Covering the sky: I became emperor and returned to Earth to be a security guard

Chapter 224 Don't Believe Even One Punctuation Mark

Chapter 224 Don't Believe Even A Punctuation Mark
After bidding farewell to Li An and parking his beloved little Mercedes-Benz at Mount Tai, Ye Fan found the Black Emperor without stopping.

Get ready for a trip that says we'll go.

This time he did not set foot on the Starry Sky Road alone, besides the big black dog, he also accompanied several of his registered disciples, the little monk Huahua, and that...

God knight of the Vatican.

He looked like he was in his 50s. His long golden hair was thick, but it was a bit dull. His complexion was fair, like pure white jade, with sharp edges and corners, as if cut by a knife.

Holding a dragon gun in one hand, with a piercing killing intent on his body, it makes all living beings tremble, as if facing a god from ancient times.

This is a god-killing existence, who once beheaded the gods in the ancient past, and is the only god knight in the West since ancient times!

Known as the number one powerhouse in the entire western starry sky!
Ye Fan, who has fought against him, knows that he is worthy of the name. On the earth where the practice environment is difficult, without the help of faith to practice, he is only one step away from becoming a saint.

It's hard to imagine that if you were born in Beidou, you might have inestimable potential, but at least you can become a saint.

Therefore, Ye Fan took the initiative to invite him to step on the road to the starry sky this time.

After collecting the deluxe version of the Western Paradise Learning Team, they did not leave directly, but carried out a big sweep in the city, and they were not satisfied until they filled up the space artifacts.

"Boy Ye, where do we enter the starry sky?" The big black dog asked.


"Hangu Pass."

Ye Fan thought for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth.

In the past, in the ancient books given to him by Ang Li, it was recorded that Hangu Pass was an ancient road in the starry sky, but at that time he scoffed and didn't believe it at all.

However, up to now, many records that were considered absurd have actually come true.

He really didn't know what to say.

Hangu Pass is famous in ancient and modern times, and it is the most prestigious fortress in ancient China. Because it is closed in the valley, it is as deep and dangerous as a letter, so it is called Hangu Pass.

In the past, war horses neighed and corpses littered the field. It was once an ultimate battlefield where one man guarded the gate and ten thousand men could not open it.

At that time, the Allied Forces of the Six Nations knocked on the pass, but in the end they ended up "bleeding and drifting away, with millions of dead bodies." What Qin relied on was Hangu Pass.

And for monks, this place has a very special status. Lao Tzu rode a bull to the west, and the purple air came from the east, covering thirty thousand miles, and finally left Hangu Pass in the west, leaving behind many fairy secrets.

For thousands of years, many Taoists and Taoists at home and abroad have come here to worship their ancestors, and it has become the most important place for Taoism!
Hangu Pass is located in Wangduo Village, [-] kilometers north of Lingbao City, Hen Province today. Ye Fan, God Knight, Big Black Dog, Komatsu, Little Monk Huahua and a group of people came here.

When the time for parting came, Xiao Song burst into tears, clutching a corner of Ye Fan's shirt and refused to let go, weeping and begging, to go on the road with him.

"Xiao Song, let's go back."

Ye Fan patted its head and comforted it.

This time he set foot on the ancient starry sky road, he did not intend to take Xiaosong with him, hoping that it could find its own way on the earth.

Today's Beidou is definitely a place of right and wrong, if there is no old friend there, it is difficult to let go, Ye Fan will not rush there at this time no matter what.

Although now Beidou has senior Li Daoqing sitting in charge of the human race, he has subdued the ancient people and calmed the whole world.

But Ye Fan felt that this peace was only temporary, and he had a premonition that the storm was about to come.

Why did the ancient and myriad clans come back collectively in this life, and why were some powerful ancient princes sealed into this life?
All of these are waiting for an opportunity - the opening of the road to immortality.

Throughout the ages, one great emperor after another has rushed to the Beidou ancient star field, leaving indelible traces all of them. The elixir of many star fields has gathered there. The "cause" has been planted, and the "fruit" will bear fruit in this life!

To become an immortal has an irresistible temptation to cut the way in this world, break the shackles of this world, and enter the fairyland!
Many outstanding people are waiting, all for this life.

If one day the road to immortality is opened, I am afraid that even senior Li Daoqing can only take care of himself and cannot protect everyone.

After all, it was an event in which many ancient emperors and great emperors planned for eternity, and no one could predict it.

The earth is relatively peaceful, and Komatsu has extraordinary talent, but he has a pure heart, not suitable for competing with others, but suitable for meditation.

It is not a pity that there is no ancient prince to oppress, no unpredictable strong man looks down, and no emperor waits for a battle. On the contrary, it is fortunate for Xiaosong.

But Xiaosong's big purple eyes were red, and tears rolled down, begging him more than once to take it away with him, sobbing softly.

Ye Fan couldn't bear it either, his heart was sour, parting was always helpless, but the other side of the starry sky made him unable to let go, and there was also concern on this side.

"There will be a day when we meet each other. As long as you can become a saint, you can cross the star field and find me among the seven ancient stars." Ye Fan smiled and pointed to the Big Dipper in the sky.

"Really?" Xiao Song said with a childish voice, sobbing.

"That's right, as long as you have the heart, you can do it." Ye Fan looked up at the starry sky.

But he sighed silently in his heart.

"Don't know if it's decades or hundreds of years..."

After sending Xiaosong back, Ye Fan and his party went on the road again.

The ancient city of Hangu Pass in the mortal world has long since disappeared, and it took half a year with Ye Fan's supernatural powers to get through an ancient road and enter a world surrounded by ancient magic circles.

Ahead, there was a band of black mist, ghostly aura, corpses everywhere, will-o'-the-wisps everywhere, there was no brilliance in the world, it was extremely dim.

This is an ancient battlefield, with ghosts crying and gods howling, and I don't know how many ghosts haunt this place, all of them are the souls of soldiers who died in battle in the past!
And there is a valley at the end of the horizon, where stands a huge city, which is the Hangu Pass in the practice world, which has been famous since ancient times!

"According to legend, when you pass through the Hangu Pass and open the west gate, there is an endless starry sky. Yin Xi was in charge of guarding this place back then. I don't know if there are still saints guarding it now." Ye Fan said to himself.

"Who dares to break through Hangu Pass?" This is an ancient great demon, with blood like a sea of ​​blood and monstrous mana, guarding in front of the pass.

"I've thought about Hangu." Ye Fan stepped forward and said he wanted to pass by.

"I was ordered by Guan Yinzi to guard this pass. If you want to pass, you must speak with your strength."

This big monster is full of demonic energy, bright eyes, strong body, jade-like skin, very strange.

It is very powerful. It was originally a Dao Slayer. After the great changes in the world and the environment, its strength is only one step away from the saint.

But in the end, facing Ye Fan and his party, they were no opponents after all.

It can only be avoided.


The magnificent city gate was opened, and the ancient city was desolate and silent. The streets seemed to have not been moved for thousands of years.

Ye Fan and the others entered the city and entered this extremely mysterious frontier from ancient times to the present. It belongs to the world of practice and is a fortress leading to the outside world.

In the past, this place was very prosperous, and many monks practiced here, and even a great saint like Guan Yinzi personally guarded it. It was really famous through the ages.

Soon after, they came to the center of Hangu Pass, where a lifelike statue was enshrined. An old man with white hair and youthful face sat on a green bull, transcending the world.

And next to him was a middle-aged man with a sense of demeanor, standing with his hands down, and accompanied him respectfully.

Ye Fan was in a daze, that was Lao Tzu, he had seen his orthodoxy in Ziwei Ancient Starfield.

After looking up for a while, they didn't stay there for long, and left this lifeless ancient land directly.

The huge west city gate was opened.

The next moment, a bright starry sky appeared in front of their eyes.

Everyone gasped, all this was too magical, behind was a piece of solid land and an ancient city, but in front of them was already a vast starry sky.

The starlight is shining, brilliant and boundless, like a beautiful picture scroll, those stars seem to be within reach, the galaxy is flowing, and the star power is falling down, peaceful and holy.

And not far away, a five-color altar appeared, with a radius of several meters, not very large, and the stone body shone with crystal luster of various colors.

"Farewell, Earth!"

Ye Fan whispered that he was about to set foot on the sea of ​​stars.

In the end, he looked back, and many things appeared in his eyes, including the school he used to live in, the city he lived in, the noisy streets, and Mount Tai...

"Wow~ I, the Black Emperor, will definitely come back again."

The big black dog also let out a wolf howl like a dog, and its eyes looked at the distant starry sky, which belonged to Yinghuo's position.

It has been obsessed with the Great Emperor's formation pattern all these years, and suspects that it contains the inheritance of the ancient Great Emperor, and may even be the origin left behind by the Great Emperor after his death.

Otherwise, even the great emperor would not be able to spend time and effort setting up an imperial formation to protect it.


Really full and nothing to do.

Without waiting for the Black Emperor to continue howling, Ye Fan directly dragged its tail onto the altar.

The brilliance flickered there, and a Bagua gate appeared, and various symbols flickered on and off, and finally blazed slowly.


With a flash of light, the eight trigrams gate on the five-color altar bloomed with eternal brilliance. The eight trigrams symbols on it were cast like metal, trembling in unison, and then flashed thousands of times before penetrating the way forward.

Then, the whole altar darkened in an instant, and the Baguamen disappeared together with several people.

They embarked on a journey, entered the boundless starry sky, and the mysterious unknown waited ahead.

Going to the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles, to the other shore, the journey is long and full of unknowns.

In the darkness, Ye Fan's body glowed with infinite light, covering the little monk Huahua, because there is no air here, he cannot breathe, and can only rely on divine power.

"What does the Big Dipper Starfield look like? Can you really see saints of other races?"

"Why did the road to immortality choose to open there? Why are the ancient emperors concentrated on one ancient star? What will we encounter when we go there?"


On this star road, the passage of time is very chaotic, sometimes it is so long that people will go crazy, as if it has stopped, but after a while, it feels unbelievably fast, as if thousands of years have passed in a hurry.

If they hadn't been communicating with each other with their spiritual consciousness, it would have been an incomparably silent journey, without any sound, except for the occasional flash of light, brilliant like fireworks.

"Hey, it's here!"

I don't know how long it has passed, the stars ahead are shining brightly, and they have come to the end of this star road, making the darkness and nothingness seem more substantial and more colorful.

Violent vibrations, space distortion, mottled ancient roads, and flashes of various colors, they reached the first stop and fell out of the void.

Among these people, only Ye Fan was quite experienced, every pore of his body was radiant and full of auspiciousness, he used a tripod to envelop them all, just in case.


There was a soft sound, and the ancient starry road behind them disappeared, and they appeared on a desolate star. At first glance, it was lifeless, the air was thin, and there was no life.

"What is this place?" They looked up at the starry sky, and then looked around.

There is no moon in the sky, but the galaxy is shining brightly, shedding a large area of ​​pure white light. This star seems to be very close to all the big stars, and it seems that it can reach the other side by jumping up.

It is difficult to discern star positions, because even the same galaxy can be seen very differently from different planets.

Walking on this ancient planet, they encountered some ants-like creatures, who were regarded as foreign enemies and wanted to strangle them.

But there was no danger, after a fight, they quickly got rid of these creatures.

In the end, Ye Fan and his party turned left and circled, entered a hidden magic circle, and found the five-color altar.

But when they were about to embark on the journey again, Ye Fan told them to wait for now.

Because he is going to cross the catastrophe!
"Uncle Li, Uncle Li, I hope you don't lie to me this time, otherwise I won't believe even a single punctuation mark in every word you say in the future."

Ye Fan sat cross-legged on the ground, with a hesitant expression on his face, but knowing that he couldn't delay any longer, he finally made up his mind and looked at the sky.

he wants……

Reverse cut the road!

(End of this chapter)

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