Chapter 89
The emperor and below are all ants.

Even if it is the son of the royal clan, he still can't control his own destiny.

Unless one has achieved great success in cultivation techniques and became a peerless powerhouse like the head of the Haoran Academy or Wei Wuji, the sword master of Dongyue, it is possible not to look at the emperor's face.

But how many people are there in this world?

Can you count them on your fingers?

The road is long and long, and I will search for it up and down.

Zhao Xun regained his composure and continued walking along the tomb passage.

Pass the third stone gate...

The space inside it suddenly opened up.

The tomb of Princess Xuanhuai is composed of the main tomb and two side tombs.

The owner's tomb is located in the middle, but Zhao Xun and others found it difficult to enter from the front.

This is because the tomb was sealed immediately after Princess Xuanhuai was buried.

No wonder the tomb robbers want to dig a hole directly above the tomb.

So Zhao Xun and others decided to start from the side room of the tomb, first enter the side room, and then look for opportunities to enter the owner's tomb.

According to the sixth brother, there is usually a connecting door between the side tomb and the main tomb of this kind of large tomb.

Although some organs need to be opened, there is still hope.

Although the side tomb chamber also has sealing soil, but the sealing soil layer is not thick, and Zhao Xun knocked on it, and found that the sound was not right, it was very brittle!

There is an interlayer inside this seal, it should be made of stone!

Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

Unexpectedly, the underground protection work of Princess Xuanhuai's tomb is so good that stone walls are added to the sealing soil of the side tomb, not to mention the sealing soil of the main tomb.

Or do they just go out and enter the main tomb through the robbery hole?

This idea was immediately denied by Zhao Xun as soon as it was born.

What the hell are they here to investigate the case, so what's the matter with entering through the robbery hole?

What's more, if they go out in such a disheveled manner, what will Wangcai and Master Ji'an think?
There was no turning back when he opened the bow, Zhao Xun knew that he had no way out.

At this time, Senior Brother Ten, who had been silent all this time, suddenly took out a paper figurine from the package, and then exhaled a breath of true energy to attach to the paper figurine.

This is a unique skill secretly handed down by the head of the mountain, except for the head of the mountain, only one of the ten senior brothers has mastered it.


The paper figurine was very exquisite and small, and it was seen walking close to the sealing soil layer, and soon stopped at a small pothole.

With the help of true energy to illuminate this area, Zhao Xun could clearly see that the paper figurine started to dig up the earth wall.

The thin paper figurine seemed weak, but at the moment it showed amazing strength.

Its hands and feet turned into tiny shovels, digging up the soil layer by shovel.

In less than a stick of incense, Zhao Xun and others saw a hole dug out by the paper figurine, through which a stone mechanism in the shape of a beast's head could be seen.

Zhao Xun was taken aback, he didn't expect that there was a mechanism behind the sealing layer.

This paper figurine is too mysterious, to be able to perceive the existence of organs.

"It's time for me to make a move, you guys step back."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan raised his head proudly and said.

Zhao Xun and the others took a few steps back subconsciously.

Long Qingquan stretched out a finger to face the animal head mechanism, and then many golden gossamer lingered around the finger.

The golden gossamer gathered more and more, and finally formed a beam of light that flew towards the animal head mechanism not far away.


Long Qingquan yelled violently, and then the animal head mechanism moved and spun away instantly.

What the hell!

Seeing this, Zhao Xun almost exclaimed.

The greatest supernatural powers he has seen before are the return of ten thousand swords from his teacher Wu Quanyi, and the grand vision of the mind from his godfather Yuan Tiangang.

At first glance, the third senior brother's sudden finger is not much different from the supernatural powers of the two big brothers.

Reminiscent of the faceless man transformed by the third senior brother, Zhao Xun felt that the third senior brother's cultivation level should be guaranteed at the bottom of the third rank, and the top of the second rank.

Strong, this is the real strong.

With the rotation and movement of the animal head mechanism, the sealing soil layer around the stone wall peeled off instantly.

In less than sixty breaths, Zhao Xun and the others could clearly see the entire blue-black stone wall!

The third senior brother used his true energy to gather into a beam of light to open the stone wall, but this time it didn't seem to work very well.

The animal head mechanism rotated to a certain extent and got stuck!

In this regard, Zhao Xun's first thought was whether to add some oil to moisten it...

The third senior brother frowned, and a few inconspicuous wrinkles appeared on Qingjun's face.

"How could this be?"

He seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be asking Zhao Xun.

"I'll try it out."

For some reason, Zhao Xun felt that this blue-black stone wall was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't tell where he had seen it.

He closed his eyes and searched in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​knowledge is endless, and Zhao Xun has searched for a long time but still has no results.

Just when he was a little discouraged, he suddenly saw the Chang'an City in the desert in a corner of his memory.

That was the scene that appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness after reading "The Initial Insights of Wen Zong".

Desert, Chang'an City, Haoran Academy.

Every plant, every tree, every brick and every stone.

The bluestone wall also flashed by like a revolving lantern following these scenes, but Zhao Xun keenly captured it!
Yes, that's the stone wall, that's it!

Zhao Xun suddenly opened his eyes, pointed at the stone wall and said, "There is a talisman formation in this wall."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan was surprised: "How did the little junior know that?"

"I have seen an identical stone wall in the sea of ​​consciousness, and that wall has a talisman array."

This kind of thing is naturally better to be believed than not to be believed.

If it is really blessed by the talisman array, it cannot be broken by relying on true energy.

"The key is that we don't have a talisman master."

Jia Xingwen looked frustrated.

Only the talisman master can break the talisman array, and it is useless for the five of them to be tied together.

Zhao Xun pondered intently, except for the Demon Sect and a small number of witches and Gu masters in the Nanman, those who mastered the talisman array were all from the Taoist sect.

It is well known that Taoist priests are good at drawing formations and talismans.

And Zhao Xun has two acquaintances.

Qin Tianjian Jianzheng, the old god stick Yuan Tiangang and Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

One of these two is Zhao Xun's godfather, and the other is Zhao Xun's master.

Although one can break the game, but the two of them are not here at the moment.

what!The heavens are spirited, the earth is spirited, come and see a fairy!
Zhao Xun laughed at himself.

Unexpectedly, just after he said it in his heart, he heard a burst of ventriloquist: brat, what nonsense!
Fuck, isn't this Yuan Tiangang's voice?
Zhao Xun is sure and sure, the voice of this old magic stick is really special, after hearing it once, he will never forget it!
How did Yuan Tiangang know what he was thinking?
Fuck you, grand view of the mind!
Yuan Tiangang actually used the Grand View Mind Technique!

Zhao Xun remembered the miniature version of Chang'an City in the Huntian Tower.

At that time, he thought that Yuan Tiangang's Grand View Mind Technique was used within the city of Chang'an, but now it seems that it is not only that, its influence should be able to cover the entire Gyeonggi area!
"Father, is that you? I need your help!"

Zhao Xun also responded with ventriloquism.



(End of this chapter)

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