Mythic Three Kingdoms: My Entry Infinitely Improves

Chapter 181 Technology of Firing Glass

Chapter 181 Technology of Firing Glass

The construction of the paper mill had started ten days earlier.

Thanks to the craftsmen sent by these aristocratic families, they were eager to express themselves to gain Qin Yu's appreciation.

They really contributed a lot of useful good things to Qin Yu.

Some of them had experience in paper-making workshops under the control of those aristocratic families.

They naturally knew very well how to make the construction layout of a paper workshop more reasonable.

There are actually many ways to do this kind of industrial matter.

A lot of things are accumulated by people's little bit of experience.

At this point, they saved Qin Yu a lot of time and effort.

Qin Yu recruited some young and strong laborers from Jiyang County to work for him.

The construction period will be greatly advanced.

This is precisely because it is not a busy season for farming.

What's more, the wages paid by Qin Yu's young and strong laborers were quite a lot.

On average, each person's daily salary can be about [-] yuan.

For farmers like them who can only earn two to three hundred yuan a month, this is really a lot of money.

Coupled with the recruitment of the county magistrate, they did not dare to be lazy.

It didn't take long.

The rudiment of a papermaking workshop has already been established five miles south of Jiyang City, less than ten miles away from Xiaofang Village.

Putting it in this position is also the suggestion given by those craftsmen.

It is not too far from Jiyang City and Xiaofang Village.

There happened to be a small river that flowed towards the Feishui nearby.

It is suitable to discharge all the sewage generated in papermaking.

At the same time as this papermaking workshop was established.

Qin Yu had already started to lead his core craftsmen to pre-research papermaking techniques.

The pre-research of papermaking technology can be regarded as smooth sailing.

Qin Yu didn't need to worry about the various materials needed.

Lou Gui had already arranged this matter properly.

The Ma family in the land of Jingxiang is a real wealthy businessman.

Together with the Zhen family in Hebei, the Mi family in Xuzhou, the Lu family in Jiangdong, and the Qin family in Xichuan, they were five wealthy business families in the Three Kingdoms era at the end of Han Dynasty.

It was through the Ma family's network that Lou Gui arranged all the things Qin Yu needed properly.

Money is not a problem for Qin Yu now.

Qin Yu not only sold some well water through Lou Guifengji before.

Later, when Liu Hong granted Qin Yu the title of Marquis of Guannei, he also rewarded Qin Yu with a large amount of money.

It can be said that Yuan Shao and other aristocratic families arranged to kill Qin Yu halfway, which really angered Liu Hong.

This wave of large amounts of silver rewards can also be described as Liu Hong's retaliatory rewards in desperation.

All of a sudden, Qin Yu got it for a long time without worrying about running out of money.

The rewards alone amounted to tens of millions.

Qin Yu can ignore other things, but Qin Yu will naturally not let go of things that concern him.

It's like the elementary papermaking skill that is added to his skill column now.

That's right.

As a skill, papermaking has also been comprehended by him.

It's just that this skill is really useless in Qin Yu's opinion.

According to Qin Yu's understanding of his own skills.

If he can upgrade the elementary papermaking skills to the intermediate papermaking skills.

Naturally, there will be many more details about papermaking in my mind.

Naturally, it can be used to optimize the process of their papermaking workshop.

But the problem is.

If he wants to upgrade papermaking, he must follow the craftsmen step by step to produce paper bit by bit.

Every piece of paper is produced, and it is a piece of paper that he personally participates in the production.

In order to provide him with a one-time experience bonus.

Qin Yu gave up after only making two pieces of paper with his own hands.

It took too much time and effort.

It doesn't match the efficiency of acquiring this experience at all.

And even if this skill is improved, what's the use?

Could it be that he really wants to make paper in this kind of place after his skill level is high in the future?

That is obviously impossible.

In other words.

In fact, there are thousands of things in this world that Qin Yu can use to improve his skills.

But there are many skills that belong to the kind of ineffective and useless skills.

Even if there is, there is no need to upgrade.

Just like this papermaking.

After passing on his upgraded papermaking skills to these core craftsmen.

Qin Yu resolutely stopped managing these craftsmen.

These craftsmen are now temporarily living in the outskirts of Xiaofang Village.

Enjoying the daily golden corn and upgraded well water, plus the papermaking technology that Qin Yu gave them.

This made them now treat Qin Yu like the people in Xiaofang Village as gods.

Qin Yu didn't explain either.

The question he is thinking about now is that the upgraded papermaking technology must not be leaked out in a short time.

But wait until he turns around and achieves what he wants to achieve.

He won't bother with the outflow of papermaking skills.

This kind of technology must be a tool that can be used to make money for the family in a short period of time.

But in the long run.

This is digging the foundation of those aristocratic families themselves.

Why not?
At that time, Qin Yu only needs to master high-quality technology like high-end rice paper.

Except for the papermaking technology that is almost on the right track of research and development.

Qin Yu has spent almost all his time on burning glass recently.

The burning of glass was more complicated than he imagined.

The key is the raw material.

When Qin Yu first talked to those craftsmen, he was talking about burning sand.

But exactly why the sand was burned, and to what extent glass would be produced, he himself couldn't explain.

Afterwards, it was left to burn in a daze, and nothing came out at all.

After thinking hard for a long time, Qin Yu felt that this was not going to work.

Then let each of those craftsmen have their own whimsy.

No matter what kind of idea, as long as there is an idea, someone will write it down.

After summarizing, put them all in front of Qin Yu.

The rest of the work is done by the system.

Qin Yu didn't know how to burn glass. Anyway, he only needed to see which of the written recipes required the least amount of shards.

This method is really possible.

In the end, Qin Yu got a plan from a craftsman who had experience in firing ceramics that only needed 10 blue shards to upgrade successfully.

Qin Yu was overjoyed.

He carefully read the instructions in the plan.

From this plan, it can also be seen that this craftsman has been forced to nowhere by Qin Yu.

Anyway, Qin Yu told them to think about it casually.

He simply thought of the glaze he fired when he fired porcelain.

Although there is not much connection between the glaze and the transparent glass Qin Yu mentioned.

But all in all, both are very beautiful.

Qin Yu's eyes lit up when he thought of the glaze on the porcelain, "Could it be that this thing has the same origin as glass?"

After that, things are simple.

He directly called the craftsman over and asked him to describe the process of firing this glaze in detail.

Including the various raw materials that need to be used, all are recorded.


After the manufacturing process of the glaze was recorded in detail.

Qin Yu looked intently again.

The cost of upgrading this [Broken Burning Glass Craft] has become only 10 green shards!

"System, upgrade me!"

Qin Yu was so excited that he burst into tears.

If it wasn't that he was so useless that he didn't even know how to make glass, how could he be so downcast?
If it wasn't for such a universal system on his body.

I'm afraid he's really going to suffer a lot!

With a complete recipe, the matter of firing glass can finally be put on the agenda.

This glass firing process provided Qin Yu with many usable raw materials.

However, it is really difficult to burn out pure and transparent glass.

After Qin Yu thought about it, he figured it out.

Why do I have to pursue that kind of pure and transparent glass?

The reason for getting glass bottles to hold water is simply because jade bottles are too expensive and too rare.

All he needs to do now is to add a high added value to the outer packaging of the well water.

It is enough for people to know at a glance that the well water is definitely not ordinary.


In this day and age.

Even the kind of translucent colored glass is an extremely rare thing.

As long as Qin Yu can produce colored glass, it is enough to achieve the strategic goal he envisioned before.

After having this idea.

Qin Yu selected the easiest way to obtain a whole set of raw materials from the upgraded glass firing process.

It was then passed on to those core craftsmen.

Let them study it carefully.

And after explaining to them the approximate shape of the glass bottle that I will eventually need.

Qin Yu no longer interfered with their research.

In the next half a month.

Although in Jiyang City, there are craftsmen who are recruited by documents from time to time.

However, these craftsmen who came later were all grouped into the third phalanx.

After these people come here, they can only do some basic work.

XNUM X Year X NUM X Month.

At the same time that Qin Yu's second batch of [-] green glass plants matured.

Zhang Jiao is out.

"Master, how is the refining of the foundation powder?"

When Qin Yu came to the alchemy room, he looked at Zhang Jiao with a thin face, which couldn't be repaired even with silver spirit grass, and he was full of anticipation in his heart.

Zhang Jiao's physical condition looks very bad.

But at the moment his eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

Qin Yu knew it in his heart.

This is obviously because Zhang Jiao transformed all the energy in his body into spirit.

It's like a warrior transforming the qi and blood in his body into true qi.

Scribes can also transform the qi and blood in their bodies into spirits.

Their brains expend a lot of energy when they are working fast.

These scribes do not eat much on weekdays.

But once they wait for the time when they need to greatly increase their brain power to calculate.

This consumption is terrifying.

The same is true for Zhang Jiao's alchemy.

Alchemy is originally a delicate job.

Zhang Jiao wanted to perfectly extract the medicinal power contained in Qingli Grass and Silver Spirit Grass.

It will inevitably consume a lot of blood.

It's just that Qin Yu didn't expect it.

His blood will be consumed so violently.

(End of this chapter)

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