Chapter 124 Puxin Supreme

It can be said to be the most mysterious forbidden zone of life, reversing yin and yang, winning the fortune of heaven and earth, known as the destination of all spirits.

According to the rumors, the founder of the Underworld, the Emperor of the Underworld, was a master of the royal way before his death. After his death, the corpse was psychic, and he entered the Tao again from the corpse, using the corpse to achieve the fruit of Godless. It is unprecedented. By.

But who knew that the Underworld Emperor who made such great achievements was actually a fat man?
And it's pretty immoral.

The underworld is vast and boundless. This is a lifeless underworld, as if it has transcended the original universe and formed a new world of its own.

There is no light here, it is pitch black, and there is no life, sound, and all elements that have nothing to do with death are hard to see in this strange universe.

One star after another floats quietly, it seems that not only the creatures in this universe are lifeless, even the big stars are lifeless and lifeless.

On every big star, there are ruins everywhere, and there is no intact building in sight.

Only in the central area of ​​this calamity, there are endless huge buildings standing in a row.

Under the cover of the strange black mist, only the endless and terrifying outline can be vaguely captured, like a terrifying giant beast hidden in the mist, with a suffocating sense of oppression .

In this eternally silent universe, at this moment, suddenly there is an incompatible aura, which suddenly appears in this universe.


Li Ang appeared in this piece of Netherland, feeling the extremely strong breath of death, and the ubiquitous smell of decay in this universe, he felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

A dead body should lie on the board properly, don't jump around, it's scary.

"When the Emperor Hades established the Underworld and left, I'm afraid he never imagined that after ten thousand years, the Underworld, which was once known as the destination of all spirits, has become so corrupt..."

Li An whispered to himself, the underworld emperor was so talented back then, he entered the Tao with a corpse and came back from the dead, which can be called an unprecedented feat.

Then it is to establish the underworld and build the cycle of reincarnation. It can be seen that its grandeur and broad-mindedness are evident.

It's a pity that the current hell has already been occupied by a group of ancient supreme beings who only want to survive.

They occupy the underworld, want to imitate the emperor of the underworld, study the seal of reincarnation, and try the unique way of proving the way with a corpse, but none of them can succeed.

It seems that because of Li An's appearance, something seems to be gradually recovering in this decayed underworld.

The billowing black mist that had been calm for endless years suddenly began to billow silently.

On the dead stars shrouded in black mist, there are faint voices, as if someone is whispering on the stars.

The whispering voices were quite sparse at first, but gradually became more and more dense, as if countless people were whispering to each other.

Under the heavy black mist, it seems that there are strange creatures that can be vaguely seen. On the surface of each dead star, the five bodies are thrown to the ground, the limbs are twisted, and they shuttle back and forth in an unreasonable posture, which is extremely weird.

There seemed to be scary scarlet gazes, cast densely from above the dead stars, which made people feel chills down the spine involuntarily, and felt a shuddering feeling of being stared at by endless evil spirits.

The whispering voice is getting louder, and it seems to be getting closer, and there seems to be vague crying voices mixed in it, there are old and young, men and women, crying shrill, tearing The heart is cracked, and the scalp is numb.

"Send you to the real reincarnation."

Li An sighed softly, the lights in the underworld are really too dim, let's fill them up with light first, so that they can dance on the grave.

A golden light spread out from his body bit by bit, like the sun rising from the eastern horizon in the early morning, quickly becoming extremely dazzling.

Bright golden light.

Like a brilliant sun, reflecting the world.

It was as if a blazing sun rose from his body, and the dazzling golden color spread rapidly, covering almost half of the Netherland.

The golden qi and blood submerged half of the Netherland like a deep sea, and most of the ubiquitous black mist was instantly evaporated by the extremely fierce golden qi and blood.

Wisps of black mist seem to have life, fleeing frantically under this terrifying qi and blood that can reflect nearly forever, lest they can't avoid it.

Where the golden energy and blood passed, it was like a bright sun, and the cries that sounded like continuous cries and the whispers that made the teeth sore, turned into screams at this moment.

On the withered planets, a lot of dead energy was evaporated, and after there was no obstruction, the scene on the dead stars finally came into view at a glance.

It's just that kind of scene, which is enough to scare Da Neng out of his wits. If there is a patient with intensive phobia present, he might even be scared to death on the spot.

Without the cover of the dead energy, the surface of the black planets is surprisingly crowded with a group of densely packed strange-shaped creatures.

They are blood-red all over, with twisted limbs, crouching or lying on the surface of the planet, some can barely see the shape of a human being, and some can't see the shape at all, they are densely packed together, looking down from a high altitude, like extremely Blood red maggots crowded together.

These are evil spirits collected by the underworld, kept in captivity on the dead stars, and live off the extremely thick death energy in this underworld.

However, at this moment, the endless death energy was evaporated by Li An's energy and blood in an instant, and the bright sun passed by.

For this group of evil spirits, it was the most terrifying poison. Almost immediately after being swept away by this terrifying energy and blood, countless evil spirits let out extremely shrill screams.

In a short while, the evil spirits on the planets were completely dead.

The entire Netherland suddenly became much more empty, and even the ubiquitous breath of death seemed to be much cleaner all of a sudden.

It's just that in the few temples in the center of Netherland, there are still thick black mist still piling up, as thick as night.

At this moment, a deep, thunderous sound rumbled from the depths covered by the black mist. The black mist trembled, and the dead stars trembled.

Two blood-red eyes pierced through the black mist, like two blood-colored waterfalls, looking from afar.

Li An was calm and composed, not moving like a mountain, letting those two blood-red eyes fall on him far away.

"Who dares to break into the underworld!"

A deep and hoarse voice came from a palace in the underworld.

The aura between heaven and earth was suppressed, as if a terrifying existence was recovering.

"Hehe, didn't you guys want to bring the blood of the Holy Body into the underworld?"

Li An chuckled and looked directly at the two blood-red eyes, "Now I'm here."

"You are... Dacheng Holy Body!"

Those two blood-red eyes trembled all of a sudden, and even the voice that was originally as low as thunder became a little louder in an instant, shaking countless black mist to shatter.

The few nearby stars even exploded into powder in an instant, and the lifeless fragments flew around, and the countless evil spirits lurking in them were instantly dissipated, and the dead could not die anymore.

The black mist trembled, as if something was about to come out of the temple in the black mist.

The next moment, a big blood-red hand tore through the thick black mist.

A figure like a giant stepped forward and stood in this dead universe.

This figure is so huge that even the stars around it seem extremely small compared to it.

He was wearing some tattered battle armor, his eyes were as scarlet as a beast, and he exuded a decaying smell, like an old man who had half a foot in a coffin.

However, the aura on his body is extremely powerful, a wisp of it is enough to crush the stars, and the opening and closing of the eyes is enough to destroy the galaxy.

This is indeed a supreme being, one of the terrifying supreme beings guarding the underworld today!

"Back then I participated in the dark turmoil, and a Dacheng Eucharist was born, and I tried to stop it beyond my control."

The figure looked Li An up and down, as if talking to himself, and said unhurriedly: "The strength of the Dacheng Holy Physique is indeed not weak, and he can barely fight with us, but it is a pity that he cannot become enlightened after all. Only fight to the death."

Li An sneered and didn't speak.

The voice of the giant-like figure was hoarse, as if his body was rotten: "The blood of a great holy body can help people live longer. If I drink all the blood in a great holy body, although it can't help me live a third life, But prolonging life for a hundred years must still be possible.

Today, since you took the initiative to deliver it to your door, then stay!
I am the supreme being of the underworld, named Yan Luo! "



Li An sneered when he heard the name.

Sure enough, in this time period, the Supreme Being of the Underworld, who had already died in the original plot, has not died, and is still lingering on his last breath.

Maybe when Li An came over in a while, the underworld supreme being in front of him would already be lying on his own.

"Just because of you, want to drink my blood?"

But after listening to the words of the Underworld Supreme Being named Yan Luo, Li An just laughed.

The tree is on the verge of rotten wood, half of one foot has already stepped into the loess, the Dao foundation is about to collapse, and dare to speak wild words?

The rotten aura of this underworld supreme named Yan Luo is too strong, and the extremely strong death aura spreads all over his body. It is obvious that even if this supreme slays himself and hides in the underworld, he is still about to die soon , Shouyuan will be exhausted, and the road to immortality will not appear.

"Hehe, back then I slashed myself and hid in this dungeon, lingering on my last breath. I have survived to this day. I wanted to wait for the road to immortality to appear, but unfortunately, after all my calculations, I still made some mistakes. The road to immortality will appear soon. But my lifespan will be exhausted."

Hearing this, Yan Luo laughed loudly, his laughter was like thunder, but there was not much regret and unwillingness, but a little excitement: "If you don't come, it won't be long before I will sit silently In this underworld.

Now that a Dacheng holy body is sent to my door, isn't it that God wants to help me prolong my life and fight for the road to immortality! "

If it is possible to drink all the precious blood of a Dacheng Holy Body and help a supreme being prolong his life for a hundred years, it will be a piece of cake.

If he can extend his life by a hundred years, he can wait until the road to immortality appears, and he will have the capital to fight for it!
"You are really confident."

Li An's face was weird, looking at the Underworld Supreme in front of him, he felt that his head was broken.

Although he has never shown his great emperor's dao fruit, even if he is only a great holy body, he is still at the peak of his age, and it is not too easy to beat you to be old, weak, sick and disabled.

Pu Xinnan, really down!
"So what if you are a great holy body? You haven't reached the Tao, and you haven't touched our domain after all."

Yan Luo shook his head, and his voice was quite calm: "Although I have been slashing myself for so many years, I have not dared to waste my life to achieve the ultimate sublimation, but now that I have a short lifespan, I have no scruples, so what if you are at your peak?"

"Oh, unenlightened?"

Li An smiled without saying a word, despising the IQ of this underworld supreme being.

A strategist like him... who is not enlightened and still doesn't know how to develop silently there, how can he come to the dungeon of the nightmare level of the underworld alone.

Only when Liushen is alive, will he be persuaded to leave Xinshou Village.

"Let the prison emperor come together!"

Li An looked at the Underworld Supreme Exuding a decadent aura in front of him, he shook his head and said.

For him now, a Supreme is really not enough to fight, and he is a bit uninterested.

"Do you need me to take action?"

From the temple in the black mist, there was a low voice at this moment.

"Do you even think I'm old? I'm just an unenlightened person!"

Yan Luo's eyes were blood red, and he shouted loudly, the whole Netherworld trembled with his shout, "If you don't kill him today, I will die here!"

He was about to collapse. If he couldn't kill Li An to replenish his blood, he would definitely die after a big battle.

"Gun here!"

He looked up to the sky and let out a battle roar, the former godless person suddenly clenched his palm, the underworld trembled, a huge star suddenly shattered, a pitch-black spear fell out, came through the sky by itself, and fell into the sky. in the palm of your hand.

The whole body of the spear was pitch black, only the tip of the spear was scarlet, as if it had drunk the blood of countless living beings, and a shocking aura of tyranny emerged from the spear.

With the spear in hand, Yan Luo, who was originally like a rotting corpse, changed his aura. A boundless murderous aura spread from his body, as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged from behind him.

"Those who come to my underworld are only the dead, not the living."

Yan Luo roared, and the spear in his hand swept across the sky, and the blood spread all over the sky. It seemed that there was a shocking bloody aura emerging from the spear. The bones were piled up into mountains, and the blood merged into rivers, like a purgatory on earth.

This frightening picture is changing from fiction to reality, it seems to reverse the reality, blur the boundary between fantasy and reality, and turn the hell, which is already a calamity, into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Yan Luo was originally a fierce emperor, and his road to enlightenment was a road of unscrupulous killing. Anyone who could shake his heart to become enlightened would be killed with a single shot.

Parent and child, kill!

Parents, kill!

Best friend, kill!

Enemy, kill!

His way is the way of killing, cutting off all cause and effect, only seeking endless killing, proving the way with cold-blooded and merciless killing, when he became enlightened, all people or things related to him have already died under his gun , no one was spared.

Yan Luo is worthy of his name.

After being dormant for thousands of years, the current supreme ruler of the underworld wants to show off his former invincible prestige before his death.

Seeing Yan Luo who didn't listen to persuasion, Li An sighed.

You two, it's really not shameful to hit me, why do you have to single out!
Does it have to be personal heroism?
Isn't it good to beat him up in groups?How about some intrigue!
Although he really wanted to teach his philosophy of survival to the underworld supreme being who was about to die, but seeing Yan Luo who had already killed him, Li An raised his hand helplessly.

Regarding the sad and insane things like bullying the elderly, he is...


(End of this chapter)

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