big week bad guy

Chapter 9 Supervising the sudden death of the censor

Chapter 9 Supervising the sudden death of the censor

The supervisory censor He Yuanshan died suddenly!
Hearing this news, Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

One must know that the law and order in Chang'an City is quite good, and the imperial court ordering an official to die suddenly in the mansion is a big event no matter what.

It stands to reason that both the Chang'an County Government and the Jingzhao Government Government have reasons to try this case, but this matter was not taken over by these two institutions. The reason could not be simpler. The court or the Emperor Dog did not want this matter to become a big deal.

After all, it is about the face of the imperial court. If there is too much trouble, it will be judged on the bright side.

So we can only investigate the case secretly.

Of course, this task was handed over to bad people.

It's just that Zhao Xun was a bit at a loss when he received such a big case as soon as he came up.

He tentatively asked Feng Hao: "Master Feng, should one of the subordinates investigate this matter?"

"Of course not. Even if you have such a heart, I can't rest assured."

Feng Hao turned around, nodded to someone nearby and said, "Old Jia, I will leave this newcomer to you."

After Feng Hao finished speaking, he left with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Xun looked up and saw a middle-aged man with dark skin and a thin figure staring at him not far away.

"My surname is Jia and my name is Xingwen. Since Mr. Feng handed you over to me, I will be responsible for you. There is a rule for us bad people to do things, and that is to visit at night, so as not to leave any traces. You should have a set of night clothes Bar?"

Zhao Xun thought to himself that this old brother Jia was really familiar with him, anyway, this also saved a lot of time for politeness.

"Of course there are, but my subordinates dare to ask, there is a curfew in Chang'an City, what should we do if we are walking on the streets and are discovered by the Jinwu Guards and the inspectors?"


Jia Xingwen sneered, and said with some disdain: "The so-called curfew is for ordinary people. You can't punish a doctor, and you can't treat a common man. Have you heard this sentence? We bad people work for saints. Whether it's the Jinwu Guard or the inspector, Ma Si, can't control us."

Speaking of this, Jia Xingwen did not forget to add: "If I really have anything to worry about, it is whether you can fly over the wall."

"This, I'm afraid it really doesn't work."

Zhao Xun smiled awkwardly but politely.

After all, what he traveled through was a well-known Gaoliang disciple in the capital.

He is good at cockfighting and dog fighting, but he has never tried such things as flying over eaves and walls.

Although his cheap father Zhao Yuan found him a master who is a great practitioner, but the master only gave him a copy of "Wen Zong's Initial Enlightenment", and Zhao Xun realized everything else by himself.

As far as the moment is concerned, Zhao Xun really cannot be regarded as a practitioner.

Jia Xingwen understood this smile in seconds, sighed and said: "Forget it, it's time for me to meet you. You are not allowed to go anywhere tonight. I will boil a bucket of medicinal soup, and you jump in to wash the marrow."

Hiss, is it so exciting?

Wash the marrow as soon as you come up?
Zhao Xun thought to himself that he was judged by his master Wu Quanyi to have no talent for practicing martial arts, so he chose to use literature as the next best thing.

Now he actually wants to forcibly wash his marrow so that he has the most basic martial arts ability?
No matter how it sounds, it's a bit exciting.

"Why, you don't want to? This potion for washing the marrow is unique to the yamen of bad people. Even though you are the son of a prince, it is not easy to get this potion."

Seeing Zhao Xun's eyes flicker, Jia Xingwen questioned in a deep voice.

"No, of course not."

Zhao Xun quickly shook his head and explained.

"Subordinates can't ask for more."

"That's good. If it wasn't for completing the task assigned by Mr. Feng, I would be reluctant to use the medicinal wine that I have treasured for many years to wash your marrow."

Zhao Xun was very excited, after all, for him, this opportunity to cleanse his marrow was a free whoring.

Since it's a whore for nothing, there's nothing to worry about, anyone who comes is welcome, the more the better.

When Zhao Xun jumped into the barrel full of medicinal wine, he never thought that the medicinal wine would be so hot.

If Jia Xingwen hadn't been prepared to push Zhao Xun down, Zhao Xun might have jumped out of the barrel without hesitation.

If this is the case, then all previous efforts will be for naught.

The so-called marrow washing is to wash away the original inferior roots, to get rid of the old and welcome the new.

Zhao Xun's original bones are not suitable for martial arts at all. In Jia Xingwen's words, after washing his marrow, he can probably become a middle-aged person, so as not to hinder bad people too much.

But this process is really sour.

Zhao Xun felt that his bones and meridians were making thumping sounds, as if they were reconnecting with muscles.

A kind of dry heat from the inside out made his internal organs seem to be burned.

Zhao Xun didn't know how long this feeling lasted, but he only knew that the temperature of his whole body changed from extremely hot to mild, and the burning sensation gradually disappeared.

Finally, Jia Wenxing patted him on the shoulder and said softly, "The marrow washing is complete, you can come out now.

Zhao Xun opened his eyes just now, the feeling just now was really amazing, he seemed to live again, and felt all kinds of wonderful things.

This feeling is hard to describe in words, Zhao Xun always has endless aftertaste.

But he knew that now was not the time for him to reminisce, so he quickly jumped out of the barrel and changed into new clothes.

There is no doubt that his movements have become much more agile than before the marrow washing, and he is not sloppy.

This feeling makes Zhao Xun very excited, and it will take some time for him to fully adapt to this body.But right now, the most important thing is to go to the home of He Yuanshan, the censor who was killed, to investigate the case.

But all this will have to wait until after dark.

Since it is necessary to investigate secretly, the best time is after sunset.

"It's dry, be careful with candles!"

After the curfew in Chang'an City, all the gates of the workshops were closed.

Almost everyone has retreated to their own workshops, of course, there are two types of people who are exceptions.

One is to punish people, and the other is bad people.

When Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen changed into night clothes and parkoured on the roofs of the neighborhood in Chang'an City, all they could hear were the beating of gongs and the sound of timekeeping.

This feeling is really amazing, Chang'an City in the middle of the night is very quiet.

It was so quiet that Zhao Xun could clearly hear his own breathing.

As the saying goes, the first watch is a man, the second watch is a gong, the third watch is a ghost, the fourth watch is a thief, and the fifth watch is a chicken.

The third watch is the time for ghosts to travel at night.

If it is said that Zhao Xun didn't believe in these things at all before the time travel, but after traveling to the Great Zhou Empire, he already believed in these strange things.

However, bad people have extremely strong yang energy, and ordinary evil spirits dare not get close at all.

According to Jia Xingwen's words, they must complete the task and return to the office of bad people before the rooster crows at the fifth watch.

So there is not much time left for them.

You must know that the house of the supervisory censor He Yuanshan is far away in Huaidefang, which is adjacent to the West City. They went out of Jiacheng and rushed to Huaidefang almost across the entire Chang'an city!

(End of this chapter)

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