big week bad guy

Chapter 770 Invincible Sword Qi

Chapter 770 Invincible Sword Qi
Zhao Xun's sword energy is really quite powerful.

This fierce sword energy is indeed incomparable.

Not everyone can reach an extreme at this point in time.

But Zhao Xun did it.

So Zhao Xun felt extremely happy.

Because for him, this phase is something to celebrate for him.

Celebrating is a wonderful thing.

Celebrating is a joyful thing.

When a person fully expresses himself, that is the most beautiful moment.

Zhao Xun never thought that things would go so smoothly.

But after reaching this level, everything will be even more gratifying.

Under the control of Zhao Xun, countless flying swords began to surround Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

So during this period of time, there is really no need for any hypocrisy.

At this moment, everything is quite beautiful.

Zhao Xun's flying sword has a soul.

All reality under his manipulation is so reasonable.

It's really not easy.

When Zhao Xun fully expresses himself, everything becomes quite simple.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was not enough to threaten him.

He's been aware of this from the very beginning.

Zhao Xun began to recite formulas.

In fact, Zhao Xun has been aware of this problem since he first started practicing swords.

There are many times and many situations where anything is out of the ordinary.

So when faced with these situations, everything is an extraordinary experience.

At this moment, everything is different.

At this moment, he is definitely able to fully experience an unparalleled feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, unusual, these are quite unusual.

When a person can fully present himself, it can give people a completely different feeling.

This moment
At this moment, Zhao Xun was already very unusual.

The powerful sword energy gathered into a tornado.

This tornado is quite a shocking feeling no matter from any angle.

It was different when Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifles was enveloped by a tornado.

That feeling can be very shocking.

At this moment, he was actually quite brave.

"Come on, let's start acting like we want. Let's start our performance wantonly."

Zhao Xun is always a person who is good at expressing himself.

In the process of fighting against Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, Zhao Xun can completely reach his ultimate state.

The burst of sword energy is absolutely shocking.

In fact, Zhao Xun has not experienced this feeling for a long time.

Only when one begins to fully experience all the details.

That feeling is really not everyone can resist.

Very unusual, all this is quite extraordinary.

When a person can show his best state, the feeling of the unity of man and sword is a very graceful feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, unusual, really quite extraordinary.

It's not easy, Zhao Xun has tried his best.

When he can do his best, he really doesn't need to think about too many other things.

Zhao Xun tried his best, and his strength has reached the extreme at this point in time.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was already showing signs of fatigue.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun wanted to bite even more.

If you can bite, then everything will be different.

Tsk tsk tsk, Zhao Xun has completely become stronger.

During this period of time, Zhao Xun has fully presented something different.

Zhao Xun has reached a very strong point, so he also wants to be able to maintain this feeling.

In any case, getting the details right is critical.

At this moment, there is really no need to have any other thoughts.

Zhao Xun's sword energy has formed a powerful envelope at this moment.

After being able to fully envelop himself, Zhao Xun could no longer be stopped under any circumstances.

Zhao Xun is really quite brave.

Zhao Xun is also able to fully express himself.

No matter what the situation is, for a top cultivator, if he fully and bravely presents his sword energy, then everything will be different.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus also felt the change in Zhao Xun's sword spirit.

If you can clearly feel that sword energy is only sharp from the beginning.At this point in time, he could actually feel that Zhao Xun's sword spirit carried a sense of determination.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus really started to panic.

He never thought that things would become so difficult.

After facing many challenges, in fact, his strength has really been forcibly raised.

Originally, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs didn't want to deal with it like this.

But in this situation, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is no longer up to him.

If he still fights against the opponent according to the previous rhythm in this situation, then everything will start to be different.

Tsk tsk tsk, any details need to be taken care of.In any situation, you can put everything in your hands.

When a person can fully present his own state, then the psychological suppression of the opponent can be said to be an unparalleled degree.

In fact, Zhao Xun is very clear that at this moment Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs is already in a state of exhaustion.

So he only needs to maintain his own suppressive force, then everything will be different.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun could indeed achieve a fairly good suppression effect.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs really couldn't bear it any longer.

So Zhao Xun needs to take a breath at this time.

As long as he can continue to put pressure on Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs at this point in time, then everything will become extremely simple.

Come on, you have to cheer at this moment no matter what.

Zhao Xun has fully integrated into this rhythm, so when facing some threats, he will not have any hypocrisy.

He had to beat Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

At this moment, Zhao Xun had no other thoughts in his mind.It is enough to do this to the extreme.

Prepare to die, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

The moment the sword energy gathered, it was an incomparable feeling.

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has completely presented a different feeling.

At this moment Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs definitely wanted to run.

But it was too late.

Zhao Xun's sword energy has been woven into a sword net.

Jian Wang gives people the feeling that it is quite strong.

That kind of feeling is difficult for ordinary people to consider.

This feeling of dominance is unbearable.

In fact, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs needs to withstand the pressure at any time.

But the moment when the sword energy gathered was quite surprising.

Tut tut, it's not easy.

All this is really not easy.

In fact, Zhao Xun's state at this moment is quite unbearable for others.

"Break the mountain with one sword!"

At this point in time, Diadonas Lorenzo Havrefs was overwhelmed by Zhao Xun's shocking sword energy.

This feeling is unbearable for most people.

Regardless of the circumstances, in fact Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is a very cautious person.

After facing a huge shock, his instinct is actually to hope to escape.

But it is impossible to escape.

tsk tsk.
At this stage, Zhao Xun already has the advantage, so he will definitely work hard to accumulate the advantage to the end.

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs was completely passive.

When he started to be passive, the whole person became quite helpless.

tsk tsk.
In fact, during this period, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' ability to resist pressure was quite strong.

But even so, it is still difficult to resist the huge pressure.

In the face of such a huge pressure, the stage of the whole person will become very complicated and ups and downs
tsk tsk.
This moment is really too difficult.

It's not easy, everything is quite difficult.

At this stage, Zhao Xun has instilled the vast sword energy.

The kind of sword energy instilled in all aspects can wrap Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs in an instant.

So at this time point, Zhao Xun is about to start exerting his strength.

When he can fully express himself, he can basically reach the level of complete suppression.

You can't be hypocritical anymore, and at this time, you can't be hypocritical anymore anyway.

Express yourself fully.

At this moment, Zhao Xun really didn't intend to make reservations anymore.

When a person is able to show his strongest strength from the very beginning, he can completely crush his opponent.

When the crushing posture is formed, the whole person needs to be in a strong state.

Strong, this moment must be strong no matter what.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus is a villain through and through.

So Zhao Xun didn't need to show any mercy to him at all.

At this moment, Zhao Xun only needs to fully present his best state.

Come on, let the battle be more violent.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, die.

At this moment, Zhao Xun already needs to give full play.

details make a difference.

Under any circumstances, Zhao Xun firmly believed in this point.

So there is no need for any hypocrisy at this moment.

tsk tsk.
The attention to detail is definitely able to give people a huge shock.

During this period, Zhao Xun was able to control his emotions very well, otherwise he would definitely be suppressed.

To deal with Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, one must burst out a powerful Gang Qi in an instant.

So at that moment, it can definitely make him feel very satisfied.

tsk tsk.
It is not easy, no matter from any point of view, it is quite difficult.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun has fully expressed himself.

When a person can fully present his best state, then he can achieve an unparalleled feeling.

"go to hell!"

At this time, Zhao Xun really didn't have any hypocrisy.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus could also clearly feel Zhao Xun's vigorous anger.

This wave of anger swept over, no matter from any aspect, it was enough to make people feel daunting.

Powerful, this is really quite powerful.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs could clearly feel a stormy feeling.

It's a feeling that can make one feel quite helpless.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was perfectly capable of feeling powerless.

It's hard, it's really hard.

After a period of time, in fact, the thinking of the whole person will also change accordingly.

These things are really quite inconceivable.

But Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs knew very well in his heart that he still had to be able to withstand the pressure at this moment.

If he couldn't resist the pressure at this moment, then everything would be over.

These things are really difficult, really quite difficult to grasp.

No matter at any moment, it is actually necessary to control the details.

As long as you can grasp your mentality clearly at the beginning, then everything will become easier.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus decided to fight to the death.

For him, when he has a different attitude, any situation will be completely different.

"Guardian shield!"

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs has completely presented a different feeling.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus summoned a powerful gas shield.

This gas shield is enough to help him protect his body and soul.

In this situation, the state presented when facing Zhao Xun is quite intriguing.

This period is actually quite special.

Zhao Xun actually didn't realize that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs could summon a protective gas shield in such a short period of time.

tsk tsk.
This gas shield actually looks really powerful.

No matter from any angle, it can give people a different feeling.

I can't be more hypocritical.At this moment, there is no way to be hypocritical.

Zhao Xun must exert all his strength at this moment.


Zhao Xun pierced his breath into a long sword, and slashed away in an instant.

That is definitely able to give people quite a shocking feeling.


Zhao Xun yelled again.

So at this moment, it can actually put a lot of pressure on the opponent.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus fully understands the pressure.

When all these are fully controlled, there is basically no need for any hypocrisy.

Why do people have to be so hypocritical.

Just express yourself fully.

Not everyone can clearly figure out these things.

Zhao Xun actually put in a lot of hard work to be able to do this.

This is quite non-trivial.

"Ah ah ah ah."

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus uttered some painful wailing.

For Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs, the pressure at this point in time is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

So anyone needs to control their emotions reasonably.

If you control your emotions, everything becomes easier.

If you control your emotions, everything becomes easier.

There is no need to be so entangled. After presenting your best state, you can have no scruples.

Very unusual.

No matter from any point of view, this is quite unusual.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was completely cornered.

It is indeed quite helpless when he is in a desperate situation.

Not all people are able to withstand such sufficient pressure.

When the performance is insufficient in the face of pressure, the state of the whole person will take a turn for the worse.

Why is it that things that are good can be so hard?
No one knows, absolutely no one knows this moment.

The strength of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs is indeed too strong.

So at that stage, Zhao Xun also felt some pressure.

Although these pressures are not that huge, they are quite sufficient.

Hold on, you have to hold on to this moment no matter what.

Not everyone can express the details so well.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun had already reached a level of shock.


Zhao Xun yelled three times in a row, the purpose of which was to shake Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs' protective gas shield away.

In fact, everything is quite simple, everything is quite easy.

This kind of feeling can really give people a very special feeling.

"Break it!"

All the powerful awe-inspiring energy gathered at one point, and instantly broke a little bit on the protective gas shield of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

In the beginning it was indeed a little bit.

But then things did change.

A small crack started to appear, and then it started to turn into a huge crack.

This is very shocking.

tsk tsk.
It's really shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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