big week bad guy

Chapter 754 Layout of the God of Darkness

Chapter 754 Layout of the God of Darkness
This moment is actually the most critical moment to test people's resilience.

As long as you can have an unparalleled posture at the beginning, you can still have an advantage in the future.

At this time, Zhao Xun suddenly heard a whimpering sound.

At this moment, he can be said to be greatly shocked.

This kind of time can definitely give people a rather surprising feeling.

What is this sound?What the hell is this?

Zhao Xun has always been a calm person.

So he never thought it would be a problem.

But this sound is really too scary.

This kind of scary sound can make people feel quite scary in many cases.

When Zhao Xun started to have some detailed experience, he was really judging who made the call.

This should be from a monster or a monster, right?

For now, there should be no problem.

But if it's a monster, it should be something like a monster king, right?
If it weren't for the existence of the demon king, how could there be such a powerful mana?

Just hearing the sound is enough to startle you, right?

In fact, Zhao Xun has not experienced this feeling for quite a long time.

At this moment, Zhao Xun must fully guarantee that he has some strong judgment.

There must be some means of suppression against these monsters, and there must be some methods of suppression.

That's not a joke.

In many cases, Zhao Xun is actually trying to control his emotions.

He must ensure that his emotions are in a stable state.

In this way, the experience can be more perfect.

tsk tsk.
Interesting, these are really quite interesting.

From the current point of view, this monster should be aware of their existence, and it is likely that there will be a series of weird operations in the future.

In the situation of ensuring that their operations will not pull the hips in an all-round way, there is still hope for fighting monsters.

However, there must still be a certain bottom line in operation, and you must not break through this bottom line, otherwise,
That would definitely be disappointing.

"We formed a circle, so that everyone can feel those beautiful feelings wonderfully."

"Yes. As long as we can form a circle, then there will be no dead ends in all directions. As long as there are no dead ends, then there is no need to be afraid at all."

In many cases, there must be some tricks in dealing with crises.

As long as enough tricks can be used, the feeling of advantage is quite obvious.

Because they are, after all, outnumbered.

When facing monsters, as long as you ensure not to be washed away by a wave, as long as you can gather together, you won't feel too much pressure.

That is really unbearable.

When necessary, a person still has to be able to hold himself.

Otherwise, the feeling of collapse from the inside out is indeed quite hopeless.

If Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus were to add more fuel, it would all be quite chaotic.

This moment is really quite emotional.

Zhao Xun could smell the breath of this monster, and could feel the existence of this monster.But it was really difficult for him to completely determine the location of the monster.

This feeling
It's like being led into a dead end.

"At the moment, it seems that these monsters are still very smart. They know that they can't just be reckless, but will use some tricks."

At this moment, Zhao Xun has already figured out the tricks of this monster.

After figuring this out, everything started to make sense.

When a person starts to have his own judgment, then indeed all the details have changed.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus had really put pressure on everyone in the academy.

Now a monster has been added.

It can only be said that they were really stressed for a while.

It's hard.

Zhao Xun now truly understands the difficulty.

But it has reached this level, and it is impossible to give up easily anyway.

Otherwise, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud?

In many cases, the battle is not just for oneself, but for the whole group.

In many cases, Zhao Xun really thought so.


At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely adapted to it.

For him, this period was simply quite focused.

Focus on the present, focus on the present, then there will not be too many complicated situations.

What Zhao Xun needs to do at this moment is to remain vigilant at all times.


But after hearing a strange sound, Zhao Xun was able to clearly confirm that the monster started to move.

This monster not only started to move, but also circled back as soon as it came up!
This is too sharp!
At this moment, Zhao Xun was still extremely surprised.

Sometimes when a person begins to realize that a crisis has emerged, he must reasonably control the overall situation.

tsk tsk.
At this point in time, Zhao Xun deeply understood the importance of striking first.

On the premise of being able to ensure that one's thinking does not stretch the hips, there is still a chance to make another breakthrough.

"Sword come!"

After Zhao Xun shouted, the Infinity Flying Sword flew in his direction.

That feeling is really pretty good.
Very sassy, ​​with a pure chivalrous feeling.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

When he has the opportunity to fully demonstrate his talents, then he will definitely not have any hesitation.

Zhao Xun's flying sword technique is actually quite lethal.

The feeling of satisfaction that Zhao Xun could obtain in a short period of time after Fei Jianshu began to besiege the monster beast was really beyond the control of ordinary people.

tsk tsk.
This moment is really quite comfortable.

Zhao Xun really enjoyed it.

As soon as the flying sword comes out, I own the world.

No matter from any aspect, in fact, Zhao Xun's performance is not a problem.

The strength of this monster is actually quite powerful.

But after being manipulated by Zhao Xun's flying sword suddenly, he completely entered a rather numb state.

In fact, at this moment, Zhao Xun has completely taken advantage.

No need to be hypocritical.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt that he could actually have a showdown.

Come on, let's fight harder.

"Come on, let's fight."

Zhao Xun actually enjoyed this kind of fighting feeling quite a lot.

After he seems to be able to fully integrate into it, everything starts to be different.

Fight to the death!

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely released himself.

"Flying sword defeats the enemy, who can give up me!"

At this moment, Zhao Xun's strength fully displayed is difficult for ordinary people to parry.

No matter from any aspect, it is the same.

This kind of comfortable feeling is really quite enjoyable.

He's so happy, just relying on Feijian's control, he has already enjoyed a sufficient advantage.

At present, the monster clearly felt the suppression from Zhao Xun.

This suppression is simply too obvious.

This kind of suppression can make people feel very fulfilled from the beginning.

This period is indeed quite delicate.

At this moment, Zhao Xun completely became a crushing and powerful existence.


Very strong?

Asked for my opinion?

I, Zhao Mingyun, am an invincible existence.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely shown a different state.

At the moment when he started manipulating the flying sword recklessly, he had already begun to thoroughly enjoy it.

The feeling of enjoying is really wonderful.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely entered into his best state.

The feeling of the monster being chased by the flying sword is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

tsk tsk.
It's not easy, all of this is really quite unusual.

Zhao Xun is actually quite happy at the moment.

Because he knew very well that he must not be distracted when facing monsters.

Even if you have the advantage for the time being, you must try to maintain a calm mood as much as possible, so as to maintain the advantage until the end.

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, Zhao Xun kept trying to use the flying sword to suppress the opponent.

As long as this goal is achieved, there will be a wave of frenzy in the future.

This feeling can be said to be quite shocking.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, Zhao Xun had thoroughly enjoyed it.

When he can completely adapt to the routine here, everything becomes completely different.

That feeling is really quite subtle.

tsk tsk.
This way there will never be any omissions.


If you want to use the flying sword to slay demons, you need to ensure that you have enough strength.

There must be no big problem with Zhao Xun's strength.

When he can fully release himself, he can basically put a huge pressure on people.

This moment is really quite wonderful.

When Zhao Xun has completely shown a crushing posture, he can actually give full play to his advantages no matter for anyone.

Monster beasts are not afraid at this moment.

As long as they can show their best posture very comfortably, they will definitely be able to defeat the monsters.

tsk tsk.
"Little brother did a great job!"

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was completely in admiration.

He saw how dazzled Zhao Xun was using the Flying Sword Technique, so he would never have any other thoughts.

tsk tsk.
This can be said to have really amazed him.

These details are definitely able to give people a rather shocking feeling.

tsk tsk.
If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about it at all.

Only a flying sword is needed to easily slay the demon.So what else is there to worry about?

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan just wanted to say, Junior Brother is forever a God.

This sentence is really fine.

"This is really too strong."

Zhao Xun felt an unparalleled sense of comfort at this time.

The wailing from the monster was so beautiful to his ears.

When you grasp all these in detail, everything becomes completely different.

When the crisis begins to come, the most important thing to do is to fully release yourself.

Zhao Xun was really unreserved at this time.

Zhao Xun's strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

No matter from any point of view, he has fully enjoyed the whole process.

This is really pleasant.
"Aww, aww"

At this moment, the aura emanating from the monster beast has actually begun to become a little rushed.

This feeling is actually quite subtle.

When a person starts to have an advantage, he must never let himself lose his advantage.

This is in line with Zhao Xun's character.

Under Feijian's successive attacks, the monster finally began to rush out from the darkness.

This moment is simply, this moment is quite critical.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can't bear it at last, Xiao Mian!"

At this moment, Zhao Xun really started to get quite excited.

When a person starts to get excited, then everything becomes easier.

Zhao Xun really hoped to destroy this monster.

In his opinion, it is enough to make himself comfortable enough.

During this period, Zhao Xun would not even have any hesitation.

Everything was perfect for him.

Zhao Xun discovered that this monster actually looks very distinctive.

Looking from a distance, this monster has a pair of dragon horns.

The body of this monster is covered with thick hair, which is similar to that of a lion.

tsk tsk.
These things are really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

These things are simple.

"Come on, show yourself the best you can."

Zhao Xun began to use combined swordsmanship.

Countless flying swords merged into one in an instant.

In an instant, it dealt a huge blow to the enemy.

That feeling is truly unparalleled.


But when he heard a loud noise, the dragon horn on the top of the monster's head was cut off by Zhao Xun with a sword.

It's just so comfortable.

This is really too cozy.

It's hard to describe what this feels like.

For him, this extreme enjoyment really needs to be controlled as much as possible.

"Cut again!"

Before, he just cut off the dragon's horn, but at such an instant, he cut off the monster's nose with a single sword.

This feeling is simply quite graceful.

Between flashes and flints, Zhao Xun's state is really quite enviable.

This is definitely beyond the control of ordinary people.

At least so far, Zhao Xun has completely followed his own feelings.

There is one advantage of following the feeling, that is, there will be no full-scale hip pull.

This at least guarantees certain advantages.

In this way, many situations will become simpler.

At this moment, Zhao Xun completely possessed his own advantages.

"Cut again!"

Zhao Xun has always been quite experienced in controlling flying swords.

So in his opinion, as long as he has his own advantages throughout, then he will always have a victory when facing monsters.

"Go to hell."

At this moment, Zhao Xun has an aura of giving up to me.

This really doesn't need any hypocrisy anymore.

In an instant, the monster was chopped into a pulp by Zhao Xun's giant sword.

Prince Harry Portsman is very excited. For him, at this point in time, he has achieved his best state.

After leading the human race to the south, Prince Harry Portsman saw a completely different scenery.

After communicating with Baron Guos, in fact, deep down in his heart, he already had a calculation about the future.

Prince Harry Portesman has always been sure that he will have an absolute advantage.

After gaining the advantage, many things actually become quite simple.

Even if it is a direct confrontation with the Corruptor or the monster, it doesn't matter.

Because in this way they can suppress the opponent in all directions.

In fact, Prince Harry Portsman is a little eager to try.

No one knows what will happen until the most critical moment.

Baron Goose saw every move of Prince Harry Botsman.

It's a pretty wonderful feeling.

"Your Highness, we will soon arrive in Ningzhou."

"Ningzhou? Where is Ningzhou?"

In fact, Prince Harry Botsman has never had a deep impression of Ningzhou.

In other words, Prince Harry Botsman just didn't have much impression of these cities in Jiangnan Road.

At this moment, these things are actually not important.

Because Prince Harry Botsman knew very well in his heart that everything would turn around after they arrived in Ningzhou.

With a turning point, basically Prince Harry Portsman can no longer focus on things that make people feel that there is not much significance.

Sometimes the sense of crisis really needs to be eliminated reasonably.

After realizing the crisis, Prince Harry Portsman must first adapt to accept it, so as to achieve a fairly good effect.

These parts need to be handled carefully.

There must be no mistakes or omissions.

"I heard that the head of the mountain is also in Ningzhou?"

"Seems to be."

"If that's the case, we'll finally be able to see each other."

It's funny too.

Although Prince Harry Botsman has been in Zhongnan Mountain for half a year, he has never met the head of the mountain.

The head of the mountain has always been a dragon who sees the head but does not see the tail.

Although Prince Harry Botsman wanted to meet the head of the mountain very much, but there was no way to do it.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

Prince Harry Botsman did not expect that his first meeting with the head of the mountain would be on Jiangnan Road, in Ningzhou City.

tsk tsk.
This can really be regarded as quite surprising.

Sometimes people need to be realistic. When Prince Harry Portsman started to be realistic, he found that many things in this world would become easier to deal with.

The whole process is so pleasant.

The whole process is very comfortable.

"The God of Darkness has been planning for so long, and I don't know what kind of medicine he is selling in the gourd."

Prince Harry Postman tutted.

(End of this chapter)

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