Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 327. Chapter 326.

Chapter 327. Chapter 326.
The group of people who just arrived were not many.

The sum of inside and outside is no more than twenty.

When they arrived, they were naturally supported by the imperial guards guarding the outside, and walked all the way to the dragon boat from the path made by the avoiding crowd.

Because of their arrival, the crowd gradually lost their voices at this moment.

Party in moderation.

No one wants to turn the last day of this year into the anniversary of their own death next year just because they offend some people who don't seem easy to mess with.

So, in such a weird atmosphere, these people who came to the front of the dragon boat stood still, and at the same time embraced, hid in their sleeves, bowed, held willows, and sang in unison on the giant boat:

"Shun has the world, he is chosen from among the people, and Gao Tao is promoted, and those who are not benevolent will be far away."

"Tang has the world, choose from the crowd, and give Yi Yin, and those who are not benevolent will be far away."

"The benevolent don't worry, the wise don't confuse, the brave don't fear..."

Their voices are not very loud, but they can hear every word clearly.

From the merits of Yao and Shun, counting down one by one from the beginning, they are all praises of meritorious deeds.

Discourse, it's not considered a jerk, but it's different from the vernacular.

It looks polite.

The whole article is about those who also.

Li Zhen was stunned when he heard it...

"What... what are you doing?"

He whispered.

After hearing his words, Xue Rulong's voice sounded from his ears:

"What can you do? Sing praises. Your Majesty has the kindness of Yao and Shun..."

There was no sarcasm in his voice.

But it can be heard that his words are like a mouthful of phlegm.

But Li Zhen felt...

"Slap... dragon fart?"


Although this adjective is a bit awkward, Xue Rulong agrees very much.

"This group of people are good at making fuss... Let's see, within three months, this piece of prose will definitely be spread all over the world. But once it is said that it was written by a famous master... they will be able to leap into the eyes of everyone again, which can be regarded as . . . the goal has been achieved."

As soon as the voice fell, as expected...

"From the very beginning, we should be strict in order to govern, train the ministers, verify the name and reality, and govern the country like the emperor, often only covered with frost and the moon like the eaves. Cultivate all creatures, obey the virtues of heaven, and govern the people. ..."

A string of rainbow farts came out of these people's mouths in an instant.


The corner of Li Zhen's mouth twitched.

Heart says good guy...

Yang Guang must be so narcissistic that he can really feel that he is the holy emperor who imitated Yao and Shun in this group of people?

But rather...

When he heard the laughter from above the dragon boat, he still found that he had really underestimated the other party's narcissism.

At this time, Huang Xizi's high-pitched voice sounded in the giant boat:

"Xuan, famous family, bestowed by the emperor, board the boat to meet you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Twenty or so people bowed to thank them, and with willow sticks in their hands, they walked onto the boat from the deck extending from the top of the huge boat, and disappeared.

And their arrival seemed to be a signal.

This buffet king set is coming to an end.

Numerous court ladies and eunuchs got off the boat, and together with the imperial guards, they began to remove the drinks and dishes.It represents the end of this New Year's Eve dinner.However, these people did not drive away the drunken Limin people.

As long as it doesn't get in the way, I don't even mean to push and push.

He was busy clearing the banks of the river on his own.

At the same time, there was another group of people holding torches and starting to light the lanterns erected on both sides of the bank.

It's still dark tomorrow, and the moment the lights are turned on, the atmosphere seems to be the New Year's Eve.

Seeing the absurdity in this Taoist's eyes, Xue Rulong took the initiative to say:

"Tonight's excitement, if there are no spectators, how boring would it be?"

Li Zhen naturally understood what Xue Rulong meant.

Although he had no formal contact with Yang Guang.Moreover, in the history of his time, there are still some disputes about whether Yang Guang is a faint king or not.

The main debate is on "faint" or "violent".

But there is one thing that everyone thinks is a very appropriate label, and that is the four words "great success".

This is the best way to describe the emperor.

This is the person who has to toss people out every year in his thirties to watch the excitement with him.

After a while, when all the scholars come, they will be able to demonstrate their majesty, and they will be dispersed for no reason.

He was thinking of something else.

"General Xue."


"How many schools of thought are there in Luoyang now?"

Hearing the Taoist's question, Xue Rulong shook his head:

"There are many, but not many people can come."


"Because this banquet is a feast for meat, and it's not time to drink soup yet."

What he said was specious, but Li Zhen understood what the other party meant.

"That is to say, the people who came tonight... have been screened?"

"Well, there may be a lot of people. But those who can enter the dragon boat are only those few. Do you think it was just a coincidence that the Yin Yang family stopped you to beat Pegasus City that night? The four major schools, Confucianism, Mohism, Law, and Taoism. Nine There are ten schools of thought, soldiers and farmers, workers, names, yin and yang, vertical and horizontal...

These schools of thought seem to be doing their own way, but in fact, if you are familiar with the classics, you will find that there are hundreds of schools of thought?To put it bluntly, from beginning to end, they were just competing with Confucius, Mozi, and Laozi.Now, except for the Mohist School, the four major schools of thought are all integrated into the imperial court.

The ones who are the most troublesome among these various schools of thought are the Mohists and the Yin-Yang School.Apart from the other three schools of thought, these two are the strongest.If you were a Mohist or Yin-Yang family, what would you do? "

Xue Rulong asked back, but without waiting for Li Zhen's answer, he continued:

"Do you understand the meaning? In fact, long before you entered Luoyang, this group of people from various schools of thought had already started to fight. The entry of Pegasus City was promoted by adults. At the same time, it also broke the three schools of Mo, Ming, and Yinyang. Because if it wasn’t for them, today’s banquet would definitely be controlled by these companies. However, don’t feel that there are few people. Taoist priest, look behind.”

Hearing this, Li Zhen turned her head... and saw seven or eight people in the same clothes standing behind the crowd, looking at the dragon boat.

"That is……"

"Miscellaneous in a broad sense, all-encompassing."



The man nodded:

"Both Confucianism and Mohism, combined name law. Since the theory of other schools is the foundation of the school, it is a good material to be a servant. The Yinyang School and the Mohist School have both recruited, but this time, for some reason, they have joined forces with famous schools. The same reason, one When the Mo family and the Yin-Yang family from the meeting come, you will see the Yin-Yang family and the doctor family together, and the Mo family and the farm family together. It is even... originally more complicated. If you talk about Pegasus City, let’s count it as the post-Zongheng. But in reality In fact, the strategist has always been proud and arrogant, seeing that there is no reason to attract, he originally planned to withdraw, but was left behind by the adults."


"Of course it's for Pegasus City, why else? Do you think your lord will push a hasty and unprepared Pegasus City into the game for no reason?"

Xue Rulong's tone was a little sarcastic.

Li Zhen knew that he was "targeting" herself, but now she didn't care about it.

After thinking about it, he asked:
"Do people in Pegasus City know?"

"I didn't know it a few days ago. The adults only told them yesterday."


This time, Xue Rulong didn't answer.

Seeing this, the first reaction in Li Zhen's mind was "Tsundere".

Not to this hairy man, but to Lord Huqiu.

Take a look, pushing you into the game may seem like cannon fodder, but in fact the security guarantees have been fully equipped for you.

But I won't tell you.

I can only speak if you ask me.

Standard arrogance.

But when you think about it, it's not right.

Simply using "tsundere" to sum it up is a bit too naive.

It's more like giving charcoal in a timely manner.

In this way... Pegasus City owes Mr. Huqiu a big favor?

It's really possible.

But now the problem is very clear. According to Xue Rulong, there may be a lot of people from hundreds of schools who come today.But the division of power is quite obvious.

In other words, there will be "not many" people who come today.

The three major forces, the Yinyang School, the Mohist School, and the School of Famous Schools, are the only protagonists today.

As for the other so-called miscellaneous families and farm doctors, they are just younger brothers following behind the big brother.

And now there is an extra Pegasus City.

In other words, with the addition of a political strategist, a legitimate "political strategist"?
Let's fight for tonight's game...

While thinking about it in his mind, Xue Rulong suddenly made a voice of doubt:

But before Li Zhen turned his head, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Namo Boruo Jiedi Sangyu Tamaye..."

Then, the colors between the sky and the earth were also somewhat distorted.

A ray of light joined in under the increasingly dim sky!
Then, he saw a bald head.

Very bright, very bright bald head.

Stepping on the water waves of the Yique River, step by step, white clothes fluttering, stepping on the waves!

And the moment this bald head appeared, Li Zhen felt a sense of peace rising between heaven and earth.

a monk.

young monk.

little monk.

The skin is fair and clean, and the eyes are warm and moist, as if there is great wisdom hidden in it.

Walking on the waves, the feet do not touch the water. When walking, the golden light behind is like a mist, as if the gods and Buddhas have come down to earth!

The moment Li Zhen saw the monk's face clearly, two words rose from the bottom of his heart, one word:

"The Great Enemy!"

He's handsome... not an iota worse than Pindao!
Good guy!
Little white face!
Just inquire and inquire!
Is there anyone in Luoyang City who doesn't know that Li Laodao relies on his face for food? !
You actually want to be more handsome than our old Li?

Bald ass!


And just as Li Zhen was wandering through his mind, the monk who was at most fifteen or sixteen years old seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and in an instant, those compassionate eyes cast over him.

The moment he looked at Li Zhen, thousands of Buddhist teachings burst out from the monk's eyes, piercing his eyes.

My Buddha said: This person has no appearance of a self, no appearance of a human being, no appearance of a sentient being, and no appearance of a lifespan!

My Buddha said: All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and should be viewed in this way!

My Buddha said: You should know that all sentient beings, from beginningless to continuous life and death, are all caused by ignorance of the permanent true heart, pure nature and clear body, and use of various delusions.This idea is not true, so there is reincarnation!

My Buddha enlightened: Even if one hundred thousand kalpas, the work done does not perish, when the karma meets, the retribution will be repaid.

The three thousand worlds here are all Buddhist pure lands, all living beings are pious, thousands of rivers have water, thousands of rivers and moons, thousands of miles of cloudless sky!

In the eyes, golden light flows.

Infinite Buddha Dharma, viewed with one eye, entering Taoist eyes, is infinitely mighty!

But right now.

The Taoist priest who is stared at by those Buddha eyes is in this mighty and endless Dharma that ordinary people would kneel three times and knock nine times to listen to it just by looking at it.

Although he didn't know what happened, the Taoist nodded suddenly.

The order is casual.

The point is very calm.

It's like...Gong Mingyi took the phoenix qin and played the sound of winding beams to the old cow. The cow didn't care at all, just gnawed grass, with an extremely casual and indifferent attitude, Youzai Youzai nodded.

"Well, you're right."

 Ask for a monthly pass!When actually writing these two chapters, I came in reverse.It was mainly about how to elicit Xuanzang, but I suddenly had an inspiration at the end of the writing.Ask for a monthly ticket!Bros!
(End of this chapter)

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