Chapter 116 Sudden Illness (Part [-])
Regarding Qin Yu's opinion, Feng Ji and Lou Gui didn't find it strange either.

It doesn't matter to them whether they have this title or not.

On the contrary, if there is no such name, maybe it will have a better impact on the future.

This is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

In this day and age, it is impossible to suppress people by relying on fame alone.

Only strong force and strength can suppress the greed in other people's hearts and prevent them from committing crimes.

The greatest guarantee of this force is naturally Huang Zhong and Lu Bu.

As long as Huang Zhong and Lu Bu stay in the village, Feng Ji naturally has no worries in this regard.

After finalizing the details of the well water, Feng Ji temporarily priced the well water at [-] yuan per barrel.

"Will it be too expensive?"

Qin Yu hesitated a little.

You must know that the one bucket of ten thousand yuan is not the well water that can add 10 points of attributes.

It was the previous [well water with condensed spiritual energy], the one that could only add 5 points of attributes.


Officials with a rank ratio of four hundred stones can sell for four million dollars.

An official with a rank ratio of two thousand stones can sell for 20 million yuan.

In other words.

He only needs to pay a few hundred barrels of well water, and he can change to a position that can reach the county magistrate without saying anything.

However, when Feng Ji and Lou Gui heard Qin Yu's question, they both laughed lightly and said, "Sir, I'm afraid I don't know how attractive this well water is to the people in the world. Ten thousand dollars is too little for me." gone."

Feng Ji then added: "However, it is impossible to sell too much water from this well. It is enough to buy some horses, food, and weapons, and no more will be enough."

Qin Yu nodded.

It is impossible for him to really take the well water out in a big way.

If it is known that the Shenshui produced in Xiaofang Village is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

How big will the interests involved be?
How could anyone in this world be able to resist coveting such terrifying benefits?

I am afraid that at that time, Qin Yu will not only have to deal with the landlords and gentry, but even the county guards, those high officials in Luoyang City, and even the emperor who loves money like his life, will use a piece of edict to direct Xiaofang Village directly. It's gone.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty!
"Okay then, ten thousand yuan will be ten thousand yuan, and these things will be troublesome for the two of you."

"In addition to the forty horses, equip each of them with a set of longbows, a long lance, and a knife, and use the remaining money to buy food."

"You can buy more food. We need to feed them now, and we will definitely consume a lot in the future."

"By the way, you can help me take a look in Wancheng to see if there are any blacksmiths who are willing to come to the village to take root."

Qin Yu put forward his thoughts and demands in one go.

The two of them complied immediately.

Now the most troublesome thing for the two of them is the problem of those wells.

After talking to Qin Yu, the two of them filled the water bag with well water without hesitation, brought about two buckets of water, and patted their horses back towards Wancheng.

They need to discuss this matter with the adults at home.

To get through all the twists and turns behind this, their connections are not that strong yet.

If possible, the two of them actually don't want to directly disclose the matter of Shenshui.

Otherwise, just digest it within the two of them!


He Jin was very sad.

He didn't expect that he would suddenly fall ill on the road.

The whole person feels cold all over in the summer.

Top-heavy, he spins upside down no matter what he looks at.

Not to mention the appetite for food.

He was trying his best to keep the mouthful of bile in his gallbladder.

Fortunately, although I spent all the time on the road before, traveling around mountains and rivers, it was not far from Wancheng.

The coachman traveled day and night, and finally brought He Jin to Wancheng at night.

He also recruited a famous doctor who is quite prestigious in Wancheng overnight.

After a diagnosis and treatment for He Jin, he was fed a soup and medicine, and then reluctantly fell asleep.

But who knows, He Jin started to vomit again before he slept half the night.

This time the illness was more severe than before.

The doctor was called in hastily, and he tossed back and forth in the middle of the night. He Jin finally fell asleep peacefully when it was dawn.

It was only early the next morning that the news that the master craftsman He Jin had been ordered to Wancheng spread throughout the rich and famous families in Wancheng.

They also knew the news that He Jin was seriously ill.

For He Jin, this emergency has tormented him to the extreme.

But for these wealthy families in Wancheng, this is their chance!

Who is He Jin?

How could they not know this?
He Jin himself is from Nanyang County, and Empress He is his younger sister.

At present, as a master craftsman, he has won the trust of Emperor Liu Hong.

That is a real hard-core relative, the leader of the relatives.

As an old tradition of our Eastern Han Dynasty.

The position of foreign relatives is really second to none.

These days, if he can curry favor with this general He Jiangzuo and make a great success in the future, wouldn't it be just around the corner?

Ever since, in one day, all famous doctors who could be called famous were snatched up by various families in Wancheng.

The lineup of famous doctors in the He Mansion could almost extend from the bedroom to the gate.

At dusk that day, Feng Ji and Lou Gui, with two bulging water bags hanging on their horses, finally returned to Wancheng.

Feng Ji and Lou Gui didn't have to go home at all.

He had already heard about He Jin on the way.

There are even more complaints from the people.

These aristocratic families indiscriminately searched almost all the doctors to the vicinity of He Mansion.

So much so that these ordinary people who were anxious to see a doctor couldn't even find a doctor.

The two looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

What absurdity!

But the two of them also knew very well that there must be a part of their family among the aristocratic families who searched away the doctors.

It's just that the eating looks a bit too ugly...

But that's the way it is in the world today.

Human life is like a mustard.

Looking at this situation, Feng Ji just thought it was a pity in his heart, and then he turned his attention to the direction of He Fu.

After a pause, he looked at Lou Gui beside him.

Immediately, the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

Or Feng Ji said: "Could it be that Uncle Zi is the same as I thought?"

Lou Gui smiled and said, "He Mansion is the best opportunity, what does Yuan Tu think?"

Feng Ji laughed and said, "That's exactly what I mean!"

After laughing, the two went back to their own homes respectively, ready to put into action what they had thought before.

They originally planned to find a suitable channel for the Shenshui produced in Xiaofang Village.

In Wancheng, if you want to manage all aspects properly, it is actually quite difficult.

Although the Lou family and the Feng family are rich and powerful families here, they cannot cover the sky with one hand after all.

Once something goes wrong in any link, it will be self-defeating.

Now He Jin's arrival is an excellent opportunity for them.

He Jin is a powerful dragon from outside.

Although the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, it is just that the strong dragon is not strong enough!
But now that He Jin's status is so high, for a place like Wancheng, it is simply crushing.

If not, these families in Wancheng would not be so courteous to He Jin.

At this moment, as long as He Jin nods his head, how can anyone in Wancheng dare to say no?
As long as He Jin recognizes Qin Yu's identity and respects his master's words, who in Wancheng would dare to trouble Xiaofang Village?
Originally, he wanted such a vulgar martial artist like He Jin to accept Qin Yu's identity sincerely.

Even if this kind of opportunity was placed in front of Feng Ji and Lou Gui, they would not think about it.

The experience of bringing Cao Cao to Xiaofang Village is still vivid.

How does He Jin compare to Cao Cao?

He is more powerful and more arrogant.

Taking him to Xiaofang Village might really cause a huge trouble.

But now this great opportunity is in front of them!

In fact, what really made them decide to bring the well water to He Jin was something else.

This matter is exactly the real purpose of He Jin's trip to Nanyang County.

He came here to follow the celestial phenomena judged by the Taishi Order Wang Li, and came to look for the saint who came to the world!
Speaking of this, Feng Ji and Lou Guihe will not be sleepy anymore.

Celestial phenomenon, saint.

Combining these two things together, can they still not know what's going on?

This is obviously the celestial phenomenon that Tai Shiling who was far away in Luoyang saw Lu Bu, Zhang Jiao and others aroused that day.

The appearance of this celestial phenomenon is closely related to Qin Yu.

This point, Lou Gui, who has the ability to watch Qi and lives in Xiaofang Village, naturally feels it very clearly.

I'm afraid that even that Tai Shiling would definitely not be able to sense it more clearly than him.

The sage's appearance predicted by the celestial phenomena could not be someone else at all, it was Qin Yu who had been staying in Xiaofang Village all this time!

In other words, when He Jin came this time, he was originally ordered by the emperor to look for Qin Yu.

With this emperor's order in his body, and the words of a saint judged by Taishi Ling.

What they need now is not to hide anything at all, but to allow Qin Yu to take advantage of the limelight and rise up directly.

With Qin Yu's means, he will definitely get real benefits from Emperor Liu Hong.

At that time, their power will naturally no longer be confined to a mere small village.

Perhaps, that time is the time when Qin Yu really wants to show his edge in this world!
What a coincidence, what a coincidence.

Rao is someone like Fengji Lougui, who is also muttering in his heart at this time.

Qin Yu came looking for them, wanting them to bring the well water to Wancheng to make a move, but He Jin came to the door behind him.

Could this be Mr.'s handwriting again?

Neither of them said much, but they were both thinking in unison in their hearts.

In the end, they couldn't think of any reason, so they could only temporarily suppress this thought in their hearts.

Now for them, the most important thing is how to get this well water to He Jin.

In the past, this kind of thing was naturally not much of a problem.

but now……

But he heard that someone had sent a bowl of divine water in before he heard about them.

As a result, the bowl of "Shenshui" directly made He Jin's breath, which had been so hard to recover, become disordered again.

All of a sudden it was dark.

If it weren't for the fact that the person who sent Shenshui was inextricably linked to the powerful local family, and behind it was a powerful force like Taipingdao.

I'm afraid that just one blow would be enough for He Jin to have him beheaded to death on the spot.

With such a brother who "before the jade", who would dare to mention such things as divine water?

Isn't that really the old birthday star hanged himself, doesn't he think his life is too long?

Feng Ji and Lou Gui had already scolded those idiots in Taiping Road as bloody in their hearts.

These idiots actually dared to use their tricks to deceive the poor and ordinary people to deceive relatives like He Jin.

Don't they all know that their real boss is in Xiaofang Village, thirty miles away from them?
Let their boss come here in person, things that he might not dare to do, these idiots really did it.

It can be said that those who don't know are not afraid.

After cursing a few times, Lou Gui and Feng Ji had no choice.

At this time, the two of them could only bite the bullet and rush up.

At worst, let's make people laugh for a while.

After He Jin's condition improved, it would be enough to slap them in the face with irrefutable facts!

(End of this chapter)

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