big week bad guy

Chapter 799 In-depth Analysis

Chapter 799 In-depth Analysis
No one has an unrealistic vision of the future.

In Zhao Xun's view, a person must maintain enough rationality and enough calmness to be able to have an absolute advantage in the process of analyzing problems.

Otherwise, the sense of crisis is beyond the control of ordinary people.

Once this sense of crisis appears, it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

As long as it starts to spread, the end result is pretty bad.

Not all people have a rational way of thinking when dealing with these problems.

When the train of thought starts to have problems, it will definitely make people extremely helpless.

It's hard, all of this is really quite difficult.

No matter what kind of situation you are facing, you actually need to control your emotions reasonably.

When a crisis occurs, the attitude of the whole person will also be shaken accordingly.

This can be said to be extremely clear in Zhao Xun's heart.

But when they decided to go to Scarlet Emperor City, Zhao Xun didn't hesitate in his heart.

Because Zhao Xun understands very well that at this moment, only by maintaining rationality can he reach an extreme state, and only by maintaining rationality can he have unlimited possibilities in the future.

Not all people are capable of rationality.

So in this regard, Zhao Xun is actually very proud.

When he can face life with a completely different attitude, in fact, the feedback he gets from life is worthy of constant emotion.

These details are really quite touching.

When people feel a lot of gratitude from the very beginning, their whole attitude actually changes slightly.

This transformation and change is not so obvious, but it is not so weak.

In many cases, small changes can make a huge difference.

A slight change in one aspect is enough to cause a huge impulse in the future.

The experience of this moment is by no means something ordinary people can bear.

The emergence of a crisis is actually a process.

What you see at the beginning may be only one side.

It's like a raw egg slowly cracking.

Chicks don't hatch right away.

This requires a process.

When the cracks you see appear, they don't appear all at once.

You need to think quietly and grasp quietly.

Regardless of the circumstances, this is something that needs to be carefully controlled.

Such details can be said to be extremely beautiful.

Such a stage can be said to be extremely critical.

When a person can fully plan his own things at the beginning, then he really doesn't have to look too much at other people's faces.

In many cases, making a sound choice is critical in itself.

Under the premise of choosing the right one, it will not make people feel extremely difficult.

In many cases, when a person's thinking begins to fluctuate greatly, the attitude of the whole person will also change accordingly.

Zhao Xun can be said to be deeply convinced of this.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person.

Even when he is facing a huge threat, he will not let himself become so hypocritical.

Because Zhao Xun's heart is extremely clear, as long as he keeps calm, he will never be easily disturbed.

But if he can't keep calm, the crisis he encounters is actually quite big.

Zhao Xun has been constantly adapting.

Once he was able to get used to the whole thing, everything became very different.

Any detail is beyond the grasp of ordinary people.

When the crisis really begins to emerge, it will definitely bring huge conflicts to people.

This sense of conflict will definitely make people's scalp tingle.

It can be said that Zhao Xun doesn't know much about the current situation in Scarlet Emperor City.

Since there is a cognitive blind spot, it is natural not to be too relaxed.

At this moment, it is actually necessary to have some resilience.

Resilience is critical no matter the circumstances.

Having resilience can make a person quite targeted.

It will no longer be a passive situation when facing problems.

But if this person does not have the so-called toughness, then the final state will be quite bad.

In many cases, the choice itself is important.

If there is a problem with the choice, the final result cannot be ideal.

It must be almost beyond doubt.

Everyone actually has their own choices.

So as long as there are no big problems in the choice, then it is worth looking forward to.

The emergence of a crisis is actually beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But when there is a real crisis, Zhao Xun will not show any hypocrisy but will rush out without hesitation.

Zhao Xun is no longer the former Zhao Xun.

At this moment, Zhao Xun became extremely mature.

A mature Zhao Xun dares to face various situations.

After the sense of crisis has been eliminated, the detailed sense of gratitude is actually quite important.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been a person who is constantly downplaying the sense of crisis.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, there is no need for people to have a sense of crisis all the time.

It is necessary to have some sense of crisis properly, because this can make people start to have a very sense of urgency.

But if it has always been in such a state, the final result cannot be good.

Because when a person is always in a tense state and cannot relax, the result will be unimaginably bad.

Sometimes the choice is really quite critical.

After choosing something wrong, all the details are broken.

This kind of chaotic situation will make people feel extremely painful.

Once painful emotions appear, it is impossible to truly dissipate in a short time.

This requires a process, no matter under any circumstances, it requires a process.

Emotional changes are also quite difficult to handle.

In any case, when a person's mood begins to change, he should not be too deliberate.

But you have to be as careful as possible.

All in all, this is indeed a relatively difficult thing.

This is true for all people.

And there is actually a huge problem for them to go to Red Emperor City, that is, it is very difficult for them to find out the exact location of Red Emperor City thoroughly.

This city is actually very shaded.

Moreover, even Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, had a hard time finding this city directly.

This sense of crisis is extremely painful.

Once such a choice is started, the whole person's thinking will become quite inconceivable and difficult to figure out.

In this state, it is basically impossible to have some calm judgment for a long time.

At critical moments, what a person shows is actually easily captured by other people.

For example, at the moment, what Zhao Xun perceives at the moment is something that ordinary people can't easily perceive.

But Zhao Xun can perceive it, Zhao Xun can not only perceive it, but also control it very well.

So it can be said that it is really quite perfect.

For Zhao Xun, when he can have such sufficient experience from the beginning, everything becomes very simple.

This feeling of pressure is by no means something ordinary people can bear.

But Zhao Xun definitely handled it very well.

This feeling is definitely enjoyable.

After enjoying these good things, everything becomes easy.

Zhao Xun is a person who is good at handling details.

So he can handle many things just right.

As long as the crisis can be diluted, then there is no need to have any worries.

In many cases, the reason why people have such huge worries is essentially because of lack of strength.

So even though the Scarlet Emperor City was very difficult to find, Zhao Xun did not give up.

Because he knows that as long as they continue to search unswervingly, the final result will be quite perfect.

It's not easy, all of this is quite difficult.

The handling of any details is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

When a person's emotions can continue to evolve, everything becomes extremely simple.

When Zhao Xun faced a crisis, the way he dealt with it was quite powerful in nature.

So there is no need to have any hesitation at all, even if you just let go and do it.

When a person can have such a huge advantage from the beginning, there is no need for any hypocrisy.

There is really nothing wrong with the details that determine success or failure.

Since Zhao Xun deeply understands this point, he will try his best to practice it.

When all this becomes a reality, Zhao Xun will work harder to realize it.

It's actually not that difficult.

In many cases, everything is quite reasonable when the choice is not a problem.

Reasonable planning, reasonable planning, anything will become quite wonderful.

This kind of detailed matter is really beyond the control of ordinary people.

When there is a crisis situation, all the details are critical.

There are reasons for the emergence of the crisis, but there are many ways to solve the crisis.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, all of this is really not easy.

Once you figure this out, everything becomes easier.

Isn't he good at dealing with problems simply?
In Zhao Xun's view, this way of dealing with problems is an extremely perfect way.

When a person can fully adapt to all this, everything becomes extremely simple.

This requires a process of constant adaptation.

In fact, it took Zhao Xun quite a long time to get used to it before he finally reached such a realization.

But in Zhao Xun's opinion, this is indeed enough.

When he can do this, it is indeed enough.

In many cases, the choice itself is a very serious matter.

When there are no problems in your choice, you can actually have some prospects for the future.

These prospects can be said to be quite beautiful, and everyone can have some very comprehensive cognition.

After doing this, not everyone can get the details right.

When encountering some crisis situations, everything becomes simple.

It's not easy, it's all very different.

But when Zhao Xun made up his mind, he found that no one could directly influence his decision.

Zhao Xun has always been a very calm person.

So when he was dealing with problems, he was basically able to control his emotions.

At this moment, it is really helpful for Zhao Xun to control his emotions.

These things do not feel at all at first glance.

But as long as you are willing to think carefully, you can clearly notice the difference.

It was an unparalleled feeling, and it was a feeling that made people feel a lot of gratitude from the very beginning.

In fact, Zhao Xun also knew very clearly that there would be many dangers in the Red Emperor City.

But so what?

Even if there is danger, you have to face it.

At this moment, if you don't know how to work hard, you will regret it sooner or later.

At some point, people still need to have some comprehensive understanding of the future.

These cognitions can be from all aspects of experience to details.

These things are definitely not something that ordinary people can easily control.

This kind of experience is absolutely perfect.

This feeling of absolute perfection is simply too wonderful.

Tsk tsk tsk, Zhao Xun at this moment knows that there are many forces in Scarlet Emperor City.

So what he has to do now is to unravel the cocoons and sort out the various forces in the Red Emperor City as much as possible.

In fact, this is quite critical.

Because if he can't do this well, then the sense of crisis is still quite great.

Once you have such a huge sense of crisis, it will definitely make people feel very uncontrollable in the future.

Zhao Xun is very clear that the current crisis has gathered to a certain extent.

At this moment, dealing with the details clearly is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Zhao Xun also needs to have a process of adaptation.

After getting used to all this, everything becomes different.

The handling of details is very critical, even if it is only a very small detail, in Zhao Xun's view, it is extremely critical.

So at this moment, he will charge forward without hesitation.

In Zhao Xun's view, the benefits of charging ahead at this time are quite huge.

After having these experiences, everything's emotionally different.

After gaining these feelings, everything becomes extremely simple.

The attention to detail is quite critical.

If these parts can be made to the extreme at the beginning, then there is really no need to be so entangled.

Tut tut.It's not easy.All this is really not easy.

When a person's emotions can be handled properly, the prospect of the whole person is actually very impressive.

This moment, for Zhao Xun personally, is indeed a very special moment.

He may not be able to grasp the opportunity so perfectly, but he will definitely work hard for it.

So the final effect will not be too bad.

The state that people show at critical moments is completely beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

So you have to plan everything properly.

When everything can be planned very reasonably, everything will become very beautiful.

Tsk tsk tsk, all of this is actually not easy.

Zhao Xun knew that the situation in Scarlet Emperor City was very complicated.

But Zhao Xun had to go.

Go ahead to dangers.

This actually takes a lot of courage.

But Zhao Xun is a very courageous person.

So Zhao Xun is not a person who is afraid.

For Zhao Xun, after fully expressing himself at this point in time, there are indeed unlimited possibilities in the future.

As long as those sense of crisis can be eliminated in time, there is indeed no need to have so many worries.

It is okay to have momentary worries, but you must not be in this state all the time.

Because if this has always been the case, the weaknesses shown by oneself are likely to be exploited by opponents.

Zhao Xun deeply understood this point.

So when faced with threats, Zhao Xun had to make sure of all of this.

At this moment, dealing with details is quite critical.

After the details are handled properly, there is no need for any hypocrisy at all.

Hypocrisy is very unnecessary.

When a person starts to become extremely hypocritical, his whole state will decline accordingly.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, his state is actually quite good.

So he doesn't need to worry about it.

No matter facing any opponent, one's own strength is the most important.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

As long as one's hard power is strong enough, in fact, there is no need to look too much at other people's faces.

Only when one's own strength is weak, so many objective factors need to be considered.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely figured out these principles.

For him, it is not difficult at all to control all this reasonably.

As long as he is willing, then no matter what time he goes to Chidi City, he can gain a lot.

The critical state shown at the critical moment can indeed help Zhao Xun in many places.

For him personally, the grasp of this moment is enough to enable him to have unlimited possibilities in the future.

This is the state that Zhao Xun most hopes to achieve.

As for what will be encountered in the Red Emperor City because of this, Zhao Xun really doesn't pay much attention to it.

Because in Zhao Xun's view, no matter what he may encounter in the Red Emperor City in the future, it will not affect his continued progress.

Zhao Xun's pace will not stop because of this, and so will the other members of the academy team.

So what else is there to worry about.

Just be yourself reasonably.

From Zhao Xun's point of view, this is actually a very easy thing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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