Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 202 201. Why don't you find a class?

Chapter 202 201. Why don't you find a class?
Considering the foot strength of ordinary people, Li Zhen's walk this way is really not fast.

After all, there are two or three elderly people in this team, as well as some children and women.

The Yellow River is not far from Yunwu City.

According to the foot strength of normal people, it takes two or three hours to walk.

After walking for a while, Li Zhen stopped at the same spot and asked everyone to rest.

While resting, a group of people gathered together.

"Immortal Daoist Priest, these... are the money I collected together, and I invite the Daoist Priest to serve you."

A well-spoken, down-to-earth man came over with some copper coins in his hands.A child next to him was still holding a basket in his hand. Inside the basket were some bread, pickles, and two pieces of dried fish that looked like they had been roasted but had frozen hard.

Seeing this, Li Zhen smiled and waved his hands:
"Thank you laymen, it's just money. This basket of pancakes and dried fish is just enough to stop hunger on the poor road."

As he spoke, he smiled and took the brand-new wooden basket woven from rattan from the child's hand, turned the dry cakes and dried fish into the cloth bag on the old horse, and returned the basket to the old horse. people.

He also pinched the child's dry face.

And the man wanted to persuade Li Zhen to take the money, but Li Zhen refused to accept anything. In the end, the man could only lead the child and retreat helplessly, and returned the money to the crowd.

Just like that, after resting for about a stick of incense, the golden light lit up again.

The team went on.

Just stop and go like this, finally, at Zishi, the outline of a small-scale village came into view in the darkness.

The Wen family has arrived.

At this moment, the gate of Yunwu City is closed, and ordinary people cannot enter.

And Li Zhen saw that this group of people seemed to have no intention of moving on, so he nodded:

"Ladies and gentlemen, since we have arrived at Wenjiaji, I will bid farewell to you all now, poor Taoist."

His voice resounded beyond the village.

As soon as these people heard this, especially those local men from Wenjiaji, they wanted to stay with Li Zhen for one night.

But Li Zhen shook his head, clasped his hands to the group of people behind him who were looking at him eagerly, asked the direction of Yunwu City, and left step by step.

Only words of thanks "Thank you to the living god" and "Thank you Taoist priest" were left behind.

In an instant, the golden light was gone.

disappeared without a trace.


After walking for a while, I saw Yunwu City.

He doesn't go in, and he can't go in.In this way, he found a leeward place outside the city, lit a bonfire, and entered the state of cultivation.

At this moment, look at the galaxy.

The galaxy in that space is almost full.

But the stars in the sky were slightly dimmed.

After that golden finger came in, it blew up many of his stars, and the first to suffer were those bottles that accompanied his growth, including "Nine Heads Case".After summoning the second master again, the stars in the galaxy have bottomed out.

This caused a wave of faults to appear in his originally step-by-step stars.

It's annoying.

I don't know if I can get it back later.

But he wasn't worried that his strength would decrease... He had already seen the strength of the second master.A strong one.

But now, although his own strength has greatly increased, there are no new stars coming to him.

He reckoned that at least he had to wait until the sea of ​​qi was full before new things would come out.

However, according to what Sun Jingchan said... people who leave the mundane state use their bodies to absorb energy and think of a state of ease, they have to let their bodies be "exploded" in order to reach the state of ease where thoughts are used to control energy.

How should I explode?

He lacks a detailed conception.

How about finding a class?
Go to the capital to embrace the national teacher's thigh?Accept the canonization of the Taoist sect?

The national teacher is the leader of the Taoist sect in the world, as long as he is granted the title, there is no way he can do something.

But it feels inappropriate.

Qiemocheng himself killed Qiu Cunfeng, and Pegasus City killed Sun Bofu...

Fiend all day.

It's troublesome to go anywhere.

If you go to the national teacher, doesn't that mean that the sheep is in the mouth of the tiger?

"Are you right?"

Looking at the three wooden boxes in front of him, he said to himself.

Then, after throwing the thickest piece of wood into the bonfire, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

How about love.

We... have to settle down first.




"You said... has that smelly Taoist come to Yunwu now?"

In a side room, Zhang Dasheng and Zhang Ersheng were lying together in their clothes, but they did not fall asleep directly.

Hearing what "brother" said, Zhang Dasheng shook his head:
"He can't come in when he gets there. The city gate is closed, so it doesn't matter if you take care of it. He can only spend the night outside the city."


After Zhang Ersheng responded, he said without beginning or end:

"Do you remember the story he told?"


Zhang Dasheng was taken aback for a moment, and in an instant, the morning when he first arrived in Qiemo City began to roll in his memory.

So he said in a low voice:

"I also remember... But I remember him talking about the real martial arts statue, what did he say... This grandson doesn't even have a shoe in winter... Hee hee, do you think he will be struck by lightning!"


Zhang Dasheng didn't answer this question, he just turned around:
"Okay, let's rest. We will go to the capital with the firm tomorrow morning, and the journey will not be peaceful. Emperor Sui's control over the world is declining a little bit. We have to get there quickly and tell everyone what happened here. Got it?"


Zhang Ersheng replied, but didn't speak anymore.

It's just... in the darkness, a little curiosity flickered in his pair of smart eyes.

Nine heads and thirteen lives...


If I knew it earlier, I would have listened to that stinky Taoist priest.

Really are……

I don't know where this Taoist is going, and whether I can see him again in the future.

Just like that, with this trace of resentment, Zhang Ersheng slowly closed his eyes.

With the sound of breathing more and more evenly, this sleep was originally very good, but Zhang Dasheng yelled at him in the middle.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that it was dawn.

"Time to go! Hurry up."

Hearing his brother's urging, Zhang Ersheng had already forgotten what he was thinking about before falling asleep last night.

Hanging the useless knife on his body, he walked out the door, grabbed a handful of snow and wiped it on his face.

The coldness made him instantly want to twist his body and shake off his hair.

But just as he was about to use this movement, he was restrained by reason.

Rubbing his face, he followed his elder brother out with a few tinges of regret for being restrained.

From a distance, I saw some porters who got up earlier than them were loading.

The porters should have been busy for a while, and they were all sweating profusely.

Humans are really interesting.

Zhang Ersheng said heartily.

It is obvious that the world is going to be in chaos, and instead of finding a place to hide at this time, they are still working hard from dawn to dusk to get those meager wages.

very pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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