big week bad guy

Chapter 786 Powerful Explosive Power

Chapter 786 Powerful Explosive Power
There is no need to hesitate any longer.

At this moment, there is no need to hesitate any longer.

In this time period, Zhao Xun is actually an extremely powerful existence.

Zhao Xun knew that he needed to completely burst out what was hidden deep in his heart.

This unparalleled feeling is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Not everyone can understand Zhao Xun's inner thoughts at this moment.

This is actually quite difficult.But Zhao Xun's ability to seize opportunities is also quite strong.

So is there any need to be afraid?

At this moment, there should be no fear at all.

Otherwise, it is definitely very disadvantageous.

No matter when and where, Zhao Xun's body is filled with a sense of grandeur, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This strong feeling has actually been going on for quite a long time.

The reason why Zhao Xun is so strong is actually due to his strength.

He also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength does not allow it.

When a person can fully realize his own strength, then everything will become simpler.

Tsk tsk tsk, not everyone can fully sense these differences.

Not everyone can fully understand these.

Everyone can see many differences through their own struggle, and everyone can reach an optimal state through their own extreme control.

Anyway, Zhao Xun was full of confidence in himself.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but an extremely realistic person.

When Zhao Xun can fully present his best state, why hesitate.

Hesitation is unnecessary, hesitation will only make one's emotions more confusing.

In Zhao Xun's view, it is absolutely perfect to fully feel everything about oneself.

This is simply the most wonderful moment he has experienced in a while.

When a person can experience this feeling from the very beginning, there is really no need for any hesitation.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so he will not deliberately keep anything.

For him, the grasp of this point in time is enough to enable him to reach the ultimate state in the future.

It's not easy, all of this is really not easy.

It's not that Zhao Xun wants to pretend, but that he sincerely hopes to achieve the best state through his own efforts.

Perhaps Zhao Xun would feel very strenuous in this way.

But in fact, in Zhao Xun's opinion, all this will not make people feel how difficult it is.

When necessary, people still need to show some different states.

Not everyone can control these parts.

When a person can be limited by his own emotions, it proves that there are some problems with this person's strength.

So Zhao Xun actually hopes to overcome this crisis.

For Zhao Xun, the pressure at this point in time really made him feel a lot of emotion.

When you feel such a huge pressure, in fact, the state you need to achieve is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The accumulation of this kind of pressure really makes people feel quite difficult.

In fact, at this moment, Zhao Xun has never been a person who likes to give up lightly.

Zhao Xun formed an aura relying on the powerful aura of grandeur, and surrounded himself and all the remnants of the Demon Sect.

On the other hand, Zhao Xun began to summon the sword array.

The powerful sword array poured out at this moment, giving people an unparalleled pressure.

At this moment, under this point of view, there is really no need for any hypocrisy.

Why do people have to be so hypocritical, people just need to show their best state from the very beginning.

At this moment Zhao Xun is indeed not hypocritical.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun's ability to exert power is really quite powerful.

He can make himself reach an extreme state through various challenges.

This kind of grasping ability is absolutely beyond the experience of ordinary people.

Perfect, this is really quite perfect.

This kind of experience is simply quite good.

Zhao Xun knew that the remnants of the Demon Sect would definitely not let it go.

So he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Zhao Xun knew that he would never relax until the last moment.

If you relax at this time node, then everything will be over.

It's so hard, it's really, really hard.

In the face of tremendous pressure, the state that the whole person can achieve is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

When faced with this situation, Zhao Xun actually needs to adjust his emotions as much as possible.

Zhao Xun knew that the core purpose of this process was to make himself calmer.

When a person can become more calm, there is really no need to hesitate anymore.

Fully express yourself, this moment must be fully expressed.

When Zhao Xun can express fully and completely, there is really no need for any hypocrisy and hesitation.

It's not easy, all of this is quite difficult.

Not everyone is able to withstand such enormous pressure.

In this period, in fact, Zhao Xun needs to exert great control to reach his peak.

This process requires a lot of effort.

The pressures and tests faced are not small.

So there's no need to bother anymore.

If you struggle at this moment, it won't have any good effect.

The state that a person presents at a critical moment at a necessary moment is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

At this stage, after fully controlling yourself, everything becomes completely different.

At this moment, Zhao Xun will always be a person who can control himself.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's performance will always exceed his expectations.

Facing the enemy's extremely fierce attack, Zhao Xun really didn't panic at all.

Because Zhao Xun knew very well in his heart that his strength lay here.

As long as he can perform normally, ordinary opponents will not be able to threaten him at all.

As long as he can show his strength to his heart's content, then everything is quite simple.

This will not make Zhao Xun feel any great pressure, because everything is quite simple.

That kind of feeling can make people feel a vivid feeling from the very beginning.

In fact, Zhao Xun is also somewhat difficult to describe such a feeling.

But in reality, it is indeed very comfortable.

There will be no hypocrisy, just pure enjoyment.

The ultimate feeling after enjoying a lot is really very comfortable.

Beautiful, all of this is quite beautiful.

When facing the remnants of the Demon Sect, Zhao Xun actually didn't need to be hypocritical at all.

Because his performance is the sharpest level, and his presentation is the best mode in the best state.

Not everyone can fully grasp this at the beginning.

When you understand this link, the whole person is completely relaxed.

When one is in a relaxed condition, there is no need for any hesitation.

Why hesitate.

At the critical moment, why hesitate so much.

Not everyone can withstand such a huge pressure.

When a person keeps trying to start his own operation, the first thing Zhao Xun needs to do is to stabilize his soul.

When a person's soul can be stabilized, then he really doesn't need to worry about too many things.

Not everyone can have such good luck.

When a person's luck starts to deteriorate, it actually needs to be recovered in time.

Of course, Zhao Xun's luck has never been a problem.

In other words, Zhao Xun's luck has always been top-notch.

So there is no need to be hypocritical at all, you must ensure that your thinking is always in a perfect state.

The choice at this time node is crucial.

Zhao Xun's performance at this stage can be said to be related to the future of the entire academy.

This is completely without the slightest exaggeration.

Because in this time period, no one can compare with Zhao Xun.

These remnants of the Demon Sect tried in vain to pose a certain threat to Zhao Xun.

But they don't know that just relying on their strength is tantamount to nonsense.

People still need to have some dreams at critical moments.

But relying on dreams alone is definitely not enough, and you have to have some practical choices.

When faced with a threat, the state that the whole person needs to achieve is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Not everyone can control all the rhythms.

When faced with a situation of great challenge, everything is unmatched.

This moment
At this moment Zhao Xun is a manifestation of full strength.

At this stage, any moment of performance is unusual.

Not all people can find their best form at the beginning.

This definitely requires a process of adaptation.

But Zhao Xun believes that this adaptation process will not last too long.

As long as a person can perform reasonably, the final state achieved is absolutely enviable.

This point is almost beyond doubt.

People don't need to question themselves at all at critical moments.

If you question yourself at this moment, then the final level reached is impossible for ordinary people to feel.

At this moment, Zhao Xun urgently needs to constantly improve himself.

The process of promotion requires reasonable control.

As long as you can achieve the best state through your own efforts, then why do you need to hesitate?

This state of affairs is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The expressive power of this period is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

This kind of unparalleled experience is enough to make a person start to become quite powerful.

The ability to control during this period is also enough to make Zhao Xun continue to become a better self.

Zhao Xun really hopes that he can become a better self.

Because if you don't try hard enough, you will never know how powerful your potential is.

Zhao Xun is very clear that he is a very strong person, but in the face of a certain desperate situation, can he still use his instincts?
This is not necessarily the case.

When faced with threats, Zhao Xun actually needs to keep learning.

When Zhao Xun can fully adapt to the rhythm here, he just feels that there is no need for any hypocrisy.

Zhao Xun was originally a very strong person.

So he will fully grasp his own strength as much as possible.

This is not easy.

Not everyone can have an unparalleled strength from the very beginning.

No matter what the situation is, you need to reach your best state from the very beginning.

Otherwise, it will definitely reduce a person's personal emotions to the extreme.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, all of this is not easy.

Zhao Xun knew that his performance at this point in time would have a far-reaching impact.

So he needs to control his emotions more reasonably.

Once he is affected by his emotions.

Then the final state will plummet.

Zhao Xun definitely did not want to see such a situation.

Because for Zhao Xun, reasonable control and reasonable analysis are quite crucial.

When he can reach the extreme of his personal state from the very beginning, then he will not have the slightest fear when facing anyone.

The choice made at this time node can give the opponent enough deterrence.

Deterring the opponent is quite critical.

When the opponent feels the shock, they will actually choose to shrink back in essence.

So at this time node, Zhao Xun must show all his strength.

At this time, Zhao Xun couldn't have any reservations anyway.

If Zhao Xun had any reservations at this point in time, it would really be unreasonable.

Zhao Xun's strength is reflected in all aspects, and Zhao Xun's sharpness is also manifested in various moments.

In this case, Zhao Xun completely showed the pride of an academy student.

During this period, Zhao Xun's expressive power was unparalleled.

Don't need to worry about it anymore.

In this period, there is no need to entangle any more.

Fully presenting his best state is what Zhao Xun needs to do most.

For Zhao Xun, this is not a difficult task, but a simple one.

After the specific details are brought into play, things become quite simple.

Zhao Xun in this period is an invincible existence.

It's not easy, all of this is quite difficult.

There is no problem with Zhao Xun's strength in essence, but there is still a certain gap compared with those top powerhouses.

The specific gap is reflected in some details. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it basically.

But if you look carefully, the result is completely different.

Can't be entangled anymore, absolutely can't be entangled at this moment.

The expressive power at this moment is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At this moment, Zhao Xun only needs to pour out his true inner thoughts completely, then everything will be completely different.

Tsk tsk tsk, everyone actually needs to have their own core.

Everyone needs to bring out the best part of themselves.

It is not a simple operation that can predict anything, but requires continuous efforts to get yourself in a better state.

Sometimes it even requires a little bit of luck.

If luck is good enough, then there is really no need to be too entangled.

You can always feel that extreme feeling.

When you fully feel this feeling, the realm you can reach will go up a step further.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you can fully grasp this point.

If you can't grasp the essence of it.Then everything is in vain.

Not everyone is able to achieve such a perfect level of detail.

When a person starts to feel a lot of emotion, it means that this person has indeed been greatly affected.

As for what this effect is reflected in, it is not known.

Not everyone can control their emotions.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun's experiential power is beyond the control of ordinary people.

At this moment, everything is different.

In many cases, when a person can fully reflect his own differences, then his whole person's promotion power is unparalleled.

No matter under any circumstances, Zhao Xun would never show such entanglement.

Because for Zhao Xun, fully expressing himself is a kind of ultimate enjoyment in itself.

Since it is to enjoy, why bother.

If you struggle, it will only make you feel extremely painful.

Zhao Xun has actually experienced such a feeling.

So he will show more sensitivity.

When a person can fully present a sensitive state, then there is really no need for any hypocrisy and entanglement.

Not all people can reasonably control all this.

These sentimental forces require constant adjustments to reach an extreme.

These things are not something that an ordinary person can easily control.

These controls can indeed make people feel a lot of emotion.

These things absolutely require constant exploration to achieve the best state.

When a person can be fully grateful, then it is difficult for other people to invade.

The strength of the remnants of the Demon Sect is still very strong.

Therefore, there is still no slack when forcing out the powerful Qi machine.

Because even though the remnants of the Demon Sect are covered by this defensive air shield, in fact, they will still encounter quite a few crises.

Since it will bear such a huge crisis, it is naturally not something ordinary people can bear.

People still have to come up with something different at critical moments.

Otherwise, the crisis we are facing will indeed make people feel extremely hopeless.

It's hard, it's really hard.

At this moment, Zhao Xun actually had quite a lot of choices.

Zhao Xun needs to control all this reasonably.

(End of this chapter)

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