Chapter 289 Fate
"In this life, that kind of physique reappeared. I started on the road a few years earlier than you, and now I am invincible on the road ahead, fighting until the starry sky collapses."

The envoy said.

This is like a reincarnation, a collision of fate. After so many years, when the holy body rises, another physique arrives as expected, reaching the deepest part of the ancient starry sky road.

"Is the sky overlord?"

Ye Fan looked calm, but his heart was not calm.

I still remember that when I was on Earth in the past, I asked Uncle Li about the ancient starry sky road. He once said that he would have an unworldly enemy in the future.

And now is it coming?

"Since ancient times, the holy body and the hegemony, the two peerless physiques, have fought four times according to records, and all of them have been included in the battle of the gods. They are known as the strongest battle, and the holy body has only won once." The envoy continued. Said.

Three losses and one win?

Such a record shocked him, was his old enemy so terrifying?It is unbelievable that it is so strong that it reaches the limitless realm.

Even the sacred body, which claimed to be able to challenge the emperor, became the loser in the duel between ancient and modern times.
Ye Fan was silent and didn't speak. He stood quietly in front of the blood puddle, feeling a kind of regret and desolation in the ancient times.

The blood in the blood puddle was as red as clouds, and there were only a small amount of gold threads in it.

The blood of the holy body is very strange. At first, it slowly turns from bright red to golden, and when it finally reaches the state of Dzogchen, it will slowly fade away from the golden color and return to bright red.

Obviously, the holy body that fell here in the past has already been completed, and it may be called the great emperor of Pangu, standing on the top of the universe.

It was such a Dacheng Holy Body who had come to the end of the road, but was so desolate in his later years and was killed by others.

Ye Fan looked at the puddle of blood and remained silent for a long time, feeling sorry for him.

The completion of the holy body is his goal of cultivation, but what if he achieves it one day?

Perhaps in his later years, he would be like this senior, miserable and lonely outside the bloodshed.

"Dacheng is not the end, there is still a way ahead."

He sat cross-legged there without saying a word for a long time, but in his mind, a stalwart figure overlooking the universe and looking down on everything appeared in his mind.

"Emperor Eucharist!"

Ye Fan raised his head slowly, his black hair danced wildly, and there was a blazing light in his eyes, like a heavenly sword trying to pierce the sky.

Before that, his goal of cultivating the Tao had always been to attain the Great Accomplishment of the Eucharist, and he had no extravagant hope that he could become an emperor.

After all, as long as the holy body is complete, as long as the emperor is not out of the age, then it can be said to be invincible.

But now, his mind has changed.

He not only wants to achieve great success, but also to break through the shackles, become the emperor of the holy body, and continue the glory.

The lineage of Eucharist has guarded the common people for generations, shed the last drop of blood, and his old age should not be so bleak.

He wants to prove to the world that the brilliance of the former sages, the Eucharist lineage has not ended.

Afterwards, he asked the usher about the burial place of the Eucharist, and prepared to go to pay homage to it.

"In that battle, the world was shattered, and many stars were lost, let alone flesh and blood..." The envoy sighed.

The Eucharist was defeated and suffered severe injuries. His body, which was said to be indestructible, was torn apart by the blows.

After the war, the holy blood became the target of all parties scrambling for it, and not even a drop was left, which was a big potion for monks.

Afterwards, some people returned part of the body, but the essence of divinity was extracted away, and the broken body was buried on an ancient star.

"Later, some strange changes happened to that star, which made people puzzled. The half of the remnant body turned into an automatic path, and now there is only an empty tomb there."

This ancient star belongs to Human Race Pass.

There will be a star of life every ten levels, like a dam, there will be many testers staying.The Holy City of Terran is rather special, having two life stars, like twins.

The ancient star where the holy body is buried is very close to the holy city of the human race, and it is the dimmer one among the twin stars.

After learning about the burial site of the Eucharist, Ye Fan bid farewell to the guide, and set out on the road alone, without bringing the Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon, the Golden Lion, and so on.

The fainter of the twin stars can be seen in the distance, orbiting a sun star, relatively not far away, just ahead.

Not long after, Ye Fan descended on that star.

The sky and the earth were gray, and there were lead clouds drifting past, blocking the sun, making people feel a little depressed.

The vegetation on the ground is sparse, and it is difficult to see the lush virgin forests. Large areas are bare and lack green vegetation.

Soon, he came to an ancient land according to the terrain map provided by the guide.

The mountains in this area are majestic, but there is no grass growing. There are many rivers, but they have also dried up, and the flow has been cut off for tens of thousands of years.

And there is an ancient tomb in the depths of this area, and the energy between the heaven and the earth seems to be dissipated because of it.

It was so desolate that not even weeds could grow.

The dark red earth seemed to have been stained with blood. After endless years passed, there was only desolation left here, and there was a serious lack of vitality.

Is this the tomb of the Eucharist?

Ye Fan looked at the grave, but he sighed in his heart.

A Dacheng saint who protected the common people in the past is buried here, but now he has forgotten and no one cares about it.

He stepped forward, took out a jug of wine and sprinkled it on the ground.

"Senior, rest in peace, the world will never forget everything you have done in the past."

Ye Fan said calmly.

Afterwards, he performed a serious worship and went to the grave of the Dacheng Eucharist.

Sprinkling a piece of pure white petals, Ye Fan saluted again, turned around slowly, and walked towards the loop.

This place made him feel alive, the ancient road in the starry sky was difficult, and life and death were unpredictable, which made him vigilant.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Ye Fan turned around and looked towards a magnificent mountain in the distance.

On the cliff there, there is a line of notches, with iron hooks and silver scratches, which are very vigorous.


The sound of the sword shook the sky, and at the moment when his eyes were staring at the past, there was a clanging sound on the cliff, like a sword trembling, and every word was shining.

The iron hook is silver-cut, vigorous and powerful, every notch exudes precious brilliance, the sword is full of light, cuts through the sky, and the peerless sword energy soars to the sky.

This is an immortal martial arts will!

Although it was just a ray of imprint, it was extremely terrifying, and it was left by a remarkable person.

"Are you calling me a gauntlet?"

Ye Fan talked to himself, staring at the words on the stone wall.


As if sensing Ye Fan's arrival, the words carved on the cliff trembled, and even the heaven and the earth resonated together. Countless auspicious colors appeared, and billions of rays of sunlight bloomed, and various shocking visions appeared.

Afterwards, an invincible fighting intent emanated from a few ancient characters, like a god waking up, absolutely powerful, smashing everything in an instant.

This is a kind of belief that I am the only one, who else but me, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom, and say such a will, look down on the world, and be overbearing to the extreme!

I am the only one.

The four characters on the cliff bloomed with brilliance, sweeping the sky and the earth, like a god and demon awakened, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

"Is this the heaven's bullying blood?"

Ye Fan said to himself.

"In the future, you will have an old enemy who dominates the sky."

"That will be the strongest opponent in your life. His talent is unparalleled throughout the ages. He was born to cultivate Taoism and came to respond to disasters. He has reached the extreme in every realm and created endless legends."


"Will it really be that powerful?"

Ye Fan looked at the four characters on the cliff, felt the invincible will of martial arts, and couldn't help recalling some memories in his mind.

Although Uncle Li is very unreliable, and instead of being a good saint, he went to be a security guard, but Ye Fan is still very convinced of his divination.

If not exaggerating...

Ye Fan's eyes became extremely dignified. According to Uncle Li's description, this is definitely an unprecedented enemy. The fact that he is rated as unparalleled can make people feel desperate.

Who can say that he is unique in all ages?

Even the great emperor can't, and he is just a wave in the long river of time.

But so what?
With his hands behind his back, Ye Fan looked at the starry sky, with a smile slowly showing on his face.

Uncle Li, just watch it, and wait until I beat up the person you are talking about so much.

Let you know that I am unique!
The next moment, he turned around and looked at the stone wall, his pupils blazed with celestial light, the four characters were smashed to pieces, and then there was a loud tremor, the sky and the earth trembled.

The other four words are replaced, as follows:
I am invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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