Chapter 244 Welcome the prefect!

"Brother, now that we have reached this point, how are you doing?"

Zhao Hong, who had been fighting for days, took the time to find Sun Xia who was also exhausted.

The two of them have consumed a lot of mind in order to deal with Zhu Jun's offensive in two directions.

"Has Qu Shuai figured it out?"

Sun Xia grinned.

Although his eyes are full of fatigue now.

But there was a hint of relief in the depths of his eyes.

Zhao Hong sighed and said, "I figured it out, I figured everything out."

"And to tell you the truth, brother, I didn't realize until today that I've figured it out since that night."

Sun Xia laughed.

How could he not know about this kind of thing?
Maybe Zhao Hong himself didn't realize it.


During the fierce siege battle these days.

The team he sent to the front to fight Zhu Jun was the most ruthless and most powerful team of bandits in the Yellow Turban Army before them.

When Zhao Hong did this, he was very covert.

The Yellow Turban soldiers under his command could not have imagined that the boss above them already had the idea of ​​submitting to the imperial court.

Now it turns out that those powerful thorns are being sent to death.

The unequal information between the two eventually led to such a situation.

Zhao Hong looked at Sun Xia's smile, and he himself laughed freely.

Then he said: "Then let's go tonight, brother, tonight, I will trouble you to go again tonight, tell the husband our decision, and be sure to inquire about the future arrangements of our brothers in detail."

"I don't expect the husband to back down, but a guarantee will give us all some peace of mind."

Sun Xia nodded.

The two discussed for a long time afterwards.

Wait until the sky gradually darkens.

Sun Xia got up to say goodbye.

Using the previous method, he took advantage of the darkness and came to Qin Yu's camp.

This time.

Qin Yu was obviously still waiting for him to come over.

After seeing Sun Xia, Qin Yu's expression was not much surprised.

Exactly the same as last time.

But, this time when Sun Xia came.

In his own heart, it was already a completely different feeling.

"Sir, we have already made a decision."

Sun Xia said.

Qin Yu looked at Sun Xia with a complicated expression.

Sun Xia looked at Qin Yu's complicated expression, but he seemed to have thought of something interesting, and instead laughed.

"Mr. must not want to see me now, right?"

"Compared to seeing me now, it will be easier to completely capture Wancheng."

Qin Yu smiled and said, "You've hit the mark. I really don't want to see you right now. Seeing you will make me feel very embarrassed."

Sun Xia bowed to Qin Yu and said, "Mr. Gao Yi!"

Qin Yu shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, how did the two of you decide?"


"It's only a few days away!"

In Zhu Jun's camp, Sun Jian took off his armor.

The armor has long been soaked in sweat.

Zhu Jun seemed very happy: "This is also thanks to your bravery, Wentai!"

"If it weren't for you, would it be a simple matter to capture this Wancheng?"

Sun Jian was not surprised by this rhetoric.

He has enough confidence in his own strength.

Especially after his current strength has been improved again.

I don't know how much stronger than before.

After thanking Zhu Jun for his compliment, he said: "Then Qin Yu seems to be fighting those yellow scarf thieves in full swing these days, but in fact it's just a clumsy show."

"If he doesn't come, we will have to divide our troops and attack the city with all our strength."

"But now he has given us a chance to capture Wancheng."

"It seems that there must be some unspeakable past between the yellow scarf thief in Wancheng and him."

"Although we haven't found any clues yet, as long as this Wancheng is captured, everything will come to light."

"Even if we can't find a clue, I still don't believe that he, Qin Yu, can watch us kill all those yellow scarf thieves?"

"When he was in Yingchuan before, he had already kept gathering those Yellow Turban rebels. This time, he will definitely do the same."

"As long as he does it, it will be a very simple matter to deal with him."

Sun Jian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He chuckled with confidence.

Zhu Jun quite agreed with Sun Jian's statement.

And this in itself was his strategy.

It's just that it's all left to Sun Jian to do it.

Now is Qin Yu on the way of peace or not?

Does it have anything to do with Taiping Road?

None of this matters anymore.

The important thing is that they are about to invade Wancheng.

Immediately go to kill those Yellow Turban rebels.

And as long as Qin Yu dared to stand up and speak for those rebels at this time.

There is no need for Zhu Jun to add oil and vinegar.

Just report this matter in a straightforward manner.

For the princes above the court.

This in itself is an excellent bullet that can be used to defeat Qin Yu.

This human heart cannot stand the test.

As long as it makes people doubt in their hearts.

It is impossible to repair it again.

As long as Qin Yu doesn't still have the trust he has now in front of Liu Hong in the future.

Isn't it easy to deal with him?
There are so many noble families in this world.

Could it be that he would really be played around by him, a so-called fairy who came out of nowhere?
Zhu Jun could see clearly.

He had guessed it too.

Qin Yu might really not be in a peaceful way.

But Qin Yu should really admire these ways of peace.

It was like Liu Hong's respect for Qin Yu.

Is this Qin Yu's fault?


However, it was Qin Yu's fault to be soft-hearted!

Zhu Jun could see that Qin Yu didn't hesitate to kill, but he didn't like to use killing on these useless common people.

What a stupid woman.

got to this point.

Zhu Jun seemed to have no expectations for the future.

As long as he went on like this, it was impossible for Qin Yu to turn over.

Then there is no need for him to say what to do now, and there is no need to say anything.

Just wait for the moment when the city is broken.

Then look at Qin Yu's hesitation, but he has to stand up and laugh.

By that time.

The credit for taking down Wancheng belongs to him.


Take this opportunity.

He all hoped to personally go to Xiaofang Village, which he never had the chance to enter before.

Aren't you Qin Yu amazing?

I couldn't get in sneakily before.

But I can't lead the army to the past in an open and aboveboard way?

When you lose His Majesty's trust, let me see what you can do to stop my army!
Zhu Jun seemed to have thought of the enraged Liu Hong ordering to dig out the secrets in Xiaofang Village.

And as a person who is now in Nanyang County, he is naturally very useful.

By that time.

Big things can be decided!

He can know too.

How did Qin Yu get that mouth-watering divine water!

I really look forward to it!

"Since that's the case, let's work hard on Wentai for a few more days, and we must do our best to capture Wancheng in the shortest possible time!"

"It's too late to change."

Zhu Jun ordered.

Sun Jian responded.

After a few days.

The performance of Zhu Jun and Sun Jian is indeed an all-out onslaught.

Zhu Jun attacked the east gate of Wancheng, and Sun Jian attacked from the north gate of Wancheng.

The offensive of the two was extremely strong and extremely intense.

So much so that Sun Xia and Zhao Hong, who were defending the city, repeatedly had the illusion that they would not be able to defend.

However, the two of them had already made it clear to the Yellow Turban soldiers under them.

Just let Zhu Jun and Sun Jian break through the city and come in.

These people, one counts as one, and none of them have a chance to survive.

In fact, they don't need to talk about this kind of thing at all.

These Yellow Turban soldiers could see clearly.

One by one, for their own survival, how can they not use all their strength?
In a few days, the two sides left tens of thousands of corpses on the city wall.

The most outrageous is.

As the defender of the city.

The number of casualties of the Yellow Turban Army was much higher than that of the officers who attacked the city.

this day.

Another day of fighting.

Sun Jian was drenched in blood and retreated from the battlefield.

He and Zhu Jun worked together.

They all feel that tomorrow is the best chance to break the city.

The continuous strong attacks in the past few days have stunned those Yellow Turban soldiers.

The huge battle loss ratio made each of them lose the courage to continue desperately.

It is a dead end to stick to the city.

Now these people in Wancheng are full of emotions.

He stared at Liu Bei and others outside the city wall on the west side.

There are the fewest defenders there.

There are only four thousand people.

They were all wondering if they could break out from that direction.

Just guarding in this Wancheng is probably a dead end.

Zhao Hong and Sun Xia met each other in the Sheriff's Mansion.

"It's almost time."

Sun Xia said.

After Sun Xia finished speaking, it was not Zhao Hong who took over from him.

From the shadow of the main room, a figure came out.

"It's almost time," he said.

"In the past few days, most of those who should be purged have been purged. For this kind of thing, we really should thank the right middle man."

Sun Xia didn't seem to be surprised at this person's appearance.

Both he and Zhao Hong bowed their hands towards the man and said, "If Yuan Tu hadn't helped me, this matter wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

When the man walked out of the shadows and came to the two of them.

Under the candlelight, who else could this person be?

With a smile on his face at this moment, Feng Ji said, "Have you two already made up your mind?"

Both Sun Xia and Zhao Hong nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes."

The smile on Fengji's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Is there anything else you two want to say, do you want to do? If there is anything, I will do my best to help you fulfill your last wish!"

Sun Xia smiled and said: "Now that things have happened, I have nothing to do. I just hope that my husband can protect my family and I will have no regrets."

Zhao Hong nodded, but he didn't speak.

What should be said has been said before.

There is no need to repeat it now.

Feng Ji nodded, and he took out two porcelain bottles from his arms.

Put the porcelain vases in the hands of Zhao Hong and Sun Xia respectively.

"This is what Mr. has carefully prepared for you."

"Tomorrow, after finishing your last work, you only need to take the pill in this porcelain bottle, and all the sins on your body will be completely washed away."

Zhao Hong and Sun Xia are holding porcelain vases.

Hold it in the palm of your hand.

For a moment, I only felt that the weight of this porcelain bottle was so heavy.

Feng Ji didn't say anything else, but turned around and left.

Only the silence was left to the two of them.

After midnight of silence.

Wait until dawn.

Zhao Hong then ordered to summon all the commanders of the Yellow Turban Army to go to the county guard's mansion to discuss important matters.

Everyone didn't know what happened.

With doubts in my heart, I came to the county guard's mansion.

Then what they heard was the shocking news that Zhao Hong and Sun Xia told them.

They are about to surrender to Qin Yu's command!

After hearing the news.

All these big and small canals couldn't believe their ears.

After these days of brutal fighting.

These people almost thought that they might really perish in this kind of place this time.

It is impossible to have a second path waiting for them to choose.

But who would have thought.

Seeing that Wancheng was about to be breached, they were able to join Qin Yu's command at such a time.

How could this not be a big surprise for them?

Looking at the excited smiles on the faces of these people, it seemed that the exhaustion of the past few days was swept away.

Zhao Hong and Sun Xia both had indescribable envy in their eyes.

if possible.

They really want to stand in the position of these people now.


Many of them are clamoring to open the city gate and welcome Qin Yu in first.

Wait until Qin Yu has secured his position as Sheriff.

The officers and soldiers outside the city naturally had no reason to attack them.

But such a statement was rejected by Zhao Hong with a wave of his hand with a smile.

"It's understandable for you to be so excited now, but if you don't even think about it, don't you need to sleep, sir?"

"And now it's only you who know it, but the sergeants in each of your battalions already know it?"

"Welcome Mr. into the city hastily. If you can't control the soldiers under your command and cause trouble, who can bear the consequences?"

Zhao Hong said with a smile.

Those handsome guys, big and small, immediately slapped their chests with bang bang.

Said: "Don't worry Shuai! Our brothers won't be so ungrateful. Who doesn't know that Mr. Taipingdao really treats us as human beings? To join Mr.'s command is already the most important thing for us. It's a good result."

"Yes, Qu Shuai, I dare not say anything else. As long as the news is known to my brothers, I guarantee that none of them will dare to do anything outrageous."

"Tomorrow morning, I will definitely let these brothers welcome Mr. in properly!"

Everyone said in a hushed voice.

After they had finished venting the excitement in their hearts, the voices in their mouths gradually fell.

Zhao Hongcai said: "It would be the best if it could be as you said."

"I'll give you two hours now. After two hours, the sky should be bright."

"I want you to tell the news to all your brothers before dawn, so that they all know what will happen in a while."

"Be sure not to make any mistakes for me, understand!"


Everyone responded in unison, and then waited until Zhao Hong waved his hand, then retreated in unison.

Excitement is written all over their faces, but where can they even see the slightest bit of sleepiness?
For a moment, the tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers who were still sleeping in Wancheng were called up.

The news spreads to ten, ten to hundreds.

Soon it spread throughout Wancheng.

They felt more at ease than ever without the feeling of a real cloud hanging over their heads.

Each of these soldiers stared like copper bells.

Can't sleep at all.

It was only an hour.

The handsome men, large and small, who had dispersed before returned again.

Zhao Hong smiled.

This was the first time after he took over Zhang Mancheng's position as Qu Shuai, he felt that everyone wholeheartedly carried out the orders he sent down.

This feeling is really cool.

"It looks like you can't wait any longer, can you?"

"Since that's the case, then don't wait any longer, we will open the gate of the city right now, and all of you will follow me and welcome you in!"


A group of people happily responded.

Then they went straight to the north gate of Wancheng.

After opening the city gate, the dozens of Yellow Turban Army commander Qu quickly rushed towards Qin Yu's camp.

It was only when they came to Qin Yu's camp that they discovered it in surprise.

The soldiers in the entire camp seemed to be all ready to go.

Where is the slightest sleepiness?

Its neat military appearance made them all look shocked.

For a moment, I felt even more admiration for Zhao Hong and Sun Xia's decision.

Just wanting to deal with Zhu Jun's soldiers and horses before has exhausted their mental strength.

Looking at the soldiers under Qin Yu's command in front of him.

They felt it clearly.

The strength of these people is probably much stronger than that of Zhu Jun's subordinates.

If you add these people to attack with all their strength.

How can they hold the gate?

"Meet the prefect!"

Everyone looked at Qin Yu who came out of the tent.

The sophisticated weapons in the hands of the majestic guards standing behind him made them all feel a great pressure in their hearts.

Under Zhao Hong's leadership, everyone bowed to Qin Yu without any resistance in their hearts.

Qin Yu looked at the crowd kneeling on the ground in front of him.

Looking at Sun Xia and Zhao Hong at the front.

After a while, his indifferent yet majestic voice sounded: "Get up, everyone."

"Have all the soldiers in Wancheng settled down?"

When Zhao Hong heard the words, he quickly responded and said, "All the soldiers have settled down and are just waiting for the eunuch to arrive."

Qin Yu didn't have the slightest doubt either.

He immediately ordered, saying: "The whole army, enter Wancheng!"

After this order.

The people who had been prepared a long time ago headed directly in the direction of Wancheng.

Taking advantage of the ray of dawn that dawned.

Qin Yu saw that in Nawan City, many soldiers had already lined up and waited for their arrival.

For this kind of thing, he didn't have the slightest worry from the beginning.

As early as when Sun Xia came here for the second time, Feng Ji had volunteered to follow Sun Xia back to Wancheng.

The purpose of his return to Wancheng was to pave the way for Qin Yu.

He wanted to reorganize the Yellow Turban Army in Wancheng.

He didn't trust Zhao Hong and Sun Xia's abilities alone.

But at this time, there is still his family in Wanji in Wancheng.

With the help of these people.

Only in the shortest possible time can Fengji obtain everything he needs.

It also eliminated all the unstable factors in the Yellow Turban Army.

Only in this way can Qin Yu enter the city smoothly today and take over the county government of Nanyang County.

 Push a book!"Extraordinary starts from tearing up the script" by Ran Luguangju

  lv5 boss, quality assurance!
  I am Zhang Guangmu, an ordinary citizen of the Xuanlong Empire, a professional actor, with no bad hobbies, and a golden finger. My goal is to become a subconscious actor!

  Genre: Subliminal Movie, Original Screenplay.

  Completed books: "The Birth of the Dramatist" (Boutique, high order 18000), "Magic Changes the World" (high order 9000), "Crushing the Heavens", "Beginning with Naruto as the Lord God", the quality is guaranteed, rest assured Follow up!
(End of this chapter)

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