Chapter 174 Invite Senior Li to take action!
It was a majestic figure, swallowing mountains and rivers with arrogance, arrogantly looking down on the vast universe, with divine power so overwhelming that the nine heavens and ten earths trembled!
His whole body was glowing, and his aura was overwhelming, flooding the entire world.

"This is?"

The monks present, no matter they were ancient or human, were all shocked when they saw the huge phantom emerging from Ye Fan's back.

Even the ancient ancestor kings who were watching the battle from afar in the sky were slightly moved.

"This is the phantom of a great emperor!"

Soon, human monks recognized the origin of this phantom, the aura was beyond doubt, and it belonged to the ancient emperor, but they were a little confused and couldn't tell whether this emperor was the one in history.

"Emperor Eucharist, it's him!"

Only some monks in the crowd who witnessed Ye Fan breaking the four-pole curse nearly 20 years ago were all excited at this moment.

"Emperor Eucharist?!"

Some ancient monks who didn't know why were all in a daze.


The terrifying knife light that had been slashing on Ye Fan's body instantly shattered inch by inch and disappeared into the void.

"There is still a missing link, and it can't really take shape..."

Feeling the phantom of the stalwart behind him, Ye Fan sighed in his heart.

As early as many years ago, after he got the inheritance of the prototype of the Tao character, he felt that it might be able to be combined with the inheritance of the Li character to become a more terrifying taboo emperor technique.

After so many years of research, he also truly combined the two imperial arts of Dao and Li and displayed them.

Then, to his surprise, he was able to condense the phantom belonging to the Holy Physique Emperor, which was quite terrifying.

It's just that the phantom, with a blurred face, is quite unstable, and it is extremely easy to collapse, but it is also extremely terrifying.

I think there is still one word missing, so it is difficult to truly condense.

"But it's enough, let you see how powerful the Holy Body Emperor is."

Ye Fan was indifferent, and a layer of divine brilliance shrouded his body, as if the emperor of heaven was awakening, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and his hair was shining brightly.

"Emperor Eucharist?"

The divine light in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven flowed, as if it could tear the soul, but there was also surprise, but soon he sneered.

"No matter what kind of emperor it is, it is all vulnerable to my father."

At the next moment, the emperor suddenly let out a long whistle.

A blazing nine-color divine light erupted from his body, the crystal was extremely bright, and it turned into nine beams of light soaring into the sky, emitting terrifying Taoist fluctuations!

In the end, the nine-color divine light above his head turned into an equally tall phantom, as if it was a god that all living beings would worship, with incomparable majesty.


At this moment, the supreme aura of the Taikoo Emperor permeated the air, as if he had come across time and space since ancient times, and ruled the land again!
Immortal Emperor!

Everyone was terrified, there was a terrifying power circulating, and a ray of imperial prestige reappeared in the world.

Many people worshiped on the spot.


The phantoms of the two stalwarts manifested on this ancient battlefield, facing each other across the sea.

It was as if two ancient emperors who had never met each other were fighting a battle in time and space.

Everyone changed color, this was no ordinary duel.

The taboo technique of the ancient emperor, and the ultimate method of the ancient emperor, this time they will compete, compare the two, and in the ultimate confrontation, who is better?

The Emperor of Heaven roared angrily, and the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand slashed out. The terrifying light of the sword pointed directly at Ye Fan, and the phantom of the Immortal Emperor above his head also moved, and a huge Heavenly Sword appeared in his hand, and fell down lightly. .

The sky was cut open, and a deep gully appeared in the void, flowing with terrifying destructive power, trying to annihilate Ye Fan in this terrifying void gully.

Ye Fan's face was calm, and his whole body was shining with golden light, as if he was releasing endless potential, which exploded at this moment.

His big hand was shining like jade, crystal clear, flowing with an inexplicable luster, and he slapped the emperor on the head.

At the same time, that stalwart phantom also stretched out a big hand and collapsed.

The breath of Tao pervades, tearing everything apart.

The next moment, the sky knife collided with the big hand, and a dazzling light erupted, as if the universe was exploding.

All the monks, including the patriarchs, held their breath and fixed their eyes on the center of the battlefield.

This is equivalent to an alternative confrontation between the ancient emperor and the great emperor, which has unimaginable significance.


Countless brilliant and magnificent divine lights shot out from the Heavenly Knife, forming one piece, and the terrifying power swept across the nine heavens and ten earths, as if to make this heaven and earth exhausted, and all life dried up and plunged into decay!
The next moment, he slashed at the phantom of the Saint Physique Emperor behind Ye Fan, instantly shattering the phantom that was already looming and disappearing into the world.

But before the ancient cultivator breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a big hand collapse on the phantom of the emperor, directly shattering it, and turning it into a nine-colored divine light again.

Could it be such a result?
But before he could recover from the scene that was just like the confrontation between the ancient emperor and the great emperor, a scream sounded in the center of the battlefield at this moment.

All the monks were startled and turned their heads to look.


Shocking collisions continued to occur, the emperor was coughing up blood, his face was extremely pale, his whole body was cracking, he stumbled and was about to lose his footing.


A Tao word appeared in the void, as if it contained the sun, moon, stars, and the prehistoric universe, and its breath suppressed the nine heavens and ten earths.

Ye Fan didn't give him a chance at all, and turned into the prototype of the word Dao with a human head and a snake body, and hit a blow that dominated the world, intending to end the emperor.

"If I die, you don't even want to live!" The emperor vomited blood, his breath was extremely weak, but he threatened with words.


A bloody light flashed across him, and he was rushed by Ye Fan, his whole body was pierced, and even his soul was cut in half.

"Ah..." He yelled shrilly, extremely terrified.

"You can't kill me!" He trembled, full of unwillingness and despair.

But the next moment, a fist fell.


The blood rained down, the body of the emperor was shattered inch by inch, and disappeared from the world, even the primordial spirit was turned into ashes.

The emperor actually...


Everyone was horrified, and they all gasped, feeling incredible.

It can be described as earth-shattering, it happened so suddenly.

The Immortal Emperor, crowned the past and the present, the only one in the nine heavens and ten lands, invincible in the past and the present, the only blood he left was defeated like this?
The ancient monks were all dumbfounded.

Didn't you agree to avenge your shame?
Now it is completely nailed to the pillar of shame.

Even the ancestor kings who watched the battle silently on the sky were in a daze for a while, how could they die so quickly?

The death is too fast, beyond their imagination.

No one thought that the blood of the Immortal Emperor would die so easily, and there was no chance for them to rescue them.


A blood-red spear was projected, and a red lotus bloomed, pointing directly at Ye Fan in the center of the battlefield, trying to nail him to the ground.

However, Ye Fan's sense of spirit was keen, and he had already figured it out. He took the blood-red spear with his bare hands, and then projected it back, crucifying an ancient tribe outside the battlefield.

"What are you still doing in a daze, cut off the human holy body, and avenge the emperor." After a speechless silence, an ancient clan shouted, looking at Ye Fan in the center of the battlefield with extreme hatred.

"That's right, the human sacrament killed the heir of a god. This is a serious crime that cannot be forgiven. Let's kill him together." Some people echoed and encouraged secretly.

Soon, the eyes of the ancient tribes outside the entire battlefield showed faint killing intent, and they locked Ye Fan firmly, as if they were going to attack in groups in the next moment.

"I will fight with the emperor, life and death, what do you mean?"

Ye Fan was indifferent, with his eyebrows coldly pointing fingers.

When beheading the emperor, he had already expected the consequences.

The Immortal Emperor is revered among all races, surpassing the ancient emperors of all dynasties, and is a god-like figure in their hearts.

And its only bloodline, the emperor, naturally has extraordinary meaning to them.

Although he was defeated by a little girl of the human race many years ago, he lost his face, and was considered unbearable by many ancient tribes, like a tiger father and dog son.

But even if he was unbearable, after all, he was the heir of the Immortal Emperor, the god in their hearts, and now he died here.

What face do they have to meet the emperor after death?

Only by killing the culprit!
"kill him!"

A voice full of killing intent shook the entire battlefield, and several ancient monks screamed and rushed towards Ye Fan in the center of the battlefield.

All of them have a terrifying aura, and their eyes are full of breathtaking light, and they are all the kings of the three immortals.

At this time, Qiqi shot at Ye Fan and wanted to kill him.

The rain of blood was flying, and the few ancient cultivators who were aggressive just now had a blood hole between their eyebrows, and after a scream, their entire bodies exploded.

"Who else? Let's all go together!"

Ye Fan sneered coldly, his eyes were shining brightly, he squeezed his blood-dripping fist, and stared at the ancient monks present.

And after the kings who were the three immortals who slashed the way took the lead, the monks of the ancient tribe who were going to besiege and kill Ye Fan all had cold sweat on their foreheads, and they only felt a shudder running down their backs.

The mind that was originally dazzled by anger now recalled Ye Fan's terrifying fighting power, and even the emperor who had successfully cut Dao was torn to pieces by him.

Who can fight him?
"The human sacrament dared to kill the only blood of the gods. It is heinous. Please take action."

"Also ask the ancestor king to take action and kill Ye Fan!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, some monks of the ancient clan immediately used their racial skills and directly asked for help from the ancestor kings of various clans in the sky.

I am afraid that only the ancestor king can really kill Ye Fan.

Dark clouds rolled over the sky, and the twelve ancestor kings stood in the void like demon gods, swallowing the sun and the moon.

Their cold eyes fell on Ye Fan's body, as if they were thinking about whether to make a move.

At this moment, the world seemed to freeze.

All the monks held their breath, feeling extremely apprehensive, silently looking at the terrifying ancestor kings in the sky.

Half a year ago, at the Fair of the Yaochi, the rules of the world without saints had been laid down, allowing the races and all races to live in peace.

If these ancestor kings forcefully attack Ye Fan now, then the rules will be broken.

Once the rules are broken, it will inevitably cause an unimaginable turmoil, and the previous agreement between the human race and the ten thousand race will be invalidated.

In the end, a ruthless word fell down, shaking mountains and ravines, resounding through the earth.

"Dare to kill the only blood of the gods, ten thousand deaths are hard to atone for, there is no reason to survive, use your humble life to pay for it!"

A big hand protruded from the void, covering the sky, and was about to grab Ye Fan.

"Do you want to disregard the rules set by the Yaochi Grand Meeting and start a war with our human race?"

Ye Fan looked at Gao Tian, ​​even if he faced the ancestor king directly at this moment, his face remained unchanged, and he yelled loudly.

"Go to war?"

An ancestor king in the sky said indifferently, "Your mere servant from the ages ago of the human race dares to devour the master now, even beheading the heirs of the emperor, so what's the point of going to war!"

As if recalling something, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he sneered at the turbulent human monks on the battlefield: "Maybe you are still counting on the so-called great emperor of your human race, but now we have already learned some truths."

Before the decisive battle with Ye Fan, the Emperor of Heaven visited their top ten most powerful royal families, and wanted to unite them as the foundation of his struggle for supremacy in this world.

Although the emperor's son is the only bloodline of the immortal emperor, it is unrealistic to get the ten strongest ancient royal families to support him with just a few words.

But the emperor brought a piece of news, which made them change their minds when they were hesitant.

According to what the emperor said, he recently asked the master of celestial secrets to conduct a deduction with a quasi-emperor tortoise shell left by the emperor, in order to find out whether there is a great emperor in this world.

However, the result shown by the hexagram is extremely confusing, but it points out one thing.

There is no real emperor in this world, even if there is a possibility, it should be limited by some rules, and it is difficult to really do whatever you want.

Originally, they were skeptical about this news, but the emperor swore directly in the name of the emperor, which made some of their original doubts come to naught.

In the end, the emperor's son even proposed to tear up the Yaochi agreement, and declare war on the human race in an all-round way, and take back this piece of world that belongs to them.

Originally, the top ten strongest royal families were dissatisfied with the Yaochi agreement, and they were full of anger. If it weren't for the possible existence of the emperor, they would have torn up the agreement long ago.

Now that there is this news brought by the emperor, naturally he will not swallow his anger.

After making an agreement with the emperor, after he defeated the enemy after the decisive battle with Ye Fan, they threatened the situation and oppressed them, and declared war on the human race.

But the emperor's plan was well planned, every step was planned to the extreme, and he even thought about the title of becoming a queen in the future, but he didn't expect that he just took the first step in the vast battle of his life...

He himself was beheaded?

But whether he died or not, the plan was faithfully carried out by the ancestors of the ten strongest royal families.

And the effect is even better, and it is even more famous as a teacher. Anyone who comes will say no.

The emperor's self-sacrifice to light up others is really a show!

Several big hands protruded from the sky, and they all pressed down on Ye Fan, with boundless terror and a terrifying aura.

A hair of a saint can cut thousands of troops, a drop of blood can crush mountains.

Not to mention that now that one hand is pressed down, even the king of Xiansan Dao Slasher has no chance of being spared, let alone Ye Fan has never really set foot in the field of Dao Slashing.

No one is spared, no matter how against the sky, it is difficult for people to cross so many realms to fight, and there is only one dead end.

All the human monks present were terrified, as if they had foreseen that Ye Fan, the holy body, would die in the next moment, and the upcoming great turmoil between the human race and the ten thousand races.

"Also ask Senior Li to make a move!"

Just when he was about to be hit, Ye Fan shouted loudly and bowed to the void.

And in the void there, a black-robed figure emerged, he...

Always looking down at the whole world.

 Try to get through this plot as quickly as possible, and this super-beautiful simulator-type novel, go read it now while there are fewer readers!
(End of this chapter)

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