the peak period is by no means what ordinary people can feel.

But Prince Harry Portesman is willing to give it a try.

For him, as long as he can fully grasp all these things, then everything is actually extremely simple.

These details must be grasped.

There must be no more omissions.

Otherwise, even a nobleman like Prince Harry Portsman would have difficulty ensuring that he has an absolute advantage.

tsk tsk.
In fact, Prince Harry Portsman needs more support at this time point.

If enough support can be obtained, it will be enough to give Prince Harry Portesman a completely different advantage in the future.

tsk tsk.
At different rhythm points, all people should come up with some characteristics that belong to them.

Baron Guos cleared his throat at this time: "So there is no need to be afraid at all. Respected Prince. At present, we should do our best to control the rhythm and go south to beat the Corruptor and the Shadow Clan with all our strength. Whether it is the Corruptor The threat to us from the Shadow Clan is extremely huge. So we must kill the threat at the very beginning. Otherwise, it will definitely be extremely desperate."

tsk tsk.
No matter at what point in time, Baron Guos believes that it is very important to strike first.

The Corruptor is currently led by Uoris, and of course Gephren.

The strength of these two people is still very strong.

So don't worry anymore.

"Now it seems that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is actually not such a huge threat. This guy has already gone to Shuzhong and got entangled with Zhao Xun."

Prince Harry Portsman paused for a moment, then said confidently.

He is still very sure about the movements of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

So at this stage, they must reasonably control all their emotions.

Otherwise, it is definitely very difficult to do.

"That's why I chose to go to Jiangnan so decisively. Because at this moment our biggest threat is gone. As long as Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is not there, we don't actually need to have too many Concerns. Because we can release ourselves as much as we want and let our pressure be completely diluted, as long as we achieve this goal, we don’t actually need to worry about other things.”

At this point in time, Prince Harry Portesman is still very clear.

When he can analyze the problem with a very sober attitude, the feeling is really quite graceful.

Very enjoyable, this is definitely quite enjoyable.

When a person can fully enter the state, then there is no need to have any worries.

The reason why a person has so many worries is that it is difficult to have a rational thinking at the beginning.

But at this time, Prince Harry Botsman has no worries at all.

When he can fully turn his expectations into reality, then everything is worth taking good care of.

Going south at this point in time is definitely the best choice.

At this time, Jiangnan Road should be the focus of the Corruptor and Shadow Clan invasion.Otherwise, there would not be so many people gathered.

At this moment, Zhao Xun can actually realize it.

But since Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus went to Jiannan Road, he had to follow.

At this moment, for the academy, it is actually necessary to divide the troops into two groups.

As long as the soldiers can be divided into two groups, then there is no need for any confusion.

After a person has confused emotions, he will feel pain for a long time.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely abandoned the feeling of pain.

"I think Zhao Xun should support us going south. Because if we go south, it means helping him to some extent."

"Yes, there is definitely nothing wrong with it in this regard. When we can go south, we can definitely deter the Corruptors and the Shadow Race to some extent."

Not simple, everything is quite not simple.

As far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun has indeed achieved a huge breakthrough.

For him, after fully experiencing this feeling, he doesn't need to worry about anything anymore.

And Prince Harry Portsman actually enjoyed it a lot.

Because he and Zhao Xun can reach an intercommunication relationship.

After reaching this relationship, they can actually advance and retreat together.

This is actually very simple.

Even Prince Harry Portesman has gone through a lot of hard work to finally achieve this goal.

At this moment, Prince Harry Portesman has completely changed.

This period actually requires him to be able to grasp it reasonably.

If this state can be achieved, no one needs to worry about it anymore.

Tsk tsk tsk, this kind of detail requires considerable consideration.

At this moment, in fact, Prince Harry Portesman can give people a huge attraction.

After gaining attraction, there is really no need to worry about anything.

At this moment, Prince Harry Portsman really enjoyed it.

He's used to this pattern, he's used to this feeling.

"Well, I still hope to join Zhao Xun as soon as possible. No matter what you say, we are an alliance. Since we are an alliance, it is only useful when we get together. Otherwise, no matter from In any respect, it is quite hip-pull."

In fact, at this moment, Prince Harry Portesman can handle himself very reasonably.

When Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus starts to attract enough attention, their space will actually become quite a lot.

At this moment, for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, he has actually been trying to control his rhythm.

But when they can already adapt to this guy's routine, they can do the opposite.

It's not difficult.

When they can achieve their goals, they will find that everything is simple.

This requires a reasonable grasp, and it must be very reasonable.

Otherwise, it is likely to fall into a misunderstanding.

"If we continue to go south, there is definitely nothing wrong with it. But one thing is very troublesome, that is, we must ensure that our movements cannot be easily seen through by the Corruptors and Shadow Race. If our movements are easily seen through, Then everything becomes very painful."

At this moment, Prince Harry Portesman was already able to control his emotions with great effort.

For him, everything he did at this point in time was what he expected.

Of course, the suggestion of Baron Guos is also quite critical.

With the advice of Baron Guss, Prince Harry Portsman can avoid a lot of detours.

In this way, many unnecessary troubles can be reduced.

At this moment, in fact, all the human races have a very clear idea in their hearts, that is, they must not just be a spectator.

If you are only a spectator, it will definitely cause quite a lot of trouble.

But if you can show your posture in full at the beginning, you won't have any doubts.

Tsk tsk tsk, Prince Harry Portesman really enjoyed the whole process at this time.

When a person can fully reveal his state in a period of time, then all the results will be completely different.

Sometimes a person's understanding is so obvious.

In many cases, the control of details is so important.

Prince Harry Portsman has completely shown a very graceful state, so he also hopes that everything will go well in the next process.

This may not be such an easy thing to do, but Prince Harry Portsman is willing to make great efforts for it.

After working hard for a while, maybe everything becomes a lot easier.

At this moment in time, Prince Harry Portesman can really do too many things.

Helping Zhao Xun is actually only one aspect, and more importantly, it can revive the prestige of the human race.

This is actually the detail that Prince Harry Portsman values ​​most.

Because if the human race can take this opportunity to regain their prestige, then Prince Harry Portesman can also have a bright face.

Sometimes things are so realistic.

When faced with countless interests, everyone will actually change.

After making a change, any person can present a different state.

Not everyone is able to leave a deep impression on a person from the very beginning.

But Prince Harry Portesman can go to the mill.

In his view, as long as he keeps trying to grind, there will be results after all.This result may not be so bad, in short, the result is still worth looking forward to.

In the view of Prince Harry Portsman, their trip to Jiangnan Road this time is definitely a great success.

As long as they don't have too many flaws themselves.

When a person can completely present a different posture of himself, then there is no need to have any fear.

At this moment, you really need to ensure your own thinking.

Guaranteeing the train of thought at this moment is simply too critical.

Prince Harry Portesman knows what's next is critical.

As long as he can ensure that the overall thinking does not deviate, other people will operate the specific implementation.

As long as there are other people to operate, everything is not a problem.

It wouldn't be too much of a problem for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus to show up.

And Prince Harry Botsman is pretty sure that at this point in time Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss will never show up.

This was already doomed when Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus completely appeared in Jiannan Dao.

When necessary, we must come up with something different.

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is completely an illusory existence.

(End of this chapter)

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