Covering the sky: I became emperor and returned to Earth to be a security guard

Chapter 75 There is a river in front of my house called Ji Shui

Chapter 75 There is a river in front of my house called Ji Shui

Sitting in the courtyard again, Li An happily picked up a piece of tea from the ancient enlightenment tea tree and soaked it in the tea.

Poor enlightened ancient tea tree, I will definitely avenge you.

In the future, the egg of the Immortal Emperor will be roasted and eaten.

You really have no sense of public morality, and you actually use the ancient tea tree of enlightenment as a coffin board, are you bald and strong?
Put the warm tea into your mouth.

Li An thanked the enlightened ancient tea tree for its selfless dedication, and then his eyes became serious.

He has found his own way of the Emperor of Heaven.

Where is the road?

Just at the foot of the horse.

He raised his palm, and a purple cloud of air appeared in his palm. On it, a phantom of the Great Dao reflected in midair, and there were Taos of Shenxi hanging down from the void, and the phantoms of various chaos demon gods appeared intertwined with the chain of order gods. All contained in the purple air.

It seems to be in harmony with the Tao, the heaven and the earth are resonating, the law of the Tao reappears, auspiciousness descends from the sky, and golden lotus springs from the earth.


Hongmeng Purple Qi!

According to the legend, it is transformed from the purest Qi between heaven and earth, and contains the most powerful law of heaven and earth, which can make Da Luo Jinxian prove the holy position of heaven and the grand purple air.

He was able to become an emperor because of a little help from the primordial purple energy.

Even if he doesn't have the primordial purple energy, he will be able to become emperor sooner or later.

It's just shortening his practice time by a few million points, it's nothing.

Back to the topic, he found his own path, which was derived from this primordial purple energy.

Having attained enlightenment in Primordial Purple Qi, he has already had an inseparable connection with it.

And the path Ang Lee is going to take is related to it.

The way he wants to go is to create a physical bloodline that suits him.

I have all the names in mind.

Let's call it Hongmeng Body first!

It's a daunting task, almost impossible for others.

But for Li An, there is hope.

This hope stems from his two primordial purple qi. If he can understand the true meaning of primordial spirit, he may be able to transform into the primordial body he expects.

However, this does not happen overnight and requires a process.

The path he wants to take is similar to the path of transforming into a mortal body, but it is different.

The same thing is that they all have to become a chaotic body first, and this step stumps ninety-nine percent of people in the world.

The next way to transform into a mortal body is to absorb the advantages of various physiques, then cut off the chaotic body, and let oneself return to the original mortal body.

But Li An's plan is different, he wants to use the chaotic body as the mother's womb, and give birth to another new body in it.

Just like Pangu opened the sky, the chaotic world was split open.

The new body born from the chaotic old body is the physical bloodline he wants to create - the primordial body.

This is just his assumption, which has never been confirmed.

He still has many doubts about how to embark on this path.

Moreover, it is difficult to know how high the future achievements of this road will be.

How does it compare with Mortal Road?
But this is all for the future, and now the first step for him to walk out of this road is to transform into a chaotic body.

Li An once again took out the original source of the cloud surrounded by chaotic mist, with strands of the Mother Qi of all things hanging down.

He stared at this ball of origin for a long time, his eyes tearing apart the heavens and the earth, piercing through the galaxy of the universe, as if he wanted to pry into the true meaning of this chaotic origin.

Now as long as he fuses this group of origin, he can become a chaotic body and embark on his own path.


In the end, he still put it away and did not fuse immediately.

One is that he doesn't know what kind of change will happen when the source of the holy body and the source of the chaotic body blend.

His physique was originally just a mortal body, and it was only after witnessing that Ye Fan was born with the physique of the holy body that he transformed from a mortal body into a human holy body.

Now if it is forced to insert the source of the chaotic body again, no one knows what the changes will be.

The second is that his current state is not yet stable, and adding new changes rashly may not be counterproductive.

Therefore, he put away the origin of the chaotic body for the time being, and planned to save it for future plans.

After Li An took a leisurely sip of tea, he looked at the many stars outside the sky.

Little Ye Zi, you, Uncle Li, I have fulfilled the agreement with you, let the little girl have a home...

I just don't know, when Ye Fan returned from Beidou anxiously in the future, he found that his parents not only didn't grow old because of waiting, but grew stronger and gave him a younger sister.

At that time, what kind of expression will he have?

Thinking of this, Li An touched his chin and showed a kind smile.


At this moment, Ye Fan, who was far away from Beidou, suddenly sneezed without warning, and felt a chill on his back for no reason.

"Who is talking about me behind my back?"

Ye Fan had some bad premonition inexplicably in his heart: "Could it be that old guy surnamed Han again?"

Thinking of that Han, Ye Fan gritted his teeth a little bit, this old man is so powerful, yet he still comes to lie!Let's sneak attack!

"Don't let me meet you in the future, when I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely be rewarded!"

Ye Fan gritted his teeth.


On the earth, since the birth of Ye Chengxian, the reincarnation of the empress, everything has returned to calm.

With a new hope in life, Ye's father and Ye's mother also put a smile on their faces again. When they are not working, they just throw Ye Chengxian into Li Daoqing's care.

Li An was also happy to get close to the empress Dao Guoduo, so he simply stepped into the life of raising the baby ahead of time, helping Ye father and Ye mother take care of Ye Chengxian every day.

At the same time, with the power of the great emperor, he combed Ye Chengxian's body energy every day.

In fact, Ye Chengxian, as the reincarnation of the Great Emperor Daoguo, was originally born with a Dao body, without the help of external forces, the body will automatically swallow the energy of heaven and earth, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

However, the process of the mother's gestation is the most mysterious link between heaven and earth, even the Great Emperor Daoguo, in the process of nine months of pregnancy, it is inevitable to experience the mystery of the womb.

Today's Ye Chengxian, although still born with a wise body, under the influence of the mystery of the womb, is still inevitably polluted by the dross in the environment of the doomed age on the earth, and some impurities inevitably appear in his body.

What Li An has to do is to wash away these impurities in Ye Chengxian's body.

Under Li An's careful care, Ye Chengxian grew up extremely fast, and in just a few months, he was already able to toddle and learn to walk.

"Yeah, eh..."

Ye Chengxian took small steps clumsily, playing with the nine leaves that had grown a lot on the ground.

Now that Jiuye is psychic, even the strong wind can't damage his body at all, so naturally he is not afraid of Ye Chengxian, a little baby.

Li Daoqing was lying on the recliner, drinking tea, squinting his eyes, watching Ye Chengxian and Jiuye play with a smile.

Green grass, a small courtyard, young children, young men drinking tea on lounge chairs.

The breeze blows, and there is a harmonious atmosphere in the yard.




"You said there is a river in front of your house, called Jishui?"

(End of this chapter)

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