Chapter 1 Become Emperor
A desolate planet in the universe, no life can survive.

Thunder and lightning wiped out the world.

The atmosphere of terror is permeating, this is...

Enlightenment calamity!
If there is a saint here, I am afraid it will be unbelievable.

Because only 9000 years have passed since the death of the previous emperor.

Since ancient times, after the death of the great emperor, there have been traces of the Dao left behind, and no one can prove the Dao for 1 years.

But the terrifying scene at this time broke the shackles of this world.

"finally come!"

A young man in a black robe sitting on the highest cliff on the planet looked at the thunder calamity that was threatening to destroy in the sky.

It has been 500 years since he began to practice Taoism, and today he can finally prove Taoism and become emperor.

The Great Emperor is the only existence in this universe. There can only be one supreme being at the end of Dao and Law in an era or even several eras.

Ever since he realized that he had traveled to the world that shrouded the sky, Li An felt a full sense of crisis.

Not to mention the undead emperor who is still alive in the world, and the emperor who lives in seclusion behind the scenes and calculates everything, let's talk about the dark turmoil in the future, the supreme beings in the restricted area will come out of the cage and devour the creatures of the entire universe, and it will be difficult to survive without the strength of alternative enlightenment .

So he started to practice, not daring to slack off for a moment.

It can be said that he has been able to achieve such strength in the past few hundred years, entirely due to his hard work and diligence, and has nothing to do with talent.

As the saying goes, heaven rewards hard work.

"Dark Blue... Cough, give me a promotion!"

Show me where my limits are!

Li An thought to himself, looking at the destructive robbery cloud that was still gestating in the void.


At the same time, when Ang Lee preached the Tao, the aura also permeated to the end of the wilderness in the universe.

Buried Emperor Star.

Donghuang, Ji's family.

This is an ancient family that has been handed down from ancient times. Its ancestors had an emperor, and the blood of the Void Emperor flowed in his body.

A bright mirror in the ancestral hall was trembling at the moment, as if it was about to wake up from a deep sleep.

"What kind of aura is this that actually touched the void mirror?"

Several high-ranking and important figures in Ji's family had already arrived, and they saw that the bronze mirror that was flickering seemed to be reflecting something on it.

You must know that this is not an ordinary mirror, but cast by Ji Family's Ji Dao Emperor Soldiers, the Void Emperor who once shocked the entire Eastern Desolation.

This bronze mirror is extremely terrifying. In this family, only the Eternal Universe Furnace, the Beginning Bell, and the Desolate Pagoda belong to the extreme emperors and can compete with it.

Even if there is no driver, the Emperor Armor God Slander among them can reproduce the power of the former Void Emperor after recovering.

The Patriarchs and Elders of the Ji Family are very dignified, and the Jidao Emperor Soldiers are the strongest foundation of their ancient families, so they must not be lost.

But I have never seen such a self-recovery situation in the void mirror before. What caused its reaction?

Just when they were uncertain, the mirror body of the void mirror shone brightly, and a scene appeared on the mirror surface.

The next moment, all the members of the Ji family present felt a strong coercion on their shoulders.

"Then... who is that?"

One of the elders of the Ji family had a hoarse voice and spoke with difficulty.

Everyone is silent.

On the mirror surface of the void mirror, there appeared a figure with a blurry face, and its body was stepping on thousands of thunder calamities, which contained unimaginable horror.

Who is this person?

After seeing the man in the mirror, everyone in the ancestral hall had this doubt.

The Void Mirror is an extreme emperor soldier, but it manifests itself to reflect the figure in the mirror.

It stands to reason that the Emperor Armor was refined by the Great Emperor, and would only involve the realm of the Emperor's Dao. In the following realms, there is no right to shake it, even the quasi-Emperor.

But now...

"Could it be that that is a great emperor!"

At the same time, the same thing happened in other ancient aristocratic families, not only in the Ji family, but also in the Jiang family and other ancient aristocratic families. The extreme emperor soldiers in the ancient aristocratic families showed signs of self-recovery.

The emperor's soldiers shouted together, congratulating the human race on another great emperor!
In the five domains, the great holy lands and the immortal dynasties that are as powerful as the ancient families all showed terrible signs, as if the heavens and the earth were born naturally.

In an instant, a major earthquake occurred in the entire Five Regions.

Celebrities in all major forces are speculating on the information behind this terrifying phenomenon, and have a premonition that there is definitely hidden secrets enough to break the Jiuchongtian.


The old antiques hidden in the ancient tribes all woke up from the silence, and some were even startled by this breath, directly breaking the seal of their blood.

They all looked out of the starry sky, with unconcealable shock in their eyes.

"This breath... Is someone proving the truth?"

A patriarch of the ancient royal family couldn't hide his shock.

Now only 9000 years have passed since the era of the previous generation of demon emperors, and the remaining traces of his dao have not been wiped out, so how could someone become an emperor?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"


Not only the human race on the bright side, or the ancient races hidden in the dark, felt the terrible changes between the heaven and the earth.

Compared with the ignorance of other people, some mysterious and powerful taboos exist in this ancient land, and they quietly opened their eyes.

They are the most powerful ancient emperors from the restricted area of ​​life. They have been dormant since ancient times, and in the era when the great emperor can only survive for ten thousand years. Now.

They used to be the most powerful people under this starry sky. In the era of their existence, no one could be rivaled.

Such achievements are comparable to the great emperors of the human race.

Taichu ancient mine, one of the seven life forbidden zones.

There are digital taboos sealed in this ancient mine, and they were the strongest in this ancient universe in their era.

"This breath... is someone proving the truth?"

The aura of enlightenment revived the dormant supreme beings in the ancient mine from their slumber.

There was a dry and haggard voice that sounded from the underground of the ancient mine.

There is supreme coercion in the voice, just listening to its voice is enough to suppress and kill creatures below the saint, and this is just an unintentional aftermath.

But in this heavy voice, there is a hint of doubt.

The owner of the voice felt the aura that belonged to the enlightenment robbery, but he couldn't be sure.

"There are dozens of hundreds of years before the great change of the world. There should be no emperor."

Another mysterious voice sounded from the underground of the ancient mine, very majestic.

In the post-desolate ancient times, the cultivation environment has undergone drastic changes, and it is very difficult for saint-level creatures to appear.

What's more, what about a great emperor who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them?

"I feel the breath of the human race in it, but I can't confirm his identity."

In the Undead Mountain, which is also one of the seven restricted areas of life, there are also ancient voices.

"Could it be the Gai Jiuyou from 9000 years ago? He was born a thousand years after the Qing Emperor's death. If he is the same generation as the Qing Emperor, maybe whoever will testify to the Dao may not know."

"Now the Dao marks left by the Qing Emperor in the heaven and the earth are almost obliterated by time. Could it be that he broke the suppression of Dao?"

Another ancient supreme being under the undead mountain also woke up from a deep sleep, recalling some things in the distant past.

"The emperor of the human race, he should be killed!"

A pair of golden pupils full of domineering and killing unfolded in the ancient mine.

The owner of these eyes had a cold tone, revealing an incomparably terrifying aura, as if he wanted to solidify the world.

The other ancient emperors sleeping in the Undead Mountain were all silent.

In the past, all the human races who had attained enlightenment and became emperors would inevitably attack the seven restricted areas of life, trying to take away all of them, the ancient undead.

"After so many years, it seems that you still haven't forgotten the pain that the void brought you back then."

Another ancient emperor woke up from his slumber, and smiled to the owner of the golden pupil.

The owner of the golden pupil snorted coldly, but did not speak.

In the past, there was a great emperor named Void in the human race. After he became enlightened, he successively attacked the forbidden area of ​​life. In the era of his enlightenment, he successively killed three supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life. One supreme being was tricked out, and the two supreme beings were beheaded again, almost leveling a life restricted area.

And the owner of the golden pupil was tricked out by Emperor Void back then. Although he was not beheaded like the other two supreme beings, he was also left with indelible scars.



The Kalpa of Enlightenment opened, and countless electric lights tore through the universe, and the planet under him was about to split open under this terrifying breath.

However, Li An was not affected at all, and raised his head to the sky with a long roar, his voice shattering the thunder.

The next moment, it turned into a golden figure and charged towards Jieyun.

The entire planet under its feet shattered in an instant.

A terrifying thunder fell, and a destructive aura permeated the universe.

Li An stepped into the Thunder Calamity alone, the entire sea of ​​thunder surrendered under his feet, and the lightning wrapped around his body.


Innumerable divine catastrophe is raging, the cosmos is shattered, and the mighty enters the big cosmos. Countless galaxies are turned into smoke and dust, and a supreme law is spreading.

At this moment, all Taoism wailed, and all the divine chains of order in the universe would be suppressed, and one person's Tao would be achieved.

I don't know how long has passed.

The robbery cloud was shattered, and a young man in black robe reappeared.

But at this moment, the aura on the body of the black-robed youth has undergone earth-shaking changes.

That is the breath of the Great Emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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