Chapter 12
"Sister, are you hurt?"

The masked woman with animal claws in both hands ran down the mountain quickly, and said something in a low voice.


The other figure didn't say a word, but just ran madly, all the way to the foot of the mountain, and stopped in a not-so-bustling forest.

Turning his head to look, seeing that there was no movement in the mountain, he took a breath and let go of the palm he had been covering just now.

The palm has long since returned to its human form, but there is a long and thin wound in the palm.

But the blood will not flow now.

Seeing this, the other woman quickly came over to bandage her.

But he was rejected by this person, he just looked at the wound on his palm and murmured:

"What a quick knife."

"...Sister, is that the Liuding Liujia technique?"

"I don't know either...but if it's really the Liuding Liujia technique, it's too powerful for a person who has left the world..."

As she spoke, she fell silent.

In the dark woods, there was only the whine of the night wind.

After waiting for about tens of breaths, suddenly, she said:
"It is unlikely that a human race who has just emerged from the world will take away our clansmen. And do you remember what the clan elder said? The breath of the group of people who kidnapped the clansman was mixed and impure, but the extremely pure golden light that protects the body just now you are not I see. We can't make too much noise. It would be bad if the frontier soldiers are alerted. What's more..."

She palmed, and two crystal-clear pills appeared from her hand:
"There's something wrong with this Taoist priest. The soul stabbing pill was aimed at the soul. Just now, he used one of the three souls and seven souls that didn't hurt him, and even the golden light of the body protection didn't disperse... I'm afraid he still has some means to suppress the bottom of the box. Take it out. The protector is also weird, it ignores the qi, and even my flower-seeking claws can't stop it. Although the sword technique is simple, it is extremely difficult... This Taoist priest is not a simple thing."

Upon hearing this, the companion frowned under the hood:
"Have we found the wrong place?"

"...Not necessarily, haven't you noticed? The threshold of the Sanqing Palace is half missing, and the incision is quite neat. That is the Sanqing Palace. If there is no obstacle, who would dare to disrespect it? And this Taoist priest is also weird. , the blood in the daytime is like a mercury column, it seems to be rushing through the barrier, but it is over in less than half a stick of incense. There is no vitality in the whole body, but the golden light of the body is so pure, even your flower-seeking claws can't break it. It's even weirder...hateful!"

But she also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. After cursing, she said directly:
"Let's go, go back first, and make a long-term plan tomorrow."


The two shadows disappeared into the night again.



After confirming that the two of them had really left, he checked that the face pockets were undamaged, and Li Zhen heaved a sigh of relief.

His eyes fell on the unlucky window with only the window frame left, and the corner of his mouth twitched...

Crazy, these two people!
He walked to the table in a state of shock, picked up the teapot and took a big gulp of cool water, and began to go through everything just now in his mind.

The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes.

First of all this is outrageous.

These two people are so capable, not to mention other things, being a bandit or something, or being a rich man's bodyguard, wouldn't come to snatch his half pocket noodles, right?

Now it is the other party's weird ability.

The qi of this world is a means to improve one's inner cultivation.

There is no mention in the book that qi can turn a person's hand into a white-haired paw.

That claw... No matter how you look at it, it looks like the means of the "monster clan" that the master said.

Is it really a monster?
But even if it is a monster race... why come to find yourself?
Is it possible that there are some secrets in my poor Taoism that I don't know?

Or, the master is actually a hermit, and these two people are here for revenge?
shouldn't be...

If this is the case, if the master is really some kind of expert, how could it be possible to be suppressed into such a virtue and end up in the current situation?
There are a total of three temples on this Dongshantou, two Taoist temples and one temple.

Apart from my virgin view, there are only Chen Temple and Tianjun Temple left.

Speaking of the origin of these three temples, Li Zhen is very clear.

Moreover, this is just a frontier city, and not an important town. First of all, it is outrageous to have three places of worship on one mountain.

Not everyone here is particularly religious.

Unless something really happened, who would come here and throw the money he earned through hard work into it?

And the first Taoist temple at the end was actually founded by the master.

According to the master, when Qiemo was founded, there were many frictions with the border monsters, and there were many corpses outside the city. In order not to cause corpses to change, Gu Ming Taoist priests came here to save the souls of the dead.

Of course, it wasn't just Qiemo. At that time, many Taoist priests who had no background and no support were dispatched to these bitter cold places on the border.

But at the time of the master, the incense of the concept of virgins was still acceptable.

Later, the master went away, and after the master took over, the incense was better for a while, although he didn't say he was rich and expensive, but he didn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Until one day... I don't know what happened, and a group of monks and Taoist priests came to Qiemo's side following the replacement of the garrison.After coming here, a large-scale construction was carried out on the top of the east mountain. In less than two years, a magnificent Taoist temple and a thick and simple temple rose from the ground.

And Liaochen Temple and Tianjun Temple are much more magnificent than this Maiden Temple in terms of scale and decoration.

All of a sudden, Master's life became difficult.

There is a big temple, who will come to you, a small one?
The incense has also deteriorated since then.

As for the master, he was naive at the beginning. He felt that everyone was a member of the Taoist sect. If it was impossible, the Virgin Temple was closed.But unexpectedly, the group of bull-nosed people refused without saying a word.

Where do you come and go.

At that time, Li Zhen gritted his teeth when he heard what Master said, apparently suffered a lot of grievances.

It's a pity... It's been decades, and the master hasn't come up with the plot of "Hedong and Hexi, don't bully the young and poor".

But the income of Virgo View is getting worse and worse, and finally it is difficult to even have enough food and clothing.

If he hadn't saved Li Zhen by accident, he would have taken him as an apprentice when he had just crossed over and was still not clear-headed... When the old man died, there would probably be no one left in the Maiden Temple.

However, the master is also a person from outside Fang, and although he is not happy with the people of Tianjunguan, at least the evaluation he gave is quite pertinent.

Two words: rich.

Four words: bad contact.

That group of Niubi is very rich, and their incense is not very prosperous, but they never seem to be short of money.

It is bright and beautiful on the outside.

It is also true that it is not easy to contact.

They don't have much contact with outsiders on weekdays, and they treat ordinary pilgrims equally, regardless of whether they are rich or poor.

It looks very cold, a bit of an outsider.

And for Master, a fellow student, there is an inexplicable sense of superiority...

But you have to admit that the more desireless they are, the more in line with the common people's view of "superior people", so the incense will be more prosperous.

And the days of Virgo view... the more sad.

(End of this chapter)

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