big week bad guy

Chapter 94 Postponing the investigation and the banquet at the capital of Zhang Dushi

Chapter 94 Postponement of the investigation and the banquet in the capital of Jiedushi
Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong's face was as sinking as water, as cold as ice.

He had heard the report of the bad handsome Feng Hao, and suddenly felt that the situation in the court was not as under control as he had imagined.

As an emperor, Emperor Xianlong was scheming and good at checks and balances. He intentionally supported the courtiers to form cliques to fight for power and profit. For a while, there was a chaos of cronies fighting in the court.

This was the situation that Emperor Xianlong wanted to see the most. His courtiers were busy fighting for power, so no one would threaten his status.

If any powerful cronies show up, they will be beaten by Xianlongdi's faction.

When the situation in the court stabilized, he would support a new crony, and it would start again and again.

Due to Emperor Xianlong's acquiescence and even guidance, the party struggle in the Great Zhou Dynasty intensified, but Emperor Xianlong was confident from the beginning to the end, because everything was under his control.

Until Feng Hao reported to him, the tomb of Princess Xuanhuai was empty, and Princess Xuanhuai's coffin was missing.

This made Emperor Xianlong feel confused, and there was a hint of uneasiness in the confusion.

There are nothing more than two possibilities for this matter.

One is that Princess Xuanhuai did not die at all back then, but concealed the truth by feigning death, so it was an empty tomb.

The second is that a powerful practitioner sneaked into the tomb and stole Princess Xuanhuai's coffin.

Either way, Emperor Xianlong felt surprisingly angry.

As for those who deliberately dug "robbing holes" to create the illusion of "grave robbery" and attracted the attention of the court, it should be another force.

Emperor Xianlong was a master at juggling power, and the emperor's mind was at its peak.

But even he couldn't guess who the two forces behind it were.

"Big Companion, tell me, who is playing the demon?"

Zheng Jie, whose name was named, responded respectfully: "Your Majesty, I dare not speak nonsense, but according to my servant, this incident is more or less related to the banquet of the Jiedu envoy in the capital one month later."

Zheng Jie's words awakened Emperor Xianlong.

Two cold lights shot out from his eyes sharply, and he tapped his fingers repeatedly.

Yes, these so-called abnormalities are actually appearances, and they are all manifested because of political games.

Just like the supervisory censor case-Wang Zhongyi case-Chen Liangfu case that the bad guys just handled, it is essentially a product of power games.

Although the power struggle is cruel, it is a court battle after all, and it should not be too vulgar, like two villages fighting with weapons, just roll up your sleeves and carry a dung fork and a hoe.

Power struggles need a guide, an outlet, and a point of catharsis.

The tomb of Princess Xuanhuai was not "robbed" early or late, but it happened to be "robbed" at this point in time, which is enough to explain the problem.

One month later, there will be a banquet for the Jiedu envoys in the capital, and Jiedu envoys have arrived in the capital one after another.

Although Jiedushi has great power, he still has to obey the orders of the court and the emperor at this time.

The three-year-old Jiedu Envoy's Capital Banquet was tailor-made by Emperor Xianlong for all the Jiedu Envoys, taking this opportunity to reshuffle power.

For Emperor Xianlong, a master of power and tactics, he absolutely could not accept Jiedushi's local monopoly and cultivate his own power so that he could not lose his tail.

So every few years he will re-deploy the defense zones of the major military commanders so that they are always on the go.

In this way, Jiedu Envoy finally became familiar with a place, but was thrown into a new environment by Emperor Xianlong, and had to start all over again.

Do you dare to excuse yourself?That is to hide evil intentions and plot evil!

Emperor Xianlong could take the opportunity to cut down the vassal.

Emperor Xianlong knew that his aunt, Princess Xuanhuai, had a strong desire for power, and she was very close to several powerful Jiedu envoys at that time.

But after all, that was decades ago. The past is different from today, and the power has already been redistributed.

To infer the suspect from the Jiedu envoys that Princess Xuanhuai made friends with decades ago is tantamount to asking for a sword.

"So, who is playing the demon?"

Emperor Xianlong muttered to himself.

"The bad guys have done a good job in this case, but it's not enough. According to my order, the case will continue to be investigated, but I can give them a one-month extension."

Emperor Xianlong had a mean and ungrateful character, and he was willing to extend the extension to the bad guys, but it was not because he suddenly realized his conscience and showed mercy.It was because one month later was the day for the banquet of the Jingshi Jiedu envoy, and he wanted to find out the truth before then so as to take advantage of the response and control the overall situation.

"The slaves obey the order."

Zheng Jie replied without hesitation.

In his opinion, Emperor Xianlong's ability to postpone the bad person for one month is already extraordinarily merciful.

"Brother Jia, Master Feng brought a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

In the office of bad people, Zhao Xun asked with a half-smile.

"Uh this."

Jia Xingwen didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Then let's hear the bad news first."

Jia Xingwen thought for a long time, swallowed and spit.

"The bad news is that His Majesty ordered the bad guys to continue to investigate the theft of Princess Xuanhuai's tomb."

Zhao Xun spread his hands.

"This is also reasonable. After all, it involves the face of the royal family, and His Majesty cannot easily give up."

Jia Xingwen nodded.

"What about the good news?"

"The good news is that His Majesty granted us a one-month extension."

Zhao Xun smiled wryly.

"That's it?"

Wangcai on the side couldn't listen anymore.

"Our Majesty is really lenient to himself and strict with others."

"Be careful."

Zhao Xun quickly made a silent gesture, and glared at Wangcai.

This is the Bad People's Office, a purely open office environment, with no partitions between workstations.

Now Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen can be said to be proud of themselves in the office of bad people, and they are in the limelight, so naturally countless people are jealous.

If they were caught by them to impeach him, Zhao Xun and the others would definitely be overwhelmed and walk around.

The officialdom is like a battlefield, and the court is full of intrigues. Zhao Xun feels that he should be more cautious.

Wangcai was taken aback by Zhao Xun, shrank his neck and said nothing.

"I think this matter may have something to do with the banquet of the Jiedushi capital in January. After all, if you count the days carefully, the deadline and the banquet time are not bad."

Zhao Xun's ability to capture information is very strong, and he immediately realized Emperor Xianlong's purpose.

For an emperor with a strong desire to monopolize power, he must never lose face in front of his courtiers.

In particular, it is the local emperor who has such power as Jiedushi.

However, Zhao Xun learned that the Jiedu envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty at this time were not as stubborn as the Jiedu envoys in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. At least the Jiedu envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty were directly appointed and dismissed by the court and the emperor, and did not enjoy hereditary replacement.

In this mode, as long as there is a strong king, Jiedushi can still be suppressed.

But the one-month deadline is still a huge pressure on Zhao Xun.

Whether a month is long or short, he still has to grasp it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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