big week bad guy

Chapter 764 Emperor Xianlong’s Yearning

Chapter 764 Emperor Xianlong’s Yearning
When one can really enjoy this part, these details can really be said to be very amazing.

This kind of moment is quite a test of people's hard power.

As long as there is no big problem with Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' hard power, then the final result will be quite impressive.

No need to tangle anymore, no need to tangle any more at this moment.

tsk tsk.
At this stage, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew very well what he needed to do.

After realizing the strength of the opponent, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs does not need to fight in full accordance with the previous routine, but can become softer.

When he becomes softer, he will show the most beautiful state when dealing with Zhao Xun.

It's so beautiful, for Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, all the insights at this point in time are worth grasping carefully.

This feeling Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has actually experienced for a long time.

For him, the sense of experience during this period is quite wonderful.

After breaking through so many things, everything became easy.

Chang'an City, Daming Palace.

After being able to realize this point, in fact, Emperor Xianlong would not have any big deviations.

In this period, he actually needs to mediate by himself.

This moment was actually quite enjoyable for Emperor Xianlong.

When he could feel the encouragement of Master Huiyan, he would be able to truly appreciate some delightful things.

Although the academy is very powerful, it is not to the point of crushing everything.

But just like Master Huiyan said, one day the mountain grows up and they can't make a move.

"Your Majesty, as long as you can reach the best condition, you can have a better future in the future."

tsk tsk.
At any time, people need to constantly put pressure on themselves.

Emperor Xianlong himself was actually quite a decisive person.

tsk tsk.
This moment is really a feeling that ordinary people can't experience.

tsk tsk.
Emperor Xianlong enjoyed this moment very much.

People should make quite a lot of decisions at critical moments.

This is mainly because of the deep blood feud between him and Emperor Xianlong.

"I don't think the Shadow Clan will disappoint me. As long as the Corruptor and the Shadow Clan can control the details well, it will definitely cause huge troubles for the academy and the mountain chief. This is what I hope to see. "

For him, this feeling can be said to be quite wonderful.

But not necessarily.

When he can feel a lot from the very beginning, it will certainly be of great help to his practice.

But that has to be grasped by them.

But in fact, Emperor Xianlong was still able to live a carefree life.

Only by constantly doing this can we have more hope in the future.

In fact, Wei Wuji needed to be able to calm down his mood at this moment.

The head of the mountain will not make any entanglements or hesitate.

This feeling can be said to be quite delicate.

Emperor Xianlong talked eloquently.

In fact, during this period, Emperor Xianlong is looking forward to a better state of induction between heaven and man in the future, and strives to break through the realm of harmony between heaven and man.

Things would get much better that way.

When he can fully control his state, everything starts to be different.

Wei Wuji can control things that other people cannot control.

"Well, I've been feeling better and better for a while. I'm used to this feeling now. As long as I keep going, the final effect will definitely get better and better."

These things are not something ordinary people can handle well.

Emperor Xianlong sat cross-legged on the futon, exhaling.

At this point in time, Wei Wuji will definitely make a move as much as possible.

Most of the time it is man-made.

In many cases, when a person's thinking begins to change, more changes follow.

When Wei Wuji was able to fully adapt to these, he knew very well that he could definitely cause huge damage to the opponent.

Once the head of the mountain really did this, then everything would be completely different.

"Actually, I have seriously considered the issue of the head of the mountain. But I really don't know what to do at this time. Otherwise, I would have made a decision long ago."

tsk tsk.
This period was really extraordinary for Emperor Xianlong.

After all, Emperor Xianlong could have many guards.

At this moment, there is no hesitation whatsoever.

All this was really too difficult for Emperor Xianlong.

For Emperor Xianlong, this really needs to be controlled quietly.

This moment
For Wei Wuji, he must suppress his heart.

"I've never felt this feeling before. It's like being in a wonderful world."

Just enjoy it quietly.

Regardless of the moment, Emperor Xianlong never gave up his practice.

"Maybe it's because the head of the mountain thinks the timing is wrong?"

"tsk tsk"

As long as there is still a chance, then Wei Wuji will definitely not relax in any way.

Although this time he has no way to assassinate Emperor Xianlong.But there are still opportunities in the future.

Emperor Xianlong actually longed for such a state.

No matter at any time, attitude is the most critical thing.

This experience is really quite exquisite.

For him, it was really an extreme feeling.

Emperor Xianlong was actually full of ideas about the future.But his ability must match his ambition.

Because the mountain length can indeed restrict quite a lot of things.

Until the last moment, no one will choose to give up.

For Emperor Xianlong during this period, he needed to seize the opportunity tightly.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, all the choices made by Shanzhang are justified.

If Emperor Xianlong wasted the kindness of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the final result would be very desperate.

So at this stage, Wei Wuji could only temporarily abandon this idea and return to Dongyue.

"I will definitely try my best. But I also hope that the holy monk can cooperate well with me. As long as the holy monk can cooperate well with me, the final effect will definitely be very good."

In many cases, when a person's emotions are well controlled, everything will become much easier.

So when the mountain chief threatened Emperor Xianlong, Emperor Xianlong had to respond reasonably.

The head of the mountain is like a sharp knife hanging above his head, which may fall at any time.

After fully enjoying these feelings, Zhao Xun actually came to a quite admirable feeling.

Confidence is definitely a good thing.When a person can show self-confidence, he will not be suppressed by others.

The details can definitely make the difference between success and failure.There is no doubt about this.

Master Huiyan suddenly changed the topic.

When there is a situation of deep hatred, it will actually cause Wei Wuji to bear a lot of heavy pressure.

In fact, at this moment, for him, it is necessary to be able to plan all things reasonably.

Otherwise, even Emperor Xianlong himself would not be able to accept his mistakes.

Even Emperor Xianlong is actually like this.

If Emperor Xianlong could not show his best state, then the consequences would be really unimaginable.

In his opinion, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has helped them pull enough space.

"Your Majesty, in fact, the poor monk has always had a doubt. That is why the head of the mountain has been unwilling to make a move."

In many cases, Emperor Xianlong actually existed in a rather powerful realm.

When a person can switch back and forth between the two states, then there is really no need to worry too much.

This feeling is really difficult for ordinary people to have.

When a person has absolute strength, there is no need to look at anyone's face.

This period was quite special for Emperor Xianlong and Master Huiyan.

Wei Wuji can try things that other people can't do.

Not everyone can be calm when facing the head of the mountain.

Not everyone can control their emotions.

Although it may be hopeless, he doesn't want to regret it.

If there are indeed quite a lot of changes in the whole process, it is indeed necessary to adjust the mentality.

In this case, it is likely to get out of control.

When he can fully adapt to the rhythm here, all the details become quite simple.

These details are really difficult for ordinary people to control.

He also firmly believed that he would succeed in revenge, it was only a matter of time.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

It's okay to be passive for a moment.But if you have been in a passive state all the time, it is really difficult.

If Wei Wuji can't arrange everything properly at this moment, it will really lead to quite a lot of terrible things.

At this moment, it is actually necessary to let oneself enter the rhythm and enter the state.

Although it would make people feel a lot of pressure, Emperor Xianlong never tires of it.

Although he almost trembled for the last time when facing Emperor Xianlong, but after all, he still didn't make it.

Not everyone can handle their own affairs well.

When he fully realizes these differences, he really doesn't need to have any other thoughts.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong actually needs to adjust his state to a good state as much as possible.

Wei Wuji might be defeated when facing the head of the mountain, but when facing other people, there is absolutely no need for him to be cowardly.

For Wei Wuji, at this point in time, he must take all matters into consideration as much as possible.

These are really feelings that cannot be ignored for Emperor Xianlong.

But after getting emotional, Emperor Xianlong wanted to make sure that he could ease that relationship well.

If there is no way to achieve this goal, then Emperor Xianlong and the Great Zhou court will become extremely passive.

Wei Wuji will definitely try his best.

No matter at any moment, Wei Wuji would think of revenge.

tsk tsk.
At this time, when a person's emotions can be released, then everything will become easier.

The emergence of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles did give him a chance.

Emperor Xianlong can be said to have learned a lot.

Especially when Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs and the Shadow Clan began to fight for space for them, Emperor Xianlong couldn't slack off any more.

At this point in time, the problems that Emperor Xianlong could realize were quite subtle.

Even if Master Huiyan didn't make a move, there would be others.

After having an attitude, other things make sense.

He will never give up.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs created enough space for them though.

He will only show a state of hesitation when facing some crises.

This feeling is really quite special.

If Emperor Xianlong starts to slack off at this moment, then this great opportunity will be truly missed.

When they can cooperate well, basically there will be no particularly hip-pull situation.


"Your Majesty is doing very well. At this moment, you must ensure your concentration no matter what. As long as you can ensure that you are always focused, then there will be no major problems. Otherwise, I am afraid it is really You might lose your initiative. Your Majesty took the initiative with great difficulty, and you must not relax at this moment."

When a person's details have been completely targeted, it is really difficult to achieve a relatively excellent effect.

For example, now.

This feeling is really very comfortable.

For him, when he can reach a threshold, it is more likely to reach a higher level in the future.

For Emperor Xianlong, everything in the future is actually full of infinite possibilities.

Emperor Xianlong will ensure that he has a very calm state of mind.

"Well, since it's my choice to stay in Shuzhong, then I can't find any reason to leave. At this point in time, I must stay well, so that I will behave well when dealing with opponents. More confident."

For him, in the face of a crisis, he instinctively makes himself as nervous as possible.

Not everyone can handle the details very beautifully.

Emperor Xianlong first made a judgment on this, and then said with emotion: "What we have to do is to keep an eye on the head of the mountain. We must firmly grasp his every move. In this way, no matter what happens in the future, we Can be controlled just right."

Otherwise, that feeling can be said to be quite difficult to deal with.

This moment is up to Wei Wuji himself.

When a person's mentality changes, then everything will be completely different.

No matter how tired or difficult it is, Emperor Long will try hard.

In this case, if they haven't been able to work hard to improve themselves, then it is totally unjustifiable.

Master Huiyan said earnestly.

Never let your emotions get out of control in the first place.

Even if Emperor Xianlong had a lot of guards, it would not change his mind.

It is quite critical to do this at any moment.

Wei Wuji's hurt is almost enough.

But the head of the mountain can definitely do it.

At this moment, Wei Wuji would feel that all this is actually quite unfair.

"I think the academy will definitely make a move, and so will the head of the mountain. It is impossible for the head of the mountain to bear it. The head of the mountain will definitely try his best to present himself."

But whether you can seize the opportunity is still two things to say.

Not everyone can handle these details reasonably well.

Emperor Xianlong paused slightly.

Master Huiyan, who was sitting across from him, cleared his throat and said, "Yes, the current situation is indeed very thought-provoking."

"I hope that when I come back next time, I will be able to kill Emperor Dog and bring his head back to Dongyue."

When he can reach this point, he will actually have an advantage no matter who he faces.

"I really want to be able to show my ambitions. If I can, I will definitely control my emotions as much as possible."

In fact, Emperor Xianlong always showed a completely different attitude when facing different situations.

The advantage is not obtained by groping, but obtained by strength.

Otherwise, it is absolutely safe and it is a feeling of pulling the hips in an all-round way.

So in fact, Emperor Xianlong was able to accept that he could reach a relatively beautiful state through continuous adaptation.

"Maybe that's the case. But if the head of the mountain keeps not doing anything, then it will be difficult for us to take the initiative in the future. Only when the head of the mountain moves first, can we move easily. Your Majesty should understand this truth?"

Although Emperor Xianlong is doing his best, no one can be sure what kind of state he can achieve in the end.

At this moment, you need to control your emotions.

It's like a chain, and it's hard to figure everything out at the beginning.

This moment can be said to be quite wonderful.

When you can have absolute self-confidence from the beginning, then in fact, Emperor Xianlong will be able to maintain it completely to the end.

Without some detailed arrangements, many times, many things will tend to become helpless.

Many things can make him extremely excited.

Once the situation is out of control, it will eventually lead to uncontrollable things.

For Emperor Xianlong, what happened at this moment was actually a bit tormented.

This is important to him.

Not everyone can have an absolute advantage at the beginning.

Otherwise, just a kind of suppression on the bright side is enough to make people feel overwhelmed with pain.

Emotions are inevitable.

It is not possible to control one's own mentality under any circumstances.When Emperor Xianlong realized this, he was actually relieved.

In fact, during this period, Emperor Xianlong's control over the details was quite impressive.

There can be no hesitation.

tsk tsk.
It is very important to control every detail.

Emperor Xianlong actually had some doubts about this.

Basically it's hard to imagine.

In many cases, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs just hopes that his performance in the future can be even better.

You never know how things will turn out if you don't try.

As far as this period is concerned, Wei Wuji has actually reached a rather extraordinary state.

So he will definitely try hard.

When he has made an effort, at least he will not regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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