big week bad guy

Chapter 761 1 Sword Broken

Chapter 761

The threat of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has gradually faded.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun can stop worrying about Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs for the time being.

He needs to comprehensively consider the current situation.As long as you can ensure that your thinking does not have particularly obvious flaws, then the final result will be very ideal.

When faced with a sense of crisis, in fact, the whole person should tighten up.

When a person can tighten up, everything becomes very easy.

It doesn't need to be so tangled.There is absolutely no need to make it so complicated.

Zhao Xun believes that at this moment, it is really necessary to be quite sure that one's thinking will not have obvious deviations.

Obviously, the Shadow Race is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

So when faced with some crises, Zhao Xun must be able to figure out his pros and cons and make certain trade-offs.

"At this moment, it seems that the Shadow Clan will continue to invade. Their invasion attitude is very firm, and they should continue to invade for a period of time in the future."

At this moment, Zhao Xun was actually thinking about the problem very seriously.

For him, the Shadow Clan is the biggest opponent.

When Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs comes to face the threat, he will try to show his strongest state as much as possible.

At this time, no matter in any aspect or from any angle, Zhao Xun actually needs to plan a lot of things reasonably.

"Yes, Junior Brother. I also think that if the Shadow Clan invaded, they would never make such a one-shot deal. They would definitely choose to continue the invasion. Once they start a continuous invasion, then our crisis is still very big of."

At this moment, Zhao Xun is actually planning the details very reasonably.

For him, when he can analyze the situation very reasonably, basically there will be no full-scale hip-pull situation.

This is still very important.

Because if a person starts to pull the hips in an all-round way, it is really too difficult to pull back.

Once the necessary time point has achieved some of its own core parts, then everything becomes simple.

The handling of these parts is actually quite critical.

In many cases, after a reasonable grasp of one's own thinking, one can effectively deal with various crises.

Things like crises are indeed quite difficult to deal with once they appear.

At this moment, Zhao Xun is indeed quite realistic.

"So we still have to stay in the first generation of Sichuan for a while. Otherwise, if the Shadow Clan continues to invade, we may not even be able to parry."

tsk tsk.
The handling of this period is actually quite a test of personal strength.

If Zhao Xun can behave quite properly, then basically there won't be any big problems.

Otherwise, it is really quite hip-pull.

"Well, I also think what you said, little brother, is actually very reasonable. At this moment, we should not leave immediately. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan has never been a hypocritical person.

When he can fully grasp his own thinking, everything actually becomes quite simple.

At this moment, the third senior brother Long Qingquan also believed that at this moment, it was necessary to ensure that his thinking was completely consistent with that of the younger brother Zhao Xun.

tsk tsk.
This period is actually the most important period for Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

So he will not let go of such a good opportunity during this period, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will definitely plan very carefully, making his operations as aggressive as possible .

This is actually quite difficult.

For him, this allows him to take advantage from the very beginning.

This is simply too critical.

Not everyone can do this in the first place.

Not even Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

So when facing a crisis, you should actually be able to plan some things reasonably. Only in this way can the enemy become fearful.

Of course, not all the disciples of the academy were frightened.

In their opinion, actually dealing with Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs requires a different attitude from the very beginning.

Attitude is quite critical. When you can show your own attitude from the beginning, then you will definitely be able to start to have a certain sense of advantage when facing the enemy.

The realization of this kind of thing is actually extremely obvious.

This moment is really quite critical.

In fact, when faced with a crisis, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs will definitely jump over the wall in a hurry.

There is almost no doubt about this point. When Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs can fully demonstrate his strength, then he can fully threaten the academy when facing threats.

So this is a complete game.

These things are really difficult to control.

When a person's detailed planning reaches a level of perfection, it will indeed have a huge impact.

These details are definitely beyond the control of ordinary people.

tsk tsk.
"Senior brother, actually, I think we should just search around Jinguan City. First, the scenery here is very beautiful, and it has a very beautiful scene. Second, I also think that this place is indeed very evil. Continue to search There will definitely be results.”


For Zhao Xun, this moment is actually quite critical.

When a person's thinking becomes extremely clear, then nothing will be entangled.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's thinking was extremely clear.

When he has completely changed his attitude, then the executive power of the whole person is indeed greatly enhanced accordingly.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

Until the most critical period, no one will know what the Shadow Clan will do.

The planning of the details is always the most critical.

In fact, Zhao Xun has been in a constant communication process.

He didn't think these would make people feel any embarrassing feelings.

Everything is quite relaxed and natural.

When it becomes very relaxed, the state of the whole person will actually become incomparably perfect.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun really enjoyed this period.

At this moment, he has completely changed his state.

He was really enjoying this moment.

It's not easy.

He really enjoyed this moment.

"Well, there is no big problem. Just follow this routine and start doing it. Junior brother, I really think so. As long as there is no major deviation in our routine, the final result is absolutely trustworthy of."

tsk tsk.
In fact, Zhao Xun was very happy in his heart at this moment.

Seeing that everyone agrees with this point of view, he certainly doesn't need any hesitation or any hypocrisy.

In fact, at this moment, after handling the details of myself, the overall pressure will be reduced to the minimum.

This is really worthy of Zhao Xun's expectation.

The scenery in Shuzhong is excellent.As for the scenery near Jinguan City, it is even more beautiful.

This kind of experience is definitely unimaginable for ordinary people.

When a person can fully experience these beauties, then it is really lingering.

Not all people can be so immersed in the beautiful scenery.

These things are really quite shocking.

tsk tsk.
No matter at any moment, things will become extremely reasonable after you handle your own details.

What to do in each time period, in fact, everyone is very clear.

So there must be no hypocrisy.

Zhao Xun is actually a very meticulous person.

So in the face of threats, it is very capable of handling things properly.

"Let's stay in this forest for a while, and try our best to ensure that everyone doesn't get separated. As long as you don't get separated, then everything is reasonable."

Zhao Xun is a calm person.

Zhao Xun could clearly sense that this forest was full of aura.

So when he sensed these auras, he actually became quite cautious.

At this time, you must be cautious no matter what.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

With caution, basically there will be no mistakes or omissions.

When Zhao Xun was able to deal with the details reasonably, then everything became simple.

"Well, we have also sensed the vitality in this forest. This is a fairly obvious feeling. Just some detailed understanding, everything becomes different."

At this moment, Zhao Xun is constantly trying to experience the details.

Any incomparably weak breath, in fact, he can easily catch it.

Very comfortable, this is really quite comfortable.

"There seems to be a real situation"

The situation here is something Zhao Xun never expected.

In his opinion, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus should be gone.

After all, Zhao Xun didn't smell Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

But even though Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was not there, there was still a strong demonic aura.

At this moment, he had to deal with his emotions reasonably.

Any mood swings at this moment will cause quite a huge shock.

"I don't know where the monster hidden in the woods is."

Zhao Xun knew that this monster had been playing tricks, so there must be some big moves.

During this period, in fact, Zhao Xun has been working hard to control his emotions.

"At this moment, the monsters should be huddling together to keep warm. When they start to gather, they will definitely have a huge impact on us."

Zhao Xun's judgment has always been quite clear.

At this moment, he should actually use his advantages more reasonably.

The advantage is something that is really difficult for ordinary people to control.

So when faced with some confusing situations, Zhao Xun will act quite calm.

Acting calmly is actually what Zhao Xun very much hopes to do.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, as long as he can gain an advantage from the beginning, he will not be passive when facing monsters.

The passive situation is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must pursue the initiative and prevent himself from being passive.

Many times the choice will bring completely different results.

When there is nothing else to choose, then everything is quite wonderful.

"I can feel that this monster should be a body, not a soul."

In fact, at this moment, Zhao Xun's judgment has always been extremely clear.

So for him, when he can judge clearly, he can present a completely different state when facing the enemy.

These parts are really unimaginable to ordinary people.

Be it Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus or other monsters, they actually pose a huge threat to them.

Therefore, when facing threats, they must control the rhythm reasonably.

"Yes, and this guy is not small."

In fact, Zhao Xun was able to figure out that what the third brother Long Qingquan said was very reliable.

If the size of this monster is very advantageous, then they really have to try their best to control their rhythm.

If not, then the perceived threat will make people feel very hopeless.

Not everyone can overcome this fear.

The emotion of fear actually spread from the very beginning. When this feeling spreads very quickly, it is difficult to achieve the most wonderful effect in a short period of time.

Zhao Xun was actually quite calm when dealing with the enemy.

When he can fully present the best posture, there is no need to look at anyone's face.

In fact, Zhao Xun was very clear about these things from the very beginning, as long as he can handle his emotions perfectly, then everything in the end will be extremely gratifying.

"Here we come, everyone be careful!"

At this moment, Zhao Xun's sense of hearing was fully displayed.

At this stage, the state he presents is really a relatively optimal value.

If you don't try hard, you will never understand the potential of being a top practitioner.

When the potential can be fully realized, there is really no need for any hypocrisy.

Hypocritical emotions will give people quite terrifying pressure.

That would give a feeling of being pushed away.

Zhao Xun absolutely does not want to get such a feeling.

Take it easy.

For Zhao Xun, this period can only be like this.

Even if the whole process will make people feel a lot of pressure, Zhao Xun doesn't care.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, everything will become extremely easy after handling his emotions.

"Tap Tap"

This monster seems to be a large hoofed creature.

Judging by the sound at this time, Zhao Xun was indeed able to figure out some details clearly.

tsk tsk.
This moment is actually quite clever.

Great, this time it is really quite powerful.

"I don't know what this creature looks like, but I feel that its strength must not be too bad."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, he has always been able to roughly judge the situation according to the situation.

When you have a rough estimate of the situation, everything becomes very clear.

Zhao Xun enjoyed this feeling very much, this feeling is really incomparably graceful.

tsk tsk.
In fact, during this period, he was constantly trying to start some new operations.

It's just that when facing a strong enemy, this feeling of pressure will be more obvious.

However, Zhao Xun is still able to resist pressure.

So even in the face of pressure, it will not make people feel unacceptable.

Control your emotions, the most important thing is to handle your emotions well during this period.

No matter at any stage, this is a very core and crucial thing.


"Sword come!"

Although Zhao Xun is better at using knives, he prefers to have swords.

Likes have nothing to do with what you are good at, but only with your heart.

As a top practitioner, Zhao Xun can really follow his heart.

So when he can fully adapt to all this, there is really no need for any confusion.

What are you confused about? Why should you be confused as a human being?
Especially as a practitioner, one must control all parts reasonably.

"Tap Tap"

The distance of this monster is really getting closer.

When he can clearly feel that feeling, he is actually ready to fight at any time.

The feeling of preparing for battle is quite pleasant, and when one can prepare to fight to the death from the beginning, then everything becomes extremely easy.

tsk tsk.
At this moment Zhao Xun has become very happy.

When he can fully adapt to all of himself, he can achieve super performance.

This feeling will make people feel extremely comfortable.

There is no need for any pressure at all.

That kind of feeling is something ordinary people can't enjoy at all.

Come on, this moment is absolutely necessary to grasp one's emotions clearly.

This moment is actually an extreme challenge for Zhao Xun.

When a person faces more opportunities, then there is no need to have too much fear.

Fear is absolutely unacceptable.

When a person's emotions start to fluctuate, it will really be quite helpless.

"Tap Tap"

close, close, really close
In fact, what Zhao Xun felt during this period was a very realistic feeling.

Suddenly, a giant beast rushed out from the bushes. This giant beast was actually quite terrifying.

It has a pair of antlers, the body of an ox, the claws of a tiger, and the tail of a snake.

So this guy is truly a four-faced one.

At such a moment, you actually need to be able to control your emotions as much as possible, and you must not be shocked.

Otherwise, that feeling is really quite helpless.

"It's really fierce, this guy is really fierce."

At this moment, Zhao Xun has already fully understood his core idea.

"Sword come!"

Break it with a sword!

tsk tsk.
At this moment, when the flying sword can cause a huge impact on the enemy, then everything becomes easier.

(End of this chapter)

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