Chapter 260

The upper realm is known as the Three Thousand Daozhou.

Vast and boundless, the vastness knows no end, endless races, and hundreds of millions of creatures live in this world.

Some ancient religions have been passed down for a long time, dating back to the Kaitian era.

In comparison, the Eight Regions are nothing more than a cage for the sacrifices of the predecessors, a place where criminals are held.

Much is missing.

Even in the starry sky above Cangyu, only a few sparse stars are true.

More are condensed by the ancient supreme with mana, and most of them are the projection of the galaxy in the upper realm.

Therefore, anyone in the upper realm can look down on the lower realm from above, regard it as their own medicine field, and even pick it every once in a while.

Give and take.

But on this day, the guards guarding the passage between the two realms were horrified to find that the passage to the lower realm had been penetrated.

A faint ray of white light rushed out of the passage from bottom to top.


With a loud bang, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the light blazed brightly, illuminating the entire pitch-black upper realm like daylight.

Afterwards, countless sword glows soared into the sky, distorting the heaven and earth, obliterating the rules, and tearing apart the entire starry sky in the upper realm, overflowing with chaotic energy.

"What happened, why did a white light burst from the ground, and even the sky split open!"

The monks in the upper realm were startled, even the heads of some ancient religions were shocked, and they looked up at the sky, showing a look of shock.

I don't know where the divine light came from, it shocks the world.


At the same time, the Bold Mountain in the Upper Realm, the Western Sect, and the Butian Sect have existed for an unknown number of years. In the Unsurpassed Great Sect, the ancient palaces were reduced to ruins, and some figures shrouded in chaos staggered backwards, coughing blood in their mouths.


The elders and disciples in the church all rushed over, and they were all horrified when they saw their leader in a mess in the ruins.

His chest was stained with blood, his breath was all sluggish, and he was almost on the verge of death.

This is their leader, who is one of the most powerful people in the three thousand states, looking down at the world and overlooking all living beings.

But now, with such a serious injury, what happened?



The world was silent, and even time and space seemed to freeze.

Only a stalk of green grass that is about to drip slowly falls in the air, becoming an eternal picture.

Everyone's faces were dazed, as if they hadn't reacted yet, and were still shocked by the fact that a supremely powerful man descended from the upper world.

It wasn't until the sky and the earth trembled, and the three radiant figures appeared on the sky, completely burst open and disappeared into the void, that they slowly came back to their senses.

At first, he was confused, then suspicious, then surprised, and finally completely horrified.

Although many monks have never seen the upper realm, they have heard about it. It is said that the upper realm is vast and vast, and it is many times larger than the lower realm. Any strong person is as powerful as a god, which is unimaginable.

Since ancient times, the goal of the vast majority of monks has been to attain Taoism and ascend, escape from this prison, and go to a wider world.

But now...

Even the supreme existence descended from the upper realm was beheaded.

It's unbelievable.

"This is impossible, why did Tianzun die in the world?"

"Everything is an illusion!"

At this moment, the people of the Qin clan who had bowed to the position where the Immortal God manifested also raised their heads, just in time to see the disappearance of the supreme incarnation of the Immortal God, all petrified in place.

It's like the sky is falling.

Their faces were dazed and pale.

Even the collapse of the Five Elements Mountain, known as the symbol of immortality, did not make them lose their composure, almost hysterical.

Because they know that there is another Immortal Mountain in the upper world, and that is the real immortal inheritance.

The Immortal Mountain in the lower realm is just the tip of the iceberg, even if it is completely destroyed, there will be no loss.

But now
Even the Supreme Heavenly Venerable who established the Immortal Mountain was destroyed before their eyes.

That is the Immortal Heavenly Venerable. The supreme existence they believe in is not only in the mere lower realm, but even in the vast upper realm, it is a supreme existence, famous in three thousand Taoist states.

For him, the entire Eight Regions are just a drop in the ocean, and he just sits and watches the red dust and the ups and downs of the world.

But it just turned into nothingness like a shooting star.

Let them be shocked, bewildered, and at a loss.

In the valley, Shi Ziling and his wife looked into the distance and also saw the scene where the three supreme beings were pierced, and their eyes were shocked.

Originally, when the Immortal Heavenly Venerable and the other two supreme powerhouses descended on the lower realm, they had no difference in their thinking from the others. They all thought that there would be a big battle that might affect the entire Eight Domains.

However, they did not expect that the three supreme beings who had just manifested in the world were discovered by the administrator to log in from a different place without even a moment, and they were physically offline.

At the same time, in their hearts, there is no previous idea at all.

Recalling the previous thoughts, the husband and wife both blushed a little, and imagined that such a supreme existence would be Mr. Li who had been with them day and night.

This is really a bit whimsical.

Even a legendary existence like Immortal Tianzun is vulnerable in front of him, how could he condescend to their Wu Wangfu and often change Xiaohao's diaper?

However, Qin Hao, who was extremely excited after the appearance of the Immortal God, was poured cold water on his head, and his hands and feet were cold.

He looked at the shattered dharma body in the void, his eyes blank.

This is a lofty existence in my mind, a goal I hope to reach one day, but now I am watching it disappear before my eyes.

It was as if something was broken and could never be restored.

The shock and clamor of the crowd seemed to freeze, and the voice seemed to disappear, falling into an eternal silence.

Even Kunpengzi, who was ready for a fierce battle, was stunned and froze in place.

Looking at Li An, who was holding the Five Elements Mountain with one hand and carrying the other behind his back, like a fairy king facing the dust, his eyes were filled with astonishment.

He is well aware of the power of the three lords, and they are among the strongest in the upper realm, but they are vulnerable to this one.

It is a bit beyond imagination.


The Five Elements Mountain trembled, and it was no longer suppressed. The avenue runes on the mountain were intertwined, turning into a bright galaxy, and it was about to go to the sky.

After seeing that the three leaders of the upper realm were all cut off by a blade of grass that Li An casually pulled from his mountain, he no longer had any hope of being able to avenge his shame.

This is probably a supreme being in the field of humanism. With his current strength, unless the seal is lifted, he really can't suppress such an existence.

I can only write it down first.

"I want to leave now, but it's too late."

Li An opened his mouth slowly, and he gently pinched the Five Elements Mountain with his palm, which was firmly held in his palm.

How could he let go of this opportunity so easily?
The Five Elements Mountain was born innately and a treasure bred by chaos. The supreme runes of the Five Elements Dao are engraved on its mountain body. Even if it is incomplete now, it is still of great value.

Even real immortals want to spy on it.

He pinched the Five Elements Mountain peak, immersed his mind into the mountain body, carefully watched the looming avenue runes, and comprehended the supreme law of the past.

"You stop me!"

Wuxing Mountain was furious, and the whole mountain was shaking violently, as if extremely angry.

For him, this kind of behavior is like stripping his clothes off and admiring him wantonly, which is extremely abhorrent.

But Li An turned a deaf ear to it. If you tell me to stop, just stop?

more excited.

The Five Elements Mountain glows all over, densely covered with symbols, and turns into five hazy lights, which is the manifestation of the original power, turned into a world-shocking divine power, and wants to break free.

But Li An's palm, like iron tongs, clasped tightly on his body, completely imprisoning him.

No matter how much he struggled, it was useless.

I could only watch helplessly as one piece of my clothes was stripped away, my body was played with wantonly, and my body was soiled.

But at the most desperate moment of Wuxing Mountain, the world trembled again, and a huge aura appeared again.

There is a supremely strong man who once again came to the lower realm.

who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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