Chapter 25 The Great Emperor
Hua Yunfei maintained a stiff flattering smile on his face, walking on thin ice in front of Li An.

But the next moment, Li An's second sentence made Hua Yunfei tremble uncontrollably.

"It was the people from the Holy Land of Shaking Light who asked you to come and worship me as your teacher. You must have secretly learned all the secrets."

Li An said softly, trying to keep his tone as gentle as possible.

But the lethality of this sentence is still too great.

After hearing these words, the flattering smile on Hua Yunfei's clear and refined face gradually froze, and extreme fear appeared in his eyes like mirrors reflecting the moon.

His mind was blank, and he was stunned by Li An's sudden sentence.

When Hua Yunfei came back to his senses from the panic, he saw Li An's half-smile expression.


Hua Yunfei opened his mouth with difficulty, wanting to say no.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't say those two words.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and the tears were steaming in the mist, as if they might fall down at any time.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at Li An again.

Like a child who has made a mistake, helpless as if at a loss.

Poor and weak.

He didn't dare to speak out about that terrifying guardian, even mentioning it.

When that terrifying dao protector came to him that day, he had warned implicitly in his words that if something leaked out, the entire Taixuan Sect could only be erased from the land of the Eastern Desolation.

Not only him, Xingfeng, who gave birth to him and raised him, will also encounter disaster.

This is a trick against him, and it is an unbearable pain for the young Hua Yunfei.

He is really kind, he doesn't want the familiar Taixuan to be robbed, kneeling in front of Li An's palace for several days and nights, he doesn't really want to steal the secret of all words, but just wants Taixuan to be at peace, No more bloodshed.

Seeing Hua Yunfei's silence in front of him, as if he might cry at any time, Li An couldn't help but want to say, it's not a sin to cry.

But he still held back and saw what Hua Yunfei was thinking in his heart.

Li An couldn't help being entangled with Hua Yunfei, he was such a poor and innocent child.

Think about Ye Fan, that bear boy on earth, compared with the sensible little Hua Yunfei in front of him, even dogs would despise him.

"You don't need to answer, I know everything."

Seeing that the young Hua Yunfei was really about to cry, Li An spoke.

He doesn't care about the inheritance of the ruthless emperor and the protectors.

For him, it's all chicken and dog.

If you really messed with him, just slap him to death.

Even if he has an extremely complicated relationship with the Ruthless Emperor, he has no scruples.

He was originally a ruthless emperor, just a whetstone left for Ye Fan.

Even if he went to slap the Holy Land of Waving Light and slap it into small biscuits right now, he would have no fear.

He didn't think that the Emperor Ruthless would fight him for these things.

What is a great emperor?

Suppress the world, kill the universe, the strongest characters in every era.

A mere holy place is so small in the starry sky of the universe, it would be troublesome to do anything to them.

It's just an ant-like existence, would you drown it in a piss while you're idle?

And the Great Emperor of the Human Race, will he kill the Great Emperor of the Human Race?
Perhaps in ancient times, people who proved the Tao and became the ancient Tianzun would be able to, but after being crowned with the word "Great Emperor", then they are no longer an ordinary enlightened person.

It's an emperor who can sacrifice his life for the human race. Thinking back to whoever was crowned the emperor of the human race in ancient and modern times, which one didn't shed blood and died for the human race?
Emperor Void, Emperor Hengyu, Emperor Wushi, Emperor Amitabha, Emperor Daoyan...

A great emperor, perhaps before becoming enlightened, had fought against the arrogant figures of the same race, and even stained the blood of many of the human race's own people, but after becoming enlightened, they all stood up and transformed the human race from the blood of thousands of races in ancient times. In the dark and turbulent era, he went shopping with the supreme beings in the restricted area, and shed the last drop of emperor's blood.

Great Emperor, not a realm!
This is a symbol of the human race, the pride and legend of the human race.

It's not just a random enlightened person who can be named the emperor of the human race.

Therefore, he did not believe that the ruthless emperor would attack him because of a holy place.

He would rather believe in the ruthless emperor, because he made Xiao Yezi wet the bed every now and then, and shot himself.


"You don't have to answer me now, I believe you will take the initiative to tell me in the future."

"Come with me now, you will live in this palace from now on."

Hearing Li An's words, Hua Yunfei's tears that were about to shed were still in the sockets of his eyes.

The heart of the young Hua Yunfei couldn't help trembling, a question lingered in his mind.

He clearly knew that he was here to steal the secrets of Zhuofeng's inheritance, but he was still allowed to stay.

Instead of torturing himself and getting information about the mastermind behind the scenes from him, he arranged for him to be by his side.

Treat him kindly, without any coercion.

He didn't seem to care about his reason for coming, even though he came here with the secret of stealing all characters, but in the eyes of this person in front of him, he saw that he treated everyone equally.

There is no difference from ordinary disciples of other Clumsy Peaks, and they will not treat injustice.

Why exactly?
The young Hua Yunfei didn't know how to understand Li An's behavior and attitude towards himself, but for some reason, there was a strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling, like...

Just like Xingfeng who gave birth to him and raised him, it is warm!

A little sad, a little tear.

(End of this chapter)

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