Covering the sky: I became emperor and returned to Earth to be a security guard

Chapter 280 Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars!

Chapter 280 Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars!

Suddenly, there was an explosion sound from the sky and the earth, and a huge thunder and lightning ripped apart the entire sky.

An inexplicable breath overflowed, as if the prehistoric beast woke up.

At this moment, the whole wilderness was silent, all birds and beasts, even ants and insects were trembling.

The silence of death between heaven and earth.

As if falling into the ancient demon abyss, all sounds disappeared, and an unspeakable depression swept across the vast land, as if it was suffocating.

"What's the matter, why do I have such palpitations?"

"Is God angry? Even the rules have fluctuated."

The people in the entire wasteland were inexplicably shocked, that sound, and the huge fluctuation, covered the sky.

They raised their heads and saw the drastic changes in the sky, all of them were horrified.


This is an unprecedented event, even if it has not been heard of in the entire ancient history, it is unprecedented.

Although people didn't understand what happened, they all knew that it must be an ominous sign.

For a time, panic spread across the land.

"The catastrophe, the catastrophe has arrived!"

"How could it be so fast, are you coming to harvest us again?"

Compared with the ignorant general public, the leaders of the major ancient countries and the ancient sacred mountains have some understanding of the sudden changes in the sky.

The world they grew up in is a cage, the eight major prisons, and all the prisoners are sinners.

And the taboo beings in the upper realm use this cage as their own medicine field, descending every once in a while to pick those mature "big medicines".

In the end, the sacredness is as worthless, the dead die, and the disappearing disappears.

It's like the cycle of fate.

Since ancient times, it has always been like this. Great catastrophes continue to fall, one world after another is destroyed, and all living beings are miserable. They can only be reduced to ignorant lambs and are kept here in captivity.

They are picked whenever they are ripe.

And now...

The catastrophe is about to come again!

In the next few days, divine light appeared from time to time in the distance. It was a large crack in the void, which caused a very strange celestial phenomenon, which alarmed many monks in the wasteland, and made people panic.

This is a sign of catastrophe.

Everyone knows that a huge storm is about to begin!

And some of the venerables who knew that the catastrophe was about to come were all terrified in their hearts, and they didn't dare to take chances. They all rushed to the outside world, or hibernated in the abyss to seal themselves.

In order to protect themselves, each exhibits secret methods.

Even the gods in the Primordial Divine Mountain did not dare to stay in the wilderness anymore, and were ready to break through the boundary wall at all costs and enter another realm.

But the mortals in the great ancient countries and the vast land were depressed, and had a premonition that a big event was coming, but they were ignorant of it and could only wait in fear.

Only the supreme and immortal inheritances such as Butian Sect, Western Sect, and the Mountain of Immortality are still detached from the world, watching with cold eyes.

Their inheritance originally came from the upper realm. For the taboo beings in the upper realm, those who spread the orthodoxy in this realm are naturally not in the catastrophe, and can overlook the ups and downs of the world.

The world is getting more and more depressed.

Sometimes it is clear that the sky is clear for thousands of miles, but it suddenly shakes violently, and thunder is heard, tearing out big cracks in the void.

As if something is coming.

People knew that what was supposed to come was coming after all, and all the monks were anxious.

Finally, this day arrived. After a dull sound, the world seemed to shake, and then it was extremely violent, as if the world was being re-opened, and all living beings trembled.

The running track of the avenue is deviated, and there is a short pause, and the world seems to be frozen.

Then, all the monks raised their heads and looked at the high sky, all pale in horror, because a huge crack appeared in the void there.

It was as if the sky had been torn apart.


The sky broke open, and from the big crack in the void, immeasurable divine light poured down, and the vast divine aura poured out all at once.

And that crack is still expanding, spreading continuously, as if someone is pulling with his hand, trying to tear the entire Cangyu apart.

The divine light swept across the sky.

Vaguely at the end of that day, a portal formed, spouting Ruixia, shining like a river of stars.

The monks from all over the wasteland were all shaken and looked at the sky in disbelief.

At the same time, a simple and natural big bell slowly lowered from the portal, and the mist around it was transpiring, with thousands of celestial lights and thousands of auspicious colors, constantly blooming, covering the vast land.

The copper bell shook lightly, and the visible bell waves spread like ripples.


The bell resounded long and loudly, resounding through the sky, sweeping to every corner of the wasteland, reaching everyone's ears, as if singing an ancient sacrificial rite, as if washing people's souls.

Needless to say, this is definitely a fairy bell!
Everyone was immersed in the long bell, as if they had entered a fairyland, and their hearts were peaceful and distant, as if they were in a pure land.

But soon, the tranquility was broken.

It's not over yet, it's just the beginning.

There was another dull sound, and another object fell from the resplendent portal, spouting brilliant rays of light.

That thing is carved like suet white jade, pure white and translucent, exuding a faint chaotic atmosphere, sinking and floating in the void, swallowing the sun and the moon
It is a tower, but it only has two floors, but it is still dazzling, with a bright glow, like a round of holy sun hanging, surrounded by symbolic chains one after another.


There was a loud noise, and the sky and the earth shook, as if they were about to overturn, and another object descended from the bright door of light, and the chaos filled the air, which made people jump in fear.

It was a magic weapon, but it was badly damaged, two-thirds of it was lost, and now there are only a small part, which is chaotic and transpiring, making it look mysterious and unpredictable.

The birth of three magic tools shocked the world.

"What magic weapon is that? It's terrifying!"

"Could it be the legendary magic weapon of chaos, which only appeared in ancient myths."

The people in the wasteland all raised their heads, looking at the three utensils hanging on the sky, they were all horrified and gasped.

That kind of fluctuation is really too terrifying and unbelievable.

"Xiaota, is that your brother?"

In the Imperial Palace of Shiguo, Shi Hao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, also raised his head to look at the sky, but after seeing the pure white tower, his mouth opened into an "O" shape all of a sudden, which was inconceivable.

Because it is too familiar.

"That's the two-story tower body that I lost."

A lonely voice sounded, and there was also a small pagoda in his hair, which was the same as the suet white jade pagoda in the sky, except that it had four floors.

"Even the bell and the incomplete reincarnation disc with two corners appeared. Unlike the previous catastrophe, it seems that this time the lower realm is really doomed."

Xiaota whispered.

At this moment, Shi Hao was silent, and turned serious, extremely serious.

What kind of majesty is this?

Even before the prelude to the real catastrophe, such a terrifying magic weapon of chaos has appeared, causing panic in the entire wasteland.

If the real catastrophe comes.
Shi Hao's heart was extremely heavy, and a horrible picture of mountains of corpses and seas of blood and white bones lay uncontrollably emerged in his mind.

It made him feel out of breath.

That would be a catastrophe that would sweep across the entire wasteland, and even the huge ancient country was just a small boat in a precarious situation, which might capsize at any time.

Perhaps it will become eternal history in it.

Stone Country is also in this catastrophe.

Now, as the Emperor of the Stone Kingdom, Shi Hao will absolutely not tolerate outsiders trampling on this ancient country, and will protect it with his life.


Looking at the three ancient artifacts floating in the void, he felt silent for a while.

So what if you try your best?

In front of the terrifying magic weapon of chaos, there is still the difference between a grain of rice and a bright moon.


There was despair in Shi Hao's heart, and all thoughts were lost, but at this most desperate moment, a stalwart figure appeared in his heart, like a bright lamp, dispelling the darkness.

From the beginning to the end, it is mysterious and unpredictable, as if it will always be a mystery, unfathomable.


The powerful enemy I faced this time came from the upper realm. Even the real gods were like grass, harvested by each era.

"Uncle Li, will it be your opponent?"

His heart was shaken, but as soon as he recalled the hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire Stone Country and the clansmen in the Stone Village, his eyes became firm again.

No matter what, he must protect everything at all costs.


The dome of the sky was broken, and the three chaotic artifacts shook, and the ripples that fell were entangled and spread outward, as if imprisoning the entire barren world.

The sky changes!

This is definitely a huge change, and all the people in the wasteland are paying attention nervously, for fear that the next moment will be a catastrophe.

But after a long time, the three magic weapons in the sky did not make any new movements, as if they were just patrolling and detecting something.

People secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts were palpitating. It always felt like a divine sword was hanging above their heads, and it would fall down at any time, and there would be no redemption!
The arrival of the catastrophe shocked countless people, and many monks held their breath, especially the venerables, all hibernating one by one.

In the past, they could run rampant in the wasteland and were the supreme existence, but now they are just mature elixir plants, the first to be picked.


Suddenly, the sky shook, and the entire wasteland was shaking.

The three magic artifacts of chaos in the universe on that day exuded a faint brilliance, and the aura of the law of the great way swept across the nine heavens and ten places, shaking the world.

"Turn it on!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, extremely indifferent, without the slightest emotion.

It is as if a high-ranking ruler overlooks the world, decides the fate of all living beings, and breaks everything apart.

People are horrified, their scalps are numb, and they feel that something is wrong.

At this moment, everyone panicked.

Just like before the sky fell, no one really thought the sky would fall.

But when this moment comes, it will really panic.


The three magic tools were separated, each mastered their own side, facing each other, and then there was a buzzing sound, and they were all blurred.

During the day, the sky was full of stars, which were extremely clear, and one after another big stars were turning, as if they were close at hand.

The sun shines on the stars.

This is a strange and monstrous vision of heaven and earth. It is said that many people will die every time it appears, which means that a great catastrophe has begun.

And in the next moment, everyone's complexion changed, and their eyes widened with fear.


All the stars in the sky fell down, covering even the sky and the earth, and fell towards the vast earth, rumbling.

Is this going to end the world?

Everyone is desperate, what kind of attack is this?

Even the stars can be summoned, and they all fall together. They are so powerful that they are unbelievably powerful. Even in legends, there is no such creature?
Let alone contending with manpower.

Even if the ancient gods returned, they might die.

The stars are all together, if the ancient ten fierce roars, that kind of power is frightening and frightening, and the huge shadow, burning with endless flames, rushes from outside the sky.

In a trance, I have already felt the fiery heat and tremendous pressure. With such power, this piece of land will be smashed and completely destroyed.

"Escape, escape!"

"The only way to survive is to rush to the sky and flee to the outside world!"

Many powerful monks were all exclaiming that after the stars fell, the entire barren land might no longer exist. Only by fleeing to the outside world could they survive.

Lights shot up one after another, and all capable monks controlled the treasures and began to flee to the outside world, wanting to save their lives.


In an instant, countless streams of light rushed from the vast land, all of them were at an unbelievably fast speed, fleeing desperately, hoping to rush out of the wasteland before the stars set.



There was a roar of unwillingness. It was a chilong with a red body, shining brightly, extremely powerful, and it was definitely an existence of the venerable series.

Like other monks, it was at the end of the road and did not die by human hands. Naturally, it was not willing to perish under such a catastrophe. At this moment, it rushed to the outside world with all its strength.

Its speed is like the wind, which can be called extreme speed. In just a short moment, it has already appeared in front of the boundary wall of the wasteland. As long as it leaps forward with all its strength, it can break free from the cage.

But at the next moment, a thick divine chain of order appeared in the void, and it was directly bound tightly as if with wisdom.

So far away!

At the same time, such things happened in various parts of the wasteland. Before the eyes of all the creatures who soared into the sky, a divine chain of order appeared strangely, binding them tightly.

Unable to escape, he can only stay in place and wait to die.

"Ah, I'm not willing!"

Someone screamed in despair, seeing no hope at all.

Holy as worthless, no longer worth money.Even the venerable is also being bound and taken down by the chain of order.

This is really a catastrophe, will this domain be destroyed?There is no way to escape, no matter whether it is in the sky or underground, it is a dead end.

Everyone was heartbroken and desperate, they could only watch helplessly as the stars in the sky were getting closer and closer, and they were about to hit the vast earth.


The stars all over the sky became more and more blazing, bigger and bigger, and they rubbed off flames, filling the sky, as if they had burned down the void, overwhelming the sky.

It seems that in the next moment, it is about to descend on the earth, and the world will be ruined.

The monk was crying, and a kind of panic was pervasive. At the moment of the end of the world, all living beings appeared, and all the strong were desperate.

From now on, everything will cease to exist, even the wasteland will be erased.

With a bang, endless rays of light rose from below, and a piece of land seemed to have been smashed and sunk, as if there were endless terrifying fluctuations, sweeping across the vast universe.

Everyone in the entire wasteland seemed to have calmed down at this moment, closed their eyes, and waited for death to come.


The expected pain did not come, as if nothing happened.

But when people opened their eyes again and looked up towards the sky, they were all horrified and unbelievable to the extreme.


The blazing starry sky is like a galaxy falling down, with a majestic breath, but at this moment, it is in the palm of a big hand...

Rotate slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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