Mythic Three Kingdoms: My Entry Infinitely Improves

Chapter 204 The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand

Chapter 204 The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand


What Qin Yu lacked was time.

If you can give him enough time.

It is not impossible to build an invincible elite army.

If there is enough time and enough blood to experience and nourish.

Qin Yu can completely use the high-quality weapons that he has upgraded to allow his subordinates to slowly cultivate them into bloody weapons that are no different from those powerful families.

If these weapons can reach the level of blood spirit soldiers.

It is conceivable that the strength of those elites under Qin Yu's command will also rise to a higher level.


Make bricks without straw.

Qin Yu didn't have so much time left for them to slowly accumulate blood energy and divine weapons.

In a blink of an eye.

It was freezing cold.

It's that time of year again.

At this time, the time has come to February 184.

Jiazi year.

When the "Jiazi" written on the gate wall appeared more and more in Wancheng.

Qin Yu knew that the turmoil that was destined to sweep the entire Han Dynasty was about to begin.

However, the duration of this turmoil was somewhat beyond Qin Yu's imagination.

That's right.

The Yellow Turban Uprising in history broke out at this time.


According to the information that Qin Yu had obtained before, after summarizing it, he had the same opinion as Xun Yu, Feng Ji, Lou Gui and others.

If there is an uprising in Taipingdao, the best time should be after the autumn harvest in 183.

And as they have experienced before.

A few months ago, after the fall harvest.

The Taiping Road in Nanyang County was indeed active for a period of time that could not be suppressed.

They are almost ready to start preparing to start a counterattack against the landlords who bully them on weekdays.

Qin Yu is also ready.

He can feel it.

This is the change he caused after he came to this world and interacted with the people of this world.

At that time, he had prepared for the worst.

But he didn't expect that the preparations he had made since the autumn harvest had led him to the present.

The uprising that was about to break out was almost uncontrollable.

It was as if being crushed by an invisible hand.

Like a lava rolling, a volcano that was about to spew out was pushed back.

The accumulated energy cannot be released.

When it erupts again, it will inevitably vent all the energy that has not been vented before.

Feng Ji frowned.

He's been feeling a little jittery lately.

It was a feeling he couldn't describe.

It was as if an invincible army was lurking in the dark in front of him at this moment.

All he can do now is wait.

Waiting for the invincible army to finally reveal its sharp fangs from the shadows.

Then swallow this world completely!
"What the hell is Zhang Jiao doing!"

"Does he really want to destroy the entire Han Dynasty!"

Feng Ji clenched his back molars tightly, if it was before.

He would never have such an idea.

but now.

He looked at the billowing, endless leaden gray clouds above the sky.

His heart could no longer settle down.

Now the scribe's mansion has been expanded on a large scale.

Inside a Warm Pavilion.

Cai Yong, wearing a scarf on his head, plucked the strings of the piano.

The melodious sound of the zither wafted out from the Nuan Pavilion, and many people in the scholar's mansion listened to it, which was considered a kind of enjoyment.

And just when the melodious piano sound was slowly ringing.


A piercing and startling voice suddenly sounded.

Interrupted the original beautiful music.

This sound made many people frown.

Many people who were immersed in the sound of the piano were startled, and their backs were covered in cold sweat.

Cai Yong looked at the second string that had been completely broken in front of him, and he remained silent.

Cai Yan, who was only ten years old, also stared at the broken strings.

Her intelligent eyes seemed to be in a trance for a moment, and then she said firmly: "The sky is going to change."

Cai Yong suddenly raised his head to look at Cai Yan, the momentary astonishment on his face was like hearing a thunder that suddenly exploded in his ears.

"It's going to change..."

Lou Gui, who was still busy calculating the accounts, seemed to have a sudden feeling.

He raised his head, looked at the leaden gray clouds covering the land, and fixed his eyes on the northeast direction.

in his eyes.

The leaden gray cloud seemed to have been stained with blood at this time.

The low-hanging clouds looked like they were about to drip blood.

Everything in the world is shrouded in this unspeakable blood light.

This bloody light is especially prevalent in the Northeast.

In the northeast direction, there seems to be a column of blood that reaches the sky and rushes straight into the sky.

In Lou Gui's eyes, the gloomy sky seemed to be raining blood.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous!"

Above the sky, there seems to be an infinite god.

In the middle of nowhere, a dream-like voice appeared between heaven and earth.

Accompanied by the rolling thunder, it spread towards the sky in all directions.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous!"

all of a sudden.

It seems that all the world in Kyushu has been inspired and blessed by this power.

The originally thin bodies of the people under Taiping Road seemed to be inflated for a moment.

It became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Their blood is boiling and their strength is rising.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be stained with the blood that fell from the sky.


A drop of rain finally fell from the cloud that covered the sky and the earth.


The rain kept falling from the sky.

The rain that should not have fallen in this cold winter just appeared abnormally and strangely.

The rain falls on ordinary people, and they feel the biting cold like live earthworms crawling on them.

Following the place where the raindrops fell, he burrowed desperately into his body.

And when the rain fell on those Taiping Taoists.

Their bodies, which were originally as strong as blowing balloons due to their full blood, seemed to be dripping with wax oil on the red iron.

The rain did not slide down their bodies, but slowly turned into a thin film, wrapping their entire bodies.

The film continued to seep under their skin.

At this time, these ordinary rainwaters are actually the rarest treasures in the world.

Integrate into the bodies of these poor Taiping Taoists.

Then it turned into nourishment for the blood that was already extremely depleted in their bodies.

Their blood energy, which was still expanding, finally stopped.

Their flushed skin gradually returned to its original state.

Their inflated bodies also began to slowly fall back.

But wait until the extremely clear muscle lines can be clearly seen on these people.

The downward momentum stopped.

Look again at this time.

will find out.

These Taiping Daoists, who were just ordinary people, have now been raised to the level of being full of energy and blood in the blink of an eye.

Some people who are usually in good health have directly broken through the stage of full energy and blood.

There seemed to be a bronze-like halo flowing around his body.

It has reached the state of steel and iron!
In this drizzling rain.

Their strength is still improving.

The speed of improvement is very fast.


The light rain came and went quickly.

It only lasted for a cup of tea.

The dark clouds that covered the sky seemed to have exhausted the strength accumulated throughout the winter.

Disappeared in an instant.

The originally blocked sunlight shines on the earth again.

According to those Taiping Taoists who are standing upright like javelins at this time.

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian stands!"

"When the year is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous!"

They looked at the light that suddenly appeared in front of them.

It's like getting a final revelation.

The yellow cloth that had been prepared before was wrapped on the forehead by them, and the fingers pulled tightly, stretching the yellow cloth on the forehead extremely flat.

"Brothers, it's time to let those gentlemen who step on our heads know our strength!"

"Kill me!"

I don't even know who started it.

Or, each of them made a head start.


The anger in his chest that had been suppressed since birth burst out without any hindrance.

Each of them has a steelyard in their hearts.

Each of them has a goal that they have already set in mind.

At this time, those targets are either near or far.

As long as one person yelled, there would be countless congregants with simple weapons and even sticks in their hands, following him towards the powerful landlord's dock, and towards their house.

Those landlords, Hao Qiang, who never put these hungry people and refugees in their eyes, looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Facing the yellow turban soldiers rushing towards them, their faces were full of panic.

Even those rangers who have already become the patrons of these powerful landlords.

When they faced this group of wolf-like farmers, they no longer showed the neat methods they used to bully these people.

Although they have sophisticated weapons in their hands.

But in front of countless sticks, they were still crushed to the ground like mud.

The peasants who picked up the weapons in their hands became more ferocious.

The strength of these rangers is nothing but full of vitality.

They used to be domineering, but their strength is even weaker than these farmers today.

Soon, the rangers who formed the defense line of Nawubao were all killed.

Then came the solid gate of Wubao.

Even though there are still arrows shooting out from the dock.

But those arrows are really too few.

Especially in front of this group of fearless farmers who seemed to have been stimulated by the blood of the killing.

Soon, the gate of Wubao was breached.

It was like the straw that broke the camel's back fell from the sky.

The entire Wubao instantly turned into a miserable purgatory on earth.

Indiscriminate killings are happening everywhere.

After everyone in the Wubao was killed, they looked at the food that had been hoarded in the Wubao, which was full of food.

These farmers feel that they should kill, and kill them happily!
After a full meal, with the remaining food and captured weapons, they turned to the next destination.

This kind of thing happened in every place among the eight states of the world at the same time.

It's just that the population density varies among the eight states.

In some places where the local population is sparsely populated, the number of Yellow Turban troops that can be gathered is quite small.

It was simply not enough to capture the extremely strong dock.

They can only gather together under the guidance of other members of the same Yellow Turban Army.

There are also many docks that were not breached from the outside.

What broke them was the Yellow Turban Party from within.

They opened the city gate and welcomed the rest of the Yellow Turbans in.

In an instant, the Wubao became a bloody ocean.

Landlords and powerful landlords suffered disaster one after another.

But at this time, the people from the aristocratic families who had sneaked into the Taiping Dao, provided money and food for those Taiping Daoists, and bought people's hearts suddenly discovered it.

They seem to have miscalculated.

The situation that is appearing in front of them now is simply not what they expected before.

Not only the powerful landlords who had nothing to do with them, but also the powerful landlords who had enemies with them were all attacked.

Even their own property, their own dock, and their own family were all included in the scope of the attack.

Countless benefactors who were still doing their best to provide resources to Taipingdao before.

When they fantasize that the Yellow Turban Army is like locusts sweeping away those enemies that were once obtrusive for them.

Those wolf-like Yellow Turban soldiers had already smashed their own doors involuntarily.




It's just that at this time, there is no way to stop these Yellow Turbans.

They are like torrents bursting their banks.

Wanton raging in this decadent Han Empire.

Although Qin Yu did not expect that the Yellow Turban Uprising in this world would be kicked off by such a method.

But in fact, he was already prepared.

Since last autumn, he secretly ordered Feiyu and Feihu to completely wipe out all unstable factors in Jiyang County.

Send those who believe in Taiping Dao directly to Wancheng and give it to Zhang Mancheng.

As for the rest of the people in Thorn Sun City, they didn't have much faith in the way of peace.

In addition, the life in Thorny Sun City is getting more and more nourishing for them day by day.

Naturally, there is no longer any idea of ​​dawdling along with Taipingdao.

Not to mention the compulsory education that Qin Yu vigorously promoted before.

Although it is impossible for this year's education to turn all of them into learned people.

But at least they understood a lot of truths that they hadn't thought about and hadn't touched before compared to the muddleheaded appearance before.

For example, the way of Confucius and Mencius, such as the theory of ghosts and gods, such as the economic foundation that Qin Yu specially asked Zhang Zhao to add.

What Guan Zhong, a great economist, has done is really thought-provoking.

And it turns out.

The Han people are worthy of being a nation with pragmatism written down to their bones.

Their passion for the economy is far above anything else.

Although they are just some simple truths, they let them know how to think.

The Taiping Road lost its breeding soil in Jiyang City, and as time passed, it naturally gradually disappeared.

At this time, the flying fish and flying tiger armies were still patrolling around Jiyang County.

When the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out, order after order was spread from Qin Yu's county magistrate's mansion to every township and every mile.

Tell them to guard against death, and must pay attention to resisting all the invading enemies around them.

If there are many invading enemies, there is no need to resist.

With the supplies ready, just retreat in the direction of Thorny Sun City.

But obviously.

Most people have their own hometown plot.

It's not that they don't want to leave this native land.

It's that they dare not leave.

The land is their life, everything to them.

If there is no land, their future identities can only become refugees.

And there is no sign of any danger yet.

Why did they leave the land where they grew up?
The land of Jingxiang.

"Those Taiping Roads are finally in trouble!"

"These guys are really amazing."

"I don't know what kind of magic method that great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao used to make all those refugees become so powerful all of a sudden."

"If I hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid I would be attacked by those refugees this time."

In Xiangyang City, a group of powerful families gathered together.

When they said these words, there was not much fear on their faces, only a little surprise.

But along with that astonishment, there was also an unconcealable ecstasy.

"The opportunity is here!"

"Everyone, the opportunity to avenge the Patriarch has come!"

"After this battle, I want that Thorn Sun City to be buried with us and the Patriarch!"

"In Thornyyang City, I will share with you all the materials seized!"

No matter what righteousness or appeal.

It's not as effective as real money for these jackal-like families.

They have been jealous of the benefits of Thorn Sun City for a long time.

The Zhang family, the Bei family, and the Su family, the three of them were aristocratic families who had suffered a lot in Jiyang City before.

This time, nature is still at the forefront.

So much power has been put into it in the early stage, if the Thorn Sun City is not captured.

Don't take down the things they have coveted for a long time in Thorny Sun City.

Didn't they just lose money?

You know, how miserable they have been for the whole year.

It's not just that the family's reputation has been severely damaged in the land of Jingxiang.

more importantly.

They basically didn't get all the development dividends brought about by the one-year development of Thornyang City!

Even those caravans of the Ma family who only recognize money but not people, did not dare to do business with the three of them this time.

Although Thorn Sun City did not explicitly target their three families.

But secretly, they are using this method to attack the development of their three great aristocratic families.

The two Patriarchs had already been lost, as well as a large number of disciples and the elites they had brought over.

These three great aristocratic families seem to have been injured.

In addition, the three of them were squeezed out by the Huang, Pang, and Kuai families who originally belonged to the same family.

In just one year, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows.

The strength gap between them has been widened to a great extent.

Even the Cai family, who was not directly involved at this time, could not get on the express train for the development of Thorny Sun City.

For this reason, almost everyone in the Cai family hated that unruly Cai Mao.

The Cai family did not dare to continue to fight against Thorny Sun City.

Even if they can't enjoy more benefits, they try not to offend Thorn Sun City as much as possible.

And during this year, he tried several times to get in touch with Qin Yu.

It's just that Qin Yu didn't give them this chance.

And the Zhang family, the Bei family, and the Su family are naturally very clear that there is only one possibility between them and the Jiyang city.

After knowing the plans of those scholars before.

They set their sights on the Yellow Turban Uprising.

In one year, they voluntarily sold many family properties.

Gathered a large amount of money, and invested all of this money in recruiting followers and improving strength.

Now they have already prepared a strong team.

As long as they take advantage of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they can rush to the treasure land that is about to turn around without hesitation.

Thorn Sun City!
(End of this chapter)

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