big week bad guy

Chapter 76 Everyone Can Be Sanctified

Chapter 76 Everyone Can Be Sanctified
Zhao Xun chanted five frontier poems in one breath, looked contemptuously at Zhang Yu who had just provoked, and said three words lightly: "Is it enough?"

Zhao Xun's words can be said to make Zhang Yu spit blood out of anger, but he can't be too ferocious in front of others, otherwise his character of Mr. Pian Pian will completely collapse.

He could only swallow his anger and cupped his hands at Zhao Xun: "Just now, it was Zhang's fault, and he made an apology to Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Xun nodded slightly: "It's okay, this is just to discuss poetry."

Killing people is nothing more than a nod. Although this Zhang Yu is still dissatisfied in his heart, at least he has admitted his mistake and surrendered on the face, so there is no need for Zhao Xun to hold on to it.

It's just that he recited five superb frontier poems in a row, which seemed to be a bit too hard. Although the slap in the face was very cool, the side effect was also obvious, which attracted the attention of everyone present, and made the prince of Qi Li Jianye think , everyone here except Zhao Xun is rubbish.

Another point is also very important, everyone's tastes have been raised to be tricky, how will the poetry meeting continue next?

Could it be Zhao Xun's stand-up comedy conference?

Just when the scene was a bit embarrassing, sand and rocks flew away for a while, and wind and thunder blew up.

Then a sound like a bell rang in everyone's ears.


Everyone turned their heads to look for where the sound was coming from, but to no avail.

Zhao Xun couldn't help but startled.

This voice was exactly the same as the one he heard in his dream a few days ago.

"I'll ask a few questions on behalf of the head of the mountain."

The voice was so majestic that it seemed to pour down from the sky, piercing through everyone's bodies and entering the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The first question, who can be holy."

Once this question was raised, everyone present was silent.

Not to mention that they haven't thought about becoming a saint, even if they think about it, they dare not say it.

If someone labels him as disrespectful to a sage, he will not be able to stand up for the rest of his life.

But Zhao Xun has no fear in his heart.

Because in the dream, this person asked him similar questions, although they were not the same, they were generally related.

"Thus, being a sage is based on pure heavenly principles, not talent. Therefore, even ordinary people are willing to learn, and if their hearts are purely natural, they can be considered saints."

Zhao Xun replied without hesitation.

After a moment of silence, the majestic voice sounded again and asked, "You mean that the standard for becoming a saint is purely natural?"

"Of course."

Zhao Xun slightly nodded in agreement.

"What is the law of heaven?"

"Tianli is the core competitiveness."

Zhao Xunyu is not astonishing, since he has made up his mind to become a blockbuster, naturally he will not hide it.

"What is a sage? The so-called sage is someone who is outstanding in a certain field. What is the law of heaven, the law of heaven is the core competitiveness. If a person can have the core competitiveness, then he may be able to do well in a certain field. If you are outstanding, you can become a saint. Therefore, in my opinion, everyone can be a saint.”

Zhao Xun's words were earth-shattering.

Not only were the people in the boat shocked, but even that majestic voice hadn't sounded for a long time.

After about a cup of tea, the voice sounded again.

"The second question is how to view good and evil."

Zhao Xun thought for a moment and replied: "There is no kindness and no disgusting body. There is goodness and maliciousness. Knowing the good and knowing the evil is conscience, and doing good and eliminating evil is investigating things."

This time, without waiting for the other party to ask questions, Zhao Xun directly explained: "In my opinion, conscience is the essence of the heart. The so-called no good and no evil means that the heart is not covered by selfish material desires. When we think about problems, we will generate thoughts and put them into Forced on things, this produces good and evil. Those who conform to the natural law are good, and those who do not conform to the natural law are evil. Therefore, although conscience is neither good nor evil, it can't help knowing good and evil. This is knowledge, and everything boils down to the end It’s about knowing the good and eliminating the evil, and doing things according to your conscience.”

If the first question answered by Zhao Xun only shocked everyone, this second answer completely convinced everyone.

The ethics of saints, the distinction between good and evil, what else can Zhao Mingyun not answer?

This guy is simply a monster.

"The third question is why do people keep learning."

"The principle of all things is not outside my heart, but I must say that the principle of the world is poor. It is almost impossible to think that the conscience of my heart is not enough, and I must seek the vastness of the world from outside to benefit and enrich it."

Zhao Xun was already thoroughly familiar with the other party's routines, and this time he answered faster.

"In my opinion, the reason of all things is in the heart. The reason why we have to study abroad is because we don't have enough conscience in our hearts. Keep studying to make up for the lack of conscience in our hearts."

After Zhao Xun finished explaining, he cupped his hands above the sky.

"I have answered the three questions, are you satisfied?"

At this moment, a gigantic golden human figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

This human figure has all four limbs and body, but it is a faceless man.

His whole body exudes a golden brilliance, which is very dazzling.

Everyone looked curiously, but after staring for a long time, they all lowered their heads in pain.

So dazzling!

Zhao Xun, however, stared at the figure intently.

"Ming Yun, don't stare at her, you will be blind."

Luo Shaoyuan reminded from the side.

Zhao Xun didn't hear it at all, he was immersed in the strange atmosphere, and his body and mind were neither happy nor sad.

The golden light poured in instantly, and Zhao Xun's eyes sparkled for a moment.

Then spread to the whole body.

This feeling is very strange, as if the whole body is being roasted on the fire.

But Zhao Xun couldn't feel any pain, only a little bit of heat.

Countless golden gossamer was formed and attached to Zhao Xun's body. These golden gossamer penetrated Zhao Xun's skin and muscles, and penetrated deep into the air aperture and the sea of ​​consciousness.

The gate of Haoran Academy appeared again in Zhao Xun's mind, the archway full of prohibitions appeared, and several statues of saints appeared.

Then a series of golden characters poured into his sea of ​​consciousness:

"The so-called sincerity: don't deceive yourself. It's like a bad smell, like a lust. This is called self-modesty. Therefore, a gentleman must be careful about his independence."

"The so-called self-cultivation lies in rectifying one's mind. If there is anger in the body, it will not be rectified. If there is fear, it will not be rectified. If there is joy, it will not be rectified. If there is sorrow, it will not be rectified."

"A gentleman never loses his footing to others, never loses his color to others, and never loses his words to others. That's why a gentleman is fearful of his looks, fearful of his looks, and trustworthy of his words."

"When happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are not released, it is called the middle, and when they are released, they are all in the middle, which is called harmony. To achieve neutrality, the heaven and earth will be established, and all things will be nurtured."

"What you don't want to do to yourself, don't do to others."

"The way of heaven and earth can be summed up in one sentence: things are not unique, but their creatures are unpredictable. The way of heaven and earth: broad, thick, high, bright, long, and long."

"Everyone can be holy!"

This sentence burst out from Zhao Xun's mouth instinctively, and then Zhao Xun floated into the air, lifted higher and higher by the golden gossamer, and went straight to the golden portrait!

(End of this chapter)

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